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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1917)
.Succetiful Trapping. Whenever I catch aa animal Hint leaves a natural odor In ilio vicinity I am almost suro to got another In tho samo pUto. An animal will como a long distance to Investigate a Bccnt of Tta own kind. ;'(5ne shduialjo very c'afc lul not to leifv6' huuinri odor of 'any kind when killing a trapped animal iinco ujIs will frighten away another jur bearer who has como to Qud tho qauso of tho Bccnt Fow trapners Bton t6 think how keen. j' Bcnslttvo la tho noso of a gamo or rir hcarlntr iintmnl. Jnat nnnnnso Mint fOU could smell as mnnv Uiincrn na von in see.. Cover carefully every human uor oirjao trap line and you barb half .lUKia your animai. xiicn uso somo ood scent to tickle his sensitive nose nd you will Win. Ono of tho best silicic drutrs that rnn Ho used to aUuro.alur bearer Is oil of ijnlse. OUof lavender, asofctlda; rho- alum and peppermint aro often used together In manufactured baits. I think tho toost dcp'ohdablo scent' bn'ft that 1 havo used is fish oil. F. B. Drimmcr In Orango Judil Farmer "You Always Pay." "You always pay, you know," said a forger who was captured recently aft er years of liberty as a fugitive from Justice. Suro you do. Whether you violate' man's law or naturo's Jaw, which Is another "name for- GdU'fc law, ytfti1 al ways have to pay, and tho full price, tod. Somo pay, as this inau did, In dpdglrig ri'rid stinking, tu'ijougli'tno world lHic'a bunted' bea bis mind worried, lis fhco 'gradually taking on a furtive ldokkhowlng always that sonic whero njiead lay tho steel Jawed trap all set ahd ready. ' J Somo pay with broken health, others 1th broken hearts; somo surrender fllends and lovo. somo clvb all' In life lorth living for; somo cast their con- Elcnco to be guawed by tho wolves of morse, somo not only pay their own fcaro in full, but shift part of tho bur fin to their children and their chlb rons cnuaren, even to tlio third and Inrth generation, for tho debt must paid to tho last farthing. Kansas Ly Star. . Have You a Dodge Miniature? J iLTiere aro today a very largo number homes in America where tho most kasured possession is a small old fash- ted miniature, painted some timo be- fcen tho years 1828 and 1870, most oly, and which bears in tiny, unos- itatious lettering tho name of tho hist, "J. Dodge." If the miniature that of a bona fide ancestor and not lit of tho bought variety its posses- n is better than a D. A. It. pin, for practically every Instance It Is all h proof necessary that tho family an- itor was somebody. For tho artist jo painted these pictures did tho rat masterly work, and his patrons presented tho statesmen and lead- of their time. Henry Clay, An- l:w Jackson, James K. Polk, Andrew Sanson, Aaron Burr men famous roughout the nation sat to the pnlnt- whoso art was devoted to the tiny lalature portraits on ivory. Ex- iinge. , t Petty Spite. ho Into Irs. Inez Mllbolland Boisse- n, tuo suffrage woruer, nad a frank ure, and nothing was more objec table to her than spitcfulncss. There is too much potty spite," she 1 ono day, "among women who pre- d to be friends. Two women sat at tea in a Fifth atnue restaurant. 'Thero goes Mr. Smith in his new said one of the women. She ndd wlth a simper, 'What a fibbing flat- ca! cd teiLr ho Is, to bo sure!'. Why? Did ho tell you you were prqtty?' said tho othqr woman coldly. "j'No, said tho first woman. 'lie told md'you were.'" Doing Others. Tho famous fflirnso in "David Har uni' which reads, "Do unto theNothor fellow tho way, ho would like to do unto you und do it fust," has had al most universal currency,' and to most peqple its uovelty was one Of its at tractions. But if you turn to Dickens "Martin Chuzzlowlt" you will find that yoi ng JpnnijV remarks In ono place, "D , other men or they will do you." Noi 'sdery far apart except in timo. Hartford Courant. 'At Horns and Abroad. "Solomon was the wisest man. was ho not?" "I'm not sure," replied MIss'Cayenne. "OP coubo ho managed, to get a repu tation .with tlio public, but I'd llko to kuow what somo of thoso wives had to say about him." Washington Star. The Reason. "Tho cynical poet says a man's wlfo is al little dcaror than his horse. Now, that isu't true." "Qf course, it isn't true. Sho is a great deal dearer. A man doesn't havo to buy his horso a new outfit every half year." Baltimore American. Pleasures Long Drawn Out. "itunderstand that express trains aro not 3'cry popular lu Scotland. I won der Ivhy?' "mju poor dub! Don't you know that a Scotchman wants to enjoy himself as long ns possible when ho does spend money ?" Exchange. Encouragement. Tlio bashful youth had been present ed to tho vivacious debutante, and for ten ralnutes ho sat' speechless, growing, redder and 'redder and mora embar rassed. At length the girl said sweet ly. "And now let us talk of something else,r " ' ' " Every age has its problem, by solv ing which humanity is helped forward. Ilelnrlcb'.nclno. ' , : ' Using tho Scrub Palmetto, Oncd a proline aud troublesome waste product throughout Florida, tho scrub palmetto Is now bcbig developed into an asset of great posslbllllies. Nob oqly has it been discovered that paper of ood quality jfuu'bo inttdi$rom'lt; but'tho manufaciu'Of ""carpets, hiht tings, twines, ropo and burlap from tho plant Is. already an industry of high stamllng In tho Btatel Only' tho green, leaf, or fan, is used; Claim 1s mado that tuo palmetto leaves when shred ded and spun are very much tougher than tho grass' nqw used for mattiugs. , Tho green leaves aro fed Just as they aro cut into tho shrcddlug und spinning machines, -ahd in three inlnutcs they como out hi twine. This uvolds tho dlscoloratlSils and losses Occasioned lu' drying; storing aM handling grasses commonly, used formatting. Palmetto can bo' tut every day In tho year And immediately biado into twln'o. Tho skeins of twine when hung up dry rap idly and uniformly. Tho twlno is used' as 'soon afterward as necessary. Argo unuj; t 1 ' ,Creod of tho Busy Ma"' I:bcllcvp'iu tho'stuff Aih'hamilng out, ln'tflo urfil'f din Avorklng for and ' in my ability to get results. I bcllovo that honest stuff can be passed out to holiest men by honest' nicUibus. I'bo Uovo" in" working, 'not wcejlng;' in boosting, not knocking, nnd( in tho pleasure of my "Job.' r "believe 'ainan gets what he goes after, that ono deed done today is worth two d,eeds tomor row, and' that no dowp'an'd out until ho has lost faith in himself. I be llovo in today and tho work I am do ing, in tomorrow and tho work I bono to do and in tho suro reward which tho future holdg. I believe in courtesy, in kindness; in generosity, In good cheer, in friendship , nd in holiest competition. . I "believe there is something tiding, somewhere, for ove'ry man ready to do it I believe I'm ready right nowi Elbert Hub bard. The 'Sadness of a Wedding. Thero is something sad about a wed ding. Tho young groom is leaving a homo In which ho always lias had bis way and is going into ono in which ho never will havo his way. Although his parents do not go through the formal ity of giving him away at tho altar, they know well enough that in a few minutes ho will bo a son-in-law to an other woman, while to them ho is noth ing but a son. Thero ho comes, 'wltb another man holding to his arm. It looks as if he might have made nn at tempt to .escape and that tho strong best man captured him and brought him back, ne is as happy as he Is nervous and so trustful that ho has no fear for tho future. Claude Callan in Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Life of a Battleship. Wo Ure coritlnually reading In tho newspapers that various battleships havo been completed,. launched and for how long they havo been commission ed. Thero uro probably few people, however, who know how long a bat tleship lasts. The avcragd lfo of a modem battleship is about fifteen years. In the old days a battleship was on active service nearly tho wholo timo of its commission, which was about a hundred years. ThQ Victory was forty years old when sho fought at Trafalgar, and tho Royal William, which was built in 1C70, was not "scrapped" until 1813. London Mail. 8quabs. A squab grows enormously tho first twetvo hours and still moro rapidly after tho third day. Squabs aro at first sparsely covered with long filaments of down, tho root of each filament in dicating tho point from which each fu ture feather is to start Tbo down for nwhllo still hangs on tho tips of somo of tho feathers during their growth and is thought by somo to bo finally absorb ed into tho shaft of tho growing feather. The Wrong Word. "Ob, cornel Stop borrowing troqble." "Borrowing! Geo whiz, mnn, trou blo Isn't llko moneyl When I borrow money I can forgot about it right away." Boston Transcript His Grouchy Opinion. "The ofilco should seek tho man." "And tlio girls aren't hanging baplt' either theso days." Kansas City Jour nal. oooooooooooooooooo o . o O PRACTICAL HEALTH HINT. O o ' o o Cleaning the Teeth. O o A clean tooth never decays, o o Tlio best way to. clean tho teeth o o is to placo tho bristles of tho o o brush firmly against tho teeth o o and with a rotary or scrubbing o o motion go up and down tho Bur- o o faco of the upper and lower teeth o o both insldo nnd out nnd up on o o tho gums. Go also behind tho o o teeth. After seeing tbat every o o bit of tho surfaco of tho teeth o o has been cleaned in this way o o rlhso Uic mouth thoroughly, o o forcing tho water between the o o teeth several times to loosen o o any "food particles. Do this more o o than onco and always spit it out o o To keep tlio teeth as clean as o o they should bo kept in order to o o prcscryo them and prevent do- o o cay It Is necessary to wash them o o after each meal so as to re- o o movo all food particles. Thoy o p 'should also bo washcii the first o o liingi in tho morning nnd tho o o last thing at night It is well o o to havo moro than ono brush on o o v hafad at 'a time, bo that it will o 0-1 never5 bo necessary to use a wet, o o limp brush. o o s o oo oooooooooooooooo MsU 5 Get Your -here Wo nro inil to icnsh your jcliccks. ,1Vo charge ho 'bxclinngo. Il'fl oiib-'or'tlio small sorrlccs specially vln our lino. f i If yon prefer M start nri nccqunt, "Binii them in. y j-cturii nml yon mill "recolvo our acknowledgement, logcth Ver wllh your bnnk book and n pad of checks. . 4 ' Itfs Just flint easy to linvo a check ' lug account at tills bnnk, nnd , most .busliicsM houses prefer your check' to clumsy cash. Platte Valley North Platte, Look Ahead. "Be a speedway," said Brother Dick ey, "but onderstan' well how ter slow up. Reason bo many folks gits pitched over do. fence Into de brier patch er lifo is kazo dey duuno dat do fenco is dar ontll dey hits it. So watch out whar you is an' how Is you 1" Alanta Constitution. i Household Calisthenics. Tho Torre Haute wotuuu rounds out her arms by dusting chairs, moving rugs and brushing down the stairs and sweeping the floors. Sho gives herself a finer enrriagd and a steadier gait by carrying wood und coal to tho domestic hearth. Terro nauto Tribune. Inconsistent. "And you won't buy that antique chair I got from you ten yearn ago?" "No; it would bo of little uso to me In its present condition." "What do you mean? Why, it'ajnoro antiquo than ever now." Loulsvilla Courier-Journal. Tho 8ign. "I'm afraid Maud's second marriage is a failure." "Did she say so?" "No, but sho's beginning to speak well of her first husband." Kf J V Uc W & W VI VI VI VI Vi Vi Vi Vi VI VI Vi Rules For Long Life. Thero is no panacea that will bring long life to every user. "What is ono man's meat is an other mnn's poison." But a few rules aro applicable to every ono: Bo moderate lu everything. Ex cess in eating, in ' drinking, in anything, tends to bring on old nfie. ' Bo faithful in your exercise, 'mid be 'suro to choose nn excr Hso that is helpful to you. Stand nnd sit erect and use your lungs. Keep your teeth nhuwrriis'ilnd throat clean. Tho mouth Is tho princlpul port of entry for unde sirable Immlgraut micro-organisms. Ilo lareful- to malnWln the bowe f uuctidns. 1 Tile digestive tract Is a favorite alildfug' place for hordes of marauding bacte ria. , . 'Havo ,your Wdy occasionally examined. Oawthorno Dauiel in World's Work. WiXVtViViVHViMitMViVi HsKrv m Crop' Money State Bank Nebraska. i no urst increase in price on these cleaners is coming soon. We still sell this revolving brush machine for $30. Come in and see it. North Platte Light & Power Co. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building PUno. Ollico 180 Phone. RealdenC8 115 e. y. FETTEIl, rhysicinn , X KAY Office: rirst National Bank Building. J. B. IIEDFIEL1). PHYSICIAN & SURGEON v Successor to PvHtfSICIANfflSURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redfleld & Jtedlleld Office Phone C42 Res. Phone 676 D0CT0B D. T. QUIGLEI- . . Practice Limited to Surgery and Radium Therapy 728 City National Bank Building. Okaha, Nebraska. Notice North Tttatto, Nob., Sopt 24, 1917. Clyde E. Fntzco wlU tako notico, Uiat on the 20tli day of Soptembpr, 1917, I, Li Mlltonborger, a Juotloo of tho fpoace of Lincoln county, Nobras lta, issued an drdor pt attachmont for tho sum of $23,20 in' ah action pond ling bofbrei him, wbfcroln Harry L Block Is plaintiff and Clydo E. Frazeo defondaut, that property of tho do fondaht consisting of ono trunk, and contents has bQen attached under said ordpr. Said causo is coiitlniuled to tho I5lh day of Octobor, 1917 , at 10 o'clock a. m. HARRY I. BLOCK, 73-3w PQaintiff. Notico. To Juanlta Frood, non-resldont do fondant: You aro hereby notified that on tho IGth day of Juno, 1917, Qus Freed filed a ipotltjon against you In the. District CoUrrt pi LlncoCn County, Nebraska,, tho obJoct and prayor of whlcli aro to obtain a divorce from you on Uie ground that you have wilfully abandoned tlio plaintiff without good cause, for tho term ot moro than two years last past and for tho custody of the minor cbjld, tho issue of eald mar rlago, to-wlt; Paulino F.rood ago 12 yoarfl. You aro required to answor said potltloh on or boforo Monday, No vember 5th, 1917. J OUS FREED, By GEO. N. GIBBS, 73-4w His Attornoy. Torringfoii C7-7 ' 1 Offlco phono 241. Res.-phono 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nobraskft. McDonald Bank Building. Tht Nurse Brown Memorial Homeopathic Hospital 1003 West Fomrta Street. For tho troatmont of Medical, Surgical and Obstotrical Patlonts. JOHN S. TJHJfEM, M. I). Dll. IIAKOLD Ak FEITNEK Ostoepatk. Bolton Building Office- hours 0 a. m. to 6 p. m. 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. Phones Office Black 333 Ros. Black 1020 Hospital Phone Black 33. House Phoae Black 033. IV. T. PIUTCHABD, GrHdaato VotorlnarIan Bight years a Government Veterbuur- ian. Hospital 218 oath Lccast SL, one-half block southwest of the Court Houst. ' NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Halt Block North ot Postoftice. Phone 58 A modorn institution for the . cl8ntific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement,caBei. Completely equipped X-Rny and diagnostic laboratories. Staff:. Geo. B. Dent, H. D. V. Lucas, H. D. ' J. H. Redfield. M. D. J. S. Simraj, M.D Sheep and Cattle FOR SALE Farmers this is tho year and the time of the year to get stock to eat up your rough feed. I have on hand and for sale 3000 feeding lambs and ewes, and 500 cattle. Come and talk to me. C. H. WALTER, NORTH PLATTE. DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed EkIi aimers Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day. Phone 234. Night Phono Black 588. Notico to Creditors. ' Estate No.. 1490 of Sophia Fodorhoof, uucoascu in uio uoumy uourt ot uxn coin County, Nebraska, Tlio Stato of Nebraska, ss: Credi tors of said ostato will tako notice that tlio timo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said ostato 1b January 12, 1918, and for set tlement or said ostato is Soptombor 7, 1918; that I will sit ut tho county court room in said county, on Octobor 12, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. ni. and on January 12, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m. to recolvo, oxamlno, hear, allow or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. GEO. E. FRENCH, sll-o9 County Judge. Estrny Notice. Taken un on my ilnnd In Hlnman man precinct throo miles west of North Platto, Soptombor 2, 1917, two four year old honses: jyclEht about 1100 oach, ono black, the otlior bay with Btar in forehead: no brands Ownor can have animals by proving proporty and paying chargos. MARY FREDERICI. Always Glad to Get A Good Cigar And there's no placo you can got a good cigar better than at Sckmal zrjcd'B. With filler and wrapper of tlio best quality band made, Utere Is la ,the Schwalzrled-Biade cigar all tliat the most exacting smoker demands. , Wo handle tobacco and smokers' articles. j:rAiMEb: SCRAP IRON $6 per Ton. North Platte Junk Hauae. OLD LINE LIFE Policies ON EASY TpRMS J. E. SEBATtAN. Siato Mfirr. Minn.MutuaiLifeIns.Cb. Phone Office Red 612 Residence Red 348 NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Notico of 1'clnion. Estate No. 1503. of Nicholas Wiley Grandoy. docoaaod. In tho Coumty" Court ot Lincoln County, Nebraska: Tho Stato of Nobraska: To all por- sons intcrostod In eald Eatato tako notice that a potttlon haB boon filed for tho appolntmont ot Lois Grandoy aa administratrix of said ostato which. has boon set for hearing heroin on October 12th, 1917, at 9 o'clock a, m. Dated Soptombor 17tb, 1917. GEORGE E. FRENCH, S18-09. County Judge. Notico of Guardian's Final Settlement In tho county court uourt or juin coln County, Nebraska. Stato of NobrasKa, to irou l. iior- zog, Irono E, Horzog, Emuy Horzog nnd L! T. Horzog, minors, "Will tako notico that O. E. Eldor, as Guardian, baa filed his roport showing that all of tho estate of Bald minors coming into his poBsesslion, lias uoen uscu ror tuoir Bupport, ana mat uioro remains noui- Inir it onlil natntn for lilm in OS J Guardian over, nnd graying for final sctttlomont anu uisonargo as sucn Guardian. Said matter will bo heard boforo said court .Octobor 19, 1917, at GEO. E., FRENCH, County Judgo. sl8-tolG . Extension to Bund No. 1. To whom iCmay concern. Tho snoclal commissioner appoint ed to locato a road aa followst... Com mencing at Station No, 11 of Road No. 11 in tho SW Ji of Soctlon .4, Twp. 14. N., Range 30 west lot tho 6th P. M., runnlug tuonco In a northr ly, northeasterly and nonthNvostorly direction tlirougn tno w oi Baia Section 4 and tlirough tlio W of Soctlon 33, Twp. 15 N., Rango 30, west to tlio northwest corner of said eoc tion 33, thonco north on section lino between Sections 28 and 29 of Bald last township and range throo-fourths of n milo thonco In a northoastorly, northerly rtnd northwesterly dlroc- tlon Uvrpugh tho NW of Bald Soc tlon 28 and tho SW of soctlon ai to tho quarter section cornor botweon Sections 28 and 21, Twp. 15 N., Rango 30 west, thonco north on lino between Sections 20 and 21, 1& and 17. of said township and tan'go to a point about 25 chains north of tho cornor of Sec tions 1G. 17, 20 and 21, thonco In a northeasterly dirodtion through tlio W. Ms of Sections 16 and 9, tlirough tho SW Yi. and tho E of Section 4 of said last township and rango to a point on tlio north lino of Said Soctlon 4 about 20 chains west of tho NE cor nor of Bald Section 4, thonco north erly and westerly across Sections 33 and 28, Twp. 16, Range 30, to tho section lino between Sections 28, and 29, thonco northorly along Bald sec tion lino botweon sections 28 and 29, and Sections 21 and 20 to a point about one-rourth of a mile south from tho northwest cornor of Section 21, and thonco in a northwest direc tion across Sections 20 and 17 to the NW cornor of Soctlon 17 thenco on a west and north direction across Sec tions 7 and 6 to a point on tho north lino of Soctlon 0 about ono-fourth ot a mile cast of tho northeast corner of Section 6, has roported in favor of tho same as follows: Boglnnlng at Station No. 11 of Road Njo. 11 lu tlio SW Vi ot Section 4, Twp. 15 N Rango 30 W., running thonco In a northeasterly and nortlrwcstorly di rection through tho SW and tho NW V. of said Soctlon 4, and through tho SW Vi and the W V of the NW V ot Section 33, Twp. IC, Rango 30 W. to tho SW corner of Section 28. Tw"p. 16 N. Rango 30 W tlienco noYth on soctlon lino botween Sections 28 and 29, Bald township and range, three-fourths of a mllo, thonco in- a northeasterly nnd northwesterly 'di rection through tho NW V. NW M ot said Soctlon 28 and through, tho W SW Vi of Soctlon 21, Twp. 16. 'N.. Range 30 W., to tho quarter soctton comer botwoon Boctions 20 and 21 thenco north on section lino between Sections 20 aud 21 and bo twoon Sections 16 and 17, said township and rango, to a frolnt and botweon Soctions 16 and 17, said said township and rango, to a point about thirty rods south of tlio quar ter section cornor between said Soc tions 16 and 17, tlienco in a north easterly, northorly and northwester ly direction through tho NW4,. SW Vi' and tlio NWVl of Section 16 and thrqugh tho SW SW V of Soctlon 9 to a point on lino between Soctions 8 and 9, Twp. 10 N., Range 30 W. about 20 chains north of tho SW edr nor ot said Soctlon 9, thence north on lino between said said Sections 8 and 9 to a 'point about 108 rods south Of tho NW cOrpor, ot said Soctlon 9, thonco In a northeasterly direction tlirough tho NWU of said Soctlon 9, and .tlirough tho SE, SW J4. and tlio "W KE and through tho W NB& ot Soctlon 4, Twp. 10 N.. Rango 30 W, to Uio north lino of said Boction' 4 about 22 chains west from tho NE cornor of Said soctlon 4. .., All objections thoroto or claims 'tor damages must bo filod In tho office of tho county clerk on art before. 12 o'clock noon of the 10th lay otNo vomber, 3917, or micb. road will ib allowed without reroronco thoroto5 Dated at North. Platto, ,Nob.,- this 21st day. of August, 1917;.4fJsf -A. S. ALLEN, Bl-l County Clerk. (