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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1917)
6 I rrr-i fTE it thousands of Dollars Worth of Uncancelled Fall Merchandise next to be Hurried Away in this to DOUBLE SPECTACLES Sate J. B. McDonald Stock; HMiHl THE OLD FASHIONED BIFOCALS wprouemewt ike " S X v - - V XX eCtlOH fKRyPTOK:GLASSES) HARRY DIXON & SON, Optometrists CITY AND COUNTY AUTO DJtlVEJl TAKES TO JlOAI)BEI)f AVEHTS ACCIDENT Mrs?. "W. J. Stuart and Mrs. Goo. W. vFJjin returned Wfjdnosday im)ornlng Vfom a brief visit in Denver. On ami After October First SHOES ARE CASH Dienor & Fiolshnian. Mrs. R. H. Langford and daughter Alice loft Tuesday evening for Ogdon to visit relatives for several months. Mrs. John Herrod went to Paxton Wednesday to visit her daughter Mrs. Miko McFadden to whom a son waa bom Tuesday. Rugs and carpets thoroughly clean ed by the-Llt'tle Giant Vacuum Clean er. Phone Rod C23. 73-4 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crutchslnger loft Wednesday for Denver where the former will transact business connect ed with the new depot. Frank Distcl's collection of rare bird3 at the Schwaiger cigar store was augmented yesterday by another live crano, brought in by Joe Schwaiger. C. F. Strauss returned the early part iqf tho wetek from Omaha, whore ho api&ied for enlistment in the avia tion corps but failed to pass tho phys ical examination. FOR SALE Five room house, mod ern except heat; located at 214 south Ash. Phono Red 388. 727 The North Platte Sign Co. has erect ed a new bill board on tho vacant lot east of the Rictxall druK storo in order to accommodate the demand for more advertising spaco. In attempting to avoid a possible A Burlington engineer running out of Lincoln relates this incident: "Wo were drifting down a rather long grade," ho says, "pulling a pas senger train. Approaching d crossing I saw an automobile dash out of tho weeds that hid a country road. I was so near it that I couild not stop oEtho I did what I could to slacken Bpeed. The auto driver was so near that he saw ho could neither stop nor make the crossing. With rare presence .of mind he whirled his machine down tin track ahead. Ho was going about as fast as he could safely make tho turn. With one wheel between tho rails and tho other outside near tho ends of the tics, ho slped uflong ,ahjead of mo, gain ing at ovory turn of tho wheels. He kept up his speed and of courso I shut down pretty wo'l. Ho gained th next riead crossing ahead of mo, whirl ed off tho track to tho road, and wns almost out of sight when I got to tho road crossing. He was driving a big, poworrui car, and that made it possi ble for him to get away. And on the grade he cpuldn't get off. until the ncrt grado crossing was reached." : :o: : . - Licenses and Weddings Wednesday Judgo French united in marriagei Je3so Koslar of this city and Helen Tatman of Stapleton. On tho same day he issued a license to wed to WnCter V. Woodruff an! Matt da Anderson, both of Cozad. Yesterday the Judge tissued a li cense to Albin Erickson and Ho Fer rell, both of Wallace, and later united In marrlngo Guy C. Jamos and Hol-n I Morrison, both of Co " 'away. Judco French un to last ovonlnir collision on Fifth street Wednesday issued twenty-nine marriage license noon, W. T. Wilcox run his car up on during September, and united nlr . tho sidowofk and into the window or couple in marriage. This is con-Id- tho Penny Co. store, knocking quite a good sized hole in tne guiss. Special discount on blankets afcl this week. Now is your opportunity to buy your winter supply. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Miss Edith Pattorson loft Wednesday ovonlng for Choteau, Mont., to accopt a plosition as teacher of Latin and mathematics. She Is to reoetivo $1,000 for a nine months term. Next Monday tho rcta'C price of milk in North Pllatto will advance) from ten to twef vo and a half cents a quart. There will bo no economy In buying condensed mSIk for it also has advan ced in price. Soft wntcr shampoo, electric mas. sago and luuuan hair switches at the Contes Doanty Parlor. While playng foot ball with the high int. Thursday afternoon, Townsend Dent stiff orod a fracture of tho left shouldor bone. Tins puis mm out of playing for tho romaindor of tho season. It is said that one of tho hept flo'ds c nnrn in tim south nart of the county i i.t nr .Tniin Kidwoll on tho Hornor place six miles north of Wallace. The fl.Vil has 330 acreR and it is boliovcd It wli'l average thirty bushels to tho aero. This earn is pra'cucawy maiuruu Wanted Middle aged man to act as custodian at Elk ctun rooms, win, at club room botwoen hours of and 2 p. m. - known J. S. Hong- land and J. D. Elliott are tho only oM .niHinn nt Mm flivil war who will at tend tho poaco JubKcua at YioHsburg noxt month. Each wm uo accompan ied by his wifo and they will loavo Oc tober 12th. Members of tho J. F. F. club wcro pleasantly ontortalncd Tuesday after noon by Mra. James Dorram. In tho card games Mrs. Edwin Barraclcough was awarded first prizo and Mrs. V. L. Trout second. Mrs. Andy McGovern received tho guest prize1. For Sale Four-room cottage. Six hundred cash and ba'.ancoc on easy terms Phono 798-F 14. E. W. Wright. Bishop Geo. A. Doochor and Mrs. Beochor. who havw been pending this week in town, will leave ay for Cal lawfcy. The Bishop ami Archdeacon Bowker returned Monday night from Cherry 'county whoro thoy opened a mission chunch. Enriouto homo they drovo through tho hoavy rain. to'trade Eighty acres of land in Morrill for eitv property. C. J Stovons, 121 W. Tenth St., North cred a pretty fair month's work In the matrimonial lino, although Tho Tribune knows of at) loast twenty North Platto girls whn woufd lmvo been married this month if tho 3m"n hnd Just stopped outside his officla' duties and supplied tho young men. 1 ::o:: I Tho remains of an infant child of Mr , and Mrs. John J. Halllgan that died in Omaha twenty years ago was disin terred and brought to this city for re-1 interment tins morning. Some very wonderful bargains In shoes at The Loader Mercantile Co.'s, Good shoes for litt'o money Infants' soft soi'es nt 25c: colors white, blue and pink. VIcl kid shoes in hoavy vie! leather, sizes 2 to 5 at 95c; tho larger sizes to 8 at 95c; and In sizes 8i to 2 at $1.25; misses' sizes 12 to 2 at $1.45 and and $1.95. Pos itively tho best shoes in town for tho price : :o: : J. C. Hopkins succeeds G. M. Smith as steward at tho Elks home, assum ing tho duties yostordny. Those in need of painting, paper hanging and decorating aro assured satisfactory work If they employ Julius Hoga. Phono Black G92. 38tf Tho Dickens band, which is a very creditable organiatlon, was hero yes torday to assist In furnishing musi" atz tho county fair. Tho boys showed their ability to travc, as It wore, in fast company. Flannagan'o Way. Cassidy Flannagan's thinking of go In' into the liaulin' businoss. Ho bought a folno ucw curt toduy. Casey But shuro ho has no horse. Flnnnagnn No, but lie's goln to buy wnn. Casoy Woll, thnt's loiko Flannngan. no al ways did git tho cart befoor tho horse --Philadelphia Ledger. A Confirmed Taste. "I'm blest if 1 can seo what Blnbklns finds to admire In that Miss Jorklns," said ninklelgh. "Why, she's wholly xnudo up." "That's It, I guess," said nnrkaway. "Blabklns always wns crazy about Ac tion." Harper's. Severe Treatment. IIowcll Why did Rovell allow him Belt to die of starvation? Powell He said ho wouldn't humor his stomach any longer, as it was getting to bo a regular grafter. New York Times. There are things we must try to at tain, yet It Is not really tho attainment that matters; it Is the seeking -Gilbert Murrav Visitors to the Lincoln County Fair---Make This Your Headquarters. Better, Bigger, Greater Bargains Than Ever. Thousands of Dol lars' Worth of Shipments that we have been Unable to Cancel and which We Have Been Forced to Accept have been Thrown Into This Huge Stock, to be Distributed Among the Homes of the people. We wish to Clear Away These Goods and we've Put Prices on Them that will Sure Give us the Busiest Week End in this the Busiest of all Busy Sales North 'Platte Has Ever Seen. Be Right on Deck Saturday. IIDf.ENT 119 Pairs of Men's Two Tone lace Shoes Ralston's make I Oyster gray kid and black gun meiai, worm ipo.ou . . . agic Price for Suitor Overcoat Plenty of choice and then some. 1 Lot $10 and $15 vals. $4.65 8 You will marvel at the results, as demonstrated, this week. 1 1 Lot $18 and $ 20 vals. $7.3 Men's Underwear "Staley's Pure Wool Underwear fer tent Ui NOTE A Replenished Stock of Men's and Boys' Underwear has arrived the last few days. Boys' Clothing SEDUCED MORE THAN HALF , Boyg' Long Pant Suits $3.97 Men s and Boys Sweaters An Uncancelled Shipment of Men's and Boys' Sweaters,Coat Sweaters and Jerseys, 20 per cent Off. SI Knickerbocker Pants for 49c Overalls "Ftz" Overalls "Railroad King" - - Such well known brands as 'Fitaj" and the II "RnilrnoH Kinrf" ""t, - $1.25 $1.50 1 Men's Dress Shoes New Shipments have been thrown in this Sale. I Ralston and other makes, $5 OEi I to $6 values p00 1 Men's Hats FOR BOYS AS WELL 1 lot $1.50 values at 95c Another lot of $3.00 values at $1.60 Stetson $4 Hats 33.20. Alallory $3.50 Hats $2.85 Mens Dress Pants, all sizes, newest patterns and materials, values to $4, MACKINAWS SiSSr 200off. UNDERWEAR Ee'CS""11 39c come in, part E MENS WORK SHOES i BOYS FALL TOP COATS Big shipment just in "Weycnbcrg and other PfE I Odd lots in dark or light colors, values from rt w p 3 noted makes values to $1. One lot in all sizes J, J ) I $7. to $10.' Sixes 6 to 12 years. One lot at J J Men's soft French I Mens Spear Made CAPS and laundered SHIRTS one lot $1.10 and I Golf style odd lots $1.25. One loll. . . lin r 1 1 mm HU'"' ' oioroKen Uhfjlo $1 for Mi 69c Boys Heavy Blue f- ' ll'T 1 berge part Wool Tremendous Se lection in sizes to choose all 98c Mens 2 piece heavy UNDERWEAR One lot 39c. One lot in brown Black and gray LiOKj Mensheavy Cotton UNION SUITS Made from superior comhed yarns 95c Mens $5 and $6 DRESS SHOES All sizes in this special group $2.85 J. B; McDONALD, Home of Good Clothes, North Platte, Neb. Platto.