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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1914)
K'iifr HMorJenl Socktf .-'. ty mi-MIjf rifaw TWENTY-NINTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST 25, 1914. No. 62 Wte Mwm Wlif'lvMk 3 FIRST ANNUAL PLAY FESTIVAL WILL HE HELD OX THK PLAY GROUNDS 1VKDXKSHAY AF- TEHXXOX AXI) EVENING. Vnrlous Contests and Games Will be Held and the Hand Will Furnish Soernl Selections. The first anual play festival of North Platte will be held at the pub lic playground Wednesday. The first event will be held In the afternoon and will be a sand house building con test which will be open to all children under eight years of age. Two and a half feet of spaco will be allotted to each child and Judges will be pro-1 vlded to pass on the best structure ! CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Arthur Tramp was a visitor to ' Gothenburg Sunday with friends. t Miss Jesamlno Flynn returned Sun-' which the children will build. Prize boxes of candy will be awarded to the builder of the best structure in each division. Children must bring their own shovels and other tools. The rest of the festival will be held from seven to nine in the evening. The opening event will be an exciting game of playground ball between the East End and the West End. This will bo interesting and entertaining as there are several future Walter Johnsons and Ty Cobbs on these two teams. It will be folowed by various games and stunts In which the boys and girls will take part and the ev ening's program will close by a folk dance given by a number of the grls. The bnnd has very generously of fered to help make this first play fes tival a success and will render sever al selections during the evening. It Is hoped that the people generally will take an interest In this affair and help to make it a real community hol iday event. Nathaniel Lap) Dies Nathaniel Lapp, who for twenty years had lived north of Wallace, died yesterday at the home of a daughter at Moorefield. Death was duo to can cancer of the stomach which had af flicted him for a yearpr inoreand for which he had taken treatment In North Platte. The deceased was past sixty years of age, and leaves several children. The funeral will be held at Moorefield. Certain of the near approach of death, Mr. Lapp a couple of weeks ago ordered a sale of his personal proper ty on the farm and set the date for August 25th, the day on which his funeral occurs. The sale could not be recalled following his death and It will be held today. """ TliollnlI Tournament. The base ball touruament held Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week together with the finals played Sunday formed the best and cleanest ballfest North Platte has ev er had. Each of the eight gamps were good, the members of the teams con ducted themselves in a most gentle manly manner, the fans were as or derly as It is poslblo for enthusiastic fans to be, and the attendance was sufficiently large to meet the financial . requirements. We question if one could follow the western leaguo teams through eight consecutive games and see as uniformly good ball as was wit nessed on the local grounds. To Man ager Robinson, of the North Platte team, is due much of the credit for tho success of tho tournament. Ho Is ono of North Platte's "live wires," and we are glad he is one of us. L., L. Walker loft this morning for Paxton to spend a few days looking after some business matters. Money To Loan onReal Estate. Out of our State Building and Loan Associa tion low rates. Quick service. Bratt & Goodman, Agents. day from n visit with friends In Chey enne. Mrs. J. A. McMlchnel left this morn ing for Bayard to attend the G. A. R. reunion. , Fred Elliott returned this morning from a visit of a few days' duration in Omaha. Don't forget tho ice cream socal at the Baptist church tonight. Mr. Dick ey will furnish the ice cream. For Rent Seven room residence on west Front street, sewer connection and barn. Inquire of W. V. Hoagland. Fred J. Wnrrcn returned Friday ev ening from Cheyenne where ho spent several days attending Frontier Days. Ben. Hartman, of Kansas City, is visiting in tho city for a few days this week with Fred Frye and other friends. Mrs. Joseph Schntz and grand daughter, Aileen Kellher, will return to Cheyenne today, after a short visit in town. Superintendent Wilson Tout left Saturday for a visit of several days in York and other towns in the eastern part of the state. Tiger and Superior disc grain drills at Horshoy's, opposite postofllce. Marcel and Edwina Kellher, who had been visiting relatives In town for sev eral weeks, left this morning for their home In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hayden and daughter, of Wallace, drove in yester day and attended the Sheehan recital at tho Keith last evening. H. A. Lane, of the Ice house force, left this morning for Arcadia to visit his mother who is eighty-five years old. He was accompanied by Mrs. Lane. "! Senator Hoagland has filed his ex- pense account in the late primary which shows that he spent $119.90 In securing the republican nomination for lieutenant-governor. Harry Croote barber for M. S. Reb- hausen is1 -enjoying a two weeks' va cation with his parents in Paxton. G C. Simmons, of Boyd, Kan., is taking his place during his absence. Mi3S Lillian McCracken, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. H. M Grimes, for several weeks, left this morning for Boulder, Colorado, where she Is employed ns musical director In the public schools. The ladles' bible class of the Pres byterian church will hold a lawn so cial att ho home of Mrs. J. M. Knox. 314 west Fifth street tills evening. All members and their husbands and teachers and their husbands are Invit ed to be present. Word has been received announcing that William Adair is in Omaha where he is consulting a specialist in re gard to his hip which was dislocated in an automobile accident. He Is not gottlng along as he expected and hopes to discover tho difficulty and have it adjusted. Bratt & Goodman mite the best and cheap est Fire Insurance. All losses settled promptly and satisfactorily. Try them. Harry Dixon is expected to return home today from Rochester, Minn., where he was called by the serous ill ness of his daughter. They announce that Miss Harriet Is getting nlong nicely nnd that she and Mrs. Dixon will remain at tho lakes until she has completely recovered. To Engage In Missionary Work. I Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Tonison will leave In a few days for the southeast part of tho state whercthcy will visit for some tlmo with friends. From there thoy will go over Into Iow'a , whoro they will visit for somo tlmo with Mr. Thomson's relatives, and from there they will go to Indianapo lis, Ind., where thoy will ontor tho Col- lego of Missions nnd take a year's courso. They aro preparing for tho foreign missionary field and as soon ns they complete their courso in school they will go Into tho foreign mission ary work. Dr. Thomson, nee Dr. Bertha Mau gon, has been bore for nearly a year and she has a host of frlonds who re gret that sho will leavo tho city. How ever, thoy aro glad to know that sho Is going Into work of the naturo for which she is preparing, Sho will go as a medical missionary. Mr. Thom son has been hero only a short time, but ho has made many friends hero and the best wishes of all heir friends go with them in thoir chosen wor. Hoagland Is Nominated State Sctoator Hdagland has re ceived tho republican nomination for lietennnt-governor, his lend at pres ent being 2,500. Returns from other counties yet to report will largely In crease this figure. Practically every county In the state outside of Douglas has given Mr. Hoagland a majority. Douglas county gave Shotwell a big majority, due to tho fact that ho is an Omaha man. Mr. Hoagland ran par ticularly strong in tho west end of tho state, whore of courso he is best known, but the fact that ho led In near ly all counties Is certainly a compli ment to him. North Platte has rea son to congratulate Itself that It has a candidate on the state ticket. For Rent. Houses, rooms, safe deposit boxes and storage room by Bratt & Goodman. Granite Harvester Oil i3 a heavy oil for farm machines; it stays where it is put, and takes up all rattle and play. Reduces friction never rusts or gums. For sale by all dealers or Standard Oil Company (MBftAHA OifAJLV L iwm -& i iii ' - tfitikvir "IBr " -AtMttUWifvWAvH Local and Personal John Stewart and daughter, of Lex ington, stopped over In the city this morning enruto to Bayard where they will attend the old soldiers' reunion. Victor Halllgan will have charge of the public play grounds tho re malnder of tho season, succeeding Harry Smith who leaves town this week. For Rent Two rooms for light housekeeping. Mrs. Arthur Artz, 422 east Sixth street. (rs. Michael, ilcFaden returned this SSornlnB te berjb. omo'ln Paxton af ter ylslting in tho city for a short tlmo with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Horrod. and other relatives and friends. For Sale Piano in good repair. Ap ply to Mrs. Tony Cushman, G03 east Fifth sCi-eotr G2-3 J. B. McDonald, Minor Hinman, Dave Day, Frank McGovern nnd Jim Clinton made a trip to McCook Sun day in tho McDonald car. The round trip distance Is ono hundred and fifty two miles and tho roads aro fairly good all tho way. The fedural term of the United States district court, which was to have held adjourned session beginning August 31, has been adjourned until November 9th, according to instruc tions received by Clerk of tho Court Geo. II. Prosser. For Rent House at G04 cast Sixth street. Inquire of Mrs. Annn Soy- forth, 309 west Fourth street. 02tf Mr. and Mrs. Joseph AVicks left this morning for their homo In Grand Island after visiting in tho city for a few days witli Mrs. Wicks brother, A. E. Huntington, and family. They stopped off horo onrouto homo from Phoyonne whero they had been spend ing their vacation. ' Corn binders and manure spread ers at Hershoy's, opposite tho post office. ' C2-1 The caso of tho Union Pacific com pany vs. Julius Ilahler was up for hearing yesterday morning beforo Judge H. M. Grjlnes. Tho case Is an injunction suit to enjoin Mr. Ilahler from interfering with tho construction of a side track on east Front street. Aftort ho evidence was heard tho court took hec aso under advisement. On train No. 7 Sunday ovenlng were Mr. Murray and Miss Anderson, two of tho leading actors of tho Thnn houser moving picturo company, who aro enroute to tho Yollowstofto park j to put on a sconlc play of tho park. , This scenic play Is at tho suggestion of Gerrltt Fort, head of tho passenger department of tho Union Pacific. Miss Anderson and Mr. Murray each re celvo a salary of $300 per week. Boys' Knee-pants. Boys' Shoes. Boys' Shirts Boys' Boys' Hosiery Caps Boys' Underwear School Time Means New Clothes for Your Boy and we've gathered together a lot of new suits that for style, quality and price will out-class any stock you'll see elsewhere. VjSi KiJFSk rtUHITK We have made the values extremely big this Season. and you'll be delighted when you see what excell ent suits you can get for little money. Big values are going to attract a lot of new customers to our boy's Department, and these prices include several numbers in our 2 pants suits. Bring the Boy Here And let him slip on the coat of a fall suit a 5 or S6 one say. Note-how well it fits how flat the collar sets around the neck, that the sleeves are long enough and fully fashioned, then realize that careful tailoring makes all of these features of fit and style lasting and you will know why we are so anxious to have every boy and parents to find out about The Exceptional Qualities of our Boys' Clothes. SUITS $3.50 to $7.50 SUITS $3.50 to $7.50 THE BOYS' STORE Harcourt & Jensen THE BOYS' STORE J NORTH PLATTE QUALITY PLACE "The Clothing Store of Better values." RAILROAD NOTES EVENTS IN SOCIETY Dan Roberts, storekeeper, and Mrs. Roberts, returned Sunday from a week's vlst In Omaha. Dan Sullivan, master mechanic at Cheyenne, and well known to .North Platto railroad men, died Inst Thurs day. Fred Hartman wlvp is in town with his family visiting his parents, has resigned his position witli tho South ern Railway Co., and will ongago In business in a town near Chicago. Ouy Drake, electrician for tho Un ion Pacific, left last weok for his homo In Ponca City, Oklahoma, to spend two weeks visiting his parents nnd othor relatives and friends. TherJoirit annual picnic of the en gineers, conductors, firemen and train men will bo held Saturday, August 23th, at tho Dillon grove, north of town. Tho ladles will bring well fill ed baskets for dinner and supper. Ice cream, lemonade and coffeo will bo served on tho grounds. Tho program will comenco at 11:00 a. in. sharp. Tho Catholic Girls' club will bo en tcrtntnod this evening at tho homo of Miss Ircno Hubbard on east Second streot. Mrs. Ceo. E. Prosser nnd Mrs. Fred I'erritt will entertain at a Kensing ton at the home of the former Friday nt'tonioon. Mrs. Charles Horrod and Mrs. Fred Wnltemath will ontcrtaln tho Indian card club Thursday p.ftfpnoon at the homo of tlio former. Tho Culturo club was organized last week with Mrs. Ora Hamilton as president, and tho Initial meeting was held at the homo of Mrs. W. W. Crook yesterndy afternoon. Tho object of tho club Is to study English, and tho work of each member Is reviewed by a critic. The Initial meeting proved very interesting. The club will moot overy two wcoks, tho next meeting to bo hold at tho homo of Mrs. W. W. Cummlngs. Life Insurance. The best and cheapest written by Bratt & Goodman in the Mutual Life of New York. Tho members of tho Eplscopnl church will hold their annual picnic this afternoon on tho Wright placo on the island north of tho city. They will leavo at 1:30 this afternoon nnd spend tho afternoon and evening on the Island. For Salo at a Hnrgaln A hand some Dotrolt Vnpor 3 burner gasoline stovo with glass oven door, at Hor shoy's, opposite postolllce. i Mrs. Jack McGraw loft this morning ' for Sheridan, Vyo whoro sho will visit frlonds for a few days. Sho ex pects to return homo Sunday. ' Mrs. L. T. Rassmussen, of Chicago, I is visiting this week at the homo of her slstor, Mrs. John Dick. Miss Hattio Ilatflold will entertain tho Tolllkum Thursday ovenlng at 1020 Sycamoro street. Weather forecast for North Platto and vlcintly: Gonorally fair tonight and Wednesday, cooler tonight, Prob ably frost In northwest portion. High est tctnperaturo yestordny 88, a year ngo 88; lowest last night 58, a year ago CO, .'' H A man, giving his name as Smith was arrested Saturday evening and lodged n tho county Jail on tho charge' of stealing oats from tho Tramp grocery storo. Ho has not yet been given trial. Tho second annual' Yeomen picnic will bo held this ovenlng in Dillon's grovo. A nlco program of entertain ment hns been prepared and all aro anticipating a flno time. A Sure Enough Coward Some of tho residents of tho west part of tho city nnd especially of west Sixth street aro complaining thatsou'io ono In that part of tho city is placing tncks .out ho wnlk. It started with carl pet tacks, but recently the walk wa? strown with large flat-head tacks. The work is evidently done for the sake o't a few who rldo their bicycles on tho valk, but tho person scattering tho tacks has evidently forgotten or over looked tho fact that a number of bare footed children play on the walks and that whoro thoy would puncture ono tiro thoy would probably stick tacks In several children's feet. An act of this nature 1st especially cowardly. A person having a grlev nnco of that naturo should have norvo ojiough to make himself known and If thoy do not wish to tako tho matter in thoir own hands, they should tako it up with tho police and file charges against thoso with whom thoy wish to get oven. This snmo class of peo ple Is tho, Jiq that would poison a uolghbor's cattle or Jlno stock, or write an anonymous letter. For Sale. Nice homes, choice building lots, farms, ranches and other land. Don't buy until you 1914. see our list.. Bratt & Goodman. Sheriff!, Sale Uy vlrtuo of an order of salo Issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said Court whorein Nicholas McCabo Is plaintiff and Frank P. Peterson et nl are de fendants, and to mo directed, I will on tho 2Gth day of September, 1914, at 2 o'clock P. M., at tho east front door of tho Court House in North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, soil at Pub lic Auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest anu costs, tlie following described property to-wlt: All of Section Thirty-five (35) Town ship Sixteen (10) North of Rnngo thlr-ty-threo (33) lying cast of tho main channel of JJIrdwood creoH; and Northeast Quarter (NE4) section two (2) and all of section ono (1) Township fiftoen (15) North of Rnngo Thlrty-threo (33) West 6th P. M. Lin coln County, Nebraska. Dated North Platto, Neb., Aug. 24th, A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff.