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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1915)
CIXF AOT) qjOUNT YNE WjS J . Ajxlerson, of Vronian, trnnsncted business nt tho court house yesterday. . Ladles' Fall Dresses of the 191G.Moil- eis are now on exhibition at The Lead er. "John Frnztor left a few days ago fOrDenvor tospendk several days on bujjlnoss. " ., - Mrs. , Millard Hosier left a few.dnys ago fd'r Chicago and Iowa to visit relatives. Mr. and Airs'. Den Albro, of Osli kosli, are spending this week with friends In town. George Hatfield returned to I'nxton "Wednesday afternoon after spending severnl days here. Mrs. Jnnies McEvoy and son re- tlirnpll Wpilnoflflnv nfinrnnnit fnm n short visit In Omaha. Lochiel Johnson wont to Paxton - , yesterday afternoon where ho will janics 1'iynn came down Iroin his transact business for several days. linmpstnnit In ArMiiii nnnf tl.l ,.!.' to visit .his family. I aeorSo Housch, of Omaha, arrived ""uici 11 ikh uua ubu iu uuuupi, a po r1 flSa-OtforCla" McKay accoDtcd a no I -fat a . . ' . Biuou in me iu cent store tno first of. tlio week. Th.E Jfartl meat market has pur Cfcaswi a Ford truck with which to mjtKtf US. deliveries. iliss Marie Martini went to Horshey yusiuruay morning to visit her slstor, .Mrs. Fred linsmusson Mrs.-Xels Hammer went to Sidney Wednesday, evening to visit ber dnugh- tor for a couple of weeks. Miss Nova Armstrong left Wednes day afternoon for Sutherland to spend u wcok or more with friends. Mrs. Diamond returned to Hershcv yesterday afternoon after visiting with iur, aim Airs. Frank Buchanan Miss Vnunttn Hayes Is assisting in the telephone office during the ab sence of Miss Freda Hammer. Fall Dress Goods for school drosses, a large line at Zo and 50 cents a yard ai wucox Department Store. Dr. Lnthnn returned Wednesday from Lowellen where he went early In tho week on business. Miss Anna Hayes loft Wednesday af ternoon for Calloway to visit friends tor a week or longer. Supt. Bloom, of Lexington, was among the visitors at the Lincoln coun ty institute this week. B. R. Smith, of .Wallace, Is among the out of town people who nre spend ing this week In the city. Miss Wilma Coates left Wednesday afetrnoon for Sutherland to spend a week with her grand parents. ""Howard Fleming, of Sutherland, came down Monday to attend the Lin coln county Institute this week. Edward Falk left Wedensday after noon for Julesburg, where he pur cahsed the Starr cafe and bakery. Mrs. Win. Sliohoney will leave this week for Fort Collins, Colorado, to visit her parents for several weeks. Miss Inez Mnvls. nf I.nilcrnnnln wlin has been visiting the Frederic! family CtTJL nentcrttnl" ,a for several weeks will leave sllortly. ") LU1 f,, ie, " paf,ty, hAs I . . v. . I. t J . . Ilk 11UUU1 Ul ilUl 1UU11I1 1)11 III Mrs. Charles Vernon and daughter anniversary . expect to leave in a few days for an AI1Q F,,nn ninoko frmmfn,i .i, extended visit with frlpndq In Mnnt-mn ",sa una "incKer, of Crawford, who. exienueu visit wuu mends in aiontann.j BpGnt a, D,0nth, with, her uncle, F. W. Men's Unlonalls", the most practical Rincker and family, left for homo Wed garment for auto owners, farmers andt.nesdny evening. .workmen. Sold only at Wilcox Do-1 partment Store. sltlon In the Hcbahusen barber shop Miss Lillinn Sturges left vesterdav for Bayard where she will visit the Workman family for a couple of weeks. Peacock Jewelry the prettiest and newest novelties, pretty nnd very rea sonablo in price, see It in our window CLINTON the Jeweler. Thurston and Sherwood Woodhurst entertained six of their boy friends at a seven o'clock dinner Tuesday even ing. For Sale Englsh bull dog 1 years oiu; lino watch dog and house broke, Price-' ?15. Houston Hotel, Gothen burg, Neb. CO-3 Miss Grace Clark left yesterday til ternoon for her former home In Cen tral City to spend several days with relatives. Dr. and Mrs. Harry Mitchell nnd family went to Colorado Wednesday evening to spend a fortnight In the mountains. Miss Clara Gasner left Wednesday evening for Chappell where she will be married shortly to Mr. Glen Doher ty of thai city. - Maurjine, Mnloney will entertain Miss Alma Vogi, of Omaha, who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Miss Marie Bowen came home a few j Meadows for two weeks, left for home days ago from Omaha and Wood Rlv-1 yesterday afternoon, er, where she visited friends for aj Mr8, Davi(, Crockett( foremrly of phis city, canje Wednesday evening to visit ner son, Arthur Howard and family, for some time. j Julius Pizer and daughter Maym left Wednesday for Chicago and Ney lork where Mr. Pizer goes to buy Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones, of Brady, who came up Wednesday to attend tho wedding of their daughter, have re turned borne. Louis Beer, of Denver, son of the late Bernard Beer, is spending this goods for Tho Leader. They will be week transacting business and visiting absent two or three weeks, local friends. j The Lincoln county fair committee Mrs. E. M. Johnson and daughter,' have appointed Mrs. W. J. Landgraf Gladys have returned from a visit of,nmI Mrs; ,p- H- Lonergan to sell their several weeits in umana. ttugar ana uu iauic uun u i -w i i i pnnvnaa inf flio nit v WolnnaJiMr uranu isianu. SOCIETY, AKI) CWTIIS. Mrs. Fred Porrltt entertained tho Mothers Club Wednesday afternoon In a voryvplensanl manner. A two course lunch was served. Tho N. A. T. club wore 41ie guests of Miss Mario McCabe Wednesday af ternoon. Cnrd games were played and a nice lunch served In which the color scheme of pink and white was cnrrled out. Mr. and Mrs. Albort Hnspol will entertain tho Lutheran brotherhood, aid society nnd girls' club at their homo on next Tuesday evening. A good time Is promised to all and a largo crow.d Is expected. Tho Yeomen held ono of their en- i l . joynnie unnces at tne uoyd opera ItclilmifUMi Pullu iinivn eir. il. J. Itebhauson, ofihls city, who won. tho Nobrnskn championship nt Hid stnto shooting tournament In this city last May, jind Is now In Chicago attending tho grnnd American shoot, puueti uown tne first prize in the,1 lOOwtnrget event Tuosday afternoon, breaking his last olghty straight. In wilmlng this ovent Mr. Uobhnusen reielvod a purse of four" hundred mull imy-rour dollars. ,ortli Platte people will be glad io lenrn mat Mr. uebliausen 1b s w(ll representing North Platto nt thl grfent American shoot, at which over iuvu siiooters are In attendance Is. Itclurns from Hie V.nst. Harry Block returned Tuesday night from a three weeks' business trip In the enst, the gr inter part of tho Jim Clinton who left sovcrnl weeks. Lloyd Hansen, of Cutmcat S. D., ago for Los Angeles to attend tho Elk 'nnd Enlmott Ertnls, of Grahd Canyon, convention and has Binco visited In a) Ariz., nrrlvcd hero Tuesday to visit number of California cities Is expected the Owens and Slogan famlllea for a homo next week. (week or more. houso Tuesday evening. Music was tlirte having been spent In New York buying stock for tho Block store. Mr Block says business In tho east la far from satisfactory, especially among tne reiau merennnts, nnd thnt ninny or mem iacK credit with tho mnnu faijturers. Tho latter, however, glad ly . welcome tho western Tetnll nur cliants. for the llnnnclnl standing of the woqtem Merchants Is much bettor than those of the east. Mr. Block en route homo visited reliUives nt Mon, Canada, nnd Syracuse, N. Y. In anticipation of good business this fall nnd waiter Mr. Block bought a much larger stock than usual and goods are belttg received dally, though it will be n vveeu or so yet boforo tho flnnl shipments nre received. "Alias .llinmlo Valentine.' 'Vllns Jimmy Vnlentlne" will bo the feature attraction at the Koith theatre Saturdny, August 21st. This picture m -live parts, is taken from tho well known play by Paul Armstrong. Tho quality of its story is the big thing in lnny picture nnd tho quality of "Jimmy Valentine" Is known. Tho furnished by the Stamp orchestra and refreshments were served. About forty couples wero present. Invitations have been Issued by Mrs. M. K. Neville nnd Mrs. Chnrles Rey nolds for nn afternoon reception at the home of tho former Wednosdny afternoon. Over one hundred ladles will be entertained nt different hours during tho nfternoon. A pleasant nutting of the M. M. M. Club was held at tne homo of Mrs. Frank McGovem Wednesday after noon. Garden flowers wero used In decorntlng nnd enjoynblo luncheon was served. Card games wero played for a couple of hours. Tho Tllllkum girls of the Episcopal church held an Ico crenm social in the baement of tho church Wednes day evening, the receipts of which were very satisfactory. Garden flowers were used in decorating and severnl musical selections were ren dered by members of the club. Tho Club Nevlta was entertained Wednesday afternoon at the home of picture Is ono of the kind of which Mrs. John Tucker. Several guessing, there la no question of doubt. Tho contests were held and prizes awnrded spectator who wants tho "high brow to Mrs. H. A. Brooks and Mrs. An- stuff" and tho ono who wants "low drew Yost. Nicely prepared re-', brow stuff" can generally get together freshments were served. Mrs. Luther on simple numnn stun, nnd tnnt tuts Tucker was a guest of tho club. picture in both plot and detail fur . , ii,. nisiies richly. Jlonort Warwick plays u ww m u a.A u,0 ,rJ imj JoUn jneg nnd McQ i m: u.....l- puny unuHuuy Francis, tho crooks. The settings Of nn,li nuc mm minictu. , tilliv nrn ollz.1i na in Innka If vorv itiu uuaio tvosvjiiiijicu iiuiiii till? til- rpfll Mrs. John Den and daughter Mar jorle who have been visiting in Califor nia for several weeks, will return home In a few days . . f Bishop James Duffy, of Kearney, will arrive here tomorrow and take charge of the morning services at St. Patrick's qhurch Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Deats left Wed nesday evening for an extended visit In western cities, including Portland, Tncoma, Seattle and Salt Lake. Miss Minerva McWllliams who has been visiting relatives in Wisconsin for "several 'weeks, is expected to re turn home the first of next week. George Reed Sh'elton .anuVbrlde, of Mitchell, S. D.. arrived here Wednes day afternoon to visit his grandmther, Mrs. Nannlo Reed, at the home. canvass of the city Wednesday. For jFarouLoans seo or write Gene Crook; room 3, 'waltemath building) North Platte. 41tf Harry Thomas, of Philadelphia, base ball scout for Connie Mack, spent the fore part of the week In town. He Is making a western trip upon which he will look up records of base ball clubs and probably select nlayers to 'try out in the big leagues. James E. Payne is having a. number of improvements made on hiB ranch near Bignell. Among them will be In installing new homo water works. The houso will be remodeled and a heating plant put in. Work on th modern plumbing Is also In progress. A Chance of Your Life , To lee the First National Guard Iddings Aviation Corps. Capt. C. W. Schafer, flyer, In Curtis Biplane. Demonstra tons of Aeroplan Scouting In time of Weaver Holliday, who has been war. Do not fail to see this at North playing in tho Booster ball team this Platte, September 1 and 2. For of- senson, resigned Wednesday and left flclal programs showing all attrac- for Greeley where he will finish tho tions, address J. E. Sebastian, Sec- season. retnry, North Platte. GO-2 ternoon and spent an hour or two in i visiting ana recalling mciucnts oi tne early days, for a number of those present are old-time residents. The function proved tlellghtfully pleasant. The Catholic Girls' club were the guests of Mrs. Omar Huff last even ing nt cards. Tho color scheme of brown nnd white was carried out in the refreshments, nnd tally cards and garden flowsrs used in decorating the house. AssfcAing the hostess wero Misses Edna Sullivan, Bessie Smith, Kathleen Flynn. nnd Mrs. Perry Car son. Prizes were won by Misses Car rie Frye and Florence Stack. Out of town guest was Miss Lillian Roberts of Cheyenne. A pretty afternoon party wns given by Mrs. W. A. Skinner Wednesday when she entertained eighteen young ladies. Tho guest of honor was her niece Miss Helen Wilson, of Raton, N. M. Several hours were spent In ken- sington and an enjoynblo fenture of,- tho afternoon wns a reading by Miss Erma Huffman. Hugh bouquets of sweet pens were attractively used in decorating and the color scheme of pink nnd whlto-'-was carried out In tho refreshments. Miss Vivian Knox was the guest of honor at a pre-nupllal shower given by Miss Esther Hunimell the first of the week at'llie McGraw home. About twenty-five young Indies were present and spent a pleasant evening in unlquo games. One of the most amusing entertainments of tho even ing was the mock wedding In which about fifteen of tho guects took part In appropriate costumes. The prin cipal characters wero represented by Misses Mlnshall, Hummell, McKay Van CleaVe, Owens, Bundy and Altchlns'on. The decorations were garden vege tables and flowers. Miss Knox was. presented with a large collection of pretty gifts. Enjoyable refreshments wero served at the close of the evening. Admission 10 and 15 cents. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Mrs. Joseph Koons and chlldron left Tuesday for a visit with relatives at points in the east pnrt of tho state Edward Yates has been put in charge of tho passenger trains No 7 nnd IS during tho nbsonco of Engi neer Strahorn. Miss Florence MeKny and brother Donald left yesterday afternoon for Sutherland where they will visit for two weeks with friends. Clyde McGuo returned to his home In Logan county Tuesday after taking treatment for some time at the Nurse Brown Memorial hospital. OUR SERVICE TO YOU The Sen fee you j;ct from the Platte Valley Slnle Hank depends upon two filings: Do mi bank here I lo you borrow here I Until you give us an oppotuuily to demonstrate the many ways In which this Bank can be of sun Ico lo you. You aro depriving yourself nnd bus iness of that which Is yours by making (his your (iiiaucial headqiiiirters. Platte Valley State Bank, "ALL GRAIN CHECKS CASHED" Worth PlfUto, Nebraska. ror Rent. ' Flvo room cottage, city water, elec tric lights nnd sower. $15 per month. Inquire of T. Simant. 303 south Chest nut street. 57tf Bryon Scott, of Kearney, is spending d few days in this city with friends. Mrs. E. E. Busier of Grand Island, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. AVright, having arrived yesterday. Mrs. Hainqs left yesterday morning for Grand Junction to visit her grand son, Ira LeMastor, and wife for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Luthor Owens nnd children loft Wednesday ovenlng for Billings, Mqntann, where they will vis It for several weeks. Marriage license was granted yes terday morning to Wm. lirt Galo of Garfield, and Miss Cynthia W. Cham berlain of May wood. Misses Lola and Bernlco Walker, of Shelton, arrived yesterday to vlBlt their uncle L. L. Walker and family for a couplo of weeks. Mrs. Emily Coates who has been taking a courso in hnir dressing in eastern cities for, severnl weeks is ex pected homo Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Kelly, of Oskaloosn, la., who had bon visiting the Hansen and Frederickson families for some time, left yesterday afternoon. Hjlmer Thompson returned to Chap pell Wednesday evening after visiting relntlves hero. Mrs. Thompson and baby will remain a week longer. Charles J. McCollIster and Hnnnn Rebecca Holladay, of Denver, were married by County Judge French yes terday morning at the court houso. Steve Ryan and J. Malone, of Col umbus came yesterday to snend n few days looking after their Interests on tho ranch occupied b ythe Schram family. Mrs. McCauley, a former teacher In tho local schools, is spending a few days with Miss Grace Clark, while enrouto to eastern cities from tho Panama exposition. Engineer Clnrcnco Williams who was injured in a stabbing nffray at Grand Island recently and has been confined In tho hosplnl since, wns able to be out Wednesday and returned to his homo. It will be some time before i lie is able to resume work. ' For Sale Whitney Crab apples at ' Mm v I, Pn vir form Cl-1 ' WM. LEYPOLDT. Tho Lutherans nt their regular ser vice of worship next Sunday will again set out their "Jeholda Chest" for the purpose of receiving their Becond monthly offering for the now church building fund. Anyone may bring or send n gift to this worthy cnuso. Any ono who does not have an .envelope can secure one by notifying the pastor. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McEvoy nro tho proud parents of n daughter who arrived Sundny to gladden their home. J. W. Abbott, who was down from Horshey yesterday, says tho crop of wheat south of the river Is now being threshed and that the yield Is excel lent. Due to the wet weather, howev er, some of tho wheat has been dam aged in tho shock, and this has resulted in a variance in price, some selling in Horshoy nt seventy cents, while the hotter quality has sold for ninety cents. 1,'nlon Pacific men tell of a new theft discovered in Kansas. Near Man hattan a stranger was found market ing hogs. Investigation was mndo and it was finally learned thnt tho hogs offered for salo had been shipped from a point west of Manhattan to a point east. Tho railroad was short six hogs. Further reports showed that in the past it had frequently found cars of hogs short of tho number loaded. In each Instance tho seal of tho car would bo reported as broken. i'. E. Rogers, of Central City, nr rivod here yesterday afternoon to tnko a place as catcher on the Booster ball team . Two Ranges In One The Duplex Alcazar is a single range that1 docs the work of tyo. With it you can cook in comfort every month in the year. - Burns Coal and Gas separately or . both at once. You" can hum coal in the winter find keep the' Kitchen warmfgas in the summer and keep the kitchen cool. V Burns Coal B mt (Wn (a tort n, ' jWsf -Burns Patented Feb. 9, 1915. It Is Different and Better Simple to Operate; not a part needs to he removed or replaced, either in the Oven or on the cooking top. Yoiu simply "Pull or Push the Lever" and oven is ready for use with any fuel. It is actually Two Comi)lete Ranges in One. ' HERE AT LAST IS ' The COAL and GAS RANGE that is Right Let us demonstrate it to You. HOWE & MALONEY. r Money to Loan ON FARMS AND RANCHES Lowest Ratco and Best Terms. Plenty of Money on hand to Close Loans Promptly. Buchanan & Pattersoir Sanitary CITY HOSPITAL 607 LOCUST STREET NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. PHONE 82 Newly Furnished Fireproof This institution is now open for the Reception and Treatment of Surg- icui, luuuicui iinu uusioiricui cases. j A Strictly modern Hospital for tho convenience of tho phyiicinns of North Platte and country tributary thereto. The Bell Telephone an American Triumph Nearly every American home of even moderate means has a telephone. In this country we have 05 of all the telephones in the world. Tho Bell Telephone is giving the Amer ican home the cheapest and moat efficient service of any comprehensive system on earth. Bell Service the Great Triumph." imertcan NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY