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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1915)
Unburn THIRTIETH YEAR. NORTH -PLATTE, NED., AUGUST 20, 1915. No. 61 mh Dotfh ml Mrs. Nn LOCAL AND FEBSOfrAL For Rent Crackorjack rooms, mod ern, close In. Black 675. 61-2 Edward Rebhnusen will leave shortly for Hot Springs, Ark., whoro he will take medical treatment for several weeks . Mrs. Win. Huddart and son Don left yesterday morning for Broken Bow to visit relatives for a week or longor. Bert Simmons, of Stockvllle, arrived hero recently and will strengthen the Booster ball team by being put on the infield. Miss Mayme McMicheal, who had been visiting friends in Sidney for a couple of weeks, returned home last evening. Dr. A. L'. Lane is expected today from Cuba, Illinois, to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Scott for a week or longer. Mrs. Gene Barney will return to Omaha this weok after an enjoyable visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rebhausen. Goerge Sizemore left Tuesday for Woodbine, Iowa, where he will be the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Fred Ulrich, formerly of this city. Archie Hood of the Rebhausen bar ber shop left a few days ago for Dos Moines and other cities of Iowa to spend a ocuplo of weeks. Mrs. Brooks Meadows entertained a few ladles Wednesday afternoon at a kensington in honor of her guest, Miss Alma Voyt, of Omaha. The Free Lance says that prairie chickens will be scarcer than for a number of years. This is due to the bail and wet weather during ha'tching time. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Murphy and Misa Loretta Murphy, who spent the past two weeks in Salt Lake City, re turned Wednesday and report having a delighful trip. The barn of P. H. Smith, ""living southwest of Sutherland, was struck by lightning Saturday and burned to the ground. Five head of horse3, liarness and some grain were consumed. Mrs. Nancy Belchtel. a former res ldent of North Platte, died August 2d at the home of hor daughter Mrs. Cora Lawrenco In Los Angeles after an Ill ness of several months. Mrs. J. W. Tannehlll and two chil dren and Miss Vada Tannehlll came from Norfolk last evening to make an extended visit with the hitter's sis ter, Mrs. A. E. Garliclis. Tho ball game between the Catho lics and the Methodists, which was to have been played Tuesday evening, wus postponed on account of rain. The game wll be played this ovenlng. Dean Bowker has returned from a trip to Omaha and Lincoln and will hold regular services at the Episcopal church Sunday. Early communion at eight o'clock, regular service at eleven. Crabapples 50c a bushel at the farm. N. B. Spurrier. A. W. Larson, living near Brady, has finished threshing his wheat and reports tho yield between tblrty-flvo and forty bushels. This, too, in face of the fact that the field was damaged by hail a couple of wecko before har vest. Clarence Splcer and Adam Christ started a series of five cent dances in the Lloyd opera house last night. A largo crowd enjoyed the excellent dance. Music by Stamp's orchestra. These dances will be held every Thurs day evening. The old Erickson homestead in Gas lin precinct was sold this week to H. F. Blede for seventy-one dollars per acre. This tract of 1G0 acres was 'homesteaded in 1872 and was among the early homesteads filed In this county. Look on pago 43 oft his week's Sat urday Evening Post and read about our Rings. CLINTON, tho Jeweler. Miss Jessie Robison arrived from Rawlins Tuesday noon for an extended visit with her father, B. F. Robison, of The Tribune force. Following Is the menu for the Com mercial dinner to bo served at the Christian church Monday, August 23: Fried chicken and gravy, mashed po tatoes, creamed cabbage, turnips, creamed carrots with peas, fresh cu cumbers on tomatoes, beet salad, hot rolls, peach pie, Iced tea and coffee. jlBK 11 llll 1 j J j Major W. A. Haberstro BASSO CANT ANTE Voice Teacher at Kearney State Normal School at the KEITH THEATRE FRIDAY NIGHT, AUG PROGRAM 'tMothcr Mine" Tours "Ueautiful Isle of Somewhere'' DeKoven "His Lullaby' .:. Jacobs-Uond "The Rosary" Nevin "Invictus" Bruno Ilubu "Sword of Ferrara" 7 . . ' PICTURES "It's a Long Way to Tipperary" three reels. Also a Comedy Reel. No one should fail to take the opportunity of hearing this artist. His range of voice, technique, artistic and dramatic interpretation of songs are of a very superior order, and to those who love the ideal and beauty of inspiring melody and music in song, is offered this unusual opportunity of hearing a profoundly emotional singer of great tempera ment. The Hub, July 10. His excellence as a singer, his ability in the artistic interpretation of song, and 4iis personal stage presence are popular with music lovers. George S. Dick, Pres. Kearney Stale Nocmal School. j Major Haberstro is a great singer, his voice is rich and rare, his interpretation unique, his technique artistic, but back of all this, before it, and circumscribing it, is the fact that the major is a symmetrical character, in tune with God with his brotherman, which is, 1 apprehend, the "sine quo non" of any and every great artist. George G. Ware, Rector St. Luke's Church. Contention to be Heltf Here The Wednesday tssue of .tho Kear ney Dally Hub contained this Item: It Is expected that tho date of hold ing a meeting for the discussion of sub-irrigation of tho Platto Valley will bo announced within afow days and that tho placo of meeting will bo at North Platte. Thero has been a re newed Interest taken la this import ant matter and local men nro giving their energies to gottlng togethor and then demnndlng action. The intent and purpose of tho meeting will be to have such legislation passed us is needed to Insure tho safeguarding of Platto valley water rightR and tho co operation of the government In bring ing this about. At tho present time water Is plenti ful not only In tho Platto but over the' uplands and there Is no lack of mois ture. But those Interested in tho com ing meeting nro looking forward to fu ture years when the river Is allowed to go dry While tho goverment retains tho iloodwnters, and all other water available, in the Pathfinder and other dams. A condition of this naturo prevailed last year with the results that crops in the valley fell off ns much as 50 per cent and many total losses were duo to tho government systom of retaining the fiood waters. Work on the Hill Road After a considerable amount of wrangling as to whether or not tho proposed road to tho county lino west should bo nlong tho rnllroad rlgbt of way or according to a survey made some time ago, the matter was yes terday adjusted we arc informed. Hor minghausen and White, it is under stood, finally agreed upon tho road along the hills, and upon the agree ment of the landowners concerned that they would abide by the apralse ment of damages, work was started by Supervisor Cocklo today. Sutherland Free Lance. Houston 7, Big Springs ii. In tho ball game yesterday on tho local grounds tho Boosters defeated Dig Springs by a score of soven to two. Neither side scored until tho sixth inning, when tho Boosters run two me nacross, and in tho seventh Bier Snrlnca tied the score. In tho eighth the Big Springs' "balloon went up and the Boosters secured five ruim. Fussell, the visiting pitcher, struck out fourteen men, and had he "had the proper support tho result might have been very dilterent. Artloy struck out eleven and allowed but two hits, while tho Boosters took sevon hits off of Fussell. I'resbylcrliin Church Tho Rev. Horaco G. Clair, of Wood River, Neb., will occupy the pulpit of tho Presbyterian church next Sunday, August 22nd. A full attendance of tho menibors is requested nnd all friends of tho church are invited. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Unique set of boas at Parlor Milli nery at most reasonable prices. Mrs. Harry Guthorless will ontor tnln the J. F. F. club Tuesday after noon at cards. Henry Iddlngs entortalned a num ber of his young friends at a birthday party Wednesday ovenlng. Mrs. W. D. Aldon nnd daughter and the Misses Slehert have returned from a brief visit In Grand Island with friends. Mrs. Win, Morris and chlhlqon loft this morning for Sidney to visit the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hower, for a fortnight. Miss May Dospor, of Goring, visited at the Win. Knglo home this week while onrouto to California to spend several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Curl Uarhart nnd children have returned from a visit at the Panama exposition nnd other points in California. Mrs. M. E. Cemns, of Los Vegas, loft this morning for Wahoo, after spend ing two weeks as tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Levi Duke and family. Mrs. W. M. Cunnlnghnm, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, formerly of this city, who has been the guost of friends hero for a couple of months, will leave next week. The toal number or deaths resulting from tho hurrlcnno which swept over the gulf coast of Texas tho early part of this week is now reported at four hundred. Mr. and Mrs. John Lunney, of Ok lahoma, arc spending a few days In this city visiting tho Stamp family and other friends. Mrs. Lunney was for merly Miss Margaret Scharmann, of this city. The White Star liner Arabic with a passenger list and crew of 44G was tor pedoed yesterday morning less than twenty hours nfter leaving Liverpool. Six passengers and sixty-five of tho crew arc reported missing. Twenty one Americans were on board. The Sunday school classes of the Christian church enjoyed an outing at the Blrdwood grovo yesterday. One hundred or moro left on the branch train yesterday morning for the grovo where Messrs. Boylo nnd Van Oleavo had prepared for their cntortulnment. Various games were played (Hiring tho dny and basket lunches oponed at J?0011. Tho harvest of sweet clover Is now in full blast and the crop Is said to be heavy. Woingand & Orton of this city are cutting the clover on thirty-three hundred acres of leased ground, and have four gangs of men at work In different sections. Grasshoppers have destroped about ono hundred acres of tho clover on the lnnds leased by tho firm. NURSES- REGISTRY CITY HOSPITAL NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. GRADUATE NURSES PHONE 82 DOMESTIC NURSES We are in u position to furnish compotent nursta for physicians, on short notice. Call Phone 82 and state whether you want graduate 0r domestic nurso and we will complete all the arrangements tor you without charge. STRENGTH j" It is false economy to buy any but high-grade, anti-skid tires. You can know true tire-saving only by using G & J "Chain Tread" Tires Come in, telephone, or write us for the price on this famous, long mileage, real anti-skid tire. You will be surprised to find how little you will have to pay for G & J "Chain Tread" Tires of the size you use.' J. S. DAVIS AUTO CO. North Platte, Neb Mrs. George Coatos, who was called to Lincoln three weoks ago by tho Bi nes of a relative returned Wednesday cvosning. v Miss Lucllo Rldroly, of Cheyenne. enmo Inst evening to visit her grnnd parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fenwlck, for n couplo of weeks. Tho Stroltz car and tho Llork-Snn- dall truck collided at tho corner of Locust nnd Third Wednosdny and both enrs were slightly damaged. Miss Thelmn Huzza, of Council Bluffs, nrrlved hero this morning to spend a couple of weeks with hor undo Elmer Coatos nnd family. Mr. and Mrs. Pollard, of Schuyldr.l who have been visiting their daughter Mrs. Jamos Guymnn for a week, re turned home this morning. The Frnnk Ostnrhnnt nrnnrvrfv nn - - - - - - - , - i - west Ninth street wns ultnnt, tntnllv destroved bv firo enrlv this mornlnir. The origin of the fiYo is not known. Mrs. Emma Gardner, of Billings, Mont,, Is spending this week as the guost of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kink, whllo onrouto to Illinois to visit rela tives l Mrs. W. J. Crusen and Miss Doro thy I Unman loft Tuesday for Omalia nnd Kansas City where the1 will spend a couplo of weeks nnd return home by way of Denver. ( Misses Marlon Fenwlck, of Omaha, Lucille Rldgely of Cheyenno nnd Mary Wholply of Fremont, woro guests of honor at n slumber party glvon last ovenlng by Miss Esther Kelly. Weather forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Fnlr tonight nnd Sat urday, not 'much change In tempora turo. Highest temcprnturo yosterdny 71, a year ago 88; lowest last night CO, a year ago G5. For Rent Furnished rooms. In quire 411 west Third street. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ogden, of Texas and Mrs. Arthur and son of Iowa, are vis iting at tho Ray dimming home this week, mnklng tho trip here by nuto. Miss Elizabeth Weir entortalned teh young ladies at a nlo o'clock breakfast this morning in honor of Misses Mary Wholphy of Fremont, Marion Fen- wick of Omaha and Lucllo Ridgoly of Cheyenne. Gnrden flowors wero of-table. Miss Arta Kocken roturned Wednes day from Montunk whoro alio has been teaching school. Tom Watts, now of Grand Island, left this morning after spending sov oral days here on business. Your eyos aro bread wlnuors. Mas ter minds and willing hands aro no good without them. They nro tho only avenues to enjoymont and education, Improvement nnd buccoss. Can you afford to neglect them? C. S. CLIN TON, Registered Optometrist. J. H. Hegnrty, district agent for tho Pcnn Mutual Life Insuranco Co., has taken a five year lease of a room In tho Reynolds block nnd established his office thorcln. Tho fact that ho has taken a long lease of tho room moans that he Is well pleased with North Platto and tho general outlook for buslnoes in tho west part of tho stnto. Unique set of boas at Parlor M111I nory at most roasonnblo prices. Tho new Douol county court houso at Chappell will be turned over by tho contractor nxt week. Duel county Is tho smallest county In the west part of tho state, but Its people bollov in having a building In which tho records can bo -preserved from fire. Som4 day tho people of Lincoln county will a waken to tho fact that -a now court houso is needed. Tho Bottor pnby contest of tho Lin coln County Fair will bo hold August 30, 31 and September 1, under the aus pices' of tho Mothors' club. Scoro cards will bo given mothers immedi ately after oxnmlnntlqn . No baby un der ono year of ago can bo entered. All mothers wishing to enter their babies, wrlto or phone Mrs. Edmund Dickey, or Mrs. W. R. Malouoy for enrollment cards or Information blanks. Good ball games are promised Sun day and Monday when the Lincoln Dy ers and Cleaner will be horo. This team Is one of the best lu the state, having recently defeated the strong Storz Triumphs of Omaha and otbor top notcliers lu the umateur class. Witli the addition of two new men tho Boosters' line up has been consider ably strengthened and tho Sunday and Monday games wll be worth whllo. Every fan should bo out to seo tho Boosters clenn tho Cleaners. :r-7: UNBAY AND MONDAY AUGUST 22 and 23. Lincoln Cleaners; and Dyers, vs North Platte Boosters. GAME CALLED AT 3:30. Admission 23c. I BETTERS BARNS Farm Prosperity depends not only on crops, but also on the barn where the crops, stock and equipment are kept. A good time to plan your barn properly is when you have the most time for it. This means now later in the year you'll be too busy. , Much progress has been made in barn construction. A modern barn makes it Easier to Keep Slock and Crops in Better Shape Easier to Keep Help Saves Steps, Work, Labor, Money In selling materials for building barns, we have learned many things about barns that should prove profitable to you. You might as well take advantage of our ex perience. We carry a full line of barn material, cement, lumber, roofing, etc. Why not come and talk it over with us? That puts you under no obligation and is sure to give you helpful information. Admission - 10 and 15c W. W. BIRGE CO.