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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1915)
1 8 THIRTIETH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST 21, 1915. No. 62 CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Bort Reynolds left last night for Sid ney to spend a few days on business. John Den left last evening for Chey enne and Laramie to spend a week or longer. Edward Foray the, a prominent mer chant of Ogalalla, Is spondlug a few days here this week. Miss Margaret Frazler who visited In Denver for two weeks, returned home yesterday afternoon. For Sale Piano. Inquire of Mrs. A. Seyferth. Mrs. Anna Seyferth, who spent two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. D. T. Qulgley In Omaha, returned last night. Arthur Stlllwell, of Iowa City, who was the guest of his aunt Mrs. H. S. "Welch for a couple of weeks, left last night. Mrs. Gus Chamberlain and son of Denver, arlved here last evening to visit her father P. H. Sullivan for a week. Everett Keudell who has been spend ing his vacation in eastern points Is expected to return the latter part of this week. How is your watch running? Bring it in and let us put it in good condi tion for you. CLINTON, The Jeweler. Leonard Frleburg, of Denver, for merly of tlhs city, came yesterday afternoon to visit his aunt Miss Mar garet Frazler. Mrs. Charles Bennett, of Rock Springs returned this morning after spending a couple of weeks with her sister Mrs. Fred Marti. John Frazler returned yesterday af-' ternoon from Denver where he pur-1 chased a largo new taxi which made Its appearance on the streets last even ing. Leslie J. Strain, of Lincoln, Is visit ing Rev. and Mrs. Knowles while en route from Boulder to Lincoln by auto. ThQ. gentlemen were former class mates. " iThe Lutheran Brotherhood, Aid So ciety and Girls' Club will be enter tained at the Haspell home this, even ing. Conveyances will bd at the par ish house not later than 8 o'clock. Miss Bertha "Lawson returned from Toledo, la., Sunday whore sho "was called by the death of her grandfather. After a short visit with the home folks she left last night for Bellfourche, S. D to reside. Tlie Clyde Lake auto took firo yos ' terday morning at the .ball park. Mr. Lako had been using his car to pull the big roller over the grounds and also in using the drag. ,A leak in the tank caused it to Ignite and the fire company was called. The woodwork and cushions were badly bunled. I Keith Theatre I , Every Wednesday. Two part Charles Chaplin comedy with the regular picture program. Next Wednesday, "Work". 6 reels 10c. MHHITff'fTHTTfflWffl " "' '"mw'' "'"-w wfl 1. 1 r MBHjuJ 3 wfi i Ciift'fiS HT rilH T I SIN1NQ 1(0 Ott Tone J ft M ' .. hi I LIVING upon n U'a H U W. W. BIRGE CO. Charles Llerk' was a Sunday visitor in Brady. Andy Sludor has been appointed as care-taker of tho Reynolds building. Best Flour $1.55 a sack at It. N. Lamb's. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cougdon, will visit relatives and friends m town next month, arriving about tho fifteenth. C. C. Hupfer loft this morning on an auto trip to Denver. lie will leave his car there to be vamishd and retcurn for It later. Miss Marjory Russell entertained a number of young friends very pleas antly Saturday evening with games and music. Nice refreshments were served. Those wishing to form a correct Idea of the teachings of Christian Science will have an opportunity to hear a free lecture on Christian Science by Clarence W. Chadwlck, C. S. B., of Omaha, Thursday, August 2Gth, at 8 o'clock at the Christian church. Earl Drake, formerly of this city, who has been employed nt Laramie for two years, resigned there and is spending a few days in town while onroute to Omahib Ho Intends to enter Creighton college to take up dentistry. Arthur Hammond has again shown his handiwork in the creation of the battleship North Platte, now display ed in tho window of the Huffman cigar store. This war vessel Is very com plett In every detull, and attracts the attention of every passer by. Verne Powell, of Ft. Scott, Kans., son of W. R. Powell of this rity, ar rived here yesterday afternoon from Boston where he has been playing in a largo orchestra for some time. He is also a member of the Ft. Scott band in which he plays several Instruments. Edgar Lippold of Falls City, lately discharged from tho U. S. army at Honolula where ho had served six years was taken 111 with appendicitis on train No. G Friday and brought to the City Hospital. Having recovered from tho attack he left Sunday evening for home. Tho Assembly club was entertained Friday at the home of Mrs. E. M Smith. Interesting games were played and prizes won by Mrs. Clyde Cook and Mrs. George Mang. An enjoyable lunch was served at the close. The club will meet Aug. 28th with Mrs. Frank Moore, 1002 West Fourth street, assisted by Mrs. Green. Attached to train No. 14 Sunday evening was a large steel coach on which ae windows wore closed with heavy iron bars. The inmates uro .un desirable aliens who are being do ported from as far w'est as tallfornia nnd will be disposed of in New .York. Among the thirty who are guarded in the coach were ftiur insane. The ex pense of the transportation is paid by the government. wmmkL - r Compact and Comfortable This is a most conveniently arranged house. The grade entrance mi the side gives ac cess to the basement, kitchen and living room. The bath on the second floor opens on a hall and is easy of access from all the bedrooms. Each bed room is a comer room, with two windows. The dining room has a built in sideboard, and there arc col onnades in the opening to the living room. In the rear there is a nice screened porch. Came In ami let i show you the second floor plan. This house will make you a comfortable, convenient and distinctive home. Ask as to let you tee Design C-21. Fair lloostcrs Hold Banquet. Soventy-flvo representative citlzons of tho city and county wore present last evening at a banquet held in tho big exhibit building on the fair ground, and, after partaking of an excellent supper provided by the lnuy mcmbors f the conien lodge, awakened an en thusiasm in the county fair that will bo far-reaching and result in effective boosting for the next week. President Plelstlcker of the agri cultural society, officiated us tonBt master and introduced Secretnry Se bastian, Mr. McComb, Mr. Gilman, Mr. Snyder nndMr. Temple, all of whom told of the progress which had been made In arranging for the fair, nnd each predicted that it would prove n most successful one. Mr. Gilman, who has had much' experience in preparing oxhlblts for county and state fairs In Kansas, Nebraska and South Dakota, said that many of the oxhlblts which had so far ben collected were among the finest he had ever seen. Among tho exhibits arc 101 varieties of grasses and forage plants, which will make a plendid showing in that particular class. Mr. Sebastian and other speakors told of the wide-spread Interest the armors of tho county were taking in the fair, that they wero collecting exhibits of all classes, and that the display of live stock promises to bo much larger than In any previous ear. Business men were urged to use their Influence with their farmer friends in bringing exhibits, and assist n making the exhibit one that will completely 1111 the hugo building on the grounds. The larger tho exhibit tho greater will be the variety to chooso from In making up tho Lincoln county lisplay at the stato fair. From tho remarks of the speakers Inst nvnnlnir It Is eviilent Mint Hint coming fnlr will bo a most creditable one. Files Suit for $:t0,0(l Dniungcs. Mrs. Elizabeth Danz, widow of tho late James Danz and administratrix of his estate.ycsterday filed in the dis- trict court, through her attorneys W. E. Shumnnnnd Geo. N. Glbbs. a suit nirnlnst tho Union Paclllc for dnmncea u. .1 .Li-,.. o...i .inii- Hi tho sum of thirty thousand dollars. .Charles J, Burke, a contractor of ; Kearney, Is also made a defendant in the case. On tho 11th day of July last, James Danz was injured by the overturning of an automobile on the , -. .11........... t .. C .1. ,."Bl"r ,....,..4 lV ,L n 7. ri 7, V1 the petition filed in the suit it is &Z" ii f nun winuii uiu uuiuiuuui uuniiiiij- and Its contractor had dug across the public highway when laying sewer pipe. It is recited that the mound or. ruige was on a turn in ine roan unu could not bo seen when approaching from the west, the direction from whencu the car in which Danz was riding came, and that 'tho accident tills obstruction in tlie roail. Learning that such a case would probobly be filed It is said the defend- a'nt company has already secured the ovuienco or some tinny or more nesses, thus fortifying ltsolf for a tletense when the case conies up ror trial in the district court. it in . t . ..11 . e. .. 1.. 1.... Iranian Applicant for Judge. John J. Halllgan of this city, Is an applicant for the federal Judgeship. .made vacant by the death of the late Wm. II. Munger. Wo believe that Mr. Halllgan is entitled to this appoint- ment uy reason or ins anility as a lawyer, his standing as one of tho lead- Ing democrats of the state, his long years of residence in Nebraska, ana tlie further fact that in appointments Ol this class western Nebraska has not nereioioro neen recognizee ab an iu- tomey Mr. Halllgan has a state-wide reputation us- an nblo man, his work and his lire during over a quarter of a century's residence In the stato has been absolutely clean, and lib in - ireguy ami iairness nas never neeu questloed. That he has tho ability and qualifications that go to make a successful jurist must be admitted by every acquaintance. 1 Tho Trlbuno sincerely hopes that President Wilson will see lit to ap point Mr. Hnlllgan. Notice to Witler Consumers. During tho next few days water will boshut otf from two to four hours in various parts of tlie city while re pairs are made to certain flro hydrants. One long blast of tho lire whistle will bo given about 20 minutes before shut ting off water and consumers residing on east Third street or In that part the city east of Cottonwood street on iui nulla ui mi' n ill ui; iiiu jiiiun chiefly affected. IIEItSHRY WELCH. Water Commissioner. for traim:. (ooil section of (able land for good North I'lnHe property. Double house In North rhille to exchange for Kear ney property. This property Is close, in. See Until & (ioodman. . . Mrs. John Voselpka will entertain tho Et-A-Vlrp club this afternoon. Will Gates of New York, who had been visiting Will Waltemath for n couplo of weeks left Sunday for Den ver. L. II. Redmond, of tho Harcourt & Jensen store has gone on his vacation. Ho contemplates visiting Curtis nnd the surrounding towns in his car. Tho Catholic team took tho game from tho Presbyterian nine last oven ing by a scoro of 8 to 2. Koofo and Hngorty wero battories for the for mer and Raskins and Johnson for tho Presbyterians. Report of Teachers Institute. Thoro wore one hundred and seven enrolled In the Lincoln County Teach ers' Instltuto held last week. Monday evening the teachers wore entortained nt the homo of County Supt. Gantt. Stamp's orchestra fur nished music during the evening, games wero played nnd nil the teachers Joined in singing some of the old songs. Excellent lectures wero given dumg the course of tho woek by Supt. Fred Hunter of Lincoln, Miss Helen Whel plcy of Fremont and Dr. Henry S. Curtis of Olivet, Mich. Wednesday morning a short talk on tho "Surprises of Life," was given by Rev. Knowles, nnd Miss Ermn Huff man entertained the teachers with two splendid readings. Thursday morning talks wero given by Supt. Morltz of the stato superintendent's office and Mr. McMlllen of the Unverslty Exten sion department gavo a talk In tho Interests of tho boys nnd girls club. Friday evening Mnj. Haborstro, of Kearney, entertained the teachers with several solos. During the Institute there was an exhibit of the school work done In Lincoln county last year. Prof. Garllsch and Miss Esther Hog sett had charge of the music during the mornings. Kuril Win 11 (.'nine. Tho Cleaners and Dyers ball team of Lincoln defeated tho Boosters Sun day afternoon by a score of threo to two In game that was well played and on e that maintained Interest throughout. It was any body's game, up tho close, for with a threo to two score tho Boosters in the ninth advanced a man to third, but there ho stuck. The vis itors started in as though they were to make a clean-up, securing two runs in the first by two two-baggers, two sacrifices and an error, but Luby, for mo uoosiers iigniciieu up, unu uuuwuu but four lilts during tho remnlnder of tho game. Tho visitors secured their third scoro in tho fifth. Tho locals scored once In tho sixth and once in the eighth, nnd took light hits off the visiting pitchers. Luby struck out seven, Bufftin who pitched the first six Innings four, and Meyers wno nnisneu me gnme ior ijincoin ,...,. out nno T170 attendance was 0Ul 11 ' n"enuanct was who finished the game for Lincoln large, In the second game played ycstpr.dny, afternoon the Boosters outplayed tho visitors and won by a score of four to 1 1. J mi... 1 1 .. . . ...... I . . IIUUU. HIE OUUBll'IH IUUUU il 11111 III fourth, llfth, sixth and seventh Innings, the visitors pne in tho second, third al-,., ,, fLi ,.., , . , ' . f 1So oe'Ztu'as1 FSm? run' , niifmn of the vlqltlmr tenm u 01 U1C 1S'"S tenm. Ifcniarable Insurance Scllllemeiil. The Aetna Life Insuranco Company issued policy No. 1114508 Marcli 29, 1001! i on tho life of Win. Siebold of Noth , pjntto, Nebraska. The contract was for $o,000 and on the 20 Year Endowment pinn requiring an annual payment of S104.3S , Mr. Sioliold niado four nnvnionts. that Is. he tmid for tho years 1002. ;t. 4. fl and then tho nnllcv wns nl- , iOWoil to lapse, no further payments wii-(i,0jng made. Mr. Siebold died in July, 1915. without ever havinir made anv re- quost to the company for n return of mb eouitv in this contract There was, however, provision mado I by the oompaiiy ln all '0'f its policies at that time, the same ns there is todav. for returning to tho purchaser, either j,, cash or ln continued insurance, the fun vatlie 0f i.ia cnuitv. In tho case 0f jjr. seibold, no request having been m,i0 for this eouitv. THE FULL amount cm thr $2.nnn was auto MATICALLY CONTINUED IN FORCE UNTIL THE TIME OF HIS DEATH , nnil his liennnfiinrv. Mrs. .Tulla Siolmhl wns recently paid the $2,000 in cash d,10 her under this contract even though no premiums hud ben paid 011 It lor noariy ten years. Tlie autoinntlc , extended Insurance feature saved this , in.mirance and Ik one of tho most valu- ; ablo features to bo found In Aetna pol- , ici0H todav. Tills policy was written . by p. t. Mooney local agent at that time. The piVsent agent Is W. H. , Tvi,iIlirpr for sam: oit i:xcuA(Ji:. An Ideal 7 room modern house ev coiil heat, wnud like small properly us purl payment or would exchange fof tunii. Nee limit A- (ooiliiiaii. Miss Mae AVelch left last evening for cities In Iowa to visit relatives for a couplo of weeks. Mrs. Charles Seaton will entertain tho Eldeen club tomorrow afternoon, ofiat 804 East Sixth street. Mrs. Win. Norris nnd children re- Mrs. John Aylo and son Harold re turned Inst evening from a week s stay ln Sidney with relatives. Hllmer Thompson of Chappell, will come down Thursday to visit his par uits nnd ncompauy his family homo Mrs. G. D. Chamberlain and children win return Tinirsuny rroni uenver where they have been visiting friends. Mss Mary Allen, of Farnnni, came last evening to visit her brother A. S. Allen und family while enrouto to Ft. Morgan Many a young man has gono wrong In this life becnuse of some physlclal ailment, some strain on a highly wrought nervous tempermanent, ex hausting nerve force, weakening tho will power, Impairing tho moral senti ment. Among theso exhausting and Ir ritating inllucnces no physical aliment can do more harm than oyu defects. C. S. CLINTON, Registered Optometrist. INSURANCE. Fire, lightning, tornado and hull In- Nurinico Is always (rood when written by llratt x Uoodimm. . The Christian Science Society of North PJatte Announce a Free Public Lecture on Christian Science By CLARENCE W. CHADWICK, C. S. B., Member of the Board of Lectureship of the First Church of Christ Scientist, in Boston, on Thursday, August 26, At 8 P. M. At The Christian Church. You and Your Friends are Cor dially Invited to be Present. NURSES REGISTRY CITY HOSPITAL NORTH PLATTE,' NEBRASKA. PHONE 82 . GRADUATE i NURSES We are in a position to furnish compotent nurses for physicians, on short notice. Call Phone 82 and state whether you wont graduate or domestic nurso and wo will complete nil the arrangements for you without charge. nm sad:. Steel rnko and hay sweep. 0. H. Loinlnger, 1114 North Locust. G2-tf Uoforo a recent thunder storm New York city was enveloped ln dark ness for several minutes. After tho Hood descended and the cl6uds broko it was found that S00 tons of coal wore required to provide nddltlotial electric current to meet the sudden nud tre mendous demand for light during the dark spell. Milk sterilized by electricity keeps sweot for eight days, according to ex periments conducted In the public sta tions of Liverpool. All harmful bac teria arc killed by tho Infection of a rapidly altornntlng current at about 4,000 volts. Tho milk is but its com position Is not changed at all. Liver pool ilnds Its general health records Improving with rapid strides slnco the new system went into force. Wlli: NORTH I'LATTi: rKorn: Publicly Testify, IPs Evidence Not to Do iKiioyeij., , . When residents of North Platto are willing to recommend Doan's Kldnoy Pills In this paper, Is there any good reason to try a kidney, backache or bladder remedy that 1b not as well recommended? Mrs. Christian Pickett, I!18 east D street, North Platte, says: "I have used Doan's Kldnoy Plus, pro cured frqm McDonnell & Graves, Drug Storo (now McCnbo & Co's drug store) and found thorn to be Just tho remedy I needed for bachacho and other kid ney disorders. Whcnover I am suffer ing from theso troubles, I take Doan's Kidney Pills and they give mo relief. Others of my family havo taken Doan's Pills with line results." Prlco 50 cents, nt all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney romedy get Doan's Kidney Pills tho same that Mrs. Prlckett had. Foster-Mll-burn Co., Props., lluffalo, N. Y. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician andSurgeon. Spoclnl Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Olllco McDonald Stato Uauk Building. Comer Sixth and Dewoy Rtroots. Phones, Office 183, Resldenco 283 J. II. ItEDPIELD, PHYSICIAN & SUHGEON Successor to HYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Itedfleld & Redfleld Olllco Phone 042 Res. Phono 676 Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building nnd Loan Building n. . I Office 130 v Phono" Reaidenco 115 DOMESTIC NURSES Welcome a j' Good Cigar And a good cigar means ono mado nt tho Schmalzrled factory. Our rep utation a3 a maker o fgood cigars in North Platto extends back thirty years. If wo did not make good cigars wo would have beou forced to close tho factory years ago. If you havo not becu smoking Schmalzrlcd's Cigars It Is not too into to begin. J. F. Schmalzried. in j ossanuuu Bought und highest market prices paid , PHONES Residence Red G3G OIHce T C. H. WALTERS. LVMM NOTICE. William Wells and wlfo Serena Wells, tho heirs-, devisees, legatee and porsonal representatives of said William Wells and all persons Inter ested In 'tho estate of said Wllllim Wells, defendants, will tako notice thav on August 21st, 1915, Al Zollars, plain tiff, filed his certain petition In tl. District Count of Lincoln County, Ne braska, against said named tlofet -dants, Impleaded, tho object and prayer of which said action arp to quiet and confirm title In plaintiff and against said defendants In tho We& Hnlf of Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty-three (23), Township Nlm (9), North of Rango Twenty-nine (29), West of the 6th P. M. Lincoln County, Nebraska and to establish by said action now and Independent tltlo ln tho plaintiff against said dofendan3 by reason of the adverse rfossession of said lands by plaintiff for inoro than ton, yenrs past. You and each of you will answer said petition on or boforo the 4th day of October, 1915, or decree will bo taken against you as prayed for in plaintiff's potttion. AL ZOLLARS, Plaintlft. By E II Evans, Ills Attorney, a24-4