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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1915)
1 l LOCAL AND PEKSONAL Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stromsburg, of Arthur nro spending this week with local friends. Attornoy J. J Halligan wont to Omaha the Intter part of last week on legal business. Mrs. Horton McCellan, of Kearney, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boylo this week. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Fredrlckson, of Stromsburg, came Sundny to visit Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Anderson. Charles Osgood and son and Nenle Turpie left a few days ago for Denver to spend a couple of weeks. Mr .and Mrs. Thomas Ryan and chil dren went to Guernsey yesterday morning to spend two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mlschke and fam ily left Sunday evening for Denver, whpre they will visit for two weeks. Miss Mary Winters of Oshkosh, who had been visiting her sister Mrs. Earl Lambert for a couplo of weeks left yesterday morning. Mr .and Mrs. C. E. Wilson of Ohio, left yesterday morning after spending six weeks with her son B. W. Wilson and other relatives. Miss Mabel Durko entertained the LMhoran Girls Friday evening. In teresting games were played and en Joyablo refreshments served. Arthur McNeeloy chef at the Union Pacific hotel, was taken 111 with ap pendicitis last week and removed to tho Grand Island hospital Saturday for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. George Vosolpka en tertained at a family dinner Friday evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Erall Voseipka, of Los Angeles, who are visiting lu town. Mi, and Mrs. D. E. Bruce left yes terday morning for Oshkosh to Bpond a coudIo of weeks. During their ab sence- Geo. B. Kirby will have charge of tho Nebraska bouse. Mr.' and Mrs. F. W. Rlnckcr left la&t night for Omaha where they will dovota this week to purchasing a stock of goods for tho Christmas trade from traveling men who do not visit tho smaller towns. Miss Lillian Levy, of Syracuse, N. Y., is tho guest of hor sister, Mrs. II. I. Block, and will remain a week or so. Miss Levy holds a responslblo and lucrative position with a railroad company In Syracuse. Charles Reynolds lelt tho latter part of last week for Douglas, Ariz., whero ho will transact business for a week and later go to San Francisco to attend the exposition. Mrs. R. G. Malmstein, of Gunnison, Utah, formerly of "this city, arrived horo Saturday evening from Grand Island to visit Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. Earhart for a week or longer. DR. 0. 11. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bank. LOCAL AXI) PEliSOXAL Earl Fear and Ernest Sykes of Wal lace, spent the week end In this city. Mrs. J. B. Hemphill antered the General Hospital for treatment yes terday. J. T. Stuart returned the latter part of last week from a fishing trip in Wyomingi Joseph Harttnan, of Auburn, former ly of the Jack Morrow Flats, is spending this week vlsltng local friends. Austin Bedell entertained a number of bis young friends at a picnic yes terday. Those prosent report Having a delightful day. Miss Margaret Mllllnger, of Kear ney, who has been visiting friends in Colorado, camo a few days ago to visit Mrs. Harry Boyle. Good Potatoes 55 cents a bushel at R. N. Lamb's. Miss Minnio . Lowo resumed her duties at tho Shunian-law offlco yes torday after enjoying a month's va cation In western towns. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Allison of Wallace, are visiting Mr. and Mrs Roy Knox while enrouto homo from tho Panama exposition. Have you seen our- new peacock rings, stick pins and broaches, they aro very popular and wo are having a very nice sale of them. CLINTON, Tho Jeweler, Mr. and Mrs. Emll Voseipka of Los Angeles, wjio havo been visiting rela tives hero left yesterday morning They will visit the former's sister Mrs. Trot In Kearney and tho latter's brother Art Wortman In Beatrice for a couplo of weeks. It Is now Grandfather and Grand mother E. T. Tramp, a daughter hav ing been born Friday evening to Mr and Mrs. Herbert Tramp. Tho mother and daughter aro doing nicely, tho father Is hitting only the high places and the grandparents aro supremely happy. Saturday was tho twentieth annl versary of the hold-up at Buttermilk Hill, east of Brady, In which Engineer Geo. A. Austin figured as the hero. It was lnded a thrilling experience for our friend Austin and tho sceno was recalled as vividly to him last Satur day as at tho timo It occurred. C. C. Hupfer has purchased the C II. Lelnlntrer rami of eichty acres tw miles west of town, and will convert It Into a vegetable garden and hog ranch operating it in connection with the Vienna In tho manner most profitable, Tho sale waB made through O., II, err r and coIjnty news Chas. Toole left yesterday for Wal lace to spend week or longer on busi ness. Miss Marie VonGoetz will entertain tho Pan, Hellanic Club Friday afternoon. Tho Gaston Music Company sold a $GuO McPhall piano yostordny to C. F. Tracy. Miss Freda Johnson left yestorday for Omaha to remain for a couple o( weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Miller, of Hurshey, are visiting the Slzomore. family this week. Walter Thompson w!nt to Kearney esterday morning to spend a few days visiting relatlvos. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse VanDyke will leave today for Callawny t ospond a week visiting relntlves. Miss Luclle Heeler left yesterday morning for HoTshey to visit hor sister Mrs. Edmlnston. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Hosier re turned homo Sunday morning, the for mcr from the National Handicap Shoot nt Chicago and the latter from Ames, la., whero she visited her sister mrs. jusiine icuriny. j Thoolecke, woru was receiveu iasi ween oi, n,nv imolmncbr nt Wni tho birth of a nine pound boy to Mr.', ,jnf Wrtnv .,.. ,i and Mrs. Earl Tunks of Ogalalla at t,he' Tribune man that Wheat In that tho homo of Mrs. Tunks' mother m,-hM,nn ...nil iirp9llini, nnf flhm thir- Gibbon. Mrs. Tunks will bo reinem bored as Miss Belle Reddy of this city The Catholic ball team defeated tho Methodist nine Friday evening, by a score of 9 to 3. Batteries were Stack nnd Haggerty, Adams and Cochran, umpire, Neville. A featuro of tho gamo was tho home run by Friend. For Farm Loans see or wrlto Gone Crook, room 3, Waltcmath building, North Platte. 41tt Mrs. Clay Vroman and child, of Om aha, camo Friday afternoon to visit at tho Vroman homo for sevoral weeks. OAtiot Xain uuuioJA oauojxiio 'bjk puio "JH inj.vv XirudiuoD' u puu noo.w xou ojou OAJJJU WAV ubiuoja '-UV! on a hunting trip. Having completed a full course In Beauty Culture, I am prepared to answer any prlvato calls for Bcalp treatments, Bhampoo and hair dress ing, faclat and manicure. Phono Blk. 140 for nppolntm cnts. Satisfaction guaranteed. EMILY COATES. Dr. and Mrs, T. J. Korr leave this week for a trip through tho Yellow stono Park. Last year Dr. and Mrs. Kerr went on a big gamo hunt la Montana and expected to do so this fall, but their guide could not ac company them this year and tho hunt ,was abandoned. Rev. Horace G. Clair of Wood River, I The Methodist people aro, holding an filled the pulpit at the Presbyterian all-day picnic at tho Dllllon grove. church Sunday morning and evening. He delivered two excellent sermons to fair-sized congregations While primarily It Is a picnic for the Sunday school many members of the congregation are In attendance. J. C. Crago, of Maxwell, who was re contly removed there from tho county Hospital uieu sununy. Miss Minnio Long loft yesterday for the eastern part of tho state to spondj a week witli relatives. . I Edward Harvey, day clerk at the Union Pacific hotel, spent Saturday In Grand Island on business. Orlln Crandell, of Lewellen, visited tho Langford family last week 'and went home Friday morning. Bert Manning of Hastings, is trans acting business and visiting members of the Gun Club this week. Mies Harriett Dixon will leave shortly for Grinnell, la., where she will enter Gripnell college. Tho young son of Mr. and Mrs. Archlo Wills, who has been sejiously in, is reporieu greatly improved. Mrs. Roy Gunsolloy returned yester day morning from Ft. Pierro where she spent two months with relatives. Miss Ethel Mathewson, of David City, came Sunday evening to visit her parents, Mr. nad Mrs. L. W. Mathew son. Conductor Houert Massey and son of Omaha, visited here Sunday while enrouto to Portland for a two weeks' visit. Miss Charlotte Rhump, of Omaha, came yesterday afternoon t o vllst Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Meadows for a'Tort night. Mrs. Thomas Austin and children left Sunday evening for Sebetha, Kan sas, to visit relatives for a couple of weeks. Miss Alice Fltzpatrlck and sister Margaret will leave Thursday for Rawlins to visit relatlvos for several weeks. section was threshlnc ty to forty bushols per acre. A Mr, Seofleld, living a few miles south of Wallaco threshed eight Hundred bus.h els of oats from a ten acre Held. C. T. Whelan, R. L. Baker and Lorcn Sturges returned Sunday from a two weeks' auto trip to points In Wyoming and Colorado. The last week was spent In Colorado, tho trip extending to Colorado Springs and Palmers lake. Enrouto homo tlioy broko an axlo on the car near Julesburg and were forced to como homo by train. Miss Gladys Hall is expected home tonight from San Francisco, where she had been spending a month or more. Miss Hall expected to go to th Phlllppino Islands to engago in teaching, but whllo in Frisco) was taken sick and tho attending physi cian advised her to abandon tho trip and return homo which ndvlco she followed. For Sale A beautiful G room bungalow, largo pantry arid cellar, 2 full lots, all fenc ed; lino garden and lawn; wash houso; three poultry houses; largo barn. These buildings aro practically all now. PrlvatG water plant; good loca tion on Bouth Maplo street; small pay ment down, balance Uko ront. If you want a nlco homo see this. Phono Red 308. 58-tf feal Home Keep Your Home Coo! A household electric fan is very economical and very refreshing. You can operate it for n very small amount. It blows nwny the depressing ef fect of hot weather. All the members of your fnmily will be healthier and-happier if you buy one for your homo. Everything in electrical comfort for the household aud office. K. "J I North Platte Light & Power Co., C. R, MOREY, Mgr. R. D. Gastn, of Omaha, president of the Gaston Music Co., spent several days here visiting L. L. Walker and family. v Miss Esther Hogsett left yesterday afternoon for Omaha to vis t her aunt Mrs. Fred Welngand for a week or longer. George Bauer, late second baseman for the Boosters, left theUntter part of last week for Ord where he will finish tho season. Miss Minerva McWilllams has re sumed work In the Muldoon law office after a three weeks' vacation spent In Wisconsin. Mfsses Agnes and Luclle O'Neal, of Lincoln, camo Sunday evening to visit for two weeks with the Stack and Tlgho families. Luther Dill, of Thedford, came last week to visit his niece Nora Woods who Is making her home with the C, I. Lewis family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCormlek, of Chappell, camo yesterday to visit at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Thomp son for a week. Mrs. Leonard Dick nad Miss Hazel Lterk expect to leave shortly for Cloveland, 0., to make an extended visit with friends. Mrs. 1'. M. Sorenson left yesterday morning for Vermillion, S. D., where she will visit her daughter Mrs. Ira Whlttaker for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Stelne and son Elba and Miss Fayo BIssell of Axtell Kans., arrived hero u few days ago and aro visiting at the Lester larking ton home. Messrs. J. II. Hegarty and A. A Schatz havo rented Room S in the Rey nolds bulldng. Tho-fornier represent tho Penn Mutual Llfo Insurance and tho latter the Great Western. Mrs Theresa Haldermtui, formerly of this city who Is employed at ono of tho Kearney hospitals, will arrlv tomorrow to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson for two weeks. Maurlno Moloney entertained scoro of little friends at a birthday party Saturday afternoon and received a number of pretty gifts. A nice lunch was served after a series of gomes. Tho Catholic and Episcopal ball teams will play at 4 o'clock today on tho local grounds. Both teams hov boon victorious in ovory game played and a strenuous contest Is anticipated, Mrs. James Morrow returned a few days ago from Hamilton, Intl., whero sho occoniponled her niotner tw weeks ago. Sho will visit here for a few days before leaving for her home stead. Porry Sltton camo down from Lar anilo Sunday ovenlng to visit tor a tow days whllo enrouto to Omaha. Mr Sltton was In chorgo of tho U. P. hotel nt Laramlo whllo tho manager took his vacation. Tho lodles aid society of tho Prsby torlon church will hold an oxchang Saturday at Dorryborry & Forbes at which tlmo they will havo on salo bread, rolls, cake, pies, baked beans cottage cheese, doughnuts ana cook books. Mrs. II. M. Grimes ontortalned th Pan Ilollanlc Club Saturday aftornoon in favor of hor nleco Miss Holen Whel nlev of Fremont. Miss Wholploy was presented with a dainty handerchlef by each guest. Nicely prepared re Mrs. Newton's Beauty Farlor 604 DEWEY STREET, v Facial Massage, Scalp Treatment for Dandruff and Fall ing Hair, Shampoo and I fair Dress, Manicuring, Children's Hair Bobbed, Clipping and Singeing Hair. All work guar anteed to he satisfactory and of the highest class. Parlor Phone 261. Residence Phone Red 664. MRS. C. M. NEWTON 604 DEWEY STREET. Z?Jr?'jm"'- .... No Doubt You'ii see Some Dust At The County Fair We hope you may also see some of our saw dust hefore the season is over; in other words we hope you will soon Get Busy On That Building you have heen talking about and that you will see us for YOUR LUMBER AND MATERIAL Coates Lumber and Coal Co. The Home of Good Coal. Phone 7. 2 nut 1 1C 3 CUE OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank -oi- 2VT OR TIT PL A 7TI2, Si"A . Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CAPITAL AXD SURPLUS: One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. D STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HAVE HEEN THE FACTOKS IN THE GROWTH OF THIS HANK, AND THE SAME CAItEFUL ATTENTION IS GITEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LARGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. I ' 3CZH 1CZ3C Farmers, Attention The greatest grain crop you ever raised is assured barring IE T , There have been hail storms all around us. You cannot bar the HAIL, biit you can bar the consequences by Jetting us write you a policy against loss by HAIL. Delays are dangerous. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. LEGAL NOTICE. AValton II. RJkks. the heirs, devisees. legatees and personal Representatives of said Walton H. Kiggs nnd all per sons interested In the estate oC said Walton H. Rihrp; R. C. Matlnck, tho heir3, devisees, legatees and personal t,prt3entauvc3 of . said R. 13. jla'claek and all persons Interested in tho es tato of said R. B. Matlack; Charles McArthur and Emma McArthur his wife, defendants;, You and each of you will take, notice4 that on August 21st, 1915, Al Zollars plaintiff filed his cer tain petition in the district court of Lincoln county, Nehraska, against you and each of you, tho object and prayer of which are to quiet and confirm, against you title to' the following des cribed lands situate in Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wlt: East Half of South west Quarter and West Half of South east Quarter of Section Twenty-three (23), Township Nine (9), North of Range Twenty-nine (29), West of the Gth P. M. and to establish new and in dependent title in the plaintiff and his grantee in said described lands by reason of the adverse possession thereof as against said named defen dants as in said petition pleaded and to cancel and annul a mortgage mado on February 7, 1890 to one Marshall S. Way and assigned to defendant R. B. Matlack as being barred by the statute of limitations. You and each of you will make an swer to said petition on or before the 4th day of October, 1915, or decree will bo taken against you as in said peti tion prayed. AL ZOLLARS, Plaintiff. By E. H. Evans, His Attorney. a24-4 IN UK ill FLATTE. ..Genera) Hospital.. (Incorporated) Phone 58 723 Locust Street A modern institution for the scientific treatment of medical, a jrgical nnd confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. zo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B; RedficliUI. D. J.S.Simms,M.D. Miss Elisc Sleman, Supl. LEGAL NOTICE. Catherine V. Beers, the heirs, de visees, legatees and personal repres entatives of said Catherine V. Beers and all persons interested in the es tate of saia Catherine V. Beers; the Nebraska and Kansas Farm Loan Company, a corporation, and unknown claimants of the West Half of North east Quarter and East Hlf of North-. west Quarter of Section Twenty-three (23), Township Nine (9), North of Range Twenty-nine (29), West of tho Gth P. M :You and each of you will" take notice that on August 21st, 1915, Al Zollars, as plaintiff, filed his cer tain petition in the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to quiet and confirm against you and each of you, title to the following described lands situate in Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wit: West half of Northeast puar- ter arid East half of Northwest puar- ter of Section twenty-three ((23), Township Nine (9), North of Range twenty-nine (29), west of the Gth P. M. and to establish by said action new and independent title In plaintiff and his grantee by reason of tho adverse possesion of said described premises as in said petition pleaded and to can cel that certain mortgage made and executed to the defendant, Nebraska & Kansas Farm Loan Company, a corporation, on June 17, 1889, and re corded In Book 9, at page 280, of the county clerk's records of Lincoln county, as being barred by tho statute of limitations. You and each of you will make ans wer to said petition on or before the 4th day of October, 1915, or decree will be taken against you as in said petition prayed. AL ZOLLARS, Plaintiff. By E. H. Evans, His Attorney. -a24-4 To Tobias Komla, owner of lot 8, Block 11, Bellevue Addition, North Platte, Nebraska. The owners of property on tlio north side of 9th street, betwpen Jef ferson and Augusta Ave. nro hereby notified that the Mayor and Council of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebras ka, passed and approved an ordinance on the 18th day of June. 1913, ordering a- sidewalk adjoining their said prem ises, to beponstructed as. to line and grade, and of permanent material, as provided In tho general ordinances of said city, regulating the construc tion of sidewalks in said city. Unless said walk Is constructed by you along tho south side of said Lot 8, Block 11, owned by you in accordance with said ordinances, on or before the lGth day of September, 1915, the same, will be constructed by said city aud the costs assessed upon the said lot owned by you adjoining which the same shall be constructed. C. F. TEMPLE, (SEAL) City Clerk. To Lucius Smith, owner of Lot 9, Block 11, Bellevue Addition, North Platte, Nebraska. The owners of property on the north side of 9th street, between Jef ferson and Augusta Ave. aro hereby notified that tho Mayor and Council of the city of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, passed and approved an ordinance on the ISth day of June. 1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining their said prem ises, to beconstructed as to lino and grade, and of permanent material, as provided In tho general ordinances of said city, regulating the construc tion of sidewalks in said city. Unless said walk Is constructed by you along the south side of said Lot 9, Block 11, owned by you In nccordanco with said ordinances, pn or beforo the lGth day of. September, 1915, tho same will bo constructed by said city and tho costs assessed upon tho said lot owned by you adjoining which" tho same shall bo constructed, C. F. TEMPLE, (SEAL) City Clerk. 4. 7 i frcshnients wero served.