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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1915)
win M&vth THIRTIETH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., APRIL 30, 1915. No. 29 LOCAL AJfl) PEItSONAL Ir(M Sells llcnldcnco. Fred C. Lotts yontorday sold his res idence property on west Fifth street to Will Hnwlcy for n consideration of J7.100. Mr, Hawley's property on west Second street is taken by Mr. Letts us part of the purchase price. Mrs. Hurry -Tngador loft Thursday for Twin Kalis, Idaho. Miss lianoy Uretornltz 1ms been 111 for several days. Miss Huby Manuel was visiting' this week with li6r parents In Kearney. For Sale Improved corner lot. Seo Mrs. O. Q. McKny or phono black 521. 29-8 Travellers south of tho city announce that as far out as the experimental station the roads nro In good condl- tlnn -it.- n m hmi.. i .i.i i ' Circuit Here Xrxt Month. for Lincoln to visit her daughter Lu-j T.lle ndvniico agent for tho Ilnrton & cllle, who Is n student nt tho stato unl- ncy circus Is In town today making vcrslty arrangements for tho nppearanco of Hugh Scoonover returned Wednes-1 lilS. llfJ.i,n.?.!n'.n1,3,l.I,t. day night from a business trip to " 0Woo f a d " VS, " A ' k is the Mr.s. Oftgbml'n Funeral IIiIm Afternoon. Tho funeral will bo hold this after noon at two-thirty frotn tho residence of Mrs. B. I. Ilinman. Dean J. J. Bow ker and Rov. C. C. Christie will olllc Inte. Interment will bo In tho North 1'lntte cemetery. Chicago In the interests of his storo in tills place. Charlie Adams, of Mlndcn, Neb., returned to his homo Thursday after spending a week visiting his daughter Mrs. F. i. Tatman of Myrtle precinct. Mrs. Louis 1'oterson wont to Omaha today to visit relatives for a few days, and will then go to Hossvllle, 111., to spend some tlmo with her mother. tlrst of its kind to arrive this Season, it win no nouut ue won patronizea InvrriiMC Capital Stork. At a meeting of the board of direct ors of tho Bank of Lincoln County, held this morning, the capital stock of the bank was raised from $10,000 to $15,000. E. F. Seebergcr and V, L. Moonoy, of i iNorin l'latte, wore- present. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Shuman leavo Tho directors also discussed tho Prop the early part of next month for a osltion of building and It was. decided visit at tho San Diego and San Fran- that operations will bo startcd'aa soon Cisco expositions nnu otner I'acinc ns plans ana speculations can uo se coast cities. Druggists' permits were yesterday grnnted by the city council at their special session to H. S. Baker, Charles Tlgho, Jos. H. Stone, Fred AV. Itlnckor nnd Francis J. Dunn. Guy Temple, a banker from Lexing ton, was visiting in tho city yestorday on business. Mr. Temple is past pres ident of tho Dawson county poultry association nnd was hero getting a line on tho poultry show for next wlntor. Mombers of tho Amrlcan Legion In this city have been Informed that there are now enlisted over 400,000 men in the Legion. This movement was'but recently stnrtod b.y Col. Theo. Roose velt and Is in the nature of a reserve military force. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Richards loft this morning for their home In As sumption, 111., after visiting since Sun day nt tho homo of Mrs. Gunlliaume. Mr. and Mrs. Richards wcre returning from n trip to Portland. George Baskins. who had been visit ing relatives and friends In town for two or 'three weeks, left this morning for his home In Pennsylvania. Knrouto he will stop over In Omaha and attend the meeting and banquet of tho Union Pacific pensioners. Christian Scienco service Sunday ll a. m, Subject "Everlasting Punish ment." Wednesday evening meeting overy week at 8 o'clock. To these ser vices a cordial invitation Is extended to nil. Building & Loan building, room 25. The case of Leon vs. Noble was tried yestorday before tho district court and was decided In favor of the dofend ant. , The case Was brought on special performance of real estate oxchangc contract and Involved tho oxchangc of cjty property for homestead land. cured. A 25x00 foot one-story brick nuuuing nas ocen ieciueu upoiu mo bank already owns a cholco lot and tho new structure will bo a splendid ad dition to our town. Hershey Times. Iliniqtiot for Union l'nclllc Pensioners. The men on tho pension list of the Union Pacific will meet in Omaha to morrow morning at nino o'clock at tho Union Pacific headquarters for their annual meeting nnd banquot tendered them by the company. Flfton mombers will go from here, leaving this oven Ing. They will meet at the Union Pa cific olllces for their business session nt nlno o'clock and at noon they will be banqueted at the Paxton hotel. Those who will attend from here are C. F. Tracy, Fred Fredorickson, William Whltlock, James Mlnshnll, Archlo Ad nmsou', Mack Mason, Louis Peterson, Frank Nnpersack, John Singleton, James Flynn, cnarles Pass, Nicolas Klein, Tony JelTrs, Sanford Hnrtmnn and Andrew Wesberg. NORTH PLATTE'S MODERN CLOTHING STORE W.ord received hero from Sutherland bears Information "thitt thnt-clty will be In with the other towns In this end of the, state this summer on the base ball question. They are getttlng to gether a team and have Imported n pitcher nnd catcher. We welcome them Into -the game. There Is room for all and everyone can feel at home. Hunks-Troupe Case Dismissed! ' Upon roquost of the plaintiff mndo In open court tho case of W. T. Banks vs. Harry Troupo was yesterday dismissed from the district court. Tho case was ' an equity suit for an accounting and involved n matter of about $1,000. . Troupe was for one year manngor of tho grocery department of Mr. Banks' storo In this city. In settling 1 up. tho books of the store showed Mr. Troupo's account practically $1,000 short. In court It was brought out that he had not been credited with transactions regarding the purchase of produce, which account amounted ap- t proximately to tho alleged denciqncy, - Plaintiff acknowledged In open court his error and asked that tho case bo dismissed. Some time ago Mr. Troupe hired a special accountant to go over the books in search of error. The accountant wont over tho entire year's work fin& collld And no error. The orror was duo' to the bookkeeping In the store. Card of TIiiiiiUn Wo wish to thank tho nlghbors and friends, members of tho A. O. U. W. nnd M. W, A. for their kindness at tho slckneBs and death of tho lnte James Rnnnle, nnd for tho beatiful floral tributes. Mrs. James Rnnnle and family. ton. Supt. W. P. Snyder of the state ex- iinl'lnipntnl Fiiih.ftfntfnii rntiirnnil dip fnin nn.t flF tltn mnalr f.nm Mm onatorn DioM lit AlTf Of Nl II C t V-TIl TIM' part of tho state where ho sought to kdward Gamble, a resident of this purchnso a short-horn bull. Upon his county for fifteen years past, died yes return hero he bouirht one from the tcUay afternoon at his homo in Jack linril nf V W. Tllrrra ITo nrnriiirn.1 n Moi'l'l line animal -for the state farm. i General debility resultnnt from old nge is given as ine cause ai nis ucuui. ne On account of the recent rains tho ! had been poorlv for somo time, crops arc rather behind In Lincoln , Mr. Gamble leaves to mourn his do county. Supt. Snyder of the oxperl- mlse three children, Mrs. Parker nnd mciuni station was in tne city yester- Joseph Gamble of Jack Morrow Flats Harcourt Jensen, THE STORE WITH A CONSCIENCE Ask Yourself "Why Should I Buy a Harcourt & Jensen Spring Suit?" Answer No. 1 Because they promise to save money lor me, and friends who deal there assure me that they will. Men'sRubber Boots, Wad ers, Slickers, and Rain Coats, $4.60;to$15 Answer No. 2 r Because they stand back, of every garment they sell, and I am safe. If my suit goes wrong they are anxious to right it. Boys' Waists, Shirts and Hats 50c Answer No. 3 I am certain to get a perfect lit. They would ratlier miss n sale than to have a mifit customer. Look over the array of Spring Suit Models,- You'll find a smartness and distinctiveness from beginning to end. Your own ideas are embodied in one or other of these choice styles and handsome wcaves- $10.00 to $:5.og True BlueThe Serge with a GUARANTEE Why take chances with common serges yhcn for the same amouut you can have one of ours with every element of chance eliminated. Swell models and fit. Say, you should see $10.00 to $25.00 them. Spring Furnishings to Delight You. We've always taken a big in terest in our Furnishing Goods Deparrment. This Spring's Line is the Finest in the City. Mighty Swell Shirts $1 up Manhattan Shirts $1.50 up Lemar Neckties 50c up Good Underwear 50c Lewis Union Suits SI up Stetsong&MSvEsSl 50 up Boys' 2 Pant Suits $6.00 It's out-of-doors time ' now for hoys, that means new suits, and it's belter to buy the II. & J. substantial sort. Our Hats Lead the Style Parade again this spring. Bet ter get under.pne, ,$!.50to 53.00 Swell Stetsons Mih-. $3.50 to $5.00 f K life 'iff I. O. . I Anniversary Cclcbrutloii Celebration of tho nlnty-slxth nnnl vcrsary of tho founding of their order In America was hold last evening by the local lodne of Odd Fellows. The celebration was held immediately fol lowing tho resulnr lodge meotlnK. About ono hundred and iifty people were in nttendance at the celebration and a nice program was presented. Some musical numbers wore Riven and the olllcers or the louse went tnrouKn Morrow Flats, aired ninotv-threo years. ! various coronipnicH. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS TO Oil" IilllllfH Ladles wishlnir hnlrdress .or manl curo for May Hall please phone ,201 for time. Mrs. Newton's Hoauty Parlor. day and states that they nnisneu putting in have not yet their small jrraln. Tho fields have been In such condition that It was impossible to work them. Mr. Snyder annuonces that they will begin planting corn In about another week If the weather will permit. J. I. Show of Hershey, was visiting: In tho city yesterday on business nnd with friends. Mr. Show Is manager of tho Hershoy basoball team and an nounces that they will have a good bunch at work this season. He states that they ara having quite a contro versy there over Sunday base ball and there Is .considerable feeling over the question; also some indications that a special election will have to be held to decide tho quostion. While in this city Mr. Show also arranged to play the opening gnmo between Hershey and North l'latto In this city on May 10th, the second day of tho state shoot. Hershey will probably open tho season next Sunday at Sutherland when they will ineeet tho Sutherland team. and Stewart Gomgle of Minneapolis, Minn. Ho is tho last of a family of ton children. Mr. Gamblo was born In Ireland Feb ruary 17th, 1S22. Ho came to America UB 11 JTUUItg 1I1U11 UI1U llitO UCDll UIIUU4 the stars and stripes ever since. He has lived In Lincoln county for over ilften years. Tho funeral will be held from the homo In Jack Morrow Flats tomorrow afternoon nt 2:30. Calvin Carder, of Gorln, Mo., was vis iting In tho city a few days this week. His brother from Julosburg, Colo., re cently underwent a noperatlon for ap pendicitis at tho Good Samaritan hospital. Vacant lots and improved city yroji. orty In nil parts of tho city for sale at all times. Many properties at fonr fjain prices and on easy terms. Seo mo before yon buy. V. F. TEMPLE. Wanted Girl for general housework. 702 wost Fourth. 29-1 Mrs. M. J. Nenry returned from n two weoks" visit with friends In Lexington. Dr. DesJardlens of Lincoln was tlio, jtisa Gertrude Herrod loft last oven- speaker of the evening and no gayo In(T for ll01. j,01o n Columbus, nftor an excellent talk on tho history of the n Bl,ort visit in this city. anA 0t th I J- W. Abbott nnd 10. 12. Hrownuold, sianua. , . n,i,irnH -nvnnk ' of Hershey, wro In tho city Inst even- Brett,.etr,Cwns08callefd oSt wnspre- Hlf to attend the Masonic meeting. n-itii n inwul iih a reward for The ladles of tho Christian church twenty-flvo years of continuous faith- will hold an eXchango In tho window of ful membership in tho order. Foiiow- Tlic JMiimIciiI C'liinoily. Musically, "Tho lied Hoso" showing at tho Kolth Monday, May 3rd, Is far superior to nny of tho musical com edies produced slnco Floradora, prob ably tho most popular numbers of tho twncty-two Included in tho score, Robert Hood llowcrs htiH provided sev eral songs which are not only catchy but of real harmonious worth,' among which nro Included "Uohomln," "Quoon of Vanity Fair," "I llko to go a Honoy mooiv with You," "If you Can't Sing, unuco, iann or mo jvroo," "Aleii, juon Men" and "Come Along My Chorlo, Ing this ceremony nlco refreshments of strawberries, cream and cake were served. KiirnhH mill trees from the stato er- perlmental farm were this week trans- acc planted to tho M. J. Forbes residence Jltn on west Fifth street. Tlio snruus wore oni t tlm nxnorlmentnl farm and Co nfter thov had reached maturity were Oglor Auto Co trnnnnlnntDll rmltn successfully. A Jiedgo was also put In around tho Hay IC, Langford home, furnished by tho exporimcntni station. Dorryborry fc Forbes' storo Saturday. For Sale Itglstorod Short Horn Hull. Henry 1'. Hansen. 29-2 Miss Ethey Fryo has been oft duty this weok from Powells repair shop llott-cvor. Fisher has garnlHhcd It with a setting nnd production which places It In tho "sextetto" class. Again tho personality oft hoso show girl beau ties, is mnnlfost In tho imcnrnnon of M.n irmin.V Vi.lii LVi.iiiiTii .vli, UllUll Will II1UOI ill IIIO 111 1)0 ill lid O IOI iirmved U2 fnlwnv2 n n o 'nm t mmlffil11 rtrl,U u,,(l l-nctlcos will be held each ',i?vLn8 for n half hour before tho CMinitfllHt lo I'ni'O Aiihi-H Tonight. Mr. and Mrs. George Moody nnd Mr. LaVlolotte, members of tho .Lowry Moody evangelistic party, will nrrlve In tho city thin evening to bogln tho tabernacle meetings Hundny. Mr. Low ry will nrrlve tomorrow. Mr, niul Mrs. Moody were visiting this week In Chicago and they will come here from that placo. Mr. LaVlolotte has boon visiting In Kearney, ltov. Lowry hns boon spending tho woek with his family In Ccdnr Falls, Iowa Tho tahoi'iinclo meetings will begin Sunday evening with n largo mass meeting. Tho choir will bo organized by that tlmo and Mr. Lowry will preach bio first sermon here nt thnt mooting. In tho afternoon the choir will meet nt tho tnbernnclo for atlous provide a nlcturcsuuo agreeable background for Miss iJoo liarnott, who originated and starred in and .oo the title who In rolo of "The this season Kod Iloso," nnd again starring For Sale. house, now, 802 east 8 room J2700. 7 room tinnn 1 " ' ....... i .. . i. 1 t , u room nouse, u-u wui imuui, imv, i house, G21 West Sixth, lourth, on account of the Illness of her mother, in this nroductlon. Hunnortcd bv tlm or . 1. il .1 X jitney sorvico discontinued two oeu- . '"."" lium. d hand Fords for salo at right price. I The real novolty of '"Tho lied Hose," nn mirlv If vnn wiiiit ruin. Hnmlv- i llOWOVOr Is "The Studont'B Gllile." In .....w r"" r -va- - .I., i ... 'i'i 'm ii. " , iiviiiiKuiiNi- iu iiu ijuwiyitiuuiiy uuiu- .Vininv ti, i,- r.ii .i,, !'" Jik Crowe w6ro out yeater- (llspiay tholf pulchrltlldo In a dniico Jin v afternoon with the ilorn on n distinctly now. There's an insinuating 5'voif enusi" 0 glldo of real graco in a dnnco that to A0,t cmlBt Three best snaps In town 29-1 Tho mmbers of the G. A. It. will meet this afternoon for tho purposo of com pleting arrangements for their annual observance of Memorial Day. Tho commercial dinner nt the Chrls- .1 1 ...Ill li . ... I , t ,1 HUH Ullllli:il 11111 MM VllllllWll 1HUI1UIIJ, l May 3rd. but will be served as usual inorcnitcr. pr. Weather services begin. The meetings will hold overy oven , Ing but Monday evening. Monday bo- ing mo iny utter tno nam Mununy sor , vices the evangelists will need the rest. It Is also wash day and many . of tho pcoplo will welcomo the op l portunlty to rest on thnt ono evening. I Itev. Clnrunco Martin, asststnnt evangelist to tho Lowry-Moody com bo annrtclatcd must bo seen. Hnoclal dancing numbors Including tho Fox trot, tno Hesitation, tiio uno Ktop, tho Watch for menu In this pa- forecast for North Platto Whirlwind Dnnco and tho Maxixo. Aiiotnor unusual numuor orrorcd Is '29-2 CLABAUGH. t, OF THE jj On Our Mammoth Stock of Furniture Get buoy while you have the opportunity. The bids for re modeling will be submitted by the contractors Saturday, May 1st, and our warehouses ivill be torn down in One More Week. All our stock of ugs, Draperies at Special Discounts Lace Curtains and Scrims 80c up. Nets and Scrims' 20c up. Rugs, all sizes and colors, 87 l-2c to $5Sy OWE & MALONEY, Furniture, II H ' and vicinity: Showers tonight and Sat I urduv. fresh winds. Highest tempera ture ystorduy 64, a year ago 51; lowest (last night 03, a yoar ago 42. , Tho J. V. F. club was pleasantly on- tertalned Wednesday afternoon nt tho i homo of Mrs. Thoodoro Lowe, Jr. Tho afternoon wns snout In cards, tho first prize being won by Mrs. C. Wlllerton. J1! ' Tho boys' class of the Prosbyterlan Sunday school pleasantly ontortalnod tho girls' clnss last evening in tho j church basement. Tho evening was delightfully spent with games and .stunts aim nt a mio nour roirowuiiuiim wer served by tho boys. All who at tended report a pleasant evening. ' Tho dairy at tho stato farm Is now : runnnlng In full swing. Mr. Snyder bus put In a good herd of dairy cattle i and will commercialize what produce Is not used up at the stnto rnrm. tiio new dairy barn has contributed largely i towards enannng tno mauageni oi mu ; station to oporate a first class dairy. i Tho Hondy-Oglor company has dis continued their Jitney sorvico after a , tryout of about three weeks. They wore not pntronlzod to nny groat ex tent and for this reason wore discon tinued. If North Platto wishes this kind of service It must bo patronized more ns such service cannot bo run on wind. MIhh Klvn Day ontortalnod a num , her of friends last evening at a travel party in favor of her cousin, Miss I.a . vonnc Adamsan, of Douglas, Ariz., who Is vlstlng horo. Forty guosts were present and a delightful evening was ixilni.nil nrltli Viirlfinu lrimutM mill Pflll- A! tAulu Minn vAfivtMhinniitM U'nrn HftrVfifl by tho UoHtoHH. Miss Adamsou Is tho daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. K. Adatn- l sou, formerly of this city. I ltohort D. Hatch and Miss KUen 13. Stewart were married last evening nt six o'clock nt tho Lutheran church, ltov. C. H, Harman olllclatlng. Tho groom Is tho oldest, son of Mr. and Mra. A. F, Hatch of Hooker county nnd the bride Is n daughter of Mr. and (Mrs. O. .T. Stewart of Albln, Wyoming, hiio nas ncen leacuing scuooi iuiu Hom ing down a homestead In Hookor coun ty for the past four yonrs. Tho young couplo will mako their homo on tho groom's ranch nonr Mooro, Nbraska, whero they will bo at homo to their friends nfter May 15th. tlii fnii HTui f...! ui.ntr l.i. rrnn lf,. ..iu .piu.I) ...ui, .null, RUHh 'J ...,- nett and tho men of tho cast, tho stag ing of the song Is plcturcsquo In tho extreme, presenting a solid row of dress-suited men appropriately bo decked with a "rod roso". Probably tho most dashing song.-bf tho pleco is "Como AlonB My Chorlo," sung during tlio opoiring net, In which nuother of FiHhor's characteristics Is displayed, for his Insistence unon dan cing nblllty comes well to tho foro In tno cnorus auring tho KOIlg. U. L. linker returned Wednesday from a trip of soveral days looking nftor busluoss In ICenrnoy nnd Staple- For Quick Snh Modern homo, except heat, dosirnblo location on west Second street. Mrs. Fred It. filnn 408 west Socond street, Phono 127. Saloon Mcciihch (iriintoil VcHtvrday. A special meeting of tho city council was hold yesterday aftoruoon at the library building for tho purposo of granting tho Blx saloon licenses with in tho city. There being no remon strances tiled all tho llcoimcs woro granted ns nskod. Licenses woro grnnted to John C. Don, Luko Haley, Henry Waltomath, Henry Ilobhnusen, Chas. T. Whclnn and A.. 13, Tlmnier inan. At the last regular mooting of tho council this matter was not brought up and a special meeting was neces sary ns tho old licenses expire tonight 10.icc( t'M IloiiNtcrH tlilM levelling. Preparations are being mndo by the commltteo In charge for accomoda tions for ono hundred twenty-five boosters nt the banquet this evening In tho ISptscopnl church basement to boost for base ball nnd other amuse nionts among tho different brother hoods. A good program will bo ren dered nnd tho IndleB' guild of tho Epis copal church has prepared a fine sup per. Everybody como out and boost for tho summer sports. wl 1m 415 DEWEY STREET. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. 17 automobiles written tho day after tho Are. and ft written every day bIhco. If your car is not Insured, do not trait until there is another lire,, insure now 3C OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH D The First National Bank of- t! STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE Member Federal Reserve Bank System. . CAPITAL AKD SUKI'r.CSi One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. D HAVK HEM THE FACTOKS IU THE GROWTH OF THIS HANK, AND THE SAME CAItEFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN 0 SHALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIYEN TO LAltGE HALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. 3cQ and bo protected. C, 1. TEXL'LE. 3C Ill It 28-2 Tho Kellnble Insurance Man, It It