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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1915)
y DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bank. LOCAL AND PEIISONAL For Rent Modern house. Inquire of A. A. Sclmtz. C5tf Mrs. Nellie Golf loft a few days ago for York to spend a week visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McDcrmott arc spending a week with friends In Grand Island. Calvin Miller returned the first of the week from an extended visit In Belolt, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Jergen Rossen, of Cur tis, visited the Hansen and Frederick sen homes last week. For Rent Furnished cottago on Second street, south of new round house. Phone Bllck 408. 5S-2 Miss Helen Bonner who spent ten days with friends in St. Paul, will return tomorrow morning. Fall Dress Goods for school dresses, a largo line at 25 and 50 cents a yeard at Wilcox Department Store. Master Theodore Payne who spent a week with his uncle In Omaha, re turned home a few days ago. R. H. Barber, cashier in the Key stone' bank transacted business lin town several days this week. RMph Starkey expects to leave to morrow or Sunday for Chicago to at tend the' National Handicap Shoot. Mrs. E. A. Bloyd and children re turned a few days ago from an en joyable visit iwth Laramie relatives. Miss Hazel Simpson returned Wed nesday afternoon from Hershey where sne visited the aHaste family from ten days. Harry Pizer returned the first of the week from Graild, Island after spend ing a fortnight wit his uncle in that city. k . Mrs. George" Sager, of Lodgepole, came the fore part of the week to visit the Frederlcl family for some time. Miss Tracy DeFord who spent a week with her aunt Mrs. Johnson In Hershey, returned home a few days ago. Loren Sturges and Charles Whelan left Tuesday evening for points in Wyoming to spend a couple of weeks fishing. Mrs. W. M. Powell, of Lexington', who spent a week as the guest of Mra. D. W. Arnold, returned .home a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Roberts have rented the Landgrnf house on, east Second street and moved there a few days ago. KNOTLESS LUMBERS SPOTLESS LIME READY TO SERVE RAIN OR SHNE Miss Marie Bowen left a few days ago for Wood River to attend a house party and visit relatives for a week or more. Dudley Colby of Omaha, who spent a week here on business at the local telephone office, left Tuesday evening for Omaha. Miss Elizabeth Johnslon, of Ft. Dodge arrived hero Tuesday evening to spend a week or nrore with Mrs. George Payne. Mrs. Harry Cramer and son, who have been visiting relatives in St. Paul for a week are expected home tomorrow evening. W. S. Dolson has returned from Llsco where he was summoned last week by the death of his sister the late Mrs. Mullen. The Mutnl HuHdlng & Loan Associa tion Is prepared to Issue a limited .tjuouut of Its Full Paid Stock. First come, first served. This stock is Is sued In any amount from $100.00 to $5,000.00 and pays semi-nnmiul divi dends at rate of six per cent. Mrs. Wm. Hubbard and daughter Ireno who were the guests of the for mer's sister in Cheyenne fro several weeks, camo home Wednesday morning. Lawrence Earhart has resigned his position In tho Rodden cigar store. Ray Elliott, pltchor In the Christian league ball team was takon 111 Wed nesday. John Joeckle, Guy Fear and Fred Walters, of Wallace, aro transacting business in town this week. Mrs. Swan Swanson returned Wed- nesday evening from a visit with frlonds In wostorn Nebraska. O. H. Eyorely, of Hershey, spent several 'days in town this weok with his son, Ray Eyorely and wife. For Farm Loans seo or write Geno Crook, room 3, Waltemath building, North Platte. 41tf G. L. Stout of Lewellon, who spent several days here on business, re turned home Wednesday morning. Mrs. P. R. Burns, of Boston, is ex pected hero this week to visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mann for a fort night. Mrs. Frod Rasmussen and children of Hershey, who visited relatives and attended Chnutauqua this week have returned home. Mrs. Jack Sinclair, who has been! visiting relatives In Michigan for a month past Is oxpected to return the first of tho week. D. C. Wilson, president of tho Suts erland State bank, was the guest this week of his son, Deputy Sheriff Roy Wilson and wife. Bishop George A. Beecher, of Hast ings, will conduct tho services at the Episcopal church Sunday morning at 8 o'clock and 11 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cook, who were members of a fishing party in Ev anston for several weeks, returned homo Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Presmeskey and daughters, of Omaha, who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Flelshmaun this week, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gavin of 420 South Maple street are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy which was born to them Wednesday morning. Mr. and Ferrrlll McGovern and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graves of Brady who I were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Donelson this week, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. John Tool, of Des Moines, la., are expected here this week to be tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. fcharlea Groves while on their way to San Francisco. Anyone who can accomodate the teachers' who will be here to atttend the Institiute next week, with room or board will please notify Supt. Ganft at once. . Mrs. Leaffie Dimmlck returned Wed nesday morning from Denver wherri shei.visited friends for several days and also tqpk a number of side trips in tho mountains. Misses Helen and Jessie Baker who spent ten days with their parents on their homestead in Melrose, returned tho first of the week and resumed work in the telephone office. Misses Eileen Keliher, of Omaha, andjjEdwina .ICcllhex , of Chicago, who wero'guests of their uncle A. 1 A. Schatz this week, left Wednesday morning for Cheyenne to visit frionds. Miss Mary Fritz of Lincoln, arrived here a few days ago to visit tho Lin coln family for a week or more while enroute home from California. Miss Fritz will also visit frinds in Curtis before returning home. Ben Elliott, late of Madison, Wis., who is spending the summer with his parents, Mr", and Mrs. Fred Elliott, returned a few days ago from a short visit in Omaha and Lincoln. He in tends to locate at Lincoln after Sept. 1st. Miss Kane Akiho of Japan, who has spent two years In the United States in missionary work, visited Mr. and Mrs. Richi Ugal last week and left a few days ago for San Francisco from where she will sail for her native country. n tv WdPks. of Grand Island, state agent for the Nebraska Lifo Insurance Company of which ex-stato Auuuor Barton and Dr. Redfleld arb directors Is spending this week In town to ap point a local agent, nnrnr N. Smith, a former North pintto hnv la now suDerlntendent of I mnintnlnnncfi of tho Ford interests in ' Omaha and Council Bluffs and will i hIro havR charce of the new aosem bling plant on which bids are being made. WAR IS GOLD MINK FOR FOR IT. S. STEEL COMPANY Farm For New York. With tho demands for war supplies steadily increasing, the quarterly report of tho United States Steel Corporation covering the porlod ended Juno 30. as given out hero to day, reflected a decided improvement In the industry. Total earnings of the corporation were moro than twice those of the first quarter. The monthly figures revealed steady and marked Improvement. For April they were $7,2SC,409; for May $9,320,- 5iG; for June, Sll ,050,055. This com pares with tho total earnings for tho preceding quarter of $111,457,809. Tho net balance after deduction for inter est on bonds and premium on bonds re deemable under sinking funds was $14,572,504. For the previous quarter the balance was $915,058. After pay ing tho quarterly dividend of 1 3-4 per cent on tho preferred stock, there remained a surplus of $S,2C7,G45. In the proceeding quarter there was a deficit of $5,389.S01. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Notice Notice is hereby given that on tho 21st day of August, 1915, at 10 o'clock A. M., tho undersigned will sell nt public auction all the stock and fix tures and book accounts belonging to tho firm of Forstedt & Sheedy of North Platte, Nebraskn, as trustees for tho benefit of the creditors of For stedt & Sheedy at the store building in which said Forstedt & Sheedy are lo cated, at 512 Locust street, North Platte, Nebraska, to tho highest bid der. J. H. HANEY COMPANY, J22-5 Mcdonald state bank. County Teachers' Institute. The Lincoln County Annual Insti tute will convene at the high school building in North Platte, Monday morning August 16th, at 9 a. m. and continue in session until Friday, Aug. 20, at 4 p. m. Teachers will bo al lowed to enroll Saturday afternoon Aug. 14th, or Monday morning Aug. 16th between 8 and 10 a. m. The en rollment feo Is one dollar. The value of play will bo empha sized this year and games suitable for school children will be taught. Pri mary work will be given special atten-; tion. An excellent course In school j management will be given as well as Arithmetic, History and Civics, Reading and School Hygiene. A reception will be held Monday evening August lGth at tho homo of tho County Superintendent, 209 Lo cust street. Teachers may invito their friends to the reception It will be informal. The personnel of institute faculty will be as follows: Supt. Fred Hunter of Lincoln, Neb., History and Civics, School Management and Reading. Dr. Henry Curtis, former secretary and vice-president of the playground association of America, Value of Play, Games, Child Welfare and School Hygiene. Miss Helen Whelpley, Fre mont, Neb,, now one of North Platte's most successful primary teachers, Seat Work, Primary Reading and Drawing. Dr. Curtis will give an evening lect ure and J. G. McMillan will address the institute on Boys' and Girls' club work. Prof. E. A. Garlichs will have charge of the music. For Sale A beautiful 6 room bungalow, large pantry and cellar, ,2 full lots, all fenc ed; line garden and la"wn; wash house; three poultry houses; large barn. These buildings are practically all new. Privato water plant; good loca tion on south Maple street; small pay ment down, balance like rent. If you want a nice home see this. Phone Red 308. 58-tf Mrs. II. A. Brooks, of cast Fourth street, Is roported to bo quite 111 this w'eck. M. Sundhelmor returned Wednes day from a two weeks' business visit in the cast. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Welsh, of Paxton, are spondlng a few days hero with frlonds. Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Bonner have gone to the Stobblns ranch to spend a coupe of months. Horton Munger was called to Oma ha Wednesday morning by tho sorlous condition of his father. The Crowe orchestra wont to Cozad yesterday afternoon to furnish music for a dance last evening. E. L. Specht has accepted a posi tion in tho Stebbins meat market and began work a fow days ago. Miss Creo Diener went to Des Moines tho first of tho weok to spend ion days or moro with friends. Often tho .principal thing sold with cheap glassos is the buyer. C. S. CLINTON, Registered Optometrist. Miss Isabelle Doran will leavo to morrow for Gretna to visit her aunt, Mrs. Hughes, for a week or longer. Mrs. Frank Dontler. of Donvor, is spending a few days hore with Mrs. P. H. Lonergan and other friends. The James Adams home on west Sixtli street is being Improved by tho addition of a couple of new rooms. Mrs. E. PIzor, east Fifth street, un derwent an operation at Nurso Brown Manorial hospital Thursday morning, Maurice Buckley has rented his farm south of town nnd will leave this week for Denver to look up a loca tion. Mrs. P. A. Norton has returned from Norfolk and cities of Iowa, whero Bhe spent two weeks with rel atives . Mrs. James Norton and children will leavo In a few days ifor Davenport, Iowa, to visit relatives for two or three weeks. Ad. Beyorley left yesterday morn ing for Omaha and other towns in eastern Nebraska to spend a week or longer. Robert II. Tucker, of Beatrice, ar rived hero yesterday to spend a cou ple of weeks with his sons John and Luther Tucker. Ernest Schwanz, of Curtis, nnd Miss Edna Smith, of Wellfleet, were mar ried by County Judge French Wed nesday .afternoon. Miss E. Stockier, graduate nurso from Laramie, Wyoming, Is In town on professional business at the- Nurso Brown hospital. Attorney and Mrs. E. R. O'Brien. of Olewin, Iowa, who visited here last week with Attorney Jnmes Keefo, hayo gone home.. The Fall of Warsaw ' Created no moro excitement than tho fall in prices at Block's Clearance Sale. Any spring and summer suit In the store to go at $5.00, equally as good bargains in Wash Dresses, Skirts, Silk and Wash Waists, Wash Skirts, House Dresses, Muslin Underwear, etc. All the new styles in Fall Suits, Skirts and Waists are arriving every day; we will be pleased to show you them . The Boosters lost the first game of a series of three at Central City Tues day, when the latter team won by a score of 9 to 8. Luby retired in the seventh inning in favor of Bright; Gettman did not play and Amen was on first base. Batteries for Central City were Alexander and Grant, for the Boosters Luby, Bright and Holli day. Two bases on balls were given off Alexander and three off Luby. Struck out by Alexander eleven, and by Luby two. Eleven hits were made by tho Central City team and four by the Boosters. Tho latter made three errors and tho former four. LAND FOR SALE CHEAP Fine 1G0 acre valley farm on "second bottom," all in cultivation and tho best of soil for grain or alfalfa. Price only $30 per acre. Must sell In 10 days. 9G00 acres grazing -and farm land, suitable for good stock ranch, 4000 acres under good three wiro fence. Complete water systems. Price $5.50 per acre. O. H. THOELECKE, 58-3 Sole Agent. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION. Notice is hereby given that tho un dersigned, have formed a corporation under tho name of "Tho North Platte General Hospital," with its principal place of business In North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska. Tho gen eral nature of its business Is tho own ing, operating, nad maintaining of a general hospital, the leasing, purchas ing and maintaining of such buildings and real estate as may bo necessary for that purpose, tho amount of tho capital stock is Ono Thousand 00.100 ($1,000.00) Dollars, Six Hundred 00.100 ($600.00) Dollars, of which has been paid in cash, balance to bo paid as the Board of Directors may deslg n a to, and the time of the commence ment of said business is tho 1st day of August, 1915. nnd shall contlnuo for a period of twenty years. Tho high est amount of indebtedness to which the Corporation shall subject Itself at any time Is tho sum ofl Six Hundred sixty-six 06.100 ($066.60) Dollars. Tho affairs of the Corporation shall bo conducted by a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. Dated this 1st day of August, 1915. JOHN S. SIMMS, GEORGE B. DENT, JOSIAH B. REDFIELD, VORHEES LUCAS. Mr. and Mrs. Otto. Omar, of Farnam, visited tho lattors brother II. A. Don elson and family this weok, having mdao tho trip in thor car. Floyd Edwards was arrested Tucs dya evening and taken to Jail for be ing intoxicated and causing a distur bance, on the public streets. I will sell to the highest bidder 160 acres 6A miles South of North Platte S. W, '4 of sec. 4 1-12 R. &Q. Known as the Chaffer Timber Claim on Saturday, August 21, at 2 o'clock sharp will be sold in front of Mogensehs Livery barn. This land is all level good black Soil. 145 acres in cultivat ion, Balance in pasture. Small frame improvements any persons wanting to look at crops and land in forenoon on date of sale will be taken out free from Jlogensens Livery barn. It is one of the best farms in Lincoln County. On mail route and telephone line school house on same section. TERMS 51000 cash on date of sale, balance of 35 per cent when deed and abstract is furnished. Balance to run 1 to 5 years as purchaser desires at 6 per cent, 2 per cent off if balance is cash. Sam Martin Auctioneer. W. J. Crow, OWNER. ' I 'The Mai Who Found Himself ' J Keith Theatre, Sat., August 14 Two Ranges In One The Duplex Alcazar is a single range that docs the work of two. With it you can cook in comfort every "Jl!1 in the year. ''tyf Burns Coal and Gas separately or both at once. vou can burn coal in the winter and keep the kitchen warm; gas in the summer and keep the kitchen cool. Burns Coal H Arm Om to w,rf (,fc Burns Gas Patented Feb. 9, 1915. It Is Different and Better Simple to Operate; not a part needs to be removed or replaced, either in the Oven or on the cooking top. You simply "Pull or Push the Lever" and oven is ready for use with any fuel. It is actually Two Complete Ranges in One. . , . . HERE AT LAST IS "' . the COAL and GAS RANGE that is Right Let us demonstrate it to You. HOWE & MALONEY. The Evening Sail by " Long Distance" The space between those at home and those away is bridged by the long distance lines of the Bell Telephone System. Bell Telephone lines reach 70,000 place3 in the United States, or 12,000 more places than have postpfflces. The World's Most Efficient Telephone Service." NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY Money to Loan ON FARMS AND RANCHES Lowest Rates and Best Terms. Plenty of Money on hand to Close Loans Promptly. Buchanan & Patterson St. Paul, Nebraska. J PRICE 10 AND 15 CENTS