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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1914)
THE SEMIAVEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. sr WnatKy Demand (be iroolns RBHiiK Ui ? &? V-"5" by full name mHHB wrKydwUl'l fTtm Nklmacl encourtt KSsKJ? lArSJr lubstkulloa. KMlllB S? Tun Coca-Cola Co.. Atlanta, Ga. Why Shouldn't He Worry7 Tucker "Why do I look bo trou bled? Well, last night I dreamed I died nnd was burled, Parker, and 1 saw the tombstono at tho head of my grave." Parker "Saw your tomb otone, eh? And what of It?" "Why, I'm trying to live up to tho epitaph." Scene: the Woodshed. She Tell me )f your early strug gles. He There's not much to tell. The harder I struggted, tho inoro tho old man laid it on. Wherei It Counts. "Aunt Dinah, are you going to havo 'obey' oliminated from tho ceremony?" "No, chile; but I sho is gwinter hab It 'liminated from de matrimony." Puck. At No Expense. "Old Scraggs committed suicide by filling his room with gas." "That's Just like Scraggs. He know ho wouldn't havo to pay tho bill." Before following the advice of a man who tells you how to run your business it might bo well to havo a look at Mio way he is running his own. yODIt OWN DltUROIST WILL TKLT. TOU Trj Murlno Kjo llcraedy for Hod, Weak, Wnlerj fares and Granulated Hjellds: No Hmartlnp luat Kto Comfort. Writo for Hook of tho Kjo 9 J Dial l rrw Murlno Kto UeineUy Co., Chicago. Once In a while a man has so much money that ho feels he can afford to b' honest. If you wish beautiful, clear, whito clothes, use Red Cross Hall Blue. At all good giocers. Adv. Every girl on earth Imagines that Bho would make an ideal wife. Cleanliness is next to Godliness change clothes frequently big wash of course not much trouble though. Use RUB-NO-MORE CARBO NAPTHA SOAP. No rubbing -clothes soon on line sweet and clean. RUB-NO-MORE CARBO NAPTHA SOAP should also be used to wash the. finest fabric. It purifies the linens. Makes It sweet and sanitary. Itdocsnof need bot water. Carbo Disinfects Naptha Cleans RUB-NO-MORE RUB-NO-MORE Carbo Naptha Soap Washing Powdci' Five Cents All Grocers The Rub-rfo-More Co., Ft.WayneJnd. DAISY FLY KILLER placed anjnhtre, at tract! and killi all flics. Neat, cleun. or naujenui. conrenlcnt. cbeap, Lkiti all ution, Made of metal, can'tiplllortlp otcn will not loll or Injur anything. Guaranteed odectlre. Alldeoloroorent eipreaa paid for 11.00. BAKOLD SOMEES, 180 D.Kilb At., Brooklyn, II. Y. Nebraska Directory 1SLISS & WELLBIAN Live Stock Commission Merchants Sfll-yaO Kxclmnco Ilullaliig, South Oiuiilia All stock consigned to us Is sold by members of tho firm, nnd all vmployeea havo boon selected and trained lorthowortwnlob tho do. riu-ia..kipu and supplies. Largest house In the treat All eiUICUIUfs Kuattnansooas. wepayre ElRldlSlllU turn postage on UnUhlntr, THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO.. 1013 Frnam Street Eaitman Kodak Co. Omaha, Neb. Girl' f j'rlraarT,uramnaruniaeaiJUi.iiKu-i:u"i. S All broncho lauKht. Hoarding duartin,t Ideal'')r llttlo plrU from all to thirteen r' in .. Children undor auporrlalon ot u-uchon ul Cw-hnnl all tlmoa. h or terms, ddrfs Allilttiiii- lXUUUI v,nrlllo bchool. Lincoln, NuhruuLa Good Road Tools All Kinds Repairs for All Machines FARM WAGOHS gSffe COMPLETE nplSV BTR0UD & CO., 20th and Ames Ave, Omaha, Nob. i REDWOOD TANGO AS CAUSE OF CRIME Brooklyn Judge Blames Theft by Two Youths to Nights Given to Modern Dance. In suspending sentence In tho cases of two youths who hnd pleaded guilty to attomptcd grand larceny, County Judge Fawcott in Brooklyn listed "white lights and tango nights" in tho catalogue of incentives to crime. "You can't expect to dance all night," he said, " and lie abed half tho day, yet always have money for your carousals, unless you steal It. And let ma tell you our Jails and peniten tiaries aro full of people with just such ideas. If your family had given you good beatings instead of money to spend, it would havo been better for you." The boys, John Colver, twenty years old, of 487 Hancock street, nnd Carl ton Chapman, sixteen, of 362 Jefferson avenue, had been Indicted for stealing money nnd Jewelry from Adelaide Wis- ton, keeper of a furnished room house, where they lived for n timo. They belong to respectivo families of moderate means. Both promised tho Judgo to go homo and begin again, Chapman to return to school and Colver to work. Both wore tan go pumps and silk shirts wfen ar raigned. Now York Sun. Puzrled the Parson. At a marriage service performed some timo ago in a little country church in Georgia, when tho minister said In a solemn tone: "Wilt thou have this man to bo thy wedded hus band?" instead of tho woman answer ing for herself, a .gruff man's voice answered: "I will." The minister looked up very much perplexed, and paused. Ho repeated the sentence, nnd again the same gruff voice an swered, "I will." Again tho minister looked up surprised, not knowing what to make of It, when one of tho grooms men at the end of the row said: "She's deef, parson, an I'm answer in' for her." Responsibilities. "Didn't you ask me why I paid rent instead of owning my own home?" asked Mr. Crosalots. "I made that inquiry," replied tho real estate man. "Well, I'll toll you. When the roof leaks or a shutter drops off it's mighty handy to be able to ask your wlfo not to bother you, but to go and tell her troubles to tho landlord." London has Ambulances. London, which has never yet had an ambulanco, lias at last ordered six of them, and expects thern to'dc all tho work for tho entire city. In caso of past accidents the policemen have had to commandeer tho nearest wagon, depending on tho generosity of tho driver, as they were not able to offer him anything. Putting Off. "Pop! ' "Yes, my boy." "What does it mean to procrasti nate?" "To put off, my non." "Well, I Just saw mama upstairs and sho was procrastinating hei hair!" Literary Works Now Available. Literature In Turkey has responded to tho liberty that followed the revolu tion. Largo numbers of translations and adaptations of European scientific and literary works and books of a pop ular nature aro now available. On tho municipal rolls of Copon hagen, Denmark, aro 9,889 men and 4,094 women. With their families they constltuto 7.3 pur cent of tho popula tion. Forest fires In tho United States have caused an average annual loss ol 70 human lives and tho destruction ol ?25,000,000 worth of Umber. A girl who Is kittenish during court ship may develop into a cat after marriage Other people's troubles bore a man more than his own. Iu?plkyano TANKS LAST A LIFETIME CAN'T RUbT OR HOT NO KNOTS Wo manufacture tho ct-lrbratcd Cali fornia Redwood tanks They neither nhrltilt nor swell und cannot rot. Our tanks are held in perfect sluipe by a patented appliance, not found In nny oilier tank mude Redood tnnks have been known to Btunrt OS yrars without decay Cont no more than otherH Send for price Hut and men tion hIzo of tank wanted. ATLAS TANKMFG. CO.. 219 W.O.W.BIdB.. Omaha ESSENTIALS FOR APPLES AND PEACHES t , O'TT r. V-' . v &u. ;f il. Wolf River (Hy A. A. DULLEY, CollrRe of Agricul ture, Storrs, Conn. Copyright. 10U.) Northeastern states offor Innumera ble satisfactory locations for the grow ing of apples and peaches, and the former in most of its varieties will make a congenial homo In almost anyj spot In which ono might chooso to live, except in the very mouutnlnous districts. In picking out land for fruit grow ing bear In mind that apples, pears and peaches are bulky; therefore near ness to transportation facilities is most important. On tho other hand, where capital is limited, land farther from market costs lesB and, as far as the fruit Is concerned, may be Just as de sirable. Wherever chosen tho land should have a fair elevation, not on top of a high hill exposed to strong winds, nor yet in tho bottom of a narrow valley, but gently sloping hill sides are Ideal, and tho direction Is of slight importance. Tho choice will often lio betweon rough or rocky fields costing but little or those much easier to cultivate nnd so more expensive at the start. The latter ore, as a rule, cheaper to handle as time goes on, but success mny be had from either. Whichever spot Is chosen It should bo naturally or easily drained, for water ' J ' . . S'$ A " vv v- - a? . ,1" 9 T r 4 0MBF5ia!aM is&&&35M&Ktel A New Seedling Peach. CONTROL OF GRUBS AND WIRE WORMS Many Preventive Measures Have Proved Beneficial in De stroying Insects. No known remedies for tho control of white grubs nnd wlro worms uro satisfactory, but prcventlvo measures, consisting of late fall plowing, und disking or harrowing, have proved beneficial lu destroying tho .hibernat ing forms in tho ground. Complete summer fallowing of infested Holds will starve tho white grubs, though preventing the growth of plant life. Hogs will also do very thorough work by rooting up tho soli and destroying them. Cutworms can bo readily controlled with poison bran mash mado as fol lows: Thoroughly mix ono pound of j pads green In 30 or 40 pounds or dry bran; moisten slightly with cheap, thin simp until the mass will hold to gether well when pressed In the hand. Distribute this poisoned bait about plants to bo protected, or sow it broad cast in gardens or fields nbout sunset, and exclude nil poultry until after a rain to avoid danger of poisoning. The corn enr worm Is a member of tho cutworm group, but tho poison bran mash Is not offectlve as a control. Fall plowing nnd thorough cultivation is our best control In this caso. Professor Sanders especially urges that fall plowing bo done wherever and whenever possible in preparing land for planting, becnuso only by following this practise can some of our common field pests bo controlled and kept bo low the dangor point. Wisconsin Hul letln 228. Points About Porkers. In pig-breeding selection should bo made on the points of good brond back at the loin, well-mated legs down to tho hock and kneo joints. Thero should bo ns thick meat on the In side as on tho outside of tho leg, with good heart room, and straight ness on tho back from shoulders to ham. The hind half of tho animal should bo tho largest and heaviest, for in that part lies tho highest priced meat, Tho butcherH and meat sellers select the thick backed, heavy jiomrned pUp. - -- v : - T "-" JUT " r .HlBt " JMMiHiaaaLtaaaaai I - i?rr3.' ,. ...;rsr Apples. must never stand near tho surfaco In an orchnrd. The apple allows a wldo latltudo In tho matter of soil, nnd somo varie ties will grow on almost any land strong enough to grow trees. For tho varieties generally grown gravel or clay gravel boIIb aro very satisfactory, but lighter lands aro also successful when supplied with humus. Tho par ticular nnturo of tho soil is less Impor tant than location and dralnago, and many so-callod run-out farms can readily bo fitted for fruit growing. Tho needs of the peach are qulto different from tho npplo, and to start an orchard In n locality whore tho mercury drops more than C degrees below zero 1b very risky; also unless located near a large body of water that tonipers tho cold. Only elevated positions aro safe oven In favorablo localities. Good air dralnago must bo had, honco tho tops of hills or tho most elevated parts of gently sloping hillsides should bo chosen. Thon, too, tho ptnch buds must bo protected from sudden changes of temperature. Cholco of soils Is also restricted as Buccess can only bo assured whero there Is n natural drainage and a warm, sandy soil so congenial to the peach. CLEAN CULTIVATION IN THE ORCHARD It Means Better Acquaintance With the Trees and Their Requirements. (By K. C. SUAIIS. Massachusetts Experi ment Station.) . PractlBu clean cultivation In tho or chard from tho beginning if possible It means butter caro in ao many other ways. It means better acquaintance with every treo In tho orchard, and consequently bettor attention to Its needs. In particular, it means less borers, and in localities whero they are troublesome this la n very Im portant point. If absolutely Impossible to cultivate, on account of the steepness of tho land and thero undoubtedly are thou sands of acres of splendid orchard laud on the hillsides of New England then practlso the so-called "so-cul-turo" method; thnt Jb, mow tho grass and woods which grow on tho land, nnd leavo thorn for i mulch about the trees. Old Method of Treatment. The application of lime to the soil Is one or tho oldest methods of treat ment known in agriculture. It was apparently employed by tho Romans 2,000 years ago. Jn various European countries It has boen practised for many years past. Jn tact, in all coun tries whero tho principles of ngrlcul turo are scientifically pursued, it is recognized that tho use of llmo in various forms may bo of immense bencttt to tho soil. Sunshine Is Potential. It Is essential to havo suushlno to get rid of lice, nnd it is also neces sary that tho sunshine be permitted to enter tho houses and dwelling places of poultry. It Is a good plan, however, to hnvo shade trees In tho yard and vines growing over tho fence for comfort In hot weather, and thus tin fowls may rest In tho cool of theso without shutting out tho sunshine al together. Affects Milk Flow. Chango In tho weather, change In tho feed, and cows coming Into heat ar8 some of tho causes that will af fect the milk How. J Hill laW III 1 1 f TaTaLfflaaaaW? (mMmmlSmEMmKwm REAL HOME FOR THE HOLE Finds Secure Abiding Place After a Period of Troublous A'anderlngn. Dverett P. Dahlgrcn, tho mllllonnlro opponent of woman Ruffrngo, said at a suffrago debato In Iloston: "I always declaro that woman shouldn't entor politics till sho'a ft I filled nil her prior duties. "'Prior duties! Prior dutlos!' So a young lady mocked mo ono day. 'What do you men moan by theso "prior duties" that you're always tnlk Ing nbout, Mr. Dahlgrcn?' "So then I told tho young lady this storj ; "Onco upon n time, I began, a llttlo Volo was born; nnd It looked around to seo whoro it should tnko up Ub abode. "It first decided on a window, but a man camo straightway and put In a new pnno. It next choso a chair Boat, but tho housewife sent for a ennor, nnd in a Jiffy n now scat waB put in tho chair Tho hole now selected n baby's rattle, and tho baby was so pleased that It began to tear tho rat tlo to pieces, and tho poor hole, half crazed with fright, had Just timo to escape. It throw itsolf. more dead than allvo, Into tho first thing that camo to hand, which happened to bo the sock of n Biiffraglst's husband. "There, at least, tho holo scorns to havo found a rcnl homo. Its penso has not been troubled from tho bo ginning, six months ago." One Hundred Years Ago. Tho curious modes which women af fect now began ns far back as 1798, which Is a porlod wo should hardly wish to copy In most respects. A danco not ut all unllko the tango was lu voguo at that timo, and had many exponents, who danced In Ioobo bod Ices opening In a V shnpo from tho shoulders almost to tho waist. Skirts wcro silt and wero often mado of transparent gauze. Wo mny return to tho gowns of that period, which wero without waists, having simply a girdle to tho bust, with skirts caught up rathor short In front and slightly trained nt tho back In 1800 women wore sandals and baro feet. Corsot belts woro only nbout two Inches wide. ' Some gowns woro caught up to the kneo with largo cameos. Soon fashion overreached it self, and then camo crinolines, pointed footgear and unnaturally small waists. Aro we coming to this? For the Sake of Shopping. A fow women got so much fun out of shopping thnt they really hopo the articles they really buy won't last as long as the clerk promises, so that they can tho sooner ropeat tho ex perience. A Beginner. "Aro you n socialist?"" "I am." "What do you understand by social ism?" "I haven't got aa far along ns tho understanding part. I picked so cialism becauso I don't llko any of tho regulnr brandB of politics." Matter o' Money. "So my daughter referred you to mo, oh? Well, I hardly understand It. Sho never consults mo except in a financial way." "Well ah that's JiiBt It, sir." Astronomers assort that thoro Is an other system boyond Noptuno, which Is tho most distant of nil tho planets In our system. Red Cross Hall lilue malice tho laundress happy, inukcH clothex whiter than snow. All good grocers. Adv. Lots of pooplo would rnther send u dollar to tho heatheti than give the poor at homo a pleasant look. EifafHi .Wtfrrra! ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AYeCcrable Preparation for As similflting ihc Food aiul Rcgula ling the Stomachs and Bowels of wmmmmfiM Promotes Digec!ion,Chccrful nessanilRest.Coniains neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral Not "Natrc otic Rnipt croiH DrSAMVUmtfSX AtxSfitna -AiiM.'tSll Jiiit StiJ fipptrmiiU -tlCnt4tiUStiU Uirm StiJ . Caritd Suflir I Wnkrfnm fltttror A perfcel Remedy forConslipfl tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, and Loss OF SLEEP Facsimile Signature of The Centaur Company, NEW YORK. cy. ajjl i ' ij.ui mffl flB (BPS M .iHr. Hid I .UK rnrTTrmTTnrrmvi','Tji'inin;iii!iiHiiimTmTTiTnrrrTT j XGuarnntecd under the I'oortiinj Exact Copy of Wrapper THOUGHT SHE GOULD NOT LiV Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Untonvlllo, Mo. "I Buffered from femnlo trouble nnd I got Bowoak that I could hardly walk across tho floorwitli- out holding on to something. I had nervous spells nnd ' my fingers would! cramp and my fnc would draw, nnd I could not speak, nor sleep to uo any goou, had no nppctite.ancl evcryono thought I would not live. Some one ndvlsed mo to tako Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetnhlo Compound. I had taken bo much medlcino and my doctor Baid ho could do mo no good so I told my husband ho might get me a bottlo nnd I would try it By tho time I had taken it I felt better. I continued its use.and now I am well and strong. "I have nlways recommended your medicine ever sinco 1 was so wonder fully benefitted by it nnd I hopo tills letter will bo the means of saving somo other poor woman from BufFering." Mrs. Martha Seavey, Box 1144 Unionvillc, Missouri. Tho makers of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegctnblo Compound havo thousands of such letters ns that nbovo they toll the truth, olso they could not havo beer obtained for lovo or money. This med icine is no stranger it has stood tho test for years. If there nro nny complications yoa do not understand rrrlto to Lydia K. riiikhnin Medlcino Co. (conlldcntlnl) Lynn, Mass. Your loiter will bo opened, read nnd answered by a woman ana held in strict confidence. Your Liver Is Clogged Up i Tliat'. Why You're Tired-Out of Sort Havo No Appetite. CARTER'S LITTLE, LIVER PILLS will put you right in a few days. They do. their duty.. Cure Con- J Ktlnntinn. Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache SMALL TILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature FREE TO ALL SUFFEREfii If ou fe-l 'out of noma- -nii nowN"ooT theiitUM urir.ii from Kiuhtr. nuiir. muivoih mtuiM. CIIKONJQ niUKMtM, ULCr.IlH. RUIN EMJirioxa, riLiji. wrlto fur FREIE cloth not no memcm. hook ijt THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY No.tNo2No.i THERAPBOWI ;s,.s thorctufdj Inn nun uvtm ailment. AlxolutiMy FREE No-follow up' clrrulitr. Nq obligation!. 1R. l.rCi zao Mid. Co., IUtkhitock tin. IUhhitkaii, LnnnoN. Utu. WB WANT TO I HOTS TlllluriOl WILL CUUE TOU. BUCK LEG LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED lijr Cutler's niacklia mil. Low nrlceil, fresh, rellabla; prafarrxl ba Western iilockmen. bcCRUte ti3 protect when other vacolnes fall. Write for Imoklet and tutlrannUla. 10-dOM kgi, Dlaeklet Plllt $1.00 SO-doio piece. DUokleg Plllt 4.09 1TR anv InWtitr. hut filLlnr bfr Tho uperlorlt ot Cutter rroilucti H dti to over ID jtitt of pcplallitna in vtcclnei and ururu only. Intlit an Cutter'. If unuhulnnblo. order direct. The Cutter Laboratory. Derltley, Cil.. or Chicago, III. of thi3 paper desiring to buy nny tiling advertised in its columns should lrmit llnnn lmvinrr wlinf tVi,v ricL- fir refusing all substitutes or imitations. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 30-1914. Tor Infants and Childron. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use Over Thirty Years thi oariTaon oompanv, Nan voax oity. HWnBnaBHVHOHHiMHI raESSESSJ ffifiMLiaK.SBirtf; .JaaHlPnDTETC jmB&F WITTLE 2aiW MlVCrV IPON PILLS. W J&f&t as i Bears the Signature JyM ti Ifv il ill8 J For nmmmmammmmmmmmmtmmminmmmmmamtmmaKWttaammami