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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1915)
I1 THE SEMI-VyEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. 1 V Coiffures for the Small Turbans Just how the modish girl manages to achieve certain things is the ques tion that engages the attention of other girls and Inspires the wonder ment and awe of the sterner sex. How does she get on a tiny turhan over the mass of fluffy hair which crowned her head aforetime? Where has said hair disappeared? How does she take on, with tho foolish little turban, a "no body homo" expression that suits it exactly but makes one look twice to be suro of her identity? Some of these questions can bo answered and somo cannot, because the maid herself hard ly knows how she manages. Just now some of tho new hair dressing styles demand that the fore head shall be uncovered and that sim plicity in the coiffure be made a feature of its attraction. Somo daring souls have oven gone to the extreme at combing tho hair straight back from the forehead and twisting the ends into a plain, high coll at the top Df the head. A round, young face with an abundance of hair to, frame it may manago a colffuro of distinction by such simple means, but nearly all people need soft, curving lines about the forehead. A clever coiffure is shown In the picture, in which the hair is not waved but laid In pretty curves about the face by pinning locks of It at each side to form what are called "water waves." One way of doing this Is to dampen tho hair and comb It back. A band is then bound tightly about the head and the hair pulled forward In curves by means of the toilet comb. Tho waves nro then pinned with small wire pins In the position left by the comb. Tho back hnlr may be arranged in a psycho knot, as shown In the picture, or In three flat coils across the back of the head. Or It may be worn In a high coil at the top of the head. In any case the band is not taken ofl until the hairdress is finished. Narrow velvet bands about the hair are very fashionable, and they are also very useful in holding tho hair In place. Stripes Popular. A season of stripes everything; gowns, hats, sunshados. furniture! 'Twould bo easier to delineate what It not striped than what is. The modish stripe of black and white, red and white and white with green, has found its way to square-shaped candles, too Twenty cents each are these, and jusl tho thing for somo room possibl; yours. Wade Elegant by Needlecraft irf ll HIT II I ! S IILIW HMM IHIIMIIMJIIMIIIIJII CHI j K " ' p h I ! x x , m ? , 1 No ono fails to appreciate the charm at tho lace-trimmed and fluffy night dresses that make up the mass of theso garments. Always their pro ducers are presenting new designs that captivate tho oyo with tho dainty combination of ribbons nnd laces. Ilut there is another charm which be longs to tho hand-embroidered gown It is the charm of clcganco as well as beauty. There is nothing qulto equal to find hand ombroldery in expressing a refinement of tasto, In undergar ments and other lingerie Tho needlowomnn who can do flno work can provide horsolf with llngerlo fit for a queen by virtuo of her needle craft. Or if she wishes to turn her accomplishment to profit she may bo euro that an appreciative world Is ready to admire and pay for export needlework. No ono should put a low price on first-class hand embroidery not tlmo nlono, but ability to do and quality of workmanship aro to bo con sidered In nxing Its prlco. A flno handombroldorod gown 1b Bhown in tho picture. All edges aro scalloped and finished with oven but tonholo stitching. A floral spray and butterflies aro portrayed on tho sheer batiste surfaco by moans of tho noodle. A gracoful rrttern, small flowers and butterflies a. tho uso of appropriate stitches combine to wake the success of the design. Gowns of this kind aro prettiest When cut by the simplest patterns. In tho example shown hero tho sleoves and body are in one; tho shapo of a flaring slecvo Is outlined by scallops embroidered In linos on the body. They merely add graceful linos and pleaaiug workmanship, that la, they aro a part of tho "finish" which mnkea tho hand-onibroldcred garment elegant abovo others. Lightweight, smoothly woven linen or tho best of fine cotton fabrics aro tho materials which It Is worth while to chooso when handwork is to bo used in decorating llngerlo. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. Gold Fringe Trimming. Do you remembor tho time whon tho mero mention of fringe as a trim ming for gowns caused you to curl up your Hps and elevate your nose? Do not distort your features when you road of gold frlngo trimming an eve ning gown of point d'esprlt, for It 1b most effective and really enables tho gown to bo described at gorgeous. Tho frlngo Is used around tho bottom of tho skirt, In a diagonal lino across tho front of tho bodice and along th odgo of tho flowing Bloovea of tullo. CULTIVATION IN AN ORCHARD Ground Should Be Gone Over Every Week or Ten Days to Liberate Plant Food and Save Moisture. As tho principal objects of summer cultivation are to liberate plant food and conserve soli moisture, tho ground should bo gone over once every week or ten days according to tho frequency of rains. The cultivation should bo discontinued nbout the mid dle of July as tho trees are no long er In n state of vigorous growth. Tho fruit buds for tho next year aro at this tlmo fully matured and the caro of tho trees can now be ended by tho sowing of n cover crop of some kind. When plowed under tho next spring this crop supplies the necessary amount of humus, stores up nitrogen and prevents tho soil from being washed by heavy rains. There Is a wide variety of sultablo cover crops, but legumes nro tho most suitable. Duckwhcat is ono of tho best non-nitrogen gathering crops and may be sown late in the summer. Vetches nro very good cover crops. Winter rye Is less sultablo but may be used when the earlier sown crops fail. As soil protection and promotlan of fertility are the objects In view, these crops should bo sown thick enough to closely cover the ground. These crops supply tho required amount of nitro gen In most cases, if not, the trees will show It by light colored, un healthy looking foliage and stunted growths. Nitrate of Boda, in quanti ties of from 50 to 100 pounds per aero, sown early In tho spring is tho best method of supplying nitrogen when it is needed Many growers contend that lato cultivation and fertilization promotes a strong growth of now wood, which by being frozen in tho winter will In jure the trees, while others claim the contrary, and mention tho results of experiments to prove their argument. BLACK KNOT OF PLUM TREES Very Prevalent Disease and Also Af fects Wild Cherry Cut Off Branches Showing Affection. Black knot Is a very prevalent dis ease on plum trees and ft also affects the wild cherry, often causing It to spread to cultivated trees. Tho way to keep It In control 1b to cut off and burn every small branch Black Knot on Plum Twig. that shows any sign or the disease an fast as it appears. If largo branches ;ro affected that cannot well be spared, the cankers or knots may bo pared' off closely and tho wounds covered with coal tar, which will kill any lurking germs and preserve tho wood from decay. Protecting Cherries. Two methods of keeping birds away from berries and cherries: 1. Get somo nieces of bright tin and bo hang them that they'll flap in the wind against a pole; 10 by 12 Inches is a good bIzo; punch a hole near the edge for the string. 2. Tie a cord to a po tato, stick it full of largo feathers, and hang it where It will sway in the wind over tho fruit to. bo protected; maku a number of these If ono Is not sufll-clent. Many Kinds of Blackberries. Ono hundred and forty different va rieties of blackberries are now recog nized, divided into three classes tho hardy, tho half hardy and the tender. Tho hardy variety should bo ablo to withstand a temperature of 30 degrees Fahrenheit, as well a tho sudden changes of temperature In tho western Btatea. Tho half hardy class la moro susceptible both to cold and to change, and tho tender variety can only bo grown whero mild winters prevaiL ChSSdren Cry for Fletcher's CTho Kind You Have Always Boujyht, and which has been lu uso for over 30 years, has homo tho nlRnaturo of 0 nnd has been mado under his per- ITS . sonal supervision slneo its Infancy. -4uzsyryt -Cttcuy: Allow no ono to dccolvo you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-ns-good " aro but Experiments that tririo with nnd endanger tho health of Infants and Children Exporlonco against Exporlmoiit. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains noithcr Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrcotlo Bubstanco. Its ago is Its guarantee. It destroys Svorma and allays Fovorishncss. For moro than thirty years ib lias been in constant uso for tho relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, nil Teething- Troubles and Diarrhoea. It rcpnlatos tho Stomach nnd Bowels, nHslmllntoa tho Food, glvinc healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. genubne CASTORIA always jBeara the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THI CINTAUH COMPANY, NtW YORK CITY. THE UNMARKED GRAVE Tho unmntkrd graro Is ono of tho Kaddrrt things In bo world, Krorr liumnn being fools atronglr Urn itlr to pur thn last tributes ot respect to his dead. Tlio Indettructabln Urate Marker Is madn from a, non-corroding metal, measuring IJ1S8 Inches nltn lms attached for anchoring In concrete. Tho namo nnd dates are drilled Into tho matter similar to thn rostlrmonnmcnts, The dellrerod cost of this marker Is M. Vot either temporary or perrnanent marking this Indestrtictablo monument Is Ideal. Writ, for ,m tlol. lforlllo. to.lj Bal C, lit, SU.l CD I. Nebraska Directory and supplies. La r (rest hoime In tho Trent. All Kastmnn (roods, wepayro- KODAK riuipiimn rlillOillfsU turn posUgo on finishing. THE RO0ERT DEMPSTER CO. 1813 Farnam Slrest Eastman Kodak C. Omaha, Neb. The University School of Music Begins ifs 22nd year Scpl. 6th All Branches of Music Dramatic Art Write now for new catalog to Willard Kimball. Pres. llih & R Sis., Lincoln, Neb. THEUMVEITY OF NEBRASKA Tim UnlTCraltjr of Nebraska Includes tho folIonluK Colleges ttud Schools : Tho Graduate Calleec. T7te College of Arts and Sciences, Tlio Teachers' College, Ilia College of Agriculture, The College of Engineering, Tlie College of Law, Tlie College of Med icine, Tito College of Pharmacy, Tlio School of Commerce, Tlie School of Fine Arts.Tlte School of Agriculture. Tlie Teachers' College High ScliooL The TJnlTPTnUy openn for tha first semester on Wednesday, September 15th. One may en ter ntno nt the beRlunlugof the neroud semester (about February) or the Bummer .Session (usually the first full week In June.) On utiy point ot information! address THE REGISTRAR ffi5S,V; Honesty Is also a j;ooil thing in con nection with an insurance policy. Drink Dunison's Coffee, For your health's sake. After a man is married perhaps It ts only right that he shouldn't have a single idea. Some peoplo seem to have an idea it's a poor rule that won't work both ways at once. Beautiful Neutrality. The Venus of Milo explained. "An endeavor to be neutral," she said; "arms are munitions of war." Tho trouble with many of thoso who ndvocnte tho right is that they aro so disagreeable about It thoy do moro harm than good. Oh, Pickles! Hazel I don't like windy weather. It plays havoc with one's complexion. Aimee Perhaps you don't get your complexion on thick enough. Not Easy to Do, "Why is it that tho dog Is always referred to as the most intelligent ani mal?" asked the elephant. "Hocauso he knows how to get a good living without doing any work," replied tho horse. A Change of Luck. Hicks How do you happen to bo going Ashing on Friday? I thought you believed Friday was au unlucky day? Wicks Well, 1 always have, but it occurred to mo this morning 'that per haps it would be unlucky for the fish! WANTED TO SEE THE FINISH Small Girl Did Not Consider That tho End of the Proceedings Had Been Reached. Tho short Intorvnl that elapsed bo tween tho visit of tho llttlo girl to a commencement exorcise and atten dance at an old-fashioned camp-mooting may explain a remark that sho mado nt the religious event. Sho went there with hor grandmother, and, very much Interested in everything that oc curred, asked numerous questions which hor grandparent attempted to answor to tho best of hor ability. "Who is thnt woman up thoro and whnt is sho doing?" asked tho llttlo girl, referring to a woman who was on her knees In tho "amen cornor." "I don't know who she 1b, but she's going to got religion," was the reply. Somo time elapsed and tho woman remained on her knees. Finally, tho grandmother of the llttlo girl bocamo tired of tho service nnd announced that It was tlmo to leavo, "Oh, let's not go yet," exclaimed her grandchild. "Let's wait and seo 'em givo it to her." Louisvlllo Times. His Stunt. Flatbush I see in tho Indian army all orders aro given in English. Densonhurst Well, If tho colonel wants some pate do foio grits for luncheon, how doos ho order It? It's nil right to savo tlmo, but somo people loso a lot figuring how thoy can savo a llttlo. Tho consequences aro seldom pleas ant when you sit on )lther fresh paint or fresh children. An eloquent prayer doesn't got any higher than tho other kind. For genuine comfort and lasting pleas ure uso Ilcd Cross Hull Ulue on wash day. All good grocers. Adv. Tho trouble about looking up to oth er pooplo Is that It oncourages them to look down on us. Tlmo Is monoy, yot lots of peoplo with plenty of tlmo on tholr bands will striko you for a loan. Pessimistic View. "Do you believe tho mlcrobos said to bo in kisses ovor develop Into any thing dangorous?" asked tho fair maid. "I'm afraid thoy do," ropliod tho old bachelor. "At least I've boon told that marriage Is often tho result." Touch Pre-eminent. "A cozy plcturo, oh? A man lolling In an easy chair and his boautlful wlfo leaning ovor him to light- his cigar." "You havon't soon tho companion plcturo to it, havo you?" "Why, no." "It's tho samo man savagoly cliow ing tho end ot his cigar and writing a chock." Kansas City Star. "Old and Distinguished." "Gerald," said tho young wlfo, nrv tlclng how heartily ho was eating, "do t I cook as well as your mother did?" Gerald put up Ills monocla and stared at hor through it. "Onco and for all, Agatha," ho said, "I bog you to remember that although I may scorn to bo In roUucod clroutn stancos now, I como of an old and dis tinguished family. My motuor was not a cook." Food For Thought Proper nourishment and well chosen books are food for thought for those who are fitting thqinselves for the battles of life. Grape-Nuts FOOD by providing thorough nourishment to both body and brain keeps one in fine fettle bright and alert to absorb the world's great lessons. For "thinkers" and "doers." There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts