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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1914)
et t ftA fto erth ptte j&mt-tSfteellg Stfifamt TWENTY-NINTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., DECEMBER 29, 1914. No. .98 HOY JtOBERTS WAIVES rJtELIMIXARY HEARING JV& maai im3 acSKi 3ljeatu3c fcO If r IS HOUND OVER TO THE DISTRICT COURT ASH REMANDED TO JAIL llegins to Lose Iron None "Which He Has Hud Now Knows Evidence Is Against Mm. In the county court yesterday morning Roy Itoberts, accused of the crime of murdering Vernon Connctt, waived preliminary hearing and was bound over to the district court. Ho was remanded to the county jail with out bail as the case is one which does not allow for ball. Kobe:ts is beginning to weaken and does not show the nerve he has shovn at all preceding hearings. Ho now knows the evidence against liiui and has all but confessed his guilt. On different occasions ho has nearly brok en down when questioned by the at torneys. Sunday evening Roberts sent for At torney Muldoon, who is assisting the county attorney in conducting the trial, and asked to have a talk with him. Ho was informed that the evi dence was strong against him, but Mr Muldoon advised lilni not to plead guilty unless ho was really so. Only once did ho lose his temper. That was when ho thought of the electric chair. Ho stated to Mr. Muldoon that if ho wont to the electric chair he would "bo on the shoulders of the men that sent him there as long as they lived." For the most part, however, he was calm and collected. He showed a much greater inclination to talk and told Mr. Muldoon that he would be willing to talk to them whenever they came. Roberts' trial in tho district court will be held at the next term which convenes January 25th. At that time ho states that his brother will be here and that ho will have an attorney from Lexington. Ho has been trying to get his attorney since tlio arraignment Thursday but tlws far has been un successful. The hearing yesterday morning was held in tho district court room as the county court room would not begin to accommodate the crowd of mor bidly curious that was present. Over a hundred were present and tho dis trict court room and tho jury box wero filled to capacity, many having to stand. A large number of the spectators were from out of town. The web of evidence is so strong about Roberts that there is little doubt as to the outcome of the trial. It Is anticipated to a small degree that he will break down at tho last minute and plead guilty and throw himself on tho mercy of tho court. "When told Sunday evening of the confession of his mother and his step father ho stated that they were both liars. When Mr. Muldoon told him of his mother's feelings toward him and of his llttlo sister's testimony of hav ing seen them carry tho body away he was silent for a few moments and then stated that Connctt was still alive. Af ter that he talked very littlo until Mr. Muldoon left when he asked that he como again and talk with him. One -Fsft Off Hxaxm Beginning December 26th and Closing January 13th we will give you a discount of one-fifth from the regular price of every article carried in our Dry Goods, Cloaks, Dresses, Suits, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Notion, Gents' Furnishing and Shoe stocks. These goods will be sold to you at regular price and one-fifth deducted from your i & urn. JJunna this sale we will not oraen anv new goods in tnese departments, so it will pay you to come early before the assortments are broken. Wilcox parfment Store. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. SIMS?1 ass 3L2iW . vw a. s i 2 cast MKWt tov S33 Il3i! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parkis and little daughter, of Clarhs, Neb., are visit ing at tho home of Mrs. Parkis' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. G. D. Gold smith, eight miles southwest of this city. They arrived last week.. Farnilco Denied New Trlnl The motion for a new trial in the case of the state of Nebraska vs. Rob ert Parmlee, charged with statutory rape, was argued Saturday afternoon before Judge Grimes by Attorneys E. H Evans and G. N. Gibbs. Tho court overruled the motion and sentenced Parmlee to from three to twenty years in tho penitentiary. Immediately after the court's decis ion the attorney for tho defendant tiled notice of nppeal to the supreme court. Mr. Evans will go to Lin coln some timo this week to file the petition before the supremo court. In the meantime Parmlee is in the cus tody of the sheriff. Rail cannot bo fixed until tho petition is filed in tho supreme court and It must be fixed by that court. Tho main argument for a new trial was the non-resident juror who sat on the case. However, that question was formerly settled by the court. De fendant also alleged that he had not been given a fair trial. When asked by the court why sentence should not be pronounced lie spoke for several minutes protesting his innocence and asking for tho mercy of the court. Lost Sunday, between town and tho experimental farm, a new brown muff. Reward for return to Mrs. Al bert Durbiii OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CAVTAL AA'D &URI-T.US: One Hundred and Fifty ThouoandDolIars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HAVE REEN THE FACTORS IX THE GROWTH .OF THIS BASK, AND THE SAME CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LARGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Elks, Take Notice That the banquet Is on Now Year's Eve, and not on New Year's night, as heretofore. Tho date on tho tickets is not correct as they were left over from tho last banquet. Do not bo mislead. Tho number of tickets sold is 10G, and Caterer Hupfer has decided to. provide a few extra seats for rail road men who can not know ahead whether they will bo in or not. COMMITTEE. ieales L umber & Coal Co., Successors to The C. F. Iddings Co. NoJLong WAITS when ordered. No short WEIGHTS when delivered. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ELMER COATES, Manager. PHONE 7 Jiiuuiic Muller Wins Wntcli. Littlo Jlmmlo Muller won the watch Saturday afternoon in tho pony con test. This wns tho second award of watches and four more will bo given away beforo tho close of tho contest. The five dollars in gold given as an extra prize by the Davis garage was won by Aileen Lynch. Interest in tho pony contest con tinues unabated, and the total vote cast during the period between counts is Increasing. Some of tho contestants are holding back their votes, but there is no advantage in doing tills, nB the standing of tho contestants will not be given publicity until tho close of the contest. Nobody but the secretary of tho pony vote association, Edgar SchIlloi knows tho total vote cast by each con testant, and he will not give out the information to any one. Nobody can tell who will win tho pony outfit, it depends on tho hustling ability of tho contestants. Keep over lastingly at it, boys and girls, tho pony outfit is certainly worth tho ecort. i Court Finors Union Really Co. Tho tax case against the Union Realty & Investment company was de- I elded in tho district court Friday in . lavor or the company. Tills caso was taken before the county commlsssioners early in the fnll tifi.l flin 1. .,.,.. 1 Knluml I lw. ..v '"' .. wiv, liwiii u luiatll nil- IMA assessment of tho company to tho amount proscribed by law for invest amount prescribed by law for invest bonds, etc, tho same as a bank. The question under controversy was whether or no this company came un der the statute providing for such tax ation. Tho court decided that it did not. Under tho assessment as raised the company was paying taxes on its stock as well as on its personal proporty tho samo as for personal property, taxes being assessed on tho stock at that rato. Tho company proved that it was merely a holding company and that tholr stock con sisted only of their real estato hold ings. That It was taxable only as an individual on tho real estate values and not on tho stock. Tho tnxes assessed against tho com pany exceeded $1,300 and they wero reduced by tho court to twenty dollars. The Simon Fishman store at Sidney was closed last weok by Mr. Fishman giving a trust deed of tho stock to the creditors-.' Tho liabilities are said to bo about $25,000. Tho creditors will meet shortly and decide upon some courso of action in regard to the disposition of tho stock. Mr. Flshmnn was ro-olectcd county treasurer at the lato election and will hold that posi tion ior two years. Men began yesterday morning fill ing C. C. Hupfer'a Ico house near tho rear of tho Timmcrman liotol. The Ico house caught llro somo weeks ago but has ben rebuilt and covered with corrugated Iron. Tho Ico thoy aro putting up is about fourteen inches in thickness and of a good quality. S 10. Sharpies of Rrulo arrived In tho city Sunday ti visit friends for a few days Jinuule Muller Thanks His Friends I thank tho many friends for help ing mo win tho watch in tho pony con test, and hopo to win tho pony, as It will be a great help to mo. JIMMIE MULLER, Phono Red C07. COG 13. Gth St. A Strong Drama ' "Today," ono of tho most profound and striking dramas of tho day, will be presented at tho Keith theatre on tho evening of January 11th. In this drama it is shown that tho lovo of lux ury forms tho greatest problem of American life; that idleness among society women lias reached tho per nicluos stage; and that tho crazo for outdoing ono's neighbors has devel oped Into a national disease. Christmas uus u Quiet Rii) Christmas was quietly celebrated in North Platte., Church services in the morning wero well attended, and the remainder of the- day was spent at home either In entertaining friends, or being entertained, or in family reun ions. Nenrly GO dinners for the poor were prepared under tho direction of the Twentieth Century Club, and many others were made happy by donations from indhiduals. Christmas Trade Satisfactory The Chistmns business among lo cal merchants exceeded expectations. Trndo was soinowhat slow at tho start, but tho five or six .days preceding Christinas wero exceedingly busy ones. Six merchants whoso lines appeal strongly to Christmas shoppors, re port that thoir trade was considorab y In excess of last year, one of the tx reporting a twenty-five por cent In crease. As a whole, all tho merchants express themselves as well satisfied. Mias lllancho Fonda will entertain this evening at her home nt a fiOO paru ARi: YOU THINKING OF TIIK NEW COUNTRY? Tho State of Colorado wishes, if you aro In earnest to procure a homo, say of 320 acres, to holp and promoto you, barring speculators and investors. THE GREAT DIVIDE, published 43 Post llullding, Denver, Colorado, is anxious to tjtfl y&n all 'about It. Send stnmp for sample copy today. Also say what paper you rend thin In. II. G. Knowles, pastorV the Chris tian church, leave j today for Lincoln whore he will spend a few day.i look ing after sonic state board work. Lltllc Dorothy Resnek Die-,. After sulfcrlng lor over two wenka with inllammntory rheumatism and pneumonia, little Dorothy Hesack, live year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1) W. Uosack, Jr., died Saturday night at eleven thirty. The funornl was held yesterday afternoon at two-thirty at tho Methodist church and tho ser vices were conducted by Rev. O. O Woods. Tho little girl was of a bright nnd sunny deposition nnd had ondenrtd herself to her littlo playmates as well as to many older. She was a faithful attendant of the Methodist Kunda school. The sympathy of her ninny friends and tho friends of the fam ily aro extended to the bereaved par ents and grand parents. Organize Oil Couipnii). Tho company of North Platte in n which was recently formed for the ptir poso of prospecting lor oil in Mc pherson county, was formally or ganized yesterday by the election of C. T. Whelan president, Lorun Sturgls secrotnry, and Arthur Rush treasurer It Is the Intention of tho company to sink a well as early In tho spring as tho weather will permit on the land from which the oil soaked sand win taken last fall. The ownor of UiIh land not only secured this oil bearing sand while boring a well, but he n countered a gas that partially bl w his auger from tho hole. It is reported that tho Standard Oil Co. has secured a lease on 1200 acres of land near the tract on which the North l'latto company will opi rate I June sot oral propositions for trade: I'linn l"d for City Proper!) ; Cit) Proper! ' for I'nrrn land; (It) Properly for Slock. If )ou lime inf illing el (his kind see inc. C. F. TIl.MPLi;. A dnnco will bo given this evening at tho Masonic hnll by Messrs. Ernest Rinckor anil Corbln Jones. Music will bo furnished by Crowe's Orchestra. Twenty-fivo Invitations have been giv en out for tho dance G. M. Smith, steward at the Elks homo, returned Saturday evening from Grand Island whero ho visited ovor Christmas with Dr. and Mrs. Car son. Mrs. Carson Is his daughter An Insurance Folic), l'lre or Life, menus eery nerd it na)s, "h lion lull (en by limit & Goodmnii. I .;: ',ijBVEttVJSflCK'.Qp;:.'::ft.i m ; ( .:, ,. ;,, , .. ,,-;.; k mmm whew .;aKN ; lp y ? J ; Sold by Rush Mercantile Co , North Platte Also by E. & W. Coker, Sutherland; Ganson & Ganson Hershey; Jens Sommers, Maxwell: Jno. Fredrickson, Brady