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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1917)
THE 8EMI.VEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, HEBRA8KA. TO AID IN GREAT WAR VIHON APPEALS TO EVERY MAN, VOMAH AND CHILD. ALL CAN ASSIST, HE ASSERTS Farmer In fttUwitr AVJ U Cw otl Omrr. Bvprtfnn 'Tmi Ha 0m, CMf Hewtlvo, Pocl Are First, Wafti.- In prnmmml appeal ntorm4 u, Mluw vmsnryu)$, l'rvmivvi Wilmm nulla upm mury AtiMriwm elUmuumu, wtmmtt tut WW u itu UHftrtime U Wukm iiur tin turn h M(li Uk Um pnmtrrutum rf It I'tmlH u4 htr trtuwult ,f Omoeemty ih tin wtprtft wnr, I'utUuK Dim $mty m vmr fintUnn and nlutrtn a Krtml nrmy iw i triples. irt irt U uftui iMnk hUtmtt, Dim prMltni dodurt a (Hi It urum nil Um tmifi with jmrUr.'iilar -ii,Unmn im Ida wvrda to th trmn, lo "mmitrat llMdr nrj0, practice 'onwuy, mm MMrlflbiwi ami "Ww moat atrpply Mbiuidant Awd for 'tiraHm ami tor our nnnWu unit our XMHMMI . 0t Olly bllt Hl0 fr N IdrKM lrt Of III (Mlfot)M Willi WllOIII WH ImvH now mud munition vmm, in who mipporl (Hid Uy whom, hUUm wu ahull l) HkMIiik," Uih proaldHtit nhIiI. tin nU mniUnHH on Um fiict Unit Um Uillod HiiiKw mum nmriy ,ipn hy Um JiiuHJn.iJrf out of Its own (ilifp ynnU to ,mrry to Urn oilier side of Urn mm, htiUinnrtinm or no Hiibmiirlno, wliiit will (ivory dny , unwind Untie. 'In tho middlemen of t) iimoi Urn pnwldont mild, whether they nni him dllriif our foo(lMluir or our niw muto rliil of mmiufiirluro or tho products of our mill mid rnrtorlna: '"J'lui oyon of Uio country will ho onum-lnlly upon you. 'J'liln In your opportunity for nttf mil mtrvlro, (,(iic((,iL mid dlMlntntHl(Ml. 'J'lut country ixwt you, hh It oxixicIk "II ollmiH, to fonio uniiNiiiil pmlllN, lo orKiinlzo mid ('Xmlltu nliljiiiiciilM of wtifipJluM of nviiry Idiid, luitiwiicclui. ly of food, wllli mi nyo o Murvk-o. you nnt inndiulriK mid In IJm Nplrlt of IIiono wlio (.nllHl In llio rmiliM, for lliclr HU)lo, not for ( IioiiihoUoh, I uluill (.onlldiinlly oximd yi, ,(. wcrvo mid win tin. coiilldiiiK-o of tint IKiopIo of ovory him I n ml hIhIIou," TIiiiI ovoryono wlio crciiKiM or oulll-V(Hi-h it (find, in ludpN, mill liolpN Krciil ly, lo milvo (In, proliioin of tint fimd ln of Hid iiiiIIoiih, wiin point 0(1 out ly llio pniHlilmil. Ill) I'OnclUllllll H nppml ,y nyK Unit "llio NUpnunii liHt of tliu iinllon liiid (.'oiiio, Wo iniiNt nil Himiic, net ami wiirvo (oKoliuir." Wnr Dili Qlvon Unnnlmou. Voto. WllHlllflKtOII. WlttlOIlL lliN.HI'lllllIK volco, llio Iioiiho, miild pluuilIlN Of inwnlwrM mid (In. KiillorluM, puhmimI (In. 7,iM)M),WM wnr lovomio uiitlioilu llon iiMiiiNiiro. Ono moiiilior, Hi-prcmtu. (iillvo Lniiiloii of Now York, (ho only unelullNt In cdiiki'onm, votml "pnmiinl." OwIiik to Kiuiimil piilt-H mill iiliMont iwh, only iimi votitM worn iwohlii for III" Mil, lint ImiIIi Diiiiiocriitk' LcihIit Kltchlu mill Itnpiiiiiiomi l.iiiiilur Mmui """"in 1 tluit itll tluiir iiikiiiIioi-h would Imvn votml nltlniintlvoly If pnH jmt, 'I'lio foniuillly of i (!,, wo,, Imvu liimn illxpmiHoil with If mivonil inuiiiliuiN who voloil nuniunt (ho wMr rCNOllllloll luill liol lilNUIml oppoitunlly of rocorillnii IIioiiihoIvon In fnvor of pi-ovldliiK monoy to curry on hoxllllllofi now Unit (ho mtm In hi wnr. Tim hill iiuthorlxKN n noo iuvwuvi i.. honilH, of which M.MMWXMi.OtK) will hit lent to tin) (intonlo count Him. mu.i n... iHNnmico of tniftHury twiliiuntoM for 91'.(M)0.()(MMM), illtluuitcly to ho met hy lorn-IOOMl IIIXIHIOII. niNciimdon hi tho hnuno wnn mil flniMl chlclly to proiioNcil iiincniliuoutH Mvo of (hcNo wiirn mldcil. Tim twe moHt linportnnt, dniftcil hy HcprcNon tntivo i,nnroot of WlHoonMin, would cnniinn llio proponod JJI.Otm.tvm.tKM) nl imn lonn to count rlcH nt wnr with nurniniiy mid ponnlt lomm only durluK tlm wnr, Othftrn would m-.ii.iMi n,n ufiln of tho Unltort Hlnton IioiiiIn nt N-mh limn pnr. penult tho purchnm of for hIkii houdN "nt pin" nud limit h cohI of illNpoNlnx of tho $n.iV)0,()(V).(mi) worm or iioiuin to ono lonth of i not conl of tholf toln), Tho hill lucrounod thlN Rovornniont'x totul nntlonitl doht from n 11 tt lo over $1,(V0,0()( to M.-ltrv-fKW.OOrt.- oxcIunIvo of tho W.OM.OOO 0"0 III tho iilllcd louh itml tho if'.MXXMVH). (MX) In trcnmiry cortlllcntoM, Gnllitmenti Km) nt oioia of War. Vt(Milnutm. Alt won onllNtlmr In tho romilnr nrmy or tho Nntlonnl OuniM In tliu proHont cinorKcnoy woro Allen to Till Boll. WnnliliiKtnn. All nlleim now tlotnlu fd lioemiNo of luahlllty to ipiallfy for nilmlHMlou to tho United Htuttw will ho Klvtm an opportunity to urow their own food If tho luiuilKt'titlou norvloo can lliul fnrmlnn communltloM miltahlo for their uoodH. KUIh lMand ami nlhur HlatlouM, Jninuied with hoiiio IHKX) iillohN (ho cotintry cannot deport liocatiNo of tho wnr, will ho cleared hiiiler tho plan. Crown tiiknn from (Ionium ami AiiHtilmi tuerehnnt idilpM In American hurhom will ho Included III tho moving order, URGES 0 MHtr4 Im niMMB&nBtit by H- itr Hmiurr Mbiwlnt WMtrw , wiui pro Wilmm (bat tMy wvuui t Im kvl arrvfoc wly im 09 pvrUfl f Hut war. In ffwi tot tilmem tm a yrru tim ruiuuiMtrr trtn4 all u( Um mm tiit nl nit lit atata vf war a ' lr-4, Jt utk" avallaMa a Vul ot T,rtJftH A Im llm nlltd r i( tint two imliM Ui lufu who uimi u$ arrta im Hmt war olr. Mr. ISalcr atHptali that thl tl'Mi M r0ttuslafl wt"t tht wi rnliifatraliMt Mil m iramml and In im waf u m imtrw4 aa a u frtrmim plan, trtnl aa n rcatilt ot tWHAtimt Ut tb drat fwtitra of MIL ValaawHw Amarfaa At All. tAtWkm, Aa tb Hrat WtUU prtw itiffilatar Ut aalul tha Kmtmn Mt litm aa iitmruAm-lu-nrm. iJNivId !.)' 1 ()mr. .yMglmud'n armt oVm-n, tc I Miller , afMHiklnK In4mn a tHrtahl" a araildy, brwuaiit lovSlwr hy Ih- Ao arlean ivrulmim Hub m Ajtrll z nttmmA Intana nttiuafaaiii Uy tun aratMnic ttftinnrlnlUm ui I'ruiwrtn nn'1 Ma warm wil'fli Ui AmmU ait ho ally In tioi war. Ttta advant of lh United K'iiUh lotii th war, ti aald, xlraa th ttii A tamp to Dm iarartr of t t lllct mm a ninti(t fltfalrat military u i-iiH-rmry throttKhotit lit world. "Dw Uitltad Mlatea of Ainrl'i, of a notaMg tradlllon, navr hrolc n nuvr har mixukm) Im m war ?xn pt tor IHivrly," (beared Um iwciolr r ' "That It Iinn imniIm up Ita mind lloiilly, inakca It aioiiMlaiilly clnar to the world Um I. tola Im h Krmt Htjlit for li ooiso lllwrty." AN'))" in mI'1 : "I'ruaalii Ih not u ili'iooiTMcy. Tlio linlNHr promlaM Unit It will ho ii deioocnicy uftr tliu wur. I think u Im rlKlit." HimciihliiK 1'riiMMlii um mi nnuy, tho prdiuliir mild It hml Itx Krcal limlltu tlofiK, Itx (,'t'oiit unlvorNltlcM mid tn xcli'uco, ,Uut nil Uiomo woro Miihorill nuto lo tho ono nmt prcdouilnunt pilrpoMo of mi iill-coniUurlnK iirmy to oimhivo tho world. "Tho nrmy wiih tlio Mponrpolnt of I'tuhmIh tho rent wiih (ho kIIiIoiI Imft." Drunk With Sound of It. Tluit Im what wo hint to (IchI with In Hi Im old outworn country," Iih mhI(1. "It wiih nu nrmy Unit In ruconl llinnii hud wiikciI thriii) wnrw, nil of con ilinoft, mid tho lucoHHtiiit trmnp of Um IckIohh tlirotlKh tho xtrcotH of I'riiHMlu, on tliu puruilo Krouuil of rnmitlii, hud l(ono lo (ho I'riiMMlmi liiiinl. "Tho knlMor, when ho wltnitMHcd It on u ki'ikhI m''ii'o nt IiIm i'ovIowh, ot drunk wllh tho koiiikI of It. Ilo dc llvorcd tho law lo tho world iim it now piiHlor on Hlunl dullvorliiK tho law from llio thumlcrcloiiilM. Hut, uiiiko no nilHtnko. Kurope wiih unoiiMy. Ku- ropo wiim half Intimidated. Kuropo wiih apprclKiimlvo, It know (ho whole llmo what It mount. What wo did not know, of courmi, wiih tho moment when It would conio," I'lio IIIOHl lllipi'ONHlVO (leillOIIMtl-UtlOII wiim In coiiiiectlon with tho IoiimI lo I'roMldont. WIIhoii, Tho cliecrltiK, which It ovoked, wiih followed hy tho hIiikIiik of "Aniitilca." I'rohnlily no event, In HiikImimI In llio pii'Nont itenenitlnn liuolllclally hroiiKlit loKollior morn men of wont prouiluoiico lllfltl thin liiuchooii. Qerninnn Oelio Rellof Supplies. Mi'ltlHh lloaihiuurtorH In l',rnui!(!, April HI, KluhlliiK Ulu nion wllli their hackH to tho wall, tho (lermmiH nni iiimIiIiik iloNperiito reMlHtauco to llio IIiIIIhIi mlvunt'o, oNpeclully iiIoiik tho Illiiilenhui'i! lino from (itiemil to Ht, ()lioutln. Thin lino Iiiih hecn doll nlloly hi'okcii holwcon Qiiennt nml Ar i'iih; coiiNeiiuoiilly tho (lormuiiM nro attoiiiptluu to hold from Qiionut Noutli wurd, Tho clvllhm population of I.oiim, which Im helnit attuckod from thrco dl roctloim, wan ovlcleil hy tho (lennniiM on Kildayj no pornoim 'Woro allowed inoro than thlrly poiuulH of Iuickiiko. Wllh the depnrluro of tho civilians tho (loriinuiH Molzeil throo iiioiiIIim' ratloiH Kiithorod at Lous hy tho Ainurlcnn lto- llof COIIItnlHHtOII, Mexico Neutral 6ny Cnrrnnxn, Moxlco (nty.-donornt Uarranr.u In Ilia mUli'ONH to cointrcMM declared that Mexico would iiinlutaln u ntrlot nml I'Ikoi'oun noutrallty tit thu world war. (lonoral ('nrrinuu iiIho road to tho couki'omm, which hold Hh lltHt foruinl kohnIoii, u comploto report of IiIm ad mlnlHtvntlon ih tlrnt chief. Tho nnr ratlvo oxtondeil from tho tlmo of tho Madoro rovolntlon In 1010. I'nt llculnr uttoutloii wiih nlvon tho revolt itKalitHt Mmloro hy IVIIx Dlnz In 101'J. Oon oral Oarruurn deohifoil that tho fall mo to trout Dlim with Hovorlty whh n Ki-oat mlNtnko, iih It allowed tho awnk- "hIiir of tho ntmiluoiiH of DIiir and old fitvorlton. Qerioan LeQntlon Attacked. lluenoM. -Tho (lormnn lonullon and coitHiilnto horo hnvo boon nttackod Uy a uioh, iih hnvo tho nuwupnporH DoutHoho l.a riata '.oltum; and l.u Union, Tho wlndown of tho IiuIUHiikh woro InoUon, To Take Huao Slice. HoelioHter, N. Y. tlooruo Knnlmnn. ttoml of tho ICtttttmun KodnU ( ., an nointMl Itta intention of Huhscrlhlni: $a,r00,000 to tho iroposod Kovom ment loan of M.OiHl.WHl.tHK). King and Queen Economize, London. It Ih announced that, ron IIkIiik tho urKont need for iHnoniy, ltiiftleitlativ with voKtml to lironil- HtutTs. tho kliK ami uueon, touothor with their household ami Horvantu, tun-,, n,iniitiii tho Hcnio of nntlonnl rn ! tlons Mnco curly In Fehruary, 1 Holdleni KiinrdliiK Ion whurf, ISo-i.-n liurhor, after the seizure of fJiniinn Hiuth there. 2 LowvrltiK a tor pedo Into the hold of the American lmttlctilp I'ennHylvunln. ii fJnpt. OcorKo K. Oelm, U. S. N., alioard his vch el, tho hattlcMhlp KcHrMiirKc, nt tho GlinrlcMtown inivy yard. 4 dipt. It. WIIJIiiiiih, couiinander of the U. S. de stroyer Dunciin. r TnickluyliiK armored funk helntf tcMted hy California Nntlonnl Guardsmen during nuineuvers. It wcIkIim in toiiM nml currleM hIx rupld-drc kuiih. NEWS REVIEW OF THE PAST WEEK America Takes Up Task of Pro viding Men, Money and Food for the War. VOLUNTEERING IS TOO SLOW Congrent Hao $7,000,000,000 Dond Dill Fnrmera Urged to Increase Pro. ductlon Latin American Republics Declare Their Pooltlon British In Tremendous Offensive Near Arras. Dy EDWARD W. PICKARD. ' Men Monoy Food. TIiomo are tho prlmo war ueedH of the United HtutcH. I'lm cull to tho colors Ih not meeting with thu ruspouso Unit ciicouriiKCH the hellof that a Hiilllcleut uiimlier of vol uutcerH can ho obtained to hrltiK the army and navy up to war streiiKth, CoimniHH Ih tukliiK euro of thu Ilium- clal prohlem. I'lm mutter of sulllclcnt food Ih Hiiuircly up to the Amerlcnn farmer. (Jltiilriiiuii Dent of the house com mittee on military nn'nlrs ami other 'little army" men In coiiki'chh are still hnmperliiK President Wllson'H elfortH to put throiiKli tlio selective consrlp lion nrmy hill. They ilemaud that tho volunteer system ho nlven ItO oV DO ilnys' trial. In tho opinion or thu pres. Ident, .Secretary Maker and tho Kuneral Htuff, UiIh would conio very neur to wnslhiK ,'10 or DO Invuluahlo dnys. Tho presldent'H plnu for u selecllvo Iruft Ih (loHlKiicd to permit tho exenip tlon of men who, while lit for military Horvleo, would ho more useful to tho nation In other cnpitcltlcM hy reason of their skill and experience In other lines. Tho advocates of universal mil itary training consider thin measure a temporary expedient hut are not com- hntliiK It hecauHo they think tt neces sary now. Tiioy nave not, However, ahandoned tho Unlit for universal tralnliiK and tho Chamherlaln hill, which embodies their Ideas, may ho tacked on to tho administration meas ure. If this Ih found Inexpedient tt will ho pushed iih a "follow up" do- slRucd to place tho military Horvleo of tho country on tho proper footing for all time. On Thursday tho war department announced that all men who liad Join ed tho army after April 0, the date of the president's war proclamation, would ho considered volunteers for tho period of tho war only. A call for oOO.OOO men was Issued for tho regular army and National Ounrtl, In order to Klvo tho volunteer plan a try-out while conuress discusses the matter. To provide tlnances for prosecuting tho war, hoth for America and for tho entente allies, tho administration hill lUithnrlxliiK hontl Issue of $o000,000.. 000 was Introduced In tho house Wednesday and came up for debate Thursday. There wns no renson to dotiht Its speedy passauo through con gress, for partisanship was laid aside, Thrco billion dollars of the sunt Is to be lent to the entente allies. There Is added to tho ineasuro a provision for tho tssuanco, as needed, of if'AOOO.OOO,. 000 In ono-yonr treasury notes to an ticipate the tax receipts from tho war rovenuo Mil. Food Production Plans. TaklUK it leaf from the book of Ku rope's terrible oxporloncv, the wlso men of America have been quick to rocoR- nlie the fact that the nation's success In this wnr must depend In great metis tire upon the snlllcleiicy of Its food sup plies, nod during the past week ono lifter another of them has placed this Krlm truth before the people with In Hlsteny that already Is fruitful. The most lininedlate need Is that the farmers or the Northwest shall In crease to the limit the acreiiKU or sprliiK wheat, mid that the corn ucre m,'() also shall be brought up to the mnxlimim. .Seedtime Tor these crops Ik nt luind. There Ih no rcuson to doubt tho pa triotism or the American farmer, and ho Is recelvlnt,' the undent advlcu of numerous experts, but farm labor Is distressingly scarce. To relieve this situation, mn-lcutturul experts called Into conference at St. Louis by Sec retary Houston have recommended Unit the nntlon'H men who lire unfit for active military service be mobilized ror use In the production or rami prod ucts. Railway Men Prepared. The rnllroiid executives or the coun try nro nllve to the ront responsibili ties that will devolve upon them, and five of them, headed by Kalrfax Hur rlson of the Southern, huve been con stituted a board to direct the opera tion or Amerlcnn rnllwuyH throughout the wnr. Speedy transportation or troops, munitions and rood supplies Ih assured. Tor the railroad men have been preparing ror present conditions ror 18 mouths. Not tho least Important or govern mental activities during the past week has been the rounding tip or flermnn Hplcs mid plotters. Hundreds or sus pect h hnvo been nrrested, mid events In vnrlous partH or the country Indi cate that many others should bo be hind the bars. On Tuesday a terrlllc explosion partly destroyed the Kddy- stone ammunition plnnt or the Russian government, near Chester, I'a., killing ut least 110 men nud women, and there Is reason to bellevo It was the work of an enemy alien. Lntln-Amcrlcan Republics. Ono by ono the republics or Oentral and South America aro declaring themselves. Cuba, I'ltnaina and Hra.U severed relations with Oermany; Ar gentina and Costa Idea supported the position of tlio United States, and Chile and Uruguay decided to maintain neu trality. Cuateinala nlso ranged herself alongside Undo Sam, nml her position on tho southern border of Mexico has measurably decreased the danger of Oerman-foinented attacks on our bor ders by Carran.u or Villa. This peril, however, Is far from negligible, and tho American forces along tho ltlo (Irande aro on the alert. On Monday Austria-Hungary severed relations with tho United States, and tho diplomatic representatives of hoth countries wero given their passports. All Austrian vessels In American porta wero seized promptly. lUtlgarln was reported on Friday to hnvo followed Austria's example, and It Ih not unlikely that Turkey will do tho same. Despite this seeming soli darity of the central powers, thero aro evidences that the ties that hind them together nro wenkenlng, for hoth Aus tria and llulgnrln nro snld to hnvo agents In Switzerland who are trying to approach entente diplomats thero on tho subject of peace. Hoth nations aro weary of tho war and tho Husslan revolution has had a great effect among tho people. Should they brenk away front Oermany Lloyd Oeorge'H prediction thut tho end of tho wnr Is at hand would probably bo fulfilled.. Two branches or tho American armed service already aro participat ing actively In the warrnre. The navy has taken over tho patrol of the At lantic wast, relieving tho warships of tho .entente allies, nnd Is busy nlso In tho Pndtle, where tho presence of Ocr man submarines wns announced on Wednesday. In Franco tho Lafayette Flying corps, composed of Americans, has been put Into American uniforms, and Is flying the Stnrs and Stripes. Great Drive by the British. In France a tremendous battle wns going on all tho week. The Ilrltlsh took the offensive on Kaster Sunday, following vast operations of their avi ators. After a concentration of big yun flro that smashed the Gorman trenches and completely Isolated their occupants from relief, the Ilrltlsh In fantry attacked on u twelve-mile front. From south or Lens to a point south east or Arras they swept forwurd with bayonet and grenade, and there was no stopping them. Many thousands of prisoners were taken. Strategically, the most Important feature of this great drive was tho capture or Vlmy rldgo, a rent accomplished by tho Canadian troops, who Tor months have been entrenched on Its western slopes. This rldgo was the prize Tor which tho French fought In the battle of Artols, and It had been stubbornly held hy tho Oermans. Helow It to the northeast lie the plains of Doual and Lens with tho network of railroads that connect the manufacturing and mining towns or the Industrial region or northern France. Farther to the south tho French are holding firm, nnd between Ypres and the Channel preparations have been mndo to resist an expected drive by tho Germans. In Mesopotamia and In Asia Minor the Ilrltlsh and Kussluns continue to push the Turks to tho west. On the Itnllan, Ilalkan and Rus sian fronts weather conditions hnvo prevented any extended operations. Anxiety About Russia. Russia Is causing the entente allies much anxiety Just now, for the labor element there Is Intoxicated with Its new liberty nnd Is seriously hamper ing the provisional government by Its demands that It be allowed to direct affairs. A considerable group or radi cal socialists has declared In favor of u separate peace, and Germany Is dickering with these men. The gov ernment, backed by tho greater part of the military forces, Is doing what It can to counternct these efforts, but money Is senrco and disorganization prevails. The United States, It Is ex pected, will step Into the breach by giving tluanclal assistance nml sending a commission of railway experts to solve the transportation tangle that Is holding vast (luantltles of munitions nt Archangel. Reports of the Rrltlsh admiralty show a slight decrease In the number of vessels sunk by German submarines during the week. In order to circum vent the pnrttnl U-boat blockade, tho United States government has decided to build a lleet of 1,000 wooden ves sels ror rorelgn commerce, and on Wednesday President Wilson formal ly asked Genernl Goethals to tako chargo of the construction of these ships. The shipping board has $.'0, 000,000 nt Its disposal for this purpose. and It Is believed that by the end of summer ships can bo turned out at the rate of 200,000 tons a month. First Allied War Council. Concrete evidence of our virtual al llanco with tho entente powers was tho arrival In an American port of n llrlt Ish nud a French warship, followed on Thursday by tho first war council be tween tho United States and tho allies, Ilrltlsh Vice Admiral Hrowulng mid French Renr Admiral Grnsset con ferred with Secretary Daniels and Ad mlrnl Ilenson concerning tho patrol or tho Atlantic by the American licet. Wnr councils or greater moment will rollow In a few days, for a Ilrltlsh commission headed by Foreign Secre tary Ilalfour and ono from France led hy former Prouder Vlvlanl nro now on wtoir way across tho Atlantic. The highest American olllclnls, Including President Wilson, will pnrtlclpnte In tho conferences with these coiiiuiIh hIous, 0. S. TO PROFIT BT SLUES' MISTAKES PURPOSE OF WAR CONFERENCE TO WARN AMERICA. COUNTRY FACES HUGE TASK Entente Chiefs Plan to Revise Condi tions So United States Will Be Allied With Them Bolivia Breaks With Germany. Washington. The International wnr council which is to assemble hero within a few dnys, and to which Oreut Britain and Frnnee are sending eminent statesmen, soldiers and sai lors, was stated officially to have very largely for Its purpose euubllng tho United States to avoid the mistake and dlfliculties which beset the al lies when they entered the war. Amer ican ofliclKis in all detriments will have the opiwrtunlty to meet the for- . elgn commissioners personally, dis cuss with them the lessons taught by the war and consider the broad prin ciples whereby the United States can marshal its forces for the great strug gle with the minimum of waste nnd delay. It Is realized everywhere that thin country faces a stupendous task In. converting Itself, almost overnight, from a peace basis to a universal military, naval, lndustrlnl nnd agricul tural mobilization. The problem Is to fill nil these separate and unex pected demands without hnvlng each cripple the other. Closely allied to this phase of the conference will bo the Information gained at first hand; ns to how American resources can bo best directed toward meeting tho common enemy. A close study will bo made as to how this country's pow er can he dovetnlled Into that of tho entente so that tho United States wilt bo free to dedicate Itself to tho csscn tlnls and hnve no duplication of ef fort. There will bo some discussion In. the conference of the nttltudo of tho United States toward tho ultimate pence terms. It Is understood that the entente powers plan to agree to such terms as will wnrrnnt the United States In fighting unreservedly with them to n common end. The hospi tality of the United States will bo of fered tho Ilrltlsh nnd French commis sioners. Tho chiefs of the commis sions, Including Foreign Secretary Ilalfour nnd others of the English group, nnd Minister of Justice Vi vnnl nnd Field Marshal .Toffre or the French, will be welcomed by the high est ofllcinls or the government and entertained ns guests or tho nation. Bolivia Breaks With Germany. Ln Paz. Ilolivin. Tho Gorman min ister and his stniT have been handed' their pnssports by the Rollvlnn gov ernment, with n note declaring that diplomatic relations between Rollviiu nnd Germnny have been severed. Arras Battle May Decide War. London. The far-reaching, Import nut and sweeping success of the bat tle of Arras is being revealed In suc cessive captures to the r.iitlsh public, which hardly renllzes yet that It is the most effectual and decisive event to tho credit of the Ilrltlsh nrmy dur ing tho wnr. It may well rank with tho battle of Manic, which turned back the German Invasion directed against Paris and may prove the turn ing point of the whole wnr ln the west and change tho bulnnco of tho world war. Field Marshal nalg reports tho cap ture of 100 guns and UJ.OOO prisoners. Tho territory gained for France from tho Invndcr, marks the battle of Arras as a great victory. Hut tho significant statement from Field Marshal Halg la titat tho Ilrltlsh nro nstrldo tho llln denburg line. Tho famous Illndenburg line hnrti been proclnlmed by Its nuthor, as well ns hy German experts, as n sort of great wall or Chlnn Unit would bo as lntprcgnnblc to nssaults ns thnt ono or tho seven wonders of the world, which wns so long nn ndntnnnt bur rlor to protect nn ancient Chlneso dynnsty. A number or Europenn military writers havo taken the view that tho Illndenburg lino wns n myth painted: to hearten the Gorman people. Hut tho Ilrltlsh genernl staff ror sometime has known that there Is a dcflnlto Hlndenhurg lino upon which the Ger mnn stuff wns bnslng Its derense and' hns known exnetly whero thnt line wns drawn, ir tho British enn break through n vital or linportnnt sector, tho next chapter mny bo a rurthor ex tensive German rotrent If the Ger mnns nro nblo to rotrent before Hnlg's nrmy. Tear Out Eulogy of Kaiser. Chlcngo. A eulogy of tho Gennnn emperor contained In tho spelling book used In Chlcngo public schools Is to ho cut out, pending ndoptlon or a now volume. More Ships Is Keynote. Washington. Menns or quickly put ting additional vessels Into the tran Atlantlc tritdo nnd thus rulfllllng the prophecy or Premier Lloyd Georgo or Orent llrltnln thnt more ships mennt victory ror tho entente allies, wn tho prlnclpnl subject at n cabinet mooting