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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1914)
w ikato HUtcftcal SooIty $fe mltelto rifamt 144 it wu TWENTY-NINTH YEARv NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JUNE 16, 1914. No. 42 Jtorttt f & Vtff- I , f . 4 It : - I IV V T Local and Personal Engineer "Will. Vosolpka Is suffering with a severe attack of rheumatism. Mrs. !E. M. Senrle, of Ogalalla, was the guest of friends in town Sunday. Miss Fern Garrison left last evening for Alliance where she will spend some time visiting. Dr. V. Luca3 left yesterday after noon for Arnold to upend a few days visiting friends. Mr. Sorg, who is taking treatment at the North Platte General hospital, is reported recovering nicely, ' Mrs. Henrietta Mathews, who has been making a protracted visit in Mis souri, wjll arrive home today. , Miss Laura Murray entertained at a (six o'clock tea last evening, covers ' being laid for twelve young ladies. The ball game bstween the men's brotherhoods of tiie Episcopal and Lu thoran churches will po played tomor rowaftereoon at five o'clock. Miss Minnie Rosenkoetter. who has been employed as fitter at The Leader for the past several weeks, left yester day for her home in Grand Island. Major and Mrs. Lester Walker and daughter Miss May, who have been at Excelsior Springs, Mo., for several weeks, are expected home tonight. For Rent Nicely furnished front room. Inquire at E20 W. 6th, street. Baseball teams of the Christian and Baptist brotherhoods met Saturday evening nnd played a five-inning game, resulting in a Score of 7 to 3 in lavor of tho Christians: Streicker and Husband were batteries for tho Baptists and Smith and Woods fortne Christians. For ReYit Three room bouse on East Third street, next to Parlor Milllinory, arftly 51G East Fifth., Charles Tolle, car inspector in the local yards, had one ot the bones in his left fore leg cracked in an accident yesterday morning. He was working with some heavy lumber and fell, striking his leg on a board. He will bo laid off for a week or more. William Robb, a prominent farmer and stpekman from Lexington, was in tho city yesterday looking after busi ness matters. He was enroute home from Sutherland near where he has a Jarge ranch, and returned home yester day. Mr. Robb is well known in thin. city. " Miss? Ruth Streitz is expected to ar rive in the city Thursday evening of this week from Chicago and will spend her vacation with her parents. She has been attending the Pestalozzl-Froebel kindergarten training school in Chicago and graduated this year. Miss Streitz has been engaged to teach kindergarten in the Lincoln schools next year. Mrs. Frank McGovern entertained a number of her friends last evening at her homo in honor of her sister, Mrs. Walter Beam who has been visit ing here for the past six weeks from Lordsville, N. M. About twenty ladies jwere present and the evening was de lightfully spsnt with cards, af ter-which refreshments were served. The Chautauqua manager and the tent crew arrived in tho city yesterday morning to make the final arrange ments for the Chautauqua which will be hold this week. beginningtomorrow. They will finish up the sale of the seats .and are starting to put up the tent. Mr. Peyton, the platform manager, ar rived in the city last evening to get ac quainted with the people and to help push the final arrangements. Burglars entered the Rasmusson clothing store at Brady Sunday night but. a search disclosed that yery little had been taken. The safe had been tampered with and the burglars had evidently attempted to open it by filing the hinges but in this they were unsuccersful. Blood hounds were brought up from Beatrice but at last accounts they had failed to pick up tho right trail. FOR RENT, Houses, nice vacant rooms, close in. Also a quarter section of good bottom hay land, fenced, near Sutherland. Brail & Goodman. Get That Ticket WW'- -vi Copyright, 1SH, by tho Hedpath-Horner Chautauquas. ON a hot day what is better than an afternoon under a cool tent listening to a worth-while Chautauqua pro gram? Ever get tired of a Chautauqua ? You never did. Then get that ticket and be ready to start in the open ing day. Install Large X-Ray Machine. Tho Physicinns and Surgeons hospital has just completed the installation of a largo new X-ray machine which will add greatly to tho efficiency of their already well equipped hospital. Tho X-ray is recognized ns one of the great est Scientific discoveries for the treat ment of many diseases and ailments and the one installed is of the most modern design and is equipped with all modern appliances. The hospital hus made a marked growth since its organization but a few years ago and this has been duo to the fact that nothing was spurcd to make it one of the best in the state and the best in western Nebraska. It has handled a large numbor of patients and they have nil gone away satisfied with the treatmeht that they had re ceived and with words of praise for tho hospital staff and the corps of nurses. With the addition of the new machino they are now better equipped to handle patients -and it is something that should command tho uttention of everyone, for hone knows just when he will need a hospital and want the best. FOR THE SAFE INVESTOR A few first mortgage real estate loans in sums of $250 and upwards, netting 7 percent and 8 percent semi-annual interest. These mortgages are not taxable. No better in vestment for your idle money. Bralt & Goodman. Final Meter Notice. July 1st, 1914 being the beginning of the new quarter, all water services must be on mcfter by that date. All meters should be installed by Juue 22, 1914, in order that any leaks on ser vice pipes may be discovered ai.d lepaired bcfQre consumer begins paying for water at meter lates, as after Juiy 1st, 1914, all water passing through meters must be paid for at regular meter rates. The water department has given notice throuch the papers-and in person that in accordance with tho water or dinance consumers must be on meter by July 1st 1914 and has given everyone timd to have any necessary changes made and get meters installed. On Monaay, June 22, 1914 an inspec tion of nil services will be made, a list prepared of all unmetered services and tho city will, then proceed at once and without any iurther notice, to install meters in tde in the parkings on all unmetered services. Consumers, there fore, desiring to rjav their, jnfcters in stalled in hyiirftntjbpxeaQrfb'dseinehta. should ha'o them installed by abe date or notify jtne water dilice to install meter for them. If the consumer 'pre' fersany particular plumber the city will see that the plumber, you prefer does tho work, providing1 the water office is notified in advance. if J 1 Hkkshey S. Welch, Water Commissioner. Dated June lGth, 1914. 42-2 It is rhe PURITY of our ice Cream that makes it not only delicious but nourish ing. Try it and feel satisfied. Edward Hastings, wanted in Chicogo foi white slavery and safe blowing, jumped from passenger train No. 8 Saturday evening'at the railroad bridge east of town, He. had be"en captured in San Francisco and was being taken to Chicago by tho sheiiff of Cook coun ty. The train was stopped and the sheriff phoned Sheriff Salisbury who at once began a search. Hastings was followed north and located in the barn of Charles Robinson, four miles north east of town. He was brought to town, lodged in jail and taken east on No. 4. Word was received here yesterday from Keith Neville from Florida an nouncing that ha and his family would start home today, arriving here in about a week or ton days. They will come by boat to Baltimore ana from thero they will co to Charlestown. where they will visit for a week with Mrs. Neville's relatives. Ho also an nounced in his letter that he had besn made a member of the St. Petersburg Tarpon club at St. Petersburg, Fla., and that he made a good record with tarpon-fishing, catching ssveral large ones. He will bring soveral of them home with him and ono of them, which is seventy-three inches ..long and weighed one hundred twelve pounds, he will present to the local Elks club. and 3e Eea-dy! II km" C5aPSpsy--. --'i-:SCvi AJ- y MESH! 111 1: 3 - iMBKm Saturday Even tomorrow 'may end to have the Will you decide now to come down tomorrow and settle the matter once for all, or will you let tomorrow drift by and then realize you are too late to decide, because of the close of the Hoosier Plan of Sale? Scores of other women aro in your state of mind. They are reading this final call tonight. And many who have postponed as you have aro mak ing up their minds tonlhttocome down tomor row for a final decision. A choice still remains between "White Beauty" (selected by 3 out of 4 women) and the Hoosiers with "Oak" interior. But the numbers are few and you cannot hope to get one if you delay. You incur no obligation' by coming, so let other matters wait tomorrow while you ' settle this important question. You could scarcely imaclne a decision of more im portance to you. For the new Hoosier is a won derful" labor-saver already used iby 7 00,000 women. It saves miles of steps and hours of val uable time. It saves health and good looks. It is ery low in price and on the liberal terms of the Hoosier Plan ts'the Cheapest Kitchen Cabinet Ever liuilt. Elks 'Observe Flag Day. Elk lodges tho country over observed Flag Day and the local ledge, In con nection with the G A. It. nhd the V. R. C, rendered an appropriate program at their home Sunday afternoon. Ex alted Huler U. f. Clinton presided and tho exercises opened by the audience singing "America," followed with nn invocation by Father McDaid. Elsie Waltarmith and Vera Bretornltz gave readings appropriate to the occasion, and John K. Evans and J. T. Keofe gave interesting addresses, and in the presentation ot a flag to tho high school buildintr bv the Elks. T. G. Patterson made the presentation speech and Supt. Tout accepted the flag in he half of the board ana the school. The Elks' trio rendered a selection and the exercises closed with the singing of the Star Spangled Banner. The atterdanee was lorge, many members of tho G. A. R. and W. R. C. who were especially Invited, being present. Througn tne courtesy ot mo u. A. R. the W. R. C. and the Elks tho four schod.1 buildings aro now supplied with flags. Sl. Harry A. Smith, the physical director who will be in charge of the city Playground this summer, is very desirous ot meeting as many ot ine High School Cadets as possible at the High School Friday morning, Juno 19th at 9 o'clock He will also be very glnd to have any of tho Eighth Grade boys who are about to enter the High School meet with him at that place. is the Last Day ! NEW HOOSIER for $1. i " " The Only Place in Town Where Hoosier Cabinets are Sold Mrs. W. H. Hunger will ontertain at a lunchetn today complimentary t) Miss Edith Patterson who leaves Sun day for a protracted visit In Spokane and other western points. This section has been vitited by three heavy rains during tin1 past wpek, ono nnd spventoen one-hundredth Inches 'falling Filduy evening, flftyflvo hundradthR Saturday night nnd foity two hundredths Sunday night, and hghr showers nt other times. The total nrecipitnlion for the week ending at 7 a. in. yesterday was 2.85 inches. . North Plalte, June 10, 1914. To Whom It May Concern: This is U certify that I have Ibis day received a full settlement from Bratl & Good man for bajl damage to my crop of oats in sured by tfeem, and I recommend ibis fiirn to all my friend and rei,hbor$ for their prompt ness in tliis adjustment. J. W. Clemens. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of on order of &alo lucd from tho district toiirt of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In Bald court wherein llobert I', Burnett U plaintiff and Samuel A. Thomas, et. nl . are defendant!, and to mo directed I v, III on the lSth day of July. 1914, at 2 o'clock p. io., nt the eaet frontdoor of the court house In North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne braska, sell at public auction to the hlnheit bidder for cash, to atUfy ald decree, Interest and costs, tho following described property to-wlU fiouthweet Quarter (SW'-il Section Four (4), In Township Twelve (12), Kanuo Thirty four (34), west of thoCth P. M, Lincoln county, Nebruikn. Dat.d North Platte, Neb.. June IS, 1914. J16-8 A. J. SALISDUIIY, Sherill. V?x your chance . , ..V . , The Hoosier Plan is Simply This: 1. SI puts any Hoosier you select in your Home. 2. $1 weekly quickly pays for it. 3. Tho Low Cash Price fixed by tho Fac tory prevails strictly. 4. The Sale is under direct supervision of tho Hoosier Company. 5. No interest. No cktra fees. 6. Your money back if you aro not delighted with your Hoosier. What Possible Reason can re,raaln dePjjy.a i you of tho use of this Hoosier? Only tho small number ot Hoosiers left and the certainty that more women will come thah we can supply. Every day we have enrolled more women on tho Hoosier plan than we expected. There are fewer cabinets left for tomorrow than we have sold in ono day. Thesd few undoubtedly would bo taken without this ad, but we make this final announcement to keep our promise to advise you of tho last day. We Now Have Kept Our Promise to You Please remember, If you c6me too late, that wo have told you every day of tho progress of this sale, and that wo now warn yoif of tho final date In time for you to still enroll if younct early tomorrow. Bishop Beecher, of Hustings, is ex pected to arrive in tho city this week to spend a few days visiting Dean J. J. BotyUor and other friends. I Get Cedar Moss for to keep the car- pets blight. Phono Blk 303. A nice Children's Day program was , given Sunday evening at tho Luthoran I church by the members ot the Sunday schoul. A nice sized audience attended I and all enjoyed the exercises very mucn. Thu monthly county teachers' exMn (nations will lie hold Friiluv and "Satur day of this Week by Co. Supt. Chnp pell, Tho next examination will bo the last Friday and Saturday in July unci on ; oniuruoy hi mat time tne reading circle examinations will be held. For Rent Fivo room house .modern except heat. W. A. Kocken, 811 E, Thhd. A man giving his name as Oscar Lar Ben was arrested on the stroots yes terday afternoon by Oflicer Frieborg on ine cnarge or neing urunK anu uis ordeily. Ha was taken to tho county jail whero he spent the night and he will be allowed to tell his troubles to the police magistrate today. F.J. DIENER 8c Co. , Keal Estate and Insurance. Come and see us for town lots In different parts of the city. Good in vestments on easy terms. Houses for ale and rent. We have also good bar gains in farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dewey Sts. upstairs. Read About these conveniences that have matfe the HOOSIER necessary to over 700,000 Women ) 1 " Mrs. Christine Frederick's famous ' "Housekeepers' FoodGuido" on tho upper left door -answers every wo man's eternally perplexing problem "What shall wo have for dinner?" You turn tho dial to tho meat you want and a complete outline of a perfectly balanced meal la bpforo you n esclusivo H'oosier feature that is an invaluable help. ffV Tho Cook-book holder on tho mld V dto upper door holds your cook book securely when not in use. When you aro cooking, simply open Up the book to tho proper page bchmd tho holder It Is on a level with your eye, always clean( never in tho way. There are 40 special conveni ences in the NEW HOOSIER 17 are entirely NEW. "i Tho Hoosier Metal Flour Bin holds V ' fifty pounds. It is low and easy to fill. Ths slidluK Rlnss front' enables you to clean tho entire bin easily The in side is entirely of metal, with no corners to hold Hour. First flour in is always out first. (A Tho New Shaker Flour Sifter is V J tho most wonderful of all tho New Hoosier inventions. It is the only flour sifter over made on a kitchen cabinet that shakes flour through instead of grinding it through. cannot wear out nnd can not grind through any grit or foreign substanco that might bo in the flour. Twenty of these features are described IN OUR WINDOW DISPLAY, which is the talk fri of the town. Gome in and find out about the others- ( 5) The now BI11 F,1 is a comPlet ' bookkeeping system for most households, Most women dlsllko book keeping, but this simple hook file fdr meat and grocery bills on tho upper middle door shows exactly which bills havo been paid and which have not. With it you can keep n corapleto, simple record of all your money transactions. ( 6) Evry woman ha3 favdrlto recipes, V ' If you're like most women, you hayo difficulty remembering where you put the one you want, Tho Metal Recipe Card,I?ile has SO cards and 10 index guides, Yqu can paste or wrlte'tno recipe and file it always.nt your fingers ends. A special holder is provided so you can keep any recipe you are using nt level of your eyes Without holding or soiling it. These and 35 other conveniences are worth examining tomorrow even at some personal effort on your part. Tomorrow is your last chance to decide whether you want them now on the easy Hoosier Plan. Wm. Adair was brought to the city Saturday evening from Big Springs where he was confined in a hotel and ho was taken to the North Plntto gen oral hospital for treatment. He 1b re ported resting easy uf tor his trip nnd his condition is improving. Tho wound in his head proved to be only super ficial and tho skull was not fractured a-j flrsc supposed. His bin is bothering most and it is in a ruther serious con nition. An X ray examination of the hip will bo made in order to ascer tuin the exact oxtent of his injuries. His sister, Miss Helen Adair of Kear ney, noccmnnnied him bore and will re main here uuiirtg his illness. Mr ITnrrtr A Crrtttli tt.III U..A ... ,, . Muni,, uu iv iii iiuvi; chnrgo of tho City Playground this summer will nrrive tne latter part of tho week und will take active charge of the wqrk on Friday morning. The ruina uitvu iiueriereu io some extent with the work of preparing the grounds but it i3 hoped to have them in shape for nn opening on Monday, June 21st. Oh You Cedar Moss, will be delivered by phoning Blk 308, Mrs. Thresa Holderman. Boelor, tho llttlo son of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Scott, had both bones in his right forearm broken Sunday after noon. He was playing on a ladder ot his home and fell off, landing on his arm. Medical attention was called at once and tha., wore Bet and he is getting along as well as can be ex pected. He sutlers considerable pain from the break. if