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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1917)
p name rasmon approves--w tuu jluu The minute yon set your oyos on ono of our "CLASSIC" COATS AND SUITS 8 I- if v i.t :.: s "Stylishly Distinctive" you will yourself, "There's just the coat for me." i.t :.t j: I :.t i.t :.; .It . ' :,: n if it V J THE HUB Why? Because there is that style in "Classic" Coats that you admire. Smart Dis tinctive Individual Jaunty! ' And the fabrics which enter into these fine garments will appeal to you. Luxurious Elegant Reflned Exclusive ! t The workmanship is another quality in "Classic" Coats you'll appreciate. Quality Superior Shape-retaining Clever! And the price for which these fine garments sell is another point you'll approve. Moderate Reasonable Worth the Money! , But the best part of it all is the service you realize. That's the test that demon- 8 strates the true value of these garments. ' s It takes more than words really to desccribe "Classic" Coats. Your presence at 8 this store is necessary for you to know what exceptional garments they are, so come down tomorrow. Wo have a rare treat in store for you. U ii 1 ssr: IRA L. BAKE, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION HATES: Une Year bj ilnll In Advance. ...IL2& One Tear by Currier In Advance.. $L60 Entered at North Platw, Nebraska, PoRtolUco as Second Class Matter. FItlDAY, SKPTEMBER 29, 1017 COAL SHORTAGE TO BE REMEDIED BY GOVERNMENT Coal will bo commandeered by tho fedoral fuol administration and shipped to Nobraska and othor non-coal pro ducing states to wupply any emergen cy shortage during tho fall or winter, according" to Randall K. Brown, lioad ol tho Coal Hill Coal company of Omaha who nejcolvod this informa tllon whllo in Washington. Mr. Brown , lias Just roturnod from tho oast. Togotluir with Dr. Webber of Wa lioo, chairman of tho flue! committee of tho Stato Council of Defonso, Mr. Brown callod on tho fuol admnlstra tlon whli'o In Washington. On his return Mr. Brown said: "Dr. Wobbor askcid Assistant Fuol Admin istrator Nlms if it would bo possible for tho admin latrotlon to commandeer coal at tho mines, and sco that It was distributed in Nebraska or other Btatos whoro coal Is not mined extensively, -If fluch states woro facing a sorlous shortage. "Mr, Nlms rolled that tho admin istration "would cortalnly do this if It bocamo necessary, and would eoo that am sections wore supplied with nocos Bary coal. "When wo asked him about Uio flx- (lng of coal prctB, ho said ho could glvo no definite ossuranco as yot Just when tho prices wdifld bo fixed at tho retail yards. Ho eald ho 1ml no posi tive Information that it wouCd bo re duced as early as Octobor 1." Statei Flood Administrator "Wattles shas a letter from Washington stating fyuh'at fuol administrators In oach' stato will soon bo appolntod. Theso will bo ysoparnto and distinct from tho food ' administration In tho tato. and will bo appointed by Fiuil Administrator GarllcCd at Washington, tie:: For Salo. ' Thrco five room houses, close In. HI Smith, 604 oast Sixth stroot 73-7 Last Wodnosday Jack Shultz como down from North Plutto. On the train ' ' ho mot an oj'.d frlond who Induced him to partako sovorail tinios of tho con tonts of a bottlo of "whiskey, and tho , result -was when ho gQt off tho train at Lexington ho wan in such a soused condition that Chlof Mason took him in. Beforo Pollco Magistrate roltz Wodnosday night ho Xoasod up and was lined $10 and costs, In all $14.80, wmcn no paid and was discharged Loxington Pionoor. Progress on Buildings Brick laying on tho now K. C. bmild lng began yesterday. Tho forco of men omp'.oyod guarantcos an arjy com pletion of that part of tho work. Concrete lloor Is being laid in tho now Lamb building on north Locust, and tho work of plastering Is well along. Tho front remains to bo placcid. Concroto foundation wa'Jls for tho now creamery building on wost Sixth street nro now being poured. Tho firm will install practically all now machin ery with an output double tho capacity of tho present Want Work on tho ro-modollng of tho Hallos building is being pushed ati rapidly aa men can bo soaured. It is probablo, howr(vor, that tho building will not bo ready for occupancy much beforo Novombor 1st. Contractor McMlchaol has not yet started work .on tho city haJM. Orders for material, however, has been placed and tho old buldlngs on tho sito will bo removed In a fow days. -::o:: Christian Church Notes. Tlioro woro fair sized aullonces prosont at both services ilast Lord's day. Tlioro was an lncroaso of eight in attondanco at tho BIblo school ser vlco ovor tha procedtng Lord's day. Tho auidlonco at night was ploased wlUi tho rondoring of tho violin solo by Miss Anna Llndonmoyer, and were very attentive and dollghtod with tho ovcnlng sormon. Tho minister and family aro now oc cupying tho parpjonngo and ready to recolvo company. Tho mlnlstor is al bo ready for any &e,rvlco which ho may bo callod upon to do ooth for tho bono- fit of tho mcmbors of tho church and for tho benefit of tho pooplo of tho en tiro community. Ho wi;i respond choorfully to any domands mado upon his time. HIa resildonco phono num ber Is. Black G43. Tho Bbrvlcea of next Lord's day wKl bo exceedingly Interesting and holp fufl. Itt tho morning aftor thci regular l)lblo ooliool sobsIoii beginning at 9:45 tlioro wfl bo a special program eou slstlng of Promotion Day oxorclscs, from tho Cradle Rofl, Boglnnera, Primary and Junior Dopartments. rrlKiro will bo a largo attondanco fori tills sorvlco. At night tho mlnlstor will preach tho third of his eorlos of sormons ou "quostions concerning llfaM Tho thomo will bo "What Aro Uio EfcjnontB of a Successfu'l Life?" Tho young pooplo of tho city as well as the oldor ones will bo lioipeu uy tills eorlos. All nro cordially Invltod and strangers and vIsltorB In tho city ara klndfy wolcorao to attend theso Bcrvlcoa. T, A, LINDBNMEYER, Mlnlstor. ::o;: Mrsi Agnes Boycr loft Wodnosday the j. b. Mcdonald sacrifice SALE GOING STRONG for Port Huron, Michigan, as a defio gato to Uio national convention tof tho Lndloa of tho Maccabcfls. "Whoop 'or upl Lot 'or, Go! Sell Uio goods at somo tprlco." This is the sogan theso days at tho J. B. McDon ald Store, "Homo ot Good Clothes." Many thousando of dollars worth of uowly arrivod fall moincliandlso novo been added to tho oCready largo and comprohenslvo stocks on account of tho presont firm bolng forced to ac copt ebmo largo shipments of can celed goods of ovory Bliapo and char acter which woro ordered many months ago, and whkh had boon mado to tho firm's Bpoclof orders andBpecl ficatlona to suit tho special needs of his trado. Mr. McDonald Bald yes, but tho man ufacturers said no, and tho final oiit como has bcon settled and tho goods takctn out of tho carrier's hands. They aro now bolng thrown into this sen sational salo. Now and nobby linos of slilrts, sweaters, men's and boys macklnawB, "Staloy's" pure wodl un- dorwoar and a host of other well knlawn stupfo merchandise all on sale at bargain prices In many cases 50 to C0 Iosb than presont wholesale prices. Tho profits havo ali been whittled off and a hlg sllco of tln cost as woll, In this sweep of seasonable morchandlso to closo out this Btock irrevocably and nbsolutoly. In a genoral talk with Mr. McDon ald ho exproasteid himself as being mightily surprised and pQoased with tho way tho pooplo havo responded to tho announcements which havo boon printed oxclusivoly in this ipapor. No salo in tho history or North Platto has brought tho buying public from such Jong distances. Evory day brings ipeo l".o from CO to 80 mllos distant, all clagor to stock up ahead with tho cood tilings that aro being offered whero tho pins havo boon knocked from un dor tho present high (prices. Whllo It was Impossible ho says, to display morrl than a small section of Uio bar gains tho first days of tho sale ho has mado it his business to enlploy eatra holp to work aftor coslnsr hours in sorting out slzo assortments and grouping togcthor of small Hots and lort-ovors, and in red-tagging thorn in bargain sections for a new display each morning. Thief salo opens oach morning at a o'clock. : :o: : J. H. Cunningham DIch J. II, Cunningham, for many years a resident of North Platto. but for sov- oral years rosIdlnK In Los died Sunday In that city. Tho deceas ed was won known in tho city as a railroad man and later engaged in bus iness as a grocor on oast Fouirth. Ho had also filled tho position of council- nmn. Ho had been Boriousfy ill for sovoral woks nrecodlnc tho final stuxnmons. o: Fair Notes Tho Sammy Glnla havo a booth on tho grounds and aro sorvtng soup, Bandwitchos 'and coffoev Mrs. J. W. McGraw is chef. W. Buchanan, a woll known breeder ot Keith County has on exhibition sov oral Shiro horso3 that aro admired by all lonctrs of lino animals. Tho Davis Auto Co. has a big tont in which to dsplay tho cars and trucks tho company soils. It is a popujar placo with all automoblllsts aa they all want to boo tho now NaBh work. Harry Porter is on tho grouinds with a booth Or two in which his bottled goods and cfatablcs aro for sai!e. A pubtlc evont without Harry on hand would not seem Just right. Tho rain Monday night mado the track a llttlo heavy for Wednesday's racecs. Thle; management did its best, however, in getting tho track in as good shapo as it was on that day. Visitors to tho grounds can bo well entertained It they caro to spend the monoy. Merry-go-round, Ferris Wheel Wild Wieist Show, freak and other tont shows aro numerous. These wero fairly woll patronized Wednesday night and last night. 4 .OS ! Tho colored section hand at Klm- baT.l who killed a follow laborer, apso colorod, last week, was turned loose, tho corner's Jury rendering a verdict that) It wag an act of bgi f-dofense, as tho man killed camo at tho othor with an open razor. I now havo funds at 5 per cent on cholco bottom tablo land. Gene Crook. Room 4. Keith theatre Bldg. -::o:: FOR YOUR AUTO SERVICE Call 135 for Taxi day or night Also five or seven passenger car for funoral Borvlco. - MOGENSEN-LOUDEN AUTO CO-, Chandler & Elcar Agency. Corner Eighth and Locust Sts, We Promote CATTLE-RAISING The McDonald State Bank has always been active in promoting cattle-raising in this section of Nebraska. Our faith in this business is evidenced each year by the liberal loans made by us to men who aro raising cattle and we arc ready to take care of you promptly any time. This is the bank that helps clients make money. McDonald State Bank. Up to and Including Sontembor 14 Socrotnry of Stato Pool had issued llconses to 140,700 aubomobllo owners. Ho confidently oxoocts to mako it bettor than 150,000 boforo Decombor 31. Thoao figures do not IncCudo Uio MconsoB issued to ownerB of motor rycios, TJi World) Atoianac 'iwl mates) Nebraska's- population flo bo 1,258,624 today. If thoso flguros aro correct Nobraska has ono motor vo hlclo for oach 8.9 of Its population. This Is bottor than an nvorago of ono io coca two tamiuos. ' VI - WRY IS NORTH I'LATTTE FIRM I ENGINEER JOHNSON CREATES FEDERAL ROAD DISTRICTS Stato Engineer Johnson In creating highway districts under tho fedoral and stato laws has linked Lincoln county with Buffalo, Dawson, Keith and PCjrkins tcountlos in a district. Theso highways will bo doveCoved with a federal good roads appropria tion of $1,000,000 and a liko amount from tha stato. Work toward a per manent system of highways in Ne braska to T)Q started nfext spring, according to present plans. Mr. John son declared. When comploted the highway system will furnish a con nected net of roads which will ptoce Nobraska in tho front' rank of good roads states, Mr. Johnson says. Federal and state funds are to be allotted among tho counties on tills basist Mr. Johnson said: One-thfird of tho total sum tn proportion to tho area; one-third In proportion to the population, and one-third in propor tion to tho mileage of rural and star mall routes in each county. Counties are expected to uso tholr own iluhds In ctonnectlon with those provided by tha fedjeral and stato governments, and aro given authority to voto special, lovios not exceeding 5 minis for tho payment of bonds which may bo Issued to secure money with which to carry on tho work. Ordi nary county road funds may also be devoted to permanent, highway con struction. Tho stato engineer Is now working upon tho apportionment of stato and federal funds for ach county, and wll announco It shortly. f;or- i srfion xlur- Lutlicran Announcements 9:45 a. m., Sunday school Bervlc 11 o'clock, morning Avorahlp: mon subject, "Friends wlthi Jesus 8 o clock, ovoning worship: Be subject, "Tho Antodoto top Disc agomont and impatience." l Th!e( Rov. C. F. Koch, tho aggrosllvo and onorgetio ossoclato pastoq of tho Kountz Memorial chulrch, On(iha, will preach and' conduct tho sorsvpea of tho day. Tho pastor loft yostptay ior a iw nays- visu in umana, wjiro ho wi'l preach onco on Sunday ilfr-ho church of which he expects t come pastor tho 1st of Novombe "Tho Lutlieran Holpeir" will publlshod tills montli. Tho publ lias been nnablo to do tho work : :o:.:-j Must Enter Nnuftnal Armyi Provost Marshal Gonei"ail Croi In a statement issued Tuesday sal number of instances had bein roptrt- ea wnoro men Bunjoct to can tor national army had enlisted in tho ular army, tho national guard or o branches of Uio military steirvlco of their names had been posted cal them for examination. In all Instances tho mon aro dlsichargediRind ordered to Toport to tha national my examining boards at their own ex pense. Phone 308 ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building North Platte. Nol lika. You Cannot Afford fto be Without at the Price We Quote. Because Its , Citizens Huvo Learned tiio xruui. Aftor roadlng this gonorous and en couraging Toport (from. Mr. Rogers, inoso wno navo uio misrortuno to suf- for, aa ho did will naturally long to got. sunuar roiior. uut to got tho somo gooa as ior. uojrors nad. you shouldd got tho samo remedy. There nro ot GduirBQ, other kidney pills but tlioro aro no othor ttldnoy dIIIb Uio samo as Doan's. That 1b why North i'latto pooplo demand Uio gonulno. m, u. itogors, prop, of harness store, 514 Locust St., North Platto, says: "Onco in a whllo my kldnoys havo bo- como disordered and it I did not nttoud to thoui, I Would get bad toft, My back would bocotno lamo and thoro would bo a steady acho in It When I trlod to etralghton up aftor cl.ttlng, a sharp pain would catch mo. I know my kldnoys woro tho causo of Uio mis ory, for at such times Uioy actod too often, ospoclally at night. Doan's Kldnoy Pills havo alwayB rolloved any Blgns of such trouble, putting my kldnoys In a normal condition. know they can bo dopondod upon and I am clad to recommond thorn." Prlco 50c, at all 'dealers. Don't sim ply ask for1 a kidnoy romody got Doan's Kldnoy Pills tho some that Mr. Rogors had. ' Fostor-Mllburn Co Mfgre., Buffalo, N. Y. Wq have in our line on such pianos as those whosl beauty of tone and design wil; be the same after years hard usage as they are to day Many years 'of experience! has taught us that only Strictly' High Grade goods sold atj right prices will vin in the end. ' ' We might offer you pianos that look and sound all right, today and for a good many days at less money, V but wc have learned to ofler onlj those whose correct plan o: ' construction and tone gives them an honored place in the musical world today. u No firm in the State can or ever will be able to offer you, for any' reason, a better, piano than we. t Why put your money in a piano thaMs offered you buy a crafty salesman who can promise anything but does not have to back it up. WHY PAY TWO PROFITS? We do not handle pianos on commission or consignment. This saves any buyer money. I ou cannoc auora to ne wunoui a piano at me price we quote, it it is not convenient for you to pay cash our payment plan will suit you better than any other. We can save yo money and at the same time leave no regrets. "Make haste slowly" in selecting your piand as you only expect to buy one. ' COME SEE AND HEAR FOR YOURSELVES ELIZABETH BONNER CRAMER, Dealer 703 . Fourth St. North Platte. Phone Blk 498 41 7"