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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1916)
Semi-Weeklv Tribune IltA L. BARE, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION HATES: One Year by Mall in Adrnnce....$1.25 One Ycnr by Carrier In Advance. $JJ0 Entered at North Platto, Nebraska, Postolllco as Second Class Matter. TUESRA1', NOVEMBER 28, 1910 LOCAL AND PERSONAL For Ront Threo rooms ror house keeping. Inqulro at 502 West 4th St. Mr. and Mrs. Lorcn Purdy have re turned from a visit with relatives In Michigan. 1008 wost Fourth street, Homcopatlc Hospital. PUBLIC RECEPTION TO GOV- ELK CI' NEVILLE DECEMBER Sllu Tho cltlzons of North Platto aided and assisted by residents of many other Weatorn Nebraska towns will tondor Govornor-olect Kolth Novlllo a public icceptlon In this city next Tues day evening, Docomber 5th, Whllo all citizens will participate In 'this rati fication of our townsman's election to tho hlghont office In tho stnto, tho Vco mon lodge, with your Undo Bill Tlloy as chief. Is ono of the prime movers In this compllmcnr that Is to bo paid one of tliclr members, lor be it known tho governor-elect Is a Yeoman. The Chamber of Commcrco is also a factor In the get-up, and Its members will assist In seeing that tho "sinews of war" are provided. Tho reception will bo non-polltlcal; mem bers of nil parties joining In this glorification over .rno selection of a Western Nebraska man for govornor. Tho program for tho evening hai not been fully completed, but among the featurofl will be a big purade, flro works, band and drum corps mus ic, bon-flres, firing of cannon salutes, Charles Walters left Saturday for ,:;' 'TL m. Chicago to transact business for sov-j Th(J roc'epton proper will bo held oral daytf. at the Loy(1 opora noua0( Which will For Salo Two lots on wot Fifth bo npproprlntoly decorated for tho oc stroot. Inqulro of Will Hawley. 90-2'casIon. Horo a number of abort nd t ..ti .t uf,i ti.,- i.hI drosses will bo made by mwtorn No Leo Mullen o Wood River, J,'8 , braska men, fruit punch and wafers i vnf u 80rv0(l' d opportunity given to l aui isojan. j evory ono to Kra8p tlio hand of tho For a warm roaoptlon on a cold next governor of Nobraska. day buy your coal of Loypoldt &' Several hundrod invitations have Pennington, been ejbnt to resident of wostom a (- ,v i,n t,i,i nf i.J Nebraska It Is oxpocted that dele- Llwdone c0 trom siAn ntl Sn?! !? ovoning ny mo AllInnco nna intervening towns in the Yeomen arcnors. WMt an( from tt 1()Wn8 ,)0veon Miss Ireno Hubbard returned Sun-, Koarnoy and North Platte on tho east, day evonlng from Koarnoy whoro shoi , Yostordwy an Invitation was wired visited her sister. I to Prosldont Woodrow Wilson. J. B. Plolstlckor, of Dickons, spent ,,ZuJfal?letnl,s Wl" bo e'von ,n Prl the week ond visiting Mr. and MrH.,"nya ,BSU0- F. C Piolstlckor. N)rf(0 HrwVIV iiospifjii .ote.s. For Farm Loans seo or wrlto Gono Mrs. 0. Mercury, of Staploion, was Crook, room 3, Waltemath building, lct0 roturn llon,e 11,0 la3t ,r tho North Platto. 41tf j Mls"8 A Toblnf hoa(1 nurg0 ,1Q8 re. Keith Novlllo returned yesterday, turtli to H10. haP,tal morning from a vlsli" tho oastorn1 MMlor Tod Woodgato unditirwont part of tho state ' . a i"Inor oporatlon Wednesday. Miss Minnio Lowo will bo nblo to Mrs. Cleorgo Crick, of Norlhport, return homo tomorrow. formerly of this city is visiting in' Mrs. W. Hassc undorwont a serious oporatlon and Is resting nicely. town with local frionds. II. Q. Knowles is tho nroud nos-L. ErmL8t th ,,ul. 8011 .f Mr. and KKnr nf il MnPlinll Plntm nnrnhnan.l ' '". UOO. UrOOTllng UtlUorWOnt a " " - w - w m, WUMM. . 1 ll. . M it from tho Walkor Music Co. Mutual Building &Loan Assn. OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. ASSETS $840,000.00 To Prospective Building & Loan Borrowers; Non-resident Building & Loan Companies are adver tising tho fact that tliy hav; reduced the monthly payments of borrowers to SI. 10 per month on each $100.00 borrowed, making the monthly payment the same as the Mutual Build ing & Loan Association of North Platte. They fail to state that of the $1.10 paid to the non-resident company, there is only thirty-five cents credited as a principal payment, the balance seventy-five cents being taken for interest. Of the $1.10 monthly payment to this association on each $100.00 borrowed sixty cents is for interest and fifty cents is credited as a principal payment. This difference in the amount credited the borrower will result in the borrower in the non-resident company be ing compelled to pay not less than $25.00 more on each $100.00 borrowed in order to discharge the debt than they would if they were doing the business with this Association. , Mutual Building & Loan Association OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNTY BOARD minor operation tho last of tho week Miss Svlvla Wood unto will lin nliln For Ront Five room modern house to return homo tomorrow. 014 Lincoln Ave, corner of Sixth SL j. c. Little' was operated upon Frl Inqulro of J. II. Fonda. 89tf dny. Mrs. Owon Heggerty and son Pat1 Mrs- J c Scott' r, Morldinn, Ida., came Sunday from Donver to attend wa oporatod upon nnd Is doing nlcoly. tho Flynn-Haggorly wedding. I K dnturt orkyke, of Blrdwood, is re- t , , I cdving treatment nt the hospital. Dorscy Loypoldt returned yesterday, t:oi: morning from Omaha whore ho trans-' Miss Bessie Sallsburuy spent yestorr acted ibuslneos for several days. j day In Hie south east part of the Soft Water Shampoo and Electric county. Massage. Cotttes Boautv Parlors.! Sidney Godwin of Gothonbunr. nnd Phono Red CSS. 00-2 Miss Alma Nolson of Summltt were .m.i. . frmriv f t married Saturday aftomoon by County U n taW 1 im uK JU6 fur iiuiu nmuu aparimoni iurn ho recently accepted a position AUb. FrctL Anthony and son of Lin iehod. Call 108 W. Second Street. A tenant on one of tho Buchanan & coin, who .visited Mrs. Bon Anthony' V"""""."" Inn wnlr l.nv vi.,rv1 hnm luiiuj uiuuSi ill uuu TOW of whoat yesterday for which ho ro- Mrs. Thoresa Haldorman, of Lincoln,' colvod ono hundred and thirty-three came sunuay ovening to vtBit hor par- uonars onts Mr.-anil Mrs. Frod Thompson Earl Wright loft yesterday for Mer idian, Wyo-., whoro no will visit his grandmother and may doeldo to locate For Bale Piano In good condition, cheap. Also aomo aiousohold goods used two months. Call G12 E. 5th. 00-2 Miss Mary Carroll, of Wlsucr, for- JiihI think of It. $00.00 places you In jiohhcnhIoii of ii mIioIo block of ground in iiiq jiuuiiio Jtn i MuiMUrlHinii. nnl unco mudo In small monthly nay. inentH. Many tracts enn be bought for less. Mrs. Anton Pushman and daugh tor, of Molroso, camo down Saturday raorly of this city, is visiting with Mr.,ra?r-n,lR l, v,nlt wlUx Mr. and Mrs. nnil Mrs. .Tosonh ,. M,nriliv Miln wnnk. " iw wuor or niuru, Everything now In Jowolry, silver ware; and novoltlos, Will appreciate a Bharo of your-patronogo. C. M. AUSTIN, Jowolor, Corner Front and Dowoy. All Elks nro ronuoHted. and frionds aro invited, to attend tho memorial sorvlco which will bo hold at tho home npxt Sunday afternoon nt three o'clock. Miss AJtn Bonhnm will bo the guest Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sleuthor who 9r lloor n pr-nupUal miscolla wero rcoontly marrlel In Grand Island will return horo Thursday to mako 'Iholr 1iomo. Don't tnko a chance of lowing monoy by shipping Furs and Hides; wobuy for, highest cash price. Sltf ECHELBERY, 600 Locust. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dlst,ol nro en Joying avlalt from Misses Ruili Car son of Gothenburg and Mao Browdor of Columbus. Mrs Hurry Murriu and daughter Harriett returned Sunday evening from Lincoln whoro thoy attended tho foot ball gamo. If you have not already picked your lot or tract m too t'ouy Addition nooiw showor given this ovoillng by Mrs. Harloy Bonham, Mrs. Roy Knox and Mrs. W. A. Hayes at tho homo of tho formor. Nurso Urowu Homcopatlilo HospltHl. SELF-SUITOIITINO. hy1 l'eople know tlio effect of tlio remedies to cure. Novcr iboforo was Churllo Chaplin over in n funnier mood than in "Bo hind tho Screon," his latest picture mjhlcli will bo shown at tho Kolth Wednesday night. Novor boforo did he and ridiculous fldvonturcs. Novor depict far tho flcreon so many absurd boforo has unybody playod horso with tho Bortoua buslncs ot llhn making in the fashion that Clmrllo does. With Mid tmctH, don't delay. Thoy are go-l this amIU bo shown tho five part Motro jhk iHKi i feature "Tho Houbo of Tears." It Safety! Service! Strength! Safety and Strength nro the prime factors which have built up the First National Bank. Service is u part of our everyday business, in which we especially pride ourselves, and which, we believe, if our growth may ho taksri to mean, anything, is appreciated. SAFETY! SERVICE! STRENGTH;! These are tho three elements which should enter into consideration in the selection of a place to do YOUR banking. You will find all three here, FIRST NATIONAL BANK, North PIftttt, Nebraska. November 20, 191G. Boatd met pursuant to adjournment. Present HorminghnuBon, Springer, White and county clerk. Clalrus allowed op gonoral fund: A. S. Coatcs, sorvicos as constable, $G.00. E. Manion, house ront county poor, $1G.00. Scott Shaner, services, $15.00. Peter Jopson, caro county poor, $20.00. -Wm Strickland, care county poor $40.00. Zlon Inst. & Industrlos, supplies, $10.50. - .t Isaac Selby,'mdso county poor, $11.25 Sundry porsons, road work Dlst. 15 $79.35 Sundry porsons, road work, Dlst. 25, $59.00. R. L. Rhino, road work. Dlst. 3, $12.30. Louis Macoy, road work, Dlst1, 31, $34.20. Geo. Talbott, haying roads, Dlst. 31, $18.00. Stolzor, road work, Dlst. 2G, $11.35. C. II. Eraplo, road worK, uroggmg fund, $20.30. A. D. Allen, haying roads, dragging fund, $10.00. Suthorlund Lbr. Co. lumber, two claims, bridge fund $94.70. ' . Tho county treasurer Is Qioroby au- thoilzcd to correct tho assessment of Milton Ranoy In Dickens precinct for tho reason that samo is assessed in Wallace precinct. Tho county treasurer Is hereby au thorized to reduce the assessment of Suthoilnnd Lunibor Co. from an as sessment of 10,010 to 1,010 on account of error In nBsossmont. Whereupon iho board adjourns until tomorow. C. W. YOST, 'County Clerk. Novembor 21, 191G. Board met same nB yoatorday. Pres ent full board and clerk. Claims allowed on general fund: D. B. Whlto, sorvicos,, $59.09. E. II .Spr'ngor, services, $G5.90. F. W. Hermlnghausen, services, $73.20. Himy CarothorB, mdso county poor, $0.00. Murphy & Johnson, coal county poor, $19.87. Omaha Rubbor Co., supplies, $13.00. Harcourt Clothing Co., mdso county poor, $12.00. W. II. Humphrey, refund taxos, $4.21 H. C. Hayos, road work, dlst. 54, $G.00. J. F. Swift, road work DlBt. 17, $24.00 A potltlon for change In road No. 171 as follows: Commencing at a point on road 171 In tho S. E. Vi of tho N. W. 4 or Sec. 35, T. 13, R. 28, nt tho Bouth ond of brldgo across chan nel of North Platto river and running thenco along tho south bank or tho Bald ohannel to tho 1-10 lino In tho cast half of Sec. 35-13-28, of a mllo'west or 'tho east lino or said boc tlon, thonco Bouth to Intorsect road 171 on tho cast ana wost contor lino or Soc. 35-13-28. Also to vacate-that portion or road 171 as now established botweon tho above mentioned points, comes boforo tho board ror action. Tills being a consent potltlon and all damages having been walvod by the land owners, potltlon as presented is horoby granted. Whoroupon tho board adjourns to Nov. 27, 191G, C. W. YOST. County Clerk. ::o:: Sheriffs Sale. , By virtue ot an order of salo issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, upon a decree of foroclosuro rendorou in eaiu court wherein Florence M. Horshey 1b philn- tltr and Oliver A. Rldonour ct al are tlnfAmlnnta mill tn inn ilirocted. I will on, tho 29th day or Dcccmbor, 19l6, at 2 o'clock p. in., at t)io east front door ot tho Court House in North Platto, Llncol n County, Nob., 1916, soil at Public Auction to tho hlghost bidder for caah, to satisfy said decreo, intor ost and costs, tho following described property, to-wlt: ' South Half (S) of Section Ton (10) and tho 'North Half (N) of Section Flftoen (15), Township Eleven (11), North ot Rango Thlrty-Throo (33), Lincoln County, Nob. Dated North Plntto, Nob., Nov. 27, 1016. A. J. SALISBURY n2Sd29 Sheriff. ::o:: Tho funeral ot the late Mrs. Anna Simpson was hold from tho Episcopal church Saturday afternoon ronductod by Dean Bowkor In tho presence ot many frionds. Many floral offerings wore Bent by friends. A ttorneys J. J. Halllcan. J. G. Beolor and W. V. Hoagland leavo Thursday ror Washington, D. c, to assist At torney General Reed in conducting a state water right case In tho United States supreme court. F. j. DIENKK & CO. . Real Estate and Insurance Come and bco us for town lots Id different parts or tho city. Good in vestments on easy terms. Houses tor sale and rent. We have also good bar gains In farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dewev Sta.. upstalra MAY WOOD, NEB. I have pleased others, I can please you. MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIFE Col. F. J. DIXON, AUCTIONEER, . , It's tho household word In Western WRITi: MB FOR TERMS AND BATES ' Nebraska, ifa Old Lino, the best iron- ey can buy. It's what you need, ror a savings bank and Insurance that Insures.- They all buy It "There Is n - RenRon" For further Information Phono, call or address J. B. SEBASTIAN, State Agent, Tho Old Lino ilun NORTH PLATTE NEBRASKA. DIt. JOHN S. TWINEM Special Attention to Surgery, Gynecology nnd Obstetrics. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Nurse Bncwn Memorial Hospital. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building Phnn. I Office 130 Phones Re8,dence 115 Office phone 241. Res. phono 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - NebrnBka.- McDonald Bunk Building. Hospital Phone Black C33. Houso Phone Black 633. W. T. PPJTCIIAItD, Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218-south Locust St., one-half block southwost of the Court House. J. L. Mitchell of Lexington, Neb., will make jour Public Auction Sales. No extra chnrpe for (rasportutlon. References, the fnrmers and stockmen in Dawson nnd adjoining counties, for whom 1 have conducted miction snles for tho past 12 years. Charges rensonnble. For sole dates, phone or write, J. L. MITCHELL, Lexington, Nebraska, or niaKo uaic nt mis onicc. FREE RANGE ! ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23d, Wo will giro away nbsolutely free a now range to (ho ono who most nearly guesses tho number of beans In tho Jar. It costs you nothlncr to mnko n guess, lto nre making the nbovo offer to introduce oiir full line of House Furnishings. ECHELBERY. 4 000 LOCUST ST. Hides 17c lb. tit PER TON. Z Rags 1c lb, I Bones, Dry, $12 PER TON Big Prices for all kinds : of FURS : L. UPSBTTZ, Corner Front and Locust " DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLEY. . . Practlco Limited to Surgery and Radium Therapy 72S City National Bank Building. Omaha, Nebraska. NORTH PLATTE ..(General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ot Postoftice. Phone 58 A modern Institution for tho scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Roy and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent, H. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B. RedfieId,M.D. J. S. Simms, M.D Miss M. Sieman, SupL Gertrude Rebhausen, Teacher of Piano 102 South Locust Phone Black 342 DEltimiEJtHY & FOJKBES, LirenHod Embalmcrs Undertakers und Funeral DIrectori Day Phono 234. Night Phone Black (!88. NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL For the Treatment of MEDICAL, SURGICAL, and OBSTETRICAL PATIENTS Phono 110. John S. Twlncm; M. D. JOHN S. SIMMS, M. 1)., I'hyhlclii and 8nrgcon Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor. Phone, Offlco, 83; Resldonco 88. Notlco to Creditors Estate No. 1438. or Bertha Hocnuel. deceased, in tho County Court or Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho State or Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation and filing- of claims against said estate is June 8, 1917, and for settlement of said estate is October 7, 1917; that I will sit at tho- county court room Mn said county on Decemebr 8, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. and on Juno 8, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objec tion duly Hied. GEO. E. FRENCH. n7dl Countv Judire. Notlco to Creditors. Estate ot George W. Hannah, de ceased in tho County Court of KlnColn County, Nobraska. The State of Nebraska, ss: Credi tors of said estate will take notice that tho time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said estate is June 1, 1917, and for settle ment of said Estate Is October 30, 1917; that I will sir at the county court room in said county, on Dec. 1st, 191G, at 9 o'clock a. m. and on June 1st, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m., to receive, ex amine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. - GEO." E. FRENCH, - County Judge. Florence MacKay Teacher of Piano 804 west Fifth St. Phono Blk. 524 Phones Offlco 333 Res. Blaofc .513 DIt. HAROLD A. FENNER Osteopath; G Roynold Building Offlco hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. logs andCatt e Bought andhtghast market price i paid PHONES Residence Red 63G Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. Nothing Would PIooso Husband or Father More Tltnn a Box of Our Cigars. J. B. REDFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to PHYSICIAN &1 SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld Office Phono 642 Res. Phone G76 Makes a Spoclalty of Farm Sales, Pure Bred Live Stock and Real Estate. Torme Reasonable EML. JONES, Up-to-Dato Auctioneer. Phono Maxwell State Bank at My Eipenso ror Datoa. MAXWELL, NEB. Yf, J. HOLDERNESS Ecctrlcal SappBt Wiring SferBattrl8 Morsch Bldg Phoae 175. Picas o him because thoy aro good Cigars made from good tobacco made well by band made fresh. Ask tho men who have beca smoking oar cigars for 25 years as to their quality. We carry a fall line of smbkors' article. Notice. Edgar Johnston will take notice that on the 6th day or November, 1910, P. H. Sullivan, a Justice or tho peaco or North Platto Precinct No. 1, Lin coln county, Nebraska, issued an ordor or attachment for the sum Qt $13.35 in an action pending beroro him, wherein Mrs. Nollio Potter Is plaintiff and Ed gar Johnston defendant; that property consisting oi money in tho sum of $10.55 in tho hands of tho Union Pa cific railroad company, a corporation, has been attached undor said order. Said cause was continued to the 29th day of December, 191G, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated Nov. Nov. 18th, 191G. n21-d8 MRS. NELLIE POTTER, Plaintiff. Notlco of Petition. Es'tata No. 144G of Claus Gruenau, deceased. In tho County Couirt of Lincoln County, Nebraska. . Tho State of Nobraska, To all per sons interested In- said Estate tako notlco that a petition has been filed for tho iprobato or an Instrument, pur porting to be the roroign will or Claus Gruenau and the appointment o? Louisa Grenau, as 'Administratrix, with Will annexed In said Estate, which has been set for hearing herein on December 15, 1916, at 9 la'clock a. m. Dated Nov. 17, 1916. GEO. E. FRENCH, n21-dl2 County Judge. Notice, Decree of Heirship Estate of Sophia Moyors, deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska: The heirs, creditors and all persons Intorested In said Estato, will tako notlco that on tho 11th day or Novem ber, 191G, Jack Palmer, claiming title by mesne convoyanco rrom Sophia Moyara, decedent filed his petition heroin, alleging that tho said Sophia Moyors diel intestate on -or about Foby. 21, 1883, a resident or tho city or Washington, D. C. and that at the tlmo or her death Bhe waB tho owner or, or had an Estate or inhorltanco In reo simplo tltlo in and to Lota 7 hand 8, Block 04 city or North Platto in earn Lincoln county Nebraska, and that no application has been mado in tho said stato tor the anointment or an administrator. That sho left surviving hdr Minnio Oborst, over the ago ot 21, residing at North Platto, Nobr., a daughter, Itfary Reagon.ovpr tho ago or 21, rosldlug at Washington, D. C, a daughter! Fred Meyers, over tho ago or 21, residing at Washington, D. C, a sop, Sophia Fedorhoff, over the ago. or 21, (residing at North Platto, Nebr., a daftightor. That all tho debts of said decedent havo been paid, and praying that reg ular administration bo waived and a deareo o enlored barring creditors and fixing the dato of hor death and tho degreo ot kinship or her heirs and tho irlght of descent to said real estate. Said potltlon will bo heard Docom ber 15, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m. at Uio vrt ris-isia i rvrnn. "vw i mo cuuniy juugo m earn J. F. ,M.HrVlAI..Klf!l jeounWi GEO. E. FRENCH, -dl2 County Judgo.