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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1914)
THE SEMLWEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. CANADA SENDS HER BEST TO AID OLD COUNTRY , XJ. tjr i4c? i jw - ;.v... .vJRys - i . i " - y' r . ' Tt i miiwn 1 1 -"v xxRims'9vwrvx2-mmi.. t, ' .w w-tf. t&. jwTi t ih h i wj we i w i AMt w w u iw u t iw rViWV immr m HPr o kH : f ' ji t u w.r . kjf ar w w i imn liHH ii m u a & ? ' wL K .. t. . W df 2KA i J la LWaff fr Hi . I I E u H . V WA ' i m " w J. ST k& ) ft ' ; fV S 4 t .VT..-ft'.v " SV tpSx?Z3a?TxMff' -rr" gisragsgsx :y ' ' !-?-. i-.-..-;;:.f.j--V .. , .l.k , The response to the call for Canadian volunteers for sorvlco with the English army was such that tho 25,000 anen required could be picked from any three of tho Dominion's nlno military divisions. Tho Illustration shows (below) members of tho Halifax Rifles, the llrst mustered in, and (above) four of their officers, left to right, Captain Logan, Lieutenant Danuls, Captain Clarko and Lieutenant Jones. FRENCH SOLDIERS ENTRAINING AT TROYES SPIRITED FRENCH INFANTRY IN ACTION GUIDE FOR AVIATORS ENTHUSIASM ON PARIS BOULEVARDS Pjm' wtTwMMWBriiliffl'TfcHF yBBBBi JWUHBnWBUff" iwff WBMtfffliMj!iJ S jBPB3BhhPBFmBBR: tl HMBffT wBHbTjBBBbI This photograph, taken on tho frontier nt Troycs after tho breaking out of tho war, shows French troop on training. Their artillery was mounted on flat cars and tho men rodo in box cars. IRON DUKE, FLAGSHIP OF ADMIRAL CALLAGHAN The now British battleship Iron Dulce, flagship of Admiral Sir Oeorgo Callagiian, who commands tho homo fleets In tho North sea. Inset nt the left Is Admiral Callaghan, and at tho right tho loading of a scout aeroplane aboard a battleship. i i -4?rv"i"'iwy."rayfim ..tT'yr.Mw::owy:. c-i ?-.-x.c:. ...-.'. VMMBWWhanEBBV v smm , .- .-,! .lt.--j rlL:-r:1 ENGLISH TROOPS ON THEIR WAY TO BELGIUM ! BRITISH BATTLESHIP DRAKE This Is one of the powerful flares which send a vertical ray that sorves to guide the French army aviators at ( A Frenchman and a Servian carrying the flags of their respoctivo coun- might. I tries along ono of tho boulevards of Paris after tho declaration of war bo- SIR JOHN FRENCH twern France and Germany. AMERICAN WOMEN CAUGHT IN BELGRADE I msr ,v$Mm&M$3& MiiimwkWlwuwww 1 eMMmv ' '''' '-W vm$?t Mw 'lfef JKr WK wSiil : , ;.?.. " :? 'M$-$?$wzz V jflp- m BXt . t. I yKM wm.; -ml tamn4unmymiimMnmaS9ana Field .Marshal SI- John French vho ,ior.imancp tin English forces sent ikjom Mk cl tintl to help tho French und ?,il i-r Viet tin Germans. American women waiting anxiously at tho railway stutlon in Ilolgradr for tho last train that left that city neforo they jot away Auatrhui shellj fell at tho very spot where they had been sitting. English soldiers en routo to Victoria station, London, whence they went to tho coast and across to Belgium. Thoy aro passing Wostmlnstor abbey, and tho clock of tho housoa of parliament 1b seen In tho background REPORTED CUT TO PIECES BEFORE LIEGE mmMtmkimwMM MtmM Cjeorgo S Muryc, American ambas sador to Uussia, has his hands full taking caro of stranded American tour ists and of tho interests of nations Tlieio are tho famous Uhlans of the German army that rrt roirrt"d to whoso diplomatic representatives havo Uavo been annihilated by Bolglunu In tho righting arou-'1 1 ' jo. left St. Petersburg.