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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1917)
0 t at. $7 9m t. Glasses prevent OS embarrassment i It is humiliating to have to ask some one to see for you, or to pass a friend without recognizing him. Glasses secured at Clinton's will save you ; many embarrassing situations by giving your "i eyes the proper assistance needed for normal ' v i AT- J sight. Fitting glasses is professional with us ; ' j performing a scientific service accurately not mercantile. Modern facilities, long experience and personal interest secure accurate glasses which are becoming to you. r ' CLINTON, Graduate Optician, At Uio Sign of tlio IUg King. If DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office oyer the McDonald State Bunk. LOCAL AND PEBSONAL Wantod Qlrl for gonoral houso worjc Apply to Mrs. Harry Dixon. Mr. and Mr. Goo. M. Smith loft yos tortlay for Grand IiItuid, which will bo tholr future homiev Honry B. 'Walthall and Mary Ghar- loson In "Tho Saint's Advonturo" at tho Crystal tonight The homo missionary society of tho Mothodlst church will meet this nf- torjioon in tho church parlors. Savo monoy and huy your supply of winter vundorwear oarly. Lines full nnd 'coniploto at Tho Loador Morcan- tno co.'b. r?&mmm A Mvo crano, captltfred by Dill Itoddcm after Its wing had boon broken NOItTII I'LATTE HOY IS HIGH GUNNERY MAN Anotlior North Platto boy has ad ded glory to hlmseCf, mado a broador circle, around North Platto on the map and proved tho efficiency of tho young men of tho wt This boy Is Horace Barraclough, now with tho U. S. S. Farragut, and a mombor of tho gun crew and ovldontly a big "gun among tho big guns. . Horace wus In tho naval rosorvos for threo years, was discharged, but when war was do q'arcd, ho was rocallcd and assigned to tho Farragut. Not long ago tho Farragut gun crow had a tantot shoot. and with Barrodlough ns tho gunner, tho regulation targot was plorced flvo tlmos cut of eight at a dlstanco of 17, 000 yartls. At tho tlmo of prnctlco the Farragut avbb moving twenty knots an hour and tho targot flfteon knots. Sovontcon thousand yards Is botween nlno and ton mllos, which Is somo (lis- tanco to shoot even with a big gun, - ;:o:; A. E. Olson, a carpenter of Gothon burg, will movo to this city noxt week to permanently locate. Ho will occu py tho shoo on tho north sldo vacated by A.'Fu-KEaas. Tho corn crop of tho county this year indicates that much of tho Lincoln is hcCd .in captivity, in tho wlndovt of, county crop has matured and Is out of uiu rvuy ui ft, nuu.y nuuuiu W"U uuiihj. Th'r corn crop f tho county this year will bo about tho largest ovor known tho Sqhwalgor cigar store... On and Aflor October First ' SHOES A HE CASH Dlenor S: l'lolshimui. Geo. M. Graham arrived from tho wost Wcdnosday to s'pond a couplo of duys In town vlsltng frlonds and hcTJ1. lng shoes to tho dcalors. ' Try Dr. Smith, tho Chiropractor. COtf Farmers In town this week say that acroago of Ml wheat wo 1 bo largo In tholr ros'pocttvo communities. Tho bounteous rains of the past two weeks have encouragod farmers to put Into wheat practically all tholr available LostOn tho road botweon my placo nnd tho John.LIlos farm, a bunch of koyB. Flndor call phono CD Horshoy. ground. nv n pnan mri Tinrn I '.mm .nvnn r. Tho rogufnr poliuo force has boon C, H. Waltor Is pasturing 700 or auu nugmonted by four spocml mon. Up neau or cniu.o norm oi mo nvor. t0 tlllB mornlnc no dlBturbancos ThOBQ ho Is offoring for salo, or If not any m,i uu i,00ll roportcd. sola 10 local uuyors win uo uopi through tho wintor. C. F. Rhino, of Lead, S. D., is visit ing JU8 slstor Mrs. M. J. Trogo, whilo rairouto to Kansas. Ho Is a finished inuslolan and has' boon p!nylng with tho Municipal band. - Coiho in and soo our boautlful lino of suits and coats, thon ask to know about o)ur now sales 'pf.nn wo havo to offor. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Julius Hahlor rcturnod Wednesday from, Excolslor Springs, whoro ho hud spoilt two weeks. A specialist pro nouuuos Ills trouble nourttls, nnd not rheumatism, as Mr. Hahlor had tnrpposcd. Swedldh Lutheran church corner of Tenth and Wllteror streots. Sorvlcos first and third Sunday of ovory mouth nt 11 a. m. and fourth and llfth Sun day of ovory month nt 8 p. m. Albin ' Olson, pastor. MIbb Edna Sullivan Is doing clorlcal work n tho county clork'a offco. Sho waB- dlsappolntod In securing a posi tion iti tliojoffCco of Foreman Elsassor, tho edict going forth that a young lady wan not wanted In that position. Mrs. Victor VonGootz, or Portland, Oro, arrlvod Tuosday noon to visit rol ntlvqs ami frlonds In town for a fow days prior to going to Gnrdold to visit hor pnronts Mr and Mrs Frank Hoy. Mr. VonGootz wlltf como horo for a visltf in nbout two wotiks. of Sovoral "slickfirs'1 nro in town but thoy havo not us yot attomptetl to work "skin 1 gam os." I Farm ami Ranch loans at lowest rates nnd host terms. Moiicy on hand j lo closo loans promptly. 43tt BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. North H'ntto noopf.0 conornlly will rogrct to loam of tho resignation of Rov. Harman. of tho Lulhclran church which booomos offocllvo Novombor first This action was taken on nc count of tho hoalUi of both Mr. nn Mrs. Harman, tho nltltudo bolng too high for both. Rov. Harman goos to Omuha to tako tho pastorate of n vory promising church GAS TAR is good for dipping fonco posts, painting chicken houses for lice or nalntlng anything to provont de cay, foncos. barns, silos,, ate. Ton cents per gallon Wo chargo for tho burrol. North Platto Light & Power Company 67-10 It Is said to !bo possiblo that tho steady bombardmont on official1 Wash ington for exemption of farmora as a class, may bo hoard. To date, how ovtdr, tho attitude scorns to bo that to oxonipt ono class would only pavo Uio way for roquost for oxomptlon from othor classes. Again, it Is argued that by tho tlmo congress coutd sot about to (Changto tho gonoral systom, tho cry ing nnd urgont nood of tho farm for laborors. will havo been grouty'y less on od. N Federal Reserve System Helps You - It was created primarily To help the business men and furmors; To provide plenty of currency at all times; ' To effect a steadier supply of credit. The system merits the support of nil good citizens; it must have yours in order to reach its full development. You can secure the benefits of this great 'system and at the same time assist directly in developing it by depositing your money with us. FIRST NATIONAL BANK North Platte, Nebraska. We and 0 3ave Just the Suit '4 ercoat You Want The new styles for Fall and Winter which we are now showing have that snappiness that marks all Collegian Clothes that individuality that lifts them out of the "or dinary" class. ADLER COLLEGIAN CLOTHES - $15.00 to $35.00. Collegian Clothes make it possible for every man and young man to be well dressed. There's more real value in them than in any otheu-line of clothing, that's why we sell them. You can buy one of these suits or overcoats with the pos itive knowledge that it is correct in style and fabric, and that you are getting the greatest possible value for the price. Come in and look over our splendid assortment. ELK BRAND BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING $3.50 to $12.00 Everything for the little fellows for school and play wear, or for "dress up." Our long experience in buying boys' and children's clothing enables us to select merchandise that has the real wearing qualities every mother is look ing for. And we do more, than supply good values we make it our business to please the boys and the children. That's why they like to come here. AN UNUSUAL SHOWING OF FURNISHINGS AND HEADWEAR. EXCLUSIVE SHIRTS AND NECKWEAR STETSON HATS $4.50 to $6. MANHATTAN SHIRTS $1.7.5 to $10. Our stocks of the new shirts for Fall arid Winter are com7 plete and carefully selected Colors and patterns to suit every, taste, at varying prides, which represent undoubted values. The newest in scarfs and ties the season's pick of the eastern markets hosiery, underwear and dress ac cessories. r Come in and Make YourclectiOns-rrom These. Superb STYLISH HATS AND CAPS Interwoven Sox 35c to 60c. Lewis Union Suits $1.25 to $6. Whether you prefer a stiff hat, a soft hat or a cap, we can meet your desires, and at a most reasonable price. Our stocks are large and the assortment varied, so that you will be sure to find just what you want in a hat or cap that be comes you. Stocks. HARCOURT CLOTHING CO. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. n.M i KAILKOA1) NOTES Conductor LoDloyt took thro'ugh to Donvor Wodnesduy a big train of doad-hend ipasscngor cqulptnont. Hobcoq Zlnimor, of Sidney, has boon In town for Hovornl daf s visiting with friends and attondlng tho county falij( Englnoor Carl Slcaggs, who had beon ruining on ono of tho Wyoming dis tricts for sovera,! months, roturned Tuosday to Tomaln. Flvo big apodal tralna loaded wlUi Infantry troops from Montana and Idaho passed oast Wednesday. Therd woro liotwtejon 2500 and 3000 ni l told Miss Pansy Davis has resigned her position as clone in Uio freight depot and Is Buccoedod by MIbb Ireno Hub bard, lato with tho light and pow company. FJrcman I Emznilngar hns pur chased tho Cass rosldonco proporty at 1009 oast Fifth street and wJ.l move his family from Grand Island tho oarly part of next week. Englnoor J. W. Fltzpatrlck has pur- chnsed tho roBldonoci proporty at tho corner of Dowoy and B stroots and will romovo tlioroto ns soon a tho present occupants vacate. At tho prosont tlmo tho movement of enrs through tho North Platto yards Is ono-thlrd groator Uuin a year ago That probably moans that the number If cars In and out nro groator than fcv or boforo In tho history of tho road On account of shortngo of cars tho Rock Springs mines havo boon ciosed nnd oastorn coal is Ixlng used In lo comottvos at this tonnlnal. Coal hed In tho storngo dock Is bolng "picked up whon a local shortage of oastorn coal is apparont. Englnoor Claurfo Dolaney, who Is taking tncjatment at St. Josoph's hos pital in Omaha, haa had his affected leg placed In a cast, and it will bo hold so for two or threo weeks, Tho physicians say tho troublo comes from norvos nffoctiekl by tho Injuries ho ro colvcd sovoraT. years ago. Tho motlvo powor at his terminal is holding up romarkably woll con sidering tho heavy tramc or mo past year. Usually Uiuio is a luK during tho summer months and this permits of of locomotives, but this year has beon an exception. Tho uso of eastern coal Is somowhat of a hindrance ns tho engines do not steam qulto so well as with westorn coal. Shipments of cattle from this sec tion Is retarded by inability to secure cars. Yardmastor Sinclair said yes terday that there Is a calE for 100 cars at points on tho branch and none in sight. Yostorday C. II. Walter and Loypoldt & Pennington nocded stock cars could not secure thJeni. Eight or ton cars of cattlo aro being hold at Sutherland awaiting cars. ::o:: . (J Iris Injured In Auto SpiJi Mlssos Edna Elliott and Nina Van Doran driving a car owned by Glonn Huddartt woro lnjurield Tuesday af ternoon whon tho car turned oyer :6n tho road west of tho ceniotory. Mossrs. Piolstlckcr and Plld hap ponod to drlvo up Immediately fol lowing tho accidont and brought the girls to tho City Hospital whoro It wag found Miss Eliott had sustained a fractured arm and sicvora cuts nnd abrasions whllo Miss VniiDoran es caped with sovoral brulsoa. ; :o: : For Salo Ilango In good dominion. Phono Itor271 ' Tho Cost of War. Tho cost of war is stupendous. This week when tho; senate was considering tho eight billion dollar war deficiency appropriation blV, Senator Martin, of tho appropriation committee), stated that tho appropriations for tho first flvo months of tho war wonel twenty billion dotlars, ad ho feared that dur ing Uio noxt year thsy would bo fifty billion. -: :o: : Dr. Smith, Chiropractor, Building & Loan Building. . 5ntf W. W. Cummtngs, Union Pacific dis patcher, has been appointed a nitm- , ber of tho board of directors of the building and loan association, suc ceeding Joo P. Larson, who recently removed to Green Kivier. DIENER & KENNEDY Ileal Estate, Fire, Tornado nnd Hall Insriiancc. Special Agents Gloho life Insuranco Conipanv. Cornor Front and Dowoy Sts., Upstairs Phono Hcd 572. North lMattc.;Kob. THE FIRST POUND OF OUR CREAMERY BUTTER you buy will begin your acquaintance with the best butter made. It has all tho body of tho richest cream, with a llavor that recalls sweet smelling clover or now mown hay. Don't fall to try ii iiound today. Why pnt off enjoying ono of tho best of table- lux lirles. Ask for Alfalfa Queen lluttor. North Platte Creamery. rnoNE 02. 4 :0ur .Country's Telephone Yr' Heeds Are Served First At tho entrance of this nation In tho great war, the Bell Telophono System pledged its entlro sorvlce, Its equipment nnd Its men, unreservedly, to tho government. Tim government's tcItphono calls nro given right-of-way ovor private messages and tho government's requirements for men, for switchboards, wire, telephones "and other equipment aro served ahead of private requests. Won't you patriotically co-operate by asking only for equipment you must DOiNQOURBiT yi hnvc, and mnUo only such local or long distance calls as aro absolutely necessary? NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. A Sermon On Lumber In conclusion my friends, we can't Jet away from this lumber question. Why, every one of us spent our first days in a cradle made of lumber. Our livos have been lived between walls of two by fours and lath, with rafters over our heads and matched flooring beneath our feet. We have been sitting in wooden chairs, eating from wooden tables, riding m wooden wagons, and in the course of time will be laid to rest in wooden casketi. Lumber Is KInj In the Construction World. Coates Lumber & Coal Co. North Platte, Nebr.