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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1915)
DR. 0.,H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Dank. LOCAL AND PEItSOXAL For Sale.Farm. Phono Jolui Uroso. horses and hay. 01-2 Bert Soosbo loft a few days ago for Gothenburg to spond a few days. The Robekah kenslngton club will meet this afternoon In the I. 0. 0. F. hall. For Salo Sixty-five acres of corn 12 miles north of town. Mlchaol Glenson, Try on. 61-1 C. C. Fudge, of Somerset, spent the first of "this week here on business matters. Miss Edith Wendeborn will go to Kearney this weok to visit for a week or moro. Miss Lela Scott left a few days ago for Wood River, to spend a woek with relatives . Miss Beryl Jeter loft Tuosday ovon Ing for Los Angeles to spond tho win ter months. Fritz Hanlon has accopted a posi tion as night watchman at the Locust Btreet crossing. Mrs. Andrew Yosv and Miss Gcr trudo Dill vlBlted In Birdwood with rel atives this week. Mrs. Millie Barraclough left a fow days ago for Callaway to spond a fow days with friends. Fred Mayhcw, of Spokane, arrived horo Wednesday to visit with Lem Bailey for some time. John Rodden went to Sutherland Wednesday morning to transact busi ness for several days. Miss Nelllo Sullivan, of Wallace, Is visiting local frjends and attending tho Institute this week.. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Rltter, of Ben nett, oro spending this week with Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl McGrew. Miss Nellie and Annlo Conneally. of Wallace, are spending this week with Mrs. Harry Gutherless. Emll Erlckson returned a few days ago from Denver whero he visited rel atives for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Howard and family left Wednesday morning for Grand Island to visit friends. Mrs. J. Af Jones and daughter Mar garet left Wednesday morning for Om uha to spend a week or longer. . Nels Rasmussen and family have gono to Kcnesaw where they will snond a fortn eht with -relatives. H A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tolle the first of tho week, but on ly lived a short time after birth. Mr. and Mrs. Vorno Mann expect Ladles' Fall Suits of the 1915 Models shown at Tho Leader. Attorney Leslie Basklns spent Wed nesday In Sutherland on legal matters. The county commlsskfners spont Wednesday In Sutherland on business. Clarenco McKay has gone to Suth erland where ho has accepted employ ment. Francis Conneally, of Wallace, came a few days ago to visit the Hanlfin family Mrs. Albert, Durbln will leave to morrow for Hastings to spend a cou ple of weeks with friends. Tho will of tho late Bernard Boer was filed for probate In tho office of the county 'Judge Wednesday. Mrs. J. C. Federhoof nnd Miss Ir nia Huffman will leave shortly for Cal ifornia to spend several weeks. Sam Soudor went to Moorolleld Wed nesday morning to uttend the funeral of the late Mrs. Shellle Schnoldor. Mrs. Rnlph Ford and baby, who were visiting In Lexington for severnl days, returned home Wednesday evening. Mrs. John Aylo and son Harold left Wednesday morning for SIdnoy to spend a couple of weeks with relatives. Miss Anna Wetzell came down from Sutherland Wednesday morning to visit the Thornburg family for a few days. D. C. Wilson, of Sutherland, spont several days here this week transact ing business and visiting his brother Roy Wilon C. E. Mcintosh, of Council Bluffs, chairman of the 0. R. C, spent sev eral days hero tills week In tho Inter ests of that order. Mrs. W. L. Brown-and Mrs. W. B. Brown loft Wednesday morning for Denver where they will spend two weeks with friends. Did you sco tho advertisement about our Rings on pago 43 of this week's Saturday Evening Post? CLINTON, tho Jeweler. Mrs George Sager and son Harold Mavis, wlio visited the Frederlcl fam ily for several weeks, left for Lodge polo Tuesday evening. Mrs. A. 11, Burdell, of Lead, S. D. arrived here a few days ago and has accepted a position In the alteration department of the Wilcox store. P. H. McEvoy and son Harry re turned Wednesday morning from Oma ha, where tho latter went to take med ical treatment under Dr. Jonas. Horton Munger returned Tuesday evening from Omaha, whero he was called last week by tho death of his father, the lote Judge W. H. Munger C. Q. DeFrance. state accountant, of Lincoln, spent tho fore part of this week visiting the experimental farm and county offices in tho court house, fit,nne, granulated sugar $G.CQ sltt per left nVwllcbx' Department 'Store. Mrs. 0 Donnell. nnd children of Sutherland, camo down Wednesday morning to attend the wedding of her brother Hnrley Bonliam to Miss Vivian to go to Chicago the first of next month Knox. to visit relatives for a couplo or weens. Misses Helen and Mnrle Scliwalger,' RpgmusseiJ), of Bradjf wore' granted a who have been visiting friends In Sldj nmf lagejIicenseVgdnesday. by Coun ncy for a week, returned homo Tuesday ty Judge French. The wedding took William .Krltcher nndf iMiss Alma evening. Miss Freda Hammer left -Wednesday-tv- SPt. Wm. Jeffers and Assistant for Sidney to visit her sister and lator go to Denver by auto to spend a coupio of weeks. Mrs, C. J. Roth, of Hnyos Center, place In Brady. Supt. J. P. Cary, of Omaha, spent Tuesday nere on business and left that evening In the Jeffers enr 01 for Grand Island to spend sovonU'days. Rev. Greenlee, of Audubon, la., for churcii, camo a row days ago to vlst tho hidings family while enroute home Brown Memorial hospital, Is getting along nicely. Amy linker, ago 1C and Louis Hnl ras. ago 20, wero married at tho court houseby County Judge French Tues day afternoon. Mrst Perry Buchanan and two chil dren left Wednesday morning for Aurora whoro they will visit relatives for a fortnight. Henry Knhlor has. returned from Soward nnd Melford whero ho spent his vacation and has resumed .work in the Wilcox store. Mrs. J. L. Packard, of -Minneapolis, who spent two months with her sis tor, Mrs. Win. C. Ritnor, returned homo Tuesday evening. C. R. Rightflold and fnmlly camo hero a fow dnys ago to locate, tho former having accepted a position ns baker at the Vienna cafo. from a visit In California cities Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Weeks, of Grand Island, who havo been tho guests of their sotiB Robert and Edward, while enrouto homo from tho Panama exposition, left Wednesday morning. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Bretzer and their guests Mr. nnd Mrs. George Bretzer, of Syracuse, N. Y., went to Denver Wednesday morning where they will spend a week sight seeing For Quick Snlo Four room cottage on west Eighth street, with water, light and sower Full CO foot lot, well improved with lawn nnd Blmdo trees. Low prico on this if taken at onco. Small payment down, balance llko rent. J. C. RAYNOR. rhono Red 819. 1202 west Ninth. Telephone Service Discussed At the monthly meeting of the Cham ber of Commerce Monday evening, tho subject of telephone service in the local exchange was a subject of dis cussion. A score or moro business men criticised the service which has been given subscribers for Bcvernl months past, nnd while they individu ally had made no complaitn to the manngor, they had many times been soroly vexed. A resolution was passed asking thnt the service bo improved. Banquet at Fair (.rounds Secretary Sebastian, of the fair as sociation, Is making arrangements for a banquet to bo held in the exhibition hall at the fair grounds next Monday evening. The object of tho banquet Is to arouse greater enthusiasm In the coming fair, and everybody, and es pecially farmers, rtre Invited to at tend. A charge of fifty cents per plnte will bo mndo for the supper. It Is hoped th"ro will bo largo at tendance and that much enthusiasm In the fair will be aroused. Campaign to Open September 0th While the bond propositions will be boosted moro or less from now until election day, the real campaign will open Monday, September Oth, when a banquet will be served, committees ap pointed nnd a vigorous seven-day can vass made. To this meeting and ban quet all those Interested in tho pav ing and park propositions will be in vited. In the meantime, however, boost the propositions along. Frontier Diijn nnd Carnival Silver Creek, Nebraska, on the main line of the U. P., will hold a Frontier Days celebration and Carnival on Sep tember 1, 2 and 3. Cash prizes for rid ing and roping. Idaho Bill will be there, also Texas Jack, champion steer bull-dogger. Riders will bo especially welcome. P. H. Hkjuu, ' Secretary. .North Platte Man Leads Sam Huntley Chicago, Aug. 17. The second day of tho Grand Amorican handicap tourna ment opened with "the Chicago over ture," a 100-target event, all shooting from tho 10-yard mark. This afternoon H. J. Rebhausen, North Platte, was leading with a score of 98, breaking his lnst 80 straight. S. A. Huntley, Omaha, second, 97. and W. M. Foord, Wilmington, Do1)., with 9G. Scores wero cut down by the high northeast wind into which the targets wero thrown. In tho national chnmplonshlp at doubles, Mark Arle of Thomsboro, 111., was leading with 90 out of a possible 100 targets. During tho opening exercises of the Lincoln county teachers' institute Wed nesday morning Rev. Knowles deliv ered nn Interesting nddress and Miss Irma Huffman gave two appreciated readings. Mrs. Ellen Gnlnes, of Noblovlllo, Intl., nnd Lawrence Busby, of Lapel, Ind., mother and nephew of Mrs. Robert Dickey, camo Tuesday evening to spend a couple of weeks. Mrs. Wm. Gorham and children left, yesterday morning lor umnna wnere they will make tliOlr home in tne ru ture. Chrlstlnn Science service Sunday 11 a. m., subject "Mind." Sunday school 12 m. Wednesday meeting at 8 p.- m. Building & Loan building. Mrs. Hi Smith has returned from a week's visit with thePushman family In LeMoyno. SPECIAL SALE Every Saturday, also the 15 1G, 17 and 18th days of each month, will bo potato days at tho North Sldo barn. Phono No. 29 for prices. I will save you money. 57tf , JULIUS MOGENSEN. r Nofrettlpf The Gas Way The Right Way. Tho gns rnngo will do this: It will savo you from dirtying your kitchen with soot or nshca. It will savo you lugging conl. It will savo you timo by cooking quickly and .well. It will 6avo you worry, foryou won't hayo to fret over a slow oven or whether tho flro will como up in time. It wuTsavo you money. . " Get one. K Wo have many styles at various prices. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) Phone 58 723 Locust Street A modern institution for tho scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray nnd diagnostic laboratories. Geo. B. Dent, M. D. Y. Lucas, M. D. J. B.LRedfiehi.M. D& J. S. Simms, M.D. Miss Elise' Sicilian, Supt. Grocery Specia North Platte Light & Power Co., C. R, MOREY, Mgr. ALL THIS WEEK Hest Flour old wheat $1.75 3-5-10 lb. Pail Lard ...15c lb. Large can Pork & Heans, 10c 11 cans for $1.00 Cane Sugar $6.50 cut 11 Large Cans Tomatoes. $1.00 1 ! Cans Corn. $1.00 11 Cans best Peas $1.00 15c assorted Jam, 3 cans.. .25c Bulk Collcc, 15c lb. 7 lbs.$l,00 Lake Herring-per pail. .... .60c Brooms 25c Potatoes per bushel 55c Apples per bushel $1.00 Crab Apples per bushel .... SOc Onions per peck.. 30c Lorn, Uats, Bran, bhorts, and Corn Chop, Wheat, bushel $1.10 R. N. Lamb PHONE 67. Final Clean Up of Summer Dresses We will offer Saturday and until closed out all of our White and Colored Summer Dresses in two lots LOT 1 Consists of Dresses sold up to $3.50, all new and snappy styles, choice LOT 2 All Dresses that sold from $5 16 $7.50, some co.lored but mostly white, nicely made in new styles, choice Wilcox Department Store. $2.48 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Fall Dress Goods and Silks for 1915 nre now shown at The Leader. Rev. Pone, of Lincoln and Rev. Griffith of Maxwell, who assisted in the services at the 'Baptist church this week, have returned home. C. H. Wilson Is acting as day ticket agent during the absence of Nels Ras mussen, nnd w. H. Hought will have charge of the night work. Victor, Paul and Esther Schwnlger returned tho fore part of. the week from a month's visit with relatives in Eugene and Portland, Oregon. Mrs. J. C. Miller, of Chnppell, ar- rived here a few days ago to visit Miss Blanche Miller and Mrs. Charles Thornburg for a week or longer. Mrs. Edward Park and two children, of Peoria Illinois, are visiting local friends. Mrs. Pajk was formerly Miss Gertrude Peale, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Heitman and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meinke, of Sewnrd, whe wero guests of Fred Hein last week .left the first of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greenwell, of Columbus, came a few days ago to visit Miss Mabel Duke, whilo enroute home from the Panama exposition. Misses Minnie Lowo and Nora Jef fers, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hogg in Big Trail, Wy oming for four weeks, returned home Wednesday evening. Miss Ruth Fnlk, of Creston, Iowa, vho visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duncan for several weeks, left Tues day afternoon. Enroute home she will vlst In Cozad. Mrs. Frank WInkleman nnd daugh ter Tyrone, of Fremont, formerly of this city, visited Mrs. Jack Carroll and Gideon, WInkleman this week while en route to Salt Lake City and Ogden. KNOTLESS LUMBER SPOTLESS LIME READY TO SERVE RAIN OR SHINE Mrs. Frank Elliott and son Laverne left the .first of this week, the former going to St. Joseph nnd Kansas City to purchase fall millinery and tho lat ter will visit with relatives In Council Bluffs. Dr. Fred W. Miller and wife, of Fremont, formerly of this city, who havo been vlsting In Portland for a month, stopped off for n few days this week whilo enrouto home, to visit tho lattor's mother, Mrs. Richard Cox, and left Tuesday afternoon. D. C. Wilson, of Sutherland, filed application In the county court Wed nesday to bo made administrator in the estato of tho late Mrs. Hannah McCord, who was his mothor-ln-law. Frank Martin is having the building formerly used by the Brooks photo graph gallery moved to the Fourth ward where It will bo repaired and tlRk sky-light re-placed by a now roof and walls. Harry H. Wilson, of Pocatello, Ida., and Miss Cecilia Jones, of Brntjy wero married in this city Wednesday morn ing by Rev. McDnld and left that evening for Pocatello where the groom is engaged In business. Wm. Rodden disposed of his Inter ests in the Silver Front clgnr store Tuesday afternoon nnd Is undecided as to what work ho will take up. Ru pert Scliwalger, the new proprietor, took possession nt onco and will make a number of Improvements Wo wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our neighbors and friends for their kindness nt the death of our beloved babe, also to tho U. P. car men for tho beautiful lloral offerings, MR. and MRS. MICHEAL GLEASON, The Mutnl lluilding & Loan Assocla tiou is prepared to Issuo 11 limited amount of Its Full' l'nid Slock. First como llrst served. This slock Is Is sued In any nuuuint from $100.00 to $5,000.00 and pays senil-niinunl dirt- denils tit rate of six per cent Oshkosh Will Have the Bright Lights Oshkosh will bo well lighted whon the electric jystem Is installed, Over thrlty street lights will bo placed over tho town, one on each corner. They wll bo of the brllllnnt nitrogen tpyo of mnzda lights. GO watt lights, about six ty candlo power each. These lights will not only bo a protection, but will clvo Oshkosh tho apponrance of a live little clty.dOshlcosh Herald. jjj Jm A225 1 No Doubt You'll see Some Dust At The County Fair v We hope you may also see some of our saw dust before the season is over; in other words we hope you will soon Get Busy On That Building you have been talking about and that you will see us for YOUR LUMBER AND MATERIAL Coates Lumber and Coal Co. The Home of Good Coal. Phone 7. 3EZJC 1Z OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank -oJf- NOR Til PL A TTE, A'JSU I? A SKA. . Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CAPITAL 3f?D SURPLUS: One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. fcj STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HAVE BEEN THE FACTORS IX THE GItOWTH OF THIS BANK, AND THE SAME CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LARGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS, L II 11 II 1L Farmers, Attention The greatest grain crop you ever raised is assured barring 2HE I X-i There have been hail storms all around us. You cannot bar the HAIL, but you can bar the consequences by letting us write you a policy against loss by HAIL. Delays are dangerous. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON.