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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1914)
Mil s-.! . r Mil ! HI u nil Ml -. - ' '' ' ' " 1 " Jfc ,.iM-iltnMt,.-.. ..- .. ' ' mi'iTiiif ' ' " " j " i I i - - -. ' i i.r- ' - - ' .i.i .1 f I HII I II r . . I I ' I I U 1,T 'III I I .. 1 IWi - I - i I - - r , -Hi. ..i.i. ..n i- n l MAAfWtwkwVVHkvtMUr THE HUB'S Something very'Special for each dy Watch the Windows Sale Commencing June 16 th Something-vry Special for each fifty Watch the Windows Sale Commencing June 16th I-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE COMMENCING JUNE 16TH Easy buying for you. Everything to be marked in plain figures. The YELLOW TICKET tells the story. No foreign help employed. No sales company to grab the profits that you should receive, the benefits that belong to, the buying public. We will feature a bonafide Clearance Sale making a confident of our patron, maintaining it throughout the entire sale. Patrons for the benefits not high priced Sales Co's. WPP . lli-""iii i i ' ! II- ii. - -BWjffT i. em; SEM . , V" Jf FREE! FREE!! First 20 Ladies Buying $1 in Merchandise Receive a Waist Pattern Free June 16th. 5 to 8 childs size.'..... '..., 9 to 11 Girls and Hoys size. . , 12 to 2 Misses and Boys size Childrens Girls and Womens Bare Foot Snndalls ... 48c ... 59c .. 89c 2J to 7 Womens and Boys size C One lot of Ladies Gun Mettal Bhpes in 2 strap Oxfords worth 2.50 at 1 ,47 One lot Ladies Black Velvet But- nft ton Oxfords worth 3.50 at. ..... . I . y " One Hundred Pairs Ladies Tan Can- Qn vas Leather Faced Oxfords a. . ,. . . y C .All mens dress shoe3 black Tan but-3 QQ ton or lace worth 4.50 5 00 at 0.'' One lot Ladies black lace, Slippers 4 in "worth 2.50 at 1.4V One Ipt mens 3.50, 4.00 Oxfords at..2.V ' :, One Lot Boys Oxfords worth 2.50 at 1 ,0 ' One lot Boys shoes lace Black or tan 4 m 1 worth 2.50 at 1.4 One lotl Womens Slippers of all kinds all 1914 styles Worth up to 4.50 at 4 ton Thinkonlv I ."V Ladies Misses and childrens white can- yvas slippers and Shoes at a price. One lot of mens canvas slippers leather , soles and leather faced worth 4 jQ f3.00at .' ..... I.i" Men's work Shoes at price. Silk Gloves White or Black or colors Long Short. 95c 45c ' 100 Silk Waists Worth up to S3.50 at $1.99 Ladies and Misses' " Summer Gowns Muslin prices from 75c to .. S3.50-! .. 50c $1.00 . 1.50 . 2.00 . 2.50 . 3.50 MILLENERY All $1.00 Hats All 2.00 Hats.' All 3.00 Hats All 4.00Hats All 5.00 Hats All OiOOHnts GAGE PATTERNS The latest and Most up-to-date stock of Millinery in the city. Ladies' Suit and Coat Department. La-Vogue $22.00 at v.-V 16.50at7...( ,. COATS $12.00 at jf.t?r... 10.00 at Special Bargains to Close Portiers Lace curtain and ingrain carpets ' l il004adi?y Suits i Out of styles worth up to $32 00 (jjj nr Goingat Jt).UU Underwear The entire line of gauze and summer muslin underwear for ladies and children. 100 High Grade Skirts Out of style worth up to $15.00 (ji nft choice. ..... 5Z.VV , Kimonos $1.50; $2.C0.and $3.00, all at special price. ,"j 1 $13.00- 10.00 $8.00 .6.00 DRY GOODS Corsets. Warner's Rust Proof for creatings style of dress, grace in appearance. $1.00 Corsets 75C 1.50 Corsets $1.35 2.00 Corsets.. 1.89 3.00 Corsets.' 2.75 Guararitd HOSIERY Silk worth up to $1.60 at 98 C Silk worth ujp to 75c at 4 48C Lisle worth up to 75c at 4t)C Superior quality Cotton 35c at IdC Superior, Quality cotton 20c VAC Fine. Sameless hleck . . '. : yC Childrens' hose per pair 1 j C Two Step Hose per pair SC Kid Gloves Worth$1.25 now 98C 1000 Yards of Silk Silk, si k crepes andwk ratine at prices that will close this stock. This merchan dise is seasonable, up-to-thc minute Worth up to $1.50 per yard "8C Worth up to $1.25 per yard "8C Worth up to $1.00 per yard 89C All Shoes in this big stock on Sale. Imported Lace, Embroidery Will close this entire lot. This is tht most popular, lina wo have ever had the pleasure of handling. Price per yard from 59c to 98c Parasols Silk, fancy , Silk, fancy Parasols, take down, $2.50 at , 300 Parasols $1.25 to 1.50 at. . , 500 Parasols 75c to $1 Children's Parasols 69c and up. $2.99 -$1.39 $1.99 99c 69c White Waists $1.25 at $1.50 at., 2.50 n..., 98c $1.39 $2.19 House Dresses. $1.60 at ...' $1.39 A very desirable line v 98C Staples. Toile Du Nord Gingham per yard 2C Queen Porcaio per yard ,.'. , ,Q, American Prints per yard..!. ... OC Faunta Batiste per yard . . . ., , C Antirim Lawn per yarn1'. ....''. , C Organdie Populairo peryard.., .. oC 7.00 suits at Boys Suits $G.OO at. 5.00 at. 2.50 at. Mens and Boys Suits for every body in prices that are pop ular. Styles latest models. . Mens Suits 200 Suits the entire line of Brandegeo and Kinkaid Co. clothing to be closed out. $20.00 to $35.00 at $18.00 15.00 to 20.00 at. v 1 2.48 10.00at.... 7.89 5.98 $4.98 . 3.98 . 1.98 A complete line of men's and boys trousers, hats nml caps, light summer weights, silk, straw etc. .' Overalls Union made overalls, Standard.... '"5C Work shirts. Standard. 39C Dress Shirts ... 79c .. 98e .. 48c Mens silk hose LoQ, One lot mens undershirts summer -jQ ' nnd medium weight worth 50c now JC Men and Boys Union Suits Poros or Bal brigan. In the, cosirig out of the Brandegea Kin cahCp., Clothing it will be possible for y,ou to, pu rchase a very desirble suit fit a rjftce. whore cost is forgotten. Worth up to $1.00 at Worth up to $1.50 at Worth up to 75c We expect to give to the buying public sale than they have ever received or $1.00, this being'our motto, we must maintain it by placing our merchandise within the grasp of all. k Frankel $15 Suits $12.48 610 Dewey Street rTrI-T7 P-TTT"R ' i Frankel .5 sits mm North Platte, Nebraska JC23 ar tl .121 R I I l 1 m . w JJ k - I aMi ft v r. V s I Ira .1! June Bride i II ' Vevy appropriate, i I Very useful, j p 1 1 Always appreciated. i I 'I ' & P I 1 1 have many new and attractive designs I I awaiting your inspection. , v i R , I DIXON, The Jeweler. J I . 0. H. CRESSLf-U. I 1 Grnrfualc DenJisl. cr ice over the McDonald State Fnnk. a 4. Maaoo8e9Wf, 1 City and County News I Mik3 Lnura McEvoy left Wednesday fevenini? for Hot SprinRB, S. D. to - . . - nl .111 inlrn spend several weens, one trbift,.('Pf fdr rheum"tim. U Ui - will take Manager Bruce Brown of the local telephone office returned Tuesday ovenlng from Roscoe andPaxton where he spent a short time on business. He left Wednesday evening for Grand Island. Miss Elizabeth Brand of this city has filed as candidate for nomination for county superintendent on the republican ticket tho primary election. Mjss Brand taught out northwest last year. Attorney A. Muldoon left yesterday morning for Ogalalla to attend the dis trict court session. The Christian Scientists will move in to their new room in the Building and Loan building this week. A nine-pound boy was born yesterday morning to Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ford, residing on South Maple street. O..H. Thoelecke left Wednesday evening for Grand Island where he will spend a few days on business. Dean J. J. Bowker will leave Sunday after the morning service for Ogalalla where he will preach in tne afternoon. John Burke loft yesterday morning for Eureka Springs, Ark., upon re ceiving news that his daughter, Miss Grace, was worse. Christian Science Service Sunday ll:uun. m. subject: "Uod. une Preser ver of Man," Sunday School 12 m. B. & L. building. For Rent1 Five room house .modern except heat. -W. A, Kocken, 811 E. Third. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kline left yestor day morning for Havanah where they will visit for a few days with their daughter Mrs. Teel, who formerly lived here. Tho month old baby of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Bateman residing on AVest Third street, dipd Wodnesdny aftornoon. Burial was held yesterday afternoon from the home. Mrs. James Hart and her sister left yesterday morning for Omuha to visit for a few days with relatives and friends. Mrs. Hart's sister is visiting here from the east. All evening services at the Episcopal church have been discontinued for the summer. Only the two services will bo held each Sunday, the eight o'clock early service and thell o'clock service. Mrs. Bergstrom, of the Brady Island vicinity, was operated upon yestorduy morning at tho P. & S. hospital by Dr. Fred J. wurtele. She is reported re covering nicoly, Go to Schatz's overstocked sale this week. Mrs. J.'R. White, of Sutherland, was in in the city Tuesday to attend tho eighth grade commencement exer cises which were held at the Keith theatre and spent a shoit time visiting friends here. Ray Ciojs, one of the high schcol boys, has taken a position in .the local yprda. I Sherwood Woodhurst has accepted a position for the summer on the riptrack at the shops. Wire Chief Smith of the local te e phone office, was a business visitor in Cozad the first of tho week. W.H. Dionerand family have returned from Staploton, whore thoy spent a few days visiting relatives and friends, Miss Irmn Huffman returnod Tuesday from Omaha where she h'is been attend ing tho Boyd-Bfandies school of ex pression this past year. She WilJ spend her summer vacation hero. A. boy by tho namo of Pat McGovorn was arrested Wednesday morning by Officer Combs for stealing coal. He was taken before Justice of the Peace Miltonberger and drew a fine of $1 and and costs, making $5.05. Joo Pizes's team defeated tho Chris tian Sunday School team Wddnesdav by a score of 8 to 5. Langford and Louden were batteries for Pizer's team and Elliott, McGrew and Adams for tho Sunday school. For Sale-Twin cylinder Indian motor cycle. Inquire 915 W. 5 th st. Contractor L. Lloyd began work this week on a new bungalow for Promus Forstedt on South Pino, The founda tion was finished Wednesday nnd the carpenter woik stnrtedyostorday morn ing. "You should Bibblo" let "Schatz Worry." F. W. Rincker was down from Key stone yesterday morning. Ho. reports that he is doing n nice business in his new store at Keystone. He also stated that the Keystono people are planning a monstrous Fourth ol July celebration. Harry Conklin, of Grand Ibland was in the city yesterday visiting friends and transacMng business. He t.ravels for f. drug house nnd this is his first trip hero binco his illness in Grand Island. He formerly lived here. Grandpa WalBh, who has bpen quite ill for soma time, was moved this week from the home of his daughter, Mrs. Tigho, to tho homo oTanother daughter Mrs. Stack. His condition is reported some improved, but ho is an elderly man and improvement will bo slo,v. Read Schatz's ad'in this issue. License to wed was issued Wednes day from the office of the couiuy judge to Walter L. Uline, !H, t utnggold, and Mrs Jennie A. Doyle, 32, of May wood. They were married by Judge Grant at his home at high noon. The groom is a farmer of tho Ringgold vi cinity and the bride is a nurse Frank Coker filed suit in tho county court Wednesday aguinst S. E. Mc Daniel and LaForrest McDaniol, both of the Sutherland vicinity, for the un lawful and malicious defacing and destruction of a fence enclosing the pasture and meadows belonging to Coker Brothers. Ho alleges that the two men tore down and destroyed the fence and left it in that condition. The suit will como up forhearing this week. County Eighth Grade Commencement Ono hundred eighty-eight eighth grade pupils from over the county re ceived diplomas entitling them to enter high school at tho close of the county eighth grade cqmmencemcnt which was held Tuesday afternoon In tho Keith theatre. A nice program was ren dered by representatives from different schools nnd the address for the occas ion was delivered by H. G. KnowIeB, pastor of the Uhristiun ;hurch. H gave ii nice address on the subject "Stumbing Blocks and Stepping Stones." Other numbers on tho pro gram wero chorus numbers by the eighth grade pupils from the Lincoln school of this city,Hershoy eighth grade and Hrady eighth grade, and recltat tions by Ada Moore of Maxwell, Vera Breternitz of tho Washington school of this city nnd Margie Falk of O'Fallona. "America" woa sung ns a closing num ber. Tho diplomas wero presented by Cov Supt. Chnppcll. L, F, Sullivan, of the Wallace vicin ity was in tho city Wednesday to meet Mrs. Sullivan who returned Wednesday from ;n extended visit in Portland and other Oregon points. Mr. nnd P. E. Sulliyan, of Portlarid returned with Mrs. Sullivan and will remain for a visit. Noltce. A Woman Suffrogo Conference, will be held pn next .Monday afternoon, tho 15th, at 3 o'clock, at the home o' Mr. Phillip Deats, 221, So. Sycamore. Everyone in any way interested la cor dially invited to attend. Matters of importanco and of real interest will be presented. By Call of Local Chairman. C. C. HuDfer. of the Vienna Cafo. has installed a fifteen hundred dollar electric viollna-vlrtuoso, nn instrument that renders "vory pleusantviolin-,opoB with piano accompaniment. Itis said to be the most delicnto and intricate musi cal instrument made, and though auto matic in every detail, tho music ,ren dered has the expression that is lacking in most of tho 'player-inBtruments. It is qulto a treat in listen to tho music produced by thla instrument, nndishiiJd in great favbr by the patrons of the Vienna, who now have muric while they eat. A numberof tho members of the Eporth league enjoyed a picnic Tues day eveping in the canyons south of the city. Thoy made tho trip out ip a large wagon and spent the evening in the canyons, returning nt a Into hour. A picnic lunch was perved and ovety body reports a pleasant time Stability, Efficiency and Service Ilnvo boeJ tho Fixators in tho growth uf tho First National Bank, of- XO K Til PL, A TTli, iVJS Ji 2CA S KA . CA.JPITAL, AND SURIL,USt OneHundred nnd Fifty Thousand Dollars.