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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1915)
CITY AND COUNTY NEWS I T. J. Unblock wns oprratrd upon SPLIMMI) OPENING MIsb Marie Stuart returned yester day from a visit In Omaha. Harloy Gates expects to leave short ly for an extended vlilt In cities In Cnllfornin, For Saler-Cane and Millet Seed. Mione C. P. Howard, 700F031. 20-Q i Friday at the Good Samaritan hospital for appendicitis. His condition Is con sidered quite serious. For Sale Huldtered Short Horn Hull. Henry P. Hanson. 292 Mr .and Mrs. George Shoupnnd daughters Misses Fern and Helen, spent yesterday in town with friends, making the trip In thetr car. Miss Aim Stintm. who has boeu in Uuinha Mrs. Glen Lorlmor has returned for the past month taking throat 'rom a Short visit with friends In j treatment. Is repored getting along Cheyenne. InfcelyStnd will he able lo return home Mrs. Fred Glade, of Grand Island, Is npxt weeU tho guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. "The Red Rose" was presented to al Husband. must a full house at the Keith last ev- Mlss Lena Sensll lflft Saturday for. " , Beautiful c Garfield where she will visit her par- times, laughable comedy fnes and ex rnts for a few dnvs cellent dancing characterize this play, cnts ror n tow uays Zm narnott lg Ul0 leiuinB i,iy rocoiV. atlss Esther Norbock, a gruduate eU several curtain calls.' As vocalists, nurso of this city, is working this week t.10 members of the company are not on a case at Hague, Neb. very strong. Read Hershoy's advertisement i mp. nnd Mr. Harrv Flkcs and two a closing out sale In Ui!b !hsuj. Ilor- grnnUons of St. Louis, nro visiting sliey the hardware man. Miss Uortha Thoolccko of Omahn, wns entertained Inst weok at tho homo of her brother, O. H. Thoelcckc. Miss Anna Whalcn, of Wood nivor, camo yesterday to attend tho May Party and visit friends in this city, Tho Martini family, who resided In Omaha for several years havo re turned to this city to make tlielr homo. Jolin C Kaynor, for many years a carpenter of this city, leaves soon for California, wlioro ho goes to look up a location. An Informal dancing party will be held nt tho Elks home following tho annual meeting of tho Chamber of Comraorcc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murrln and children of Sterling, formor residents of this city, visited local relatives and friends last week. Dr .and Mrs. Charles Duggan, of Grand Island, spent Saturday with friends hero while enroute to the San Francisco exposition. "Wo make a specialty of repairing glasses and replacing broken lenses. Clinton, Jeweler and Optician. Mrs. Norman, wlio has made her home at tho Tlmmorman hotel for a year past, was taken suddonly ill with appendicitis lost week. Miss Jennio Lincoln closed a suc cessful term of school at Curtis Fri day and returned to her homo in this city where she will spend the summer. Miss Matio Reynolds, a missionary from South America, delivered an In. tcrc.sting address on missions In that country at tho Christian church Fri day. Dell Honncr arrived in the city yes terday morning from Lincoln to spend a few days hero with his parents and to play with Stamp's orchestra for the May ball. Willis Todd, president of tho North Platto Light & Power company, ar rived In tho city from Omaha yesterday spend a short time on bust ness. II. E. Wills, In charge of tho laying of tho gas mains, arrived in tho city Sunday evening after being away for soVoral weoks looking after work nt other plants, Mrs. II C I) rock and son nnd Miss Ella Brock loavo tomorrow for Fnlr- li!t' friends In town, having arrived Sun day evening. They aro enrouto on a trip to tho Pacific const, and so timed their trip that they could attend the May Party, with which Mr. Flkcs In years past was so closely associated. That tho frlonds of Mr. nnd Mrs. Flics arc heartily glad to seo them and that thoy aro being warmly welcomed, goes without saying, for as residents of North Platto they were among the most popular people. Mr. Flkcs tells us that St. Louis republicans de manded that ho be a candidate for al dcrman from his ward, but that he declined. They may however, decide to nominate him regardless of his declination. Work well done Lot us repair your watch. Tho work will bo dono by com petent workmen nnd absolutely guar anteed. Wo tnko prldo In tho quality and accuracy of our work. Perfect run ning order Is true economy in a time piece. Accumulating dirt and rnncld oil Is ruinous. It will cost you nothing to let us examine your watch. Damaged or broken Jewelry mado like now. Send in your repairs and wo will quote you prices on same, Wo make a spec ialty of fitting glnsscs. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician. A Statement. Tho traps In tho drain pipes con necting tho basoment of tho Jefferson school with the sower, did not work properly and nbout 30 inches of sew erago was poured into the bnscment completely putting tho furnaco out of commission nnd making it imposBlblo to hold school. Tho plumbers tried to stop tho holes but gavo It up until tho water goos down, It would bo Impos sible to pump this sewngo out with tho traps still open. So wo hnve to Wait until tho sower floods go down. School will commence at tho earliest day pos slblo after the building has been thoroughly clenned nnd so rendered safe. Tho papors will announce tho opening and tho Hag will be raised at seven o'clock in tho morning of. th'o day of opening. ,a Tho Washington slohool opens Tues day. WILSON TOUT. -ISunrnliiH In IIoiuoh, Sovoh Room Frame House with two full sixty-six foot lots. Walks In front and around house. Good chick- on houses and ynrds. Lots nil fenced and filled. Windmill on vacant lot with piping for watering whole lot. Nice lawn around house, nnd overy- tlitng in excellent shape. This Is tho OF REVIVAL campaign. The large tabernacle which has 'been! ........ 1 . I 1. . . . I. . 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 Tit. 1 tlCtW'U II) IIIV .MlUUl I'lil III! ,VUIIKU-I J lletlc Association, an organization! ft'! made tin of men frnin the Mnthnrilal. P. Presbyterian, Unptlst a'nd Chrlstinh' churches, was filled to theuloors and' many people standing outside for the' opening services Sunday. A rousing and spiritual song service was conducted by Prof. Moody, tho music director of the company. He wns . aided by a large orchestra and a chorus of some 125 voices. Mr., La-, V'iolette, the splendid nccompanlst of the parly, presided nt 'the Baby Grand piano which has been furnlshoil for this occasion by the Lnnglols Piano company of our city. Tho sing ing of the good old gospel songs tin-' dor such leadership, and with such no-' companlmnet was an Inspiration nnd revelation to all present. North Platto ' will be greatly blessed by such sliig-', lug throughout the entire series of meetings. , Rev. Cram of tho local Mothodlst' church Introduced Dr. Lowry the evan-' gollst of tho company, nnd In turn,' Dr. Lowry Introduced Mr. Moody, mus ical director, Mrsi Moody, special por1 sonal worker, Mr. Martin, the advance1 man, Mr. LaVlolotto, pianist and sec-j rotary, and Mr. Shobcr, personal work- or and special preacher. Tho Chau tauqua saluto was given by the large congregation in honor of the company. 1 Dr. Lowry took for his text, the' words found in 1st Peter 4:17-18 "For! tho tlmo Is come when Judgment must , begin at the house of God; and if it first begin at us, what shall tho end! be of them that obey not the gospol of God? And If the righteous scarcely be saved, whero shall the un-Godly and tho sinner appear?" Tho mcssago was largely for pro fessed Christians. Dr. Lowry said that perhaps some would sny he was rub bing tho fur tho wrong way, but in that event, ho felt called upon to sug gest that such a person turn the cat tho other way around. He declared that Judgment must begin at tho pulpit. That preachers today too often fed their congregation on essaycttes and sermo nettos rather than talk to them and Instruct them In tho way of right liv ing. Judgment must begin in tho pew as well as In the pulpit. Too many professed christians are not trying to do right. They wish to go whero tho crowd goes. Tho crowd Is on the wny to ueu. xne evangelist further declar ed that there arc many In tho churches who should bo In the penitentiary, and that they would some day be In hell un less they chnnge. Tho latter part of his messngo was devoted to tho" asking of soul-searching questions to Chris tians, Popular amusements and the many alluring and subtle forces which drag men to a low and un-useful pro- tessiBon or clirlstlanlty were spoken of In no uncertain way. Dr. Lowry Is a forceful, eloquent preacher and one who believes' In 1U-4 the Coat and Suit tod HI ..VOW IN' PROGRESS VT A ID S i V . ' Y1 A Ik 7 7 On every garment for ladies, misses and and children. Altera tions Free. This sale opened Saturday and many took advautage of this 50 per cent discount. You can serve your best interests by doing likcvise. Many new suits and coats are being received daily. Just received, 100 ladies1 Dress Skirts in the latest styles for spring and summer wear. Do 3our trading here and get your books filled with Green Trading Stamps. Premiums are being given away every day to those who have filled their books bury. Miss Brock is returning to her runic urotzer property on wost 11th homo and Mrs. Brock will visit rola- ol- rilcu on easy lorms. tlvos for a short time. Vivo Koom House with two full GO w r o ..i m ft. lots on N. Locust St. Barn for 4 can make a young San Ti .ce belt "hS 'v'erSngln ' . " " S0VCU Roon,( Story( frnmo Harry Bonner, of Kansas City, ar- houso on W. B. street. Lot and one-half rived In tho city Sunday evening to 0f ground with house. Modem In visit relatives and frlonds for a few every respect except heat. Largo barn days. Ho Is onrouto to tho wost to with ceniont floor.. Wnlkn nil In. ii nil look nftor business matters. with ceniont iloor,. Walks all In, and everything In good condition,. In one Mrs. Elizabeth Otten, of Nnmpa, o tho nicest locations in tho south Idnho, who has boon making an ox. tended visit with hor daughters In this west part of tho city. Prlco $4000,00, liigut uoora House with two full GO city, will leave for home In tho near u- lots on weflt St., bolng tho future. ' old Ryan proporty. Only four blocks , , ... ollt- If sold within the next thirty local Knights of Columbus for on Now Bungalow, 5 rooms on east 3rd '.uamnuio uuiiuuLwiuuii wiii oo noui in , st. Nice basement and cellar. Nico , inn i i rnmsu on 1110 evening troes and lawn and everything in ex oiiy xuui m nonor oi me mrgo class collent condition. Ono of tho nicest "i""u "ho una oruor; small homos In tho city. $3000.00. Good vn mui. uu.j. terms. Five Koom Houso on west 9th St. Only slx.bloika out and modern except heat, Corner lot wltl nlco trees and inwn. uortainiy n bargain at $2200,00 v, rmwha, Agent, Itoom 1, 1. O. O, F, Bldg. Phono Red BOO, POlt 8ALli on kxchangi: v The Ideal 1 room house, corner lot, Kluide, ut 121 wool Second slrcct. Would accent Miialler properly or cx change for Improved fiinn. BUATT & (JOOD.MAN. i r rni are 20- fflffiTILI MS. A SPECIALTY 15WV'U11'- 1111 II 11 'n.Ull lll'l -V!lT SOT J( A FVLu JTl f" . u rTnf " -1 ml Tg.1 ii Slip Vl; ' WHTHiisSrfS " & X - tiSHA 1TTT 1 "V 1 WebuvX M x 11 1 1 .1 X 1 Greeny , ;,KSKaB3E 5 1 im.xKasusv.rtszxa-ssiHm itcas3ici3:iaEi:isj?: xcaniisccncssEsvKirja "The Lotus" Will Open Next Week. "The Lotus," the rooming house in A nursery has been provided for mothers whose babes become restless auring tlio services, tiio committee the. new Pizor building on Locust in charge request that all mothers with street to be conducted by Mrs., C. F. their little ones find seats not far from Johnson, is expected to open next ine nursery, so as 10 avoiu any un- week. There aro sixteen rooms, each oitDKit ok lin.Yiuxr; The State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, IN THE COUNTY COUHT. In the Matter of tlie Estate of James JI. Itannlp. Docehseil. . On ronilinrr .mil flllnc Hm tiatlHrin necessary disturbance of tho meeting, supplied with lavatories with hot and James A. Hannie and George ji. Hnn- Tho special song sung by Prof, cold water, heat and electric lights, "'f;, 'l;in thuh a,lJ,l,!1tls''itlo1.?5 nA...i.. c 1 ii.t in t iiiin Ttit ... ' .... suUl "'iate .nay be hi anted to Anna scratching people whore they itch tho i , . ou,u",J' u'fll' " XJl.llu: " ie several oatn rooms. RznnU n. aihninl.-tntrix. Z Z ,irnf irnnn T ot Lovo was onou8h to convince U3 Tile rooms will bo- nicely furnished, tmucRisp, That May 2Cth, A. D. 1D15 attendance has been made by a number "hori director in t o man hut1 n i TnW i h irBn inSsald iet tio"nV whin Tali persons in- who were present. Everv member of1 , y c",riJ iu'rcctort m tue ??a"' but, all respects be modern. v terCsted in said matter may appear at strong 10 securing I Miss Ada Toole, of Kearney., re- vlcelfwl l bo lom say 0X?nins ,afer wcoK'Uut Mondays. The public la cor-L... Yiicimt Lots for Homes. . nt. ti- ' diully Invited to attend, and It Is hoped' Now la tho tlmo to buy that lot to! that the largo tabernacle will bo'biilld si linnin nil snmn ilav. o.vpn If vnn ' crowded nightly, The evening ser vices ucgin at 7:30 sharp each ovon uig. AiiiKiiinccniciits for Lowry- . Jloody .needing!. Tuosday afternoon at 2:30 sharp a prayer niecctlng will be hold at tho homo of Mrs. Salisbury at G07 west Cth street. Mrs. Moody, special worker with tho Lowry-Moody company will couuuet tins meeting. It Is so desired that a largo nttendanco be on hand. Beginning with tonight, snecial after meetings will be conducted In tho tab- crnaclo by Dr. Lowry. All nro urged to bring bibles nnd note books and remain for these meetings. Thoy will bo con- uucieu on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings of each week. do not want to build now. Lots are steadily increasing in value, so tho tlmo to buy Is now. Phono me for an appointment to show you what I havo. C, F. TEMPLE. For Quick Snlo Modern home, except heat, desirable location on west Second street. Mrs. tT;vd U. i.'m 403 west Second street, Phon 127. a county court to be held In and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioners should not be granted and that notice of the pendency -of said petition and the hearing' thereof be given to all persons Interested In said matter by .publtahinK 't'CcOPy of this order In the North I'latto Seml Wcekly Tribune, a soml-woeUly news paper published In said county for three successive weoks prior to .said of hearlns. Dated April aO, 1915. liEO. K. FRENCH, County Judfre. May 1 was ushered into Chicago with tho most serious labor situation in the building Industry In fifteen years. Py .1 .1 1 1 1 .. -0 i nnn 1. 1 .1 .1 ..i I tural Iron workers tho list of union worklngmcn on strike or locked out was swelled to 32,200. Hull Insurance. . . Write your crop now before It Is too late. C. F. TEMPLE. Senator Douthett, of Overton, spent yesterday In town visiting friends and transacting business. TiC It OPEN AW ACCOUNT WITH e First a! Bank -of- XOIiTU PLAT'E, Membei1 Federal Reserve Bank System. CAPirAZ. AXD SURFItUS: One Hundred and Fiity Thousand Dollars. ing to lay or repair a drain see about the pipes We carry just wh you want, for our ply of tilings is th est around here. H.1 L - .1- 1 inem oy ine canoaas, ana ineM ifr are lra?cf t-vvirrfc? Uvck .Jsfa. do jit flow. Write, phone or call wj$yi,: We welcome small as well as- large orders. That's the reason we are adver-V tising to interest the average man in us THE HOME OF GOOD LUMBER. PHONE 7. COATES LUMBER AND COAL CO. Ul D STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE IIAVJ3 IlKKX TUE FAOTOItS IN THE GROWTH OP THIS HANK, AND THE SAME CAJ11SFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LARGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. 31" 3C 3C DC Mutual Building & Loan Association o North Platte, Nebraska. Organized 1887. Have plenty oi money on hands to close loans promptly. Will loon on North Platte City property for building purposes or to assist its members in buy ing homes or paying off mortgages. The monthly payments on $1000.00 loan are on principal $5.00 and interest $6.00 or $11.00 in all and on other sums in proportion. III II III ' III inililMIIMWI ' " .mill-.Mnli ''i ' 3 Sold by Rysh Mercantile Co , North PJatte. Also by E. & W. Coker, Sutherland; Ganson & Gancon Hershey; Jens Sommers, Maxwell: Jno. Fredricfison, Brady