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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1914)
Playing with Fire Is whnt every property-owner does who neglects to have his iiomo and his holdings Insured against tho de vouring element. Fires cannot bo prevented. They happen when ex pected least, and in the most curious ways. The best protection is a Flro Insurance Policy in a reliable com pany like mine .1 make myself ro punsibl lor vour loss. to oub casim & 1 lSfTS V ii$P ANDTkWS iHwnrtwnaCTMr.wr.wwaainnwmii CLINTON, THE JEWELER. DR. 0. II. CRE5SLER, Graduate Dentist. Ofllco ovor tho McDonald State Bank. LOCAL AND l'EKSONAL W. h. Cnry, of Omalia, spent yes terday In town transacting business nnd visiting friends. Frank Herrod came down from Ogalalla this morning and will spend Christmas with relatives and friends. George A. Austin was called to Springfield, 111.. Tuesday night by a telegram Informing him that his sis ter was not expected to live. Mrs. Geo. M. Smith went to Grand Island yestorday to spend Christmas With her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Carson, and Mr. Smith went down today. A baby g'rl was born yesterday to Mr, and Mrs. '.Vnlter Ross, residing in the Fourth H'nrd, It lived only half an hour. Burial of the body will bo mado this afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Morlcdgo and son of HnstlngR, nro tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Uruco Brown. They nro par ents nnd brother, respectively nt Mrn. Brown. ' J. R. MliiHlmll, who hud been visit ing ohl-timo friends la town for couplo of days, returned this morning to Bridgeport, whero ho is making his homo with his son. .- J. Guy Swopo received a welcomed box this week from far back In Penn sylvania. Tho box contained black walnuts, chestnuts, shell-bark hickory nuts and a number of other products of tho wooded country. It wns sent him by his father to turn Ills memory onco mora to tho plnco of his boyhood. Ho also got a gallon of fresh oysters straight from Baltimore? Mrs. B. Boatman returned tho first of tho week from a month's visit with relatives and friends in Illinois Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Norton return ed yestcrdny from Grand Island where they spent a few days visiting friends. Mrs. Arthur Orris left this morning for Denver to spend Christmas with relatives nnd friends. Sho will visit tbcro for several days. Miss Erma McMIclmel, bookkeeper In tho Howe &Maloncy store, leaves today for her homo in tho Welllleet vicinity to spend the week end with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. John S. SImms and lit tle daughter lcavo today for Hastings where they will visit over Christmas with tho doctor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. SImms. Mrs. O. D. Richmond was able to leave the Good Samaritan hospital and return to her homo In Lexington for tho holidays. She was confined there for some time for medical treatment. Miss Thou Schwnlger, teacher in tho Lincoln city schools, arrived In the city last evening to spend Christinas wltn her parents and other relatives and Ulcndb Tho trains from tho east are still running from thirty minutes to two nnd a half hours behind their sched ulo on account of the cold weather. Passenger train No. 13 was over two hours late this morning. Weather forecast for North Platte nnd vicinity: Unsettled weather to night nnd Friday; probable snow; not much chango In temperature. High est temperaturo yesterday i7, a year ago 29; lowest temernturo last night 11; a year ago 10. Frank A. Baldwin Is homo for the holidays, visiting hi:, parents. Frank was chosen by his team irntes as cap tain ol tli.' Kansas City Veterinary Co' lego f'MUball .cam of I'JIo ilo sns that ('icy have the UihIu'i Indian:? on their schedule, as well as scvoral oth er Missouri Valley teams. Christmas Dinner at the Vienna Cafe. Oyster Cocktail Shrimp Cocktail Salted Peanuts English Walnuts COCKTAIL Crab Cocktail SOUP Chicken Consomme ala Princess KKLISIIKS Sliced Tomatoes Chow Chow Bleached Celery Green Onions Garden Radishes Dill Pickles Pickle Lily Hot House Lettuce FISH Fried Channel Cat Fish, Saratoga Chips Fritd Wall Eyed Pike, Montpellor Butter Boiled Spanish Salt Mackerel, Steamed Potatoes Broiled or Boiled Fresh Lobster au Mayonnaise Breaded Red Snapper, Marite D Hotel Fried Rainbow Trout, Rasher of Bacon BOIL Boiled Sugar Cured Ham, PouqUent Sauce EXTKKKS Stuffed Spare Ribs, Bordclalse Sauce Queen Fritters with KIrlsh Sauce Fricassee of Chicken ala Parisienno Escalloped Oysters ala Baltimore Lobster ala Nowburg au Crusta COLO MEATS Cold Prime Rib of Beef, Potato Salad Boiled Sugar Cured Ham, Danish Slaw Boiled Milk Fed Chicken, German Potato Balad ROAST Roast Prlmo Ribs of Beef au Jus Baked Domestic Duck with Baked Apples Roast Fall Turkey, Cranberry Sauce, Oyster Dressing Roast Sirloin of Beef, Baked Beans VEGETABLES Mashed Snow White Potatoes Garden Spinach Hard Boiled Eggs Early Juno Peas in Cream English Plum Pudding Hard or Brandy Sauce DESSERT Rot or Cold .Mince Pie vIth Brnmly Snuco Fruit Cake Assorted 'Nuts Cream D Mints. Illllllllllllllllllllll ilfl BiiHiliii ItthI 81illiiIHfiifc BHiBlHIH t JiiilWllHB ,tttli1nr1tl1iltiR It v TOrtSS vfh fyfivR I I Wffl8iiHFtt8 J3rtil IIIlJ Mfelm! """ " Wf--cltnlhufH I Wre3ySJNml2i MP1 "J ! aH w wA I ? I oWTB s&lffe Bl w J I 1 J ll WW m w SH SBnllMIIH Mrs. Ben Lappman left this morn ing for Sutherland to spend Christmas visiting .relatives and friends. Fred Gushing, employed in tho RubIj Mercantile store leaves this evening for Sidney whero he wilb-spend Xnuw with relatives. Mrs. W. C. Patterson, formerly Miss I Initio VonGoetz, arrived in tho city this week to spend Christinas with her parents, Mr, nnd Mrs. Victor Von Goetz. Mr. and, Mrs. II. P. Parker of Raw lins, Wyo., nro visiting in tho city for Christmas at tho home of Mrs. Par ker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lowe, Sr. They arrived yesterday. Chillies Turner, tho genial porter at tho Rebhausen barber shop, was passing" around his usual Christmas box of "General Joe's" this morning and remembered this olllco with a plcns.uit call. Tho Hobson resllution to submit a constitutional amendment for na tional prohibition to tho state legis latures was defeated In tho house Tuesday night. 197 members voting for and 189 against it. An alllrmatlvo vote of two-tlilrds wns required to udopt tho resolution. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Whcelock returned tho early part of the week from Gib bon, wlioro they wore called by the death of Mrs. Wheclock's niece. Miss Alice Stuart of Adratian N D arrived lu the eily yesterday to visit Hirougb the holidays with Miss Flo JuAiisnn Slit- .p cis to remain here for two weeks or moro Eugene Soutler and Clarko Souder, both of tho Wolltleet vicinity, arrived in the city today to spend Christmas wlthHhelr brother, S. M. Souder of the county treasurer's oillce. They will remain here fur a'vlsit of several days. lonttliis Boy Struck by Train i sterdux morning train No. C struck elKhle. ll-enr old BOtl of W 11. Ji nklns in the yardtt at llerohey. Tho young man was badly bruised nnd i r but suffered no serioiu Injury. The buy had conio into town nnd t uiid .units the track ahead of the mi .Did did not quite get across. Ho v i- pi. Kd up on the pilot and carried me littKf difference before the train . i iiruiight lo a stop. Medicnl aid i-. Mimoued and) several stitches . remind to close up tho boy's .mid-. H was cut quite badly about '! In .id and face. It was almost a nil. hi.' that he'wuti not killed. Church of Our Sin lour. Following is the Midnight Choral Eucharlstlc Service which will bo held Cliristmns eve at 11:15. Processional, "It Came upon a Midnight Clear," Kyrie. , Gloria Tihl. Carol, "Willie Shcperds Watched." Anthem, "Behold ye His Star." Sanctus. Agnus Dei. Carols, "Little Town of Bethlehem," "Sing O Sing this Blessed Morn." Gloria in'Excelsls from Mozart's 12th Mass. Recessional, "Hark tho Herald An gels Sing." Children's service and tree at 7:30 on Tliursday evening. Holy Communion at 9 o'clock on Friday morning Just Received Sold by Rush Mercantile Co , North Platte Also by E. & W. Coker, Sutherland; Gaboon fiz Vinson Hcrshey; Jens Sommers, Maxwell: Jno. Fredrickson, Brndy Itnlpli Welborn Asks Dliorco :miii w.i. tiled this week in the office . i the clerk of the district court by '. . t ili iM. WVlborn asking divorce from .mil Edna Wolborn. The grounds i .viroine cruelty and Inndelity l Maim iff alleges that they wero mar- ri.l lu Sun Refreal. Cl.. August 1G, !'! I. TlKy later ramo to Lincoln . unity where tftey have made their i nil rime December 2, 1912. Uo u'Miei aMigi that on or about" Sep- iib- - 1 1, 191 1. whllo they wre vlsit- iti Wyoming the defcmltiiii pro- d . and threatened o plium ii . i threat oued aeverul tun- lo ill lii.ii which oauMcd him wr.ut d- .nfort and nuutal anuulhti. Ho ul- alb'g tliut while away ha a i uilty of adulery and thut fines that i .in !(. ii iK r- 'mietl to voluiitarllv live wSffiMiiSSiSa mfmwu ii uvul aTCKuq I rf" 1GT " H 'flfee Sar m. jebsol JA v J SI sxme mmma f REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INSURANCE j ROOMS lANoa, I.O.O.F. BUILDING, 3 NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank -of KOltTJI IL,A.TTI5, XIiiSliA.SlA, Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CAPITAL, AXD SUJiPLUS: One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE IIAYE KEEN THE FACTORS IN THE GROWTH OF TJIIS RANK, AND THE SAME CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LARGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Coates Lumber & Coal Co. Successors to The C. F. Iddircgs Co. KLEAN KOAL iu? wnw Ho'LongWAITS when ordered. No short WEIGHTS when delivered. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ELMER COATES, Manager. PHONE 7 FLOUR $1.40 PER SACK Kearney High Patent. POTATOES Fine Sand Hill Potatoes in Five Bushel Lots 50 cents. FEED Corn, Wheat,-Oats, Speltz. Bran, Shorts and Baled Hay. When you buy Feed and Potatoes buy by weight not by guess. We also have in connection first class horse and auto Livery. JULIUS MOGENSEN, Prop. PHONE 29. Miss Mildred Allam, formerly of this t ity, but who for the past year has beep teaching near North Platte, was in tho city last evening and this morning with friends, being enroute id Lincoln, where he will spend the holidays with her sisters, Mary and Hazel Allam.--Grand Island Independent. i ii ) i ,t it. SoniHIihie; now ill Tulilo Lamps. Hronzi'il staudanls with dainty colored shades. On account of arrhing late- these are specially priced at .$l(Ur. If it v,ill ac commodate you mo Mill make it $!.:) down and $2 per month. Vo haven't many, so act quick ly. North Platte Light & Power Co. ( H. Mon s M m eer DR. J. S. TW1NEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics nnd Childcn's Diseases Olllco McDonald State Dank Uuildlng Corner Sixth and Dowey Streets. Phones, Olllco 183, Rosidenco 2S3 NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 100S West Fourth St. MHS. ar. HALL, Superintendent. Graduato Nurses In Attendance JOHN S. TWINEM, Physician ami Surgeon. lleferco'h Sale. By virtue of nn Order of Sale is sued in the District Court in and for Lincoln County, Nebraska, on tho 21st day of December, 1011. in an action of partition wherein Samuel Mooro and i Th odore Smith are plaintiffs and j Roy Hewitt. Kdna lUwitt, Goorgo j Hewitt,. Lester Hewitt, Glenn Hewitt. j Olive Smith and Arlie Smith, all minor ! heirs and ('. J. Hewitt, father and nat 1 ural guardian of defendants Rov How iu, Edna Hewitt, George, Hewitt, Les ter Hewitt and Glenn Hewitt and Joslo , Smith, mother nnd natural guardian of defendants Olive Smith and Arlio Smith respectfully are defendants, I will sell at Public Auction at tho East Front Door of tho Court Houso in tho t ity of North Platte, Lincoln County, I Nebraska, on tho 25th day of Januarv. 1915, at tho hour of ono o'clock P. M. tho following described real estate, situate lu Lincoln County, Nobraska, to-wit: The Southeast Quarter of Sec tion Twolvo (12), Township Ten (10), North of Range Thirty-threo (33), West of tho Gth P. M. Tho terms of said salo will bo cash in liand. Dated North Platte, Nebraska, this 21st day of December, 1011. O. K. ELDER, Roforee. T.S. COVlttt Lunch Uooin .lust Opened Regular Meals 2.1 Cents. Try us. JilO Front Street.