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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1915)
9 A Graduation Gifts of every kind and char acterevery price and purpose. Look our stock over for suggestions. For instance, see V JOT 9, Self-Filling Fountain Pen NON-LEAKABLE the original self-filler that fills and cleans itself in 4 seconds. What could be more useful or welcome as a Graduation Gift? CLINTON, The Jeweler LOCAL Am) PJEKSONAL guest of Mrs. Hay Kelley was the friends In Overton Sunday. Miss Jcnnio Lincoln has accepted a position in tho 10 cent store. Ray Gould, of Boulder, Colo., Is the Kuest of his cousin J. C. Askwlg. Mrs. Wood Whito went to Grand 1s and Sunday night to visit relatives. Prank Steel, living north of town, mado final proof on his homestead yes terday. Miss Mary Guyinan, of Wood Itivor, is a guest at the homo of hor brothor B. J. Guyman. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wiclcstroin, ofi Ilorshoy, w.oro visiting with local friends yesterady. Goorgo Wolr arrived homo Sunday from tho state unlvorsity'to spend tho summer vacation. The stork deposited a nino, pound boy at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. John Uurgnor Saturday. Mi', and Mral Win. Rector wore call ed to Cambridge, Neb., Sunday by tho death of Mrs. Rcetor',8 sistor. M. L. McCtillough, of Elsie, a formor merchant of this city, Is in town visit ing friends and transacting business. Ralph Garman has returned from Thursday morning tho high school cadets lcavo for tho encampment at Gothenburg, whero they will remain until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wnltemath and son Harry left Saturday night for a visit to tho San Prnnclsco and Han Diego expositions. Mrs. Prank Johnson, of Portland, Ore., formerly Miss Lena McGrow, of this city, is visiting hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Mcurow. H. i. Graves, Arthur Pluinor and cimrlev Whrlan went to Oshkosh yes lerdny for tlu- purposo of Investigating a ranch proposition mat is ror saio Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Green and daughter left a few days ago for Scotts llluir whero they will visit for a cou plo of weeks and later-go to Obey enno. Miss Alma Boggs, who submitted to an operation for call stonoa recent ly at tho Oood Samaritan hospital, was discharged last week and has returned to her homo at Belmar. Mr. and Mrs. Josoph Weeks, of Grand Island, who visited with local friends nnd relatives last week, liavo returned to tho soldiers' liomo whero they aro now making their homo. Mr.' and Mrs. W. S. Dolson leave tho early part of next month on trip to Portland nnd Seattle, thence to San Prnnclsco and San Diego nnd will return homo via Galveston, Texas Mrs. Hannah Lyons, of Portland, Or ecoh, formerly of this city, who was called hero recently by the death of her sister, tho Into Mrs. Prcd Barra clough, will leavo for homo tho latter part of this week. Vigo Cliristcnsen has returned from St. Paul, Jtfeb., whero ho was sum moned last week by tho death of his grand father. Mrs. Cliristcnsen and baby will' rdmaln there for a week longer visiting relatives. Mrs. W. J. Cruscn and Miss Betty Hlnman returned Saturday evening from California. Mrs. Crusen will re main for some tlmo visiting and look ing after business matters. She will, however, contlnuo to make California hor homo. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS 'W. V. Hoagland transacted business in Bridgeport yostcrday. Judge GrlmoB wont to Loxington yestordny to hold court. tho tabornacle tin to yesterday was at tho tnbernaco up to yestorday was 215. special session of the grand lodge of Nobrnska Odd Fellowship will bo held at Paxton, May 29th. Mm. John Show and baby will leave Wednesday for Ravnnha whero tboy! rel- Among the tourists In town yester day were M.r and Mrs. Wm. Trucax and Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Baldwin, j)f Hazlcton, Iowa, who were enrouto to San Prnnclsco, each of the men driving a Ford car. Hazlcton is In the north east corner of Iowa, nnd so far on their journoy they had found tho roads in good shape. They aro making tho trip in easy stages, averaging about 100 miles a duy. "Killing frost tonight" was the warn ing sent out Sunday by Observer Shil ling and there was a scurrying to get Iloworlng plants, porch boxes and vegr etables under cover. Tho day had been cool, with a northwest wind that chilled tho wearers of "D. V, lis," and when evening enmo tho wind died down and it sure indicated fro3t. IIow over during tho night it became cloudy thus a frost wns Averted. Tho tempor Auro all day yesterday was cool, quite a change, from Saturday when It reg- j ninoty-flvo degrees. In a little town in Colorado'a post master was caught kissing a girl "be hind tho boxes" Inside, of the office. Tho matter was roportod to tho dc ' parlmcnl at Washington,, with tho .ro- i iilinat Dint lift 1m ftrnrl A rwii1 tn rr .in uic Toronto nopuuncnn woru came Hastings whero ho was called li&t " l ,0.r SP,,,1", "l" ??" n... m-i tn.... i.i m, partment which prohibited a t)0stmas- tor from hugging n woman that want ed to bo hugged, so long as Bho did not Intorfero with the dlschargo of his duties. P. M.'s may put this in their book Of instructions. Shorlff MeDanlel, of Sldnoy, camo down Saturday and took back with him tho two men arrested by Olficor Weldman Friday v morning. Tho two men wore bold but ratlior unsuccess ful burglars. They first entored tho Owl saloon and broke open the cash register, and tlion tho Capital saloon nnd performed tho samo work, but in noltbor case did tjioy securo anything for their trouble. They noxt tackled a billiard hall whoro they secured six or sevou dollars nnd several packages of tobacco. week by tho serious illness of his falh cr. Miss Maymo Plzor, who has been visiting hor cousin In Grand Island for a weok or so, Is expected homo to day. If you wurft your piano tuned leavo order at GaBton Music Co., nt Clin ton's Jewelry store. WYLIH WALKER. Mrs. William McGrnth and daughter of Omaha will visit rolatlvea hero for a couplo of mouths, having tirrlvccH last week. Francis Fly tin, who has boon at tending college in California, return ed homo Saturday afternoon to spend tho summer. Miss Margaret McGinloy and Miss Jessamine Plyjin left tho first of tho week for western cities to spend a cou plo of months. Croons are Good. ' Aro you going to take tho elmnco of hall? You cannot afford to. Tho risk is too groat. Seo or phone for an ap pointment. C. P. TEMPLE, 34-2 Tho Roliablo Iusuranco Man. Are You n Gambler You will say no. Still-If you do not carry ndequtjla llto Insuranco, you gamlilo with tho greatest of all chanc es, and if a loser, you mako those dear est to you pay tho forfeit, mo show you tho policies of tho Prudon tlal nnd ouoto you their rate. CP. TEMPLE, Agent. 3-1-2 Tho Roliablo Insuranco Man, YOU CAN ORDER BY MAIL orders are solicit ed. U cheerful nish you mates if you will write us. We de liver anywhere in this territory. We carry the best at cheapest prices in lum ber, shingles, tiling, cement, lime, bricks, etc. We sell to individuals as well as to the trade. We make our special business to take good of those who can t visit us in THE HOME OF GOOD LUMBER. will spend a week or more with ntlvon, Mr. srfTtl Mm. Janles Roddy oxpocti to leave shortly for Excelsior Springs whero they will spend three or four, weeks. J. A. Bnrracloush leaves toduy for his homo in Grand Junction, Colo, He was cnllod bore a couplo of weeks ago by the death of ills mother. We have a Plnyor Piano used three monthB for sale at a great bargain. Also some good bargains In slightly used olanos. Gaston Music Co. at Clinton's. "Tho Sinking of tho Titanic," which vividly portrays the destruction of that vessel, was the feature at the Keith last evening, and will be repoaSted tonight. Ilorshoy residents In town yesterday report a good game of ball Sunday between tho Giants and tho Big Spring team, tho former winning by a score of ten to five. J. L Van Dyke is placing a higher foundation under and making other Improvements to his house on Third street opposite the Central school building. Mr. and Mrs. William Show, of Sher idan, Wyoming, who visited tho form er's brother, John Show, nnd family for a couple of weeks, returned home Saturday evening. Evangelist Lowry will give his cele brated sermon on popuar amusements Thursday evening, speaking particu larly on card playing, dancing and theatre going. Freight traffic over the Union Pa cific Is reported to bo slowly increas ing. Engineers on tho freight runs arc now averaging nbout 3,000 miles per month and earning about S1G5 per month. Tho Horshey Giants arc scheduled for a game with tho local team on tho homo grounds tomorrow afternoon., Sunday tho strong Mnywood team, with Artloy as pitcher, will be here for a game. All Ladles' Suits nnd Coats arc be ing sold al n discount of twenty per coni. THE LEADER. C. S. Bethel, living one. mile east and cloven miles south of town on the WellJleot road, will havo a sale of. horses, cattle and farm implements on I Friday; May 28th. Mr. Bethel will, probably move to town. dozen or more members of the local camp of tho United Spnnish War Veterans mado a trip to the Ft. Mc- Phorson national cemetery Sunday and were! cordially onteirtnmed by John Harrigan, the cemetery superin tendent. Tho high school team of this city was defeated at Horshey Saturday by tho Giants by a score of twenty to nothing. Early in tho gamo tho high school boys lost their ginger, and after they did not seem to care how often tho Giants scored. Commencement Exercises Next Week. Whll" tho Senior Class play "Peace ful Valley" will be given at the Keith Friday evening of this week, next week is, properly speaking, commence ment wgek. The dates of tho several events connected therewith nre as fol lows: The baccalaureate sermon to tho clnss will bo delivered by Rev. II. G. Knowles Sunday morning at the Chris tian church. Tho Junior-Senior banquet .will be held nt tho Masonic hall following tho graduating exercises Wednesday evening. Graduation exercises will be held at H. Scoonover and Geo. Weinbargl Editor nnsmiisnnn. nf Hin TTftralinv mado a trip to Keystone Sunday in tho, Times, was a business vJoltor in town former's car. I yesterday. the Keith Wednesday evening. Tho cIhss It composed of thirty-five, the largest class that has ever graduated from the local high school. For Rent. Five room, modern house including beat, 700 west Fiftli street. One of tho nicest locations in the city. Sven room house in 700 block south Pine atredl. Two barns, good chicken house and outbuildings. Seven room house 515 west Eleventh street. Two good lots, nice chicken houses and yards. Windmill in yard for water and pump in house. House In excellent condition. Will rent to right party quite reasonable.. C. F. TEMPLE, Agent, Room 1, I. O. O. F. Bldg. mono uea 500. 34 DEATHS AND INJURIES TO TRESPASSERS ON RAILROADS INCREASING. AutoiiKinibile Insurance. Fire, Explosion, Transportation, Theft, Collison, Liability. All writ ten ip tho most liberal policies nt the lowest possible rates consistent with good underwriting. C. F. TEMPLE, 34-2 The Reliable Insurance Man. Sick Headache. Mrs. A. L. Luckle, East Rochester, N. Y., was a victim of sick headache and dospondency, caused by a badlv wonkoned and debilitated condition of hor stomach, when sho began taking Chamberlain's Tablets. Sho says, "I found them pleasant to take, also mild and effective. In a fow weeks'- tlmo I was restored to my former good health. For snlo by all dealers. Tho Union Pacific has Just issued figures showing that during tho year 1914 thero was an alarming Increase in deaths and Injuries resulting from trespassing upon their right-of-way. During 1913, there were 37 deaths and 48 injuries; while in 1914 these figures have been raised to 48 killed- and 90 injured. A email proportion of these accl dents occurred to tho class known as "hoboes," tho balance to careless liters of tho right-of-way. This provbs that "the short cut along railroad tracks" Is dangerous in the extreme, not only to school children but to working men who walk to work. Any amount of caution exerted by lailroad employes will not materially decrease tho number of accidents oc curring to trespassers; and it would from that tho only procedure that will shorten the list of fatalities is for tho state legislatures to pass laws that will absolutely prohibit person.-s other than railroad employes from us ing tho railroads' right-of-way. The readers of this paper would be astounded upon hearing of a single accident resulting in the death of 18 persons and the injury of double that number, and the accident would im mediately bo investigated and, if pos sible, the cause removed. While theso accidents to trespass ers aro scattered through a number of states nnd occur at separated periods, tho total result Is just' as ap .palling. The responsibility rests upor. tho general public and the State Leg Matures and no effort should bt spared In taking the necessary pro cedure to have this unnecessary loss of life and limb entirely wiped out. X 'i.i.; r.. fx 0,0(I0 VOICES And Jinny of the Voices nre of Xorlli I'liillc People. Thirty thousand voices What a grand chorus!- And that's the number of American men and women, who an publicly praising Doan's Kidney Pllb for relief from backache, kidney and bladder Ills. They say it to friends. They tell it in tho home papers, Nortn Platte people are in this chorus. Hans Johnson, 814 Walnut ati-oet North Platte, says: "For years I was troubled with kidney complaint due to heavy work in tho blacksmith shop. I have frequently taken Doan's Kidijrv Pills. procured from Schiller & Co.' Drug Store, and they rid me of back ache, lameness and other kidney dis orders. I recommend Doan's Kidney Pills as a remedy of merit that all kid ney sufferers should try." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy--gpt Doan's Kidney Pills tho samo that Mr. Johnson had. Foster-M'.lburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Put a "Lion" in Your Kitchen and enjoy a generous supply of steam ing hbt Water Tor every household and personal need, at little expense. The "Lion" Copper Coil Water Heater uses gas, the inexpensive and conveni ent fuel; and provides, for the mere effort of lighting a burner, a boiler of clean liot water in a comparativelyshort time. The "Lion" is built for wear. There are no complicated parts to get out of order. With little attention and without waste of gas it performs the all-important service of provid ing the home with economical hot water. Is there discomfort and inconveni ence in your home, due to a lack of hot water? If so, let us tell you' how to change this situation; and give you complete information on the 'Liou" Tta;.; Water Heater an appliance, that is providing hot water in more thant a quarter of a million homes. " ShovHtts tho "I.10N" , as usually installed on the kitchen tank rcrwun Nori PlatfeLight: ', '. & Power Company . CI e win mmMmmf I with esti- WSkitt I X 'tSCrr-T-A I f x 1 hVLr-1-tl II X TSCT-1-! m X V m II vi.ii i ii in ft Mill I II N I I It care person. PHONE 7. COATES LUMBER AND COAL CO. Sill Sulicey Cultivators at $25 to $27. P & O Canton Suikey Plows at $35. P & O Canton Suikey Lister at $35. 8 foot Wind Mills at $25 Monarch, malleable Iron Range with Water Front or Reservoir $50. Bon Ami Oil Stoves. Acorn Range with Reservior $40. Cream Separators $25 and upward. Hardware at and below Cost. Bain Wagons'2 1-2 Axle, 3 in tire $65. Bain Wagons 2 3-4 Axle, 3in tire $70. Bain Wagons 3 Axle, 4in tire $75. Good Pine Lumber at $2.00 per 100 feet. Kentuckey Blue Grass Seed. Chick Food, Oyster Shells, Calf Meal. HERSHEY'S OPPOSITE POST OFFICE I'lPIIEIWIli lYDjLJR , D 'ti.A LiER -VitliR-E-iUlNriS-l YOUR MONEY' W i liU i N ELY I ,IIII?B 11,1 ""' ' 1 Ill 1 1 ' IBl' r Sold by Rush Mercantile Co , North Platte. Also by E. & W. Coker, Sutherland; Ganson & Ganson Herahey; Jens Soinmers, Maxwell: Jno. Fredrickson, Brady