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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1915)
THE 8EMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. QfcDISCOVTOY YOUNG MAN HAS OLD JOB 3Tl)E HODJ BFJfr COCD'JQO wrmour works at apjswM? or nm? srvirr HE credit for discovering tlio metallic oloment vanadium, al most, but not qulto, belongs to Androa Manuol Del IUo, profcBBOr of mlnoralogy In the Royal School of Minos of the City of Mexico. Tho honor would bo wholly his had ho not hlmaolf repudiated his own discovery. Del Rio was born In Madrid, November 10, 1764, and graduated from tho University of Alcala do Henarea In 1780. On account of his extraordinary aptltudo in tho natural r.oicnces, and particularly In chemistry, ho was pensioned and sent by tho government to study in Oormany, France, and Ens land. He spent about twelvo years in those coun tries, principally in tho study of mineralogy and mining, and was associated with tho leading scien tists, among others Lavoisier. After his return to Spain, ho was named, in 1794, by royal order as ono of the group of professors to establish tho ' !Royal School of Minos in Moxico City. Tho royal order named Del Illo as professor of chemistry, .but on his request this was changed to mineralogy. Tho school was opened in April, 1795. In 1820 Del fftlo was sent as doputy to tho Spanish Cortes, whoro ho championed tho causo of Mexican inde pendence. Ho returned to Mexico in 1824, but In H820 on tho expulsion of tho Spaniards ho went to tho United Statbs, Ho aftorwards returned, and died in the City of Moxico on May 23, 1849. Tho jdlRtrlct of Andres Dol Rio, in tho stato of Chihua hua, where tho city of Datopilas nnd tho mines of tho samo nam nro located, Is called after tho dis tinguished scientist In 1801 Prof. Dol Rio in examining some brown lead ores from tho mines of Zlmnpan, in what is now tho state of Hidalgo, bolloved that ho had dis covered a now element different from chromium nnd uranium and this ho named erlthronlum. It was In reality what wo now know as vanadium. Tho discovery was a genuine one, and had tho matter rested thoro tho namo that Dol Rio gavo tho new oloijient would have been Its namo now, and ho would havo been tho undisputed discoverer thereof, But unfortunately tho Mexican professor was a little too much undor tho glamour of tho French school, and so when Collet Descostlls pub lished an article in which ho stated that Dol Rlo's orlthronlum was nothing moro than Impure chro mium Dol Rio accoptcd tho French professor's (Judgment and In tho Anales do Clenclas Naturalos pf Madrid in 1804 disavowed his formor claim of 'discovery and statod that tho BUbstanco was a lead chromate. Dol Rio had been right and tho French school wrong, fdr tho element does not f' von bolong In tho chromium group. So tho mat er rostod until In 1830 tho Swedish scientist, N. p. Sofstroom, rediscovered tho oloment among tho slags of tho Taborg Iron ores and namod It (vanadium, which namo it still boars. It Is somo times stated that tho namo choson by Sofstroom Was in honor of tho Scandinavian goddoss Vnna dls. This is not strictly corroct. In tho Norso mythology tho gods wero dlvldod into two stocks, Aeslr and Vanir, or Asa and Vann. NJoord, Froy and Froyja woro of tho stock Vnnlr, honco VnnadlB. Tho word may bo taken as tho sur name of a number of gods and goddossos, al though perhaps most often used In connection with Froyja, tho Norso Vonus. Neither Dol Rio nor Sofatroom, nor later Bor liollus, obtained tho pure element, although Ber eollus publlBhod what ho thought to bo Us atomic weight, 137 and tho formlao for Its oxides. Tho English chemist, Sir Henry E. Roscoo, In 18GS demonstrated that Berzollus was Incorroct; that ho and other prior investigators had dealt with nitrides or oxtdos of tho element; and that in ptoiul of bolonglng to tho chromium group of dements vanadium should bo placod in tho group with arsenic and phosphorus. Vanadium is a silvor-whlto metal and readily pxldlzed. It has an atomic weight of 51.2, Is fonmagnotic, has n vory high electrical reals Ivlty, and molts at about 1,680 degrees C. It b ono of tho moat dlfllcultly rcducod nnd hardost t tho metallic elements. Fortunately for Its uao in tho arts, It is not nocosaary to reduce tho notal to its pure stato. Such a reduction would w too costly. It can bo reducod, however, qulto ;aally as nn alloy, particularly aa nu alloy of ron, ferrovanadlum, containing approximately ono part of vanadium and two parts of Iron. Again, fortunately, this alloy hns n molting point 1,300 dogroo C. to 1,340 dogroos C, sufficiently low to fu'rthor alloy with molton stool, which would )o difficult in tho pure vanadium having a molt ing point over 300 dogroos C. higher. Vanadium Is ono of tho moat wldoly dlasoml- natod of all tho olomonts, although commercially avallablo deposits nro comparatively raro. It, la found in moat of tho rocks, In clays and shales, and in tho ubIioh of plants. In addition to Mex ico, whoro it waB first discovered, vanadium has boon found In Colorado, Utah, Oklahoma, No vadu, Now Moxico, and other parts of tho Unltod States; In I'oru, Sweden, Auatralla, Spain, Eng land, Turkestan, Chill and Argontlna. Tho chief ores from which vanadium Is or fnay be dorlvcd ure patronlto, carnotito, roscoo Ito, vanndinte and naphaltlto. Coal Is a sourco of vanadium, Ash from tho Rockvalo Colorado poul gavo 27 per cont vanadium oxldo. Coal from tho Mendoza district in Argentina contains kbout Ave pounds of vauadlo acid por ton. It is DZNr COLD n at FHproor or TttJvw-AKD&urxwffi Ono of tho youngest officials of tho Wilson administration ' is at tho head of tho oldest scientific depart ment of tho government, and his ap pointment was not tho result of luck, nccldent or political Influence but, tho recognition of romarkablo qualifica tions which fitted him for the posi tion. It waa on tho lifteonth of April, tho day following his thirty-ninth birthday, that Dr. E. Lester Jones bo ennio suporlntondont of tho coast and geodetic survoy, tho sorvlco which, nccordlng to Secretary Redflold, "deals first with humanity and second with commerce." Perhaps no ono in tho survey, no matter how long ho has been in tho sorvlco, has spent moro of his lifo in tho opon than has Doctor Jones. Indeed, it would soom, that by en vironment, training, education and tomperamont, ho had boon qualifying for tho suporintondency of tho coast and geodetic survoy all hia life. Ho was born in Orange, N. J., and as a small boy was tho companion of his father, himself a 'scientist and a student of nature. Doctor Jones was educated at Princeton and Hcldolberg; in Germany ho hunted, fished and studied in tho Black forest and specialized in zoology. For llvo years ho was connected with tho Now Jorsoy fish and gamo com mission, and his first sorvlco in tho national government was aa doputy com missioner of tho bureau of fisheries. vsmvs, u mm wwwwwmiwrm PACKING QR rOR 17UUf3PO&r7V THE . called rafaellto. At Talcuna, in tho. provlnco of Coquimbo in Chill, vanadium is found as a yellow earth in connection with coppqr oro. Tho principal and almost tho only coramorclal . source of supply of vanadium at present is from Poru. Thoro nro numbers of asphaltlto deposits in Poru, among tho best known of which aro those of Yaull. When burned, tho ash from thoso de posits yields 24 to 40 por cent vanadium oxldo. Othor mines nro located at Matucan and Casapal ca, on the Contral railroad of Poru near Callao, at Huari, and at Huancayo, but tho greatest of all doposlts, as now known and worked, aro at Minns Rngra. Tho Rngra mines nro nbout fifty miles from tho colebratod Corro do Pasco copper mlnos and aro In tho samo mining district. Minus Rngra had boon frequently denouncod and again aban doned as coal mines. Tho fuel was of so poor a quality as to bo hardly worth tho mining. Some yoars ago on tho abandonment by C. Weiss & Co. of Lima, Sonor Euloglo E. Fornandlnl, who was engaged in mining at Corro do Pasco and who owned tho QuIbquo hacienda, about six miles from Minns Ragra, denounced tho mlnos anow. Sonor Fornandlnl had a now process for making coko in which ho proposed to uso tho output of Minns Ragra. Sonor Antonor Rlzo Patron was tho technical director of tho Fornan dlnl works, and on his attention bolng directed to a mass of black mlnoral which accompanied tho coal ho bocamo Intorostod and mado a chom ical nnalysls. Ho thoroby discovered that it containod vanadium in a greater proportion than any of tho thorotoforo known orcB of this motal. Tho material lookB Hko a slaty coal, is vory hard, with 30 por cont or moro froo sulphur, 14 por cont silica, 4 por cent iron sulphide, and about 1 por cont each nlckol and molybdenum sul phides, and nbout 40 per cont vanadium sulphldo. After burning out tho froo Bulphur tho oro con tains about 5is per cont vanadium oxldo. Tho distinguished Poruvlan scientist, Sonor Joso J. Bravo, made n vory thorough examination of tho locality and published tho rosults in a bullotln of tho Society of Engineers. Tho slil phldo of vanadium, not having boon thorotoforo known as a natural product, was named rlzo patronlto by Sonor Bravo in honor of tho original dlscovoror of tho mlnoral. This namo it still boars, although ordinarily shortenod to patronlto. Rlzo-pntronlto, according to Sonor Bravo, appoars In tho form of a compact mass, dark in color and somo two motors thick (about 6 foot 6 Inches), and in his opinion is dlssominatod ovor a largo extent of country around Minus Ragra. Tho earth surrounding tho rlzo-pntronlto volii3 Is highly Impregnated with vanadium Bolutlons, and In small catch basins this Impregnated oarth is bolng oxtonslvoly worked. Until tho recent development of vanadium in tho stool industry Its commercial uso was moro or 1ob8 confined to ink making and coloring fabrics and loathor. Tho ink is mado of a mix ture of neutral solution of ammonium vanadate gum wntor, nnd a solution of gallic ncld. ThlB Ink Is not dostroyod by acids or alkallnos. nor can It bo blonchod out with clUorldo. Tho ink, howovor, is not vory pormanont. It dyeing fab rics vanadium chlorldos combined with nnnllno hydrochloride form a brilliant and pormanont black. In coloring loathor a l por cont solution of noutrnl ammonium vanadate Is used with loathor which has been tanned with nutgnll. Tho first recorded ubo of vanadium In stool waB in 1890, in Franco, in tho production of ar mor plates. Tests of Uiobob showed that thoy woro much toughor and moro highly resistant than Hko plates mado without tho uso of vana dium. No immcdiato results, howovor, followed tho French tests, owing porhaps to tho fact that at this tlmo no adequate supply of vanadium waa In sight. About four years later Prof. J. O. Arnold of Sheffield in nn address boforo tho Brit ish "Iron and Steel institute declared that vana dium was tho master weapon of tho Btool metal lurgist. At this tlmo prlco of vanadium alloy was vory high and tho supply uncortaln. Tho greatest advances, however, mado in tho uso of vanadium in the steel Industry havo followed the experiments nnd practical applications of J. Kent Smith of Liverpool. Mr. Smith's work has been principally In tho production of tho various grades of vanadium alloya, and he has supervised personally tho initial uso of vanadium in most or the leading steel mills of England and the continent nnd somo in tho United States. About 1905 tho supply of vanadium began to lncreaso to a largo degree, duo to tho purcha30 of tho Minns Ragra doposlts In Poru by tho American Vanadium company, also totho devel opment of' mlnos In other parts of Puru, Spain and elsewhere. From having been a raro metal, owing to tho largo output, It became available In quantities claimed to bo unlimited, as a steel- making olemont. Tho claims mado by its users aro that it has accomplished wonders in crucible steel and in open-hearth steel, that it gives cast iron creator strength nnd endurnnco, and that coppor and aluminum aro remarkably Improved for certain nurnoses bv its addition. It is usoa in steel for enclno axloB and frames, in trans mission shafts and gears, in wire springs, in piston rods, hydraulic cylinders, tiros, tools, boiler lilntoa. holts, eun shields, nroiectlles, armor plates, gun barrola, watch springs, and in cast ings and forglngs generally. The claim Is mado that In stool making U unites with tho nitrides and oxides, nnd carries them into tho slag. Tho quantity of vanadium that will remain In tho slag is in proportion to tho amount of Bcavonetnc thus dono by It. In woll-deoxldlzed steel it Is Bald that tho scavong. lnir will consumo nbout one-fifth of tho vana dium. Tho alloy, ferrovanadlum, Is Introduced Into tho Bteol by a very simple process. In the cruel- bio process tho alloys aro brokon Into small bits and put into tho chargo with tho socond addition of tho mnnganoao. In tho acid open-hearth proc- osb the alloy in largor pieces 1b dropped Into the bath when tho flamo has boen blanketed. In the basic open-hearth practice tho alloy, brokon small, is run through a spout that omptles Into tho ladle in which tho molton Bteol Is being poured. A similar mothod Is followod in tho Bossemor and Troponas practlco and also in tho cupola process for cast iron. In tho latter, tho alloy Is crushed qulto flno. It is claimed that vanadium increases largoly tho resistance of motals to vibratory disintegra tion, that tho stool Is strongor and tougher and tempers moro uniformly and to 'a greator dopth than stool without vanadium. Ono of tho prin cipal advantages in tho uso of vanadium steel In the. future will no doubt be that It will onablo tho stool man to roduco wolght In such constructions as locomotives, cars, machinery, etc., through tho uso of a Bmallor amount of tho strongor and toughor stool Tho quostion of wolght has bo- como sorioua not only in locomotives but in othor forms of machinery. Anothor great economy claimed for vanadium steel Js its greator dura bility. If this can bo established, it would of itsolf moro than Justify Its moro oxtensivo uso. BRUCE ISMAY, RECLUSE There is one man in tho British isles, at least, to whom the memories of tho Titanic disaster nro a dread and over present reality. That man is Bruco Ismay. Ho was managing director of tho White Star lino at tho time of tho Titnnic disaster, and was among thoso saved when tho llnor sank. Ho has voluntarily withdraw him self into almost complete seclusion. Ho is a tragic figure whom caro and premature ago have marked for their own. A great part of tho year ho passes, oftentimes alone, In Costelloe, ono of the most remote, most unfre quented and desolate spots on tho west coast of Ireland. Here his solo employment is fishing for days and weeks on end, occasionally with a friend, or perhaps two, but for tho greater part of his tlmo accompanied only by his servant. Ismay is very popular among tho cottagers around. Ho found them sympathetic and friendly, and he has given them employmont in many ways in connection with tho fishing and his lodge In fact, whatever drove Bruco Ismay to this romoto, lnhospltablo shore, it was a blessing in disguiso to thoBe poor people, and thoy appreciate his presenco very keenly. They don't care whether or not his oscapo from tho Titanic aroused a storm of criticism; for that matter they take no stock In tho Titanic story anyway. WORKING HIS WAY UP Z3 At tho 1915 commencement exor cises of Columbia university Ensign Louis Randolph Ford, U. S. N ro celvod tho degree of master of arts. That was only one incident in tho determined fight this young naval officer is making to achlovo his child hood ambitions, which ambitions, it may well bo, do not stop short of the insignia of a rear admiral. As a barefooted lad in Texas,, whoro he was born thirty-two years ago, Louis Ford mado up his mind to enter the navy, but his parents wero not ablo to send him to college and the influence to obtain an appointment to the naval academy was lacking. .So at tho ago of fourteen Louis wont to work on a Sabine river tugboat, and three years later became an appren tice in a machlno shop. In two years moro ho was a full-fledged machinist and enlisted as such in tho navy. Starting in nt Mnro Island, ho worked his way Bteadlly up to tho rank of chief machinist, and in 1912 he took the examination for an ensign's commis sion, passing with tho highest marks over mado by a warrant officer. Service on various vessels was followed by a post-graduato courso at Annapolis, which included radio engineering, structural engineering, naval construction, ordnance and gunnery. Then camo tho welcome order to enter Columbia, whore, as ono of tho professors said, ho "worked his head off." Ford Is now attachod to tho New York navy4 yard and eventually will dovoto himself to tho designing of all sorts of naval machinery and the organization of tho shops in tho ynrds. PAW'S EXPERIENCE. KENT TELLS A NOME STORY Littlo Lemuel Say, paw, docs every man havo a bump of wisdom? Paw Ho does boforo ho gets married. Bon. After that tho bump becomes a dent THE REVERSE. "A doctor reverses tho usual order." "How?" "Ho must oxorclso resignation whon he lacks patients." CAUSE AND EFFECT. Hykor Old Swlggs has stopped drinking. Pykor Well, that is certainly to his credit. Hykor Don't you bollovo It. It's duo to his lack of credit. A SURE CURE. "Physicians havo demonstrated that rattlo snako venom does not euro epilepsy." "It will euro it all right If tho phyBlclans will permit tho rattlosnako to administer it" Ropresontativo William Kent of California has many quaint tales of tho north country. Ono of them deals with tho early days in tho Nome re gion, whon gold wob plontlful and everything olso was decidedly scarce. Ono of tho residents, tho story runs, wandered into a rough, ready-made saloon and beheld four bowhlskored, rough-looking individuals. Thoy woro deeply dejected. Thoy Eat far back In their chairs, hands in pockots, Occasionally ono of them sighed or swore. In front of thorn woro stacks of chips representing several thousand dollars In gold. "What's the mattor?" asked tho visitor. "This hero pokor gamo Is busted up!" was tho reply. "Busted up?" repeated the visitor, in astonlBhmont. "Why, you've got enough money there to play for a wook!" "Yop, stranger," ngroed tho be- whiskered man, moodily, "wo got that, but somebody's lost all the aces and two Jacks in tho deck!" and resumed his etaro at tho useless chips.