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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1914)
A a v A y We thank our patrons LOCAL AND PEKSONAL D W. Roberts, of the railroad offices left last evening for Cheyenne td spend Christmas. Mrs. Roberts went there last week to visit relatives. Ralph Alden arrived in the city yes terday morning from Lincoln to spend the holidays with Ills parents in this city. Mr. Alden is taking the dental course and for that reason was kept longer than the other students. Highest prices, paid fov stoves and second-hand furniture. P. II. Wood gate, 511 Locust St. Phono Red When parts of two different items are joined together the result appears very ridiculous. This was evidenced in Tuesday's Issue when the first lines of an item relative to Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Norton was attached to another 'tern. E. T. Kelihor arrived in the city yes- .-..! .. C -..!. ii LL'juay mui uuiti uuui uiiuiuu iu apcttu Christmas with his folks. Francis J. Dunn, of the Nyal drug store, leaves this evening for Wood River, where he will spend Christmas with his mother. - i i No preparation is etiinil to Imperial Cream Lotion for chapped IiuihIh,. A full 1 ounce bottle '25c, at Stone's Drug Store. ' J S. L. Ford, of Lexington, arrived in the city Wednesday to spend the win-1 ter with his son, R. L. Ford of the C. O. D. cleaners. lie was accom- panled here by his sister-in-law, Mr3. ' Ellen Thompson. Ho may decide to make this his permanent home. George Guthard, a farmer living near Paxton, was injured Tuesday night by falling over a switch in the local yards.. He started around a freight train to board a passenger train and, stumbled over the frog of the switch.! His left thigh was badly bruised. i Tho Monarch Mullenblo Iron Ilnugc, the Slay Satisfactory Range at Her shcy's, opposite post office, l'hono 13. Miss Esther Antonides will arrive in tho city this evening from her school work at Brady to spend the Christmas vacation with her.parents, Mr. and Mrs D. J. Antonides. They have only a week's vacation at Brady this year and school wac kept all tnls week. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Whittaker, of Mechling, S. D., arrived this week to visit for some time with P. M. Soren son and family and Edgar Schiller and family. Mrs. Whittaker was for merly Miss Verna Sorenson and Mr. Whittaker is a brother to Mrs. Edgar Schiller and Miss Villa Whittaker. For Rent After December 1st, the 14-room house on Sixth street east of the Lloyd opera house. Good cel lar, bath, electric lights, city water, -v Inquire of Mrs. R. D. Thomson, 511 west Fifth street. SStf Win E. O'N'ell, of Omaha, fell yes terday morning in a day coach and fractured ono of his ribs on the left Bide. Tho Injury was very painful and of quite serious nature. He suffered considerable pain and bled Internally. O'Ncll fell over a cracker box as ho was entering a car and struck his side against ono of tho car seats. Wo tho undersigned garage proprie tors of North Platte in view of tho fact that efllciont scrvico Is hampered by oxtenslvo credit, do horeby place our business on a strictly cash basis. Tho samo is become effectivo Jan. 1, 1915. Wo play no favorites and mean no oN fonso to any of our customors. MINER IIINMAN, J. S. DAVIS, IIENDY & OGIER, por P. N. OGIER. Passengor train No. 19 which runs through hero was wrecked Tuesday afternoon thrco miles west of Rock Springs, Wyo., and tho engineer, Ho gan, was killed and tho fireman In jured. A freight wreck earlier in tho day was tho cause of tho wreck. Tho freight wreck occurred when tho pas senger was about 100 yards away and Homo of tho cars were thrown over tho west-bound trnck. Tho cnglncor saw tho wreck but could not stop his en gino In time. Ho had applied tho cmergoncy brakes and tho sand, but could not bring tho train to a stop. Miss Josephino McKeown left Wed nesday for Denver to visit through the holidays for past patronage and will endeavor to merit a continuance of the same. IXON, The Jeweler Mrs. Roy Hilton continues to im prove at her home on qast Third street. She Is able to sit up now each day. Miss Buchtel, formerly a nurse at tho P. & S. hospital, loft yesterday for Brady whero she will spend Christmas with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend Peck of Omaha, will arrive today to spend Christmas with Mrs. Peck's parents and other friends. Mrs. Simon White returned to her home in Horshey yesterday after hav ing visited her daughter Mrs. Slzemoro for several days. The "Folly of Anne," a Majectic comedy, and "Tho Hateful God," two part Kay-Boo at tho Keith Christmns night. M. Lanning, clerk in the roadmns ter's office, leaves today for Lexing ton where he will spend the week end visiting his parents. Mrs. Myrtle White Sankey and George Siemoro left yesterday for Woodbine, la. Georgo expects to re main there for a year. Mrj. K. Kyno was able to leave tho Brown Memorial hospital yesterday after having ben confined there for ; LYoral weeks for medical treatment. Mra. Carl Bonner returned thin week from a trip of several weeks. While away she visited relatives and friends in Franklin, Kans., Kansas City and Sterling, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Leininger leave today for Farnam where they will spend Christmas witli Mrs. Leinlnger's parents, Mr .and Mrs. Ernest llulcn. They will make tho trip in their car. Paul Roberts arrived in this city Tuesday evening from hi3 school work in the state university and visited her) over night. Ho returned Wednesday morning to his home in Maxwell. Mrs. Whittaker, of Vermillion, S. D., will arrive today for a vi3lt of some time with her daughters, Mrs. Edgar Schiller and Miss Villa Whitaker, of this city. Tho Royal Noighbors' Social Club will meet at tho homo of Mrs. C. W. Wilson, G21 West B. 3treet'noxt Tues day afternoon. Hoping that every member will be present as It Is a meeting of Importance. Tho choir of tho Baptist church gave their sacred concert Sunday evening last and it was attended by a largo number. Tho music was very good and was much enjoyed by thoso who heard it. Tho choir is doing ex cellent work under the direction of Mrs. C. II. Leininger. Miss Roxlo Murphy, who teaches in tho Sutherland schools, will spend tho Christmas vacation visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Murphy. Miss Noble, another teacher, will accom pany her hero for tho holidays. The schools in Sutherland arc having Just one week vacation. Ml&s Cordlco Ruby, who is suffering with blood poisoning in her hand, was operated upon Tuesday. She was put undor anaesthetic and tho bono was scraped. Sho suffers considerable pain from tho infection and tho op eration was painful. Miss Ruby was formerly a nurse at tho P. & S. hos pital. County Treasurer A. N. Durbln re ports that the paying of tnxes Is slow during tho holldavs. Tho reason must bo that pooplo are doing much Christ mas buying. Since tho first of Decem ber until this last week tho olllco was rushed taking In monoy for taxes that had hecomo delinquont. Automobllo drivers announce that slnco tho fall of snow the roads in the loiis.try are much better than they v. ere before. The snow has filled up many of tho ruts and haa frozen In a smooth surface Some of tho drivers have ventured to drive out in tho coun try without chains, but tho moro pru dent take them along. P. .1. DIKXKir & CO. Real IMalo nnd Insurance Como and see us for town lots In differeut parts of the city. Good In vestments on easy terms. Hour.os for sale and rent We have al o good bar gains in farm ami ranches Cor Frcnt and D' ' t ir "ii Few Injuries ul lee House. Very few Injuries nro reported thus far at the ice house as the result of mishaps. The company has taken every precaution against accident and has all of the machinery in the best of shape. The few accidents that havo been reported nro mostly tho result of carelessness and arc of a minor nature. William H. Wilson was hurt yester day morning as the result of a ladder slipping out from under him. Ho fell to the ground and sprained his left elbow which will keep him off for several days, tho arm had been broken twice previously. Pat Thornton had his fingers badly smashed by shutting a car door on them but was off for only a short time on account of tho accident Only a few other minor in juries nro reported. R. L. Baker left last evening for Omaha to spend Christmas with his parents. William Cokor was u business visi tor to the county seat from Sutherland yesterday. Earl Spaulding and Art Anderson of Sutherland, were visiting at tho coun ty capital yesterday on business. Mr. and Mrs C. 0. Wcingand will leave shortly after the first of tho year for California whero they will spend a month of moro on a vacation. Mr. Weingand sttjtcs that ho has not yet decided just how long they will re main but they will spend the winter there. HnplMs Io Program. Tho Sunday school of the Baptist church will hold their Christmas fes tivities this evening in the basement of tho church. A short program will bo rendered and tho remainder of the evening will bo spent in a general Jollification. Tho children have been working diligently to get their pro gram in shapo and they will have a nice ono. All members of tho church nnd Sunday school aro invited to be present. Werner-Gordon Wedding. John Weaver, ,21, and Miss Bertha Gordon, 19, of the Paxton vicinity, were married yesterdoy afternoon at (thc 'coujrt house by County Jmgo Grant. Tho couplo was attended by Thomas Halloran and Fred Traver, both of Paxton, who also witnessed tho contract. The ring ceremony was used. Tho groom Is a young farmer of the Paxton vicinity and they will make their home on a farm there. E. V. Battershell, of Paxton, spent yesterday in this city visiting friends and transacting business. Miss Merle Thomburg has accepted a position in tho North Platto candy kitchen in thlB city. She took up her duties yesterday morning. Famous Novel, In Four Parts, with Her bert Rawlinson and An na Little, will be shown at the - - - rysta CHRISTMAS NIGHT Hugh Conway s iS&CK JOHN S. SIMMS, M. 1)., Physician mid Surgeon Olllco It. & L. Building, Second Floor. Phone, oilier'., M; Rjmldencc 38. Oflici phone 2-11. Km. phone 217 1. . C . IJ.R O T , Osteopathic PhynlffiHit. North Platte, Nebrnsktt. Mi Donald hank building. DR. ELMS, Phynician 07id Swgeon Specialty Eje, Eii, Nose. Throat Glass,. Fitted. Nw oftieo in Huildinjr, l'llONBM C. C. WAliljLVtiSKOIll), I'll) sir Jan and Surgeon OtftVi : Room 1 and 2 McDonald Bank Building North Pintle. Nebraska. Olllco phono 82, Res. Red 1102. Calls answered prompty Day or Night. Sheriffs Sale By virtue of an order of sale Issued from tho District Court or Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decrco of foreclosure rendered in said Court wherein Ruben W. Rlsbcrg Is plain tiff, and Albert F. Larson ct nl aro defendants, and to mo directed, I will on tho 18th dny of January, 191G, at 2 o'clock p. in. at the east front door of tho corut house in North Plate, Lin coln county, Nebraska, sell at public ahctlon to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said decree, Interest and costs, tho following described prop erty to-wit: Southeast quarter (SEtf) Section Savon (7) Township Ten (10) North of Rnngo' Thirty-two (32) Lincoln Coun ty. Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Nebraska, De cember 14 1914. dl5-5w A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff. Nyal Drug Storo Re3. Phone Phone 8 Red 40G C. W. CKOXEK, Grndtiulc Vcierlnurhin North Platte, Nebraska. Hospital 218 Lo.upI St. Phono blk 219 Start the New Year Right liy patronizing home industries and buying your cigars of us. We use the best tobacco, and make cigars thai we are certain will please you. Try one of onr several brands. J. F. Schmalzried. HIDES. rUHS AND .HUNK Paying Top Price for Hides BONKS $7.00 to $8.00 Villi TON of all kinds NO. I'LATTK JUNK IIOUSK. Legal Notice. In the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. William Schneplor, plaintiff, vs. James E. Lane, mortgngeo uuinod In tho mortgagu In tho petition herein described, tho unknown heirs or leg atees nnd dlviseeo of said Jnmes E. Lane, deceased; tlto unknown heirs or legatees and dlviacc3 of Joalah Har rington, deceased, as assignee from said James E. Lnno of ..aid mortgage , unu uiu IU1I UBllllU cuvurcu null clouded thereby, to-wit: Ws NWVi and EVi SWV, section 21, township 12 North, rnngo 32 West Gth P. M., defendants. Each and all of tho defendants above named and described, will take notlco that William Schaoplcr, plain tiff heroin, on tho 18th day of August, 1914 filled his petition In tho olllco of tho Clerk of -the District Court Of Lincoln County. Nebraska, against the defendants hereinbefore In tho ti tle named and described, tho object and prayer of which aro to obtain tho decree of said court to quiet in tho plaintiff tho titlo to said described real estate to-wit: E NW4 and Efc SWJ4 section 21, township 12, North, range ::2 West Cth P. M., at?.iiiist (he appareut and un enforclbli' li n arising by virtue of tin1 mortgage thereon, made by Alton L. Mult In to JuniLS 10. Lane, dated March 10. 1891. recorded March 24, lh!M in book 13, page 473 of the mort gage records of said Lincoln County, which said mortgage has been fufly paid and satisfied and due and legal assignment of same was made by said James E. Lane to said Jeofail Har rington, now deceased, tho last named having executed and delivered good and HUillcicnt relenso of said mort gage, but both said inbtriimcnts, to wit: said assignment of mortgage and relcaee thereof, so ns aforoHaid duly executed, acknowledged and delivered, havo been lobt or destroyed without re cording and all without fault or laches on behalf of said plaintiff, who prays for said decree without redeeming or offering to redeem therefrom, full sat isfaction of tho samo having been made, and for cqultablo relief gener ally. You, tho said defendants, and each of you, aro required to nnswor said petition on or before Alondny tho 18th day of January, 1915. Dated Dei ember 8, 1914 WILLIAM V WW I'll t .i witlff By Kilg a. Blttn ii attorni)) n -tola Ncbr DS-1 " miS& JcvwC r it -tit t;i i vkj xniBni Geo. B. Dent, Physician' and Surgeon. Special Attention giten to Surgery and Obstetrics. Olllee: Huildinjr nnd Loimi Huilding i Oflice 180 Ki'-iilcn.-e 116 Plume? lltillimtliKftY k KOIIISKK, Ucruied KkiIm liners Undertakers and l'tinei-iil directors Dy Phono 231. Night Phone Muck ',!:. Order of llearim; on Petition for Ap pointment of AdmlnlNlrnlr or Admtnlrtttittrlx. Tho State of Nibutskn, Lincoln Conn ty, . In the County Court. In the Matter of die Estate of John II. iMeWililnms. D-'ceased. On leadline hid) filing tho petition ot Kllrnlielh McWHUains praying that administration of aald estate may bo granted to herself as administratrix. Ordered. That Dcci'inbnr 29, A. 1). 1914, at 9 o'clock a. m. in assigned for hearing said petition, when all per sons intonwtod In said matter may appear lieroro a County Court to ho hold in and for said County, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not bo granted; and that no tice ot tho pendency of said petition and tho hearing thereof bo given to all persons interested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order In tho North Platto Tribune, n sonil weekly newspaper prluted In said County, for thrco successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated December Cth. 1914. JOHN GRANT, 9213 County Judge. Probate Notice. In tho Matter of tho Estato.of William Landgraf, Deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, November 25th, 1914. Notice is hereby given, thnt tho cred itors of said deceased will meet the Administrator of said Estate, before tho County Judgo of Lincoln County, Nebraska, nt tho County Court Room, n said County, on tho 29th day of De cember, 1914, and on tho 29th day of Juno, 1915, at 9 o'clock a. m. ench day, for tho purpose of presenting their claims for oxtinilnntlon, adjustment and allowance. Six months nro al lowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year for tho Admin istrator to settlo said estate, from the 2Gth day of November, 1914. A copy of this order to bo published In the North Platte Tribune, a legal semi weekly newspaper of said county for four consecutivo weeks prior to De cember 29, 1911. JOHN GRANT, 9011 County Judge. n. (1. llOllIIICIt, Attoriu-y. (M.r) Oiimliu National Hank llullillng Juliet i Xitii-ltc'Hlileiit Pi'tViiilmilN Tlieilefi'iiilunt.s. Arthur HiiUIoh, Ilan nnli lUttlt-H, Stella A. Dnwil, Dowil, tier lnislinnd, IliHt ami rual liuino un known, unit eitcli of them aro hoMIIim Hint on tho lsth day of November, 1 y 1 4 , Jporno 11. Warren tiled a petition In the District Court of Lincoln County. No brnxkn aKunut Halil nliove named ilo fenilantH, Impleaded with, tho object anil prayer of which aro to foreclose bla certain rnort KUKhs exeoutud on tho S7th day of April, 1D12, by tho defendant, Arthur llnttloH In favor of tho l a. Liv Stock Coiiipniiy, ii corporation, upon i'u fol lowing deHcrlbed propeity. Mtulued In tho County of Lincoln and State or Nebraska to-wit. One niortKiiKo for $500 00 on tho north ono-half of tho tioutheiiHt one-fourth, and the Houlb wost one-fourth of the Houtlicum onc fourtli, and tho northeast ono-fourth of tho HouthwcHt ono-fourth In .Section seventeen, In township sixteen north, of raiiKu thlrty-tno wont of tho sixth I' M., In Lincoln County, N'oliniHka, reeorded In Hook 12, I'nitci 310, of tho AIoi'tKiiVu Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure n llrnt lnorlwiKti 'oupon note or obligation to said IT. ,s. Live Stock Company, a corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912, and plaintiff alloireu that thoio is due upon said noti ami obligation the mini of $r.15.00 with Intercut thereon at the Mite of fi per rout tur minimi from tlm 27th day of October, 19 II: one inort ft.iffo foi $1000.00 on the north one.-li.ilf of section eownteon, iu towiiHlilp hIn teen north, of riine thirty-two west of the sixth I. M. in Lincoln Comity, Ni hmisl.a, rceoulid in Hook 12, 1'uko 1121 of the morlKH,o lecorda of Lincoln ounty, NebriiMka, to secure a KirM MorticiiKo Coupon nolo or obligation to said U. H. Llvo Stock Company, u corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1012, and plaintllf ullonos that thero Is due upon said note or obll Kutlon the Hum of $1090, with lnter ist then-on at tho late of 11 por cent per iiiiuulii Irom tho 27th rtnv of Oc tober, 191 1. That each and all of tho nforiHald notoH and inortKni;en have been duly assigned and transfeired to this plaintiff. Tho plaintiff jm that each and all of said luottKUKed premises bo decreed to no Hold to nalHlv tlm amounts ilin thereon nnd that each and nil of said defendant mi A porronti claiming by, through or under thorn or any of them bo excluded from nnd foioelosed of all interest, right, title, lien mid equity of redemption In to and upon said pruin Inch YOU are ; nulred to .muwer said pe tlton on or before lh. 2Gth day of January, 1915 UHoriOU j. W A UK ION, Plnlntlff. lly K c. HoiluVr, Ids Attorney K. "C. lKHIDKII, AOoniej. '" " M5 (Hiiaha National Tlnnl; litilldliiir MoMcp to Von-IteMdenl llefeiiilnuls The defendant, Arthur Unit Us, Han nah Hiittlis, Stella A Uowil, - Uowd, tni lumuanil, flrtt nnd nal rnunu un known, Austin H. (Ihrlst, I Kidney Sulth, John I'J OhrlM, lOunlci A Jlirist, Harvey Mi t, Krnnk Wllle, It ,f. Davis, tliMt and tmil nine unknown, F. J Whitehead, flirt and real name un known, A J. Whltf, flm and reul n una unknown, Slis. A. J. White, firm and real name unknown, L. It. Went, Hist nnd real n mm unknown and Mr. L It. West, Ills wife, llrst nnd iul name unknown, and each of them -in notined flint on tho iHth day of No vember, 1911, .lamoH A Ii'lko tiled a p. -lition iu tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, iiKulust unld above named defendants impleaded with olli- eis, the object nnd priiynr of. which .no to foreclose his certain morii; men ex ecuted on tho 27th day of Apiil, 1912. by tho defendant, Arthur llittleu in favor of tho It. S. Live Stock Company, a corporation, upon the following des cribed property, sltuatn.l in tho County of Lincoln mid State of Nebraska, to wif Ono niorlKak-o for 1500 00 on tin west one-linlf of the northwest on. fourth and the soutliea'd one-fourth of tho northwest ono-fourth In so. Hon three In township fifteen north, of ra litre thirty-two went of the sixth I' M , Lincoln County, Nebraska, recorded in Hook 12, I'utro 1117, of tho Mortgntfo itecoids of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure a Klrut Morttrauro Coupon noto or ohllKutlon to said U. H. Llvo Stock Company, n corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912 nnd plain, tiff iillcKcs thnt thorn Is due upon tiald note oi obligation the sum or $515 00 with inti rest thereon lit tho rato of C por 1 1 nt pi r annum Irom the 27th d iy of iji tobi r, lull one mortratro for i nu no on ii, outn onr nalr of tho ,'oitlitte tcii to rtli, Hi urrtlou H vi n 'Urn and tlm noiti on -half of tho northennt ono-fourth In section nine teen, nil In township sixteen north, of rantjo thirty-two west of the sixth P. M. In Lincoln County, Nebraska, ro uordml In Hook 42, I'tute .m, or tho MortwnKo Records of Lincoln County, Nubraskn, to seaum n I irdt MorttrniTa Coupon note or oblli. itmu to snld (J, S. Llvo Stock Company, i toiporntion, dfttrd tile S7 th day of Am it, mi, md plaintiff hIIukuh thnt th ino u..,n said note Or Otilltrat "n Ii, imn uf $B4u On, with Intel est i'. i ... 'it Hoi rule of tr cent per ,i,u . irm.i .no 37th d.iv of Octoln r, l l ti mi t Kiu n for J 1 000.00 on H . h. . Hivvpi , , fourth nnd the went .. not thweiit one-fourth n.,t one-fourth of the nortn. . and the southWist on. f southeast onc-foui th i ,.f '. -oiitri I ....... lo utii ( 1 1 ii in ii tten, towuslilp slxtorn innin. of i tlilrty-two west of tt. I i ii r Lincoln County, Nebi u , i . cordi llooli 42, Vaae .'tej i.r tin Moit, Heeords of Lincoln Count). Nubi . to secure Hrst Morti.K 'i . Noto or obllKHtlon to ; il it. S Stock Company, a coiporntian. d the 27th dny or April, IU!.', .,nd pi tilt nlletfeH that there In .lue upon i note or obligation tin sum of Ji ulth Interest at the r.ite o. tt p. r p.-r nullum from the -'.th d.iv of . .t 1 el 0 nt r. toher. 1914 Thnt each ui.l ill of Ui.i iiforeinld notes nnd mitnii,i ivi be n duly nsslirned nnd lianhf. ired to tlib plaintiff. Thin plaintiff prays that each nd nil of said mortgaged pr. mti.s lie da crood to lie sold to satisfy Hie nine irttn due thereon nnd thnt aclt .md an of said di.fendantH and a'l peivmiH el n -ln by throutrh or undei tlit-m or nv tn tin in lie excluded irom . t it .1 ,'.. , eloHed of all interest, niiim title li ti Hid canity of redemption In to .ml upon Mild premlsuH. 'ou art required to answer said p- tltiou on or before tho SHth day of January, 1915. jamijs A. vikk, Plain titr Hy IS. C. Hodder, His Atttnn.y. I.'. C. llODDini, Atturnr.r. GID Ointilin National Hnuk Hulldlne Xntlee o Xon-llrnlilrnt llefeiiiliintH Tho defendants Will Oiittilm, Clara C outtrim, Austin S. (Ihrlst, John K. (Ihrlst, Krnnk Willo, C K Mnrouls, Urt lino real nnino unknown and J. Sidney Smith, nnd each of tliem iro notlllud on tho lsth dat of .,o oiuliur, 1911. Anna V. Metcalf Mu n petition In tho District Court of Lin coln County, Nobrnska att ilnst tho wn!d nbovo mimed dofcudauts lmpU- uied with others, t,ho object and piuyer of which nro to foreclose certain mort KiiircH nxeeutod by tho ilefelidiiiits Will (Intttini tmil Clnrn C. Uuttilm on tho 27th dity of Api 11, 1912, in f.Vvor of tho V. SI. Llvo Stock Company, n corpora tion, upon tlm following desoutied piopcrty, Bltuated in tho County of Lincoln nnd Htnto of Nebraska, to-wlt: Ono u.orttriiKo for $1000 00 on tho west one-halt of section twenty-one In township sixteen north of runtre tlilrty t'i) west of tho sixth 1 M. Lint oln County, NMirnska, recorded In Hook 12, Pntro 1107 of tho MortnaKo Itetortla of Lincoln County, Nohruska, to set uro a l-'litt Morttrngu Coupon nolo or oti littntlou to said It. H. Live stock ( mi pan, a corporation, dnt'd Hie J, 111 .lay of April, 1912 mid plaintiff all.'. . I thnt there is duo upon said note or nh lit'i'tlon the sum of $109n, with lot r eM thereon nt the rate of t per . i t per nnnum Irom the 2;th day of .' tober, 1911; Ona iiiorti.,i.-e for llomi no on the oast one-half oi 't.ctiiu twent ono iu towiislilp Mtxtoen north, of rauiro thirty-two west of tin sixth f. ti. In Lincoln County, Nebraska, lecoiiled 111 Hook 12, I'mre Mil of the MortKnco ' ltecordb of Lincoln Count , .Sebr.t ka, to secure a Klrst Miirtn.isii 'oupon note or obliKatlou to e.iid V. S. lavo Stock Company, it corporation, d.itcd tho 27th day of April, 1912, nnd plain tllf tillegos that there is duo upon ...hl noto or obligation the sum of $1090, with lutoroiit thereon at the i"ite of (i per tent jier mitium from tho 2 ah dny or October, 1911; Ono inurtKUKo for $500.00 on tho northeast one-fonrth of section twenty-nlno in township six teen north, of rantru thirty-two wost of Oio sixth 1'. M. in Lincoln County, No brnska, refolded In Hook 12, l'atco .'103 of tho AlortKiiKo Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to socuro a Klrnt ATorttriiKo Coupon noto or obligation to said U. S. Llvo Stock Company, a corporation, dated tho 27th day of April, 1912 nnd plnlntlff alleges that there Is duo upon said noto or oblltrn- Hon tho Hum of $515.00, with Interest thereon at tho rato of fi per cent por annum from the 27th dnv of October, 1914: Ono inorttriiKo for $500.00 on tho southeast one-fourth of tho southeast ono-fourth and tho west one-lialf of the southeast ono-fourth nil in section twenty-nlno In township sixteen north of rnngo thirty-two west of tho sixth I'. M. and the south half of the south oust ono-fourth of tho southeast ono fourth in section nineteen, In town ship sixteen north, of rmiKo thirty-two wcHt of tho sixth P. M., till iu Lincoln County, NobniHkn, recorded In Hook 42 and I'age 305 of the . MortiriiKu Hucords of Lincoln County,' Nobrnska, to secure n Klrst Atorttrmjo Coupoiu noto or obligation to snld V S. Llvo Stock Company, u corporation, dated tho 27th day of Apt II, 1912 and plaintiff nllescs that there Is duo upon said note or ob liKatlou the Hum ot $515.00, with in terest thereon at tho rato of tl per cinL per annum from tho 27th day of Oc tober, 1911; Ono mortgnKo for $500,00 on the southwest one-fourth of section twenty-nlno In township sixteen north, of range thirty-two west ot thu sixth 1'. Jl. In Lincoln County, Nebraska, recorded In Hook 12, I'atre 309, of thu MortKftgc Records of Lincoln County, N'cliraokti, to secure n Klrst MortRiiKO note or obligation to said II. S, Llvo t'.tock Company, n corporation, dated the 27th day of April, 1912, and plnln tlff ulli'Kos that there Is due upon Maid noto mid obligation the sum of $515.00. with Intercut thereon nt the into of U per cent por annum fiom tho 27th dnv of October, 1911. That each and all of the aforesaid notes and lnoiitniKcH havo been duly ntiHlguod and transferred to this plnlntfir. Tho plaintiff prays that each nnd all of tho said morturaued iii-oiuIhos be de creed to be sold to satisfy tho amounts due that con nnd that ench and all Of said defendants and all persons claim ing by, through or under them or nny of them bit excluded from mid foreclos ed of all interest, rltrlit, title, Hen and equity of redemption In to and upon said prcmlsos. You are required to nnswor snld pe tition on or before tho 20th day of Jan uary, 1915. ANNA V. MIOTCALF, Plaintiff By 10. C irodder, Her Attorney I".. C. IKIIIIIIMt, Attorney, 015 Omaha National Rink Building .Vol lee lo .aii-l(olili'ii DcreuiliiiifM Tlm defendants. Will uttiliri', t' i C. Outtllni, k'rank Wllle. Kllnlce A Ulirtst mill John Christ, her husband, and tilth of them ai notified !hat Oil the lsth day of Novembt i 1914. James l.'lke tlltil a intltion In tlu Dlitrict Court of Lincoln County. Ne lirask i against said above named de felidnnts linplosded with others, the otiject and prayor of wljlrh are to fore i lose his ctittaln uiortuutre exeeuti d on the 27th day of April, 1912 b the de fendants Will Outtrim and Chun C (iiittrliu for $500.00 In favor of the I i Live Stock Company, a eoi miration, i. pon the northwest oiie-fouith (.N. W 'i) of Section twenty-nine (29), In township sixteen (It,) north, of i aiuro tlilrtv-two (32) west or Hie slxtli (0th) l HI I I... .!,. (-.,,,,.... N-..I i... .."' .. i.., ....... .... ..,tt,ijr, i.utiiiinuit, IU- cordod In Hook 12 of Morttrnucs, I'airo am ni ii,. m... ,.,o .... i, r. .lV. ... . ," ...... ..i hi.- ...... , i,,-v.fllll ll X4l- coin County, N brnska, to secure tho payment of a First Moi ttratco Coupon note or obllKi'tlon to tho said U S. ' . i"1" -iiimii, j-nrpuriuion, tittil.. flrit., nt At.nll I7,1. in,., ...i.i,: ......... .....w ... .,,,i M,vu, iju, WHICH said noto and inortKiiKo lias been duly unniHHuii uiiti ii ansiorrcii lo tins plain tilt nnd thin plaintiff ulletreH that thoro V',1L"?" ! rain i IIUIU mu ixun of $5U).00 with IntnroHt thereon nt ttw. nt.. ,.f H r... ....... .... . m : '..i'V . " '"" i""1 I1"' tiiiiium irom the 27th day of October, 1914. Tho plaintiff prays that said inort iraired promises bo decreed to bu sold to satisfy the amount duo thoroon nnd that each and till of said defendants nnd all persons claiming by, through or under them or nny of them ho oxcluded from nnd foreclosed of nil lntorost, rlKlit title, Hen anil equity or redemp tion in to and upon snld promises. ou nro required to nnswrr snld pe tition on or before tho SOtli day of Jnn unry, 1915 J VMKS A Viler Plnlntlff Hy 11, C. Dodder, Ills Attorney.