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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1913)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMLWEEKLY TRIBUNE. a tr V ,i. y. 1? ooaflocms i mmmnmm Musical Song Contest. Thoro havo boon so many requests for another musical paotlmo that I am "hoping this will fill tho apparently groat need. Have some ono behind a Bcreon play n fow bars of each song on tho piano jor sing it and let tho guests write down tho molodleB which they recog iilzo. I think somo of you who havo moro tlmo than I havo at present might wcavo theso titles Into a little utory or romance. I havo given mostly tho well-known songs, as overy one- 1b not "up" on tho songs of tho day so called "popular" and which I prophecy will not linger with us as theso havo done. Theso airs may bo found In bound collection of old songs and your music dealer will supply thoso you do not havo. Tho list will help you In making up the contest, which may bo added to or curtailed at tho ulcasuro of tho hostess. Vocal selections: Afterwards, All's Right, American's Farewell, Annie J Laurio, Beautiful Moonlight, Ben Bolt, Columbia, My Country; Do Coontown Cakowalk, Dream Faces, Flco as a Bird, Grandma's Shamrocks, Green Palms, Guard tho Flag, Hall Cplumbla, Home, Sweet Homo; In Glory Ho As cendeth. In tho Gloaming, Juanlta, Kathleen Mauvourneen, Keep for Mo a Trusting Heart, Last Night, Lead, Kind ly Light; Listen to tho Mocking Bird, Lovo's Golden Dream, Lullaby ("Erml nle"), My Old Kentucky Home, Non E Ver, or 'Tis Not True; Nearer, My God, to Thee; Only Ono in the World for Mo, Over tho Moonlit Sea, Rocked in tho Cradle of tho Deep, Sing, Sweet Bird; Stay Homo Tonight With tho Old Folks, Sweot Chimes of Long Ago, Take Back tho Heart, Tho Dear Llttlo Shamrock, The Garden of Sleep, Tho Golden Harvester, Tho Lost Chord, Tho Star-Spangled Banner, Tho Sweet est Girl of All, Then You'll Remember Me, Until Then, Venetian Boat Song, What Aro tho Wild Waves Saying? When Life Is Brightest, When the Angels Have Lifted tho Veil, When tho Swallows Homeward Fly. House Warming Shower. A charming girl who was married nway from homo was honored when sho returned by thlB unusual nnd very acceptablo shower. Tho couple went right Into tho cot tage which the bridegroom had built, and about two dozen of their best T liv ISSPSp THREE HANDSOME DRESSES THE costumo on tho left is In tan colored cpongo cloth. Tho high walsted skirt Is slightly full at tho top, and has a whlto and tan striped cotton front, a particularly effective trimming. The bodice has a vest and collar in white, tho lower part of tho vest being oinbroldered with rod and purple. A narrow band embroidered in tho same color finishes tho neck. Materials required; 4 yards 42 Inches wide, Y yard whlto 20 inches wldo, 1 yard stripe about 8 Inches wide. The second is in cream lawn om broldored at foot; it is finely tucked at waist, and gathered in center front under a band of Insertion. Tho bodice is of plain lawn finely tucked, tho bolero of pleco embroidery edged with ball fringo; tho cuffs and collar are of bluo lawn, trimmed with buttons covered with the same; a strap of insertion is carried round tho frlendB went thoro ono ercnlng Boon niter tholr arrival (having announced tholr coming by telophono) each ono carrying a parcel marked "for tho now house." All tho packages woro placed In n clothes basket, and what over flowed woro tied to tho handles; somo of tho boys (I should say, men,) car ried brooms, foathor dusters, a wash board waB fastoned about ono chap's neck bearing a placard saying "Clean liness Is Next to Godliness;" ho pro duced soap from his pockets and car ried a largo scrubbing brush and a package of washing powder. Tho gardener of tho crowd had a boo, rako and spado; another man trundled a wheelbarrow; ono had a pair of clipping shears and ono a smalt Btcklo. Tho girls had dusters, tea towols, bath towols, kitchen aprons, T-nntry shelfpaper, broom bags, etc. I assure you it was tho merriest kind of a timo. At ten o'clock an innocont looking suit caBO was produced containing sandwiches neatly wrapped In waxed paper, olives, salted nuts and a jar of potato salad. Coffeo was mado on tho now Btovo nnd paper napkins and plates woro used, the brldo producing her wedding spoons for tho occaulou. Every ono ngreed that this waB tho very nicest kind of a shower, and tho brldo said sho waB delighted to havo it after tho wedding instead of before. Of courso circumstances alter caseo, and this affair just suited this especial case. Golden Rod Wedding. Ono of tho prettiest decorative schemes for a fall wedding is to uso the gorgeous golden rod a3 the ox cluslvo flower. It lends itself to cith er a church or houso ceremony equal ly1 well; it does not wilt quickly and Is found In nearly overy locality. MaBsed In huge brown crocks and jars, It fills corners and fireplaces; is most decorative in flower holderB fastened to tho walls and tied with white and yellow gauzo ribbon to tho ends of tho reserved poWB in tho church it is all that can bo desired. A charming canopy is mado by stretching wire netting that cornea by tho yard, filling with vines and ferns and then studding tho whole with clusters of golden rod. Tho bride may carry white roses and the maids yellow ones, and a beautiful ef fect is mado by having tho attendants in filmy whlto frocks over yellow slips, with yellow saBhes and hair or naments. Have yellow candlo shades, yellow ices or ico cream, yellow bon-bons and, if possible, use gold banded china. At a daytime wedding thiB sunshiny color is most effective, as it loses its radiant brilliancy a llttlo in an artificial light. If cako boxes are used have the monogram in gold. Tho most fash ionable hour for weddings seems to be at four or half after, and this is just tho timo for this yellow color scheme. Everyone loves golden rod and tho dainty lavender and white asters thut aro usually found by its side. MADAME MERRI. upper part of arm, It la threaded with blue ribbon tied in a bow; tho waist band is of wider bluo ribbon. Materials required: 2 yards wide embroidered flouncing, l'i yard Inner tlon, 1 yard pleco embroidery 36 Inches wido, 2 yards ball fringe, 1 yard plain cream lawn, 4 ynrd bluo lawn 40 inches wldo, 1 yard nnriow inser tion, 1 yard narrow ribbon, yard ribbon. On the right tho model is in old rose Flaxzella; tho stylo Is quite slmplo. Tho aide scams of skirt aro stitched in tho ordinary way;i tho wrap-over in front is prettily cut, a cord orna ment and button being sewn in each point. Threo buttons trim each sleeve. Collar of white embroidered lawn. Hat of black Tagcl, trimmed with aj b"luo feather mount. Materials required: 4 yards 40 Inches wldo, 8 buttons, 2 cord orna-j mcuto. i 21 I . L j NOTES oorr mmmmwi yLUWuaya.u'AM Produco moro puro seeds. Diversified farming Is best. There Is good money In ducks. Tho clean separator gets tho cream. Skimmllk will make quick growth In chicks. Tho dairyman can' handle hogs to splendid advantage. Tho average cow docs her best work when from llvo to eight years old. Any smell to your milk after you take It Into the houso? Don't let It be so. Tho houso should be painted a color that will blond In with tho surround ings. Put the oalt for the sheep In ,a trough. They do not llko to cnt it from the ground. That llko produces llko is Been In tho defects of the sow being trans mitted to her pigs. Tho natural curve of a horse's neck Is better than the artificial positions mado by tho check rein. It Is not economical to doprlvehens of foods rich In the essential elements for tho production of eggs. Tho combined area of tho corn fields In tho United States Is nearly equal to tho area of France or Germany. Almost anything In tho poultry line sells, but the choicest prices alone are given for the "fancy" goods. Every 100 pounds of milk contains 87 pounds of water. No wonder a cow needs a lot of puro, fresh water. The better the cow Is cared for nnd j tho better the systom of feeding tho iuuru piuuuiuju sno wm uo in every way. Tho inquiry for dairy cows was nov er so great. If It holds, It will pay bettor to raise dairy calves than beef steerB. Feed more onts and alfalfa nnd IesB corn now, as corn lacks sufficient muscle-mnklng protein for tho work ing horse. There Is no surer fruit than tho grape; none thnt requires less labor nnd oxpense, and nono moro healthy and delicious. j For a dry mash nothing will beat two parts each of cornmeal, bran, shorts and beef scraps, and one-half part alfalfa meal. A fall garden will prove profitable Such crops as beans, beets, , carrots, cabbage and mustard will make a nice garden for thin fall. In stallion service fees a man gen erally gets just about what ho pays for. Soundness should bo tho basis In selecting a draft stallion. A cough in hogs may bo tho result of sleeping In dusty quarters, In which caso tho troublo should bo removod by giving bedding that Is clean. AH tho growth nnd thrift that can bo encouraged and maintained dur ln gtho first year of tho colt's llfo In sure a stronger and a hotter horso. It Is a good plan when getting ready to milk and before putting the pail Into position to brush tho cow's udder with dry hands or a clean, dry cloth Young plants In the garden should be protected from cucumber beetles and squash bugs by light screens Bordeaux pnrlB green la also good for them. On an avorngc, it will require one pound of grain pdr weok for ten weeks to keep a chicken nnd It should weigh about two pounds when at that age. The most common mistake that Is mado In locating tho farm poultry house is that of placing It so closo to tho other fnrm buIldhngB that tho hens overrun tho latter. Other things being equal, It Is not tln largest hog thnt returns tho most p.-cflt, but rather tho hog that makes tho host growth In tho uhortest tlmo nnd upon tho smallest amount of food. Tho Maine Expr-lmcnt stntlon tonic for fowls: Pulverized gentlnn, ono pound; pulverized ginger, ono-qunrtor pound: pulverized pnltpotor. onc-quar"-tor pound; Iron sulphate, ono-liulf pound Mix thoroughly, and uso two or three tablespoofulB In ten parts of dry mash. Watch tho llttlo things. Don't crowd your chickens. Aro you going to buy a sIloT The comb Is tho chicken's health In dicator. Keep tho bust owe lambs to In crenso the flock. Sifted ashes arc a good substitute for dust for tho hen's bath. Good butter can never bo mado from cream that is not good. Abuse will never cucourngo tho cow to make tho greatest milk flow. Tho HafeBt preservatives for swoot milk are cleanliness and prompt cool ing. Grit Is the hen's tooth and without It she cannot bo expected to do her best. Tho nearer squnro you build a poul-try-houao, tho less tho coat of con struction. When cut In tho milk and cured, oat nnd pea hay 1b most pal&tablo and nutritious. If a horso has anything faulty it will not grow less but will probably grow worse. Early and lato milking seomB to be tho only satisfactory way of Bolvlng tho fly problem. Why not have some colte, calves and pigs growing Into money for you while you Bleep? Young sows that do well with tholr first llttors may UBually bo consldorod good brood bows. Tho more cows a farmer keeps aud tho bettor care he gives them, the big ger the bank account. It Is cnoconointcal to use anything for tho hens that can be purchased nnd converted Into profit. Gunny-sacklng, cut Into strips and placed over tho horses' noses, prevents hot flies from troubling them. Somo of the cnuseB of roup aro sud den and extremo changes In tompcra turo, damp houses and drafts. It Is roported that great numbers of horses in Europe havo been success fully vaccinated against glanders. If tho stable manure cannot all bo spread on the fields now It should bo placed under cover to preserve It till fall. Loso as little time as possible be tween milking nnd separating, for tho betterment of both milk and cream Give a colt range rather than con finement, to mako a good horse of htm, as fresh air and exorcise aro his necessities. The sheep Is a closo gleaner with a faculty of gaining his BubBlBtonce from gralnB nnd herbage that would othorwlBo bo lost. Two parts middlings and one part corn meal makes a good ration for chickens, but don't feed more than they will eat up clean. One of tho greatest advantages of alfalfa as a hog pasture Is tho fact that It affords a fresh growth through out the pasturing season. The time to put your Bystem of farm management Into active operation is at hand. Do not hcsltato to work it out through the entire season. It Is well to work up from a few good cows to many. When tho day for tho many comes you will know how to handle them and how to got thorn, Tho tlmo 1b iinon us when wide awako farmers will demand, not only puro seeds, but seeds that nre highly Improved In tho quality of production. Tho Ontario experiment station says that It costB pretty closo to $4 to raise a pig to six weeks of nge, count ing cost of aire and dam and feed cost. The pigs need constant attention for worms. Somo of theso never fall ing preparations do fall sometimes and then wo havo to get after them in earnest. Tho borne population of tho world 1b estimated as moro than 111,000,000, of which about 13,000.000 are In Eu rope, 28.000,000 in North Amorlca. 11,000.000 In Asia. Did you change your stock this spring and obtain soma thoroughbred stock or are you still trying to raise Bcrub ponltrv when tho other kind pays bo much bettor? Sheep cannot cat slluge In as great proportionate quantity as do cattle, though no ono seems to know why. Howevor, they do well on It, and It BaveB a great deal of hay and other feed. At this duto last season early cab hngo wuh selling at very low prices. It Is now commanding excellent prices. Tho uverago for tho two sea sons will bo qulto Hntlsfnctory. Gar deners who plant about tho same ncro ago of each crop from year to yiwr usually fnro tho beHt. INFORMATION ABOUT First Prlzo Clydesdale Stallion. What do you think of tho man whom you see driving a horse with his tnil docked to sevon Inches, perfectly help less against the attack of files during theso hot days? Thpro Is a great deal of humanity In axlo groaso. Havo you over noticed that tho first thing your horse doeB when you turn him out of tho Btnblo In tho morning Is to go straight to tho watering trough? Contrary to tho gcnornl belief,. It docs not hurt a horso to glvo him water in tnodornto quantities oven when ho is very hot, providing tho water Is not very cold. Novor snlt tho horso'B foed In tho box. Plnco a big lump whoro ho can reach It and ho will take It when he needs It. v Tho long haltor Btrap In the stall hns been tho cause of permanent In jury to many animals. A "cheap" harness Ib really about tho most oxponslvo thing on tho fnrm, as it BomotimoB costs life. VALUE OF POTATO TO FATTEN PIGS Expert at Eastern Oregon Ex periment Station Gives Re sults of Test. (Uy UOU13UT W1TIIYCOMIJ of Eastern Oregon Uxporimcnt Station.) All experiment to test tho feeding value of raw or steamed pbtntoes as supplementary feed with a grain ra tion has been carried on with inter esting results. The hogs in tho experiment were di vided into eight lots aud records of tho different feed glvon each nnd the proportionate gains made wcro kept inrefully. Each hog In lota 1 and 2 atu nn average of 170.18 pounds of barloy aud G09.B3 pouudo of raw po tatoes, making a gain In weight of S0.70 pounds. Thoso In lots 3 nnd 4 ato 110.30 pounds of barloy nnd 3C3.7C pounds steamed potatoes, and made a gain of 70.C0 pounds, whllo thoso In lots B und G ato 1S8 GO pounds barley and 5G4.80 poundB steamed potatoes and mado n gain of 78.10 pounds. Lots 7 and 8 ato 300,10 pounds hurley without potatoes und mado n gain of GO. 5 pounds. Tho last two lots, fed barloy alono, woro used as a check on tho others to show more definitely tho proportion ito value of the potntoes. At tho present market valuo of 7 cents a pound llvo weight, tho hogs fed barloy mudo a $3.87 gain, which makes tho barley feeding value 51.02 to tho hun irod. Lots 1 and 2 fed barloy und rnw potatoes at tho rate of threo poundB sf potatoes to a pound of barley,, mado & $l,2G gnln, which gives tho raw potatoes a feeding value of 29 cents to tho hundred. Ixts 3 nnd 4 receiv ing six tlmos as much steamed pota toes as barley, made a $1.94 gain, giving the steamed potatoes a fcodlng value of 47 cents to tho hundred, Lots 5 aud G fed threo times as much itcamcd potatoes as barley, mado a JD.47 gain, making tho feeding value f the potatoes 42 cents to the hun Irod. It Is noticeable that thoso fod six times us much potatoes as grain did not mako quite tho gain made by tho others, but It required 85.25 pounds Icbs barley to make this gain, so tho dlfforenco In feeding valuo lu ac suuntod for. It 1b alpo noteworthy tha. tho steam potatoes aro worth 13 cents more to the hundred than raw for feeding, na shown In tho comparison of the gain of animals fed the 3-to-l ration. Ducko Are Hardy. Ducks, an u rule, are hardy. They do not havo tho gapes Tho weakpst part of a duck Is Its legs. Indigestion is apt to show Itself in tho young If the coarse sand Is omitted in tho food. It 1b alwayB beat to put a handful of and In a pall of mauli food, mixing It thoroughly. This will aid dlgoutlon The oily nature of tho foathnrs makes the ducklings vermin proof. Expos uro to hot HunH Is fatal. There should always bo a partial sliado to the ruus. HORSES AND MULES Tho well-brod druft horso Is always; In demand, and. tho fnrmor who breeds It constantly In the ono who makes tho most profit In horses. Tho patient raulo 1b not much fon npecd, but ho keeps going, and usually! arrives on time. ' A mulo novor eeunis to ho really frightened at anything. Whon hoi runs nway ho docs It through puro lovo of mischief. A mulo scents danger almost as unerringly as tho elephant. Ever know a mulo to atop In a hole or venture upon nn unsound bridge of his own volition? ' No whlto man can ever got on asJ good terms with a mule as tho nognw cnn. , Tho uverago mulo will do as rauchl work at two years old as tho horso will at three or four. ' Novcr tlo a mulo up in a stall ovor-i night. Tho open Hold for him always.' Somo English farmers are paying niu high as $400 per pair for American' mules to Bond to tho Argcntlno Re public CAUSE OF GAPES IN THE POULTRY To Eradicate Disease Birds Af-i fected Should Be Isolated and Treated. (l)y IT. L. KISMPSTKIt of MlanourJ Na tion.) Gapes Is a dlsoaso affecting certain birds, fowU, and particularly chicks, ouo to four weeks old. It Is causod by a small worm, called tho gape worm, which attaches Itsclt to tho wlndplpo of its victim. The symptoms nro frequent gaping, sneezing, n whistling cough, with dis charge of mucus and worms, dump Ishncss, weakness and drooping of wings. Dead birds will show forked worms attached to the windpipe. Tho ndult femalo gapo worm is much larger than tho male, her body being filled with ngga and embryos. Theso embryos appear In tho drop pings or nre coughed up. So the troublo Is spread by contamination of runs, food nnd drinking water. Embryos aro often found In earth worms. To eradicate the disease, lsolato af fected blrdB, treat drinking water with potassium pormnngnato; burn dead birds, and remove chicks to fresh ground which Is not' infected. Cultivation of Infected ground 1b snld to eradicate the worms In three? years. Individual cases may bo treated in one of threo waya: Hy confining tho chick for a short tlmo In n box which has air-slaked llmo on tho floor. Tho llmo la sold to cuubo tho worm to release Its grip, and tho chick to snoozo It out. Stripping n feather, leaving a small tuft, moistening, with turpentlno and Introducing into tho wlndplpo, euro being taken not to lacerate tho wlnd plpo or suffocate the chick. Two horso hairs tied together, tho knot trimmed, run down tho chick en's throat, and romovlng In a twist ing manner, will also remove tho worms. Gape worm extractors aro aUo on tho murkot. TUBEROSES ARE NOT DIFFICULT TO GROW Good, Rich Soil Is Necessary for These Handsome Flowers ! They Sell Well. ' ThoBo handsome stalk flowers nro easily grown. Good, rich soil Is nee-' OBsary. Tho flowers ulwnyavsell readi ly and ship nny dlBtnnro without In-' Jury. BulbB also Boll woll. Sort thorn Into threo sizes and make the price' nccordingly. Plant In a sandy boltl about five Inchos deep. A space In the back yard, a yard' wldo and two yards long, will produce a dozen lino stalks thnt will nrnri.u j hundreds of flowers. Koop tho plant niouu ai an nines to securo choice, flower"