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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1913)
Semi -Weekly Tribune jlrn I. Bare, Editor and Publisher. Dfy. Infield Iedfield Physicians and Surycons. WILLIS J. RKDFICLD, Surgeon. JOB U. REDFIELD. 1'hyBlcInn. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. Ono Year by Mail in advance $L2f) Ono Year by Carrier in advance $1.60 KntareJ at North Platte, Nebraska, Post oflke as Second Class Matter. OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . Hospital . . PHONE 642. Tuesday, October 7, 913. ipwiniiifiinwrwwi wwww wi . mm rjwjgmfc mllllZmmmmSmmmatmmmtZmmmmKmmmmmmmmmn II ! II !! , ,mmu g 8 I Ma,waWIHBMWMMaMWPMOaWBWBWlMWWWWMWMMW"WWWMWiMMIWMWWWWIMWMUMMMaiMWWi W ! II W W Lincoln County's Corn Crop. Tho ktnto board of agriculture figures the corn crop of Lincoln county this year at 1,174,282 bushels, or an nverago of nine bushels per acra from 130,498 acres. Wc are not adyised as to how the board obtained those figures, but it is presumed I hat the average was based on a certain number of reports received from each section of tho county, and is probably as correct an estimate as could be obtained. Whllo the yield per aero is very low, tho total runs into pretty big figures, nd if it is figured at soyenty cents per bushel, the value reaches $821,990.40. Were it possible for tho f nrmers to sell all this com they would be in clover, but unfortunately fow of them will have any to sell, some will not have sufficient to feed the hogs they have on hand, while othors, who raised absolu tely nono, will need to buy feed for their horses. Howoyer, Lincoln county was not ns hard hit as many other counties. In Buffalo county tho avorago yield wns less than five bushels per aero in Adams county less than four, In Clay county less than one, in Phelps less than half a bushels and in Webster less than two. These counties arc among the heaviest corn producers in the state. Tariff Promises and Prospecls. After six month's labor tho democrat ic congress has brought forth tho democratic tariff. The measure, al though greatly transformed enrouto since its original introdution, has been put through by practically a strict party vote, and will go on tho statute books as performance of tho platform pledge upon which tho democrats went into powor. Tho avowed purpOso of the new tariff is to readjust the burdens of the federal taxation in such a way as to ro lievo tho consuming masses and make them weigh hoavier upon accumulated woalth, thus reducing the high cost of living without disturbing business, re ducing wages or Increasing unemploy ment. Tho reul test gauge, therefore, must bo the effect of tho now tariff upon tho prices of necessaries, and upon the aggregate living expenses of the nvorago family. If. tho democratic t&ntl will accom plish what is expected of h, and what was promised for it, everyone will rojoico, but even President Wilson U already hedging by saying that tho tariff will only nfToct living cost slowly and indirectly. Apparently the demo crats themsolvo are not quite so con fident now as thoy pretended to be that tariff reduction h tho whole solution, and only aolullci , of our Industrial prflblem.r-Ono'lm Bee? . Cc.t o' Lincoln Highway. It is stated that the average cost of Lincoln Highway through Nebraskn III hn SR.nnn ii mlt Thn rnnil through Lincoln county will bo nearly sixty miles in length, and tho cost would therefore be over $450,000. No work on the construction will be started until the $10,000,000 hits been raised. It is expected by tho officials to have this amount before next spring and work will bo Immediately commenced on tho rough roads of the country. The bad roads' through the states will bo the first to got the attention of tho builders it bqlng tho dosiro to have an easily trnvolod road boforo tho exposition in California in 1015. Myrtle rind Vicinity, .Inn. Rowers Is visitinrr old friends tlilH wnok. ' Irs. Wm. Blckloy returned from North Platte Sunday. A numbor from this vioinity attended tho fair nt Staploton last week. ...Andrew Knnjdl and wife have io- tu'rned homo after a two weeks' vaca tion spont with his brother Joe. Farmers ro busy sowing fall grain which was dolnyed by dry weather. 'Charlie and James Gnmbrol and Roy Nonlo returned from Idaho Tuesday. They brought homo samples of fruit grown thoro that are worth Boeing. Dan Thompson and family have, re turned to thuir homo after a visit with Mrs. Thompson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Schnlfer. Avoid Sedative Cough Medicines. If von want to contribute directly to tho occurrence of capillary uroncnltla. and pneumonia use cough medicines that contain codine, morphine, heroin and othor sedatives when you have n cough or cold. An expectorant like Chomborlain'B Cough Remedy is what Is needed. That cleans out tho culture beds or breeding placoa for tho germs of pnoumonia and other gorm diseases. That is why pnoumonia novpr results from a cold when Chnntborlain's Cough Remedy is used. It has n world wido reputation for Its euros. It contains no morphlnn or othor sedative. 1 or salo by all dealers. Perfection Kerosene Oil Most Light Most Heat PERFECTION is the besf oil obtainable for lamps, lanterns, stoves and incubators. The price is low the quality high. The steel drum holds 50 gallons, and is very convenient Fitted with bung-hole and vent. Equip ped with 3A inch faucet which can be screwed into vent and makes an economical, convenient storage tank. Standard Oil Company IL Bfl m MMMHMHMMIMMaMMHMMIMnnKMMMMMMMiMWMMMI .ii iiwm hi an iHMwiawnir n Former North Platte Girl Married. lMtss Irene M. Klcnaru, until re-( cently a resident of this city, was married at Toledo, Ohio.Jlast Wednes day to Harry B. Albright. The cere mony occured at tho newly furnished homo which tho groom had prepared, Rev. Schuette, a Lutheran "minister, officiating. Tho brido wore white braided net over white messaline and carried u corsage bouquet of white roses. Iho room decorations weroi pink and white, following the cere mony supper wns served by a caterer. The gutsts wore limited to relatives and intimate friends. The brido left North Platte a year ago to accept a position as pianist in ; i ono of tho largest show houses in Toledo. The groom is an engine as sembler in the Overland automobile factory, and ia said to bo a young man of ttorling qualities. Ho is a favorite with his fellow workmen, aa is attested by the fact that the foreman let the assembly force off nn hour early, and they mado known their presence at the coremony with rice, old shoes and house togs, and put on severnl clever stunts, further showing their good will by tho gift of a chest of solver. Tho brido was a goneral favorite in North Platte, and that sho has boon so happily married will bo received with pleasure by her many friends. Phillips Must be Good. John Phillips, who at divers times dutlng the pust few months has in sisted oil disturbing the pence and dig nity of the neighborhood in which he lives and particularly tho peace of his own household, was nrraigned before MngiBtrato Walker Saturday and fined ono hundred dollars. The complaint upon which he was arrestod was filed by his wifo and tho evidence clearly indicated guilty as charged. The fine was suspended pending Phillips good behavior. Miss Abbio Foster, of the telephone office, left yesterday for; Omaha where she will visit her sister Mrs. Baud McMulIen for a week. P0S1T11VE PROOF Should Convince the Greetcst Skeptic in North Platte. Becauso it's the evidence of n North Platto cltizon. Testimony easily investigated. Tho strongoat endorsement of morit. The bust proof. Read it. Mrs. A. G. Wessburg, 703 WuFourth St., North Platto, Nb.,Wys: TI lmd a dragging pain in my back and trouble with my kidneys. A doctor tlinrjnosyd my trouble as a floating kidnoy. llany a day I was unable to stand on account of the pnin through my kidneys and tho kidnoy secretions wero unnatural. An operation wns advised, but luckily I learned of Doan'B Kidney Pills and pro cured a supply from Mcllonell & Gra ves Dtug Store, (now Schiller & Co's) and began using them. A fow days' use removed the pains and restored my kidneys to their proper working orcW. I hold, if nnythlng, n higher regard for Doan'B Kidney Pills now than when 1 recorded thorn some yoors ago. An other of my family 'has sineo boon troubled by kidnoy complaint and has had a world of good from this rcmody. For salo by all doalors. Prlco RO conts, Fostor-MllburnCo., Buffalo, New York, solo agents for tho Unitud Status. Remember tho namoDonn's and take no other. (HlillRAOIIAl rarassaazgsangiTZGaro mmuuiammwi, S2Z3XQ-ry7 APOLLO HOTEL1 1G30 GLENARM STIEET DENVES, COLO. fV Fred R. Ginn, Prop. II. Wiliiur Way. ,Mgr. 75 rooms with private bath; "0 rooms without hath. Rates with i bath, 31.60. Rates without hath, Sl.OO. Special rates by the wpek or month. Cufo in connection. Elevator service, hot and cold waj ter and telephone in every rooinjt Ono block fioni Orphcum theatre' two blocks fiom Broadway thevtre. Toko SovJT.toentli Stroot Cor Pi 1 Bought and highest market , prices paid PIIONEP Residence Red 030 Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. - Establlohedin 1871. Contractor and Builder. Shop Corner uth and Vine Stii'ds NORTH PLATTE, NEU. R. D. Thomson. 0O8Bsadi)aQii9f,oflote DR. J. S. TWINEM, Homeopathic Physician undSurtfeon Hospital accommodations for Medicnl and surgical intention irhui obstetrical cases. OnU-e Phono IH3 Hos. I' 83 Office M IuiiBld mm. Hank Hid c A&)wM0O9CieOOl(iaiM o H jganT7?rffl7CTaf.?gaagssaya RONIZH THE nfiT ouse of Good Show! Hi When in North (Malic Motion Pictures. Runs Every Night. Matinee Snturday After noon at 2:30 O'cloiU. 10 CENTS. i SsmX!i3SS!WSS!SSmwaSSMii Dr. J. $. Elms, 0fek Cye, Ear, Noso and ? y$S Throat Glasses vaLUWW5fc.TA Httod Also St5' Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Office over McDonald State Bank. North Platte. Phone 30. I t ' '3' AtmH yiA dB flf 9H Vl Shj 5t H wk SyJ w. B fl J '" i hum R TH'H v I Ask your dealer for I PERFECTION OIL. I He will arrange for j wagon to fill your storage 1 1 j QMAJrIA UHl ''"''"KviiHimtmHVXiffUKMjMMauKSMmmsamammmnmaBmm Oldest Bank in Lincoln County State Bank North Platte, Nebr. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 We Solicit Your Buslnsss. DR. HlAHY MITCHELL GRADUATE DENTIST Telephone Red 4 5 EG5H Dewey St North Tla 'to. Nebraska. Dr. D. C- Crocker. Osteopathic Physician PHONE RED 621. NOTICE TO HUNTERS Notice is hereby giving that no hunt ing or treasspassing will be allowed on tho lands of the undersigned who reside south and west of North Platte. Violations of this notice will be prose-1 cuted to tho full extent of tho law. Wm. Bennur, Elmer Dagget, Wm. Hunter, Chas. Howard, E. A. Roberts. Odo Roberts, Jess Kunkle, Clark Howard, G. T. Knotts, Frank Facka, C Broeder, Eli Kunckle, C. Porter A. J. Howard, W. Kur.kle. I) C. Cnrrican. George Single, C. S. Bethell. Wm. I'acka, Lester Anderson, , M. Ortnn. Arthur Conner, Ed Wilson. A. W. Tool. Gunderson Bro?. O. L Watkins, J. A. Kunkle, A. Kunkle. D. W. Kunkle, Hugh Songor, L. L. Rowely, Louise Grulko, Ward Weekly, Clyde Long, Roy Melton, John Pulls, J. K. Crow, F. Kronquest, F L. Weinburg, S. D. Goldsmith D. A. Voss, F. W. Collins W. H.Bnckley, C. R. Osgood, Ed. Frooman. G. W. Ruff C. V. Tu'nie, D. J. Knox. M. C. Leth, A. Leth, A. Zulfi, George Garman, W. E. Mostor, -C. F. Zimmerman W. E. Collins, G. W. Edis, J. S. Hardin, L. Lloyd F. Montague II. M. Horshey J 08. Hershoy NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Strial No. 04SM) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Olllco at North Platto. Nebr. Sept. 24. 1913. Notice Is hereby given that Henry P. Hansen, of North Platte, Nebr.. who, on February 9, 1910, made Homettoad Entry No. 04599, for NW, NM of NEW, Section 82, twn. 15. N. ore. 30, west of tho 6th Principal Meridian, has mul notice of intention to make llnnl three year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, beforu the register and receiver, at North Platto, Nebr., on the 19th day of November.1913. Claimant iimnea as witm-ases: 11. (i. Par melee. Julius Mogcnscn, V. Hansen, Charles UumcII, all of North Platte. Nebr. H3O-0 J. K. Evan, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. OISS9 WT (IP TIIK 1NTKMOK. United States Land Ollice At North Platte. Nebraska. Scot 8th, 1913. Notice is liptuhv irlvtm that Duliiol Carrlunn of North Platte, Nub., who on Sopt, 9. lt10. made homestead entry. No. 04X89. for NH and NM of S4, Section 8C, Township 12 N. Range 82. W. tit Cth Principal Mi-ridan, has ftlod noUco of Intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land ubove ducrlbl, iM'fore tho register nnd receiver ut fiorth Platto, Nebraskn, on the 0th day of November, 191S. Claimant namiM as wltntttaeo: Philip T. Hell, Wendell MrCrum. Paul Smith, Curl 1 1 row w, all of North Platte, Nebr, 16-6 J. E. Evans Register. I R M i IM Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of nn order of salo Issued from tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a degree of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein Francis N. Shelton is plaintllf and John Swanson, etal are defcndanta,and to me directed I will on tho 1st dayof Nov.. 1913, at 2 o'clock p. m at the east front door of the court house in North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne braska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy paid decree. Interest and costs, tho following described property to-wltf Northwest quarter (NW'-O Section thirty thrco (33)Townshlp Thirteen (13) North or Hange Thirty-one (31) west of the 6th P.M. Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Neb.. Sept. 27. 1913. B30-6 A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff To Geo. Hublitz owner EJ of lot 1, block 112. The owners of property on the south side of Sixth street, between Walnut and Chestnut, are hereby notified that the Mayor and Council of the City of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, passed ond approved an ordinanco on the 18th dity of June, 1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining their said premises,' to b constructed as to line nnd grade, and of permanent material, as provided in the general ordinances of said city, regulating the construction of sidewalks In said city. Unless said walk is constructed by you along the East side of lot 1. block 112, owned by you, in accordance with said ordinances, on or before the 10th day of September, 1913, the same will bo constructed by saia city ana the costs assessed upon the said lot owned by you adjoining which the same shall be constructed. C. F. Temple, ' City Clerk. To Ellen Boyer owner of lot 5, block 108. The owners of property on the north side of 6th street, between Poplar St., and Silber Ave., are hereby notified that the Mayor and Council of tho City of North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne braska, passed and approved an ordin ance on tho ISth iay of June, 1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining their said l premises, to bo constructed as to line an( grade, nnd of permanent material, as provided in the general ordinances of said city, regulating the construction of sidewalks in said city. Unless said wulk is constructed by you along the west side of lot 5, block, 108. owned bv vou. in accordance with SBid ordinances, on or before the 10th day of September 1913, the same will be nfnotiiiAtni1 Itw atill niltr nrtri tnu nncta v.u(ioiiuv.t.t;vi jj omu lj - n- v-wjvu i assessed upon the said lot owned by you ,l,-iI ,MnU 1 on.r,n .1,11 l, nnn. "UJ"""" ""." w..-.... ..; -.. StrUCted, C. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk. To Nancy A. Beightel owner of lot 1 and 8, block 21. The owners of property on the West side of Sycamore street, between 11th and 12, are hereby notified that the Mayor and Council of the City of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, passed and approved an ordinanco on the 18th day of June 1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining their said promises, to be constructed ns to line and grade, and of permanent, mate ral as provided in the genoral ordinances of said city, regu lating the construction of sidewalks in said city. Unless said walk is constructed by you along the East side of lot 1 and "8, block 21. owned by you, in accordance with said ordinance, on or before the Uth day of September 1913, the same will be constructed by said city aud tho costs assessed upon tne said lot owned by you adjoining which the pnmo shall be constructed. C. F Temple, "ity Clerk. To Jno. It. Nenry owner of lot 8 block 105. Tho owners of proporty on the West side of Walnut street, bo tweon Sixth and Front streets aro here by notified that tho Mayor and Council of the City of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, passed and approved an ordinanco on tho IRth day of Juno, 1913, ordering n sidewalk adjoining their said premises, to bo contructed as to lino nnd grade, nnd of permnnont material, as provided in the general ordinances of said city, reprinting the construction of slriowalks in said city. Unless said walk is constructed by vou along the East side of lot 8, block 105. owned by you, in accordance with said ordinances, on or boforo tho 1st day of November 1913, the some will bo con structed by said city and the cost ns Boagod upon the snld lot ownod by you ndjolning which tho snmo shall bo con struced. C. F. Temple, City Clerk. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. Notice To Property Owners. Notice is hereby given thnt the City Council of the vCity of North Platte, TJncoln County. Nebraska, will set as a Board of Equilizntion, beginning at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M., of tho 21st day of October, 1913, at the Council Chamber at the Library Building in the City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, for tho purpose of levyine on the real estate lying and being within the extension to SEWER DIbTRICT "M" taxes for the purpose of paying the costs of the construction of the extension the lateral Sower in said Sewer District "M" and that said taxes will be levied upon each parcel of real estate according to tho extent of bene fits to be equal and uniform, such levy of taxes will be according to the front foot of the lots or real estate within said Sewer District or according to such other rul8 as the City Council sitting as such Board of Equilization may adopt for the distribution or adjustment of such costs. All persons interested will file their objections, if any they have, to the assessment of taxes against their prop erty on or before the 21st dav of Oct ober, 1913, at 7 .'0 o'clock P. M., (Cen tral Time) with the City Clerk. By order of the Mayor and City council made the 16th day of Septem bar, 1913. Ciias. F. Temple, s23-5 City Clerk. Notice for Bids. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Platte Valley Irriga tion District will receive sealed bids for the construction of concrete founda tions and floors for ten steel bridges and for tho construction of twelve concrete checks and drops combined, also one concrete arch. Work must be com menced on or before October 15th, 1913. Bids must be based upon tho specifica tions on file covering this work and shall behnads on regular bidding blanks furnished by I. E. Ware, Secretary, at Hershey, Neb. All bids must be in the omce oi tne secretary by 1U o clock, a. m., October 7th, 1913, when same will bo opened. The board reserves .the right to re ject any and all bids. I. E. "Ware, 6G-G Sec. Platte Valley Irr. Dist. Notice fo rBids. Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned secretary of the Board of Education of the school district of the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, up to the hour of G o'clock p. m. on the 4th day of October, 1913, for lots 1. 2, 3 and 4, block 140, of the original town of North Platte, exclusive of thp building, the lots will be sold separately. Bids will also be received for the building and foundation. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of tho Board of Education. ' A. F. Streitz, Secty. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of salo issued from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon n decree of foreclosure rendered in said court wherein Knox and Walters a co-partnership is plaintiff, and E. Rima aro defendants, and to me directed, I will on tho I6th day of October 1913, at 2 o'clock, p. m., at tho cast front door of the court house In North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said decree, interest and costs, the following described property to-wlt: Northeast quarter (NEh) of section two (2) township fifteen (15) range thirty (30) west of tho Cth P. M., in Lincoln county,- Nebraska. Dated North Pla He, Neb., September Gth, 1913. s-95 A. J. Salisbury. ShirilT. bd? : "eang on : petition for ap- . POINTMENT OF ADMINISTUATIl X. Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln County. SS. In the County Court. in tue matter ot tne estate or Esther Harris, deceased. On rending ond lillnir tho petition of Unlta Stewart, praying that administration of said estate may bo granted to herttlf as admin istratrix. Ordered, That Oct. 7th, 1913, nt 9 o'clock n. m. Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons Interested in said matter may appear at a county court to ho hold In and for said county, and show cause why prayer of petitioner Bhould not bo granted; nnd that notice of tho pendency of tuld petition and the hearing thereof bo given to nil persons interested In B-itd matter by publishing a copy of this order In the North Platto Tribuno a legal semi-weekly news piper printed in said county for thrt.0 successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing, Dated Sept. 12, 1913. BlG-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judge. NOTICE OF SETTLEMET. Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss In the County Court. In thn matter of the estate of Michuel A. roster, deceased. To tho creditors, heirs, legatees, nnd others In terested In tho estate of Michael A. Foster. Taku notice, that Edward It. Goodman has filed In the county court a report of his doings as administrator of said estate, nnd it Is ordered that tho same stand for hearing the 7th day of October, A. D., 1913. before the court at the hour of 9 o'clock, a, m., at which time any person interested may appear and except to and contest thoBnme. Notice of this proceeding and tho hearing thereof is ordered given to all persons interested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order in tho North Platte Tribune, a scmtweekly newspuper, printed In said county for three successive weeks prior to the said dato of hearing. Dated September 9th. 1913. (Seal) 18-a JOHN UHANT. County JudKo. PRORATE NOTICE. In the County Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, Sept. 9th, 1913. In the matter of the ostate of John II. Gutlierless, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that tho creditors of snld deceased will meet tho Administratrix ot eald nutate, before the county Judgo of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the county court room. In said county, on the Uth day cf Oct. 1913, and on the! Uth day of Apr., 1914, nt 9 o'clook a. m. each day, for the puritose of prosenting their claims for examination, adjustment nnd allowance. Six months aro allowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year for tho Administratrix to settle said ostnto, from the 9th day of Sept. 1913. This notice will bo .published In the North Platte Tribune, a legal semi-weekly news irnpur published In said county for four weeks suceeMively, on and after Sept. 9. 1913. sl6-l JOHN GRANT, County Judge. V ir