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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1917)
.1 Wk Mortlt THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., APRIL 20, LU17. No. 28 tribune. TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE SERVICE KNOCKED OUT IllIMHtKDS OF LINK POLES 00 DOWN UNI) HH THK WKK5HT OF TUB JIKAVY SNOW Oho Hundred Men Shipped In from the Knst Tliis .Mornliitr ami Go West on a Special Work Train to Jlako Repairs. Telegraph and telephono aorvlco In. to North Platto was almost complete ly paralyzed by the heavy snow storm yosterdtiy, and this morning It was reported at the local offices that llvo hundred and fifty lino polew were down beUvvben here and Sidney, nnd a largo number between hero and Lex ington. About one hundred laborers were shipped In from tho ea3t by the Union Pacific early this morning, and started west at eight o'clock on a special work train to begin the work of reconstructing tho linos. Tho Nebraska Telephone Co. was nlso a heavy sufferer from fallen polos, nnd a dozen or" more workmen were started out in auto trucks this morn ing to make repairs. In tho city both tho electric light and tho tolephono plants suffered, a good part of tho city being without sorvlca during tho ovenlng and throughout tho night. Both poles and wires succumbed to tho load of iwtet snow which clung to them. Yesterday's storm covered the moun tain and lako regions, but seems to have been most savere, so far as tho snowfall, between Sidney and Lexing ton. East of tho latter placo rain In stead of snow fell. Tho precipitation yesterday, as re ported by Observer Shilling, amounted I to a Httlo over ona Inch of water, which is evidence of the "wetnoss" of tho snow. In all sections of the city the ground Is well covered iwlith broken limbs, and in a number of instances good, sized trees Welro brokfcn and prostrated by tho weight of the anow- A forco of men from tho electric light "plant worked throughout the night taking caro of fallen wires and poles, and today all available men arc employed by tho electric and tole phono companies In making repairs, tho' cost of which will run Into hun dreds of dollars. : :o: : It Is cortainly a great opportunity to save money on women's ready to wear suits, coats, dresses, skirts and in all other departments at Tho Lead er Mercantile Co.'s Notion Sale. HAD WKATHKK l'OSTl'ONKS PRESENTATION OF FLAG Yesterday aftornoon Iwhs tho time set for the prosontntlon of a ling by tho Woman's Roliof Corps to tho coun ty to ba placed In tho district court room, but on account of tho sovoro snow storm at tho presentation hour, it was decided to postpone tho cere mony. Mrs. Mary Elder, who was to have chargo of tho presentation, phoned Jiulgo Grimes, who was pros cut to receive tho Hag on behalf of the county, to set such future date as ho desired, and ho named May 14th, tho opening day of tho May term of district court. Threo ladies and sovoral men bravod tho storm to bo present, not knowing that tho caremony hadi boon postponed. Triangle Club Contest. Tho contest for members of the Tri angle Club, which closed a few days ago rosulted in tho Blu,o team secur ing eighty membors and tho Red team forty. Noxt Monday evening at 7:30 tho two teams iwHll meet at tho club rooms in tho basement of tho Baptist church, tho Iteds to furnish tho sup per and' tho Blues to provide a pro gram for an evening's ontortalnmont. At this mooting tho futuro plans of tho club will ba discussed, and ar rangements mado for purchasing tho equipment for the club rooms. : :o: : Baptist Church Sunday school 9.45; North side Sun day school 3 p. ni' Morning and ev ening worship tho congregation will unite with tho Methodist church in their dedication sorviees. -: :o: : :o:: Janitor Wanted For tho Episcopal church. Residence furnished to janitor. Apply to T. C. Pattorson, B. & Ia Building. Governor Nevillo has designated Friday and Saturday of next week as "Clean Up Days,? and wo bollovo thoso days should be generally ob served In North Platte. Back yards and alloys should bo cleared of the i.rfinter's accumulation of rubbish, and all vacant spots in the rear of resi dences planted to garden or Mowers. Tho contract for tho erection of tho ncAl First Nntional bank building at Horshoy was awarded Tuesday to A. E. Holtgren. Tho building will be 25x60, constructlejd -of dark texture pressed brick and glazed terra cotta and tho building and fixtures will cost in tho neighborhood of ten thousand dollars. Tho Catholic ladies held a social and card party in tho basement of tho St. Patrick's school last ovenlng. Among thoso who wero awardod prizes wero Mrs. Carl Simon, Mrs- P. J. Norriss, Will Friend and Arthur Carnoy. ::o:: llccs Wanted Wanted To Buy About 25 Colonies Italian bees. J. Loron Hastings, 210 Willow St.. North Platte. Nobr. 20-3 'ore Stunning Advance Styles just arrived from the Regal factories. 0 We feature Regals because our trade is particular as to style and not "penny wise" when it comes to quality. Shoe quality is so serious a matter this year that no one should go half way. You will see the smartest and most de pendable shoes of the season displayed in our windows now. Come in ask to see The Fulton, The Briton and many other attractive models in high and low shoes. These prices make our store popular with folks of all incomes. $S, $5.30, $6.50, $7, $8 Harcourt Clothing Co. METHODIST CHURCH WILL BE DEDICATED SUNDAY building iu:moih:li:i at a COST OF $10,000 NOW HKA1IY FOIt service Bishop Stunt, of Omaha, will lie L'resenl and Occupy tho Pulpit At tho .Moriilnir and Even ing Services- Tho work of remodeling tho Meth odist church will bo complotod this week nnd dedicatory services UJ11 bp held next Sunday. Homor C. Stuntz, D D L. L. D., of Omaha, bishop ot Nobraskn, will deliver tho sonnons at the morning and ovenlng sorvlcos. Exclusive of tho plpo organ and tho furniture tho cost of romodoltng tho structuro hns been In excess of $1S,000. Tho building has been con siderably onlarged, and so far as the Interior Is concorned, It is practically a new churuch. Tho plpo organ, which is of tho Estcy nmko, is a gift of F. L Moonoy and son Frank and has been Installed nt a cost of $2,S00. About $2,000 has been Invested in now furni ture, and taken as a wholo the Moth odlst congregation has a houiso of worship of which they may tako just ifiable pride. To meet the cost of remodeling, $18,000 ivd'iH subscribed bofor.o tho work was started, and it Is probabie that tho shortage which exists will bo subscribed before Sunday, In which ovont the church will bo dedicated absolutely freo of incumborance. In addition to Bishop Stuntz, Dlst Supt. Ishani will bo present ut tho services. The program for tho Sunday ser vices will be as follows: Horning Worship at 10 till) Voluntary Hymn No. GGG Apostles' Crcod Prayor G. W. Isham, D. D-. ' Anthem "Tho Prayer of tho Wan dorer." Psalter Heading Gloria Announcements Offertory Duet "I Will Lift up Mine Eyes." Misses McVoy and Hinmnn Sermon Bishop Homor C. Stuntz Dedicatory Servico Hymn No. GG1 Postludo Kpworth Lengiio 7 1. 31. Music Glee Club Addresses Bishop Stuntz and Dr. Ishnm. Solo Miss Carroll Derrybcrry m Evening Worsliip S 1". 31. " Orchestra Concert Hymn No. 57 Anthem "As a Father Leads His Children." Offertory Solo "Thou Wilt Keop Him in Porfoct Peace" Miss Dorothy Hinmnn Hymn No. G47 Sermon Bishop Homer C. Stunt. Ilymnn No. ISO Hostludo :o: :- Germans in Brazil Revolt. Tho Oerman population In three states of Brazil, totaling over half a million peoplo, havo revolted, placing tho Interests of Germany first above thoso of Brazil. The men, many of the roservslts of tho Gorman army and nearly all of thorn drilled and tinlncd to Warfare, are wall armed. The . Brazlllian army haH been sent against them, but no detail is given, a strict censorship having been placed on news emanating from tho country. Uruguay is massing all her available troops on tho bordor, fearing that tho uorman noruo will try to invade. Exchanges Building For Farm- Yesterday aftornoon Julius Mocoiv son exchanged his brick building on north Locust street to Jnmes Boclion for llvo hundred nnd twenty acres of cultivated land south of Hershov. Mr. Mogonsen has rented tho farm and will remain horo to manago tho gar age, on which ho received a five year lease irom iur. uocnon. : :c: : For Snlo Soven room houso, all modern, In GOO block,. on cast Third. Half cash, balance on time. Inquire of Isaac uoat. 2(-tt : :o: : Omaha pricos yestorday: Wheat $2.70, corn $1.54, beof steors $11.85, hogs $15.55. The funeral of tlt3 lata William Pickett wil bo hold from tho rosideaco at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon Next Monday will bo Arbor Day. and attontion Is directed to tho fact that tho banks will bo closed. Drueo Brown, former manager of tho North Platto telophono oxchango, now owner of tho Brady exchange in eroding a bungalow In that villas. A businoss mooting of tho ladios' aid or tlio Methodist church iH called for 7:30 tomonVnv ovonintr in the church. Important mooting and all mombers are urged to be present. Tho literary department of tho Twontieth Century club will hold an opon meeting in tho library basement Tuesday aftornoon. It will be in tho nnture of an "Audubon Day," ana Dr. Mario Ames will nmko nn addrees on "Birds." At tho regulnr mooting of the B. P. O. Elks noxt Monday ovenlng tho re cently elected offlcors will be ln stalld and tho trustees will submit a report on the proposd now building. It is probablo that tho lodge will au thorlzo tho trustcos to proceed with tho orction of tho building, which will cover tho forty-four foot north of tho prosont building and conform in stylo thoreto. For Sale Cheap Chicago Cottago Organ In porfect ktondttlon, A. Mf, KUCIIEN, Phono Red 239 1402 W- Fourth. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. F. O. Plolstlcker spont yostordny In Keystone attending snlo. A baby girl was born a fow days ago to Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Clark. Miss Nina Elder has accepted a po sition at tho Daily Tolegrnph office. Myrtlo Stodman In "Tho Amorlcan Beauty" at the. Keith Saturday night. Charles Walter transacted business In towns on the branch rood yestorday- Mrs. Bert Nnperstock loft this morn ing for an indetlnito visit in Salt Lako City. Wanted Girl for genornl houso work. Mrs. John Brntt, 412 wst Fourth. 28-4 Misses Eriokson, of Gothenburg, visited tliis week with Miss Jennie Carlson. Mrs. John Doltolf and childron re turned yesterday morning from a short visit in Omaha. If you want to moot your friends you can ilnd thorn nt Tho Lender Mer cantile Co.'s Notion Salo. Miss Fern AVllson returned Wed nesday ovenlng from Gothenburg and began mtork in tho Oasis. A banquet will bo served by the members of tho Lonosomehurst Club at tho club rooms tomorow ovenlng. Mrs. Glenn Mann and children aro visiting this wook in Omaha having toft for Hint city Wednesday afternoon-Mrs- J. O. Purbaugh, of Wallace, oanio to this city Wedensdny to tako trcatniont for blood poisoning In hor hanj cnused by a small needle wound which bocamo Infected. Mrs. Georgo Song and Mrs. Waltor O'Noil of Torra Hauto, Ind., mother and sister of Mrs. John Dellolf, who spont eiovoral woks hero returned homo tho first of this week. For Salo' or Trade My rosldenco property nt tho corner of Maplo and B streets. Seven rooms anj modorn ex copt heat. Phono lied CM). 27-4 WM. MOItKIS. Joseph Wilson, Jnnitor nt tho court houso. was sent to tho General hos pital yostorday nfteroon to tako treat ment for a too that had become Infect ed with blood poisoning with Indica tions of becoming serious. Assurances reached Washington to day that under no conditions that aro now conceivable will the provis ional government of Russia ylold to tho overtures from Grmany and iMinArinn souHlistlc representatives to negotlato a separate peaco. Archio Hood, an omployo of tho Rcb- hauson barber shop, and -his younger brother enlisted In tho navy tho early part of this week and havo gono to Omnha to tako tho examination. Tho father of the boys will go to Omaha today to visit them before they leavo for tho east. A mariago licenso was granted to Miss Amy Hodges of North Platte and Potor Strykor of Ovorton. Tho latter Is a young ranchman and Miss Hodges has been a Lincoln county tonchor for sovoral years. Don't fall to road tho advertisement of Tho Leader Mercantile Co. in tills paper. By attending tho Notion Salo you can save money on overy thing elso you buy in all other departments, shoos, dry goods, ready to Utoar for womon, men s and boys' clothing. Tho man a girl should' marry is ox- plained in "Mister 44" with Harold Lockwood and May Allison at tho Crystal Monday night. It nnswers tho question "Should a man marry be neath his station in life?" From a ;ccnlc tstundpolnU ami In plaint (of beauty and color "Mister 44" has not been surpassed on tho screen J. L. Norton, mnnagor of Tho Platto Theatre, which was damaged by iliro, tolls Tho Trlbuno that ho will ro-opon tho houso tho latter part of May, re placing tho burnedi furnishings with thoso of a nioro modorn kind. Pend ing tho reoponing of the. thcutro Mr, Norton Is einployel as a car checkor In tho Union Pacific yards. "Tho Challenge" a five part West racy" starring Douglas Fairbanks at tap Keith Monday deals with tho ship ment of ammunition ncross tho Moxi can bordor to an unofficial govern ment, dosplto tho strict ombnrgo main tained by Uncle Sam. About this un comfortably truo stato of affairs, Is woven a story that Is calculated to stir tho blood and make pulses tingle. On account of the quarantlno for scnrlot fovor on tho homo of Rov, Ilarmnn nnd the dedication of tho Mothodlat-Epl&copal church, tho usual proaching services havo lioen post poned. Sunday school will bo hold at 11:45 a. m. In tho church which lias Htan fumigated'.! Ron Hntnnan lo- Hiros that his congrogntlon nttond tho sorvlcos at tho M- E. Church on that day. How far would you go to holp a friend who was In trouble? Frlond ship that goos the limit for another 1 i hard to find. Carlylo Blackwell enacts tho role of the friend who goes 1'ie limit in tho feature "A Square Deal" showing at tho Crystal Satur- i': y aftornoon and ovonlng. Another Tnrt of tho fonturo shows hoU' nspir ing society mothers socuro cllglblo hu bands for tholr daughtors. William Pickett, a pioneer plastoror of this city, died yostorday morning at the ago of fifty-six at tho homo of hi.; mother in tho south part of town-Di- th was caused by cancer of tho fur with which ho had suffered for sonn time and for sovoral months ho had been bedfast. Ho leaves an aged mothor and threo slstors, Mrs. Will iam Sooloy, Mrs. Swortz and Mrs. Jestso Grnblo. ::o:: Rov- T. D. Sullivan, ot Elm Creek, enmo last evening to visit Rov. P. F. McDald. Work began yostorday on Koamoy's now hotel which will bo erected nt n cost of about eighty thousand dollars- Lost Small pearl pin In down tcWn district Tuesdny night! Re turn to this offico and recolvo reward. Mant McCullough, of Elsie, a for mer North Plntto resident, spont yesterday in town visiting friends nnj transacting business. PITRE BRED Rhode lMiuirt Red Cockorcls. W. AV. Blrge. 2G-2 Secrotary Moonoy, of tho soml-cen-tonnlal celebration, is In Omaha on businoss connected with tho lloatn to bo used In the parade, Georgo McGlnlcy of Kolth county, woll known In North Plntto, has sold live hundred head of cattlo to Crllloy Bros., of Donesteol, S. D. Mrs Edward Fl.shor, of Greon Rlv or, who hns boon visiting rolntlves horo for sovoral wooks, will leavo to day for Grand Island nnd Omaha. Registered hulls for Snlo Ono Horoford and two Shorthorns. Good 'boned, serviceable ago, best of good breeding. Frank Turplo, North Platto. Phone 78GF13. 28-4 Wanted To Rent Forty to eighty acres of cultivated land. EMIL J. POPELAR, 28-2 Hotel McCabo. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS AGAIN! "AMERICAN ARISTOCRACY." At the Keith Monday Evening. The latest Triangle play in which this popular star appears. It's great, even better than his others, if that is possible. An Elastic Dime Is what you make of 10c when you buy "Krisp Krust Bread." In no other article of food can you buy as much real nourish ment for the money as in bread. Consider how much meat, potatoes, etc you would get for ten or fifteen cents. Eat more bread and cut the cost of living. Dickey's "Krisp Krust Bread'' is a loaf of high food value. It has the true wheat flavor and does not crumblo when cut which is a real test of good bread, properly baked. "Krisp Krust" is scientifically mixed in an electric dough mixer and baked in a modern brick oven which insures a loaf with that delicious flavor as in "Krisp Krust". Order bread with your groceries. "Krisp Krust" at 10c and "Dickey's Home Made," at 15c. "It's the flavor that counts. 9 DICKEY'S BAKERY. This Is The Busy Building Season Let's Have A Building Room! Every bnilding that is built brings just so much prosperity to the community. GET BUSY AND BUILD? We are usually busy, but never so busy thnt wc could not be busier, and will get busy with your building business as soon as submitted to us. SEE US FOR LUMBER AND MJILDING MATERIAL. Coates Lumber & Coal Co. North Platte, Nebr. Own Your Own Home Residence Park Addition Subdivision just open ing in southwest part of city. Splendid lots in a beautiful addition at rock bottom prices. See WM. LYMAN 518 North Locust Street.