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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1913)
THE NORTH PLATTE 8EMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. T Dig Sleep. A middle-aged couplo woro prepar ing to loavo for a week-end with n daughter In tho city, and their last In etructlons to tholr grown-up son, who was a heavy sleeper, woro to bo euro and wind his alarm clock, so that ho would bo In tlmo for his work tho next morning. . Monday noon they got back to tho houBo nnd were surprised to And tho blinds closed exactly as they had been loft tho Friday previous on their de parture. As they lot themselves Into tho houso thoy heard their Bon's volco coming sleepily from his bedroom: "What's tho matter? Did you miss your train?" Naturally Limited. "Ho won't go far oven when pushed." "That's becauso ho's such a head." ho's pin- Gently cleanse your liver and sluggish bowels while you sleep. Get a 10-ccnt box. Sick headache, biliousness, dizzi ness, coated tongue, foul tnsto and foul breath always trace them to torpid liver; delayed, fermenting food in tho bowels or eour, gunsy stomach. Poisonous matter clogged In tho In testines, Instead of being cast out of tho system Is ro-absorbed Into tho blood. When this poison reaches tho delicato brain tissuo It causes con gestion and that- dull, throbblns, slok ouing headache. Cascarets immediately cleanse tho Btomach, remove tho sour, undigested food and foul gases, tako tho excess bllo from tho liver nnd carry out all tho constipated wasto matter and poisons in tho bowels. A Cascarot to-night will surely straighten you out by morning. They work while you (sleep a 10-cent box from your druggist means your head clear, stomach sweet and your liver and bowels regular for months -Adv Luckily for Him. Tho amateur adventurer -had Just returned from stirring scenes in Mex lco, whero ho had fought under the banners of tho revolutionists. He had come homo wounded and was telling his friends about it. , "It wa3 my first engagement, you Inow. Tho bullet struck mo just un der tho heart." "And you lived? How remark able!" "Oh, no; not, at all! You see, my heart was in my mouth at tho time." Dizzy, BACHV, shcahets'' 'Made Him Tired. Robert is small, but rapidly leaving behind tho baby ago that tolerates sen timent. Not long since, ho overheard a young married couplo of his acquant anco billing and cooing, not, bo It noted for tho first tlmo. The grown folk present smiled, but Robert's face remained solemn. Only, as ho Sent ) over tho childish task that apparently absorbed him, ho was heard to mur mur, scornfully: "Goodness! Loving again!' One Kind. "I lovo tho noises of the woods." . "Then I suppose you HJo tho bark of tho dogwood?" If a man Is obliging ho is apt to bo popular becauso ho can So Imposed upon. Prices of mules aro rpvorted to be, ilsing in Missouri. DIDN'T KNOW That Coffee Was Causlnq Her. Trouble. So common is the us of coffee as a beverago, many do not know that it is tuo cause of many obsr.uro ails which are often attributed to other things. The easiest way to find out for one sclt Is to quit tho coffee for a while, at least, and note results. A Virginia lady found out in this way, and also learned of a now beverago that is wholesome as well s pleasant to drink. Sho writes: "I am 40 years old and all ray life, up to a year and a half ago, I bad been a coffee drinker. "Dyspepsia, severe headaches and heart weakness made me feel some times ns though I was about to die. After drinking a cup or two of hot coffee, my heart would go like a clock without a pendulum, kt other times it would almost stop and I was so nerv ous I did not Hko to bo alone. "If I took a walk for exercise, as soon as I was out of night of tho houso I'd feel as if I was sinking, and this would frighten mo terribly. My limbs would utterly refuse to support, and the pity of it all was, I did not know that coffeo was causing tho trou ble. 'Reading in tho papers that many persons were relieved of such ailments by leaving off coffee and drinking Post urn, I got ray husband to bring home a package. Wo mado it according to directions and I liked tho first cup. Its rich, snappy flavor waB delicious. "1 have been using Postum about eighteon months nnd to my great Joy, digestion is good, my nerves and heart aro all right, in fact, I am a well woman once more, thanks to Postum." Nnmo given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Writo for copy of tho llttlo book, "The Road to Wellville." Postum comes in two forms: Regular Postum must bo well boiled. Instant Postum Is a solublo powder. A. teaspoonful dissolves quickly in a cup of hot water and, with crenm and' sugar, makes a delicious beverage In stantly. Grocers sell both kinds. "Thero'e a reason" for Postum. THINNING OUT FRUIT Of course It pays well to raise fancy apples If all the details of pack ing and selling are attended to, but It must be remembered that the bulk of the fruit consumed Is of the standard variety. A fine basket of Wolf apples as grown on Long Island. Ono of tho host authorities on horti culture says that whero a tree started in to develop 4,000 apples, 2,000 of them should bo pulled off In order that ho remaining 2,000 may reach per fection. The advantages of thinning aro so many thnt thoy aro hard to enumer ate. Thinning of fruit Is advantage ous to any variety of fruit tree, as tho tendency of nature is to crowd a numerous number of fruit buds on trees in favorable years. When you pull half or a third of the young fruit from a tree you savo the energies of tho tree, writes a Missouri Man in tho Farm Porgress. On a good many occasions experiments In tho amount of potash required on thinned and unthinned trees have been mado. Trees that havo been thinned correct ly require just about half as much of this form of plant food ns the tree that is permitted to go ahead with tho en tire v complement of fruit buds. Color sells apples. There is no doUbt of that in tho mind of anyono' who has watched the apple-buying public. An enormous percentage of tho world's apple crop Is sold from fruit stands and from peddlers' push enrts. Tho color Is tho most desirable fac tor for such sales. Unfortunately tho great mass of tho apple-buying public has not yet learned that color Is not always an indication of quality. If you want color, deep, gorgeous color, thin your fruit. Let tho sun shine hit tho cheeks of the apple. Tho moro nearly tho sunlight can play up on all sides of tho apple tho bettor tho color Is going to be. Tho samo thing is true of other varieties of fruit. When you thin apples tho ripen ing is going to be very uniform and complete, and tho colors and hues will run from stem to tip of tho apple. Tho apples will not bo green on ono side and ripe on tho other. Examine a fruit spur, and you will find that It usually has three, four, five and maybo six small fruit buds. The accepted rule for thinning is to remove all small fruits until no apple, pear or peach is closer than six inches to its nearest neighbor. After tho small fruits are taken off the remaining buds start vigorously on their development. Thoy aro get ting tho energy that would otherwise have been distributed through threo times as many growing fruit. They cannot help but develop more quickly and moro vigorously. When I thin fruits I wait until the haby apples, pears and peaches have had tlmo to show defects in the in ferior ones. Tako off tho wormy, the one-sided, tho small and tho twlstod. GEESE CAN BE MADE QUITE PROFITABLE aWBBMWslgBa 1 JyPrf crackers tBy ASENATH WOODS ) I mor and fall 1 pick them about ovory m jC&r JBr VBwKhi. I Everything's bid about Sunshlno L-W Sodaa except tho price. tBy ASENATH WOODS ) This is a picture of eomo of the gecso I raised last year with very lit tle care. The eggs wcro sot under chicken hens and tho gosllnB raised by hand. The gooso Is easily broke of want ing to sot by destroying her nest She will Boon make nnothor nest and start to lay again and continuo to do so for threo dlfferont settings if not allowed to set. I never pick my geoso in tho spring or whon thoy aro laying. In the sum FOR BETTER YIELD ones. Thoy aro hopeless, anyway. By doing this tho trco is rid of a great numbor of Infested spots, fungous and otherwise. When a young orchard Is starting In to bear, thinning is an absolute requirement, If thoro is any great amount of fruit on them. In tho first place, thoy set far moro fruit than thoy can possibly develop without ac tually hurting and stunting the futuro growth of tho treo. Then, too, If tho fruit Is permitted to stny on tho trco, tho overladen limbs, will begin to bond, snap off and twlBt down ns soon as tho fruit Is three quarters grown. Peaches, plums, pears, quinces and other fruits cannot bo matured as thoy should bo without proper thin ning. Pears requlro lc3s thinning than tho othor varieties mentioned. So far as cherries aro concerned, I rarely bother with them. LITTLE THINGS- TO DO IN AN ORCHARD Norway Spruce, Scotch and Aus trian Pine All Make Excel lent Wind Breaks. Peach trees under four yearB old which aro so badly frozen as to show discolored wood must be cut off bo low the snow lino and allowed to sprout again. Vory often treos that havo passed through a hard winter show no Indi cations of freezing in the bark, but an examination may show that tho wood Is injured. An orchard on high ground should always bo protected by a wind break of other trecB planted on tho north side. Norway spruce, Scotch and Aus trian pino, planted about 15 feet apart, mako excellent wind brenks. Now Is tho time to removo all dead branches and thoso that aro weak, and which interfere with othor healthy branches. Do not allow sheep to run in tho young orchard. They aro very apt to nibble the tender sprouts and oven bark tho trees. t A fow years ago eastern poach grow ers extensively tried out tho use of crude petroleum as an Insecticide. But whilo It kills tho bugs it often causes great injury to tho treos. If used at nil, It should bo applied In tho late fall or very early sprhig and never during hoi weather. mer and fall 1 pick them about ovory six weeks or whenever the foatherB aro rlpo. If they aro not picked at tho right tlmo tho geeso will pick themselves and you loso tho feathers. Tho goslings nro ffd bread and milk for a week or more with lettuco or tender grass chopped flno, then thoy aro given cracked corn, free range and plenty of water and aklmmllk to drink. Thoy need vory llttlo grain when thoy can havo froo range, although it Is necossary for them to have at least one feed a day. E s Time IVZ Papa's Diapcpsln ends all Stomach misery in five minutes. Do Botno foods you cat hit back taste good, but work badly, ferment Into stubborn lumps nnd cause a sick, sour, gassy Btomach? Now, Mr. or Mrs. Dyspeptic, Jot this down: Pnpo'ri Diapcpsln digests everything, leaving nothing to sour nnd upset you. Thoro novcr was anything so safely quick, bo certainly effectlvo. No difference how badly your stomach Is disordered you will get happy relief In live minutes, but what pleases you most 1b that it strengthens and regulates your stom ach so you can cat your favorlto foods without fear. You feol different ns soon as "Papo'n Dlapepstn" comes In contact with tho stomach dlstrosB Just vanishes your stomach gots sweet, no gases, no belch ing, no eructations of undigested food. Go now, mako tho best investment you over mado, by getting a largo fifty cent caBo of Papo's Diapopsln from any storo. You reallzo In flvo minutes how needless it Is to suffer from indiges tion, dyspepsia or bad Btomach. Adv. Real Excitement. "YeB," said tho meek-looking man. "1'vo no doubt you'vo nnd somo great hunting experiences in your travels abroad." "I havo, Indeed." "Buffalo hunting" "Yes." "And bear hunting " "Of course." "Well, you Just como around nnd lot my wife tako you houso hunting and bargain hunting with her. Thon you'll begin to know what real oxclto ment Is." DRY SCALE -COVERED HEAD 27C0 Tamm Avo., St. Louis, Mo. "My llttlo daughter's head began with a dry harsh scalo covering It First It got a white Bcalo over tho top nnd thon It got a dirty brown Bcab with pub undor it. Her hair camo out in Icbs than a week and her head Itched and bled. Sho had no roBt. I had her wear a scarf all tho tlmo, It looked bo badly. She was so sore and had such big brown scabs on her head that tho .teacher would not let hor attend school. "Wo took and had her treated for threo months with no relief. Sho kopt gottlng worso until I tried Cuticura Soap and Ointment I used tho Cuti cura Soap every third day and tho Cuticura Ointment at night. In threo wcoka hor head was woll of sores. Two cakes of Cuticura Soap and ono box of Cuticura Ointment completely cured her." (Signed) MrB. Waltor Rogers, Nov. 28, 1912. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout tho world. Samplo of each freo.with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cuticura, Dopt. L, Boston." Adv. Tho value of tho grindstones nnd pulpstones produced in tho United States last year was tho greatest In tho hlBtory of tho industry. Matrimony is a bargain and some body geta tho short end of ovry bar gain. PUTNAM Color more uoods brighter and faster colore tlmn You can dye any garment without rippinif apart N IS, m 1 Wi 7?SSiBE3918L '" ' " '" " '-T" "iB lH 1 J 1'7tidHsHssssisiVHSsUfiffYs9ss&k 1 IsH mam W r ffs&KBHKSSKk H ffW smtW KfiHr ne ' saving in the big, economical family package. The btr I If mmm TB' aatislactlon in crnnchlnc their crisp, fresh, flaky doliciousncss. Tho H ' B V A SiSS? 'c aPPetltcs tfce'r solisl nourishment satlciles. And tho big help in H V I w if LcfP'B having an hand thoso ready-to-eat delicacies that everybody llkea. II ff ) f ffctf At yonr grocer's 25c for the big package. 18 Jgr oose-ies giscurr (omjpantT BaarDtjjl'bla Bmsi insnmi i i "TT ii iiini. i ,m ' LIGHTNING FROM FOG BANK Captain of Pacific Coast Schooner Tells of Strango Bombard ment of Hla Vessel. CnpL A. Sundorborg of tho steam schooner Wasp, which pllcB botwocn Scnttlo and California ports, roporta a strango oxpcrlouco at sen on August 7. In a roport mado to tho Hydro graphlo ofTico Captain Sundorborg saya that at 10 p. m., when bIx mites cast by south of Point Conception, his vcssol rnn Into a thick fog bank which hung closo to tho water. Without tho fog rising In tho least, a vlolont electric storm broke out, and for ono hour nnd 14 mlnutcB tho blan ket of heavy mist wan pierced contin ually by discharges of atmospheric electricity and vivid Hashes of angular zigzag and forked lightning. At 12:15 a. m August 8, tho stool foremast of tho Wasp becamo charged with elec tricity from tho top down to tho spring Btny. Captain Sundorborg saya this was not tho usual display of St. Elmo flro, as tho mast gavo out loud reports nB if from a powerful wlroloss appara tus, Whilo tho vessel was bombarded by lightning which coursed down her main mast, her officers and crow did not venturo on dock. Natural Phenomenon. "Thero's ono queer thing about thoso constables out for speeding motor- iBtB." "What Is that?" "No matter how fas you go, you enn't throw dust In tholr oyes." Foley Kidney Pills Relieve promptly the suffering duo to weak. In active kidneys and painful bladder action. They offer a powerful holp to nature in building up tho true excreting kid ney tissue, in restoring normal notion and in regulating bladder irregularities. Try them. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 40-1913. "Repeater" Pbf powder and shot.'. in this shell cover and all of them give satisfaction. s Look for lw4 BvIuf' homcs Fon thc pAMuaHietsiiu ffllH' FAULTIESS STARCH iiUiVkgJn WBKli&?0BoA5SlKwnnl Q toe from ton cent paekams) of SWItlMMvij?Vl(iM ffliyMZv,"i,f8troh and n centsln ( t.,roif,f0lf I if 1H HI lgu. nT7TwJff nnd ptcklnri and cat Ml UUtaheth Ann, TX B. I - 1W ,Wf QJJIJ; : TZfSfm nigh. Send throa top t rora tras eons paefnavs ad llPVi yni B8lft AmLfl fonr Contain "l"nA MlulMrlmInm if V wJt ll si afltW iCiafll B'ImXIIt Wfclto.twehrolnuoMfi. Bond tops train, E3 f HI V nU4l . VUl n flro cent packngrn It Too with, hat twlco as raany aro lggiIW.lllll.y. w-ff : n 'aSfT B required. Out tills ad. oat. It will ! aeoopted In. IH ffiMi 81 T S- placo of onawn cent or two Uto cant tops., onlj JKMMhI I linilirnuiXSoNn ' i Py uinuj;r mm.imS. on0 '1, ""' a00!4 ,'lt,, o051 applicaUon, y'aSCyyX ' " in. li ndmiiil ii isiiimiihhii i imrmmar r t sz w.ik (( IWMX.2 w?- ITiUrT T-i U7A HIGH IN QUALITY MODERATE IN PRICE FADELESS DYES any other dye. One 10c package colors all fibers. They dye In cold water better than any other de. WKITIJ FOR FREE booklet, calendar, blotter, etc. MONHOC DUUC COMPANY, Qulncy, ilU No"LetUp" There will be no "let m up" in that distress after eating until you first help the stomach g and digestive system back to health and M strength. For this work HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS is particularly well ad- u aptcd. It brings back m appetite, aids digestion, keeps the bowels open and improves health in H Try a bottle. H Nebraska Directory BOILERS Vertical or hor new oreccomlhnnd. WILSON STF.AM BOILER. CO.. Omaha TryUs-HWiHPayYoii Consign yourstsok to ns fnrcood prices, good dill and prompt remittance Wrlln or wire us for an? lestred Information regarding tho market. AUcom ruunlcatlons answered pronipllr. Wn are working tor your Interest and appreciate, your business, FARRIS PURINTON & MAROY Bscmtert U X. K. Atkvr M Cs. Live Stock Commission loom 110-112 Eichiaf t Bids , Slock Yds, Statics. 1 Omaha,!, Reveatex" I Smokeless Powder Shells I For a high grade shell at a reasonable price, the Winchester Loaded "Repeater" has the call among sportsmen who have tried all makes. Although moderate oriced. the is loaded with the best quality The list of load3 furnished most shooters' requirements, a full measure of shooting tho W on the box. They arc 12WfflgE5fttfiE: uijim