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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1915)
J, f t V n t . i n ffl II ra Semi-Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor sad fMUher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year by Mnll In Advance.... $1.25 One Ycnr by Carrier In Advance. .$1.50 Entered at North Platto, Nebraska, Postoinco as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, JAN. 26, 1915. MANY I'KOI'Li: ATTL'NI) "SAFKTV FIKST aiKF.Tim Ovor two "hundred fifty people at tended the public mooting In tho Inter ests of "Safety First" which was hold Friday ovcnlng at tho K. P. hall. A number of tho railroad officials spoko as well an a number of local people. The North Platte band furnished music for the occasion. Tho mooting was ono of much Inter est to tho public as it dealt with matters or vital interost to cvory rosl lont In tho city, that of minimizing accident to life and limb of them selves. The hall was crowded to ca pacity and oven standing room was crowded. Somo vital facts were brought out In tho mooting regarding tho careless ness of tho public about rallrond prop erty, Tho meeting was the result of the observations of railroad men who havo seen women and children cross the tracks through the yards while switch engines wero passing back and forth and fast passenger trains wore arriv ing. Ono man told that ho had seen a woman pushlug a baby carriage across in front of a fast In-coming train. Many other incidents of such carelessness wero cited C. S. Macombor told of a trespass law that Is now In the stato legislature providing for tho arrest and punish ment of such trespassers for tho ben efit of thelrown safety. Ho told somo of his own experiences as the result of carelessness and of tho many acci dents ho had seen and heard of in his career as a railroad man. Supt. V. R. Cahill presided at tho meeting and ho called on tho follow ing who responded: F. L. Moonoy, A. C. Krnmp, F. E. Bullnrd, II. Q. Knowlcs, u 0, Macombor, Dr. F. J. Wurtclc, G. A. Zontmcyer and Albort Muldoon of this city, Bishop Beochor of Kearnoy, W. T. Beery of Grand Island, Lon Kojndall, J. M. Guild and J. W. Adams of Omaha. 3IhH MorriHHon Scores Success. Nearly ono hundred fifty people at tended tho entertainment given Friday ovcnlng at tho I. 0, O. F. hall by Miss Bess Gorhardt Morrisson and members of the Colfax encampment of tho I. 0. 0. F. Tho entertainment was excep tionally good and MLo Morrisson proved herself an artist as an enter tainer. B. S, Davis was master of ceremon ies In the absence of Judge J. S. Hoag land. Ho IntroUuccd tho numbors on tho program and explained that the encampment branch of the order was the social organization. Tho first number on tho program was a piano solo by N. Klein. Miss Morrisson was then Introduced and gave most of tho entortalnment. Intorsporolng her numbers were a vocal selection by Mrs. W. V. Ilongiand, and a piano solo by Mrs. S. M. Soudur. Sho first read un original poem this was followed by "Waiting for the Cat to Die," by Riley. Hor reading numbers wero all good. Her last number was "Seeing America First" with piano accompaniment by Miss Harriott Dlxon - Following tho program Rev. B, T. Mutuowson, who is visiting In the city, waB called upon for a short talk and ho responded In a commendable man ner, Tho guests wore thon all Invited to moot Mlao Morrisson after which refreshments of punch and wafers ve?Q Served, Tire ItuliiK Burn. Fire broke out Friday afternoon shortly after fivo o'clock In tho barn at tho residence of Mrs. Annlo Church at 144 west Third street and burned it nearly to tho ground boforo tho llanics could bo gotten under control Tho lire had started inside tho barn from norao unknown cause and was not noticed until It had gained somo headway, An alarm was Immediately turned in and tho tiro truck made a record run gotttlng to tho sccno. A second alarm for more men wub sounded but thoy could not get th,o Arc under control until It had ruined tho barn. A largo amount of housohoid goods waB stored In tho barn and part of them wero saved although tho Iods was considerable on thorn as well ao on tho building. Tho Iosb Is partially covered by Insurance. KnlcrtnliiH for 3Irn. Schiller, Mrs. J. W. Payno entertained tho ladlos Blblo class Friday aftornoon at her homo In favor of Mrs. Edgar Schiller who is to leavp shortly for tho west. A good attendance and a fine tlmo was enjoyod with various social diversions and nlco refreshments woro aorved. Tho Indies of tho class pre sented Mrs Schlllor with a nice cut itlnss nlft In appreciation of hor work. ThlB class was organized by Mrs. Schlllor several years ago and haa grown Into a strong class with n largo membership. Sho has alwayB been d leader In tho class and has done somo very efficient work. raoo Tor Snlo or Trade. G40 acres all fonced, with good. Im provements 9 mllca northeast ofBrady, Nob. Will take good auto or a few good horsqa as part paymont Prlco 54,000. Address Bert Newman. Brady. Neb. 2-tf BIshon Beochor. of Kearney, loft Friday ovcnlng for .AUInnco whoro ho preached Sunday at tho Episcopal church. Ho spent a fow days In this city visiting friends. Whllo hero ho won entertained at tho homo of Dean and Mrs. J. J. Bowkcr, Rov. Mnthew son. "lato of Episcopal church in Oak Park, Chicago, accompanied him hero and preached at tho Church of Our Savior Sunday. A largo crpwd attended tho danco aftho Maspnlo hall Friday which was given by ft number of tha high school boya. All, present enjoyed a pleasant erwiSHS. Music was furnished by Crowe' orehwrtra. LOCAL ANDPEIISONAL A number from this city attended tho danco at Ogalalla Friday ovcnlng vhlch wns given following tho Her-shoy-Ogalalla basket-ball game. N. S. Collins, of Sutherland, was vis iting friends and transacting business In tho city Saturday. Ho also placed his name on tho subscription list of Tho Trlbuno J, T. Lloyd, residing on JackMorroW Flats, was In the city Friday. He loft Friday afternoon for Sioux City, Iowa, to spend some time visiting relatives and friends. David Parcoli, of Hastings, repre senting tho Gaston Music Co., was In tho city Saturday visiting Managers Walker und Schatz, managers of tho 'i ofllco at this place. , Edward Jolliffe, of Sarben, arrived In the city Saturday for a visit with frlonds. Ho made a pleasant call at tins ollleo and placed his name on the nubscrlptlon list of Tho Tribune. Miss Hsthor Antonldes, who teaches at Brady, arrived In tho city Saturday morning to spend Sunday visiting in tho city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Antonldes, and with friends. A few days ago William Siebold, liv ing north of tho river sold a hog to C. II. Waltor that woiglied 730 pounds. Tho animal was docked about eighty pounds and still brought the owner ? 12.70. Miss Villa Whl tinker, proprietor of tho millinery department in tho Wil cox Dept. store, leaves soon for Chi cago, Milwaukee, Kansas City, Omaha and other eastern markets to purchase lior spring stock of millinery. Ad Coatcs of Sutherland, was in the city Friday evening and Saturday. Ho como over to attend tho social meet ing at tho I. 0. O. F. hall Friday even ing and remained until Saturday to look after some business matters. For Sale Queen Incubator, 1G0 egg capacity. Inquire of George A. Austin. Claus Anderson, who lives on tho Villa Vista farm and C. A. Laudholm, living on ono of tho Jos. Horshey farms, woro Tribune callors Saturday. Thcso two men formorly lived on neighboring farms In Knox county. Harry Huckfelt, proprietor of tho Holloway ranch, wns in tiro city Sat urday visiting friends. Ho was en route homo from Holstoln, Neb., whoro ho spont somo tlmo visiting relatives and frlonds. Mr. Huckfolt only re cently purchased the Halloway ranch. I Right Fielder Hungerford, of Hor shey, was in tho city Saturday looking after business and visiting friends. He stated that Hershcy will havo a stronger ball team this year than over before. They havo several now playorB that will be in tho lineup this spring. O. S. Clinton, of tho Clinton Jewelry store arrived homo Sunday from Chi cago whoro he attended tho convention of tho national Jewelers association. He stopped off at Hastings to make arrangements for tho meeting of tho MMirnnln naanMn Inn rt itr1.1r.Ti lift la president. Tholr .mealing will ho noxtivlslt relatives and friends montiL, , , Mrj. Charles F. Chapmau and chil dren of Butte, Mont., arrived in thti city Friday for a visit df a few days with friends; Thoy formerly llvnd hero ' and Rev. Chapman was rector of tho Church of Our Savior, whllo In the city they woro qntortalnpd at the homo of, Mr. and Mrs', p. i G))man. Thoy loft yesterday for their homo. n fefit I MM I" I ' "I i MX. e WjM1 KTT ... t.X JT K v .(11 ss-. -!"'B!ii.- JAf smmmkkix iism jmm .rrv. ," TTr".i-s7.-:r-n yvjr1 vt-TrjTT-r:t,iTjjT""r"-"T?'jv. , 11 niirii"rii : I: v-'PIW'Jm;;B wBp.pB. ..' U .IPlii ? I fctEIIIllllQ:-lI 1 YQUR . H F a IJ FRWi ISLRE PR 8 N D. 3 . VH Jh-LJ.',JU-r r ' '.-"-4,v Cv(-:v.r ."' ' '. ' a Sold by Rush Mercantile Co , North Platte Aloo by E. & W. Coker, Sutherland; Ganson & Gansoh i i i t o ' ma n T r? . I 1 r l neraney; Jens sommers, iviaxweu: jno. rrearicKson, or a ay Eat Alfalfa Queen Butter It is Alwf s Frc sh and Sweet Can be Bought Anywhere in North Platte. Made by the fall We also seK Good Clean Buttermilk Phono 62. OUR PRICES TELL A TALE I3ul when you examine our goods you vull be more smpMsed (han ever. We sell the best harness made. All hand made in our own shop and positively guar anteed. Our prices the most reasonable you can find. DOES YOUR HARNESS NEED REPAIRING? Here's the place. We give satisfaction. First class work done on Shoe Repairing. FORSTEDT & SHEEDY, Head juarters for Horses' Wearing Apparel 512 Locust Street. ' - Scss3gESwii i ! , ' !msixam Mr. Chappolle, of tho Sutherland vi cinity, was a business visitor In the city Saturday. A. D. Yates, of Sutherland, ;was transacting business and visiting friends In tho city Saturday. V Frank Facka, residing In the Dick ens vicinity, drovo Into tho city Sat urday in a now Bulck car. 5' John llolcomhe, of 'the Maxwell vi cinity, arrived In tho city Saturday from Omaha wlicro ho spent several dnvn nn luminous ' .. ,, H w .w. . For Sale Fresh Milch cow. A. S. Gregg. North Platto, Phone 794F21. Stato Representatives Scott Rey nolds and W. H. C. AVoodhurst arrived homo Saturday evening from Lfncoln to remain over Sunday. "" Mrs. 0. J. McNamara and sop Charles arrived homo Friday from Omaha- whero they spent a month visit ing relatives and friends. H. R. Waltemath. of the Welllleetyl- clnity, arrived n the city Saturday to look after somo business matters and Excellent for Stomach Trouble. " "Chamberlain's Tablets are 'just fine for stomach troublo," writes Mrs, Gi C. Dttan. Arnold. Pa. 'I was bothered -with this complaint for somo tlmo and frequently had bilious attacks:' Cham- borlaln's Tablets afforded mo great rollof from the first, and Blnce taking ono bottle of them 1 feel like a dlffert ent porson." For sale by all dealers. V Platte Creamery " " - -H- " North Platte, Nebraska. Start the New Year Right By patronizing home industries and buying your cigars of us. We use the best tobacco, and make cigars that we are certain will please you. Try one of onr several brands. J. F. Schmalzried. .Votlce to Non-neslilcni PcfendnntN To Christ Kasinussen, Sablno Rasmus sen. Ills wife, P. C. HasniUHson, flrst and real name unknown, and W. C. Poster, flrst and real namiaunknown, non-resl-dent defendants: You and each of you are hereby noti fied that on December 12, 1914, Stephen L. QelBhart, as plaintiff, b off an an ac tion against you and other defendants In the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, tho object Qf which is to foreclose a certain mortgage on tho following land In said county, to-wlt: AU of section 9 in town 10, north of range 2S, west of tho 6th Principal Meridian In said county, excepting about one and one-half acres, 15 rods square In tho northwest corner of tho southeast quarter of said section, con tracted to bo convoyed to Nebraska Conference Association of tho Seventh Day Adventistn, and a right of way to tho same not exceeding 66 feet wide by til.. ntiArtnut npohdnnlilA wnw mnila Vm. flll'laf ltn.mnuii&n nrwl CnViInn llnflmna. on II life Wlfn .Into, I n.iAmliuo O 1010 to secure the' payment of a prgm'issory iiuiu ul nuiu uurist iiimiiiuHseu nii dh- binenasmussen to said Stephen L. deist hardt for $2,000 on which there is now duo $2160.00 with Intorest from Sep tember 21, 1914 at 10 per cent per an num pursuant to coupons. Plaintiff prays for decree of fore closure and sale of said land to satisfy mtld Hens as aforesaid, for deficiency Judgment and general relief. You are required to answer plain tiff's petition on or boforo tho 1st day of March, 1915. STEPHEN L, OEISTHARDT, J19-4W Plaintiff. I.COAL NOTICE Simon Richards and Sarah Richards, defendants will take notice that on tho 12th day of -November, 1914, Mutual Building & Loan Association, a cor poration, plaintiff herein, tiled Its pe tition In the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against Ida Rich ards, administratrix of tho estato of Samuel Riohards, Deceased; Ida Rich ards, Elizabeth Richards, Simon Rich ardB, Sarah Richards, Esthor Richards, Millard Richards, City National Bank Building Company, a corporation, and Daniel Frankle. Daniel Lyons and Jul ius Lyons, a co-partnership doing bus iness ns Franklo Prank & Company, defendants, tho object and prayer of wmen are to rorecioso tnrco certain mortgagos executed by Samuel Rich ards and tho defendant Ida Richards, upon Lot ono (1) in Block ono hun dred thlrty-olght (138), tho East forty four (44) feot of Lot two (2), the "West twtnly-two (22) feot feet of Lot two (2), and the East twenty-two (22) feet of Lot three (3), all in Block ono hundred thirty-eight (138) of the orig inal town of North Platte, Nebraska, to socuro tho payment of three bonds dated June 30, 1008, for tho sum of $1200.00 each, duo and payable accord ing to tho tonns thereof. That after tho execution and dollvory of the above bond and mortgago to tho plaintiff, tho said Satnucl Richards diod, and that the defendants Ida RlchardB, Simon Richards, EUzaboth Richards, Sarah Richards, Esther Richards and Millard Richards aro tho heirs at law of said Samuel Richards and are claiming an interost In nnd to the above described premises, and that said Ida Richards has been appointed administratrix of the estate of Samuol Richards, de ceased That Bald defendants havo fulled to make tho payments as re quired under tho above bonds, and that tlioro la now duo from Bald de fendants, imil upon said bonds and moituaffe, tho sum of $1981.04. That tin defi ndanta, the City National Bank BuilUlim Company, a corporation, and Daniel Frankle, Danlol Lyons and Julius Lvons. a. co-nartnorBhin doing j. business under tho name of Franklo x'luuji on umjmii yt vitwtii it lion uju'w the Interest of Ida Richards to tho above described property. Tho plain tiff prays that said promises may be decreed to bo sold to satisfy the amount duo thereon. You are required to answer said po tlton on or before tho 15th day of Feb ruary, 1915. Datnu January 4, iuii. 1 MUTUAL UU1LD1 INQ & LOAN ASSOCI- i ation, a I Uv CORPORATIQN, Plaint ff. By WILCOX & IIALLIGAN, Its Attorneys. j&. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special AltttM given to Sergcry and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Bulldinjr. Pl. Office 130 Phonos UG8idenc, hg NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1008 West Fourth St. ants. ar. hall, Superintendent. (irntlunto Nurses In Attendnnco JOHN S. TWINED, Physician and Surgeon. J. 1$. 11EDFIEL1). PHYSICIAN & SUIIGEON Succossor to HYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL l)rs. Redfiold & Redfiold Office Phono 042 Res. Phono G7G DERRYBEBRY & FORBES, Licensed Embnluiors Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phono 234. Night Phono Black 688. KODAK WORK. VIEWS. PARTIES. HOME PORTRAITS AND ENLARGING BEST PAPER USED Phono C42. 723 North Locust. Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red 636 OfllCe 459 C. H. WALTERS. SIIKniPF'S SALE By virtue of an order of sale Issued from the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said Court wherein Krancis Montague is plaintiff and Mrs. Jennie McCauley et al aro defendants, and to me directed, I will on the 12th day of February, 1915, at 2 o'clock P. M., at the east front door of the Court House In North Platte. Lin coln County. Nebraska, sell at Public jucuon 10 ;no ntgnest uiauer ror casn, to satisfy said decree, Interest and costs, the following described proper ty, to-wlt: That piece of land enclosed In the following boundaries, to-wlt: Com mencing at tho northeast corner of Lot Ave (5) of the County Clerk's Subdivi sion of Lot one (1) In the southeast quarter (SI3&) of tho northeast quar ter (N13U) Section Four (4) of Town ship Thirteen (13) North of Itange Thirty (30) west of the 6th P. M. as platted and recorded in the County Clerk's olllce, thence westerly nlong tiie soutn line or Lot Four C4) 027.85 feet, to the southwest corner of Lot rour (4) thence south in a lino parallel to tho west lino of said lot four (4) 208 feet, thence cast in a lino parallel with tho Bouth lino of Lot four (4) about 628 feet to the east boundary lino of Lot live (5) thence north along tho east boundary line of Lot five (5) 20$ feet to the place Of beginning, containing nuout tijree acres. Dated, North Platte, Nebraska, Jan uary 11, 1915. -.. J12-Cw Sheriff. j Ui onuiaiJUikii I'UOIIATIJ NO'l'ICR Inr,,Mar'te,r of he Estate of Lucinda Clai k. Deceased. In the County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, Januaryl2, 1915. Notice Is horeby given, That the cred itors of said deceased will meet the Admlstrator of said Estato, before the County Judge of Lincoln County, Ne braska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 9th day of Febru ary, 1915, and on tho 9th day of August, 1915, at 9 o'clock A. M. each day for the purpoBo of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allow, ancn. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims and ono year for tho Administrator to sot tie .said Estate, from tho 12th day of Jammry, 1915. A copy of this order to bo published in The North Platte Trib une, a semi-weekly newspaper pub lished In Bald county, for four- succes sive wcoks prior to said date, February 9, 19lC GEO. E. FRENCH, J12-4w County Judge. Notice (o Noii-UeHidcnt DcfcmluntH Alvln E. Rogers and Fannie E. Rog ers, his wife, defendants, will tako no tice that on tho 11th day of January, n,i? .-11. .. 1 .... Y Tnr...u ..lnln.lfr liarn- in. tiled his petit on in tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, ngalnBt said defendants, the object and piayor of which aro to quiet his title upon the South half (S) of the South west quarter (SV4) and the South half (S) of tho Southeast quarter (SEH) of Section twelvo (12) Town ship nine (9), Range twenty-eight (2h) Lincoln County, Nebraska, against tho defendants Alvin u. nosers aim i' an nlo E. Rogers his wife, who aro claim ing an interest in and to tho above des cribed promises by reason of a de fective foreclosure, wherein Lincoln County brought a tax foreclosure suit against Alvin E. Rogers and wife for taxos duo upon said premises, nnd said Lincoln County took a default Judg ment against said defendants prema turely, and that said promised wore sold to P. A. Hammond, d that tho said Alvin E. Rogers mad. ppllcation to x-edoom from said tax s.i and no tlco of said application was s rved up on tho said P. A. Hammond, and that no disposition of said motion for ap plication haB ever boen mado. And that tho said Alvin E. Rogers and Fannie E. Rogors, his wife, are estopped from claiming any interest in and to tho said premises by reason of tho fact that said Alvln VS. Rogors gave -said prem ises to tho said Charles B. Rogers upon nmiiiitlnn Hint ho nav a certain mort gage and has been in open, exclusive CliarlOB U. itogers nns imiu sum inori- gago ana nas ooon in upon, evctuatvo and notorious possession under a claim of title for more than ten years prior to the commencement of this action, and hue acquired a good tltlo to tho same. Plaintiff prays for a docree that said defendants be excluded from all right, tltlo and Interost in and to tho above land, and that tho tltlo of sad land be In tho plaintiff. You are required to answer Bald pe tition on or before tho 22nd day of Pobruary, 1915. Dated this llth day of January, 1915. CHARLES B. ROGERS, Plaintiff. By WILCOX & IIALLIGAN, i'. it. Ji.ijijLUAn, J1Z-4W His Attorneys. HogsandCat Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. ,C. DRJOST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Ofllco McDonald Stato Bank Building. Corner Sixth and Dowey Streets. Phones, Ofllco 183, Residence 233 DR. ELMS, Physician and Surgeon Specialty Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Glasses Fitted, New Office In McCnbo Building, PHONE 36. C. C. WALLINGSFORD, l'liysJcIan and Surgeon Office: Rooms 1 and 2 McDonald Bank Building North Platte, Nebraska. Ofllco phono 82, Res. Red 302. Calls answered prompty Day or Night. " Nyal Drug Store Res. Phono Phono 8 v Red 40G C. W. CRONEN, Graduate Veterinarian North Platto, Nebraska. Hospital 218 Locust St. Phono blk 249 FOIt CATTLE HIDES Not Frozen wo pay , -12 Cents Up. NORTH PLATTE JUNK CO. IN TII15 COUNTY COURT OP LINCOLN COUNTY, NEHUASKA. In the Matter of tho Estate of Esther Harris, Deceased Stato of Nobrask-, oln County, ss. To all persons i ted In the Es tate of Eahtor Han la, Deceased: You are horeby notified that on tho 7th day of January, 19115, Mlnla Stew art, administratrix of I ho estate of Esther Harris, deceased, filed In said court her final account as said admin istratrix, and that said final account will bo heard on tho 2nd day of Feb ruary, 191C, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. in the County Court in the City of North Platte in said Countv. And vou aro hereby cited to appear at the tlmo and place above designated, and show cause, if such exists, why said account Should not be allowed. It Is hereby ordered that said Mlnta Stewart, administratrix, give notice to all persons interested in said estato by causing a copy of this order to bo published In the Semi-Weekly Trlbuno, a newspaper printed and published In said county, for three successive weeks prior to the date set for said hearing. Dated this 7th day of January, 1915. GEO. E. FKENCH. J12-3w County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE The unknown holrs of William Van Brocklln; the- unknown heirs of Mar tin Van Brocklln; Howard G. Thomp son and Mrs. Howard Thompson, flrst and real name unknown, defendants, Impleaded with others, will take notice that on the 28th day of August, 1914. Charles J. Gerken, plaintiff heroin, filed his petition In tho District court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which aro to quiet the title In tho plaintiff as against the above defend ants impleaded with others upon tho East one-half (E&) of tho Southeast quarter (SE) and the East one-half (E) of the Northeast quarter (NE) of Section thirty-two (32), Township eleven (11), Rahge twenty-nine (29), Lincoln County, Nebraska, who aro claiming an interest In and to the above described promises by reason of a deed executed by George C. Beneway and wife to Van Brocklln Bros. Ac Company, composed of William Van Brocklln, J. H. Van Brocklln, Martin Van Brocklln and Howard G. Thomp son. And are claiming that while said land was convoyed to the grantors of this plaintiff by said corporation. Van Brocklln Bros. & Company, that tho said William Van Brocklln, Martin Van Brocklln. J. H. Van Brocklln and Hovmrd G. Thompson did not 5oln In any conveyance, and that their Interest in and to said land was never con veyed away. Whereas tho plaintiffs al lege that said land was conveyed to Van Brocklln Bros. & Company, a cor poration, and that the said William Van Brocklln, G. H. Thompson and Martin Van Brocklln never had any Interest in and to said land except the interest In Bald corporation, and that said premises were convoyed by said corporation, and conveyed all the In terest of said parties to the grantors of this plaintiff. And that said plain tiff has been in the open notorious and excluslvo possession under a claim of title to said premises for the last ton years prior to tho commencement of this suit, And this plaintiff is pray ing for a decree that tho above defend ants be excluded from all right, title or interest In and to the above described promises. You are required to answer said pe tlton on or before the 15th day of Feb ruary, 1915. Dated this 4th day of January, 191C. CHARLES J. GERKEN, Plaintiff. By WILCOX & IIALLIGAN, J5-4w His Attorneys Prolinfe Notice In the Matter of tho Estato of John R. McWllllams, deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, December 29, 1914. Notice Is hereby glvon, that tho cred itors of said deceased will meet the ad ministratrix of Bald estato, before the County Judgo of Lincoln County, Ne braska, at tho County Court Room, in said County, on tho 2nd day of Febru ary, 1915, and on the 2nd day of Aug ust, 1915, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day for tho purpose of presenting their claims for examination, edjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and ono year for tho administratrix to set tle tho cBtate from the 29th day of December, 1914. A copy of this order is ordered pub lished in tho Nortli Platto Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper of said County, for four successive weeks next prior to Pobruary 2nd, 1915. JOHN GRANT, J6-4w County Judgo. Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap pointment of Administrator or.... AilmlnlHtrntrlx. Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln Coun ty, ss. In tho County Court. In the Matter of tho Estato of Mary Ann Ell, Deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Charles E. Ell iiraylng that Adminis tration of said Estato may bo granted. to mm nB Aciminisiraior. Ordered, That February 2nd, A. D. 1915, at 2 o'clock P. M. is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested In said mattor may appear at a County Court to bo hold In and for said County, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pen doncy of said petition nnd the hearing thereof be given to all persons Inter ested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The North Platte Semi-Weekly Tribune, a somt-weolcly newspaper printed in said, County, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing ., Dated Junuary 7, 1915.- ono. n. French. . J12-3w County Judge. 4 M i M' rf