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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1916)
Your Best Friend A young man may have many friends, but he will find none so steadfast, so constant, so ready to respond to his wants, so capable of pushing him ahead, as a little leather-covered book with the name of a bank on its cover. Saving is the first great principle of all success. V Begin now by depositing your savings in the Old Reliable. McDonald State Bank. North Platte, Nebraska. THE BANK BEHIND THE THRIFT MOVEMENT. X Semi-Weekly Tribune &BA lit BABE, Editor and Fablisker. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: line Year by Mall ia Advance. . . .?L2& Elite Tear bj Carrier in Adrance. .$1.50 Entered alt North Platte, Nebraska. Postoffleo as second uiass Matter. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, lOlC. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Oliver Green, of Geneva, returned liomo Tuesday afternoon after visiting ils aunt for ten days. Joo, Mahaffey, who had been employ .'d oni the Julesburg Advocate for some time, returned hero Tuesday. Mrs. L. L. Greeno and son Lawrence, Jett Tuesday afternoon for Kearney find Hastings to visit relatives. Charles Ross, of Omaha, ilcrmerly a resident of this city, visited In town the fore part of this week. Ralph Latter, of Holdege, came Kiere a tow aays ago to accept a po sition in the lbcal telephone office. hunting or trespassing on the Siebold premises. Mrs. Siebold and pons. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brown loft fruesday afternoon for Grand Island to Kvisit relatives for several months. Miss Gladys Johnston retu-ned yes- ierday from Grand Island and Omaha Cwhere she visited friends Act a week. . Miss Marie Coker, of Sutherland, who was oporated upon the first of his(week for appendicitis, Is improv-ILA R. G. Smith, of Grand Island, for merly wlro chief In the local telephone pfflce, spent the fore part of this week iere. For Rent Modern C room bungalow, furnace heat Phone Blk 681. 65-2 Rooms for Rent Inquire 406 east rhlrd. 65tf Jack Thornburg, formerly of the Bteeso pantatorium, who spent several ycks In Denver, returned .the first of Jhls week. Misses Evangellno and Florence Moaigh, who had been visiting relatives i York several weeks, will return fcxt week. Mrs. Taylor, of Omaha, phono opera tor the Union Pacific, visited Mrs. fcodore Lowo, Jr., and Miss Ireno )onnell last week. Mrs. A. B. Doran and the Misses auua. and Mary Beeder of Birmlng- j-amAla., who spont several weeks JIth their brother James Beeder, loft Wednesday, Earl RayHorn, of Sutherland, visited here Tuesday with W. L. Shaw. A. P. Kelly will leave this week for Lincoln to attend the state fair. For Rent 3 rooms for light house keeping. 503 west Fourth street. 65tf P. W. Oleson Is among .those who will attend the state fair at Lincoln. Fresh butttormllk daily from ex perimental -station at the Stone Drug store. ' 52-tf Rev. Ives returned to Ogalalla Tues day evening after spending several days In town. Dr. Frank Baldwin is expected here tomorrow ito visit the home folks and local friends. Miss Nellie Soper, of Des Moines. Is expected here this week to visit with Mrs. Rosetta Woods, Miss Inez McNatton left Tuesday evening for Kearney to attend the Kearney Normal. Mrs. James Brady and children left Wednesday morning for Omaha to visit for ten days. Mr, and Mrs. George White, of Suth erland, visited the latter's brother Will Hawley this week. The Yeomen drill team will give a dance at the Lloyd opera house Mon day evening, Sept. 4th. Mrs. John Don returned Tuesday ev enlng filcni Sidney where she visited her husband for a wek. Mrs. George Shaffer and baby, Who were visiting relatives In Roscoe, re turned home Wednesday. Mrs. J. Walter Adams returned Tuesday evening from Omaha whore she visited friends for 'ten days. Arthur Donegan returned Wednes day from Denver wnere ho spont his two week's vacation with friends. Mrs. Ditto, of Sutherland, who vis ited her sister Mrs. Harry Scott this week, went home Wednesday evening Attorney Henry Trowbridge, of Den ver for two weeks, came homo Tuesday to visit with J. H. Hegarty for a few days. Miss Arvilla Whlttakcr returned Tuesday evening from Chicago and Kansas City where she spent several weeks. Form and Ranck loans at lowest rates and best terms. Money on band to close loans promptly. 43tf BUCHANAN & PATTEBSON. Charles Watts, Sc(ott McCron and Henry Hansen who were In Omaha this week on cattle business, have re turned. ::o:: FOR SALE DO Thrifty Spring Shunts. C4-4 L. E. EBRIGHT. North Platte. COTTONWOOD RESIDENTS SHOW INTEREST IN COUNTY FAIR. An unusually "welt amended and earnest meeting in the intorcst of the Lincoln county fatr this month wns hold Monday ovonlng at the Reynolds' school house In Cottonwood precinct. The largo attendant and sovoral speakers manifested Uio enthusiasm existing over the prospect of Lincoln county holding this year tho best ag ricultural display in its history. A program rather informal was presided ovor by F. C. Piolstlckor, president of 'the fnlr association, and W. D. Fisher, Its secretary. The lat ter In a brief speech presented the Im portance of every faimer In tho couu ty getting behind everybody, as well as behind 'themselves and solidly pushing together In an effort to make tho fair a big success. Other speakers wore Messrs. Rcy noUls, iMcCombs, Sta'ckhouso, Sum mors, Coates and others, all of whom emphasized Mr. Fisher's ideas of con corter action and perfect harmony In forwarding overy interest of the fair. Another object of the meeting was to engender an interest in tho mattor of preparing a good county exhibit at the stato fair next week, which plan met with hearty cooperation of all present. A male quartette from the state farm rendered several vocal selec tions which were heartily received, each number being roundly encored. Altogether tho meeting was a de cided success. Beflcre it closed Mr. Reynolds was chosen chairman of the precinct to look after gathering an exhibit for tho county fair and to su perintend Its arrangement at tho fair. An effort will be made by tho county organization to have all precincts in the cbunty organize tho same as Cot ton wod. I NURSE BROWN monk nuoriiAL Take Note: Efficient Surgery, Excel lent care of Obstetric Patients, Confi dence in Medicine and choice of Rem edy to cure Quickly, Safely and Permanently. JOHN S. TWINEM 24 1 Telephone Your 'Grocery orders to 32 They will given prompt and I careful attention. Lierk-Sandall Co. LOCAL AND PERSONAL No Hot Water! "And a bath would rest me so." "And T wanted a quick shave." Be prepared to furnish hot water on short notice, with a gas water heater. North Platte Light & Power Co. C. R. MOREY, Manager. Robert Gantt has returned from a hrlef visit in Chicago. JVIrs. Prank Fredericl and daughter will leave slcon for a visit in Colorado Miss Blanche Fonda left Tuesday for Golden, Col., to spend a week or so with frlendB. For Rent Houao at 20G west Sixth street. Inquire of Mrs. R. D. Thomp' son, 614 W. Fifth. Miss Harriet Murrin returned Tues day from Cheyenne where she spent two weeks with friends. Highest market price paid Cor hides Wo buy dry bonesf Iron and other Junk. North Platte Junk House. 27tf Louis Thoelecke will return to Mel rose tomorrow after a visit of a week a't the home of his son 0. H. Thoelecke Miss Mabel Turplo returned to her limine In Golden, Col., Tuesday after visiting relatives and friends hero for a week. Miss Mamie Spies and mother who have been visiting relatives in Chicago and other eastern points will return tomorrow. For Farm Loans boo-or write Gene Crook, room 3, Waltemath building, North. Platte. 41tf ihx. ana Mrs. Le Keith and son Louis returned' tho first of the week from Hbldrego whej-e Ithey vtialted relatives for ten days. If you can not bring your watch fla us' for repair send it by Insured parcels post. DIXON, Tho Jeweler, North Platto, Neb. -Miss Margaroti Mcttln returned few days ago from a fortnight's visit in Colorado Springs and resumed her dutles-at the O'Connor store. Mrs. Anna Redmond left a few duya ago to remain Indefinitely with hor daughter, Mrs. John Lonergan, for merly of .this city whb now reside nt Peoria, III. For Rent After January 1st, the double store room of Ottonstein's. Mrs. Georgo Sager has returned from a visit In western points and af ter a short visit at the Frcdercl home will leave for Deadwcwd, S. D.f where Mr. Sager Is now employed. Tho Junior Endeavor Society, of tho Christian church, hold a success ful and enjoyable ontertalnment In the church basement Tuesday afternoon. They wcro given a liberal patronage. Miss Kathorine Soyforth, of Omaha, who had been visiting her mother Mrs. Anna Soyferth for two weeks, loft Tuosday afternoon for Denvor and Colorado Springs to spend two weeks. Rev. Robert White nnd family who havo ben spending a month's vacation in Chicago and other eastern points will return to tho city this week and tho regular preaching services will be hold nt tli Presbyterian church next Sunday both mbrntng and evening. $23.00 ' Howard. Tho local Dry Federation will pay twenty-flvo dollars reward for Infor mation leading to tho conviction of any person violating tho liquor laws In tho cKy of North Platto. This offer la good until further notice By ordor of tho Oommlttoe. J, H, VANOLEAVFJ, Chalman Tho West Lends. The west leads in crop growing Othors follow. An acre cf Washington land yields 117 buscls of wheat, quite surpassing the Nebraska five acres that ylolded seventy-three bushels per ncro. There Is plenty of room between us nnd tho top. A Lincoln county, Ne braska, aero yields fifty-four bushelb of rye. Wo oro not much for rye In Nebraska, but 4 when any other state meets that record wo may try to surpass It A Colorado acre produced 790 bushels of potatoes. Florence MacKay Teacher of Piano ogs anduatt e Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES' Residence Red G36 Ofllce 459 804 west Fifth St. Phono Blk. 624 Ln jr fir Al WVMDC! IWmkT A TfcA A'otitiiig ouiu ricaso liusuaaa rilXJCi. lUJrlillUi or Father Moro Than a Box of Our Cigars. E. M. Smith who has boon engaged in tho automobile buslnoss hero for several years will dispose of his Inter ests and leavo shortly for Colorado where he will sock a desirable loca tion. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have many friends who will regret their de parture. ::o:: A NORTH PLATTE WOMAN'S EX- PERIENCK. Can yfcu doubt the evidence of this North Platte woman? You can verify North Platte en dorsement. ' . Read thla Mrs. Wcssburg, 708 W. Fourth St., North Platte, says: "During the past four years, I was a terrible sufferer from kidney, disease and backache. The greater part of tho time I was in a bad condition. Tho doctor said 1 had a floating kidney. I had the worst pains at times and many a day I could not stand. The kidney secretions were unnatural. I Anally learned of Doans Kidney Plus and got some from the Rexall Drug Store. In a couplo of days the pains became less severe and the swelling completely disappeared. Within six weeks' time I was cured and since then I have felt no symptoms of tho old trouble" (Statement given August 7, 1907.) 'On June 2, 1916, Mrs. Wessburg Bald: "Very seldom do I feel any need of a kidney medicine, but when I diet I use Doans Kidney Pills and they never Jail me." 60c, nt all dealers. Fostor-Mllburri Co., Mfgrs.. Buffalo, N. Y. HAIL INSURANCE 0. E Thoelecke. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platto, Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. DR. JOHN S. TWINEM Special Attention to Surgery, Gynecology nnd Obstetrics. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Nurse Brown Memorial Hodpltal. Please him because they are geed Cigars made frost good tobacce ttiado well by band made freak, Ask the men who havo been saekH? our cigars for 25 years as to tkeir qualify. wo carry a full lino or Bmeners' articles. ; . : J. F. SCHMALZRIED. DOCTOR D. T. QDIGLEY. Practice Limited to . Surgery and Radium Therapy 728 City National Bank Building. Omaha, Nebraska. DOLLARS Are easy to get, But hard to keep. You can have more of them by spending your money on our line of Furniture, Rugs, Tables, Chairs, Cabinets.Dressers Sewing Machines. We have some used Furniture that looks like new will sell for less than half. of its original cost. Bargains in Show Cases, Tables and Stools. Look at our Guns and Shells. Guns for Rent. We pay top price for Iron and Junk. ECHELBERY 600 LOCUST. NO OILS OB SALTS NEEDED. Tho only discovery In years for Stomach, Lircr, Constipation, Dizzl noss nnd Headache. T. W. B. TABLETS. At Stone's Drug Storo. ' , NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ot Postoftice. Phone 58' . A modern institution for the clentific treatment of medical, urgieal and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Gee. B. Deal, H. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J. B. Retieli M. D. J.S.Skas, M.D Hiss M. Siraaa, SopL VT. J. nOLDEBNESS Ecctrlcal SnppUes Wiring Storage Batteries Morsch Bldg f Phono 175. J. B. REDFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to PHYSICIAN (feSURG EONS HOSPITAL Dro. Redfleld & Redfleld Office Phone 642 Res. Phone 676 Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Atteatjw given to Sirgery ami fU.tit Office: Building and Loan Building Pnon" f Residenc. 115 JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D Physician and Sargeoa Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor Phono, Office, 83; Resldenco 30. Phones Office 333 Res. Black 513 DIt. HAROLD A. FENNER ' Osteopntli. '6 Reynold Building Office hours 0 a. m. to C p. m. 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. MINNESOTA MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. Founded 1880. LIFE It's tho household yrord In Western Nobraska. It's Old Lino, tho best mon ey can buy. It's what you noed, for a savings bank and Insurance that In sures. They all buy It. "There Is a Reason" For further Information Phone, call or addross J. E. SEBASTIAN, State Agent, The Old Line Han NORTH PLATTE NEBRASKA. Hospital Phone Black 633. Houso Phone Black 683. W. T. PRITCnARD, Graduate Yoteriaarlan Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St., one-half block southwest of the Court IIOUBb, DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Eaabalaaers Undertakers mi Faaeral Directors Day Phone 284. Night Phone Black 688. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue bf an order of sale. issued from tho district ctourt of Lincoln , county, Nebraska, upon a decree o't ioreciosure ijnuercu in sniu. court wherein Zara I. Mitchell is plaintlft And John Richard Neary is defendant, and to mo dlroctcd, I will on the 3ntu day of Soptembor, 1916, at 2 o'clocl: p. m at the cast frtont door of the, court houso In North Platto, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, intorcst and costs, 4ho following described proporty, tovytt: Tho undivided one-half (Vj) interest of Lot eight, (8), Block ono hundred nnd five, (105) in North Platte Ne braska. . Datod North Platte, Neb., Aukust 26th, 1016. Ai J. SALISBURY,.. a29B29. Sheriff. Notice to Creditors. Estate No. 1430 of Silas A. Hill, de ceased, In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. : The State lot Nebraska, as: Credi tors of said estate will tako notice that tho time limited for presentation .and tiling of claims against said estate is March 22, 1917, and for settlement of said estate Is August 18, 1917 that I will sit at tho county court room la said county, on Sept. 22, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m., and on March 22, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. in., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims .and objections duly filed. GEO. E. FRENCH, n22sl9 County Judge. Notice of Petition Estate No. 1432 of John N. Bonner, deceased, in tho County Court of Liu coin County, Nebraska. ', Tho State of Nebraska, to all per sons interested In snld estate, lake no tice that a petition has been filed for tho sotting out to the widow of exempt property, two hundred dollars from the cash on hand and an allowancofet seventy dollars per month for sup port, pending administration, appoint ment t)t Etta S. Boner as administra trix of snld ostato, which has bcenvsct for hearing herein on Sept 1C, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated August 19, 1916. GEO. E. FRENCH, a22sll County Judge. Notice to Creditors. ' Estate No. 1426 of Cnrrlo Marti, de ceased In tho county court ot Lin coln county, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska, ss: Creditors of said ostato will tako notico that tho tlmo limited for nrosentation and flllhc of claims against eald ostato Is March 8, 1917, and for sottlomont of said estate 1b August 4, 1917; that I wlll'stt at tho county court room In said county, on September 8, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m., and on March 8, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m. to rccelvo, exam'ino, hoar, allow or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. GEO, E. FRENGH, alC-Rl2 County Judge. Notice of Flnnl Roport. Estato ot Alof B. Swanson, deceas ed, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska, to all per sons interested in said estate tako no tico that tho administrator lias filed a final account and roport of his admin istration and a petition for final set tlement and dlschargo ub such, a de cree of distribution and decree of de scent, which havo boon sot for hear ing boforo eald court on September 15, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m., when you may appear and contest tho same, Dated August 21, 1916. en?. E. FRENCjt, a22sll County Judge.