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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1916)
Official Proceedings of the County Board Aug. 21, 191C. Board met pursuant to adjournment, Tresent Hermlnghauscn, Springer White and clerk. Claims allowed as follows: J. F. Snyder, road work, Dlst. 2, $24.00. 1 J. J. "Walters, road work, Oam. Dlst, 1. S70.00 Georgo Sclioppert, road work, Com. Dlst. 1. $72.00. "W. D. " on U. P. cattlo chute, Com. Dlst. 3, $150.00, Howard McMichacl, 198 londB of brick. Com. Dlst 1 $89.10. Frontier Cbunty, culvert, Com. Dlst. .'I, $40.10. "J, D. Adam, Co., repairs for grader, roadjHst'30, $d.00. C. A. Robinson, road work, Dlst. . 30, $22.00. On gcnoral fund: A. N. Durbln, freight $3.53. Marshall Oil Co., oil and gas for traqtor, $79,22. W. T. Elliott, fees State vs. Hill, $15.05. ' A. B, Hoagland, services on tractor and auto hire, $230.40. "Whereupon tho board adjourns to Aug. 23, 191C. C. "W. YOST, County Clerk. August 22, 191G, Board of equalization mot aa per reccBB itaken. Present HormlnghauBen, Springer and clerk. . Tlio board proceeded t)oi ,mako and dld.make tho following lovics for the year 1916, StAtO IiOTJ General fund 8.40 mills, university fund 1 mill, special university bldg. fund ,75 mills, normal school fund .85 mills, state aid bridge fund .10 mills; total G.10 mills. County LcTy General fund 7.50 mills, road fund 4.30 mills, bridge fund 3.00 mills, sol diers relief fund, 1.0 mills; total 14.90 mills. Precinct LctIch ' Hcrshcy bridge, bond and interest, 1.00 mill, IJostwclk bridge, bond and InteroHt 1.00 mill, Blrdwood ' bridge, bond and Interest, 1.00 mill, Platte bridgo bond and interest, 1.00 mill, South Platte bridgo, bond and Interest, 2.00 mills. Special Levies Road district No. 2, 5.00 mills. Road District No. 3, 5.00 mills. Road District No. 7, 5.00 mills. Road District No. 9, 5.00 mills. Road District Mo. 10, 5.00 mills. Road District No. 11, 5.00 mills. Road District No. 15, 5.00 mills. Road District No. 16, 5.00 mills. Road Dlst. No. 27, 5.00 mills. Road District No. 28, 5.00 mills. Road District No. 36, 5.00 mills Road DiBtrict No. 37, 5.00 mills. Road Dlstrct No. 45, 5.00 mills. Road District No. 46, 5.00 mills. Road District No. 50, 5.00 mills. Road District Jto. 51, 5.00 mills. Road District No. 58, 5.00 mills. City mid Village LctIch." North Platte general fund 6.50 mills, water bondB and lntcreot 5.00 mllla, sower bonds and interest 2.00 mills, bridgo bonds and Interest, .50 mill, park bonds and interest, .50 mill, 'paving bonds and interest, .50 mill, public library fund 1.50 mills, public park fund 1.00 mills, street lighting fund 4.50 mills, fire department fund 6.00 mills, emergency fund 3.00 mill.i, sower maintenance (real estate only) 3.00 mills; itotal 34.00 mills. Horshey general fund 10.00 mills, street lighting fund 5.00 mills, fire protection 20.00 mllfjs,, interest on light bonds, 5.00 mills, interest on water bonds 10.00; total 50.00 mills. Brady Gcnoral fund, 10.00 mills, In terest on light bonds 5.00 mills, build ing' purposes 2.50 milts; total 17.50 mills. Maxwell General fund 15.00 mills', Interest on light bonds 7.00 mills, light plant maintenance 5.00 mills; tbtal 27.00 mills. Sutherland General fund 15.00 mlllH, Interest on light bonds 5.00 mills, street lighting 5.00; total 25.00 mills. Wallace General fund 10.00 mills, street lighting 5.00 mills; total 15.00 mills. School LctIch. No. 1 general 35, bond 7.50. No. 2, general 20, high school 2. No. 3 general 15, special buHldlng 10. No, 4 general fund 20. No. 5 general fund 15, high school 2. No, 6, general 20, No. 7, general 30, bond 10. No. 8, general lO.hlgli school 1. No. 9, general 8, high school 1. No. 10, general 15, high school 2. No. 11, gcnoral 9. No. 12, general 20, high school 2. No. 13, general 25. No. 14, general 35, high school 3. Nlo. 15, general 10, high school 10. No. 16, general 30. No. 17, gcnoral 20. No. 18, general 10, high school 2. Nfr. 19, general 35, high school 2. No. 20, general 30. No. 21, general 20. No, 22, general 20. No. 23, general 35, bond 10. No. 24, general 15, high school 2. No. 25, general 30. No. 26, general 15, high school 3, special building 5. No. 27, general 25, high school 2. No. 28, general 20. No. 29, general 25. No. 30, general 80, high schbol 5. No. 31, general 10 high school 1. No. 32, gcnoral 20, high school 4. No. 33, general 20. No. 34, general 10, high school :). No. 35, general 20, high school 5. No. 36, general 25, high schobl 8. No. 37, general 30, bond 5, Judgment 5. No. 38, general 10, high school 2. No. 39, general 10. No. 40, general 30. No. 41, geneAl 30. No. 42, general 20, high school 2, No. 43, general 30, high schotol 5. No. 44, general 20. No. 45, general 35, high school 3, No. 46, general 25. No. 47, general 35, bond 10, high school 15.. No. 48, general 15, high school 5. No. 49, general 35. No. 50, general 3ft. Nk. 61, general 30. No. 52, general 35. No. 53,general 15, high school 4. No. 54, general 25. No. 55, general 30, bond 1. No. 56, general 15, high school 1. No. 57, general 20. No. 58, general 20, high Bchool 4. Nb. 59, general 30. No. 60, general 35, high school 2 special building 10. No. 61, general 20, high school 1. No. 62, general 35. No. 63, general 35. No, 65, general ' 30, high school 1. No. 66, gcnoral 15. No. 67, general 20, bond 5, high school 2. No. 68, general 20, high school 4. No. 69, general 30. No. 70, general 10, high school 2. No. 71, general 30. No. 72, general 25. No. 73, general 35. No. t74, general 20. No. 75, general 25. No. 76, general 15, high school 3. No. 77, general 35. No. 78, general 35. No. 79, general 35. No. 80, general 20, high schood 1. No. 81, general 30. NEBRASKA PROSPERITY LEAGUE A Steltmldt. Nonpartisan Organization of Taxs paytrt VICE-rnESIPKNTB YVIULEY r, AOK N OUTM OUAHA John AiatnfioN MERCHANT. riNOIH DR. C. O. ALLlBON una ion atonac antil INVESTMENT. ULAIK X. H, BAIBD I HANTINOTON j, l. akhh i MANUf ACTUM n J. W. binder: FAflMIN, HUMPHREY ALmiD MNATT I INVESTMENTS, INOa' CMAB. H, BROWN I MEAL I IT AT I JNVMTMlHTa w. j. buroibs INVESTMENTS MARRY V. BURKLKY ( skinte ' W, M. BUaHMAN ' TOMAai ALBERT CAHN MANUFACTURER LOUIB B CIITI aTOCKMAN. KBAftHET I, M, rAIRFISLD MAk MYATI INVESTMENTS JOHN N. FRINZIR MAW ESTATE IHVSSTMSHTB PR, H, (HUMOR PHYSICIAN ano auaaieN T. V. OOLDtN CAPITALIST, O'NIILL PRROIHAND HAARMANN MANUFACTURER J, J, HANIOHKN CONTRACTOR f RID D. HUNKIR ATTORNEY, "III POINT PRANK B. JOMNBON OMAHA PRINTIHO OO, . C. J, KARBACH INVItTMINTa HON, J, T, MILKY VALENTINE r. J. KILLY MERCHANT, NIOBRARA FRANK B, KINNARD CAPITALIST JACOB KLIIN MERCHANT, BEATRICI BUD I. ATT A RANCH OWNER, TEKAMAM I, M, ft LSFLANO I CAPITALIST a, w. maiATH COAL OPERATOR JOHN A. MOHHBACHIR INVESTMENTS WTMORI aopHua r. nibli PUBLISHER PRANK A. H)MI EltlEIS MSBBB, FALLS CUT J, J. NOVAK BANKER, YMLBBR J, J. O'CONNOR ATTORNEY BIORO PARR , MERCHANT, NEBRASKA CITY I HON, YVATBON L. PURDY LAND OWNER, MABISON THEODORA RIIMIRB STOCKMAN, PULLERTON OARL ROHDK EITIIIS . C0lllBS JOHN O, ROalCKY PUBLISHER J, C ROTH INVESTOR, FREMONT JOHN BCHINDLin STANTON VY H, 8CHHOLLIR JOBBER THIODORR H. BIRK STOCKMAN, RELISH a, I, BHUKIRT MANUFACTURER HARRY B, BIMAN WINSIDI PAUL P. SKINNER MANUFACTURER A. P, SMITH i JOSSER N, A. BPItBBf ROIR WHOLESALER HON, P. P. 8TAPPORD NORFOLK WILLIAM BTORK INYESTMENIS, ARLINSTON RODENT C, BTRIHLOW ' CONTRACTOR alOROI B, TYLER INVESTMENT! HASTINSS DoesiProhibition Prohibit? Many Nebraskans have the mistaken idea that state Prohibition makes a state dry" m the actual sense of that word. AXGoniession of Failures i 1 . I (From the Topeka State Journal, of Jan, 14, 1916.) f "Are the prohibition forces of Topeka cheerfully smiling under a feeling of false security in ignorance of the situation which they have to combat?, Legally Topeka is 'dry! But" . A. J. VUNLINO 1 PRES. PAETOH B VIERLIMO lOH WORKS A YHKODORB WIDAMAN STOCK BUYER, AURORA I S, B. V4ILLIY ATTORNEY, RANDOLPH B, N. WOLBACH MERCHANT. BRAND ISLAND Ft, M VVOLCOTT MERCHANT, CENTRAL CITY HON, OTTO ZUILOW MAYOR, SCHUYLER The Records In the same article tlie Topeka Journal states that the INCOMPLETE record of shipments for 1915 shows that citizens of Topeka ordered and received during that year a total of 160,169 quarts of various kind of liquors. Tlio rct&loir's attention is called to tho significant fact that these nro tho present conditions In Topeka after 05 years of constant effort under stato Prohibition' to compel tlio pcoplo to discontinue tlio uso of liquors. The 'Actual Condition: Prohibition fails to remove the opportunity and the desire on the part of the people to purchase and to use alcholic beverages. Denied the opportunity to purchase from manufact urers and dealers operating under license with in the state, resort is had to express shipments to bootleggers and to "alley joints." vThe Gliaplain's Testimony: Extract from an addreu by Harmon Allen, Chaplain of the Kansas I'eultenllary, printed on pare 39 ol tho tint Biennial Report ot the Kantas SUIo&oiril ot Cot rectlons. "About 37 ver cent of the orison vopula- tion are Hooters from other states. Most of them came bv the dooe and liauor routes. It must be confessed T ' that a large percentage of Kansas citizens incarcerated here came by the same route. So long as the desire to purchase and to use exists, better results are achiev d by REGU LATING the manufacture and sale of alcholic beverages than are secured by enacting a state Prohibition law. The Nebraska Prosperity League OPPOSED TO STATE PROHIBITION. IN FAVOR OF LOCAL OPTION, HIGH LICENSE President, L. F, CROFOOT Treasurer, W. J. COAD Secretary, J. B. HAYNES Send for our literature. ' OMAHA, NEBRASKA The Farmers' Bank Dlstlnctliclr a "fnrIllers, lunik" vu know tlio farmers' requirement! ntl make a specially ol meeting them. Your nccount at this bank will af ford a snfc, convenient nnd Ideal Jiank- y Ing connection. "Ve desire your Imslncss and will proTO ourselves worthy of It by the service we can render. Ask a custo mer of ours. Platte Valley State Bank North Platte, Nebraska. No. 82, general IB. No. 83, general 25. No. 84, general 30. No. 85, general 25, high school 2. No. 86, general 30, high-school 2. No. 87, general 35. No. 88, general 15, high school 6. No. 89, no school. No. 90, no school. No. 91, general 30. No. 92, goneral 35. No. 93, general 35. No. 94, general 30. Mo. 95, general 25. No 96, general 18, high school 3. No. 97, general 30, high school 3. No. 98, general 35, ond 5, high school No. 98, general 35, bond 5, high school 3. No. 99, general 25. No. 100, general 35. No. 101, general 20, high school 1. No. 102, general 20. No-. 103, general 35. No. 104, general 35. No. 105, general 35, bond 2. No. 106, general 25, high school 4. No 107, general 35 No. 108, general 35. No. 109, general 30, high school 2. No. 110, general 30. No. Ill, general 35, bond 5. No. 112, general 25. No. 113, general 35, high school 2. No. 114, general 30. No. 115, general 35 No. 11G, general 35. No. 117, general 20, high school 5. No. 118, general 30, high school 5. No. 119, general 35, high school 5. No. 120, general 35, yn'd 2. No. 122, general 15, bond 5 No. 123, general 25. No. 124, general 25. No. 125, general 35. No. 126, general 30, bond 20. No. 127, general 25, bond 2.5, high school 4. No. 128, general 35, high school 3. No. 129, general 35. No. 130, general 35, Whereupon the board stood adjourn ed. C. W. YOST, County Clerk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Arthur McCabe left a few days ago for Omaha. Dr. N. McCabo made a professional visit to Horshey Wednesday. Miss Elfreda Mettln visited frlcndu In Ogalalla tho latter part of last week. Miss Ella Weaver Is expected home next week from a visit of several woeka In Portland. Miss Merle Thornburg has returned to Grand Island after visiting relatives for a few days. Wranted Good girl for general housework. Apply 4o Mrs. C. F. Tol lofsen, Sutherland, Neb. Miss Evangeline Herrod left Tues day ovcnlng for Denver to visit her aunt Mrs. M. C. Harrington. Ralph Allison Is expected here to morrow evening from Cheyenne to vis it local friends until Tuesday. Tho regular weekly danco of the Yeoman drill 4eam will bo held at tho Lloyd opera house this evening. Mrs. Georgo Crick and children vis ited friends hero this wcok while en- route to Kearney from western points. Victor Halllgan will leave today for Omaha to bring up the Halllgan car which waB left there two weeks ago. Miss Jennie Mitchell of Lexington, who has been the guest et Mrs, M. V. Mltoholl for throe weeks, left yesterday. if v will nnvn Tfirn nrrnw nv nnrn in n i X 1 XI i A Jt f 1 1 1 1 t 1 . Lincoln. .Mrs. j. a. rwmem anu cnuuren re extenaeu visit witn relatives in una don, la. tomorrow. i imp, wesL p ourLii Rireuc. jnoniuouiiLii Hospital. I Masters Donald Newton and Merles Maupin returned Wednesday morningl from Omaha where they visited fori two weeks. Miss Mary Ellas has resigned her po-f siton in tho Lierf:-Sandall grocery! and is attending business college in Grand Island. Lost Apron of a Chalmers six lastj Saturday night between the SchramJ and Bechon farms. Finder please leave at this office. V ' , r . j airs. Artnur Howaru anu sons re turned Tuesday af terncton from Yesler, Wash., where ithey spent several! months with relatives. ::o:: - F. J. DIENEK & CO. Ileal Estate and Insurance Come and see ua for town lots la different parts ot the city. Good ln-j vestments on easy terms, nouses lora sale and rent. We have also good bar gains in larms aim rancueo. s . Cor. Front ana Dewey sts.. upsiTSf mi JOHN C.MARTIN Central City, Nebraska Candidate for Election on the Non partlaan Judiciary ballot For Supreme Judefe MK. MAItTIN Is 58 yenrs of oge. va born and renrl m lttuimrtr ia where ho read law for four year's iiiiui iu tuininK xo iNeDrasKa. ua was educated at Wooster University. "Wooster w.i.u, iinu iunjoiie uir'bu ni Minion, it He came to Nebraska In 1883 and flrr law until 1885 when ho moved to Merrick y,vuiiiy, eu. tie nas aevoieu nis entlra tllnft nnd Atinvcrv in lha nrofltlnu n .1.- law In this Htate ever ulnce, excentlns during the years 189D and, 1900 when ha ment of the United States located at jiuynna, vuua, unaer mt muupry occu puuon or uiiDa. m As evidence of his conceptlorT of tha uuiies ox mo ouice 10 wnicn ne aspires nnd for the purpose of advlslnb the v.vw.w.f. " . ww.n.vnM MO L W (g UOIlUUCfc In that office If elected, he announces the PLATFORM Thirlfv thA rmipa K . for perjury. OCoro PUInnient be?chP0Ullc" cr favoritism known on the aeeheVn'tV11" Ood gives me to Appreciate Your Support and ..... v.u.iiiu mo in your uonnaencB 1 - - t