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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1915)
1 The Friendship Bracelet Let us supply you with i 'Bob-o-links' ' for your Friendjhip Bracelet. 6terlt.irr rivcr'Tcb-o-linla" cost c. 25c each, engraving induct j .jJwcf;''.'- yuf. cc a vclvcr.v;:t-ribbun for ycyr first I'Bob-o-link". Call today and see the "Bob-o-links". Ajr Albas raark ymentifios the genuine Y Quito a number of Ogalalla people came down Sunday to witness tho ball game, some ol whom made tho trip In cars. Mrs. Harry Scott nml Mnstor Mel vln Yates, formerly of this city now of Sterling, huvo returned homo nfter n woek's visit with friends. All Ladies' Snils anil Couls are bo Intt Mild nl n discount of twenty per ecnl. TUB LEADKK. Horshpy has already began making ! preparations for a big Fourth of July j celebration. If N'orlh Platte does not I hold a cikbration we will all go to Hershoy to spend the day Tho tamily of D. T. Canady, who is stationed here as nostolllue inspector, arrived Sunday nlghb from Denhnni,i Toxas. They will reside in tho former , Owtnp house on west C street. Genuine "Boho!nkfi" nre for sale by Dixon, the Jeweler. DR. 0. 11. CRESSLEfC t Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bank. from tho old plant to the new tho smaller engine and dynamo, which is 1 the only part of tho old plant that will I be used. The remainder of the plant wil be sold for what it will bring or' scrapped. Head Hershey's advertisement a closing out sale In this Issuj. Her 8hey the hardware man. t2tf Few Xortli Platte people' liavo knowledge of tho permanency and tho ! thoroughness of the now electric plant, and the modern machinery with wnicn it is equipped. Wo suggest that our citizens visit the plant; it is certainly worth while. All Ladles' Suits nml Coats nre be ing sold at a discount of twenty per eenf. THE LEADEK. The pay-car came in from tho east Saturday and quite a crowd assembled to get their checks, but owing to tho lateness of tho hour tho cashier did not pay off. The car went through to Cheyenne that night and came back Sunday, paying off as it came through, and the-checks were delivered to the local employes yesterday morning. Cot'ax Encampment No. 23, I. 0. 0. V. initiated into its mysterious ranks the largest class of candidates In its his tory the latter part of last week at the hall. At the conclusion of the even ing's ritualistic services the newly made members repaired to tho banquet, room and enjoyed refreshments ap propriate to tho season. For Sale Gasoline range almost as good as n'ew. Mrs. It. D. Thompson, ! 614 we?t Fifth. 32tf Joo Pizer accompanied the high. A recipe that prevent ground squlr school base ball team to Hershey Sat- rels from digging up seed .corn is as, urday as a mascott. follows: ' Dissolve one pound of cop- from an extended visit with her daugh- ep (j Coyer 'Qno ,m9hel Qf corn lel ter in SHeldon, lowa. v ; corn r-emaln ,n watcr ftfteen minutes, Elmer Coates is spending this week take corn from the solution and thor in Lincoln transacting business, leav-; oughly dry. Ground squirrels will ing 'for thai city Sunday. not touch corn treated in this way. For Sale-Improved corner lot. See' yj pans ?!,d Suggestions M?fX Mrs. G. G. McKay or phone Mack'624. ' fof Mrs". Mary Gutherless left the latter , yflU Interested7 ' ' ' !k00l! part of last week for Omaha yhoro she --- ' will visit for a week or more. 1 .. Mrs. F. V. Rinckor, while enroule J. M. Gibbs, of Kansas City, is the i,0me' fronrtho O. E. S. state conven guesf of his son Geo. X. Gibbs and tJon at uustingrg, stopped over at Kear family, having arrived Saturday. .,ney Frjtiay nnti Saturday to attend Mrs. Agnes Boyer will leave this a house party at the homo of Mrs. J. week tor New York where she gues as D- Hawthorne. Tlie guests numbered delegate to the L. 0. T. M. eonven- ahmjt, twenty anu were, paswanu pros-. tfnn ' ient grand otlicers of the Eastern Star, . r 7 - and they wer delightfully entertain Complete line of golf supplies, Ilinck-! e(, at iuncieon bridge, dinner at the er Book & Drug Co. 3f-21 Midway hotel and automobile rides. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Ruey Shatter visited her par ents at Maxwell Sun&ay. James .Eliott spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Fred Tetro, at Brady. For Rent 2 large front rooms for light housekeeping. 514 east 3d st. 1 Miss Irene Stuart has returned from a pleasant visit with friends in Ster ling. Graduation Books, Rincker Book & Drug Co, 33-2 Attention Elks. An informal dancing party will bo lipid nt tho Elks' club tomorrow even ing, May 19th, at nlno o'clock. Full, orchestrn. COMMITTEE. HIk Demand For Fortl Cars Tho Hendy-Ogler Co. say tho local d6mnnd for Ford cars has never boon so great. Mr. Ilendy said Saturday that although the factory Is turning out nearly 2,000 cars a day, it is 1m posslbleto get the cars as fast aB sold, and that they had twenty-two un filled orders on hand. Thoy aro ex pecting several carloads to arrive hi a few days. .Memorial Sunday. Next Sunday will be observed n Memorial Sunday by the Grand Army Post, the Woman's Relief dorps and the United Spanish War Veterans who will attend, in a body, services at -the Episcopal church at half past seven in the evening. The sermon will be, delivered by Dean Bowker, who will bo. assisted in tno services. uy hot. itnr-, rtian of the Lutheran church. ' To these services the public is cor dially invited. ! Dr. Crook Sells Practice, j Dr. W. F. Crook, the dentist, has sold his practice to Dr. Chas. Adams, of Lo gan, Iowa, and will locnto in Oinaha. He has leased .a suite of rooms in the City National Bank building. Ho will, however, romnin in; North Plntto for about thirty days settling up his, bus iness affairs. Dr. Adams Is a clean-cut young man who recently graduated from' the den tal department of the Crelghton Col lcgo at Omaha with high honors. Professional Shooters in Town Quite a bunch of professional shoot ers, who will take part in tho state tournament which opened today, ar rived yesterday. Among tho number aro George Carter, C. D. Lindernian and Nick Carter of Lincoln, Col. A. II. Hardy of Denver, D. W. Bovee of Kan sas City, Bert Dixon, Georgo Maxwell, and Harrison Kennlcott of Omaha. These men, together with others," went out to tho grounds yesterday after noon and, as one expressed It, "fussed around a little." TRADING STAMPS A HE HEHE TO STAY Local Merchants Say it Is a Legitimate Prollt Slinrlmr Plan. Our Optical Clinrgcs For consultation Nothing For examination Nothing For advice Nothing For Glasses, if needed As little as possible It's our wish to greatly increase our optical business. We are equipped to render tho high est grade of service and request that you remember us .when there is an optical want( Tho closest attention paid to tho smallest eye defects always. C. S. CLINTON, Registered Optometrist. Monsters Defeat Xorinaliles. 'In a game that was replete with costly errors, tho Boosters defeated the Kearney state normal team Fri day afternoon by a score of seven to six. Tho game was slow on the part of both teams, and the high wind tho last half of the game contributed to make it all the more uninteresting. Grlllln was in tho box for the Boosters and gave tho visitors eleven safeties and wnlked five men. Tlrts Boosters tpok eight hits off Randolp, tho visit ing twirler. Kearney was credited .vith seven errors and the Boosters Ave. The score l;y-Jnnlirgs: Boosters 1 01 2 0.3 0 0 7 Normalitos ....,0 0 Oil 0 0 0 G Miss' Mabel Duke will teach the pri mary grade in tho First ward school for the balance of the term to nn tno Wanted' Two full blood Herford Bulls two or i w Aonn-ri,, nr three xears old. Phone or write Miss Manner ' ' C J- Br'ant' Sutherland Neb. For Sale ..2 Corrugated Iron Buildings which' can be nioied without belnjr taken down, at Hershey's (Ijifuisito Post Of- ! MEALS ARE NEVER LATE Notwithstanding tho rumors boing circulated by unprincipled porsons the "S. & H." Grcoif Stamps are hero to slay. Tho people felt North Platte and vicinity should onloy the snmo rights i and privileges of thoso In hundreds ofi other cities. I leave It to the fair jltdg-: ment n: 'no people of North Plntte to, say whettier any set of merchants j should have any right to dictate tnyj prollt with my customers through the; "S. & II." Green Stamp plan or any other plan I may choose. Before adopting the "S. & H." Green Stamp plan I thoroughly investigated it. 1 found it to be In popular favor all over tho country. The Green Stamp Is In practically overy city of importance In the United Sjtates. This plan nas long hecn estaulshed in ninny cities in Nebrnska including Hastings, Grand Island, York, Omnha, Lincoln, Beatrice, Kearney and ninny others. Thousands of people arc enjoying the privilege of this profit sharing plan In tho foregoing cities. Why should not tho people of North Platto and vicin ity enloy the same privilege? Not ninny months ago Mr. Ford of tho Ford car fame announced that he would divide his profits with Ills cus tomers. It is truo this announcement enhanced the sale of Ford cars. It Is equally true that Mr. Ford has a per fect right to adopt this method of in creasing his business. Somo narrow minded peoplo havo taken exceptions to his progressive methods, yet I ven ture that theso exceptions will never outweigh tho advertising effect of Mr. Ford's thousands of pleased .custom ers. Tho "S. & II." Stamp plan though different In form Is essentially the same in theory., By giving the stamps I also increase my trade that I enn well afford to uso this method of di viding my profits. When any one speaks against tho "S. & H." Green Stamp plan of profit sharing you will , do well to question their motives. You will invariably find a traco of selfishness In them. This is no contest or game of chanco like the public lias been faked with. Thousands of tickets or votes were giv en with purchases and one person walked off with the prlzo while the rest held the sack. Everyone who snvo stamps lias only to como to tho Premium Parlor on our second lloor and select their choice from thousands of valuable premi ums. The parlor is open for your in spection at all times. All premium' plainly marked so you can know at all times just what you can get. In closing I want to say that I have boon in business horo for 23 years with a clean record of which I am firoud. I havo done my share towards the,up- uuiiuing or tins community ami i tin ly expect to continue. In all my un dertakings I havo mado a success and I have put my shouder to tho wheel to make tho "S. & II." Stump a sue cess hero so you mny depend upon tho 'S. & II. Green Stamp being hero to stay. JULIUS PIZER. Mi and Mrs. Thos. Axtell loft last night for Hot Springs, Ark.,, whore they expect to spend a month. The Woman's Socialist Study club will meet with Mrs. J. .1. Weaver, 303 west Eighth street Wednesday afternoon. W. J. Liindcraf sustained a ruthor hadly bruised and gashed head this morning when ho tripped In his homo and tell, his head striking against tho gas metro. ,.ir. Redeiibaugh and Captains L. Hn-tlngs iu-( O. Millar pent humhiy In Gothenburg making arrangements for tho annual cadot encampment. Tlioro will be about ilfty cadet, at camp. ' They will leave tho morning of May 21st and Sundoy will bo "visitors' day. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Smith and daugh ters will leave tho early part of June for Negauneo,- Mich., to visit Harry and Jay Smith. Harry is physical di rector at that place and bus 1200 chil dren in- his classes. Ho is employed the year round. Jay has been attend ing school at Negaunco The assumption is that Germany a going to niako full reparation for her oflenso in tho Lusltania case. She was told before tho incident happened that sh would bo hold to "strict account ability" for tho loss of American prop, erty or American lives. Now sho Is in formed that "wo aro prepared for all f n lualitios." These communications fully indicate the situation. It is now up to Germany, Sho has cancolled all n wspapar advertisements in this countryv giving warning to travellers against sailing from the United States on vessels entering tho war zone. This may bo accepted, as tvldonco of her purpose to coaso attacks on neutral citizens and neutral Intorosts, 3CZZ3L" 3d 3C OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First Nationai Bank -of- Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CAPITAL A.SO SUKPhUSt One Hundred and fifty Thoutfund Dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HaVe HE EN THE FACTORS IN Tilt: GHOWTU OF TlIIS DANK, AND THE SA3rE CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS (11VEN TO LARGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. 3CZ3C 11 11 When you come home from a call with only a few minutes in which to cook" supper then the handy NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVE N helps you to PERM hurry. oiiMook- am It lights at the touch of a match, and cooks as rapid ly as a gas stove. To more .1 o rfr nnn wives the NEW PER FECTION means "gas ION st?v;elcomtort il." Off KTflW 'F.S Sir Ol PERFECTION OIL GIVES BEST RESULTS Made in l, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes. See the new 2 and 4 burner stoves with firelesi cookine oven. Standard Oil Company Omajia, (NEUttASllAr Easily Arranged. "How did you come to get married?" asked a man of n very homely friend. "Well, you see." ho replied, "nfter I'd vainly tried to win several ,glrlu I wanted I (Inully turned my. at trillion to one ihnt wanted me. and tvu It lil it t rake lona nrrnnge ii .uters." l.ondiui St rand Magazine Thought He Was Smart, fill, dear.-' ui-onned I Itc .vouiik wife I l in t Umnv ul'iit 1 use to raNi no i'i -in!, I've tried i'Vei', tlmiK.' di i Tl U hud n couple ol juel; sin v. s innrlit to no It.' thought lioi Ini'-ii UMj luu lie (Mdn'r kii.v It utoud. Ii. m Tr uiM-rlpt l ine Fliuits. Tomatoes, Cabbago, Swoot Potatoes 50 cents per 100 postpaid, O. It. Shall Lexington, Neb, Wlinoiiiiiir Cmiirli. "About a year ago my thrco boys had u-linnnlnt, nnlifrlt iinil F fnnnrl ( Mlfimlior. Iain's Cough Heniody tho only one that would relievo tlioir coughing nnd whooping spells, I continued this treatment and was surprised to find that It cured tho disease in a very nlinrt tlmn." writes Mrs.. Archie Dalrv tuple, Croosvllle', Ohio. For Sale by all We are just starting our 2nd season with the "Ideal Lawn Mow er Grinder." After us ing this machine one season we find it gives entire satisfaction. We can make your old mower cut like new. ; R. W. Vroman, ' 109 Ensl Fiflli. 'A Block East of 1'. 0. A Sleeping Porch Adds To Your Lire 7 llairaiii Pit in health, years,com f o r t and pleasure.iYou know what a rnnir fresh flir is. can never get too much of it. With a sleep ing porch you MAKE SURE of eight hours of it every night, seven nights a week for yourself and your loved ones. , That is why every year more people sleep outdoors-the year round, and their reward is all around good health "overflowing health." Any carpenter can add a sleeping porch to your house at little cost. It is really cheaper, much cheaper, than medicine and doctor bills. It is particularly delightful during, summer. It is a fine place for the baby's nap. Talk it pver with us now and have it ready when the warm weather comes. Let us give you suggestions. This puts you to no obligation. W. BIRGE COMPANY. W 19KBSIMB3MialB&- THE ECONOMY WEDGE mi m m w to w ProSccfls you agaSinisIl tl-eprecSa- W-Jffl dealers.