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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1915)
u K? " s ?- 'v Jjr ' r i i I . , ltd'"? r GAS, DYSPEPSIA AND INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin" settles sour gassy stomachs in Five minutes Time Itl .You don't want a Blow remedy when your stomach Is bad or an uncertain ono or a harmful one yourBtomach 1b too valuablo; you mustn't Injuro It. Pnpo's Diapepsin Is noted for Its speed In giving relief; its harmless ness; its certain unfailing action In regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Its trillions of cures in indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach troubles has mado it famous tho world over. Keep this perfect ctomnch doctor In your home keop it handy get a largo fifty-cent caso from any dcalor and then If anyono should eat something which doesn't agree with thorn; it what they eat lays llko lead, ferments and sours and forms gas; causes head ache, dizziness "and nausea; eructa tions of add and undigested food remember as soon as Papo's Diapepsin comes in contact with tho stomach all such distress vanishes. ItB prompt ness, certainty and ease in overcoming tho worst Btomach disorders is a reve lation to those who try it. Adv. Mary's little lamb sometlmos grows up and becomes the goat. Happy is the home where Red Cross Ball Blue is used. Sure to please. All grocers. Adv. India in 1913 sent to the. United States 1G3 students, and China sent 594. TOOK OWN DRUGGIST TVILI. TELL TOO Tit Marino Kjo Kemcdy for Ilea, Weak, Watery iija and Granulated Eyelids! No HmartlDg-. Jast Kro comfort. Write fur Book of the Kjo T mall Froo. Murine Kye Hctaedy Co.. Cbtcoico. A gentleman doesn't have to go around assuring peoplo that ho is ono. Stung. "After you refused Jack did ho pro pose again?" "Yes; but it was to another girl." Proof Positive. Visitor The dear baby haB got its grandmother's nose. Aggrieved Papa No, it hasn't, for sho was around here this morning p'oking it into our business. Austria Protects Workers, In order to prevent tho wholesale dismissal of employees of private firms, tho Austro-Hungarlan ministry of war has directed that army con tracts will only be given to those firms who havo maintained their staffs at the ordinary full number, and with out any reduction in wages. Manu facturers acting in a contrary man ner will be rigidly excluded from all further contracts, and they may also expect to have existing contracts can celed. Parson Knew Better. Uncle Jim Sugarfoot killed a fine rabbit for the entertainment of Parson Heavegraco, who was oxpocted to din ner, but as rabbits were out of season ho thought to avoid what might prove an embarrassing situation by making the. parson think It was chicken he was eating. "Brother Heavegraco," said Uncle Jim, when It came time for a second helping, "what part of do bird would you like now?" With a merry twinkle in his half closed eyes, Parson Heavegrage re plied: "If you all don' mind, Ah think Ah'll wtake de gizzard." Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. BAD DREAMS Caused by Coffee. "I have been a coffeo drinker, more or less, ever since I can remember, un til a few months ago I becamo more and moro nervous and irritable, and finally I could not sleep at night for I was horribly disturbed by dreams of all sorts and a species of distressing nightmare. "Finally, after hearing the experi ence of numbers of friends who had quit coffee and were drinking Postum, and learning of the great benefits thoy had derived, I concluded coffeo must bo tho cause of my trouble, so I got some Postum and had it mado strictly according to directions. "I was astonished at the flavor and taste. It entirely took tho place of coffee, and to my very great satisfac tion, I began to sleep peacefully and sweetly. My nerves improved, and I wish I could wean every man, woman and child from tho unwholcsomo drug drink coffee. "People do not really appreciate or realize what a powerful drug it is and what terrible effect it has on tho hu man system. If they did, hardly a pound of coffee would bo sold. I would never thjnk of going back to coffeo again. I would almost as soon think of putting my hand in a flro after I had onco been burned. Yours for health." Postum comes in two forms: Regular Postum must bo well boiled. 15c and 25a packages. Instant Postum Is a solublo pow der. A tonsjoonful dissolves quickly In a cup of hot water and, with cream and sugar, makes a delicious beverage Instantly. 30c and COc tins. Tho cost per cup of both kinds is About the same. "There's a Reason" for Postum. sold by Grocers INSECTS INJURIOUS TO ORCHARDS CAN BE CONTROLLED BY FUMIGATION Treatment Now Being Adopted Everywhere as Means of Ren dering Nursery Stock Safe When It Leaves Hands of Grower Some Valuable Suggestions Are Given for Care of Young Trees. (By II. CARMAN.) There Is no avoiding tho fact that Wo must reckon with tho San Joso scale if wo are to ralso good fruit. Some states havo escaped it longor than others, partly because thoy wero not so generally engaged In fruit growing, partly, perhaps, becauso thoy began at onco to look after tho pest when its presenco was discovered in other states. But tho scale has been gradually Invading our orchards until It Is now llablo to be discovered on fruit trees anywhere In tho United States. This moans simply that wo Fumigation House. shall bo compelled to do what our neighbors nro doing if wo wish to compete with them In tho production of good fruit. Tho recent growth of interest in fruit growing nnd tho disposition to plant now orchards has led to tho adoption of improved-methods of car ing for fruit trees on tho part of tho most progressive people, but many farmers and oven fruit growers are still not provided with spraying out fits, without which they cannot hopo to save their trees from scale Insects. These trees are perhaps not in nil cases sufficiently valuablo to justify tho expense of spraying, but neighbors who have invested moro extensivoly In fruit and depend more oh tho crop, should not bo mado to suffer because of neglect on tho part of peoplo who havo nothing nt stake. Everyono ought, It would seem, to bo required to destroy infested trees In his possession whenever ho is un willing to treat them and caro for them properly. Certainly one has nothing to gain by keeping them, since tho scalo will destroy them anyway, and a neighbor's risk should of itself bo sufficient motive to impel ono to get rid of tho pests. Tho importance of giving attention to spraying, fumigation, and other Fumigation Box With Trees Packed In It. means of destroying scalo insects is growing greater every year, as tho acreage in fruit increases. It Is cus tomary to concede to Insect pests of ordinary crops one-tenth of the total value of tho crop, and applying this to our fruit crops of last year wo may bo said to have lost, as a result of in sect depredations, many millions of dollars. Most of the Injury and resulting loss can bo provontcd. Spraying alono will savo tho greater part. Three fourths of tho codling moth damago can thUB be saved. Thb has been demonstrated by very carefully mado tests. Moro than nine-tenths of tho San Jose scale on the bark of fruit trees can be removed by a single thorough spraying In winter with lime-sulphur solution. There seems to be no good reason, therefore, why anyone Interested In farming nnd fruit growing should not equip himself with tho necessary apparatus and do his share In keeping pests under con trol. Nurseries aro In great and constant danger from tho unimpeded spread of pests. For their protection It Is Im portant that orchards bo looked after moro closely than they havo been In the past, since they are frequently tho sourco from which nursorles becomo infested. But sinco the scalo Is now well established throughout the entire United States it will bo necessary, whatever precautions orchardlsts may Fumigation Box So Constructed That It May Be Carried From One Placo to Another. take, that nurserymen guard their es tablishments with Bpeclal care If thoy are to merit the confidence and pat ronago of tho buyer of nuraory stock. Fumigation with hydrocyanic acid gns Is tho treatment which is now be ing adopted everywhere as a means of saving tho nursery stock. To conflno the gas about the stock it is necessary to construct a gns-tight houso or box. What It shall bo depends chiefly on THE SEMI-WEEKtV TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE. NE1RA9KA. tho quantity of stock to bo trcatod For a small nursery of a fow thousand trees, .a box measuring 8V6 by ZVj bj 3V& foot can bo constructed, giving t capacity ol about ono hundred cubit foot, or If tho stock is very small i box more easily handled can bo made Tho box should bo. of matched stuff without knots, with two thlcknossct of tarred building paper between Tho Inside of tho box should bo paint ed and tho joints closed carefully will whlto lead. Tho lid should bo closol fitted by means of felt glued along tin edges of tho box. When tho lid is is placo It should bo secured tightly by wedges so as to prevent tho escape of ga3. A houso may be constructed of the samo material and in tho samo way. It shbuld havo a door fitting very tightly, nnd for convenience in airing out quickly a small door at the back should bo mado. Its exact size does not matter greatly, but tho doso used must bo very carefully computed to comply with tho following lustruc tlons: For each 100 cubic feet enclosed uio louowing cnomicaia aro required for each lot of trees treated: Cyanide of potassium, ono ounce (98 per cent pure). Commercial sulphuric acid, two ounces (of good grade). Water, four ounces. After filling tho spaco with troei tho water Is poured into a crock, then tho sulphuric acid Is added little by llttlo and tho crock Is placed in Door at Back for Airing Out Quickly. the box or houso. The cyanldo of potassium, broken Into bits no largor than a hickory nut, Is poured into tho crock and tho door is quickly shut At tho 'end of .50 minutes, or an hour, tho doors are opened for ten minutes to air out, when tho trees can bo re moved to mako room for another lot. Tho trees should not be fumigated when wet. Thoy should not bo too tightly packed In tho box. Tho time of exposure must never be shortened. The chomlcals should be of tho quality specified. To mako sure that tho houso or box Is gas-tight It Bhould always bo tested before beginning onorations. with a dense smudgo made of cobs, rags, or oiner material, if tne smoko escapes, the crevices will bo apparent and must bo closed, Fumigation will not destroy crown gall, black rot or canker. It cannot be expected to destroy tho ecus of in- socts, nor Insects In their active Btages wnen burrowing In the stoma of trees. Fumigation Box In Use. It will destroy woolly aphis, or any other exposed insects in tho-larval or adult condition when sufficient choml cals are used and tho exposure is long enough. GLEAN SEED WILL ELIMINATE BLIGHT Recurrence of Potato Troubles Can-Be Prevented Next Year, Says Expert.. A recurrence of lato blight and dry rot among potatoes can be nrevented next year. Clean seed is tho great essential. Seed treatment is not ef fective for this particular disease. Tho lato blight dry rot exists to a considerable extent among storage po tatoes, says B, C. Stakman, assistant plant pathologist of tho agricultural experiment station, St. Paul. If such lota are used for seed next year the dlseaso may again bo very destructive, especially If weather conditions favor its spread. It is, therefore, of vital Im portance that healthy seed bo used. Tho Minnesota experiment station pathologists havo been misquoted with reference to methods or securing such healthy seed. Tho Boaklng of seed potatoes is nocesary in control ling Borne diseases, but treatment with formaldehyde or corrosive sublimate will not prevent lato blight. Seed potatoes should bo secured from fiolds which havo not had any of tho dlseaso during tho last year. It healthy tubers nro planted and tho vinos thoroughly sprayed with bor deaux mixture next year, the dlseaso can bo controlled Aotfato .sacral Biological Survey's War WASHINGTON. Dr. A. K. Fisher, chief of tho department of economic Investigations of tho biological survey, has Just returned to Washington from an extended trip in tho West, where ho has been supervising tho cam -SJ. v3P- ("f'.W-., 7 - - fe3S J.1J91.. M T"TRnHK .3 - ts- The biological survoy, .through tho dopartmont of agriculture, has just turned out Its report on tho work of tho destruction of pralrlo dogs, ground squirrelB and burrowing rodents generally, but it does not go Into dotnils con corning tho beginning of these campaigns nnd what tho work has done not only for tho health of communities and for tho preservation of crops, but lor tho biological survoy itself. It was not so long ago that an attempt was mado to cut off tho appropria tion for tho survey. Tho next year Dr. C. Hart Merrlam. who for yenrs was tho chlof of tho survoy, went before the commltteo with an "exhibit" Ono of tho main features of his exhibit was a peculiar kind of field mouse. Tho doctor told tho mombors how hundreds "of thousands of theso Hold mlco had started In to dovnstate tho nlfalfa fiolds In Nevada and how quick action on tho part of tho agents of tho survoy had put an end to tho mice and their campaign of destruction,, thereby saving hundreds or thousands of dollars to tho agricultural interests of the state. The committee mombors added n good lump sum to tho appropriation and thoy lravo been more gonorously inclined in recent years than ever before. Army and Navy Nicknames Prevail in This Club THERE are many social clubs In Washington, but perhaps tho most pros perous is tho Army and Navy club. Tho officers of tho twin services recently erected a new club houso and it is ono of tho fine structures of tho city. There in the ovenlngs are gath ered many men ranging in rank and ago from tho lieutenant general who has passed tho psalmist's allotted tlmo of llfo down to tho second Houtonnnt who has been out ot West Point less than a twelvemonth. In this club of the armed services old, white-haired men aro heard call ing ono nnothor by nicknames fixed on Individuals when thoy wore cadets at Annapolis or at West Point. Within a fow days there dUd In Washington n fine old soldier, Brigadier General Charles Morion. General Morton's hair was as whlto ob any snow that drifted across tho field of his winter cam raignlng3 against tho Indiana in tho old days, and yot when Morion would enter tho big assembly room of tho Army and Navy club somo white-haired comrado was sure to hall him with "Hollo, Gory." In his youth the white-haired Morton had red hair, so fiery red that his fellow-cadets at tho military academy called him "Gory," and Gory ho was to his classmates all through tho years that ho was serving his country In campaigns ngalnBt tho enemy. A man six feet two inches tall, with a deep chest and a groat breadth of shoulders and aged about fifty-four years enters tho big room 'of tho Army and Navy club. AlmoBt Instantly a comrade of his own ago wclcoraos him not by his army title, but as "Goliath." This big soldier lo Lieutenant Colonel William L. Slbert of tho englneor corps of tho army, tho man who built tho Gatun dam, locks nnd spillway arid created the Gatun lake on tho Isthmus "of Panama. Ho was JuBt as big as a Another veteran enters tho room and a man In a far corner, seeiug him, calls across, "Hollo, Corp." "Corp" Ib short for corporal, but tho man so nddressod Is a lieutenant colonel of tho United States cavalry. When ho entered West Point as n cadet this old soldier mado an attempt before he was drilled to look "mili tary," and tho boyB instantly advanced him ono grade nnd called him in fun "Corp." It is said that tho United States army and navy stick longer than thoy do In tho ranks of any other profession which tho American llfo knows. American Indians Must Not Be Called Mongolians THE American Indian has taken to tho warpath again. He hns dabbed him Bolf with red paint, thrown dust Into tho air and has sharpened his bowle knlfo. He Is after tho scalp of certain modorn writers, jvho, in recent ethno JE IfjjJntJ j A Vft ' III L I fLCjs American ethnology of tho Smith sonian institution, CommisBlonor Hells asserts ho Is convinced there Is not tho slightest Justification for classing tho Indian with tho Mongolian races. "I am advised by tho bost authority," said Mr. Sells, "that the Indians nro classed by anthropologists an a distinct race, commonly designated as iho red race, or as red men, In contradistinction lo tho white (Caucasian), yellow (Mangollan), brown (Malay) and black (negro) races. I shall do everything In my power to oppose tho arbitrary classification advanced by a few publishers of school books, which seek to link tho Indlnn with tho' Mongolian." . S;faklng of Indians, Washington was tho first capital of the Algonquin Indian nation long before the whlto man set his foot on this sido or tho water, according to Dr. William TIndall, secretary of tho board of commissioners of Iho District of Columbia,' who hab just written a hlHtory of the capital. Secretary Garrison Almost Put Over This One SECRETARY of War Garrison surprised newspaper callers tho other day by taking up nn artistic document covered with oriental hieroglyphics end reading It readily. Tho secretary did not pause when he camo to designs that resembled red painted wicker , chairs. He negotiated two chicken eoopB nnd a Chinese bungalow with o it n break, and wound up at the top 'if tho pngo (he was reading from tho tiottom) by repeating the signature of Tuan flhl-JIn, tho Chinese mlnlator of war. In turning tho pngo, however, ho "tlppod his hand," for there was a translation ot tho lotter, which Jost tho secretary tho new reputation 'as a (Ingujst ho had acquired. Tho lotter was delivered to Secretary Garrison by Maj Albert J Bowley, who haB closed n torm as military attacho at Peking, In It tho Chinese mln Istot said; "I am personally acquainted with Maj. Albert J. Bowloy, who has been here for a number of years, well known for his profound knowlodgo and sterling chnracter. Availing myself of tho splendid opportunity afforded by lie return of Major Bowley to thu States, I have asked him to tako with him some of tho products ot his country, which I pray you will kindly accept on Burrowing Rodents paign against tho ground squirrels, which animals had not only bocorao nn agricultural pest in plnccs, but wore moro than suspected' of trans- luiiuiit, uiu fiurin ui uuuuuiu pingue. Tho biological Burvoy carries on a constant -vnrfaro against animals which ro known to bo doBtructlvo, but It first makes sure that tho good that tho creatures do doos not out- WUJgll IUO UVll. cadet thirty-flvo years ago ns ho la today. logical wonts, nave classed him an a Mongolian. Protests from Carllslo, Haskoll and other Indian collegoB nnd semlnnrleB havo poured In on Indian Commis sioner Cato Sells, who has takon up tho cause of his charges, nnd in nn order barred from Indian schoolB all books which seek to tako away from tho American red man his birthright After consultation with Dr. F. W. Hodge, in charge of the bureau of &&) b MU! LOOK AT OULMHE If cross, feverish, constipated, give "California Syrup of Figs" A laxative today saves a sick child tomorrow. Children simply will not take, tho time from play to empty tholr bowels, which become clogged up with waste, liver gets sluggish; stomach sour. Look at. the tongue, mothort If coat od, or your child is listless, cross, fev erish, breath had, restless, doesn't cat heartily, full of cold or has soro throat or any other children's ailment, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," then don'f worry, bocauso It Is porfoctly harmless, and in a fow hours all this constipation poison, sour blla and fermenting wasto will gently movo out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. A thor ough "Inside cleansing" is otttlmes all that Is necessary. It should bo tho first treatment given In any sickness. Bowaro of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask at tho store for a 50-ccut bottlo of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on tho bottlo. Adv. Magnificent Volume. Tho most Bumptuouscopy of Shake speare's "Romeo and Juliet" In exist ence was recontly sent from England to a purchaser abroad. Tho value of tho book Is between $5,000 and $7,600. It hns been reproduced as an illu minated manuscript ou vellum, and tho volumo is notablo as bolug the entire work ot ono artist, Alborto Snngorskl, who was engaged upon It for 18 months. Tho title is In pearls set in gold, and tho cover is embel lished with 211 rubles and 3G amethysts. Important to all "Woman Readers of this Paper. Thousands upon thousands of women have kidney or bladder trouble and never suspect it Women's complaints often prove to bo nothing else but kidney trouble, or tho result of kidney or bladder discatc. If tho kidneys aro not in a healthy con dition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. You may suffer a great deal with pain In the back, bearing-down feelings, head ache and loss of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irrita ble and may be despondent; it makes any one so. But hundreds of women claim that Dr. Kilmcr'n Swamp-Root, by restoring health to the kidneys proved to bo just the remedy ' needed to (overcome uuoh conditions. A good kidney medicine, possessing real healing and curative value, nhould bo n blessing to thousands of nervous, over-worked women. Many send for a sample bottle to sea what Swamp-Root, tho great Kidney, Liver and Dladder Romedy will do for them. Every reader of this paper, who lias not already tried it, by enclosing ten centH to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., may receive sartiplo size bottle by Parcel Post. You can purchase the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar eiie bottles at all drDg stores. Adv. The Way Ho Did. "How did you catch that cold?" "How do you Bupposo?' I chased It in my racing car till I caught It" A Connecticut man has tho face to say that ho has built a clock that will run without winding. CARE FOR CHILDREN'S Hair and Skin With Cutlcura. Noth ing Easier. Trial Free. The Soap to cloanso and purify the skin and scalp, tho Ointment to Bootho and heal rashes, ltchlngs, red ness, roughness, dandruff, etc. Noth ing bottor than theso fragrant super creamy emollients for .preserving and purifying tho skin, scalp and hair. Sample each f rco by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept, XY, Boston. Sold ovorywhoro. -Adv. You can always tell when a girl is jealous by tho way sho' says she isn't SEEKING HEALTH? This means taking better care of the Stomach and helping the Liver and Bowelt in their daily work, If ac sistance Ir needed, try HOSTELER'S Stomach Bitters It has proven very bene ficial in such cases, You Can Make Big Money Sailing electrical diamond j, Sen J I Oc for sample of Bcarfpln or rlnc. Our prlca lists a winner. Send for It, lUuUf S.lo Co..M BruJtU Tkcktre SU., Oaulu, Nth.