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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1916)
She Matin THIRTY-FIRST YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., NOVEMBER 24, 1916. No. 90 3lrs. Anna Simpson Passes Awnv Mrs. Anna Simpson, who htul been 111 for the "past six months with creep- j ing paralysis at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. A. J. Salisbury, died last ov ening at half past soven. Mrs. Simp son was born in Aurora, 111., Septem ber 6th, 18C5, and had been a resident of this county for thirty-five years. Sho was a highly respocted lady and a prominent church worker and her death will bo regretted by many friends. For a number of years sho was in charge of the Keister dresB roaldng school, but was obliged to give up this work on account of her phy sical condition. Sho leaves to mouirn her in this city her son Ira, daughter Hazel and sister Mrs. A. J. Salisbury. The funeral will be held from the Episcopal church tomorrow afternoon. ::o:: Episcopal Church Sunday, Nov. 26th, Sunday boforo Advent. Morning celebration of the holy communion at 8 o'clock. Morning-prayer and sortuon 11 o'clock. Vesper services at 4:30. Vincent Roddy and Bryan Schott will spend the week end In llho eastern part of the state. Word was received by local friends Tecently 'of the death of Mrs. James Fogerty,'of Hayelock, who was former ly Miss Mary Yqnda, of this city. If you are. thinking of buying a fur coat or, a set of furs for your wife or BwcetlieaH'fOr Chrfistmas, see about it now. yfjcox Department Store. Shoes a'roaidvnnclng every day; now is t3ie time to buy what you need as well as an extra pair. Our stock is complete both in staplo and fancy styles. Wilcox Dopeartmant Store. The Lutheran ladles' aid society lield IheirJ annual chicken and waffle Bupper aOhe Masonic hall Wednesday evening and were given a liberal pat ronage. Tho net receipts were two hundred dollars. Desirable merchandise was never as hard 'fo get as it is at the present timo Do your Christmas shopping arly. Wilcox Department Store. Members of thn f!nt.hnlln elrla olnli "were the guests of Mrs. George Vo- selpka last evening. Mrs. J. J. Horrl gan won tho first tyrlzo and Miss Flor ence Stack was. given second honors. Assisting in entertaining were Mes damos F. Jr McGovern, Perry Carson and Misses Vaunita Hayes and Blancho Fonda. Out of town guests were Mrs. S. C., Duggan, of Grand .Island, and Miss Julia Haye3, of Chicago. Miss Caroline Dorrybcrry, of Grand Junction, formerly of this city, was married last week to Sidney Bull of that city. For Sale Two lots on wast Fifth street. Inquire of Will Hawloy. 90-2 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sheedy, who wero married Wednesday at Pino Bluffs, aro visiting tho former's father and sisters hore. i Weather forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Fair tonight and Satur day with rising tomporature. Highest tem'porature yesterday 43, a year ago. 07; lowest last night 1C, a year ago 34. Six hundred tons of sugar beets are j stored at Hershoy dump, 1,600 tons at O'Fallons, 1,000 tons at Nichols and COO tons nt Blrdwood. Those will be' shipped out as quickly as cars are! available. Mike Conway, of Chllllcotho, Mo., spent a day or two In town this week as an Interested party In a case In tho district court. Mr. Conway was a resident of Lincoln county from 1881 to 1895, residing In tho Sutherland section. When you select your Suit hmo, Just deduct half the price-from tho original price andjtho suit is yours. BLOCK'S. Thoro-is now being agitated among the residents of tho valley a proposi tion to vote $120,000 for the construc tion of six steel bridges across tho "Platto rivers, two near Horshoy, two at North Platto, one at Maxwell and ono at Brady. These bridges would cosd an average of $40,000 each, or a total of $240,000, one-half of which would come from tho state aid bridge fund. Soft Water Shampoo and' Electric Massage. Coates' Beauty Parlors. Phono Bed 655. 90-2 Carlessness on part of some hunt ers Sunday camo very nearly ending disastrously for tho little eight year old son of H. M. Davis, of tho Bird- wood territory. Tho little fellow was driving a team for tho hunters when he was struck by four shot from a shot gun, ono piercing hlB loft ear lobe, one an arm. ono entering his breast, and tho o'thor grazing his face. The little fellow was brought to Hershoy for medical attention. Tho paVtles are said to have used no Judgment whatover in tho w"ay tlloy wero shooting when the boy was In jured. They aro reported as hailing from North Platte. Hershey Times N en No War Prices prevail here. We bought and contracted for a world of shoes before the advance in prices, and are selling them at the old price. Scores of good solid "Union Made1' Goodyear well;. shoes that sell from $2.95 to $4.00 a saving of at least $1.00 on every pair. Harrys Shoe Shop First doer south Keith Theatre. WE DO REPAIRING, Safety! Service! Strength! Safety and Strength are the prime factors which fhavc built up the First National Bank. Service is a part of our everyday business, in which we especially pride ourselves, and which, we believe, if our growth may be taken to mean anything, is appreciated. SAFETY! SERVICE! STRENGTH! These are the three elements which should enter into, consideration in the selection of a place tq do YOUR banking. You will find all three here. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, North Platte, Nebraska. CITi: AND COUNTY NEWS. Mrs. Earl Wills, who haB been very ill for Borne timo, is greatly Improved. Order your turkoys early. Marti Moat Markot. Miss Addle Rackott and Mrs. Ilatst ed, of Paxton, visited hare yesterday with local frlonds. The Tilllkum girls will bo ontor tnlncd In the church basement Mon day evening. M. J. Batinon, of Louisville Ivy., who visited this week with Rov. P. P. Mc Dald, loft a few days ago. Rov. C. 13. Harman left yesterday morning for Sidney and other points In western Nebraska to spend several days. All Suits now going at Half Price at BLOCK'S. "W. C. Rltner and brothor John will leave next weok for Excolsior Springs where the formor will take medical treatment. Christian Sclenco sorvice Sunday 11 a. m. Sunday school 12 m. Wednes day evening meeting ovory week at 8, to which a cordial Invitation Is extend ed to all. Building and Loan building, room 25. J. S. Koch, living southwest of Her shoy, who is the newly elected county commissioner from that district, transacted business In town the early part of the weok. Mir. Koch will enter upon tho duties of offlco the early part of January. The now lot of women's plaid silk waists aro certainly beauties. Bo sure to look at them when hi tho store, sizes 114 to 42 nt Tho Leader Mercan tile Co. Tho Horahov Tlmea snvs! A nptlHnn for a bridge across tho North Platte river north of Mm O'PVilInn nolinnl houso has been signed up nnd Is ready to bo submitted to the county com missioners and a district formed. We understand there was not a refusal to sign tho petition. Ladles' Suits nt one-third less than regular price at Wilcox Department Store. Tho . deposits in tho Noirth Platte banks on November 17th, the date for which the last statement was called, were $1,42G,000. To this should bo added deposits of over $400,000 in tho building, and loan association in the Bhape of paid up stock, making a total of over $1,800,000. It would seem to us that Is a pretty good showing. Jusst received another big shipment or now Coats, in plushes and velours, styles different than shown before and at lowest prices. BLOCK'S. Tho Jinx has again alighted on con tractor Stack. With Just a block and a quarter of concrote to lay the boiler flues of the big mixer began leaking rendering it useless. To repair tho flues will require a week or ten days, to complete tho work with a small mlxor would be extremely slow. Had not the trouble arose the concrete work would have been .completed tomorrow. While coal orders in North Platto aro being filled with almost tho cus tomary promptness dealers are a lit tie uneasy over tho prospects of a scarcity and a probcblo riso in price of Wyoming coal. Tho Coicrn i? nines have made an Advance, nnd it is pre dicted that a dollar per ton will bo added by tno Wyoming mines. In view of a 'possible scarcity the wlso house holder will see that his bin does not run too low. ORGANIZE CIIAPTKR DAUGHTERS OF AMERICAN REVOLUTION ; :o: :- Wednesday evening Mrs. C. II. Aull, of Omaha, nnd Mrs. C. P. Sponcor, of this city, organizing rogout.jnet at the homo of Mrs. T. C, Patterson twenty four ludlos whoso data had boon veri fied and nccopted by the national as sociation of tho Daughtors of tho American Revolution. At soven o'clock a four coujse dinner was sorved, tho houso and tables being profnsely doc orated with llagB and rod and white carnations. Following tho dinner tho ladles repaired to the boautifully deco rated home of Mts. C. P. Iddlngs whero a chapter, of tho Daughtors of tho American Revolution was organ ised with twenty-six charter members, tho largest charter list of any In tho snt'a. This chapter will bo known as Sioux Lookout Chapter. Mrs. C. P. Spence1- wna appointed regent. Mrs.' T. C. Patterson first vice rcgont, Miss Sylvia Watts second vice regent, Mrs. J. H. Hegarty secretary, Mrs. C. P. hidings treasurer, Mirs. Annie P. Church hUtorlnn, Mrs. H. M. Grimes registrar, and Mrs I. L. Mllton bergor chaplain. Chairwomen of state committees ap pointed: To provont desecration of the ling nnd for safo nnd snno Fourth of July celebration, Mrs. Keith No vlllo; patriotic education, Miss Sylvia Watts; preservation of historic spots, Mrs. Win. Reynolds; decorations at Ft. McPhorson and Sioux Lookout, Mrs. C. M. Reynolds; music, -Mrs. C. R. Moroy and Miss Iimtnan. The charter membership list is: Mesdamc-s C. P. Sponcor, T. C .Patter eon, C. R. Moroy, W. H. Quado (Staplc tbn), B. B. Bakor, L. L. Walkor, L. W. Toole. Q. T. Field, J. N. Bonner, W. H. Cramer, V. L. Johnson (Shol ton),'C. Lowell (Chicago), W, C. Rey nolds', Anna Church. H. M. Grimes, C. M. Reynolds, C. F. Iddlngs. Keith Neville, J. H. Hegarty, I. L. MIl tonberger and Misses Janet McDon ald, Nanlno Iddlngs, Edith Patterson, Elizabeth Hinman, Sylvia Watts and Elinor Rldgowny. ::o:: Young Couple Surprise Friends. Miss Lucretia Dlenor, of this city, and Dr. Frank Baldwin, of South Oma ha, surprised their friends at noon Wednesday by announcing their mar riag'a which took 'place that morning. H. O. Knowles was tho officiating clergyman and the ceremony wns per form d in tho nresonco of only a few relatives. Tho brido' woro a becom lng and stylish gown of blue French sorgo and carried whlto rosos. Thoy wore unattended. After a short visit In eastern points they will bo at homo In South Omaha. Mrs. Baldwin Is tho only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J.Dlener nnd enjoys a wido circle of friends and acquaintances. Sho is nn accomplished youaig lady, was ono of tho best and favo'rlto musicians of tins city and had been chosen to sing at number of entertainments and social functions. Sho was amembor of tho Christian church choir nnd a faithful member of that denomination. Tho groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stove Baldwin, attended tho local high schooh and later took a courso In vet erinary work, graduating with hon drs, and has since hold responsible positions In Kansas City, Chicago and other oaBtern points. He Is a progres sive, moral young man who has mado good in his chosen 'profession. Tho best wishes of many frlonds aro ex tended to theso worthy young poo LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Andrew Anflurson will visit fidends In Omaha this weok. Attornoy W. V. Hoaglnnd loft yes terday morning for Lincoln to spend several days on business. Roy Buskirk nndEmll Trnub wont to Grand Island yostorday morning to bring up a now Overland car. For Sale Planb Ui good condition, olioap. Also soma hollsohold good a used two months. Call G12 E. 5th. 90-2 - Leo Blid who has been attending Uto school of mines at Goldon, Colo., came home a fow da'js ngq to "Visit his PWoifts, .( Miss Alva Poyntor,, of Sutherland, who rccofuly submitted to an opera tion at a local hospital, returned to hor homo yesterday morning. For Farm Loans boo or write Gone Urook, room 8, Waltemath building, North Platte. 41U Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Elliott will ndi, as has been customary, spend tho win tor at St. Cloud, Florida, but Instead will visit In southern Missouri. Miss Bcssto Salisbury resumed hor dutlos In tho county clerk's offlco yos tordny morning aftor a two wooks va cation, part of which sho spont In Auuora with relatives. A shlnment of Wnlsts Just arrived this morning. All new and stylos so much dlfforcnt than shown oarly in tho season. Bo sure and sco them at Tho Lcador Mercantile Co. The cnsalof Jim Erskino and1 Myrtle McClollan, who woro arrested Tues day for tho fourth timo for selling liquor, was set Jor trial In tho county court on December 1st, Don't fall to ace tho Boys' School Suit's that aro now being sold at $3.00 and $4.90 for boys lu nges 8 to 17 yours. Ono extra pair of pants FREE with ov ory suit at Tho Loader Morcantllo Co. Tho Byron Oborst bungalow north of tho city park In tho oast end has been completed, nnd tho owner Is mak ing preparations ko take possession. This homo is very compjoto in its ar rangements. : :o: : F. j. DrENEi: & CO. Heal Estate and Insurance Come and boo us for town lots In different parts of the city. Good In vestments on eaBy terms. Houses for sale and rent. Wo have also good bar gains In farms and ranchos. Cor. Front and Dowey 8ts.. upstair ;o::- Molhodlsl-l'rosbytcrlnii Morning service at 11 a. m., Robert Whlto will speak on "The Mystery of pain." Epwdrth League at G:30. Evening servlco at 7:30. Special music by tho orchestra. B. A. Cram will speak on "The Oxgoad of Sham gar." FOR YOUR AUTO SERVICE Call 125 for taxi day or night. Also Ave or sovon passenger car for funoral sorvice. MOGENSBN-LOUDI3N AUTO CO. Chandler & Elcor Ayemay, Corner 8th and Loonst Sta. 'WILLIAM FOX PRODUCT niu Wi Crystal Theatre, Tonight Theda Bara in "Eternal Sapho" a story of present day American life. RAILltOAD NOTES Gonoral Supt. Stongor, of tho Union Pacific, anenlt Wednesday hero on bus iness. Trainmaster Harll83 loft last even ing for Omaha to spend tho woelf ond on business. U. P. Supt. Vic Andorson wont to Omaha yostorday nftornoon to attend tho safety first mooting. E. L. Salisbury, formerly of Omahn. came horo rocontly to accept a posi tion In D. K. Nownioyor's offlco as Union Pncltlc timo hooper nnd matorlal clerk. Pour frolght cars woro doralled In the wost yards Tuesday which delay ed trains to somo oxtont and west bound trains woro obliged to uso tho east bound track. Tho nnmo of Miko Hayes has boon withdrawn ns a dofondnnt In tho -suit brought to teat tho eight hour law, and that of W. L. Richards substituted. Mr. Richards will appear In tho federal court at Omaha to morrow. Chas. Boguo loft Tuesday evonlng for Kansas City to bo prosont nt tho hear ing In tho eight hour enso In tho fed oral court which wns called yostorday. Mr. Boguo will also bo present at tho hearing of tho caso In Omaha itlmor row. Charles Martini, Jr., who had boon employed In tho eloctrlcal department of the Union Pacific nt Sidney, has boon horo for sovornl dn8' taking rroatimont tfor an injured knoo , dn which tho sconvll sack Is broken. Ho will Jon,vo this evonlng for Omaha to consult physicians there Notlco has boon received from head quartors that cffoctlvo Novombor first tho wages of all omployos of tho brldgo and building department of tho Union Pacific had boon advanced twenty-flvo contB a day. Tho Increaso is voluntary on tho part of tho company. Tho wagos of employes in thin department before tho increaso ranged from $2.75 to $4.50 por day. A local grocer recolvod a carload of potatoes yostorday Uhat cost him. $1.85 por bushol on track at North Platto. Taking Into account tho shrlnkago which naturally occurs through decay, ovor-mcasuromont in selling In small quantities, 'perhaps underweight from tho ahin'por and tho cost of delivering to tho homo purchasor, It would seem that tho grocer cannot affor,di to sell J thoso potatoes for- -two dollars a bushol. Wo did not, however, ask what price ho would placo on thorn. Curd of Thanks Wo -wish to extend our slncero thanks to tho friends nnd neighbors who assisted us during tho Illness and nt tho death of tho lato Mrs. Mario Kosbau. Signed, Mrs. Wm. Andorson, Mrs. I. B, Bostwlck, Herman Kosbau, Fritz Kosbau, Christian Kosbau. : :o: : Just this morning wo rocolved an other express shipment of children's and misses' coats, and on acount of tho late arrival thoy aro being sold at one-third tho regular price. To fit girls in ages 3 to 17 years., at The Leader Morcantllo Co.'b storo. Dr. Frank Baldwin will go to South Omaha in, a fow days to accopt a feder al 'position as veterinarian nt tho "pack ing plants. In this employment ho in spects cnttlo 'to bco If they aro affect od with tuberculosis or other diseases, Hllmer Thompson was down from Chapppll yostorday having 'plans drawn fofr a now brick building ho will erect to houso his drug storo, nnd which will replaco tho frame building he has been occupying. Nurso Itrown Homeopathic Hospital. SELF-SUPPORTING. Why? People know tho effect of Ihe remedies to cure. Carl O'Neill, who had been tnking medical treatment In Rochester, Minn., nt Mayo brothers' hospital, for bov oral months, iroturned homo Wednes day evening. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Duggan. of O'und Island, visited friends hero yes terday whllo enrouto to their homo -om Scotts Bluff by auto. Tho best overalls and work clothes for men and boys can bo gotten at The Leader Mercantile Co.N Give you b ter service and cost less. During the noon hour yesterday Judgo French united in marrlugo Al boi' Hazen of Lincoln and Miss Nellie Dorloy of Gresham. Permission to wed was granted by Judre French yesterday to Alva N. Simpson and Pearl B. Robinson, both of Melrose. Tho Zetu Zota club met Wednes day afternoon with Mrs. Rlgg, who was assisted in entertaining by Mrs. Jock Carroll, C. M. Newton's 1917 BOOK-CLUB Membership 75 cents which entitles members to ex change at 5 cents each. Books may be kept out 10 days. After, 10 days one cent per day. Books not returned within 20 days will be considered sold. We have about one thousand of the Popular copyright in our library which gives our members an opportunity to read books by the best authors for only Five cents each. .Join the Book Club Now. C. M. NEWTON, 604 DEWEY ST. Is the reception a success? Everyone inra cheery mood1,, and glad to be there? Is everyonejtaking a second cup? Whj,of course! They are serving CHASE & SANBORN'S v Lierk-Sajridall Co., Agents.