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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1915)
e ;. Ph if.: i v &ms trttc k&' Ay J, ft tjrm J 1 V n-fU ir :yyxi5soR iso !S222!2Sn,00 ?oooodooo s$a 3rsq35 Qv do F33feCS$ I 15JOP2 QQ SB gra03 S:5rfc-rMO IS 0 n .8 I ' f The Penalty of Eye Neglect HERE is always a penalty attached where a law of tfi nature has been disobeyed or disregarded. 1 here Sail is no escape. Therefore, if you neglect "Nature's Warnings and signals" as shown by symptoms of eye strain Be prepared to pay your "pound of flesh." There are morefoodily ailments caused by eye strain and eye defects than'mosr people imagine. Their plose associa tion with the brain ana the nervous system gives the eyes u marked influence over every part of the body. Eye strain 'and its discomforting physical defects can be cured by correctly fitted glasses which restore to each eycrball its proper length and curvature. If you have an indication of eye strain or eye defect hfu e a thorough and careful examination made, and if "glasses" is tho verdict, put them on cheerfully, realizing that by so doing you aro far better equipped to fight life's battles with the odds in your favor. PROVIDE YOURSELF WITH THE PROPER GLASSES "" Jlj u ? , ltfO DIXON, Jeweler and Optician m Ilaccs at- tho Holler Kink Wodncsday evening, January 27th, Holland. Hall and Mr. Lemon will skato tho second two milo raco, forty laps around tho rink. The winner will havo" to win two races out of three. Mr. Lemon won "tho flrst raco. Roller skating overy afternoon and evening. Afternoons, lGc; evenings, 26d. Uest of order. LARSON PROS , Mgrs. Frances Dolph (Jets Watch. In the fourth watch award inado Saturday In connection with tho pony contest Frances Dolph was tho lucky Return From Firemen's Meeting. Tho local dolcgatcs to tho Firemen's convention which was hold last week at Nebraska City returned homo Fri day and gavo a flno roport of tho meet ing. Tho following mon attended: P. S. Russell, Charles Sandall, Raymond Tlnhc. Fred Dick. W. J. Lnndcrnf. Theodore Lowe Jr.. Adam Christ. 'given for Thomas Jcffors nnd J. R. Raskins. BcrlptlotiB At tho meeting tho proposition oft inBurnnco for tno membors of tho stnto ,1 Million Tony Votes Thoro hro 3G3 people in North Platto who aro in arrears on tholr subscrlp- v lions to Tho Tribune, tho payment of which would mean tho lsouanco of over ono million pony votes. Hero's u- rich field In which tho pony contestants might work. Ono thousand votes aro each dollar paid on sub- 1'or Rent. association was submitted and udopt-4 ed. Tho adoption enmo nftor much discussion and thoy finally agreed up on an cntranco foo of ono dollar Into contestant, sho having mado a grootorliho association nnd nn assessment of gain than any others who had not provlouBly received a watch. Tho flvo dollars offered as a special prlzo to tho ono depositing tho most votes at tho Davis garago was won by Jlmmlo Mullcr. Tho contestants aro now on tho last month of tho contest, February 18th being tho closing day. Tho remaining days will undoubted ly bo strenuous ones for tho contest ants, and as -ho contestant knows tho standing of tho other thoro is only one plan to pursue and that is to keep everlastingly nt It Thousands of votes arc Issued by tho pony voto stores that aro nover cast because tiro contestants tion't happen to bco or solicit tho customer who re ceives or is entitled to the votes. Don't let a voto get awny from you, for at the closo you may loso out by tho lack of only a dozen votes. District Court Opened Yesterday Judge H. M. Grimes formally opened tho extra January term of tho district court yesterday morning and tho day was spent with tho arguing of motions and other routlno matters. A fow of tho cases wcro dismissed yostorday morning owing to tho fact that some of tho attorneys wore neg ligent about getting them boforo tho court. Tho court announced that on account of tho rush of business lie could not wasto tlmo waiting on at torneys and that If thoy would not at tend to tholr cases thoy would have to take tho consequences. Of tho thirty-four cases scheduled to ba tried before tho Jury thoro will probably bo from fifteen to twenty trle,d at this term. Tho cases of tho Union Pacific company may "have to hold over to a lator term. A' number of equity cases were tak en up yesterday morning and tho court announced that thoy would yery likely havo to layover as this would bo on extremely busy term. Tho equity term of court opens hero on April 10th nnd theso cases will probably havo to wait until that time. tt(P9eeeeeeeiBB9eac -4',LoR. 0. H. CRESSLER, S i 2 . Graduate Dentist. m m Office over tho McDonald Stato Bank. ' eaaaaBaaeeeese LOCAL AND PERSONAL Tho little daughter of Mr and Mrs. Herman Sagesser ts reported ill with tonsilitis. J. P. Smith, of Wallace, arrlyed in the city Friday to spend a fow days visiting friends. Mrs. Stevo Pappas, residing on west ' Eighth street,, is 111 with a severe at tack of lagrlppe. , Tho littlo baby 6t Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Brenaman 1b reported quite slqk at their home on west Twelfth street. C. H. Bostwlck of tho Hershey vi cinity was In the city Saturday to at tend tho Farmers' meeting at tho court house. Fresh Frozen Fish from now until after lent nt TRAMP'S GROCERY STORE. 2t2 Superintendent Frank Smith, of Sutherland, was in the city Saturday transacting business at tho ofllce of the county superintendent. F. W. Lindekugel of the Hersliey vi cinity was in tho city Saturday to at tend tho meeting of tho farmers which was held at tho court house. Dr. H. C. Brock, dentist. First Na tional Bank Building. lOltf Mrs. Frank Hatch left Sunday night for Lawrence, Kansas, whero sho will spend a week or more visiting her par ents and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. James Dorram left Saturday evening for Omaha to spend a few days. While In that city Mr. Dorram will take medical treatment from Dr. Jonas. 0iQJ iJJTjtT1 4 ifP " "efirii"&i: f5' Nou Is tho time to secure jour Cockerels for Spring Breeding. I linYe . Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds to choose from. Theso nro farm raised, Strong nnd Vigorous fellows tlint I nm suro will gho satisfactory results. Conio early and get choice of tho flock. My win nings nt the Lincoln County Poultry and Pet Stock Association Exhibit were as follows: 1st on Cock Bird from which these cockerels wcro bred; 1st on Pullet of snnio breeding; 2nd on Pen. J. II. VAN CLEAVE. J IShow, .of tho jjqrshey vicinity, was in tho city yesterday Transacting business at, the court house; Attorney P. W. Blackburn, of Omaha arrived in tho city yesterday morning to attend the term 6f district court. Rev. J, Ci Christie, wljo Is holding meetings in Hershey, was visiting in tho1 city a short time yesterday morn US. ' The ladies guild of the Episcopal chiirch will hold a social meeting on Thursday afternoon at tho home of Mrs. F. W. Rlncker. W. A. Wilson, of tho Sutherland vi cinity was a business visitor at the court house yesterday and remained for a few days visiting friends. I wish to thank my many friends again for their1 steady support in tho pony contest also Mr. Davis for the $5 prize. JIMMIE MULLER. Pat Norris returned Sunday evening to his studies in the state university in Lincoln after visiting in tho city over the week end with relatives and friends. There will bo no meeting of the Yeo men lodge this evening as was an nounced. The meeting which was to havo been held is postponed until Feb ruary 9 th. Mrs. William Patterson left last ev ening for 'her homo In Mlneapolls, Minn., after visiting in tho city for sov oral weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor VonGoetz. Miss Lena Moore, of Kansas City, has accepted a position as stenogra pher in tho Hollmaa and Sebastian of fice in tho plnco of Miss Ada Boutwell who recently resigned to accept a po sition with Wilcox & Halllgan. George Bruer, of this city left yes terday morning for Ogalalla whero ho will spend several days on business. Ho has a contract for setting a num ber of presses in a printing office at that place. Fresh Frozen Fish from now until after Lent at TRAMP'S GROCERY STORE. 2(2 County Treasurer A. N. DUrbln an nounces that a number of the tax pay ors in tho county aro paying in their personal taxes this week to get them in before February flrst when distress warrants will bo served and thoy will havo to pay extra. Vcrn Abbbergast of Grand Island, was In tho city Friday ovonlng to at tend tho "Safety First" meeting. Ho was formerly a resident of this city but left several years ago for Grand Island. Dean J. J. Bowker left Saturday morning with Bishop Beechor for Al liance, Bridgeport and other towns In tho northern and western parts of tho district on some church matters. The deanery meeting will bo held at Bridgeport beginning next week. County Superintendent Aileon Gantt returned Friday from Lincoln whero sho spent several days attending tho stato convention of county superin tendents. Sho reports a good meet ing and much business of interest transacted. HEATING STOVES BELOW COST $8.00 and upwards, handsome stoves and coal savers; cold weather bargain' for those who call curly, nt Ilerslic , opposite post office. 1 J Highest prices paid for stoves a"'' second-hand furniture. F, II. Wood west Fifth street. 88tf A hog raiser marketed eight hogs at JJraay Saturday that averaged over 500 pounds each. Ho received a little over $30 each for them, which seems quite a bunch otrnoney for a hoe. b Attorney Alfred EUIckt of Omaha, representative of tho legal department, or. the union Pacific company, arrived In tho city Saturday to spend a short tlmo on business. W J. Tiley left Sunday In company With Grand Master Stallcup of Dee Moines for Brulo to look after some Yeomen work. From thero they will travel all over tho northern and east ern parts of tho stato on a speaking tour. The Lady who is yet to buy either a coat, suit or uress can not afioru to miss our lust call offer which gives you your unrestricted choice of our very best up-to-the-mlnuto garments In the. store that Bold up to $40.00, at oniy $imw. ul,uuk'!3, 'i'no woman's Style. Shop. Rbv. E. T. Mathowson left Sunday evening for Chicago whero ho Is now making his homo. Ho was until lato principal of tho Episcopal school at Shaddock, Wis., but recently accepted tho rectorship of ono of the large churches in Chicago and will roturn there. Ho came out to Nebraska upon tho solicitation of Bishop Beechor to speak to the Episcopal clergy in this stato and filled in Sunday for Dean Bowker at tho Church of Our Saviour. Ho preached two good sormons Sun day. For Sale Nino room, modern resl denco at 504 west Fourth street. FIuo shade and bearing fruit trees on the lot. 104tf F. W. Rinckcr of thiB city was visit ing in Keystono Saturday on business in connection with his storo. Ho an nounces that tho now bank building at that place was opened Saturday with a nice program. Tho building was beautifully decorated and nice refresh ments wore sorved to tho two hundred or more guests that attended tho open ing. Tho bank thoro has but recently completed a building of their own and it is fitted with all modern conven iences, including a burglar proof steel vault. Monuments ft All those needing monuments or oth er cemetery work will do well to call and inspect our stock and prices bo foro placing orders. Wo carry a largo stock and can savo you money. W. C. RITNER, Ofllce and Shop in rear of tho Rltner Hotel. 2-3 - G40 acres at C3c per naro cash; all good farming and hay land; 1G0 acres In cultivation; good four room lioiiso; barn for 8 head horses, grainory 24x40, ,, good well, 10 foot Sampson mill, ce- ono dollar per mombcr for each death. ,:nont cave 12x18, chicken houso 12x15. For denth tho association pays $500, Tho association has now about six hundred members nnd this now meas uro will undoubtedly bring In many now ones which will probably cut down tho death assessment. Thomas Jcffera of this city was run 1 for stato treasurer of tho association G miles north of Wallaco on C. B, & Q, 12 miles south of Sutherland on U. P. Ry. Address W. II. HARDING, 2-2 North Plntto, Neb. A Queer Phenomenon. A peculiar phenomenon appeared in but as thoy arrived lato ho did not get' " 8k,,0.a Saturday night shortly btf Into tho raco until It was woll along. At thnt ho was dofeatcd by a margin of only a fow votes out of tho four hun dred cast. John Herrod has under consideration tho erection of a 26x132 two story building on his lot cast of tho room ho occupies on east Sixth street. If ho builds ho will move" his grocery store thereto. ' "Mutt and Jeff" nt tho Keith Musical comedies will como and go, but "Mutt and Jolt" will llvo forevor. That's what tho Keith looked llko last April with Its capacity audlcnco as sembled to bco Gus Hill's perennial success under tho now tltlo of "Mutt nnd Jeff in Panama," Why? Because Gus Hill is a real showman. If his play comes to tho Keith twenty times It will bo now every tlmo, but tho lr ropresslblo cartoon characters of Bud Fisher's artistic brain, "Mutt & Joff". It Is all now this year "Mutt & Jeff In Moxico," story, muBlc, scenory, cos tumes and tun galore, all of which is ontirely now and original, thoroforo oven If you saw "Mutt & Joff" last year and tho year boforo, still you havo not seen it all. Tho now vchlolo is fbcttor than over nnd soems to fit them llko their own funny skin. Wo do not oxaggerato ono whit when wo say it eclipses any musical comedy that has over visited theso parts. Tho en tertainment is a veritable innovation of tho stago craftsman's art, and is not confined to tho accepted version of musical comedy but reaches out to Bnatch a bit of molo-drama, a "chunk.'' of farco comedy, and a "sllco" of ex travaganza, and nil that Is good and clean nnd refined in travesty. You nover will get better vnluo In quanti ty or quality of entertainment than is being dcnlt out at the Keith Sat urday. Tho inovitablo bunch of chor us girls nro thor'o, pretty ones for sure, with, It seems, a hundred dif ferent pretty dresses, and a now bo witching dnnco or a song to each now dress. Matinco and evening perform ance. Tho small son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Kennedy, chef at tho Union Pnclflo ho tel, sustained a bad laceration on his nock Sundav when .ha foil on a stick with yhl(ih'he; was playing,- it- rpf quired several stitches to closb the wound. "" """ Ray Murray of Lincoln was visiting in tho city over Sunday with his broth er Frank of this city and other rela tives alid friends. foro midnight in the Bhnpo of three moons. ThoBO who first saw "It do ctded at onco to sign tho plcdgo but upon calling tho attention of sovcral men whoso reputation 1b nbovo re proach thoy decided that thoy wcro not "soolng' things." There was a bright spot in the clouds on either stdo of tho moon which appeared at about eleven thirty and remained for ovor an hour. When they flrst appeared thoy wero al most as bright as tho moon which was under a film of cloud and thoy gradu ally grew more dim until they disap peared. Above In the heavens thoro was also u bright film of cloud that was of perfect crescent shape for about tho samo length of tlmo. Interrogated as to tho prospects for building oporations In tho spring, a lumberman said Saturday thatTho out look wad rather promising. About a dpzen lumber bills had boon submitted to him for figures already, which com ing so early indicated at least that many prospective builders. Tho small son of Mr. and Mrs." Geo. Altchlo fell Sunday on tho ico and broko his collar bono. Tho little boy was playing on tho sldowalk and slip ped on tho lco. 60,000 VOICES And Many of tho Voices nro of North Platto Pfoplc Thirty thousand voices What a grand chorus 1 And that's tho number of Amorlcan men and women, who aro publicly praising Doan's KIdnoy Pills for relief from bnckacho, kidney and bladder ills. Thoy say it to friends. Thoy toll it in tho homo papors, North Platto peoplo nro in this chorus. Hans Johnson, 014 Walnut street, North Platto, says: "For years I was troubled with kidney complatnt duo to heavy work In tho blacksmith shop. I havo frequently taken Doan's KIdnoy Pills, procured from Schiller & Co.'s Drug Storo, and thoy rid mo of back ache, lameness and other kidney dls' L orders. I recommend Doan's KIdnoy Pills as a remedy of merit that all kid ney sufferers Bpould try." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply aBk for a kidney remedy got Doan's KIdnoy Pills tho oamo that Mr. JohnBon had. Foster-Milburn Co., Propd., Buffalo, N. Y, Stop and Think What Do Want in a Motor Car? Appearance You want a car of graceful lines, beautiful finish. Stylish ap pointments one that is quiet, 8tatelyahd easy of control on tne crowd ed boulevards. ' Comfort You want a car that gives you a comfortable ride deep uphols ' tery. Springs that relieve the car of vibration, every.conveniencc foiy ' driver and passengers. Power You want reserve power to meet all road emergencies sleep hills, sand, mud and to give you speed when speed is needed. "f1 Strength Your safety lies in strength. You want the maximum of safety. Durability You want your car to give long, hard service whether for years r of use or for good value in future exchanges. To My Friends niul Customers. Regardless of all reports to tho con trary I expect to make North Platto and viclntly in tho spring onjny reg ular piano tuning trip and will call on you at that tlmo. HARL M. ALEXANDER. In charge of Tuning and Repairing Department Gaston Music Co. It3 Notice of Sheriffs Sale. By vlrtuo of an execution Issued by Geo E. Prossor, Clork of the district court of Lincoln county, Nobraska, up on a judgment rendered In said court In favor of Fred R. GInn et al against William Hupfcr, I havo levied upon tho following real estate as tho prop erty of said William Hupfcr to-wlt: All of IotH soven (7), eight ((8) and nlno (9) block flvo (5) In Trustee's Addition In North Platte, Nebraska, and I will on tho 29th day of January, 1915, at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day. at tho front door of tho court houso of said county In North Platto, soil said real cstato at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash to satisfy 1 J ix.utlon, tho amount duo there , on, In tho agncrcgato being tho sum of $3G8,G3 and $'070 cost and accruing 'cost Dt. comber 28, 1914. A. J. SALISBURY, 98-5w Sheriff. uick Motor Car fulfill all these requirements and there are styles and sizes t suit your need and your pocket. Fours and Sixes, $900 to $1660. Demonstrations gladly given over routes that REALLY PROVE the (W. J. S. Davis Auto Co., NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. t " f. 1 v r