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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1915)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Stop That Backache! There's nothing more discouragine than a constant backnehc. You nro lame when you awnkc. Pains picrco you when you bend or lift. It's hard to rest and next day It's the name old story. I'ain in the back is nature's warning of kidney ills. Neglect may pave the way to dropsy, gravel, or other serious kid ney sickness. Don't delay begin using Doan's Kidney Pills the remedy that has been curing backache and kidney troublo for over fifty years. An Iowa Case Mrs. A. J. Lntn-"Bwrv bert. SU Cook St., f,'"I4 810UX City. lown. antra "(IT, lildililnr" " was undly In flamed and I wna feeling' miserable wlion I becan us Inff Doan's Kidney Pills. Tlicy gavo mo prompt rellof. Some tlmo later when I was again suffering from weak and disor dered kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills fixed me up all right. Since then I haven't Buffered." Get Doan'a at Any Store. BOe a Bos DOAN'S WLW FOSTER-MILDURN CO., BUFFALO. N. V. Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver in right the stomach and bowels are right. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently butfirmly pel a lazy liver do its duty. Cures Con. tipatlon, In. digoition, Sick Headache, and Diatresa After Eating:. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation ot merit JIalpa to cradle: dandruff. For Restoring Color and Boouty to Cray or Faded Hair, too, and 11.00 at Drugglata. Official Denial No War Tax on Homestead Land in Canada The report tlint a war tax Is to be placed on Homestead lands In Western Canada having been given considerable circulation in the United States, this Is to advise all enquirers that no such tax haa been placed, nor In thcro any Intention to place aivar tax of any nature on such lands. (Signed) W. D. Scott, Supt. ot Im-'leratlon, Ottawa, Canada, March 15th, 1915. W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 17-1915. iflifuMailTTl r daTaTaTaTaTaT1aTaTaTaTaTaFK I H Wll I S. Is it possible there is a woman in this country who con tinues to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound a trial after all the evidence that is con tinually being published, which proves beyond contradic tion that this grand old medicine has relieved more suffer ing among women than any other one medicine in the world ? We have published in the newspapers of the United States more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub lished in the interest of any other medicine for women and every year we publish many new testimonials, all gen uine and true. Here are three never before published : From Mrs. S. T. Richmond, Providence, R. I. Providence, It. I." For tho benefit of women who suffer as I have done I wish to state what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for mo. I did somo heavy lifting and the doctor said it caused a displacement. I havo always been weak and I overworked aftor my baby was born and inflammation set in, then nervous pros tration, from which I did not recover until I had taken Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. The Compound is my best friend and when I hear of a woman with troubles like mine I try to induce her to take your medicine." Mrs. S. T. Richmond. 84 Progress Avenue, Providence, R.L From Mrs. Maria Irwin, Peru, N.Y. Pektj, N.Y. w Before I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound I was very irregular and had much pain. I had lost threo children, and felt worn out all tho time. This splendid medicino helped mo as nothing olso had dono, and I am thanlcful every day that I took it" Mrs. Maria Irwin, RFJ). 1, Peru, N.Y. From Mrs. Jane D. Duncan, W. Quincy, Mass. South Quinot, Mass. "Tho doctor said that I had organic troublo nnd ho doctored mo for a long tlmo and I did not get any relict I BH.wi.yuiu. oii. jrinmiam's vegetable Compound ad vertised and I tried it and found relief before I had finished the first bottlo. I continued taking it all through middle lifo and am now a strong, healthy woman and earn my own living." Mrs. Jane D. Duncan, Forest Avenue, West Quincy, Mass. R Write to LYDIA E.PINKFIAM MEDICINE CO. (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., foradvico. tter will bo opened, read ana answered "by a woman and held in strict confidence. Helpless Man. Tho lato Fanny Crosby, author of "Nearer, My God, to Theo" and In numernblo other hymns, wbb blind, but this did not provent her from soo ing straight Into tho hearts of men. A Drooklyn friend of tho aged hymn writer vri3 repeating somo of her epi grams. "A Brooklyn bank clerk," sho said, "had stolon a lot of money and run off with a chorus girl. When I told Fanny Crosby about this sho sighed and said: " 'Every man becomes a fly when a web of laco Is spread.' " TOUCHES OF ECZEMA At Once Relieved by Cutlcura Quito Easily. Trial Free. Tho Soap to clennso and purify, the Ointment to sootho and heal. Nothing hotter than these fragrant super creamy emollients for all troubles af fecting tho skin, scalp, hair and hands. They mean a clear skin, clean scalp, good hair and soft, whlto hands. Samplo each freo by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Home, Sweet Home. Wife What, going out again to- night? Husband Yes, dear. Going out oc casionally, you know, heightens tho pleasure of staying homo when ono gets the chance to. Wife But yo go out so often. Husband Well, U'b a pleasure that really requires a great deal of height ening. ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE for tlio TllOOPS Over 100,000 packages of Allen's Foot-Kane, the antiseptic powder to shake Into yoursbors, are being used by the German nnd Allied troop at the Front because It rests the fert, gives in stant relief to Coma and Bunions, hot, swollen aching, tender feet, and makes walking enBy. Bold everywhere, 25c. Try It TODAY. Don't accept any substitute. Adv. Spent His Money. "George- has offered mo his name." "That's all ho has left since bo's been engaged to you." tour own nnuooisT mu, teli, vod Try Murine Hje ltemedy for Hod, Weak, Watery liyea and Grannlatvd Ujullds: Mo Bmanlns tuat Kjo comfort. Writs for Hook of tho Kjr j man Frno. Marina Uro Uemody Co., Chicago. A beautiful theory is upset by tho fact that some men are much worse than others. Red Cross Ball Blue, made in America, therefore the best, dclightB the housewife. All good grocers. Adv. A woman usually means what sho says when sho says It, but sho just can't help changing her mind. Catarrh Can Be Cured FREE PROOF TO YOU Dr. Gordon's Home Treatment, wherever used, Is producing results heretofore unheard of. Guaranteed to eIvo satisfac tion or no pay. Don't say it can't be done. TRY IT. Hurry, my friend, act today. You cannot conceive how much this means to you. Wo will send proof free. Drop us a postal or letter today. Home Remedy Company, Lincoln, Nebr. President Wilson, Believing i ASHINGTON. Though tho diction of President Wilson la r.legnnco itaolf, ho is not so bldc-bound in his oxnetions of tho refinements of it ns to be intolerant to tho lapses In stylo called Blnng. He frequently uses it with great forco and linn apparently been i jt&Sk. I i I ( RdXK ) Lki I I jm v L iffiXTvA I gether to help business. "Was the president really back of tho document?" ho was asked. "Oh, rats," was hie sententious reply. Now, in cold typo it looks as if tho president was not observing tho presl dentlal proprieties In dignity. But the president conducts himself ovor In such a manner that his dignity is never in question. Thcro is n wonderful graclousness of manner In him and an over prevailing smile on his face and a merry twinklo in his eyes, so ns to pass ns natural and consonant with the utmost requirements of tho dignity of his station whatever ho uttors, though couched in langungo which on other Hps would bo called vulgar. These sallies nnd departures of tho president arc sure to bo followed by a hearty laugh, which it was intended they should occasion. In short, the president will laugh a question or a proposal out ot court. A good story, ol which the president has a great store, or a sharp word in slang is tho instru mentality used. Uncle Sam Searches the World for New Fruits FROM tho offlce of information of the department of agriculture comes the delectable announcement that a smoothstone peach has been brought from China and Is to bp used to Improve our commercial fruit of tho same family. We are told also that n beau- , tiful Chinese quince, "golden on ono sldo and reddish on the other," is do ing well In its now American environ ment, a condition of thriving and promise, which is also true of Chi nese hazelnut bushes brought to America, and which now are bearing nuto that ought to make our inferior sized fruit crack for tho very shame of insignificance. There is no joke about these im portations. Tho bureau of plant In- - dustry of tho United States government never make announcement of the addition of now fruit?,, plants and flowers to tho American field until theli suqeessful growth has been proved. Tho government employs explorers purpose of finding valuablo trees "and nntivo growths of tho United StntCB. Tho explorer must know his own country well, for In his work of discovery ho mus't bear in mind just what section of tho homeland it is which resembles tho region in which his work is being done. - Theso explorers aro a hardy lot, They delight In it, apparently, und lugs into now fields, no matter how forbidden. Comparatively little Ib known of Undo Sam's bureau of plant industry. Its work, however, is apparent all over the United States. Treasures in Crypt and THERE are all kinds of treasures In rotunda, but during the Inst few out In order to make space. Immediately under tho central dome is tho large masonry of tho base walls of the building and designed as a tomb for the Immortal Washington, but other influences of a more sentimental nature de feated tho object. In an adjoining vaulted room tho plnster cast of Cranford'B "Goddess ol Liberty," from which Clarke Mills cast the bronzo figure that Burmounts the dome of the cnpltol, was kept for years. In nnothor room aro tho plaster statues of Alexander Hamilton, Thomas II. Denton and also a. Bitting flguro of Hamilton by tho artist Stone. In various portions of tho crypt are paintings of lnrgo size in boxes waiting for their owners to clnlm them. Among them aro the "First Ne braska Homestead," by a lady who desired to present It to tho government; '.'Rescue of Groely," by Opertl, and "Farthest North," tho subject of which la two of Greely's men taking observations. Washington Has a Thousand-Dollar-a-Week Hole NO one does justice to a visit to Washington who does not take a long look at the huge crater which Is tho hole where once stood tho famous Arling ton hotel. This wus torn down four years ago to make room for a modern hotel, to bo up by the 1913 Inaugura tion, but tho hotel has gone no furth er than down about forty feet into the ground. An immense fortune has been lost in tho speculation so far. While construction was begun, thn plans fell through, because the capital required wbb not raised In toto. Everything went under tho creditors' hammer u yeur ago, and what had cost about ? 1,000,000 was sold for half that sum. Another hotel project wak started to includo a theater and of fice butldliiir, but it is understood that everything is off again and tho loss of more fortunes seems in sight, CharleB P. Taft, brother of former President Taft, having lost about $200,000. Tho done with it excopt to provide n foundation for a great structure and as mat ters now stand the owners of the holo It is tho costliest holo in Washington, tho city. On this land formerly used to stand tho homo of Senator CharleB Sum ner ot Massachusetts. Hard by is Lafayette Bquaro and nenr is tho Whlto House. Two prominent clubs look right Into tho holo from thoir windows. Shored up aro tho grounds and tho walla of a largo prlvato house, which used formerly to bo the British embassy, in which Bulwer-Lytton wrote "Lucille,'' in Slang, Said "Rats" lonir n student of it. nnd nt a tlmo t00' wnen 11,0 clnSB' shades ot hit university surroundinKS should have made tho Bound of it unusual to hit ears. Not long ago tho president wns called upon to comment on tho roport current and printed that somo person authorized by him was circulating n document in Wall street signed by hie nnmo urging big business to get to to go Into lands nov ana oia lor tne plants which can bo added to the J and their work 1b at timos dangerous. always aro ready to undertake Journoy Vaults Under the Capitol the crypt and vaults under tho cnpltol years many of them have been taken crypt and vault, n Bubtorranean mu seum of historical works of art. The Urst object of historical Interest it the tomb built for Washington, lmmo dlately under the centerstono of the lloor of tho rotunda, which is the ex act center of the building. It is a small, square, vaultlike room, with about two-thirds of its side walls deeply recessed In arched alcoves, oi rather more like the recessed reliquary chambers In the tomb of Napoleon This vault was built up In the hole Is bo deep that nothing can bo pay 81,000 a week In interest nnd taxes. and bns become one of tho BlghtB of "HOMING INSTINCT" IN BIRDS Attachment to First Home Is Much the 8ame ns Is Evidenced In Humanity. Tho hnblt of birds In migrating South when wlntor comes on is in fluenced by tho need of finding a suf ficient supply of food. As food grows senrco when winter approaches in tho farthest northern places where birds Hvo thoy naturally turn to tho South, whore, their Instinct tells thorn, food will bo plentiful, Thn return of tho birds In ho spring to thoir accustomed haunts In tho North is ono of tho ovl donees of their possession of an In stinct which is also strong in mnn. Tho environment In which a bird or human being Is brought up generally becomes a pormnnont vnrt of its na ture Ornithologists hnvc not yet mndo It clear just what enables tho bird to find its way bnck nnd forth to tho Bamo spot overy year, nnd our knowledgo Is confined to tho fact of what tho "homing Instinct" docs. After they mato nnd build their first nest and bring up their first fam ily, birds cherish a fondness for thnt Bpot much tho samo as tho attach ment that man feels for his early home. Tho spring migration of birds Is thoir joyful return homo after a temporary sojourn abroad to securo tho means of livelihood. Tells What's the Matter With Him. "Well, whnt is tho complaint?" de manded Squiro Pcacy, tho well-known Arkansna justlco of tho peace, no (hero entered his ofllco Constable Slackputtcr oscortlng a colorod mnlo factor. "Do complaint, yo' honah and t'anky for do 'torrygatlon " replied tho culprit, boforo tho ofllcer could mnko answer, "nm a posthumous crcech in muh bnck, dnt kotches mo kor-bllck overy tlmo 1 tries to run. Ynesah, If It hadn't uh been dat-uh-way, do cap'n, yuh, wouldn't uh over took mo In a munt o' Sundays!" KniiBns City Star. Took a Chance. "Wnltor Jones," said tho teacher sternly, "you aro not attending to tho lesson. Did you hear Jessio Smith's description of tho -American product, hominy?" "Yes'm," replied .tho small boy glib ly. "All right, then. Glvo mo n sentence In which you bring in tho word cor rectly." With tho courago of despair Walter ropllod: "Hominy marbles havo you?" Answers. Bad Language. Thomas A. Edison on1 hlB sixty eighth birthday Bald to a reporter: "Tho result of this war will bo a Gorman ropubllc that In fifty years will forge ahead of all of us." Tho roportor, impressed by Mr. Edi son's war knowledge, asked: j "What langungo do tho Belgians uso Walloon, French, German?" "Humph," snld Mr. Edison, "I know well what language I'd uso if I woro a Belgian." Enjoyed a Joke. Jlmson I Just toll you, you can't find a man anywhoro who enjoys a good Joko better than I do. Friend Guess that's so. I havo heard you toll tho samo joko forty times, and laugh at It every tlmo. Now York Weekly. The man who makes tho best ot everything should havo no troublo in disposing of his goods. Wash dav is smile day If you uso Red CroHH Ball Blue, American made, therefore the neat made. AUV. Somo men are pleasant to talk to and disagrocablo to listen to. ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AYeCclaWe Preparation for As if similoting iheFooilandnegula ling the Stomachs arid Bowels of Promotes Diflcsiion.Checrful j ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic 2l 9 Fttipt trOMDrSAHVUftmSR ) if M'.rm Sud . ttinkifftr fitvtri Arirfi-I nmrlv CnrCnnstiDa 5 tlnn . Smir Stnmach.Diarrlioea. worms .Convulaions.Feverisn- ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP. aanHaMaMajal a iMaaaaaaiiWl Facsimile Signature of The Centaur Company. NEW VORK ft i i Exact Copy of Wrapper. ONE CENT LETTER POSTAGE BEING AGITATED Ono cent postage rate on letters is again being brought into prominence and many high officials dcclaro thnt it is euro to coin in the near future. All classes of business would bo greatly benefited by its adoption, and estimated statistics show thcro would bo such an increased demand for stamps) that the apparent loss pf revenuo would b more than made up. It is un impossibility to place an estimated value on health, it being n most priceless possession but, perhaps you have been careless or negligent and havo allowed weakness to develop until you aro now in a badly run down condition, with poor ap petite, impaired digestion and constipated bowels. In order to get back to health and trcngth you must first help Nature rcstor the Stomach, Liver and Bowels to a nor ninl condition. This suggests tho friendly aid of Hostcttcr's Stomnch Bitters. You will find it an excellent tonic, appetiser and strength maker and well worthy oi your confidence. It is an absolutely pure medicine, adopt ed to all ordinary family ailments, and your health will be greatly improved by giving it n fair trial at once. Be sure you get tho genuine Hostetter's Stomach Bitters with our Private Stamp over the neck of Bottle. More. Cobb Is it n privilege to know Short? Webb Yes; Judge, an expense, also.? Florida Lands For Sale to Settlers in tracts of ten acres and up wards, In Volusia County, adapted to cultivation of citrus fruits, vegetables of all kinds and general crops. Situation healthful. Send for circulars. Write in English. Railroad runs through tract. Will sell on month- ly payments. Agents wanted. Address Florida Land & Settlement Co. Care Alex. St. Clair-Abrams, Attorney 615-19 Dyal-Upchurch Bid?., Jacksonville, FU. A Typewriter in Every Home The typewriter ha3 come to be a ne cessity in almost every family. If the daughter is a stenographer, she can increase her earning power by home practice. The father and sons need a typewriter for their correspondence. The mother likes to keep recipes and other data in neat, read able form. You will be inter ested in our booklet, "A Lesson. In Operating the L. C. Smlthj & Bros. Typewriter." L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. 1819 Farnam Street Omaha Nebraska BLACK. LEG LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED by dinar's BlaakUi flili. Low crUad. fmh. relUbfa: prttamd hr WnUm itoekman. .becauaa thajr rattat ' whir tlktr vatolaaa fall. WiiU for booklet and taathnoniala. lO.if - Blaaklao PMIi $1.0 Max Ski; BltakJaa Pill 4.03 IT., tnv InUHAr. hut Cuticia but. TtM rapwtartU or Cntur producu la dua to otec It jaira of tDtcUlutn in vaaiUai ad aariMS oily. Inilit a Cuttar'a. It uiutulsabta. ofdar Krct. Tk Cutttr LakeraUry. Barkalay. Cti., sr CMaaas, 19, CASTORIA For Infants and Children. MHaHiMaBMKBHnMmHaHaaBa Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Alwi Bears Signature Thirty Years CASTORIA THK OKItTAUN OOMPANT. NtWtORIC CTTY. the or ft Jp In HaF USB W For Over