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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1914)
Semi-Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bore, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. One Year by Mail in ndvaaca... ,....$1.25 One Year by Carrier in advance $1.50 Kuterod at North Platto. Nebraska, Post oIHco ns Socond Class Mutter. FRIDAY, AUG. 21, 1914. Accept Decision "W'lfli Good fJrnce There was no desire on the part of North Platte people to force n court hotiso lovy on the taxpayers of the county. That this statement Is truo 13 shown by tho fact that tho propo sltlon was submitted at tho primary election In order to snvo expense; that thoro was no special effort made out side of North Platte to croato senti ment In favor of tho levy; that tho North Platto papers carried on no cam paign In favor of the levy; and that the proposition was submitted to tho tax payers without argument, for their do cislon. By n dcclslvo voto tho voters of the country precincts rejected tho proposition, and wo North Platte peo plo accept their verdict with good grace mm without complaint, bollev lug Hint they cast their ballots In ac cordance with what they belloved to be tho best intorosts of themselves and to tho county at large. 20,0110,01)!) .Men Under Arms In (Jrcnt J'liropcun War Her , Investigation By MARTHA V. MONROE W. ,' '-&n i iii. Moro than ono-lmlf of tho civilized world Is In tho state of warfare. With approximately 20,000,000 men under arms, representing nations, tho areas of whoso countries exceed ono-hnlf of tho globo, statlstlcans are figuring out tho various complex and Interesting conditions which tho mobilization of so vast a body of men creates. Tho ordlnnry man of sound oppotlto consumes about 2V6 pounds of food a day. On this basis tho armies of war ring Europe require- 50,000,000 pounds, or 25,000 tons of food a day. This amount of food, stacked up in boxes, would canal the size of tho AVoolworth building, tho tallest build ing In Now York. Moro than 25,000 head of cattle daily will be necessary to furnish each sol dier 1& pounds of meat a day. Tho hides, so obtained would, If converted Into shoes for this vast army, provide shoos for fewer than 50,000 for ono year. Shoes for 20,000,000 would take moro cattle than could bo housed In tho stockyards in Chicago If they wero twenty-thrco tlmos their present size. To transport this food supply, allow ing thirty tons for each freight car, a train of 833 cars would bo required. Allowing GO feet for each car this train would bo nearly teii miles long and approximately twenty locomotives would bo roqulred to movo It. ' Tho clothing for 20,000,000 men, al lowing thrOo yards for each uniform, would roproscnt 00,000,000 yards of cloth. If sewed, end to end, tho strip would covor a distance of ,".1.000 miles, or ono and one-half tlmci tho clrcumfcronco of tho earth. Tho but tons for these uniforms would wolgh nbout 2,000 tons and would require . more than 2,000 horses to draw tho load comfortably. Ono round of ummunltlou of tho modorn typo for 20,000,000 men would cost1 $G0O,00O. Tho rlllcs of such an army roprCsent an outlay approxi mately $2G0,000,000 moro. In tho courso of a hotly contested battle a Mngle soldlor will explode fifty rounds of cartridges. If 20,000,000 men wero engaged tho ammunition would ropro sent n cost of from $15,000,000 to $30, 000,000. An All Star Company When ono stops to consider tho fa movB artiBts who will bo hero when tho Shoohan English Opera Company ;Ivob Its all-stnr performance of n trip.o oporn bill including "H Trova toro," "Tho Bohemian Girl" and "Mnr Uki" at tho Kolth theatro on Monday Atinust 2t, It, Is llttlo wonder thnt or durs come pouring In from tho entlro neighborhood. Wo have paid the prlco if admission iimny times to hear ono ot theao artists sing a fow songs, therefore, to got the entire group of then tpgclhor In n popular oporn per formance 1b an svent of a lifetime and It will moro than likely see tho largest crowd thnt evor gathered In tho Kolth theatre Handed by Jonopli F. Sheehan, Amer ica's greatest tenor, and acknowl edged tho formost tonor in the Ens- l'sh' langungo, a cast consisting of such additional artists ns Miss Mlntn Carmen, ono of tho loading aporatlc HOpranos of tho day, Laura llaor, from tho Paris opera company, whoso reputation oxtonds over two conti nents, and Nolson It. Shnnloy, who ranks among tho lending baritones of tho day. In prosonttng tho best net from three of tho most populnr artists of tho day instead of confining Its efforts to ono slnglo oporn, tho Shoohan English Oporn Compnny gives nn entertain ment fnr suporlor to anything which bus over boforo boon attompted along those Hues and ono which appeals to ovory musical taste, bocauso as pre viously stated tho acta which aro giv en nro tho vital onos nnd most inter esting of tho different operas. This will bo tho only tour of this nil-star organization and North l'latto Is, indeed, fortunato to be ono of tho cities to bo Included in its tour, O rent lntorest Is taken by tho f arm ors of Illnman precinct in tho np pronchlng county fair. Wednesday evening a mooting of the farmers was hold, presided ovor by J, C. Wilson, tho fair committeeman for that pro duct, and tho reports submitted by thoso present Indicated that Hlnman nroclnct will havo a very largo and varied exhibit at tho fair. Tho man ngement of tho fair appreciates tho Interest tho farmers of Illnman and other precincts aro taking In preparing exhibits. Homo-grown watermelons nro now being marketed freely. Thoy nvorngo a little 'smaller than usual this year on account of tho prolonged dry spell. John Ackornntn liiul prqposed to Hel en Mutkloy nnd was accepted on con dition. Helen was n practical, fnrsoo liiK girl. She resolved before their en gagement wns published to the world Indeed, before It wns suspected-to Inquire nbout him. She had the frankness to toll him what she was going to do. He said that he would be willing to hnve her take that and any other precaution sho thought proper nnd was quite willing to wait for his answer until sho had satlsllcd herself in tho matter. One thing Ackorranu -Insisted on which his lluncpo balked nt. Ho wish ed to hoar the reports she got of him nnd who made them. Miss Markley didn't think this would be honorable In her. Ackerman replied that there could surely be no harm In her telling hi in who bad spoken well of him, nnd It was his right to know who hud siKikun ill of him. She yielded tho point nnd agreed to toll him all. Tho next three months were rather a trying time between the lovers. When Miss Mnrklcy heard her lover well spoken of she was very gracious to him. When some onovspoke 111 of blm sho could not conceal the effect It had on her. When two of the three months had elapsed sho wrote him a note, breaking tho engagement between them. He called on her and she re fused to receive him, IIo wrote her a note stating that ho supposed some ono had spoken 111 of him nnd reminded her of the agree ment thnt ho should henr the good nnd tho bad. She replied that sho hod de cided against him on the testimony of ono whoso word wns unimpeachable, and nothing ho could say would serve to eradicate the impression thnt bad been made upon her. It now seemed to Mr. Ackermnu that It wns time to depart from tho dofen slve nnd take up tho offensive He had well understood from tho begin ning that If his llnnceo could get per sons to talk about him as they really felt thoro were plenty who would speak ill of him. The shortest wny to neutralize what these persons said was to have n few words spoken by sup posed friends of Miss Markley when tho time came to Use them. He there fore inndb inquiries about her on the same lines she inquired nbout him. Since he couiil not get n word with her he tired a preliminary shot. Ho wrote her of his Investigations, which he said he did not In tho least value, but be had kept a written list of litem that he would be pleased to compare with what sho had gathered about him. This put a different face on the mutter. Miss Markley was not only curbing to know what peoplo had said nbout her, but she did not wish the mnii she bad discarded to be prej udiced against her, She consented to n meeting. Ackerman called with n little memo randum book In his pocket. Miss Markley xreceived him coldly and nsk- cd blm to produce his notes. "First." he snld. "Is whnt was told mo by Miss A, when I nsked her what kind of a person you were," "Sho hates me." "Nevertheless she spoke highly ot you. 'Miss Mnrkloy,' Bhe said. 'Is n lovely girl.' " "Tho serpent" "Now." said Ackermnn, "I hnve giv en you one criticism of yourself. 1 would HJ;e to bear one criticism, tho one that decided you to drop me. Per haps 1 may 4)e content with his niuiiu nlonc." "Paul Gunter" "That Is quite sulllelent. 1 hold Mr. Uuntcr'8 note for $."00. Ho gave It to me In Jleu of bolus criminally prose cuted by me for u proceeding which, to say the leiist, was Irregular." Ackerman, who spoko these words with n change of manner, arose to go. "Have you the note?" asked Miss Markley. "1 have, but It Is under lock and key. You nro the only person except Mr. Gunter and I who knows that 1 pos sess It." "Where nro you going?" "There Is no necessity of going any further In this matter. Thus fnr there has been no b6trayal of confidence, nt least by me. I hnvo proved thnt your plan of getting opinions nbout the man you would innrry Is n failure" "What Is a girl to do?" monned Hel en "When sho consents to link her llfo with n man sho takes n step In the dark." Ackerman had gono to the door and placed his bund upon tho knob. Ho turned and walked back to her. "It Is thnt step In tho dnrk that leads mo to forglvo you for what yon hnvo done. Marriage, you know, bns beeu truly called n lottery, n lottery for tho man ns woll ns tho woman. But wo must take Jt or fall to fulfill our natural destiny. Every woman be fore marrlngo should, so far as possi ble, learn what sho can about tua man sho expects to tnnrry, but sho can only learn through others of his gen eral standing in tho community. What ho Is In his inner self sho cannot learn from others. Politic persons will spenlc woll even of an enemy; prejudiced per sons will find It dllllcult not to malign those ngnlnst whom thoy nro preju diced." The next day tho engagement be tween Mr. Ackerman nnd Miss Mark ley wns announced. Every ono who congratulated cither of tbem spoke Well of the other. X N N-rtN jy f ms;: . . i '. ,-.?; AS KSF''Wli v : i vvs W 3&K .rr j ' v I f"ly-l --- k.V Sw J. XKsrcLt w 'J .v. '. '... CMJTAlS ! !$& $&; sV's? or pufftST iUy ;'-;a;Vx 5iir ' Mh:ri& pirupwA ff xiicpAr CJflBRICBAGrOP Wronrk CRITICAL TRADE WOCEKJ CRYSTAL' SsAJDT Tlie'Stato Chemist of Colorado. Recently-,? .analyzed tne jumerenr .Brands oi jjai; m wiisras uenver .iiarKec ami ueruuca: DrVA! rDVCTAI TABIS'CAlT kJ A fL AX liJjnL. A C-i.ll-iU4 wnu i. lMi!&l8'M 99.0821 FUREB8B . . . -.... . . 'VrlK"A No other Salt Equaled tin': .Analysis. No Other Salt Can. RYYVAT. P.-RVKTAT. PAPT.H S&T.'P Sffll MADE IN UTAH BY INLAND CRYSTAL SALT Co. SALT LAKE CITY. KW Drs. Quigley & Simms Physicians and Surgeons. ' Building and Loan Building. Dr, J. S. Twinem, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention to Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Phones, office 183, residence 283 Office in McDonald Bank Building. Worth Platte, "Nebraska. Di iedfield tydfieM Physicians and Surgeons. WILLIS J. REDFIELD. Surgeon. JOE B. IIEDF1KLD. Physician. OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons '. Hospital . . PHONE 612. mmB9miMtnknM WMMfc Uowens Darn rhono 101 Nyal Drug Stroe Phone 8 C. "W- CRONEN GRADUATE VETERINARIAN North Platte Nebraska. Rs. Phone Red 400. FARM LOANS Plenty of Money to Loan on Farms and Ranches. Rates and Terms Rasona ble. Buchanan & Patterson. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Ofllco: Buildinjj and Loan Building. Phones 'Office 130 rnoneg Residence m Office phono 241. Res. phone 217 L . C . D RiO S T , Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. 'otice to Take Depositions In the District Court of Lincoln Count v. Nebraska. William Scnatpler, Plaintiff, vs. James E. Lane, mortgagee named in the mortcace in the netltion herein described; thO unknown heirs or leg-, Bicycle, Clocks, "Watches, Sewing "Mn ntees and devisees of said James E. ' .,- , ,, Lane, deceased; the unknown heirs I cimics,, nuns, jtcioiTcro, annus oi mi J.,lrT Gs Stoves, Oil Sloes, Itnnges, tlit)lUU 4V.WVhJVlt " JkJ1 010 nutu Look at Tius! Anyone in need of Pianos, Organs, COL. DAVE LOVE SUTHERLAND, NEBRASKA. AUCTIONEER. Experience with sales ol all'klnds. Dates made with any bank in Lincoln County. Hogs WANTED. Sell your Cattle nnd Hogs to Julius Mogensen, No. Platte. Hgiliest cash prices paid. Office open day and night in North SifV Barn. First class horse and livery in connection. Phone No. 29. ao said James E. Lane of said mortgage; and the real 03tnte covered and cloud ed thereby, to-wit: E. "& N. W. 4 and E. Vs S. W. i,i section 24, T. 12, N., R. 32 West Gth P. M., defendants. The above named defendants will each and all take notice that on Tues day,, the Gth day of October, 1914, be tween the hours of 10 a. m. and 5 p. r . .?"a V ?L ' i' We want Ponltrv, Butter, Emm, l'otn- agents, on 3rd street, in the city of (ICs, Etc.. In exchange for furniture. rtwn ii il Tn T il Vntmnn'rn 4kn a n 111 uri uuu xniuuu, im-u.. usnu, iiic pu.ui plaintiff, William Schaepler, will lake tho depositions of J. E. Dill, witness In the above entitled' action, tot 'be usod as evidence on "tho trial of snld cnuse; with authority to adjourn ffom uny to uay oeiween me same nqiirs until thoy are completed. Dated August IS, 1914. WILLIAM SCHAEPLER, Plaintiff, By King & Blttner, his Attorneys, , alS-4 Osceola. N'obr. i E orj thing 'In Furniture, Come to i Echellbery, 600 Locust THE BEST PLACE IX T01VX COME IX AND SEE OUlt STOCK Hogs ami dale Order of hearing on Final Settlement. Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln Coun ty, ss. In tho County Court: In the matter of tho estate of Pat rick Wrin, deceased: To the Creditors, Legatees and Others interested In tho estate of Patrick Wrin, Take notice that William G. Wrin, has filed in tho County Court, a report of his doings as Executor of said es state, and it is ord red that tho same stand for hearing the 25th day of Aug ust, A. D., 1914, before the Court at the hour of 9 o'clock A. M at which time any person interested may appear and except to and contest tho same. Notice of this proceeding and the hearing thereof Is ordered given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in tho North Platto Tribune a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for 3 consecutive week3 prior to said date of hearing. Dated August 3, 1914. JOHN GRANT, County Judge. Sen Ice by Publication Esther Klllen, Plaintiff, vs. William P. Klllen, Defendant. William P. Killen, defendant, will take notice that on tho 13th day of July, 1914, Esther Killon, plaintiff heroin, filed her petition in tho Dis trict Court of Lincoln county, Nebras ka, against said defendant, the object and prayer of which are to secure the payment of a contract entered into be tween Esther Killen nnd William P. Klllen on the 25th day of May 190G for the sum of $3,500 now duo and pay nblo, with Interest from, this date, nnd to secure tho raymeut of $1,550.70 ns ovidenced by a - :, act entered into on the ISth d... i October, 1900, be tween Esther Killon, William P. Kil len, F. B. Killen and B. L. Klllen, the last two signing said contract as sur eties, which contract Is now due and payable with interest. That on the 25th day of July. 1914, plajntlff at Inched tho followiug described realtj and personalty, towit: Defendant's un divided one-half Interest in S. y. of N. W. 14 and N. Vs of S. W. 14, Section 7, T. 10, R. 33, and S, E. i Section 34, T. 10, R. 34, subject to a $3,000 mort gage, nnd defendant's one-third inter est in 100 acres of wheat and 40 acres of spoltz on the last above mentioned realty. iou aro required to answer said pe tition on or before the 14th day of September, 1914. Dated July 25, 1914. ESTHER KILLEX. By Rhea & Hanlen, J28-4w Attorneys for Plaintiff. The North Side Lcpnl Xotite ; In the district court of Lincoln County Nebraska. William Schaopler, plnlntlff, vs. James E. Lane, mortgugee named In tho mortgage in tho petition herein described; the unknown heirs or leg atees and dovlsces of said James,4 E. Lano. deceased; tho unknown heirs' or legatcos and devisees of Josiah Har rington, deceased, as asslgneo from said James E, Lane of suld mortgage; i and tho real estate covered and clqud- IP J D . ed thereby to-wlt E. N. W. 4 nnd j $0 Ml il ij. ' o. it. ;i nuwiiuu t, luwiimui) x North, rango 32 West 6 th P. M.,; de fendants. Eacli and all of tho dofendarts above named and doscrlbed, will take notice that William Schaopler, plaintiff horo in, on tho ISth day of August, 1914, filed his petition in the olllcc of the Clerk of tho District Court ot Lincoln County! N'ibraska, against tho de fendants hereinbefore In the title named and described, the object and prayer of which are to obtain tho de creo of said Court to quiet in. the plain tiff tho tttlo to snld described real es tate, to-wit: E, V N. W. Vi and H. V Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red 636 Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. HAS FOP. SALE GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, Bran, Shorts, Baled Alfalfa, Hay, Good Seed Potatoes. Goods promptly delivered. Our terms are casn. TELEPHONE No. 29 Notice to Hunters. S. W. 'i section 24, T. 12, N., R. 32 West nth P. M against the apparent and unenfoi'ciblo Hen arising by vlr tuo ot tho mortgago thereon, made by Alton L. Martin to James E. Lano, dnted March 10, 1S94, recorded March 24, 1S94, iu book 13, pngo 473 of the mortgage records of said Lincoln coun ty, wnicli snld mortgage has been fully pnlu nail sausucu and due and legal assignment of same wag made by said James E. Lano to Josluh Harrington, now Mo- censed, tho last named hnvlnng ex-v ocuted and delivered good and suffi cient release of said mortgage, but both said Instruments, to-wit: said as signment ot mortgage and relenso thereof, so as aforesaid duly executed, acknowledged and delivered, have boon lost or destroyed without recording and nil without fnult or laches on be half of said plaintiff, who prnys for said decreo without redeeming or of fering to redeem therefrom, full satis faction of same having been made. and for equitable rellof generally.' You, tho snld defendants, nnd ench of you, uro required to answer snld pe tition on or before Monday, tho 2Sth day of September, 1914. Dated August 18th, 1914. WILLIAM SCHAEPLER. Plnlntlff. King & Blttner, his Attorneys, al8-4 Osceola, Nobr. All hunters and othors aro warned ngalnst trespassing on lands owned or controlled by tho undersigned. All per sons violating this notice will bo sum marily dealt with according to law, as It Is determined that trespassing on our lauds shall cease. A. Banard A. Falk Oto Roberts Dan Kunkol O. L. Wntklns Martin Hanan J. A. Markeo Geo. Slnglo J, A. Kunkol Jos. Her8hey II. M. Hershey Jesso Kunkol W. C. Masters J. K. Crow C. A. Howard C. Osgood Joo Shaw W. Kunkel E. Dolko Fred Diohl Will Sonnerman L. L. Lloyd A. Connor A. Kunkel Ell Kunkel Collins Bros. Elmor Daggett Gunderson Bros. Xotlcc of Incorporation Nbtlco Is hereby given that we, tho .undersigned, have formed a corpora tion, 1110 name 01 wnicn is :onn riaiie Hardware and Furniture Co. The principal place of transacting the bus iness is in the city of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska. The amount of tho authorized capital stock Is $30,000.00, to be divided into shares of $100.00 each. That tho paid up cap ital stock on tho organization of said corporation was $18,200.00. tho bal ance of said stock being unissued. Tho eenoral nature oi the business of said corporation is that of operat ing a hardware and furniture store, buvliiK and selling. either at wholesale or retail, hardware, and furnlturo, with power to buy nnd sell groceries, no tions, dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, and such other and further lines of merchandise as the said corporation may determine that tho trade re quires. Also to buy nnd sell grain and produce nnd to purchnse, lease, sell and convey real estate ami to sub lot and lease any property of said cor poratibn, and to do nnd perform such other and further acts and things as may bo necessary and Incident to tho main powers and purposes or tne cor noratlon. Tho tlmo of the commencement of said corporation is July 23, 1914. Tho termination of said corporation Is July 22, 19G4. Tho highest amount of indebtedness to which tho corpora tion shall at any tlmo subject Itself shall not exceed two-thirds of the paid up capital stock. The affairs and bus iness of tho corporation shall bo con ducted by a board of three directors, a president, a vice-president, secre tary and treasurer. In witness whereof we have hereun to subscribed our names 23rd day of July, 1914. B. "W. FINK. A. T. YOST. T. E. FINK. J. Q. WILCOX. Probate Xotice. In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, Aug. 4th, 1914. In the matter of the Estate of C. A. Carpenter, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that the cred itors of said deceased will meet the Executor with the Will annexed, of said estate, before tho County Judge of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, In said County, on tho 8th day of September, 1914, and on tho 8th day of March, 1915, at 9 o'clock A. M. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for exami nation, adjustment nnd allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year for tho Executor with the Will annex ed, to settle said estate, from tho 4th day of August, 1914. A copy of his or der to bo published in the North Platto Tribune, a legal Semi-Weekly news paper published In said county, for 4 successive weeks prior to said date of hearing. JOHN GRANT, All-4w County Judge. Xotlcc of Administrator's Snle. In tho Matter of tho Application of Mlnta Stewart, Administratrix of the Estato of Esther Harris, Deceased, for Leave to Sell Real Estate. Notice Is hereby glvqn that In pur suance of an order of the Honorable H. M. Grimes, Judge of the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, made on tho 29th day of July, 1914, for tho sale of real estate hereinafter described, there will bo sold at public vendue to tho highest bidder for cash, at the front door of the court house in the city of North Platte, in said coun ty, on the 24th day of August, 1914, at the hour of one o'clock P. M., the fol lowing described real estate: One-half lntorest In Lot six (G), block eighty (80), original town of North Platte, Nebraska. Property as a whole sub ject to a mortgage of $S00.00 In favor of Mutual Building & Loan Associa tion. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 3rd day of August, 1914. A4-3w MINTA STEWART, Administratrix of tho Estate of Esther Harris, Deceased. SHERIFF'S SALh. Gy virtue ot an order of eale lamed from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a dvcrea of foreclosuro rendered In said court wherttn, L.C. Severns. Is plaintiff, and Chris Rassmuiseii and E. P. Itassmuntn nre de fendants, and to me directed, I will on the 15th day of Ausr. 1311. at 2 o'clock, p. m., at the cast front door of the court house in North Platte, Lincoln county, Nehraski, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said decroe, Interest and costs, the following described property to-wit: All of Section Nine (0), Township Ten (10). Range Twenty. Klght (28). with the exception of One and One-half UK) Acres In the Morthwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, west of the 6th Principal Merldan, Lincom county, tito. Dated Nwth I'll He. Neb., July 13th. 1914. Jl-t-S A. J. Salisbury. Sheriff. MIKIUIT'S SAI.IJ By vlrtuo of an onler of snlo Issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County Nebraska, upon ,a decreo of foreclosuro rendered In paid Court wherein Nebraska Central Building & Loan Assoclntlon, a corporation Is plaintiff, and James Jensen et al are de fendants, and to me directed, I will on the 19th tiny of September, 1914, at 2 o'clock P. M at thq east front door of thb Court House In1 North Platte. Lin coln County, Nebraska, sell at Public Auction to the hlBhost bidder for cash, to satisfy snld decree, Interest and costs, the following described .proper ty, to-wit: (Lot 3, Block 157) Lot Three, Block Ono Hundred Fifty Seven of the original town of North Platte, Nebraska. ... . , . Dated, North Platte, Nob., August 12, 1914' A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale Issued from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decreo of foreclosuro rendered in said court wherein Robert F. Ilurnett Is plaintlll and Samuel A, Thomas, et. nl., are defendants, and to me directed I will on the 22nd day of Aug-, 1914, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the east frontdoor of the court house in North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne braska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, Interest and costs, tho following described property to-wit: Southwest Quarter (SWl4) Section Four (4), in Township Twelve (I2, Range Thirty Four (34), west of the 6th P.M. Lincoln county. Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Neb., July 20, 1914. J21-6 A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 012 DEPARTMENT OF TUB INTERIOR. United States Land Ofllco North Platte, Nebraska, July 25. 1914, Notice Is hereby given that Amuel Sukraw of Stapleton, Neb., who on July 13, 1908, made - homestead entry No. 012 for EM. NE SWU. E'i NW4, and it 1. Section 18. Township 15 N. Range 23, W. of 6th Principal Merldan. has filed notice of Intention to nako final live year proof, to establish claim to the land above described before the register nnd receiver at North Platte Nebraska, on the 23rd day of September. 1914. ' Claimant names as wltnessses: Harry Mor row and Charlie Applegarth of Wlllard. Neb.. W. B. Longpre, of Maxwell. Neb., Garfield Gutherless, of North Platte. Nebr. 123-fi J. E. Evans. Register.