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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1917)
' r THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., SEPTEMBER 25, LKL7. No. 73 .M 'i i SOLDIERS' INSURANCE MLL NOW IN THE SENATE Tho 'war risk insurance bill, carry ing an appropriation of $170,000,000 and "providing for uJlotnionts lor Sol diers' families, compensation for in juries and comprchcnslvo Insurance, went to tho Bonato last week following its passago by tlio unanimous vote of tho house. It Is certain to pass tho aonato with fow if any changes. As it stands now, tho measure de signed to take care of Undo Sam's fighting men may bo summed up as follows: Every enlisted man in tho military and naval forces slial.L aV.ot part of his pay to his wife, or his formor wife, if alio has not remarried, or to his child, or children. Not more than half Ills pay nor loss than $15 monthly may bo so allotted. Allowances may bo obtained for his family on written application, the sum not to exceed $50 monthly. Tho family allowances are as follows: If there be a wife oni'y $15 month iy. If there bo" a wlfo and child $25 monthly. If there bo a wife and two children $32.50 monthly. For each additional child $7 month ly. v For death in the sorvico of tho lino of duty, tho government will pay: For a widow $35 monthi'y. For a widow and a child $45 monthly. For a widow and two children $52.50 montlt'y. For each additional child $5.00 monthly. If there bo no widow, and nly one child $20 monthly. For two clU'dren $35 monthly. Four children $45, with $10 for each additional child. For a widowed mother $30. For disability tho United Stat03 will pay tho soldier: If ho has neither wife nor child $40 monthly. If ho has a wlfo and a child $G5 monthly. A totally disabled soldier may. draw $20 additional for a nurso or attend ant. The soldier who oses both eyes, both hands, or both legs, shall re ceive $100 monthly. To-give ovory commissioned officer and enlisted man protection for hlra solf and his dependents, tho United Stato3 -will grant insurance against death or total1 disability. This insur ance may bo In multfplos of $500, but not to exceed $10,000. , Tho maximjum was set at $10,000 on request or President wilson.-aftor it liad'- first been set at that Jlguro and thon.cut to $5,000 byrtho interstate and foreign commorco committee. The bill docs not specify tho premium rate to be paid by tho soldlors, but it Is offi cially reckoned at $8 per thousand dollars of insurance. On and After October First SHOES A HE CASH IMener & l'ScIslminn. ::o:: Bert Naporsteck, who has boen em ployed with tho Union Pacific as freight brakeman between Evanston and Qgdon for several months, is vis iting with his parents this week. He was recently promoted to freight con ductor. Champion l'nccr to bo Here. Among tho horses entered In tlio (races hero this wieokj Will bo (the champion two year old pacer of tho world "Flower Forbos." owned by E. D. Gould, or Kearnoy. Sho will race bn Thursday. Soptombcr 27th, or glvo an oxhibltion mii.o on that day. Sho wll bo driven by Zack&Chandlor. tho noted driver, who gavo.hor tho record eho holds. This noted pacer ought to draw a big crowd. ::o:: Mrs. John Sorcnson I'nsses Away A tologram received by P. M. Sorcn son yestorday morning announced tho death at Los Angolos Sundny of Mru, John Soronson, for many years a' res ident of North Platte. Particulars of tho passing away of tills woman who had so many frionds in this city, havo not boon learned, but we understand sho had boon in rather poor health for-somo time. .Interment will bo mada in Los Angeles. Frionds of tho deceased will regret to learn of her death, and to Mr. Soron son and daughters sympathy will bo extended. : :o: : Plans for New Gnriigc. ' Architect Itoynolds Is now comn'ct- ing tho plans and specifications for tlio Hondy-Ogior garage that will bo orcct ed on Fourth street east of tho Elks home. Tho garago will bo 110x132, tlio south forty foet of tho building to bQ two ifiorJes, tho rcmalndor one story, this upper floor to bo used as a machine shop and stock room. Tho in terior arrangement providos for all tho conveniences known to a modern gar age. Cars for repairs wifl bo taken to tho second floor repair shop by a run way from tho alloy Instead of an ele vator, though there will bo a small elevator for handling light articles. Dld3 for the erection of tho budding wlV. bo asked for in a shorj tlmo. ; :o; : l'rlzcs For CIlrcn's" Gardens Tho Red Cross announces tho fol lowing list of prizes for entries mado from tlio children's gardens at the county fair: For best display of vegetables, first $1, Soccond 75c, third 26c. A first inrizo of 75c and a second prizo" of 50c for tho best vegetable en tered in each of tho following: Pota toes, cabbago, carrots, parsnips, on ions, tomatoes, turnips, string beans, cucumbers, pdppors, navy beans and egg plant. Two prizes for best disfay of flow ers, first 50c, second 25. It Is roquosted that the children have tholr exhibits at the floral hall at tho fair grounds tomorrow morn ing at ,nlne o'clock. . ::o:: . j For Sale. . Threo flvo room houses, close in. Hi Smith, 604 east Sixth street. 73-7 : :o: : J. C. Little, aged 07, died Sunday ev ening of icancor at his homo sixteen milos north of town. The funeral services were hd'.il yesterday after noon and Interment was mado In tho Myrtlo cemetory. Ho Ccaves a broth or, two sons and a daughter. Paul Marti, the youngest and per haps most, frail member of Co. E, has been appointed as orderly to Cap tain Halllgan since tlio boys arrived at Doming, Mrs. Will HaWvoy and sou John will leave the first of next month for Grand Island-to visit frionds. ONE HUNDRED MOKE MEN CALLED FOR EXAMINATION Last ovonlng tho Lincoln county board of oxamlnora issued a cni'.l for ono hundred, moro jnon to roport for examination next' Friday and Satur day. This call, has boon mado neces sary by tho fact that tho net numbbr k iitan who havo hoop, examined, passed and cortifiod up to this dato1 has not been sufficient to fill Lincoln county's quotn of ono hundred and Alteon. So far Llnco n county has sent fifty two mon to Ft, Riley, loaving slxty thrco to bo avallablo when called. This is a greater numbor than is at present cortifiod, and it is not known how many aro yot to bo cortifiod on the first lot examined or how many will bo cortifiod on. tho lot exam ined last week. Under thoso conditions tho locau board doomed It necessary to co,'l in another hundred men for examina tion. Thoso who havo boon notified to roport aro: Thoso Culled for Examination for September 2Sth. Karl B. Nou, Table Lovl Towors, North Platto Henry C. Bretzor, North IVatto John W Tuckor, North Platto Waltor G Gartrojl, Somerset, Fordiuand Stroltz, North Platto Constantin Walz, Staploton Charles L GardsoZ,' North Platto Hans Rasmussen, Maxwell Jamo3 II HoppeS, Gothenburg G'uy N James, Sutherland Harry A McEvoy, North Platto Goo. Robb, Sutherland John L Gmlko, North Platto i. William F Sander, North Platto Elinor M Howard, North Platto Arthur M Schnoldor, Maxwell " Elmor Sailor, North Platte. John A lon, North Platto William T Vasholz. Maxwell Royd.B Stryson, 'North Platto Lowis Norman, North Platto Bon A Johnson, Brady John D W Lincoln, North Pfatto Ralph .M Soper, North Platto Goo. B Easton, North Platto John Styskal, WolHloet Froeman G Mftlett, North rVntto .Bomardo Espmosa, North Platto K. Yamagachl, North Platto . Jamos E Yonkor, Wallaco Poto Brodorich, Sutherland Henry W Wolch, North" Platto William E Moyors, Sutherland Roy C Kelly. North Platte Arthur W Hunt, North Platto Claronco B Runner, Horshey Peto Qorcia, North Platto Cocil E Can on, Wolllleet Harry A Diohl. Horshey l Rudolph F Kchzo:, Wo'lflce't ' Thomas W Bayno, North Platto DanlcT L Mitchell, Maywood W?:iiam L Fristo, Wollfleot Duano Smith, North Platto Denetrlos Koloynpsoulos, N. Platto Arthur F Kailwort, Sutherland Warren Soules, Brady Artluir Reyno.ds, North Platte ' Andrew Lowis, North Platto Geo. H Powoll. North Platto Joseph H Goldon, Gothenburg Ira A SInclnir, Sutherland Eberly S Thomas, North Platto Fred C Koe3ter Wo'lfleet Charles A Nelson, Brady John G High, Hershey , ( . Thomas Cormack, Wallace James P Johnson, North Platto John Boylo. Wollfleot HERE'S THE SITUATION IN A NUTSHELL .... "The supply of raw materials is away below normal; Uncle Sam"s new national army has to be clothed . and that means a greater1 demand than, ever before; labor has increased in cost: the price you pay for a suit today you'll think of in the near future as LITTLE MONEY." BUY THAT FALL SUIT NOW You'll find our stocks in splendicLcondition to meet all your demands. Smart looking military styles, cozy double-breasted models, high waists, faultlessly tailored and made of "quality" all-wool materials. Youlfll appreciate the worth of these clothes when you see how reasonably they're priced. , 3&B - S Up in the air about "What to Wear?' Meet me at Harcourt's; he has just the thing you are looking for. "You should worry." (To ba Continued.) Adler's $15 to $35 n .1 UMM IS $15to$35 Stetson Hats $4.60 to $6.00 Regal Shoes $4.50 to $9.00 Lewis Underwear $1.28 to 6.00 Manhattan Shirts $1.75 to 6.00 ' Harcourt Clothing Company. John A Biddlo, Wolllleet Roy V Cary, Horshoy Emll C Kosbau, North Plntto 1 William W Vornon, North Platto. Josso R Little, North Platto Vornaet E Potorson, GoUionburg Wl.llnm G Rubonthalor, Gothonburg Sauiuol B Baker, Wallaco John R Wing, North Patto . Harry F Wobor, North Platto Otto V Johnson, Suthoi'.and Jay J Smith, North Platto Roy E Roton, Maxwoll Ray L Eyci"y, North IXatto Nick Callvinos, NorUi Platto Ernest E Browned, Suthorlnnd Thoso (o Appear for Examination Sctcmbcr 29th. John R Churchill, North Platto John Gray, North Platto Frank M Hughes, North Platto Georgo Frazier, North Platto William W SloboW, North Plntto Kimball F Baldwin, Suthorlnnd Victor V Oman, Farnnm Frod J Anderson, Sutherland Allon R McDonald, North Platto John L Murphy, North Plntto Roy T Harvey, 9uthorlnnd Clnudo O Drakp, Maxwell Robort Allondor ScheVa, North Plntto Jamos J Barna'.l, North Plntto Charles A Howard, Wollfleot Goo. A Wilson, Sutltorrand Lomuol W Tool, North hPlatto Anton Lowis, North' Platte Ctarenco C Cnrvor, Brady Albert Rowloy, Sutherland. Loy H Eyorly, Horshoy Wallaco E Owens, North Plntto Frarik Klrby, Maxwoll Alvo II Farrell, WaVaco. Frod W Dick. North Platto Geo. R Razos.'North Platto Carl F Scott, North Rwtto Alfred Rasmusson, Mnxwo'l Omor R Rqton, Maxyoll Waltor S Broyor.i Sutherland WliLlam J Jurnoy, Tryon Megolas J Mason, Staploton Ernest E McFnddon, North Ifatto Samuel P Gundorson, Wallaco John E Schram, North Platto Harry E Easton, North Platto WCliam O Wado, North Plntto Emo3t Royal MHs, North Platto Claiuldo D Cllomcnt, Farnam : :o:: A letter received by F.'W. Rinckor last week announced tho arrival of Ernest Rlncker and Jim C.'inton at Goat Island, and tho first impression of tho training camp seems to bo fav orable to both young mon. Thoy spoaK nigniy or tlio moals furnished and tho tonb accommodations. Upon their arrival thoy wore furnished with the comploto clothing outfit of tho med ical cdrps. Clinton drow elcht hours ot guard duty tho day' after ho. arriv al. . HjJtl 181' ARE EXA3IIXEI) AX1) ElUHTY.rtNE ASK EXEMPTION Tho Lincoin county board of ex aminers last Thtirsdny.Frlday and Sat urday examined ono hundred and thirty-ono niUUnry registrants. Thir teen of thoso wore discharged as phys ically unlit for army sorvlco and olghty-ono claimed ' oxom'ptlon, leav ing thirty-sovon good, stulwnrt young mon who having no cnuso for ex emption woui'd probably as boou fight as oat Tho porcontngo of thoso asking for exemption was much greater than nt 'the first examination. It is prob able that bo mo asked to bo exempted on rather flimsy 'pretenses, figuring that if the excuse hold well and good, it it didn't hold thoy would bo none tho worso off. Considerable criticism rift tho work of tlio district board in Omaha is heard; this, brooking out in rnthor sovero form at Goring Cast Saturday. Thoro It -was claimed that woai'th and politics inlluoncod exemptions. This cliargo is undoubtedly not truo; at least such cannot bo charged so far as tho board has acted on Lincoln county mon.l -::o: On and Aftoi October First SHOES ARE CASH Dinner .fc Pii'lRliinnn. V -J CnaB. Boguo camo in from Dcnvor this morning. Wliilo awny ho trans acted U. or It. T. businoss in Chicago and Kansas City. . Mrs. Goo. W. Arguo,, whoso hus band recently passed awny, will loavo tomorrow for Choyonno to make hor homo. Vnlr Opens Tomorrow Everything Is In readiness for tlio opening of tho Lincoln County Fair tomorrow. Tho now buildings havo boon coinn'ctcd and painted, and tho raco track will bo in ilno condition, tho rain last nlghht proving a bono ftt rnthor than an Injury, it tho sun ahlnos brightly today and tomorow. Tomorrow forenoon will bo dovotcd to entering Mvo stock and products, and in tho nftornoon tho rogufar pro gram as fpublishod Friday will start. , Thirty or forty rnco horses aro al ready In (ho stables, somo roady to enter tho races tomorow afternoon. -::o::- I'AIR WEEK and a urood tlnio-totvls-It the Homo Office of tho FIDELITY RESERVE COMPANY.. During Fair Week wo wont cvory Farmer mid out of town tjsllor who visits the Fair (o visit our office and see how wo handle our largo LIFE, HEALTH and ACCI DENT INSURANCE RirSINESS. OF PICE HOURS FROM 0:00 A. M. -to !:)( P. 3L. Rooms 1, 2 irhd !!, I. 0. 0. F. Itulldliig. Tho Trnvol and Study club mot with Miss Watts lost evening. A pn or on "Boston, Scenic and Historic" was rend by Mrs. Flold, "What Japan is Thinking of Amorlca'.was givon in a papor by Mrs. Brock, anil Mrs. Slmms read n paper An "Tho Conquo3t.of tho Garden of Eden." Miss M. Slonian, steam baths and Swedish Massage Indies and gentle men. Phono 807, Drodlicck building. Harry Floishmnn wont to Omaha Saturday night to visit rolatlvos. ' Tho county commissionora wore in sosslon yestorday transacting routlno bnslncss. AMERICAN THAT'S ALL Would you marry a title and become a social climber just to fall heir to a Pickle King's millions? Jack De vereaux would not because he is regular American and loves ari, American cirl V Winifred Allen is the girl, and she corners the Pickle King at his own game.V A Delightful Comedy of Youth, Love and Laughter. KEITH THEATRE, THURSDAY. Dodge Brothers MOTOR CAR t V ' If the car is reasonahly well treated it will render ; faithful service for years. . ' ff-C '.; Tliat-ds why il always commands sug1i a; -hjgh r,:, ' price when iresold. . . :; , M'Cl V u''l'u . . " I . It will pay you to .visit us and examine this .car .'v'1 ' -tr , - The gasoline consumption is unusually low'. , " .Jt'', ",; The tire mileage is unusually lngn. t . , . Touring Car or Roadster, $&3?; Coupe $1265 v!. ' (All prices f.o. b. Detroit) 1 1, wp. 41 J. V. Corner Sixth and Locust. ftOMIGH, NORTH, PLATTE, NER.. Mr-