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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1917)
AC hu florth TIIIRTY-TII1RD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., APRIL 24, ID 7. No. 29 ELKS INSTRUCT TRUSTEES TO BUILD AN ADDITION sew kuiliuno will m: -iixso AND CONFOIttl WITH Till rjti:si:M' sthuctuhk W. J. O'Connor Will Take a Ten Year Lease on the First and Second Floors W'ofk lo Begin Soon. At a regular mooting of tho B. P. O. ElkB last ovonlng tho proposition of building a 44x80 foot addition to tho present structure was discussed, and by a unanimous vote tho trustees were instructed to proceed with tho orectlon of tho building. Tho ad ditlon wlU bo three stories and con form in architectural stylo to tho present structure. This will glvo tho Elks a frontage of 110 feet on Dowoy, and with tho addition tho building will certainly bo ono of which tho ity can with reason feel proud. Tho first and! second floors of tho now building have boon leased for a period of ton years by V. J. O'Con nor, tho occupant of tho present building. It is understood that Mr, O'Connor rtlU add now lines to his Btock, using tho two ground floors for' this purpose and using tho sec ond floon for tho storage of surplus stock. This gives Mr. O Connor a floor spaco equal to ono room 80x 154 feet. Tho third floor will ulti mately bo used for lodge 'purposes, but for tho present will bo left In an iinflnishoii condition. - "While tho Elk lodge makes this movo for pecuniary gain, Uioro is coupled with it a desire to help build up North Platto, making It a nana somor and bettor" town. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Tho Zotta Zetta club mdll meet with Mrs. Robert Armstrong tomorrow af ternoon. Tho Christian aid society will meet in tho church basemont Thursday af-tortaoon. For Sale Piano, Detroit Vapor range, and other articles of house hold furniture. Phono Black 1005 118 west Third street. 29-2 Miss Effio Honoka, who has been "Visiting relatives and) friends in Wal lace lor tnreo wcoks, is expecieu to return the last of this irt'cek. Buy your Notions now; you'll need them alter, besides securting Notion Sale prices on- everything else you buy in al othor departments of The Leader Mercantile Co,. Tho Rod Cross Circle mooting of last week nvilll be hold tomorrow which was 'postponed from Thursday evening In tho. federal court rpom of tho postofilco building. A regular mooting of Signet chap tor 55, O. E. S. will bo held Thursday evening, April 26th, at tho Masonic hall at 7:30 sharp. Initiation and election of officers. J. II. Edmisten, who has 400 acres nt "vvlmtit anntli nf TMimnll. hilvh that its condition has improved very much during the past ten uays anu no says present prospects "point to a two thirds yield of tho usual crop. Cards have been issued by Mr and Mrs. J. A..Krauso. of West Point, an nounclnc tho comlnir marriage of their daughter Onetah to Arthur F. Tramp, son of Mr. and Mrs. is, T. T.rnmn .nf this cAtV. Tho WoddillE will take place Tuesday evonlng. May Stn. at tno uraco lutneran cnurcu in West Point Tho honeymoon will bo spent in California. Now during sowing season, making dresses tor yoursoir or mo gins, get the McCall l'aterns ror 10, it anu zu cents at Tno Leader Mercantile uo. s Sn mnnv oWortunitios to save during the Notion Salo at Tho Leader Mercantile Co. 3. Frank Keenan as a father who wanted a son and Enid Markoy as tim lnnirhtnr who camo instead, will appear at tho Keith Thursday in "Jim Grimsby's Boy." Tho girl was drcssod in boy's attiro but ono tatterea fash ion magazine establishes tho femi nine lovo of protty clothes. With this will bo shown tho two part comedy 'Bombs," with Chas. Murray and Fazenda. , . Carpets and Rugs of all kinds thoroughly cleaned by tho Little Giant Vacuum Cleaner. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phono Red 1009; or call at 2 South Maple. 30-4 It's a chanco for you to act char itable. Get 20 women together and visit our millinery and suit depart ment and wo will give free a $5 hat, your own selection. Prosont it to somo ono who cannot afford to buy a ?5 hat; any day at 2:30 in tho afternoon at Tho Loader Mercantile Co. Phono us about it. Notice is horoby given that thoro will be held a meowing of tho North Platto comctory Association, of North Plntto, Nebraska, on April 27, 1917. In tho district court room in tho Court liouso at 8 p. m. All persons owning or controlling lots or acting na agents for others nro asked to bo prosont, as businoss of importanco to tho Association and lot owners will bo tranacted and it is desired that a full attendance bo had at that tlmo. By order of tho Board of Trustees. T. C. Pattorson, Pres., W. II. McDon "ald, Troas., Goo. Fronch, Sec'y. ::o:: FOH QUICK SALE Almost now seven room liouso ami corner lot, west Sixth street, Small payment, down, Imlunco same as rent. Other houses and lots in different pnrts of city. Somo houses to ex. clinngo for land. Sco I1IIATT, GOODMAN & UUCKLEY. VOTE OX QUEEN CONTEST WAS IjKUIT LAST week Only 825 votos were cast last wook for queen of tho seml-contonnlal cel ebration, but this does not mean that intorost Is flagging. Tho friends of tho contestants aro simply harbor ing tho "sinews of war" and somo day will lot looso with not simply hundreds, but thousands of votes. Up to yostoidny tho standing of tho eighteen contestants was as fol lows: Ilildogardo Clinton 410 Maymo Pizor 250 Elizabeth Hlnman 275 Cathoflno Hall 245 Hazel Barbor 260 Blanch Fonda 255 Myrtlo Boolor 225 Lucllo Wilcox 225 Janet McDonald 460 Sybil Gantt 255 Holon Waltomath 325 Loulso Ottonatcfn 2G0 Floronco MacKay 380 Mario Bowon 300 Hazel Smith 300 Mabol Dilrko 265 Marie McCabo 225 Elva Day 290 TRIANGLE CLUB HOLDS WELL ATTENDED BANQUET LOSINU TEAM IN RECENT 31 EM UEltSHir CAMfAKJX FEASTS THE WINNERS Young Men Tnke Kindly to the Now Organization and Interest Is Displayed Which Means the Club Will ho n Winner FOR RENT 11 ncrcs sugar beet Innd adjoin, lug city; can bo irrigated; also sev eral lots to farm. (Yon or cash rent. RRATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. Mrs. Herbert Tramp and Mrs.' Ernest Tramp, who havo boon visit-1 ing in Omaha and West Point, will return this iwfook Fifty mon, mostly young mon of tho North Platto high -school, attonded the banquet last evening glvon tho winning side in tho momborshi'p cam paign carried ton 'by li etfTriangle Club. According to tho ngreomont mndo the sido socuring tho fowor numbor of now mombors should ban quet tho winning sido, thoroforo tho 'Uteris' treated tho "Blues" and all the new mombors who wero nblo to attond. After a flno menu served by the ladles of tho Methodist church toasts wero responded- to by tho fol lowing: W. R. Malonoy, Merle Mau pln, Ralph Robinson, W. E. Starr, L. W. Toole and Rov. A. C. Hull. Interspersed with tho toasts were a reading by Max Oman, a piano solo by Donald Nowton and numbors on tho grnfanola. During tho membership campaign just ended sovonty-ono now mombors wero secured and If tho enthusiasm shown at this banquet can bo taken as ovldbnco, tho membership will soon reach tho two hundred mark sot as tho goal. It Is ovldont from tho interest shotATii by tho young men who hnvo dropped into tho club rooms in tho BHptlst church that an organization of this kind Is needed in North Platto. Somo of tho businoss mon of North Platto havo beon in hearty accord with this movement and it is hoped that ovory man !h tho city will en doavor to find out tho purposo of this club by vetting tho rooms any night In tho weok oxcopt Sunday botweon the hours of 7:30 nnd 10:00. During tjlioso hours a responsible poron is in chnrgo who will bo glad to ans wer any Inquiries. ::o:: Organize Federal Loan Association. A numbor of fnrmors of tho Jack Morrow flats section mot in this city Saturday and organized a fodoral loan association. Directors wore elected as follows: W. C. Haaso, II. P. Stovons, Eugono Combs, Chris Kilns and Bolle Edmlnston. Thoso directors will moot next Saturday and elect tho officers. Mombors of tho association havo filed appliintions for loans aggregat ing botweon fifty nnd sixty thous and dollars. BIG OIL DEPOSIT UNDER CITY, SAYS PATTERSON I'ETKOLEl'M EXTENT DECLARES 1'liATTE VALLEY OIL FIELD ONE OF LARGEST IN WORLD Whether Oil Sand Can bo Reached Is I'roblematlraK, but Indications; Warrant Rorlug a Well to Ascertain : :o: :- Tho B. P. O. Elks held Installa tion ceremonies Inst ovoning, plac ing in tho chairs tho offlcors who woro elected two or throe wooks npio. Miss Foii Shout), of Sutherland, "kTio had been taking treatment at a local hospital for an infection in ono of her foot, Is improving and will soon bo able to return homo. W. I. PattorBon, potroloum export and geologist, who has mndo a study of the old Holds of Canada, Montana, Wyoming and Kansas, and who has boon Instrumental in having a woll bored at Sterling, addressed a rather Binall nudienco at tho Chnmbor of Comorco rooms last ovonlng. In opening' his romnrKs Mr. Pattorson told of his oxporlonco in vnriouB oil Holds, how ho had traced tho oil boarJng strata from tho Canndlnn Holds down through Montana, Wy oming, Colorado, Nebraska Into tho woll developed fields of Kansas, and mndo tho stntemout that ho had ovory roason to boliovo, and did bollovo, that under tho olty of North Platto is located ono of tho groatcst potro loum doposlts in this country. This statement is not mndo from a purely geological standpoint but is substan tiated by tho uso of sclentlUc Instru ments, of which Mr. Pattorson la tho possessor, that havo been used by him in and around North Platto, and which hnvo not in any ono instanco proved falso in directing him to oil doposlts. Whothor this oil strata llos near enough tho surfaco to bo roachod, Mr. Pattorson is not cortaln, but ho is Inclined to bollovo that it can bo readied at a depth of 1650 foot, if not at that depth then at 2800 foot. Ho bollovcs that an offort to reach this oil strata Is woll worth whllo, aim suggostod that a company bo formed with a fully paid up capital of $35,000 and that operations bogln at onco. Ho advisor that leases on 10,000 acres of land surrounding North Plntto bo first acquired. Mr. Pattorson Is not a promotor; ho does not nsk nny cash consideration for locating nnd developing oil fields; all ho demands Is that whon a company Is formoai that ho bo glvon a ono-olghth Intorost. If tho propo sition pans out ho gets his shnro of tho ontinlngs; if It does not prove a success lie rccotvos nothing. Ho simply puts up his tlmo nnd knowl edge against tho cnsli which tho oth or follows contribute to tho oxponso of boring tho wolls. Miss Ruth Carroll, who had boon visiting hor sister Mrs. Thoodoro Snn dall In Clveyonno for a weok, roturnod homo Sunday. MIbs Florence Stack has rotumed from Loxlngton whoro sho visited with frlonda last week. : :o:. Janitor Wanted For tho Episcopal church. Rosidonco furnished to Janitor. AiVply to T. C. Patterson, B. & Ia, Building. LC if" Celebrating r irth Annual oLULIi i Mr ei TAvr m mum. m mmm n mm t mmmm - Starts Tuesday, April 24th, Ending Saturday Night, lay 5th. This month completes the Fourth year of our wonder ful success. During the Four years of business our am- ,v r:bition, has been to give the buying public the greatest Possible Value at the Smallest Possible Price, and always have just what the public demands. The outcome is well known to our many patrons who trade at this store and whose patronage has made this one of the largest and best exclusive Ladies' 'ready-to-wear establishments in Western Neb. We hope to grow still larger to progress and to give more and more to the people for their money and have every reason to have the greatest confidence in doing so. To show our appreciation of your gener ous patronage we will celebrate the event by offering you any New Spring Suit, Coat9. Dress or Skirt at a Discount of Twenty Per Cent OFF the Regular Price, :iises and Silk Petticoat :s at a Discount of Ten Per Cent Your Golden Opportunity to buy your Spring Suit, Coat, Dress or Skirt al a saving of 20 cents on the Dollar. Just think Ladies! What this means to you, Right now at the start of the season you save One Fifth on any garment you may purchase, the stock is Brand New, Clean and Right up lo the minute in style. The prices as usual are marked in plain figures, just deduct ihe discount you are entitled lo during ihis sale, and see the greal saving for yourself. This Sale for Cash Only Alterations Free LADIES' OUTFITTING STORE. NORTH PLATTE'S MODERN EXCLUSIVE LADIES' SHOP. This Sale for Cash Only Alterations Free