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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1915)
THE 8EMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. t fl J ;i i V' '1 FRENCH cHIR3SBS3BmC3ifiSR9lBki Si j TFftyBSeBeMBeBeMMBcMeBPTmrHF" ? 3qmjBMBBiBjBJb WORLD WONDER GUN General von Rohnc Writes of 42 Centimeter Howitzer. Remarkable Weapon Is Dig 8urprlso of the War Deadly Effects of Krupp Firm's Latest Crea tion Described. Washington. In tho Field Artlllory Journal, published by the officers of tho field artillery arm of the United States army, appears under tho cap tion "Concerning tho Fall of tho Col glau Forts," tho first authentic refer ence to tho great Gorman 42-contI-meter guns, which, as tho Field 'Artil lery Journal points out, constltuto tho "great ordnanco Burprlso of tho present war." Tho article Is of unusual interest to ordnanco officers and oxportu through out tho world becauso of tho high standing of its author, who Is Lieuten ant General von Holme, for years ad mittedly ono of Germany's greatest ordnanco authorities. "During tho Franco-Prussian war, 1870-71," Gonoral von Rohno says, "tho Gorman foot artillery was in action against 1C French forts. Among Uiobo wero only throo which, according to tho standards of that tlmo, could bo designated as modern forts. Thcso woro Motz, which hold out ton weoks; Paris offering reslstanqo for four months and surrendering through starving out, and Bolfort, which with stood for thrco months and foil only nftor a regular slego. AH other forts, oven Strassburg, woro not up to date: thoy lacked tho protective outer boil of fortresses, so that tho main attack could immediately bo directed against the city walls. Nevertheless, Strass burg fell only sovon weoks after tho first appearanco of tho German troops. "How ontirely different Is tho aspect furnished by tho assault upon tho I3ol glan forts! On tho sixth day after tho beginning of tho mobilization tho Ger man flag wns unfurled over five of tho Llego fortB and a fow days later tho entlro fortified town was In possession of our troops. Namur foil as quickly, If not moro so, although tho onomy had Jho opportunity of improving tho protpctlon of (hlB fortress ovor that of Llego, "Both thcso fortrossos woro con structed by tho foromost strategical architect of tho world, Gonoral Drlal mont, upon ontirely modern'prlnclplcs, and surrounded by a bolt of forts which almost precluded a oholllng of tho city unless tho forts woro takon first. All of tho fortB woro protocted by armor and equipped with modern heavy guns, in splto of which thoy succumbed after such a short porlod of Bholllng that oven tho artlllorymon, who aro gonorally bolioved to over estimate tho efficiency of their guns, woro completely astonished "From tho oxperionco of recent wars, particularly tho slego of Port Arthur, tho prlnclplo was ovolved that a mod ern fortress could bo tak6n only by In fantry ussault, approaching under cov er and bavins its way cloarod by artil lery. , "Doforo Llego a different mothod was employed for tho first tlmo. In stead of using a largo numbor of small projectiles, ono very powerful projec tllo was thrown Into tho fort, which produced Buch an Immense effect that ono hit was sufficient to destroy all tho gunB of tho fort at onco, and thus broak down its resistance. This Is clearly shown by tho published photo graphs of tho fort turned Into n pile ARTILLERY IN ACTION Feeding a death-dealing shell Into ono of the guns of a German battery. TROOPS EXECUTING A of wreckage. Tho close fight during tho last half century botween guns and armor has been decided, probably conclusively, by tho recent results in favor of tho gun. "This is not tho proper tlmo to fur nish further details; suffice it to say that this result is duo to tho 42-contI-meter mortar whoso bore is twlco as largo no that of tho largest caliber gun of tho land artlllory. This step Is most Interesting and shows great courago. In tbo lino of naval artillery, tho Krupp firm first constructed 24 centimeter guns, thon 28, 30.5, 35.30, 38.1, and finally 40.40 centimeter guns, that is six different groups, and boa not oven reached tho 42-centlmoter calibor. Tho gifted engineers of tho JCrupp works, who worked out the plans of tho world wondor and then actually constructed it, aro entitled to tho thank of tho fatherland. "Without theso guns, streams of blood would havo had to flow as In tho caso of Port Arthur before tho doors of tho two forts would havo boon opened. What valuable tlmo tho most essential thing In bucIi an en ergetically conducted war has been saved and how many othor fortresses will havo to surrender aftor tho first greeting from this giant gun I" CARING FOR THE WOUNDED The ambulance division of tho Gor man army caring for a wounded sol dier. ONLY OFFICEHOLDER IN CITY This Oklahoma Man Apparently Runs the Town and Surrounding Country. McAlcstor, Okla. Tho town of Mas sey, Pittsburg county, is not exactly boasting that It Ib a "one-man town," but tho records show officially that It comes as noar that as any town In tho stato that has as many as 2G0 popula tion. At any rate' thoro Ib ono man in tho town who does all tho work. Tho record doesn't Bhow what tho othora do, but ono Is left to conjecturo that thoy nro busy making a living. W. K. Terry is that ono man. IIo is postmaster, station agont, telephone managor, school trustee, notary public and mayor at least ho bears tho tltlo "mayor of MasBoy." Just to fill up his idlo momonts ho looks after a COO aero farm and hay ranch, and on tho sldo he is r railway tlo contractor and oporates tho only gonoral store In tho town. HERE'S A TIMELY WARNING If You Break Your Telethermoscopo You Can't Get a New One Until War la Over. Pittsburgh, Pa. Until tho warring nations of Europo ahcatho tho sword and got down to tho business of mak ing scIontlflQ Instruments again, tho Pittsburgh Btatlon of tho weather bu reau will lmvo to work along without a tolothermoscopti. Tho telelhormoscopo Is a useful lit tlo Instrument in that It allows tho ob server sitting In his comfortablo offico to tell tho temperature at a glance. Without it, ho must climb a 00-foot laddor on top of a 300-foot building when ho desires tho Information. Pays Way Washing Dishes. Chohalls, Wash. Stlllman Dompsoy, one of tho graduatos at tho Stato col lege, finished his term with $51 cash balance to his credit, it is now learned, after washing dishes in Stbvens hall to pay for his baord and firing tho fur nace to meet other obligations. Tho past two Reasons Dempsoy waB tho champion strong man at tho college. . 7 j1JBJjf'1 PILLAGER STIRS UP THE NAVY Battle in South Pacific Opens Up Controversy. Efficiency of Big Guns In 3ounh Sea Is Subject Naval Officers Must Glye Their Attention to Soon. By EDWARD B. CLARK. (Start Correspondent Western Newspaper Union.) Washington. American naval offi cers are showing a deep interest in tho fairly complete report just re ceived of tho fight between the Ger man and English squadrons in tho South Pacific, a fight which ended In tho dofcat of tho Dritlsh and in tho sinking with n Iosb of all on board of tho cruiser Good Hope. Thero Is a reason for tho sharp interest of tho Amorlcnn officers. This first fight In tho South seas bo tween German and English vessels took placo whllo a gale of wind was blowing and tho sea was running high. German reports as well as those from smaller English cruisers which escaped from tho combat, were to tho effect that tho Good Hope could not uso Its bin runs becauso of the I pitch of tho ship in tho high seas. During tho latter days of tho Roose volt administration a writer ou naval affairs said that some of tho American cruisors,.Bhips of much tho same type ns that of tho English Good Hope, al though tho lattor vessel was-not men tioned or thought of at the time, wero so constructed that In a high sea they could not uso their big guns efficient-' ly. This criticism aroused a lot of at tention and some naval officers said that It was not well based and others said that It was ontirely well based. One American ship which was men tioned by tho critic was tho West Vir ginia, of which it was said with a Bea running a moro stable enemy's ship with tho samo armament and the same gunB could knock tho American to pieces becauso the latter would pitch no that her guns could not bo sighted accurately. 'One curious thing In connection with this criticism was that just bo foro tho articlo appeared President Roosevelt had taken a trip on the West Virginia - from4 tho Mississippi rivor below Now Orleans- around Florida to Hampton roads. While on tho journoy a gale enmo up and Ad miral Drownson, who waB In com mand of tho West Virginia, took tho president on tho brldgo and said to him: "I want to Bhow you how the vessel behaves In a high sea and also to show you that with conditions as they aro we can make good use of our guns." It was accounted singular 'that tho very ahlp which had beon singled out nB n typo of those which would bo in efficient in n high sea was tho ship on which tho president had sailed and had scon under tho conditions out lined. Moreover, It was accounted n coincidence that Admiral Drownson, without knowing anything of tho forthcoming criticism, should have mado an answer to It In advance. It scorns likely that a complete study or tho possibility of tho offlclont uso of the big on our wnrshlps of a certain type will bo tested before vory long, in ordor that a point of controversy may bo aettlod. If it should provo true that some of our ships cannot give a good account of thomsolves, oven with a moderate sea running, thero probably will bo a chango of construction methods In volving a readjustment of weights. Tho navy Just now Is studying this matter with a good deal of interest, nttentlon, ns has been said, having been drawn to It by the predicament which tho English ship Good Hope found herself In when tho mort stable German vessels mot It on tho high seas In a gale of wind. HER BOARDERS ALL MARRIED Landlady of "Lovers' Retreat" dares She Is Going to Try Wedlock Herself. De- Allentown, Pa. Erwln Boyer of this city and Miss Salllo Cutshaw of Pork aslo, who recently took out a marrlago license, aro tho tenth coUplo among tho boarders of Mrs. Colla Alspuch to bo wedded this fall. Tboy loft for PorkaBlo to havo tho ceremony per formed. Tho boarding houso of Mrs. Alspach Is known as "Lovers Retreat." Sho says two othor couples undor her roof nro to get marrlod soon and that ns soon as Bho has theso two couples Bafely launched sho is going to get mar rled again herself. HO If I lind not to grub for brotul My muse mankind would thrill; If nil tho world were not awry X should be famous still. But though I lay the blame on chance, I notice with n sigh Tho fact I cannot quite escape, That half of IF Is I. COMBINATIONS UNUSUAL. To add variety to your tablo try some of thcso dishes. Asparagus With r -ss. Peas. Cut tho ten- jk csaMFsT der portions of a aU 72uMWl3i DUncn of aspara- yMf. BUS nl P,cceB ua,f WiIilR nn ,ncu 'n length; -fjZlth lct U cook ,n bo11" MyiA(fii8afl ing water, with a bjt of sajt an(j a lablespoonful of butter. Beat tho yolltB of three eggs, add half a teaspoonful of sugar, a dash of pepper and salt; If needed a cupful of cooked peas; add three tablespoonfuls of butter to tho nsparagUB and mix with tho othor Ingredients, cook until the egg thick ens. Serve on toast or on a dish gar nished with toast points. Cut tho stem ends from six peppers, parboil for thrco or four minutes In salted water, drain and set In order in a serving dish suitable for tho oven. Havo ready about a cupful and i half of white sauco mado from rich milk or cream, half a cupful of rice looked tender and three milk onions boiled until tender. Cut the onions in bits and mix with a third of tho whlto sauce. Fill tho peppers with alternate layers of the creamed onions and tho rlco. Sprlnklo with a fow buttered crumbs ovor each and put in tho oven until tho crumbs are brown. Serve with the rest of the sauco poured around the peppers at once. Prune Bavarian Cream. Remove tho stones and cut cooked prunes In small bits. Thero should bo ono cup ful and a half of pulp and Juice. Softon a third of a package of gelatin in one-third of a cupful of cold water; dissolve a little of tho prune juice heated for the purpose; add one fourth of a cupful of orango marma lade, tho Juice of half a lemon and two thirds of a cupful of Bugar; stir un til the sugar Ib dissolved, then set In Ice water and stir occasionally until the mixture begins to sot, thon fold In a cupful and a half of cream beaten stiff, and put into a mold. Gar nish with half a cupful of whipped cream and pieces of cooked prunes. HELPFUL IDEAS. The decoration of tho table for simple or elaborate entertaining does not take as important a placo as It should. A properly and at the same time prettily decorated table need not be either expensive or Incur much work. For those who serve with tho beautiful wood of the table cov ered with dollies or with beautifully laundered linen, the conter piece is tho first consideration." When a cloth Is Used thero should bo a heavy silence ;loth under tho linen, which may be of in old blanket or bed spread if ono jannot afford one mado for the pur pose. At any rate havo somothlng to leaden tho sound and pad the table. When a color scheme is desired a piece of silk or sllesta cut a bit Braaller than tho open-worked center piece will glvo a pretty tono of color to tho tablo and If the samo color Is used In flowers and candle shades a most attractive result Is obtained. A center piece which Is a low basket, filled with flowers loosely but grace fully arranged, with narrow ribbons running to tiny baskets also filled with flowers at each cover Is an exceed ingly pretty table decoration. The small baskets may bo bought for five cents apleco or less, To prepare fresh parsley for chop ping dissolve nn eighth of a teaspoon ful of soda in a cupful of boiling water, dip tho parsley in this and let the sprigs remain a moment, when they will turn a bright green, Then di rectly from tho boiling water take them and cut with a sharp knife, then ldd to soup or sauce. Both parsley and mint may bo kept ,n vinegar, spiced or otherwise. Sim ply heat tho vinegar and steep tho herbs In It until of tho tlcslred strength, then strain and bottlo. Such trlnegar will keep for years and Is a great a'ddltlon to many dishes. Dried parsloy and mint may also bo used. For a fresh mint sauco chop a hand ful of sprigs with n sharp knlfo until well bruised and fine, add two tablo jpoonfuls of Bugar and two of boiling ivnter, let stand for a few minutes to iteop, thon add hot vlnegnr, a quarter Df a cup If quite strong. It tho vino- The Last Cartridge. Near the French town of Sedan Is :ho village of Bazeilles, whoro some of tho fiercest fighting took placo In 1870. Thero Is a tavern still standing known as tho Last Cartrldgo, which was tho last French position desper ately defended by tho marines in that bloody war. Tho Inn, which was the only houso not burned down, now con tains a small museum of relics of tho battle, and ono of tho rooms on the QrBt floor Is still preserved in the same stato as It Is seen In the pathetlo H& gar is not very strong the water ma bo omitted and the hot vinegar use to steep mint In. - SOME GOOD DI8HES. For n cold dny there Is no moro ap petizing dish than Chill Con Carne. Boll until tender ono pound of small red chill beans Just beforo they aro qutto douo add ono onion and one olovo of garlic fine ly chopped. There should bo at this time in the dish about three pints of water; add sea Boning of chill powder and a teaspoon ful of salt. Chop a pound of suet, let cook to try out tho fat, remove the bits and add a pound and a half of chopped steak or hamburger. Stir for a few minutes, then add to- the beans and lot cook several hours. String Bean Salad. For a can of beans mix four tablcspoonfulB of ollvo oil, two tablespoonfuls of vinegar, a few dashes of cayenne popper, a tablo spoonful of catchup, and a teaspoonful of grated onion, a half-teaspoqnful of salt or as much as Is needed. Pour this dressing over the beans and toss until well mixed. American Sausage. Grind two pounds each of fresh pork and ham through a meat chopper; chop one small onion, ono green pepper, one red popper and four sprays of parsley, cut fine. To the meat and vegetables add ono teaspoonful of powdered basil, half a teaspoonful each of curry pow der and paprika, a teaspoonful of salt, two eggs, well beaten and ono cupful of rich milk. Mix all tho ingredients together, adding more onion and other seasonings if desired. Spread half a yard of cheesecloth on a meat board; on this lay strips of thin sliced bacon, sldo by sldo; on tho bacon placo tho sausage rolled, spreading the ends with Bllces of bacon, then roll In tho cloth. Tie tho ends and two or threo places through the center or sew it woll. Let cook In boiling salted water (to which half a cupful of vinegar has been added) for three hours. Let cool undor a weight. Servo cold, sliced thin with potato, cabbage or string bean salad. SOMETHING NEW TO TRY. It is true that there is nothing new under the sun, yet there are combina tions of foods which are l $"f new part' be'nB ori6l JUS y&2 nated every day. New new combinations aro always welcomed. Tho following dishes may bo new to many. Cushion Cake. Cream. or soften by-fceat n half cupful of but ter and a cupful and a quarter of sugar; add two well beaten eggs and a half cupful of milk alternately with two' cupfuls of flour which has been sifted with two teaspoonfuls of baking. powder. Add a half teaspoonful of salt and a teaspoonful of vanilla ex tract. Divide into two parts; add to ono part, two tablespoonfuls of molasses, ono cupful of ralslnsono-balf tea spoonful of cloves, onet teaspoonful of cinnamon, and a fourth of a teaspoon ful of grated nutmeg. Bake in a but tered tin for 20 minutes; take from the oven and spread over tho white part; return to the oven and bake, un til well dorio. Pear and Pimento Salad. Fill each canned pepper with two halves of canned pears; place on a bed of let tuce and serve with the following dressing: Put ono teaspoonful of salt into a bowl; add a few dashes of red pepper; four tablespoonfuls of melted butter and two tablespoonfuls of vinegar, mixing well with tho butter. Ollvo oil may be used In placo of butter. Cheese Balls. Rub a teaspoonful of butter Into half a cupful of crumbs; add a fourth of a teaspoonful of mus tard; ono cupful of grated cheese; one egg; a half teaspoonful of salt and a few grains of red pepper, Shapo In small balls, and fry in hot fat. Theso aro nlcotto servo either with soup or a salad. French Pancakes. Take four ta blespoonfuls of sugar; add four table spoonfuls of melted butter; a cupful of milk to a half, cupful of flour; two eggs and a teaspoonful of lemon ex tract. Bake In bIx cakes, butter and put Jam between every alternate ono. Cover with .powdered sugar and servo piled high on a dfsh. Servo cut In wedge-shaped pieces like pie. picture by Alphonse de Neuvlllo, known as "The Last Cartridge," tho scene of which occurred here and from which the houso has taken Us nnmo. Baltimore Star. Open Air Garage Is Cheap. In tho downtown business district of Pittsburgh is an open-air garage be longing to the Automobile club, In which thero is room for 200 motor cara at a time. Members of tho club pay 20 cents a day for parking space. Non members pay at a much higher rate. s ilmkfli The Martini Berceuse. A young lady waB dining with somo friends at their homo. Tho host had concocted somo scductivo cocktails and she had Joined tho others in drinking to his health. Beforo tho dinner was over sho was experiencing that much-talked-ot wobbly feeling that is said to follow n cocktail. Whllo coffee was being served in tho drawing room tho three-months-old son of tho family was brought In to tho room and tho young cuest in sisted oh holding htm. "I nm surprised that ho is so con tented in your lap," her hostess told her, "He doosn't usually care for strangers?' "Woll, you may not know it," was - , tho reply, "but ho is being rocked." Now York Evening Post. THE PROFESSOR'S STATEMENT. Prof. Aug. F. W. Schmltz, Thomas, Okla., writes: "I was troubled with Backache for about twenty-five years. When told I had Brlght's Disease in its last stages, I tried Dodd's Kid ney Pills. After using two boxes I was somewhat re lieved and I stop ped the treatment In tho spring of tho next year I had another at- Prof. Schmltz. tack, I went for Dodd's KIdnoy Pills and thoy relieved me again. I used three boxes. That la now threo years ago and my Back acho has not returnod in its severity, and by using anothor two boxes a lit tle later on, tho pain left altogether and I havo had no trouble since. You may uso my statement. I recommend Dodd's KIdnoy Pills when and wher ever I can." Dodd's Kidney Pills, BOc. per box at your dealer or Dodd's Medi cine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv. Good Advice. "So you want to bo somebody, do you? There'B only ono way you will ever make a noise In tho world." "What Is that?" "Join n brass band." The New York thief who stole a bar rel of ink wilt probably get a term la the pen. WOMAN REFUSE OPERATION Tells How She Was Saved by Taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Louisville, Ey. " I think if more Buf fering womenwould tako Lydia E. Finkham's vegeta ble Compound they would enjoy better health. I Buffered. from a female trou ble, and tho doctors decided I bad a tumorous growth nnrl wnnM hnvn to zbo operated upon. but J. refused as J. do not believe in opera tions. I had fainting spells, bloated, and could hardly stand tho pain in my left side. My husband insisted that 1 try Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, and I am bo thankful I did, for I am now a well woman. I sleep, better, do all my housework and take long walks. I never fail to praiso Lydia. E. Pinkham'o Vegotablo Compound for my good health. "Mrs. J. M. RESCH 1900 West Broadway, Louisville, Ky. Sinco wo guarantee that all testimo nials which wo publish aro genuine, is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound has tho virtue to help theso women it will help any other woman who is Buffering in o. like manner? If you nro ill do not drag along until nn operation is necessary, but at once tako Lydia E. Pinkhom's Vegetablo Compound. Writo to Jjydla. E. Pinklinm Medicine Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter "tvil bo opened, read and answered, by a Tvomaa and held In strict confidence. The Army of Constipation Is Growing Smaller Every Day. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS ai responsible they not only give reuet tney perma nentiycureCi itipation. Mil lions use them for RtliAntflff- Indigestion, Sick Headache, Sallow Skin. SMALCFILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature rjia.iii WHY NOT TRY POPHAM'S ASTHMA MEDICINE! 1 Qlvea Prompt and Positive Relief In Every ' Trial Package by Mall 10c. ; WILLIAMS MF& CO., Props., Cleveland, 0. ! BUCK LEG LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED 17 Culttr! Dliekl.i PMU. low- priced. Iitth. reliable: creftrted In wetUra stockmen, bectute thiy prelect vi hire other veoelnet till. Writ for liooklet and tutliaonlali. 10-deu Bki. OUekltl PHI $1.00 SO. dote pk. Blieklfi Hills 4 00 TIt in, lnlMtar- hit Piitt.r. twill IWSKwaMPIKHumnNi 19 -kV$ vaJ - Mi MM e mm, iuUl Lwy re rhhih a MkPP 1 nADTPpc jMKImB hitti r fflr liVER .SSSBiSHrH HHILL3. $Z2?&&? The nperlorlt of Cutter product It due to our 19 ft re of epecltliilng In vecclm and terum only. UtSit en Cutter'e. IT unobteludle, order direct. Tit Cutter UliereUry, Berkeley, til tr CMtaje, , V SfJBti H V X 4J -( y - 1 -J . fi . 4,4 9-f qfc mr-r if MS, : . It. V v . X I