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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1915)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. CHECK NEEDED TOUCHING UP r DO YOU NEED Hats for Every Face 1 Bapk Cashier Handled the Subject Diplomatically. Uut Sensitive Mr. Brushly Was Annoyed. 'This chock of yours," Hnld tho large-hearted cashier to Brushly, tho Impressionist painter, "Ib drawn ex HELP In tho displays of iuv millinery that nro of paramount Interest just now women complain that the groat variety in style and design in new hats Is be wildering. There are so many shapes to chooso from! Shall tho lint be made of velvet or hatter's plush or felt or velour or fur or selected from among the Innumerable combinations of theoo and other fabrics? What Is tho wisest choice In a season not domi nated by a few styles? Such a season leaves the individual to her own resources In making a choice. But It affords her a chance to exercise fine judgment In suiting her millinery to her own particular type. There are few freakish styles. In spito of this wonderful variety in hats, and thoro Is a hat for every face. One cannot go wrong in choosing velvet or any of tho materials men tioned. Colors are dark and rich, and trimmings correspond. Metallic laces and braids, elaborate beadwork, silk and velvet flowers (and those covered withtlnsol), ribbons of high luster, and rich ostrich plumes, are set off by the hats of beautiful and sedate colorB that form tho best of backgrounds for them. Fur and the most elaborate and carefully made fancy feathers, or the peculiar now cut steol ornaments pro vide many novelties in tho way of Two Play Frocks Summer or winter, the plaj and school frocks of tho very small girl uro made of materials that can bo washed. Durable linen in tho natural or In gay colors, wash flannel, pique, gingham, chambray, kindergarten cloth, all present themselves to tho hand of tho seamstress, in plain plaid and striped designs. Very littlo trim ming is used and littlo girls' frocks must depend for their stylo on color, cut and combinations of plaid or striped with plain material. But if good tasto prohibits much trimming on tho clothes of the little miss It encourages a bit of pretty needlework and oddities in cut. So long as tho designer does not depart from simplicity or unbroken lines sho may indulgo her fancy for unusual shaped yokes, sleeves and yoke in ono. and quaint affects In finishing touches. Tho two littlo frocks pictured hero nro of tho ovoryday sort that mothers nro making up-iti heavy linens and other wash fabrics. In thorn tho little girl may romp along with her broth ers; they aro designed for mtuth wear. At tho left a plain dress is shown trimmings, unlike any that have gone before. Threo of tho now patterns aro shown in the group pictured hero. Tho small hat at the top has a coronet of velvet which Is wldo at tho back but narrowed to a small upturned brim at the front. A brilliant corded silk cov ers tho crown and the inside of the coronet, forming a binding about tho edge of tho hat. Two smart, upstand ing plumes at tho back, tukon with the shape of the hat, suggest a mili tary mode. At the left a wlde-brlinmed hat with soft crown is made of velvet. Tho brim Is curved in gentle and grace ful lines. A metallic braid and a large llower, which looks like the airiest of nTlgrce, make up the simple and very effective trimming. At the right a felt hat faced with velvet shows another of the plctur esque wide-brimmed 'models. In this hat the crown is higher. Wide moire ribbon and silver lace adorn the un usual shape, in which tho brim Is deeply slashed at each side. Boll the Meat. When making croquettes of left-over moat it is much hotter to boll the meal until it is very tender. in Tub Materials made of dark hi no linen with collur, cuffs and belt of tan linen. It has a short opening at the front with eye lets worked In tan floss In a close, oven buttonhole stitch on each side. It slips on over the head and fastens by means of narrow ribbon in black or dark blue laced through the eyelets. A bit of needlework appears on the cuffs and collar in a small embroidered disk of the same size as tho eyelets. A dress of striped pique or otlior striped material Ib pictured at the right. It is mndo with a set-on belt, and two plaits appear at each side, in tho skirt portion, below the bolt. The collar tin J cuffs In whlto aro edged with a plain buttonholo-stitchod scal lop, ami this simple edging finishes tho plait which covers tho front open ing. A double row of round buttons is set down tho front, and two larger buttons' of the tmino kind fasten through but tonholes in tho ends of tho belt, which Is stitched to tho dross only along tho upper edgo nt tho sides and back. This makes It convenient to launder tho dress. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. If you cannot net to meter nil tho music of your soul, Then let lt heavenly harmony your dally Ilfo control; Until from out tho discord of life's bitterness and pain Swoct symphonies shall rise nor your life-sons bo In vain. Alice Dunlnp. SOME QUICK DESSERTS. Toast crackers and put a spoonful of Jelly or Jam on each. Whip cream, llnvor with vanilla and heap on tho Jolly. Sprin klo with grated cocoa nut or chopped nuts U whipped cream Is not available. dJs Open a can of poaches or any canned fruit, pour oft tho sirup and boll It up with sugar to make a rich sauco. tluttcr crack ers, place tho p-aches on them, sprin kle with sugar and put another crack er on top. Put Into tho ovon long enough to heat through and servo with hot fruit Banco. Jelly Pancakes. Make n batter of a cupful of milk, a cupful of Hour, ono teaspoonful of baking powder nnd a quarter of a teaspoonful of salt. Beat an egg, add tho mill: and flour, beating well, fry on a hot greased grlddlo. Spread with jolly, roll up and Bprlnklo with powdered sugar. Raspberry Trifle. Lino a glass dish with thin slices of sponge cake. Pour over it raspberry Juice to soften It. then lny over It a layer of wholo ber ries. On this place another layer of cake and another layor of raspberries. Pour ovor all whipped sweetened cream. Banana Dessert. Sllco bananas and sprinkle them with powdered su gar, chopped nut meats and tho Juice of hnlf n lemon. Surround with seed ed raisins and serve with cream. A few cookod prunes stirred into sweetened nnd flavored whipped cream and Borvcd on squares or Btrips of cako makes a most tasty desBert. Any kind of fruit may bo served in tho samo way, pineapple Is especially good. Cooked rice served with a hard sauce, flavored with crushed, fresh fruit, Is another good dessert. Marmalade, cream cheese, dates, figs and nuts In combination may be used for sweet sandwich filling. Maple sugar with chopped salted al monds is ono that Is always liked. Moisten tho sugar with thick crenm, then add tho chopped nuts. Tho browned almonds make a most appe tizing flavor with tho mnplo sugar. As ships meet at sen, a moment to Rether, when words of Ereetlnjr must bo Bpoken, and then away Into tho deep, so men meet In this world; and I think wo should cross no man's pnth without hallliiK 1 1 tin. and. If ho needs, Hiving him supplies. Henry Ward Deeclier. HELPFUL HINTS. To tell a cooked egg from a fresh one, should they get mixed on tho shelf, twirl tho egg on a smooth sur face. Tho cooked egg will spin, the raw will not. A roll of Burgeon's plaster will bo found most useful for many things other than Its authorized purpose. When making frosting use Instead of fresh water that which has been colored by cooked beets, Mix this with powdered sugar and you have a wholesome pink frosting. When cooking milk, to keep it from burning, put a few spoonfuls of water in tho dish and when boiling add tho milk. Apples aro one of the most whole some of fruits and should bo given freely to children, especially In tho winter. Cranberries are said to stimu late the Hver. For the overtired" housewife a most restful attitude is to llo on the back with, the feet elevated on a couple of pillows or cuhions. Ten minutes In this positiou will effect a wonderful rest. A splendid Idea to keep stockings mated, especially in a largov family, is to place good-sized patent fasteners on the top horn of tho stockings, then when tho hone are taken off they are snapped together, may bo ho wnBhed, and will return still united. Never throw away old quilts, us they make tho best kind of padding for a stair carpot. When sweater sleeves become thin at tho elbow, cut them out of the arm hole and exchange them, putting tho left sleeve Into the right arm hole. This change brings the worn part on the front of the sleeve. Resigned. Tho Minister's Wifo "Tho new cook loft this morning, the ono you suid tho Lord muBt hnvo sent." Tho Minister "Well, dear, the Lord glvoth and tho Lord takoth away. Blessed bo tho name of tho Lord." Puck. Neutrality for Him. Prlsonor (on bolng asked, "What say you, 'Guilty' or 'Not guilty?' ') "Mo Lud, I leavo It to tho learned counsels to fight It out between 'cm. I'll be neutral." London Punch. Wash hairbrushes In common bak Ing-soda water; a teaspoonful to a plnl of hot wnter. Dip tho brushes up nnd down in this until clean, then rinse In clenr water and dry, brlstlo-sldf down. HuttoiiB will stay on longer If the knot In tho thread Is put under the button before beginning to sew it on Tho tlush of youth soon pusses from tho face, The spalls of fnney. from tho mind depart. The form may lose Its symmetry, Its Brace, Hut tlmo can claim no victory o'er tho heart. THE EMERGENCY SHELF. This Is a subject which hns boon treated at length sovornl times, but 0 ono which is sc important that It noods to c o m f often before us T h o housewife who has n well stocked omorgen cy sholf may be assured that uc -DE lJ 1 sudden Inroad of unexpected companj will causo her any Inconvenience Hero nro some of tho many things1 which will bo useful, ulthough each housowifo will find additions and changes to make, sultnblo to her needs. ' First, hnvo a few catiB of good soup. TIiIb, with some crisp crackers, makes a line beginning to any hur ried meal and may bo prepared almost as quickly as It takos to write- It One may add milk or cream to extend the amount of these soups and UBitally It Improves them. On this shelf have a few cans of fish, such as tunny or tuna, salmon and crab or lobstor; theso muy be used in various ways as salads, hot dishes or chowders If so desired. Cut lets, using a can of salmon, adding whlto sauce, rolling in crumbs and frying In deop fat, will go further than a can of Balmon served plain. A box of codfish, jars of pickles, canned corn beef and dried beef, ol ives, canned fruit, nuts and dates aro other helpful furnishings to tho shelf. Even lemon plo filling comes canned now to use In nn emergency. Those foods nro expensive for everydny use, but to have somo of these things on tho shelf even if used but onco a year, will prove worth the Investment. A few quickly prepared menus should be nt hand, so thnt in the hurry one need only glanco at them to choose a good meal. There Is a shady side of life, And a sunny sldo as well, And 'tis for every ono to sny On which he'd choose to dwell; For every ono unto himself Commits a crlovous sin, Who bars tho blessed sunshine out, And shuts tho shadows In. MORE ABOUT EMERGENCY SHELF. There nro many quickly prepared cheeso dishes, so there should always bo a jar of grated cheese. A piece of cheese keeps well, tight ly covered, If it is s p r t n kl o d generously with salt. Cans of spaghetti and tomnto, deviled chicken, cans veal and ham, which can bo heated, aro Items for tho emergency shelf. Naturally Home of these things will spoil If kept ton long, so thoy tuny bo used and re placed from tlmo to time. Tho cost of replacing articles will upt bo great. It is well to remember when buying any kind of canned goods to see that tho ends of tho cans are flat. If thoy bulge, reject thorn for this denotes tho presence of gas and they aro not fit for food. Novor leavo any food In a tin can; empty it at onco when opened. Pie crust may bo prepared all but the water; put in a glass Jar and is ready to use on the instant. Even bread, tho Boston brown va riety, is found in cans and may be a most welcome addition to the shelf. "When ono is seven miles from a lemon," tho emergency shelf Is an ab solute life saver. Boiled dressings tuny be made which will keep for weeks In tho col lar or ico chest. In fact many house keepers nlways keep a bowl of salad dressing on hand, or one muy make a salad out of almost anything. Salted wafers, small cakes, fruit cookies and fruit cake, will keep for weeks It kept from the air, and so one may feel at ease, even though company drops In without warning Hot Potatoes. When removing hot potatoes from tho oven pull ovor your hands littlo bags that sugnr comes in. Anybody Is apt to burn hands or arms In turn ing potatoes or taking them from tho oven, and theso littlo bags aro con venient to have for protectors. Instruction From the Press. In a polite age almost every person becomes a reader, und receives moro Instruction from tho press than the pulpit. Goldsmith. ceedingly well, and In composition soems to bo pretty nenrly perfect; but It lacks background, Mr. Hrushly. But for that It would bo n work of art. Your foreground Is charming, but Just n trlllo too well, shall wo say too fanciful?" "I don't know what you are driving at," growled Brushly. "I suppose you know what you mean, however. What kind of n background would you sug gest?" "Cash!" said tho cashier. "A work of art like this, calling for tho pay ment of $50, Is not wholly convincing with n sketchy littlo overdraft of $2.89,1 on deposit to provldo tho necessary contrasts In light and alia do and to glvo the thing whnt wo might call balance." Whereupon Brushly, llko the self respecting man he was, snapped his lingers under tho Impudent fellow's nose nnd trnnsforrod his overdraft to the trust company across the street. Judge. CURED OF BRIGHT'S DISEASE. Mrs. A. I Crawford, Mcdflold, Mass., wrltos: "Dodd's Kldnoy Pills cured mo of Brlght's Disease, nnd I am healthy and strong to-dny and hnvo boon mossed with good health ovor since my euro. When tho doctors pronoun ced my caBo Brlght'n Dlscaso I was In such a serious condition that thoy could not do anything for mo. I kopt getting worse My limbs from my ankles to my knees swelled nnd my eyes wero so swollen that I couldn't see. As a Inst hopo I thought I would glvo Dodd's Kldnoy Pills a trial. I gradually improved and kopt on taking them and thoy curod mo thoroughly." Dodd's Kidney Pills, GOc per box nt your dealer or Dodd's Modlclno Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Dodd's Dyspepsia Tab lets for Indigestion have been proved 60c per box. Adv. Knew His Father. A school inspector asked a cIqbb of small children: "If I had threo glaBSoa of beer on tho tnble, and your father came in and drank ono, how many would bo left?" "None, sir," answered a very small boy. "But you don't understand my ques tion," said tho Inspector, and ho re peated it again. Still the boy gnvo tho samo reply. "Ah, my boy." exclaimed tho Inspec tor at last, "It Is clear you don't know mental arithmetic." "But I know my father," said the boy, promptly. ONLY A FEW PIMPLES But Many More May Come If You Neglect Them. Try Cutlcura Free. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment aro most effective in clearing tho Bkln of pimples, blackheads, redness, rough ness, Itching und Irritation as well as freeing tho scalp of dandruff, dryness and Itching, besides satisfying every want of tho toilet and nursery. Sample each free by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. Y, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Visitors Excepted. "1 seldoni seo a largo automobllo standing in front of a pretty bunga low that I don't feol sad." "You are nut envloim, 1 hopo?" "So, indeed. Experience has taught me that about nine times out of ten a motor car at tho curb means a inort gago on the house." I Important to Mothorn Exatuluo carefully evory bottle of CASTOIHA, a safe and sure remedy for lnfauts and children, and aeo that It rtnnra th Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Deep Voice. "Why do you call your cat Carmen?" "She's a contralto." Loulsvillo Courier-Journal. Life is tiresome enough without vis iting your relatives. 10c Worth of Will Clear $1.00 Worth of Land Get rid of the stumps and grow big crops on cleared land. Now is the time to clean un vour farm DR. BRADBURY, Dentist 26 YEARS IN OMAHA Home treatment for Gum Diseases. Painless Dentistry; work guaranteed 10 - n l t i m . .i . . , . years; ruiings, crowns, unuge Send for Booklet on Unusual allowed. Crown from $2.50 FOR THfc APPETITE FOR THE DIGESTION FOR THE LAZY LIVER FOR CLOGGED BOWELS TRY HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS It is a Mnic, appetizer and stom ach remedy of well known merit GET THE GENUINE J DIDN'T "RAISE" THE CHICKENS But Evidently Dealer Hadn't Quit Comprehended Question Asked by His Customer. Hero is a littlo story that was told by Congressman William C. Adamson of Georgia when tho conversation turned to natural misunderstanding: A young housowifo who Hvob in a suburban town wont to tho village storo to mako same purchases. "These chickens look very nice," re marked tho customer, pausing boforo tho poultry counter. "How much aro thoy?" "Ono dollar aploco, madam," was tho prompt rosponso of tho obliging pro prietor. "You can't find bettor poul try for tho money in tho wholo coun try." "Ono dollar," thoughtfully mused tho customor, and then added: "Did you ralso thom?" "Oh, no, madam!" was tho hasty assuranco of tho misunderstanding storekeeper. "That is tho samo prlco I offered to sell thom for yostorday." Pitiless. "Somo men havo no hearts," said tho tramp. "I'vo eon a-tollln that feller I am so dead broke that I have to sloop outdoors." "Didn't that fetch him?" aBkod the other. "Naw. Ho tol' mo he was a-doin' tlit same thing, and had to pay tho doctor for tellln' him to do it." Christian Heglstor. J No man wnB ovor qulto as good an tho obituary notlco of him written by his friend. ITnppy in the home where Ited Croasr Ball Blue is lined. Sure to pleaie. All grocers. Adv. Tank Bovorly says that if fish could vote tho angloworra would bo elected. When all othors fall to please. Try Dcnlaon'a Coffee. Occasionally a littlo sin grows up, weds and raises a big family. e General say at Whan you find this label on a roll of Asphalt Roofing it U guaranteed by It maker who know how wall it U made. Your own local dealer will tell you all about the responsibility that stands behind our guarantee on Certain-teed Roofing The guarantee of 5, 10 or IS years for 1, 2 or ply CrWn-rf is backed by the Inreeit Roofmcand lluildltic Taper Mills In the world. HThd roofiwr has siren excellent service on ell ....... -, ,...n.ii . . , . . . I costs less nnd elves a better service than metal roollnir, wood siunsles, anil many other ypes of roofing. Crtnln-frf Roofs alt over lb; country are outliving the period of the guar antee. Alt Crin!n-ttJ products are reasonable In price. Ask yourdealer, General Roofing Manufactaring Co. U'orbl's largiMt manttfacturtrt of Roofing and UuUdtna Faptri Htw Tork air CUcsre ttiUJ.IpU St. Leah Bit ClirtUiJ Pitulirtli Detroit Su Frsacitce Clsciuttl MiiiMcwlU Ktiui CUr SmIIU Attssts lUeitsa LssJta lUnhirf Sroa? PATENTS Watsea 15. Calamaa, Talent Lawyer Wuhtnrloa. n.ll Arivlr anil tmAkafre Bates reasonable. Highest ralsrsnoes, JitslsarvkKS. m PONE while products bring high prices. Blasting ia quickest, cheapest and easiest with Low Freez ing Du Pont Explosives. They work in cold weather. Write for Free Handbook of Exptotlvet No. 69F, and name of nearest dealer, DU PONT POWDER COMPANY WILMINGTON DELAWARE - woric ana rules mat stay wnere 1 put mem. Dentistry It's free. Railroad fare for 50 milea up. 921-22 Wo4ui el Wld BUa., Omaha. Nik