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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1914)
s 8nto Metoiloal Soalely tfflv Wtbnm 4l44'4'' TWENTY-NINTII YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JULY 24, 193,4. No. 53 Wast Jprtft mmi-W LOCALS WILL ORGANIZE SPANISH WAR VETERANS TO MEET AUGUST FIRST FOR THE PURPOSE OF MUSTERING IN THE VETERANS All lVIio Sun Sen Ice Hotuecn April 1S9S and July 1002 Arc Kllulblu A Good Representation is Desired. Leonard Robinson, o this city, a veteran of the Spanish-American war, is now working on the organization of a post of United Spanish War Vet erans for this city. A W. Shilling of tho weather bureau Is assisting him in tho work and they already have the authority for getting a post to gether. Tho organization of these posts has beon quite commoih over tho country for the past several years, but it has never been started here as the local men did not think there were sulllctent men to get a post. Mr. Robinson start ed recently to got enough to oiganlze the post and ho has already succeeded In getting seventeen men to sign tho papers anil there nremany more in tho county that will go in The post hero will be composed of tho veterans from nil over tho county and they ex pect to have a good-sized organization. Word v.ns received this week by Mr. Robinson from Adjutant General G. C. Rausch of Washington, D. C. au- thorlzlng him to set tho dato for the organization of tho po3t and stating j that ho would send a mustering olllcer here to muster tho men. All I votorans who were in the sorvlco be tween April 1S9S and July 1902 nre eligible to tho post. I Dopartmcnt Commander Leonard II. Warner of Nebraska is also inter ested in getting a pojt started here and he will assist in tho work of get ting tho men together. A meeting has beon called for Saturday evening, August 1 nt tho weather bureau office for mustering tho men and nt thnt tlmo tho mustering olllcer will bo horc. It is hoped that all in tho county who were in tho sorvlco will take an inter est and assist in making this a good organization,. Rev. and Mrs. 13. A. Cram of tho Methpdlsi church will loavo soon on thelii"hnminl vacation trip. Mrs. Cram expects to loavo tomoriow for Ster ling, Colo., where Mr. Cram will Join her next week. From thero they will go to Donvcr and Colorado Springs for a weok and they will then spend two weeks visiting relatives and friends in diifeient points In Kansas. C. W. Edwards and family returned home this week from a visit of a few weeks with relatives and friends at Pleasant Hill, Kansas, and other points In Kansas and Missouri,. T'jey mado tho tilp by nutoniobilo.. TWO DAMAGE CASES IN DISTRICT COURT ORLANDO T. FAST FILES L11IEL CHARGES AGAINST MARKS SEICK OF SUTHERLAND m4 8MB M V AY M Iff ' ti TTfc IH II Jewel ry Repairing l ftTi QEI0 The repairing of jewelry is a very im portant branch of this business.- You will find that we will give it careful at tention at all times. We give special attention to the re pairing of fine watches, Only experi enced watch-makers who thoroughly un derstand this business are employed. You witl find that we give absolute satis" faction in all of our repair work. a' . JEWELER and OPTICIAN. We Want Your Repair Work. -- iQl mm mm WJ Wfl is made from such high and goes through so many washing, scouring and purifying processes that Ufa, ' , we aro hujo iu jjui u ' y Guarantee in every sack" Wo guar antee OCCIDENT Flour to make whiter, lighter, better tasting bread, biscuit, cake and pastry than any other flour, and more of it per sack. If it falls to please you for all baking, your money will be refunded without Costs More argument- W-H, u OCCIDENT bread, Worm It because of its extra cleanliness, stays fresh and sweet longer than other bread! You cau bake a double batch. This saves tho work and fuel expense of many bak ing days. Every housewife should test the extra great advantages of OCCIDENT Flour. V Send for Our Free Booklet, "Better Batting" Russell-Miller Milling Co., Minneapolis, U. S. A. Ollle Clements Tiles Charges Against 1Iiq Union Tactile Conipiin for Rnmnges to Her Property Prom Smoke. Orlando 1 Fast of tho Sutherland vicinity filed n complaint In tho dis trict court this week against Marlus Solck, charging him with making fnlso and liholous statements which have greatly injured his standing with his neighbors and other men. He asks damages for tho injury done to hiB character to tho amount of flvo hun dred dollars with Interest from June 14, 1914, and costs of this suit. Mr. Fast states in his petition that ho is owner of a. number of cattle in tho Sutherland vicinity and that there Is a heavy mortgage on tho cattle. That ho ha3 been feeding them for markot and that they aro doing well. In spite of this fact, ho alleges that the defendant came to the city of North Platte and spread fnlso roports to tho effect that the cattlo were being ne glected, and that ho represented that ho was attempting to find tho mort gagoo and Inform him of tho neglect of the chattels. IIo alleges that the defendant also spread llko reports among his neighbors and that many of the nclgbors ai well ns tho bankers who held tho mortgago believed the story and that they lost confidence in him and as a result ills character and standing have beon damaged to the extent of $500. Mrs. Ollle Clements of this city also filed a suit for damages against tho Union Pacific company this weok. She alleges that they have damaged her household goods and her property to tho extent of eight hundred dollars nnd alio asks his amount with the costs of the action. She states that Bho owns property along tho railroad company's right-of-way, in North Platte, and that re cently they constructed a round house, coal chutes and other buildings nea'r her property and that these aro operated In an unlawful manner much to 'her distress and the damage of her property. She states that tho engines make noise all night and all day and that sho cannot got her rest. Also thatthey throw cinders, smoko and gastrs over her promises so that tho vegetatloil Is killed and her house and furniture damaged by same. She states that since tho building of the round house and other buildings her property has depreciated In valuo to tho extent of $800 and Bhe asks that judgment for this amount bo grnntcd her. new hate schedule ADOPTED HY THE 1IOA1M) -jawiMjt B mmitW"lll " ' M"l" '" 1 WWMM III 1 1 IU IW IIMW ! MOST people think all flour is clean because it looks clean. When wheat comes to the mill the crease in the wheat kernel is full of dirt. Unless every kernel is washed, and scoured, and the flour thoroughly purified by the most modern machinery, the dirt is ground up with the wheat, remains in the flour, and goes into the bread. s You then pay for the dirt in the flour, so much per pound, and of course the dirt has no food value. Bread made from cheap flour which is not clean con tains less nourishment, it gets stale quicker and costs the family more in the end than bread made from higher priced flour. The Guaranteed Flour Tho board of directors of the eliani- br of commerce met Wednesday even ing at tho library building for tho pur pose of hearing the report of the com mittee appointed at the former meet ing to work out a how schedulo of rates for membership dues Tno re port of the commltteo was heard and It was moved that tho rates bo revised, but that they bo cut down from tho re noit of tho committee. Tho rates as they now.btanu will no as follows: ljusiness and professional men, $6 per year; property holders not in this class, 3 per year; other men not property holders, $1.50 per year. This change was made In order that a larger umber of men could bo inter ested in tho Chamber of Commerce work. Each man will have an equal voice and should have an equal inter est in tho work of the chamber wheth- or ho belongs to clnss one or class throe. Tho distinction was mado that each man would pay Into the club as duos a proportionate amount of the benefits ho would dcrlvo from tho or ganization. C. O. Wclngand, who was chairman of tho commltteo on rates, gayo a nlco talk on Chamber of Commerce work, speaking largely upon the work of tho commercial club of Greoley, Colo, lie told of the popularity of tho club at that place among nil classes of people and of the good work they were do ing. After this somo other matters of bus iness were discussed and a few bills allowed and tho meeting adjourned,. 1 " Semi-Annual OUR Clearance Sale. Still Continues With greater price reduction than ever on the remainder of our stock of Women's Summer apparel consisting of Dresses, Shirt Waists, Kim onas, underwear, Hosiery, etc. WASH DRESSES One lot in all colors and sizes values up to $2.00 98c One lot of street Dresses made in latest stytes regular values up to $5.98 going at , $2-98 F SKIRTS 50 Wool Skirls all this seasons models values tip to $6 going at $2.48. and $3:48 Waists, in voiles, Crepps, and wash Silks that sold up to $3.50 going now at 25c to 41.98 75c Petticoat at 39c 1.25 Crepe Gowns 79c 1.15 Princess Slips.. ..... 75c 35c Corset Covers 19c LOO Lawn Kimonas 50c 125; Mjddyi 75c Children Dresses COMMITTEE ASKS CITY TO TAKE CEMETERY STATU THAT CEMETERY COMMIT- Tin: cannot cam: for thi: GROUNDS AS REQUIRED City it ill Get Nearly $8,000.00 and All IMghts to the Cemetery and Can Iinpi-oie Without Luiujln Any More Taxes Manager Robinson has scheduled , and has offered to play thom horo another gamo for tho Independents on July23 nnd to play nt Sidney July 30. tho local grounds. Tho Grant aggro- Tho Willow Island bunch will play gatlon will play horo August 5. Grant horo on Sunday aftornoon. They have has a strong team and thoy will put won ono gamo and tho locals havo up a good hard gamo. IIo has also takon two and a fast gamo Is nntlcl hoard f rorti Sidney In regard to games patod. PAHMLEE HOUND OVER ON SERIOUS CHARGE LIERK-SANDALL Co. c .-nk.u' ?2 uaw jTviV jw lb' w$d lillii Robert Parmloo was bound t)ver to tho district court Tuesday afternoon by Judgo Grant after his hearing bo foro tho county court on tho charge of bastardy. Miss Minnie Thleda is tho complaining" witness in tho case and tho hearing before Judgo Grant was held behind closed doors, the court room having been cleared of all savo tho Judgo, tho attorneys and tho witnesses. In tho complaint Parmleo is charg ed with Improper relations with ono Mlnnlo Thleda, a young girl of sev enteen years of ago. Parmlee nnd tho plaintiff were working at tho farm of Henry Ilnnscn at tho tlmo the crime was committed. Tho caso was takon Into county court somo tlmo ngo and a settlement was ar- ranccd, but Parmleo refused to ac- ceed to tho requirements of tho set tlement and trial was had. After hearing tho ovldenco tho court found ovldenco existing which would tend to show tho defendant guilty of tho charges In tho complaint nnd bound him over to tho Jury term of tho district court on bonds of $500, which wero furnished and ho was released. Miss Florence Iddlngs will enter taln at a dancing party this evening at her homo on West Fifth Street. At n meeting of tho city council Tuesday evening a commltteo from the cemetery association appeared be foro tho body and asked that tho city take over the cemetery and that It hereafter be run by tho city. Harry Dixon, Anna Kramph and Geo. E. French wero on the commltteo that appeared beforo the council to mako tho request. At tho last session of tho legisla ture cities of tho size of North Hlutte wero given authority to tako over cem- Leterles that wero already In oxlstenco and tho cemetery association hopes to have this dono by this city. Tho re ceipts of tho cemetery aro not suffi cient to carry on tho work of tho cem etery ns It should bo carried on and to keep everything in goou snape. as tho cemetery now stands It Is an cye soro to tho city and tho present board of directors has dono tho best It could to keep It In shape. To proporly caro for tho cemetery grounds It would require tho expend iture of about fifteen hundred dollars for Improvements on tho wator sys tem and tho city could extend their system to that placo at much less ex pense and furnish tho needed water. Thero Is now In tho treasury of the as sociation, to bo turned over to tho city If they will tako over tho ceme tery, tho sum of about eighteen hun dred dollars. Also tho endowed lots would bring In bout ono thousand dollars collateral. Thoro aro about threo hundred lots to bo sold yet and tho cemetery will then bo exhausted as a burviiiK itround and will bo only a park. Tho receipts from grave dig ging, oto., will amount to nearly ?0UU per year and with tho cash on hands tho city could tako caro of tho ceme tery as It will require without any lovy for this year, whllo tho associ ation can not beautify It as It should bo to bo a credit to our city. Tho mat ter was referred to a committee com posed of T. M. Collagen, M. B. Crosby and J. 11. Stono, and thoy wero asked to Investigate tho affairs of tho associ ation and submit a report to tho coun cil. Tho lovy for tho now sower districts was also mado at tho council meeting Hardware and . Agricultural f I mplements Thomas & Johnston Mowers and Rnkes, Boss and Champion Slacker and Sweeps, Samson, Aermoler. Monitor and Ftiirbury Wind Mills, R. & O. Canton Plows, Cultivators, Wagons, Etc., Pumps, Well Pipe and Fittings, Waterloo Boy and Glade Gasoline Engines, Sawyers Gandy endless and other Belting, Rubber Belting, Rubber Hose any desired length, Alfalfa, Cane, Millet and Garden Seeds. Chick Food, Oyster Shells, Charcoal Etc., Blatchford's Calf meal I S Binding Twine. Arcotom Paint, Cattle Dip and Fly Spray, Casolineand Oil Ranges. Jos. Hershey, 5th and Locust Street, Opposite Postotfice PHONE 15