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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1915)
Cwt (Oitii pHtj imi THIRTIETH YEAR. NORTH ,PLATTE, NEB., OCTOBER 1, L915. No. 73 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Ladles' Suits from $10.00 up at Wil cox Department Store. Mrs. Harold Wright is quite ill at her homo on cast Ninth street. Munslng Underwear for Men, Wom en and Children at Wilcox Depart ment Store. Mrs. Catherine Fryer, who has been seriously ill for several weeks, Is slightly improved today. Edward M right and wife have gone .o Omaha to attend thr Ak-Sar-Ben md visit relatives for ton days. Mrs. Chris Paulson has returned from Sutherland where she attended th funeral of the late Mrs. George Shoup. Gage Hollawny left Wednesday cv; for Gibbon to vibit relatives for a few days and later will go to Omaha to attend the Ak-Sar-Don. Bos: Granulated Cane Sugar $G.OO a sack at Wilcox Department Store Miss Veta Pickard, nurso at the Nurse- Brwn Memorial hospital, enjoy ed a visit from her parents this week, who reside in Missouri and are enroute to California, v Wm. A. Hayes is completing one of tho most attractive bungalows In the city at 302 south Vine street. Mr. Hayes is a carpenter and erected this pretty and roomy house. John Herrod placed in service this morning a new delivery auto truck, It is "Tho Menomineo" and has tho appearance of a car that will stand tho "wear and tear." Dr. J. S. Slnis took possession of his now bungalow in tho south part of town Wednesday. It is one of the most attractive of the many pretty homes in that part of town. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dunphy, of Grand Island, visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bogue this week and) left yesterday1 afternoon for Sallna, Kans., by the way of Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Geno Neville, of New York, who aro enroute to San Fran cisco In thtir Pierce Arrow car, will be tho gunts of Mr. ar.d Mrs. Cha-3. Reynolds thia week. We have a special assortment of hats for $3.75 for October 2nd, one day day only. Also a special price on all caps and plain bats for childres at Wilcox Department Store Tho.Rebekahs will serve a i5c lunch of hot biscuits and creamed chicken in the I. O. O. F. hall Friday afternoon and evening, October 8th. An elec tion -of officers -will be held. Misfortunes never come singly. To day The Tribune editor lost his fed eral job and bis son-in-law lost his hunting pup. The son-in-law insists that his loss is the greater, and the editor is not disputing him. If your feet hurt buy Queen Qual ity shoes at W.ilcox Department Store. George Brhard, a traveling man who for a time made North Platte his home, last week contributed an cx Cfillent write-up of this city to an eastern trade panor. Mr. Brhard ev idently believes in boosting the towns locaed is his territory. Wo are lntormed that the residents of tho south part of the city, and par ticularly those living west of Dewey street, will petition the board of edu cation to erect a school uuliumg in . For Ront Furnished house. A. A.I Schatz, j A. A. Schatz nutocd to Stnpleton yesterday to visit the fair. Mrs. J. ,T. Ilowker will return to-j night from a month's visit In Texas. Mr. and Mrs. j; Stackhouso, of Dickons aro sjiondlng, tills wect in town . G. F. Logan, of Springfield,, Mo., is the guest of hor sistor, Mrs. A. E. Dowoll. x lit. Rov. Geo. A. Ilcochor, of Hast ings, spent a few hours in town Wed nesday evening. Mrs. J. 13. Evans entortalned at a dinner party Tuosday complimentary to Mrs. W. J. Cruson. 1 George Schrnnim, of the Birdwood, was in tho city yosterday and while hero purchased a Ford car. Wanted A girl for general house work Apply to Mrs. Perry Carson, 407 east Sixth street. Noel Donegan expects to leave-in a fow days for Omaha and Lincoln to visit friends for a week. Frank Hart, of Alliance, nsd Leo Hart, of Brady, who spent the Unit of this week here left Tuesday evening. Mrs. David Robeson, of Douglas, Ariz., a former resident of North Platte, is the guest of friends in town. Misses Irene and Mario Stuart will go to Omaha next week to visit with frlcsds and attend tho Ak-Sar-Lon Mrs. B. A. Cram will leave next week for Lincoln to attend tho branch meeting of the Woman's Foreign Mis sions. Mrs. Cash Austin will entertain a number of ladles at a prornuptial handkerchief shower for Miss Mayme McMlchoal. Mrs. Esther Burcnor and Miss Merlo Thprnburg went to Hastlnrs Wednes day evening where they will remain indefinitely. Mrs. E. B. Gibbs, who has bees vis iting her daughter Mrs. W. J. Stuart for several weeks, will return to Chi cago today. s Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Axtell wont to Sterling this morning where tho for mer has been transferred for a couple of months. Maurice Fowler came up from Grand Island this morning and will devote 0 couple of days to scouting around in quest of horses. The Zenda dancing clublield an en joyable dance at tho Masonic hall last evening. The White-Tramp orchestra furnished the music. Mrs; H. B. Drake, of Broken Bow, Is the' guest-ofv her ne,lce, Mrs. Wm. Huddart while enroute home from a' visit to the Pacific coast. , Mrs. York Hinman entertained a' number of ladies at a dinner party Wednesday in favor of her mother, who will soon return to California. Mr. and Mrs. James Clark, of Edina, Mo., who spent two weeks with the latter's sistor, Mrs. Edward Bush, left yesterday afternoon for Storllng to visit relatives. Mrs. Henrietta Kenworthy and two sons of Denver, formerly of this city, are visiting with the forcer 3 sistor, Mrs. M. V. Mitch all, having arrived the first of this week. Mrs. J. F, Jecreys, of Ifuntloy, 'Nebraska, came Wednesday evening that section of tho city to acconimo- tQ vl(J,t her tlaugIltorf Mr8. Faith Yar nell, who is making her homo witu date tho primary grades. Residents .... . a , . . tllll 1 lw a u or tnai pan 01 iovu cumuiar.i mat M j-j,v,aP(j .hlc tneir cmuren nave to wane too iar 10 . attend school. WANTED (iirl for general housework, quire J21 west Fourth. Tn- PIANO FOR SALE Practically now Chickerlng Piano for sale at a bargain. Inquire No. 23, Tribune. r Miii'TiTOiTiTpiwiTmriTWiiTmriTrnTrnTi i'he Bam Will the House but the house will never help build the barn," is 'a common saying amongst farmers. It's good business when making the first permanent improvements on the farm, to put up iirst the buildings tliat Help most to make money. Every dollar put into a good modern barn is returned many-fold to the fanner. Cow comfort and horse comfort ; mean man profit. Live stock kept well and vigorous pays a handsome dividends. ' JL There is no need to argue the case for the mod ern barn. 'Most farmers -admit the necessity of it. Anything that wc can do to heh,you obtain the virrlir enrf nf Lrirn fnr Vfllir yii - Ml 1.t1 ,1 T f XV-l lariu, we win gunny uu, ,. y, V.fer, ; " si,t ft us get together on it. trSMM ' " r.i Viiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiintiii.iiiiiiiiiinnff3 Knines and Heeler Appointed Thn nmintnf mnnf if W T Pntimn of Maxwell, and Arnold F. Heeler, of this city, as register and receiver' respectively of tho local United States land office was mado yosterday by president Wilson. Appointments of registers and receivers of the offices at Broken Bow and O'Neill wore also made, and the register at Valentine named. In the North Platto office tho com missions of Messrs. Evans and Bare expired April 20th last, and since that date democratic appointments had been expected daily, but by reason of tho Bryan-Hitchcock fight on patron age the naming of appointees was delayed. ' With tho exception of the Alliance office, which still pays' the maximum salary of ?3,000 n year, the land of fices in Nobraska aro not much of a reward so far as salary Is concerned. In the futura, unless a consolidation of districts is made, tho pay of each ofTIcor In the North Platte office will not exceed $100 per month. In the North Platto district thero V less than 10,000 acres of vacant land, and less than (100 homesteads on which final proof has not been made. Iu the Broken Bow, O'Neill and Valentine districts tho business has also about petered out. Messrs. Eames and Beeler 'will take over the office as soon as their bonds are accepted and commissions are ls Bued, which will be in a week or ten days. The retiring officers congratulate Messrs. Eames and Beeler, and will render them evr assistance in get ting acquainted with the work of the office. "Walk Tills Way" Some Show. With a splendidly balanced com pany, Billy "Single" Cllffrd, support ed by the clever prima donna, Helen Clark," will be seen In the merriest satire "Walk This Way" at the Keith Theatre Saturday evening, October 2d. Tho success of this clever farce Is lit tle short of phenomenal. The mipport Is the st 'oiiL-on L'lly Cl'fford hw er had and by carrying- his own band and orchestra as well as several big vaudeville headllners, "Walk This Way" is an assured evening of fun. Tho vocal equipment is perfect and praises everywhere have been receiv ed on their enunciation. Dancing is another feature, especlatty the New Walk, which gets them everywhere. Will Open Cafe Peter Caredls, a Greek, has leased th'dr'.roni' formerly "occupied by the Scoonover clothing store and will open a cafe as soon as the furniture arrives and is placed, t Mr. Caredls, who op erates a restaurant In. Hastings, ar rived this morning accompanied by a Lincoln man who is : taking the di mensions of the rooms preparatory to filling tho order for the furnishings. The cafe will open inside of thirty days, and the proprietor assures us that its appointments and service will bo sccofcil to none. The cafe will be open day and night. LAiil'ES' WAISTS ..To fit and (o please everybody mid to suit any pocket bonk. THE LEA Di: It. Nurse Ilrowu Hospital N'olcs Miss Maude Clark, of Tryon, who has ben receiving treatment hero for several weeks, is very much Improved in health and Is expecting to leave tho hospital soon. Mrs. II. N. Yarnell, who left the hospital a fow days ago, will re turn to her home at Carmen Saturday. Dr. J. S. Twfneni, who has boon away for tho past throe weeks Is ex pectd home tomorrow. Mrs. W. S. Redman and little son left the hospital Tuosday but will not return to their home at Arthur until next week. Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Pickard, of Harlan, Iowa, wore visiting their daughter her this week. Thoy left yesterday afternoon to spend a month with another daughter who rosldos at Fort Collins, Colo. For Sale I havo GO head of registered Per rheron horses, all ages, from colts to 12 yearsi old. Can bo bought on tlmo with good security. Wm EdlB, 2 mlleg south ofrtown. 73tf Having The Right Merchandise At The Right Prices That's 'What Counts Thai's what is lold to us every clay by our customers. The merchandise, plus service, are things that make- one store belter than any other. It is our constant aim of keeping ahead of the peoples wants with what they want, with prices, that are right. These are the main reasons why we have doubled our business so far this season in comparison with the seasons past. Just Received another large shipment of new Fall Suits, come in Tonforrow and look them over. New Fall Dresses $4.79 to $33.00 Models that can not he equaled anywhere at the same price, charming up to date styles in Silk poplins and serge and Silk combinations, in all sizes and colors. New Fall Coats S5.00 to $45.00 Unquesl ionably the best and greatest collection of Coats ever shown in this city, all made up to the minute in all the leading shades and newest materials sizes to fit everybody. New Fall Suits $12.80 to $40.00 Copid of high priced imported models made of Rroad Cloths, Poplins, Gabardines Whipcords Velvets, and Screes, I'ur or Braid Trimmed. 49. Sizes 14 to ... - 1 , 1 New Fall Skirts $1.98 to $l4.5fj. New Fall Petticoats 49c up. Now Fall Waists 69c to $7.50. Sweaters in Wool and Siffc SOc up. Childrens Coats $2.48 to $ 1 1 .56.' Girls Worsted Dresses 98c up. Aleraf ions Free of Charge. Auto Caps and Tam O'Shanters in all Colors 50c to $1.48. Ladies" Outfitting Store NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Lacamile and P. N. Corsets back lace and lace front. Every one Guaranteed. W. Wo SIRGE CO, NURSES REGISTRY CITY HOSPITAL NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. GRADUATE PHONE 82 NURSES DOMESTIC NURSES We are in a position to furnish competent nursea for physicians, on short notice Cajl Phono 82 and state whether you want graduate or domestic nurse and we will complete all the arrangements for you without charco. Flour Prices Reduced We have reduced the price on our old Wheat Flour to the basis of new wheat. Union Flour the best made, pack eu m licavv towel snckfi tj P per sack Tulip Flour guaranteed best first patent per sack. Valley sack . . 70 best $1.60 '.".'.rSS.SO We hae enough on hands fo a week or ten days business after that time we will have flour made from this year's wheat. Better buy an extra sack or, two ol old wheat Hour. l Wilcox Department Store LOCAL AND PERSONAL Tho RincUor Book niul Drug Co. have Improved their store by adding forty fct of now glass show cases. Clayton Ogier, ot Lancaster, Cnl., came yostorday to visit his brother E. N. Ogier and family for a fortl night. Tho W. C. T. U. will meet at tho homo of Mrs. N. B. Loudon, 320 roulli Chestnut street, Tuosday nftor noon. Tho literary department of tho Twentieth Century club will moot with Mrs. W. M. Cummlngs Tuesday nf u rnoon. Conductor Hrooks sprained his left ankle Wednesday aftornoon while, stepping from a moving freight train j in tho local yards. Weather forecast for North Platto and vicinity: : Slightly warmer to i.ight; highest temp,erc.ire yosterday f.."; a year ago Si; lowest last nigiu 41; a year ago 53. Lost Nine months old Lewellpn Setter dog. Hindi and white. Kinder plengo notify W. II. Munger Georce Woir writes from Lincoln that he was offered the position of aashltant In the anatomy room at the state university, but on nccount of his dental course will not be able to accept. . For Kale (die Inrpc hard cunl tnmior In Iirst class condition. IVill p11 II real clicnp. Apply nl IlLOt'K'S STORK. Thos. McGulre returned yesterday ifternoon from Omaha wher1 he spent ,. k anc1 will lslt ' pirents. Mr. :.nd Mrs. Charloa " McGulre, boforo 1 1 aving for Wallace whore lie has been I - cated for thro years past. Tho Nevlta club woro pleasantly cn icrtalned at the home of Mrs. II. A. '.ooks yesterday aftornoon. A dc Kiie vas held, tho subject being He m lvtd that it is moro pleasant to u icrtaln thnn to be entortalned. Tho afilnnnlve was lead by Mrs. V. 13. l'avna and the negative by Mrs. W. I'. Knvder. Four guests were present and acted a Judges. Thoy awarded tho honors to Mrs. Snyder. In the guessing contest Mrs. Ada Lowis won a inio. Nicely prepared refreshments were served during tho afternoon. Guest a woro Mesdames Gorgo Lane, J. Q. Wilcox, Carl Iirodbock and Guy Cover. Tor Snlo Fine Lawn Manure Inquire- of Joo Snles. Phono Ulack 101. 73-8 .Notice to Water Consumers Bills for the July quarter are now ready and If paid by Octobor 10th a discount of one cent per thousand gal lons is given. No discount after the 10th. As water bills aro light tills ypar we request that thoy bo paid promptly, as tho Water Dopartmont necdu the money. The water will bo shut off of all Atlorny Albert Muldoon spent tho first of tliis ween In SIdnoy on busi ness, Tho Hoyal Neighbors sodul club met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. El mer Koontis, who was assisted by Mcs damrs D. C. Davis and L. Jones. Nice refreshments were servod Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Meyers, of Choy- servlces which are delinquent niter enno, woro in this city last, evening Octobor 20th, ns a reminder thnt the enroutn to Washington, D. C Upon water bill Is not paid. IU3HSIIKV S. WELSH. tin 'Ir return thoy will visit with Mr. land Mm. Charles Mclsamara. High-Stand Service "As 11 business 111:111 I have many hanking; demands and requirements, yel the I'latto Valley Statu Hank has 11 hnppy faculty of (retting quickly Into nclloii willi them all." "To me It moans much to have (he bank ghc prompt uttentioii to mat ter after mutter und never vary lis vt llliiiKiioss to sen Ice.'' These ure tin; remarks of a business iiiaiinger. Allow us to show you, too, Hint here Is 11 bank fully capable of sen lug you. Platte Valley State Bank, 4 per cent Interest On Time Deposit. Forth PJntfe, Nebraska. v.