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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1916)
THE 8EMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. In Woman's Realm Nothing but the One-Piece Foak Seems to Satisfy the Ma jority of Women Today All Kinds of Supple Materials Employed in Its Making Luxu.ious Bags a Feature of Dress Accessories. ' All at onco nil tho women, from Mnlno to California, havo waked up )o And themselves Inspired by u slnglo thought, and that Is a dcslro for n one piece frock "a la chemise." With one accord thoy are demanding strnlght panglng gowns wltL Httlo or no defini tion at nil nt tho waistline, ' Very soft satin, crepe georgette, or other supplo materials nro demanded for thoso frocks, which would not bo graceful In any other sort of fabric. TTho shapeliness of tho one-pleco frock CHEMISE GOWN OF depends upon its tendency to cling to tho wenrer's figure. Henco tho supplo materials used and tho devices for .weighting them. This is managed in tho trimmings. It would be hard to find a better ex ample of the chemise dress than that "shown In tho picture. Developed In gray or other quiet colors It Is beauti ful for daytime wear, and mode up In evening shades it Is charming for evening. As shown In the picture it Is made of gold-cplorcd crepe em broidered with silver beads and trim med with bands of Belgian hare. For afternoon u frock of gray georgette embroidered with steel bends might bo banded with Belgian hare or dyed wolf, and the same decoration Would look well on a black crepe mod el. "Blue" wolf, which Is a bluish gray, harmonizes with many of the fashionable colors, and bunds of rind on seal with all of them. When tho frock Is weighted with handings of f!ur or satin the embroidery muy be douo in heavy silk, and It Is very sim ple. . In tho picture a girdle of tho ma terial Is adjusted a very Httlo below Uie waistline, and there aro long, nar row ends of crepe finished with silver ornaments. But tho glrdlo hardly In terferes at nil with tho long straight lines which evidence the strongest tendency In this season's styles. Beautiful bogs nrd tho fad of tho hour. Thero appears to bo a longing In tho heart of overy woman for nt least ono of these chic accessories of eress. A saunter along any fashlona 1q promcnado or any sort of excur sion Into the world of social uctlvltlcs reveals u parade of luxurious bags, THREE TYPES OF and all tho shop windows nro featur ing them. No ono Is satisfied with Just one ex ample of tho fine art of needlework as It nppenrs In these lovely conceits, and there arc all sorts of bags for all sorts of purposes. Thoso for wear with af ternoon gowns and thoso for shopping are larger than tho gay and much-ornamented Httlo vanity bags that might stand for a smllo translated Into satin and gold lace, they aro so pleasing. No ono need worry this year as to tho CREPE GEORGETTE. most acceptable Christmas gift; Just chose a bag of somo kind and rest easy. Velvet, brocade, sntln crochet work and beads aro all Impressed Into serv ice for making bngs. Chinese, Jap aneso and other embroideries contrib ute additional materials, and among tho handsomest bags are thoso mado oi pieces of old Paisley shawls combined with velvet. The most popular of all tho many different styles aro bags made of black velvet or black satin, embroidered with steel beads. StecJ bead fringes and tassels finish them. Unless they are made at home, sc that the price of labor Is eliminated, these necessities of tho woman of fash ion arc costly. Thoso of beadwork es pecially proclaim tho vnluo of tlmo consumed In making them, and range In price from 515 to $100. Black vol- HANDSOME BAGS. vet bags embroidered with steel beads mny be had for even less than $5, but with tho addition of many beads in, elaborate patterns their prlco mounts rapidly. Three handsomo bags nro pictured, Ono of them is mado of silk and velvet and suspended by hangers of satin rib bon. Three small velvet apples posed at ono side tempt tho daughters of Evo to buy. A lovely bag of satin Is decorated with "beadwork In small col ored beads set close together at tho boti torn and top, and bead hangers. Tho third bag Is of black velvet suspended by black silk cord and trimmed with cut-out flowers in flat applique. Gifts Every Woman Likes MBHMMMMIIIira A lemonade and n wntcr server aro among tho pretty and cosily mado gifts that every womnti will llko to receive. At tho top of tho picture above, an attractive lemonade server Is made of nn ordinary set of tin mufiln rings, to which Uio tinsmith has added n ban dlo. - .The server is painted with whlo or blue or other colored paint and al lowed to dry. " Flowers or leaves cut from printed paper napkins aro then glued to it nt each corner, nt tho sides and along tho center. Finally a coat of shellac Is brushed Ml over tho server. When this dries the server is ready for a set of thin glasses. A small basket makes tho water server, which carries a water bottlo with a glass turned over Its neck. Tho basket is first painted white and al lowed to dry. Then it is decorated with a festoon of roses and leaves made of white sealing wax and tinted with paints tho roses pink and tho follngo green. Finally the bosket 13 varnished with shellac. Set for My Lady's Desk Just how attractive n desk set may bo when it is made of heavy, delft- bluo paper and ornamented with white flowers and black foliage, may ho gath ered from tho picture above. An oblongtho size of nn ordinary desk blotter is provided with two pockets extending across each end. They are fastened to it by means of blujek jpassopartout binding which ex tends along nil sides of the oblong. Two smaller oblongs nro cut from the heavy blue paper, to cover nn address book nnd two whlto blotters. Narrow blue satin ribbon Is used for fastening the leaves of the address book to Its cover, and the two blotters to their cover. Thcn'tho covers are lettered. The flowers and foliage are cut from printed pnpor napkins and pasted down. They laok exactly like stencil painting. This Is a convenient and pretty set, which costs next to nothing to make. Neckwear for Gifts iilllllliBliiD Hero are two pieces of neckwear mado of ribbon. Ono of them Is a generous scarf mado of wide mole-gruy satin ribbon, with-stripes In brilliant colors run ning along tho center At the front of tho neck there Is a bow of plain, gray iatln ribbon narrower than tho other. Tho scarf fastens with snap fasteners and is finished with gray silk tassels. At tho right a ribbon ruff Is made of wldo satin ribbon. It is laid In double box plaits and sowed to a neckband stiffened with crinoline. It fastens under a tlo of velvet ribbon, 'Vj ' S-J ft.,'' . s 5 j JH Pretty Cap for Christmas mwm Boudoir or breakfast cap3 arc among tho pretty luxuries that women delight In nnd every yenr nt holiday tlmo they flourish anew. It seems that thoy arc moro captivating than over this yeat nnd It is certain they were never shown In so great a variety of designs. There Is no end to tho original and beautiful combinations of ribbon and lace and tiny flowers, mndo of ribbon or chif fon, that go to mako up this most fanciful headwear. Two of tho prettiest of tho now caps are shown In tho plcturo and it Is evi dent that they aro easy to moke. At tho top a creom-colored, silk lace Is mado into u small putl which is mere ly a clrculnr piece gathered nhout the edge to fit over tho top of tho head. A frill of tho some laco Is sewed to tho puff. Over this little lace cap a shaped piece made of ribbon or silk or satin Is slipped. It Is mudo of two pieces wide at. the top and narrowing to a brldlo under the chin, and Is lined with silk. A narrow, forded piping finishes tho edges, set between tho out side and tho lining. The bridle fastens with snap fasteners under n prim .little bow of two loops. Millinery flowers aro tacked on nt tho sides. Tho enp below Is mado of two wheels of flno net Joined by a gathered bond of satin ribbon, about fivo inches wide. The wheels nro made of straight strips of net shirred together nnd edged with nnrrow vol lace. This laco ex tends around the cup. Baby ribbon Is gathered nnd set nhout tho wheels where tho Btrlps of net Join nnd Inside tho lace edging. At tho back a bow with long loops nnd ends is mado of narrow ribbon match ing tho cap In color. Pretty Table Decorations Table decorations oufcht to come in for much attention ao Christmas gifts this year, for there in n fad for arti ficial flowers as centerpieces. And the dining room Is not the only one boast ing beautiful touches of color In won derfully Hfe-llko flowers mado of rib bon or paper or bought from tho mil liner. As a centerpiece for n luncheon tit bio a lltllo basket of ribbon roses sots In tho midst of rose petals scattered over the cloth. Each rose petal, mado of satin ribbon, Is a tiny snchet. In the picture three chrysanthemums are shown wltli sprays of preserved maidenhair fernsi These chrysanthe mums ure In yellow und'saffron color ings ami aro mado of paper. They have wire stems wound with green paper. At n little distance they cannot j'bb told from tho gorgeous reul flower. At tho right a small dark willow basket bears asparagus fern and a half- blown rose, together with two buds made of satin ribbon. ThIs Is the most elegant of artificial flowers for tho table. . A basket made of rose petals and n laco paper dolly vIs shown at the bottom of tho picture. Tho foundation Is of pasteboard, with a hundlo of green silk-covered wire. The petals, which may be of either satin ribbon or paper, are glued to tho foundation, which Is a circular pleco of cardboard. Millinery rose follngo and two buds cither of paper or sutln ribbon trail over tho- handle. Tho heart of overy housekeeper will rejoice over such gifts as tlnw. OF INTEREST TO MOTHERS Tho cost of food today Is n serious matter to all of you. To cut down your food bills and at tho samo time Improve tho health of your family, servo thcra Sklnner'o Macaroni ami Spaghetti two or threo times per week. Children lovo it and thrlvo on It. It Is tho best possible food for adults. Writo tho Skinner Mfg. Co., Omaha, Nebr., for bcautlfnl cook book telling how to servo it in n hundred vtayB. It's frco to overy mother. Adv. PROVED EQUAL TO OCCASION Super's Blunder Merely Served Show tho Resourcefulness of Hamilton Footlltes. to Dowey, discussing tho novul battlo of Skngcrrak, sold at a Washington luncheon: "A nnvnl officer, to succeed, must bo very quick-witted and resourceful. In fact, ho must bo like Hamilton Foot lltes. "Ham Footlltes leaned on Uio rail of his sen-going yacht soliloquizing about lovo whllo tho bluo waves rolled and heaved splendidly, each bluo wavo being a supor under a roll of canvas. "But tho waves wcro hero and thero threadbare, and suddenly n wavo ripped and a head bobbod up in tho midst of tho heaving sen and stared around In bowlldcred fashion. "Ham Footlltes silenced tho audi ence's titters with ono stern glauco. "'Man overboard V ho yelled In stentorian tones. "Then tho super, managing to drnw back his head through tho nolo in tho wave, disappeared. Ham Footlles heaved n stormy sigh. "'Another victim seized by Urn re lentless sen, nlas,' ho snld." Important to Mothora Bxnmlno carefully ovory bottlo of OASTOniA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and oco that it Beam tho ynV ,,r . Signature of (JfMlcZa' In Use for Over 30 Years. Oliildron Cry for Flotchor'B Oastoris Why the Baby Cries. Now wo know why tho baby cries. For a long tlmo tho causo was veiled In obscurity. It might bo an Inaccessi ble pin, or It might bo tho helpless dis crepancy betwixt tho heavenly king dom and Uils world, or It might bo a plain caso of colic, called by what new fangled term you plcnso. It has re mained for George B. Uotchklss of tho University School of Commerce, ad dressing editors and publishers of trndo Journnls lit Now York, to dis cover that Uio baby cries In order to advertise. It Is tho bnby's effectlvo an nouncement, in tho lmperatlvo mood, that ho wants to bo taken up and petted, or ho wants Uio moon, or ho wnnta somoUilng elso, nnd "ho won't bo happy Ull ho gets it." There is no denying that for an lnfdnt Industry tho baby's advertising Is a great success. Nearly every tlmo ho gets results, and tho most astute and alert professional solicitor cannot show u higher pcrccnt- ngo of success. "Oh, Ho Almost Did!" no Is u candy salesman, nnd lives on tho East Tenth strcot car lino. Ho was heading for town, nnd overy scat on tho car was taken. Nono was standing, however. Ho heard tho cry of a nowsboy nnd rushed to tho car door to get a paper. A woman got on tho car, sighted tho vacant scat, and, of course, occupied It. Tho traveling man, glancing over tho headlines as ho returned down tho aisle, fortunately looked over his glosses at tho opportune tlmo, nnd but tho crowd Inughcd anyway. In dianapolis Nows. Indorsement Guaranteed. "Of courso you have an echo somo- where around tho place," said Miss Cayenne. "A number of them," replied tho hotel man. "Shall I direct you to Uicra?" "I don't want ono for myself. There Is a man In tho party who insists on being absolutely agreed with ovory Umo ho soys a word." Washington Star. Thoso Wedding Bells. Abe Did you get tho opera score? random Yeah ; thoy were tied. In tho last mlnuto of the play. DO TOU GET UP WITH ft HI BAGK? Have You Rheumatism, Kidney, Liver or Bladder Trouble? i Fain or dull ache in the back Is often evidence of kidney trouble. . It is Nature's timely warning to show you that the track of health is not clear. Danger Signals. If these danger signals are unheeded more serious, results may be expected; kidney trouble in its worst form Snay steal upon you. Thousands of people havo testified that the mild and immediate effect of Swamp Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, is soon realized that it stands the highest for its remarkable curative effect in the most distressing cases. If rou-need a medicine, you should have the best. Lame Bock. Lame back is only ono of many symp toms of kidney trouble. Other symp toms showlns that you may need Swamp- Root are being subject to embarrassing and frequent bladder troubles day and U SPECIAL NOTE You may obtain a ten cents to ur. luimer a inngnamion, n, x. iw .gives yun mo opportumiT to prove the remarkable merit of this medicine. They will also send you a book oi valuable Information, containing many of tho thousands of grateful letters reeeirei from men and women who say they found Swamp-Root to be just the recgeay liWH In kidney, lirir and bladder troubles, The value and success of Swamp-Root are se well known that our readers are advised to send for a sample sue bottle. Adarew Dr Kilmer ft Co,, Dingbaraton, N. Y. Whs writing be sura aad,mtiea this pspw. "I DON'T SUFFER ANY MORE" "Feel Lilco a New Person," says Mrs. Hamilton. Now Castle, Ind. "From tho time I was oleven years old unUl I was seven-! toon I BUfforcd each month so I hod to be In bod. I had head ache, backocho and such pnlnn I would cramp doublo overy monthA. I did not know what it was to bo easy a minute. My health was alt run down and tho doctor did not do ma any stood. A neighbor told my mother about Lydi E. Finkham'a Vegotable Compound and I took it, and now I fool lilco a now person. I don't suffer any moro and I nrn regular evory month. ' Mrs.HAZEl. Hamilton, 822 South lCUi St ' Whon a remedy has lived for forty years, Bteadily growing- in popularity and influenco, and thousands upon thousands of women declare they ows tholr hoalth to it, is it not reasons bio to bellovo that it is an article of great merit?" If you wnnt special ndvlco write to Lydla 12. iMnklmm Medtcina Co. (confidential), Iiynn, Mass. Tour letter will ho oponcd, road, and nnsvrcrod by a woman and held in strict confidonco, The Old Adam. Ho was a staunch supporter of Uio kirk, but ho also had a dash of sport ing blood In his veins. Ono Sabbath morn, as ho was pro ceeding to the kirk with his Blblo un der his arm, ho camo upon a group of laddies playing football on a piece ojt wnsto ground. Ho watched the gami for somo minutes; Uicn, whon Uiore camo a lull, ho called tho boys over to him. "Eh, laddies, yo knaw it's vorra wrang tao play fltba' on tho Snwbath. Yo maunn do It. Whaur dno yo think yo'll gang when yo doo If yo piny fltba on tho Lnlru's day? And you, ma mnnnlo Indicating tho captain "why don't yo shoot oftencr for goal? Yfl dribble far owcr much Yo're pulr players, tho lot of yo." Dr. Flcrco's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong, sick women well, bb alcohol. Sold in tablots or liquid. Adv. Hla Magnificent Memory. "Children," squeaked Uio ancient man, "I can romombor Just ns woll as If It was yesterday, when I was a boy, and beofstcak and potatoes were ftf cheap that wo had 'om nt our house 'most overy day, and wcro nlwnya per muted to cat all wo wanted of 'em, Oh, I tell yc,'Tvo got a wonderful eo-hco 1 heo 1 memory 1" Later tho children sntd amoDg them selves : "Truly, Undo dullivor has an nmnzlng memory ho can recollect things that could not possibly have; happened." KnnBns City Star. Neglected Colds bring Pneumonia, Look out. CASCARAIIINIMB Tho old family remedy in tablet fonn safe, sure, easy to take. No opiates no unpleasant after effects. oius At Acy DivgStoro Nebraska Directory Electric Pianos I hare 10 pianos left In fine shape, any motoi you need, Keglna Subllmo 190, Peerless 61J6, Beerywood keyboard tlW. You will And tbem at Uie Omnhi Reud H Rattan Co. 640 S. lOtH Strecit, Omaha. Neb. night, irritation, sediment, etc. Lack of control, smarting, nrio acid. dizziness, Indigestion, sleeplessness, nerv ousness, sometimes the heart acts badly, rheumatism, bloating, lack of ambltioa, may be loss of flesh, sallow comploxlon. Prevalonoy of Kidney Disease. Most people do not realize the alarm, ing Increase and remarkable prevalcncy of kidney disease. While kidney dis orders are among the most comma diseases that prevail, they aro sometimes the last recognized by patients, who very often content themselves with doctor ing the effects, while the original disease may constantly undermine the system. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar sl bottles at all drug stores. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Svanip-Ito6t, and the address, Blngliamton. N. Y., which you will find on every bottle. sample size bottle of Swamp-Boot by enclosing uurcs cows in nours unp in & days. Money back If it falls. Get thn irnulno box with Red Ton and Mr. lllu'o picture on it-29 cents. II