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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1914)
William Adair is W WATCHES. W 7JfJy n tne Purchase of a Watch vTft Wc would sugtiest ood a case as you ord, but that you get is absolutely accurate and that you can rely upon at all times. If you will give us your idea as to the style of time-piece you prefer, and the price you desire to pay, we will be glad to oiler, you the vatch that wc be lieve willl be best adapted to your needs. CLINTON, JEWELER and OPTICIAN. Wo Want your Repair Work. iwiTZTTTTrrrTirirfirxrTJiiirzTrmTriTzwjvi'rjiiTnriVM'Viwiwirj' -TTvrvrrTivvTLTxvisrxirx'TTvrirx-.Tivi-iTiw-ii Local and Personal Mrs. Earl Davis, of Portland, arrived this wock for an exended with relatives here. Ralph Clabough has accepted a tion in tho grocery atoro of T. J. Ore., visit posi-Bol- dock & Son for the summer. Mrs. Gutherless and Mrs, L. F. Purdy and daughter have returned from a visit in Portland, Ore. George Jones, one of tho high school boys, has accepted a position in tho Union Pacific yards for the summer. Mrs. V. E. Ilinmnn and children re turned Wednesday evening from a visit of two months in paints in tho west. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Huffman are ex pected home today from a visit fi a week in Iowa and other eastern points. P. E. Bullard and Claude Falkner are spending tho week in Omaha at tending the meeting of the Grand Lodge A. F & A. M. "I should Bibbja," Schafz Saft started Monday. a Floyd Broternitz, who was injured a week ago in a railroad accident, is re Eorted improving. His leg that was roken is getting along as well as could bo expected, but he suiTeis considerable Ealn. His other injuries are nearly salad. Switchman Manane, who was injured at the same time, is almost able to return to work. Fred Sohmalzried lqft tho first of tho week for Caspar, Wyo whore he hi-Gently-purchased a half-section of land in' tho' o district. lie also hotnesteaded a half flection adjoining the one which; he bought and he will prospect for oil. A pood striko in oil has been reported in that vicinity and number are settling up the land there. 1 , fc- fM ? v, PIANO S Just received another shipment of High Grade Pianos at prices to fit any pocket and terms to suit. Come in and let our factory man show you. f that you buy as think you can af- a movement that M. J. Forbes left Tuesday evening for (Jmaha where ho spent a lew days at the state convention of funeral di rectors. Ha left yesterday for Lin coln where ho will meet with the other two mambors of the committee from the Chamber of Commerce and extend the invitation to the postmasters to meet here next year. The Entre Nous club was delightfully entertained Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Buchfinck. The after noon wai spent with cards and the first prize was won by Mrs. Itussel Wyman and Mrs.. Will Baskins carried off second honors. At the cIoeo of the afternoon nice refreshments were Berved. C. G. Anderson, employed at tho round house, was soverely burned about the face Wednesday mooning and he will bo laid oil for seveal days with the accident. Ho was working on a boiler and when he turned on tno injec tor tho frost plug flew out letting the, scalding steam at about 210 degrees in to his face. Both eyes woro severely scalded and he is obliged to have both covered. k Ho was brought to a company1 physician and had tils injuries attended, Mrs. Wm. Majoney entertained seven young ladies at a slumber party at nar home Tuesday evening. The even ing was spent with various diversions and light refreshments wars Berved. At midnight the young ladies all enjoyed a pnrado and after that they retired to tho sleeping pbrch. Duripg the night some fairy, orJsomcthingjeiBe, played a number of pranks which were not dis covere,d'"lihtll morplng. Wednesday mornlnrr Mm. Mnlnnnw served fi mpo (three course breakfast. Tho guests wero Misses Edna and Alice bulltvan, Marie and Florence Stack, Hannah Keliher, Mrs. Omar Huff and Mrs. J. J. Horrigan. ALE AT Special $300.00 Piano, slightly used Price this week, $17S.OO. jHL jHL l5vJOIx. J. Hurt by Automobile . . 45-, William Adair, proprietor of the North Platte steam laundry, was es; lousty injured Wednesday evening fh an automobile acident seven miles west of Big Springs. Three men wero riding In the car and one of them who was riding in the back seat escaped without in jury. The driver of the car was se verely injured about the ihouldsrs. Mr. Adair left here Wednesday after noon with a man who is proprietor df a hotol and a garage in Cheyenno and they were to drivb through to Cheyenne in a new seven-passenger Colo car which the other man had recently pur chased. A mechanician, who works in the Cheyenne garage, was was with them and rode in the back seat. He cautioned the driver several times about driving so fast. They mado tho trip to Big Sprin gs in good time and without any misha pa and stopped there for supper. About seven miles past uig bp pngs when thev came to the bottom or a large hill they struck a sinK note ana the car turned a complete Bommersault for ward. It landed upright but was com p'ately demolished. Ihe men were all thrown from the car and Mr. Adair was pinned underneath it. He was dug out and it was discovered that his left hip was dislocatod and the leg was drawn up about six inches shorter than the. other one. He also sustained a bad gash on his head and his skull was slightly fractured. He was taken to the Big Springs hotel and his injuries were attended and he will probably be confined there for several weeks unless the doctor will permitt his remoyal here. The driver had his left shoulder badly dis located and the bone of it was driven into his chest., fracturing several ribs. He is also confined to the hotel tinder medical treatment. W. A. Skinner of this city was called at about midnight Wednesday and left on No. 3 for that place to look after Mr. Adair. He atated yesterday that Mr. Adair was severely injured and was suffering much pain. His hip which was dislocated by the accident is much worse than a bad break according to tho doctor and there is a possibility of its leaving him a cripple. It has been set and the ankle is tied to the ankle of the other leg to keep it in E" lace. Ho is completely swathed in andages. Tho young people of the Baptist church wero delightfully entertained Wednesday evening on the lawn of Fred Loudon, residing on south Chest nut street. Miss Mildred Burgner en tertained them and nil present report a pleasant evening. The regular busi ness meeting was held in tho early fiartof the evening and this was fol owed by games and other social di versions, af.ter which nice refresh ments were served. The round houso baseball oggrega nun ucietueu mu iNoriu oiuu riraiea Wednesday evening in a fast game on the round house ball park by the score of 11 to 3. Haggerty and Haggerty were batteries for the round house and Wooten and Coberly for the Pirate's. The equity term of the district court will open Monday of next week. There nro a number of cases on he docket. Mutual Building & Loan Association' jAisets May 1st 1914, $613,998.75. To supply the demand for approved loans this association will issue a limited amount of its paid up stock. This stock pays six per cent interest. Interest paid semi-annually. No better or safer investment can be found for idle money. .115' A JLi J SCHATZS Official Notice to End Sale! , We can put home for $ 1 THE IMMEDIATE CLOSING " : ; vi ay a be caused tomorrow by thejiumber of women who enroll on this Hoosier Plan. If all ihe women who need Hoosiers should come tomorrow, our allotment would be taken before night and the sale would close. This has happened in many similar .sales throughout the country. On the other hand, if women delay, the sale may last all week. This tod has happened; Which now is best for you to delay and take the chances of missing this opportunity or to come down tomorrow and find out about this cabinet so you can decide, before it is too late? It cannot take you ten?minutes to decide, once for all, whether you intend to purchase now or later And you are deciding, remember, whether or not you will save miles of unnecessary steps you now take. But unless you at once decide, you may decide too late to own this greatest of all Hoosier cabinets on this liberal Hoosier Plan. 700.000 women already have Hoosiers. Thousands are buying this new Hoosier every week. You should without fail grasp your opportunity and fies this cabinet tomorrow. frc a ftl How The Only Place U. P. Railroad Asks to Raise Assessments A petition was filed Tuesday after noon with tho board of county commis sioners tho prayer of which is. that the county board cite all property owners in Lincoln county to appear before them while they sit as a board of equal ization and show case, if any, why the tax valuation of property should not be raised to correspond with the valuation E laced on tho Union Pacific property In incoln county. At the same time William G Betty, representation the railroad company, filed with the board certain data which ha had secured from the records of the county clerk giving all transfers of real estate in the county represented by warranty deeds for the Inst live years, which deeds purport to cite the selling value of land that has been transfered in the county. He had also looked up and secured the assessed valuation of the land and compared it with the aver age assessed valuation of these samo lands. This data shows a ratio in the land values as shown by the transfers and tho assessod valuation of about $17.80 and $7.50, which would tend, they claim, to show that the property of the railroad com pany is assessed about one-third higher than private property in this county. Tho board took the petition and tho data under consideration and rendered the opinion that it was physically im possible to comply with the prayer of the petition and to cite all property owners to appear und show cause why the tax vuluaticn should not bo raised, It Is presumed that the Union Pa cific ia laying n basis for a mandamus proceedings, or similar action, against tho county board to compel thein to comply with the prayer of the petition, ill. wnicn lime wey win iuiuuiii. iu biiuw to the court the inequality tnat exists between the assessed valuation of pri vate property and that of railroad prop erty. If such suit I fi'p'l, it U pro- NEW HOOSIERS in your ONLY while this sale lasts. in Town Where Hoosier Cabinets are Sold able that it will go direct to the su preme court of thestate to secure thi writ of mandamus. At the same time that this petition was filed here, similar ones wore filed in Keith, Duel and Cheyenne counties, counties located in this part of the state, flir. Beatty, who complied the datu for this, has eeen in this part of the state for several months past. He came here in March, presumably to cdrrect the tax payments of the com punv and compute what taxes, if any, had been left unpaid or had been over paid. The company, it seems by this action, hopes to lower their taxes here by meani of raising the valuation of ttie other property and in this way bringing about a smaller levy. Wanted! Good Country Butter We will pay 20c for good If Country Butter in Bulk II Ii Not Printed II X.7ZXCB t&iziuzrj&jtsacmy's&wxxxr - The Hoosier Plan is Simply This: 1. SI puts any Hoosier you select in your Home. 2. $1 weekly, quickly pays for It. 3. The Low Cash Price fixed by the Fac tory prevails strictly. 4. The Sale is under direct supervision of v tho Hoosier Company. '5., No interest. No extra fees. , 6. Your money back if you are not delighted with your Hoosier. k , v , j., ,,...,,' What Possible Reason can re.ra"!n t0 ae?lZl . you of the use of this Hoosier? Only tho small number of Hoosiers left and the certainty that mpe women will come than we can supply. Every day we have enrolled -more women on the Hoosier plan than we expected. There are fewer cabinets leftor tomorrow than we have sold in one. day. -'JhWbVfew .undoubtedly would be taken without this ad, but ve make this final announcement to keep our promise to advise you o"the last day. We Now Have Kept Our v Promise to You Please remember. If you come too late, that we have told you every day of the progress of this sale, and that we now warn you or the final date in time for you to still enroll if you act early tomorrow. Mr and Mrs, W. P. Snyder and chil dren left Tuesday evening for Lincoln to spend a few days visiting friends. Mr. Snyder will also mpet with the other two members of the committee from the chamber of commerce and ex tend the invitation to the postmasters to meet here next year. County Commissioner I hereby announco myself n candidate for the democratic nomination for the county commisiloner for the second district, subject to the decision of the voters at the primary election, and most respectfully solicit your support. J . D. Kelliher, Maxwell Precinct. i'aBffi&za Wflk T ' i M I.W i ' v.. w V I . If