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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1913)
;rof0i fflrflmm. TWENTY-EJGIITII YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., OCTOBER 10, 1913. No. 75 iassiagafiajfti&gs M (jfV ill Ha mh mmmr I4f JU Jfe w wEsiRfcwP mw sow JB BsTBy ftgp' mm mm hh Jn mm sdi Hmm I J I. tl Free biscuits, We will also advantage of this We take this can show you as Sales a$l Small Come visit cf Script Accepted on any rJ in the City. i! SSSSSKSRSSSMM Another Convention This Month That North Platto is recognized as a convention city is again demonstrated by the fact nnother convention will meet in this city October 20th and 21sl. The Northwestern Nebraska Dental Con vention will be our guests on those dates. This association includes Kear ney, Hastings and Grand Island and towns north and wost of these places. There will also be a number of dentists from Omaha. Lincoln and other towns outside of this district. North Platte is a much talked of town through the state and a large number have sig nified their intention to be hare. The convention will be held in the Masonic hall. The first session3 will be Monday ovening and will bo a public meeting on Oral Hygiene under the auspices of the Twentieth Century Club of North Platte. This club is to be congratulated on being able to secure three of the best speakers in the state on this subject. The sessions Tuesday will beoccupiod by addresses and discussions on live subjects of importance to the dental profession. - r Somerset Institute. The annual farmers' institute at Somerset will be held Wednesday and and Thursday of next week, an after noon and evening session AVodnesday; morning, afternoon and evening seslons Thursday. Those who will make ad dresses are L. W. Leonard, of Pawnee City, who will spoak on live stock management, Nebraska farming and the value of purebred sire, three live subjects; V. E. Shirley, of Central City, whoso subjects will bo handling poultry profitably and a profeaion or a job; and Miss Aural Scott, of Lincoln, who will talk on well balanced meal and home making or a job. Premiums are offered for the best exhibit of live stock, farm produce, domestic science and needle work. All next week will be shoppers week; so take advantage. During the entire week we are going to have a special factory man here demonstrating the GREAT MAJESTIC RANGE coffee, etc., served at our have a factory man opportunity. Also -a opportunity to inform large complete line of Profits."1' From the our store next week and w.e will show ydu our entire ' - Watch Our Window for Grocer m To the Public. From present indications the city of North Platto is about to experience the largest gathering of strangers ever known to the city, and for a protracted time, by reason of the gonernment land drawing of the North Platte Forest Reserve and Niobrara Indian Reserva tion. We may expect commencing with next week, upwards of 1,000 strangers per day for a period of two weeks, and some days this number will bo much larger. Our accommodations for provision and entertainment will be taxed to the ut most, and it behoovos our people gen erally to make personal sacrifice to see that visitors and strangers are not only provided with shelter and food, but that courteous treatment and generous hospitality is accorded. Wo will benefit, as a community, in proportion as our reception to these strangers is cordial, and 1 urge that the price of all commodities bb main tained at standard prices, and that the public assist the officers in preserving peace and harmony by giving every man a fair deal. Respectfully, E. H. Evans, Mayor. "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Local theatre-goers will be interested in the announcement of the appearance next Saturday, October 11, of the fav orite southern drama, " "Uncle Tom's Cabin" the greatest of all emotional plays. The company has been selected with great discrimination, and in the matter of scenic equipment and accessories the presentation of Uncle Tom's Cabin will measure up to a high standard. The engagement at the Keith theatre is for matinee and night and the follow ing special prices will prevail: Matinee adults 25c, children 15c, any seats. Night 25, 35 and 50 cents. Lost on the road west of the McNeel ranch a floursack containing whip cord waist, cloth too overshoes and other articles on Sept. 28th. Finder please return to the D. B. McNeel ranch or this office and receive reward . 742- J store the entire week. $10.00 worth of Aluminum Ware during the week demonstrating B. P. S. Paints ancVirmish. Don't fail to take special piano, man with special'prices, you that we have uptodate furniture in fcji.e west at prices to V fact that we have shipped '.in seven cars this ' Report of Good Roads Meeting The largest and most enthusiastic good roads meeting ever held 'in the state convened at Central City, Ne braska, October 8th, at the annual meeting of the Platte Valley Goods Roads Association. North Platte wns represented by T. C. Patterson, M. J. Forbas, O. H. Thoelecke, Charles Temple and County Surveyor Cochran. Maxwell by A. F. Nugent and Brady by Robert Beatty and Mr. Pulliam. The meeting was addressed by Vice president Pardington of the Lincoln Highway Association, H. E. Frederick son, Consul for Nebraska, for the Lin coln Highway Association, Congress man Dan Stephens of Fremont, and others. Mr. Pardington assured the mooting that the Lincoln Highway was irrevo cably located through the Platte Valley along the line of the Union Pacific railroad and as near the railroad as practicable, and that the engineer of the Lincoln Highway association would within thirty days in conjunction with the local authorities definitely locate the Lincoln highway. Mr. Frederickson, among other things, informed the meeting that the Union Pacific Railway Company would do all in thir power to promote tlio speedy building of the highway and to that end would grant the right of way for the highway wherevor desirable on the outer GG feet of the railroad right of way and would furnish Sherman gravel for the highway free and would carry the same at the lowest rates that would bo approved by the interstate commerce commission. Mr. Frederickson also outlined the plan of the Lincoln Highway Associa tion to raise a fund of ten million dollars by popular subscription, over" half of which has already been subscribed. Subscribers to this fund become mem- I bora of the association and on the pay L jl just received three carloads of Furniture, ' ' N Special One chatz ment of $5.00 or more receive a hand some engraved certificate of member ship suitable for framing, a member ship card that can bo carried in the pocket and a handsome engraved brass plate suitable for attachment to the front of the automobile radiator. These certificates will be placed on sale at all of the cities and towns thru which the highway will run, and the proceeds will bo deposited in the local bank to the credit of tho Lincoln High way Association, thero to remain until the full ten million dollars are sub scribed when the association will pro ceed at once to the building of the permanent highway. It was determined at the meeting to set apart October 31st for the holding of local good road meetings in all of tho towns and cities along tho line of tho highway in Nebraska to celebrate the location of iho Lincoln Highway through the Platto Valley Nebraska. North Platto is vory fortunate in deed in being one of the cities favored with the location of great National highway, nnd should show its apprecia tion by a liberal purchase of the mem bership certificates, which will bo on on salo at each of the North Platte banks and garages. FOR SALE. Bratt & Goodman have many bar gains in nice homes and vacant lots near the new round house very cheap, Also farms and arm land which can be bought on easy payments. See them before you buy. Petitions for More Sewers. Petition have been presented to the city council for the formation of two additional sewer districts in tho south part of the city. One of the petitions was faulty and had been returned to the petitioners for correction. When corrected tho two districts will be or ganized at the same time, and bids for the construction of both will be let on the samo date. Schatz will bo "Doing It" again next I week. i u free with each Majestic noxt - s - .. -I !, J I. W -. suit. Remember our motto, "Quick ' .'' - fit' year will proveour assertion. immense New Stock. " Day Sale. 'A North Socialism Rev. George C. Portor of tho Prosby tcrian church of Morrill, Neb. will loc ture at the court house Tuesday even ing, October Mth. Subject will bo Socialist Skirmish Linos and Solidarity, Everybody wolcome. lease City Lot. The city council at its meeting Tues day ovening made a lease of portions of tho city lot on Front street to J. A. McMichael and J. E. Jofferies. Tho former will erect a carpenter shop nnd tho la.tter a blacksmith shop. Theloaso is for no definite time and may bo ter minated by tho city on thirty dayB' notice. Second Request for Gas Franchise It ia probable that tho city council will receive nnother request for a franchise for a gas plant by an Omaha party other than Frank T. Hadley who now has a franchise ordinance pending be fore tho council. This second party will seek a franchise for an exclusive gas plant for heating and lighting pur poses. That two difforent parties should de sire a franchise is evidence that North Platte is regarded as a profitable field for a gas plant. , If a franchise is n valuable asset to tho promoters, why not have the city reap some benefit by demanding a cor tain per cent of the gross revonuo of the company for the priyilogo of having the franchise? ,u. r FOR RENT. Nice 7 room cottage with bath, etc. Other houses, storogc room and safe deposit boxes by Bratt & Goodman. Frank Pielsticker and Hnrry Fleish man spent Wednesday in Hershey at tending the short course week. Mr. and Mrs. Peck moved Wednes day into their new .home.yhich they purchased in the Taylor addition. The next meeting of the North Platto notarial association will bo held in tho Foderal court room of the government building tomorrow afternoon. $& i , ; week only. Rugs, Etc., and v,ft ' 'I . . -.... ityVjfy ' JJ 'A I" Platte, Nebraska. Platte Valley Items. Miss Hnzel Mason left Sunday after noon to take up her duties Monday morning as teachor in district 106. Tho Platte Valley aid society will meet nil dny Thursday in the basement of the school house. Lot oyory member bo prosent. . i Fourteon young people, members of the Platto Valloy Sunday school, were entertained Saturday evening ut the homo of Mrs. James Mason at a party given for her daughter Hazel who loft Sunday afternoon to tako up her school work. Tho evening was spent in games and music after which refreshments wore served. " Sunday school at the Platte Valley school house every Sunday ut 2:30 p. m. oust time. Preaching every two weeks. Frank D. Mylandor, who was re ported to bo quite ill last weak, was a Platte Valloy visitor Sunday. A Powerful Play. The Paul Gilmoro Players will mako their first appoarance in the "Tho Havoc" at tho Keith thcutre noxt Mon day evening. Mr. H. S. Sheldon'B powerful act play was one of the reign ing successes on Broadway for one en tire year. Playgoer will remember The Paul Gilmoro Co's powrful acting in "The Mumy. and the Humming Bird" nnd will undoubtedly welcome an op portunity to witness "Tho Havoc"" One critic has put hlmsolf on recoid as having said that The Paul Gilmore workers in "Tho Havoc" have the power and will do more good from' a moral stand point than a million Billy Sundays. , r Vj i Notice to Contractors, fp Tho Mutual Building & Loan Asspci tion of North Platte will receive sealed bids up to Oct. 11, 1913, for tho erection of a prossed brick and ro-cnforcoucon-crota office building. Plans on filefwith Bert M. Roynolds, Architect,, -The owners reBervo the right to rejecV!any or all bids. -,a , r Miss Ethel Loudon has accepted a position in the Telegraph printing office and began work Monday. j,flt v t A