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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1913)
? & u. & tf 1 l I m m i?i t Serai -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. SUDSCIUPTION RATES. Ono Year by Mail In advance $I.2f Ono Year by Carrier in advance $1.60 Kntered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post oOico as Socond Class Matter. FRIDAY. SEPT. 5. 1913. Local and Personal. Tho Wolback-ball team, of Grand Island, will piny hero with the local nine Sunday nftornoon. Jnmos Rannlo and family returned Wednesday evening from an extended visit in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. " Heming, who have made their homo here for aomo time will movo to Chnppell Monday. Miss Fayo Britton, of Wayne, ono of the local teachers, arrived hero Wed nesday mid will take up her duties Monday. Mrs. Thomas Green and daughter, of Grand Island, wore in town yesterday while enroute homo from a visit in western cities. Mrs. Martha Graham is enjoying a visit from her brother Mr. Martin of Fullerton whom she had not seen in fifteen year. Miss Beth Cunningham, who taught last year in Gothenburg has been en gaged to touch this year in the schools at Pomona, Cal., at a salary of eighty five dollars per month. David A, Uman, of Hastings, and Miss Esther Elonora Lafdahl of Suth urland, wero married by Judge Grant Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Haifil, of Horshoy, who came tho first of this week to attend fttho funeral of tho late Mrs. W. R. Salis bury, left Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Afton, of Denver, who visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perkins this week loft Wednesday for Oshkosh to spend a fow days with relatives. John Day and son Dave write from Tacomo, Wabh., that thoy havo pur chased a good business there, Tho family will leave in about three woeks. Brick laying is about completed on tho addition which Fred Waltemath is erecting at the, rear of the building occupied by tho Huffman smoke houso. Tho Epworth loague hold a pleasant outing at Dilllon's grovo yesterday and spent tho day in outdoor amusements. An enjoyable lunch added to tho day's pleasure. Special sale of boys and girls school shoes at the Leader, Misa Helen Wholphy, of Fremont, arrlyed hero Wednesday to tench In the Socond ward school. She will make rfor homo with her aunt Mrs. II. M, Grimes. AIi, Lino and J. E. Vermillion fornod a partnership tho oarly part of this week and havo rented a building on NoVth Locust, Mr. Line will be in chrirgo of tho watch repairing depart ment und Mr. Vermillion will devote his time to real estate business. W. L. Reynolds, who lives on tho Charley Hreternitz place , ten miles northeast of town, will soil sixty head of cattle nt public auction Sept. ICth, Mr, and Mrs. Roynolds expect to spend tho fall and winter in southern Cali fornia. i Sixty farmers, living south, south east and southwest of town, oUewhoro publish a notico forbidding hunting and trespassing on their lands. Hunters in order to avoid troublo, had better look up the list and steer clear of thupromisc3xof the advertlsors. Residents of tho Third ward are hav ing considerable trouble with a number of Mcxicanu who camo to town the first of this week and have .annoyed sovbral people by trying to enter their fiouseu when in an intoxicated condi tion. Several of them havo taken in charge by tho ofllcors. F. J. Dionor & Co., Real Estate and Insurance. Furm and city property for salo. tf Myrtle and Vicinity, Gcorgo Moran and wl'fe wore North Pjatta visitors Wednesday and Thursday of last weak. School began Monday in districts 29 und 03. Miss Bortha McMillan toadies the formor and Miss Pearl Brothers the latter school. G. J. Gambrel and wife are taking in tho sights at tho state fair this week. Tho littlo son of Mr. and Mrs. Clffo Nealu is on tho sick list. ;,$h Anderson had tho nilsfortuuo to lose three cows from cane poisoning the latter part of last week. Peter Peterson and family, of North Platte visited friends nnd relatives hero the last of tho week. Caught a Dad Cold. "Last winter my son caught a very bad cold and the way ho coughed was somothing dreadful' writes Mrs. Sarah n Duncan, or Tipton, lowa. vyo thought sure ho was going Into consump tion. Wo bought just one bottle of Chatriberlaln'H Cough Remedy and that ono botlltTstopped his cough and cured his cold completely." For sale by all dcalor. Presbyterian Church. Morning theme will be "The In fluence of the Day Spring and Day Starupon tho World and Society." Evening thomo:"TheLlmatlon of Life, A Spur to Actiyity " Sunday school and men's bible class at usual hour. M. E. Church Sunday school 8:45 a. m. At 11 a. m. thore will be a fellowship Bervlco held. It is desired that every member of the church be present at tho hour. Epworth 0:45 p. m. This will bo a Rally Day sorvice to which all the young people arc invited. At 8 o'clock the pastor will preach on "Tho Seed of Cain and Seth." Good music at nil services. Baptist Church Notes. Professor Lottie M. Condiff, of Cedar Valley seminary while enroute from Los Angelos stopped for a few days with the pattor. Sunday evening she sang as a solo. "Does Jesus Care." At the' regular monthly business meeting of the church held Wednesday evening nino were roceived into the membership of the church. One month ago six wero received making a total of fifteen for July and August. A son of Evangelist P. C. Nelson, of Indianapolis, la., has ' contracted to teach a school several miles In the country. Wo were glad to havo him worship with us last Sunday. Sunday morning tho pastor will give a communion talk. The subject will bo, "Tho Significance of tho Cdmmunion Service." Tho celebration of tho Lord's supper will follow the morning service. Tho Sunday evening subject will be, "Knowing God by Experience." B. Y. P. U. at 7 p. m. subject, "The Faith of tho Christian," leader Miss Essio Wessburg. One of tho bible wagons of tho morican Baptist Publi cation Society was soon on tho streets Inst week. These wagons go all over tho country distributing tracts and bibles. Rev. Olson was in charge of No. 51. A numbor of young people gave a picnic in tho country Wednesday even ing in honor of Miss Margaret Ware of Blair, who is visiting hero. REPORT OP THE CONDITION OV THE McDonald State Bank, of North Platte, Nob . Charter No. (117 Incorporated, In the Statu of Nebraska, at the close of business Aug, 2Jth. Una. resources. Loani ami discounts . $i25,os0.l6 Overdrafts 113. rs Honda, securities. Juilir rauntH, elalmi, etc .. 13.500 00 Hanking house, furni ture and fixtures 1R.000.00 Due from natn'l, and state banks tI2,M'O.0S Checks and Hems of.ox clmniro'.il") Currency 15 43.1.00 Gold coin 1.525.00 Silver, nickuls and emits. il.S83.wi. ns.4i0.t0 Total LIABILITIES Cardial stock paid In.. Himilu fund $121,121 70 7.&UO.00 lt,018.M Undivided ..Jirollts not. Individual deposits 8ub Juct toclleek. Demand fcurtUlcatus of duuoslt '.. ..".'.i 161,727,37 15,151.10 Tlnm certlltcaU'H.of do posit I.utUir of Credit Cahhlur'it checks out standing Due to natn'l und Htatu banks . Notes and bills ro-dls-('i)unled Hills payahlu Depositors' gunrantoo fund 103,520.37 40.00 181,21 11,887.38 2W.C22 41 Nona Nono 3,18(1 70 Total J 124.124,70 Stattrof Nebraska, County of Lincoln, ss. I. W. H. McDonald, Cashier of tho above named bank, do hereby swear that the alKivo statement Is a correct and truo copy of tho rijport mono to thoHtato Dunking Hoard W. II., Cashier. Attostt Ciias MoUonali), Director. ... X II. McDonald, Director , flubscrlbpu and sworn to before mo this 3rd day of September. ll13. WESLKY T. WILCOX. Notary Public My csmmlKSlon expires Fob. 0 Wis NOTICE TO HUNTERS. Notice is heroby giving that no hunt ing or treasBpassing will bo allowed on tho lands of the undersigned who resldo south and west of North Platte. Violations of this notice will bo prose cuted to tho full extent of the law. Win. Bennur, Gcorgo Single, Elmer Dnggot, C. S. Bothell, Wm. Hunter, Wm, Facka, Chns. Howard, Lester, Anderson, E. A. Roberts, M. Ortan, Ode Roberts, Arthur Connor, Jess Kunkle, Ed Wilson. ' Clark Howard, A. W. Tool. G. T. Knotts, Gunderson Bro-. Frank Facka, O. L Watkins, C. Broedor, J. A. Kunkle, Eli Kuncklo. A. Kunkle. C. Porter D. W. Kunkle. A. J . Howard, Hugh Songor, W. Kunkle, L. L. Rowoly, D C. Carritran. Lrvntan Cmll C. V. Turplo, Ward Weekly. 1). J. Knox, Clyde Long, M. C. Loth, Roy Melton, A. Loth, John Pulls, A. Zuler. .1. K. George Garman, F. Kronquest, W. E. Mestor, F. L. Weinburtr. V.v h Zimmerman S. D. Goldsmith W. E. Collins, D. A. Voss. G. W. Fills, P. W. Collins J. S. Hardin, W. H.Backley, L. Lloyd C. R. Osgood, F. Montnguo Ed. Frooman. H. M. Hersley T. W. Rubjo Jos. Hersley Dr. J. K. Elms, Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat Glosses " fitted Also Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Office over McDonald State Bank. North Platte. Phono 30. When the Worm Turned By M. QUAD Copyright, ISIS, by Ansoclnted Lit erary Press. In this instance the worm was Sarah Ann Perkins of the vlllogo of rSmlth tllle. Nature and her father and a lot of other persons and things wero to blame for It, and tho turning of that worm mnde a heap of troublo for a hundred people or more. Sarah Ami wns born homely. Just how homely she was as a baby nocd not bo told here. She was homely as a smnll girl, and everybody knows how tho homely business goes when It once gets started. At the ngo of twenty Sarah Ann was a peach. Sho attract ed ten tlmos the attention of any hand some girl. Sarah Ann's father -was to blame In this way. Ho was an easy mark dur ing his life, nnd wheu he camo to his dying bed he nindo a wjll leaving ev erything to his daughter. It got nolsod around that Sarah Ann had been left a big legacy, and. wid owers and bachelors appeared and fell In lovo with her. Then thoy investi gated tho lcgncy matter and fell out again. When Miss Perkins had reach ed tho age of forty, which she did In duo time, the live or six women in Smlthvllle that wero keeping book ac counts against her figured up ttat she had been jilted twenty-two different times. Trust tho married women of a village to keep tabs on mi old maid. , There was great Jeering when the lust Jilt came. Sarah Ann wept and wus not comforted. She realized that her last chauco had slipped away. Even an optimistic woman can't fall to reallzo that there must bo an end to tho courting game. For a long, long day our heroine was thinking, nnd when tho stars of erenlng twinkled ugaln her mind wns mado up. Tho village of Smlthvllle hadn't given her a fair show. The worm would turn and mnko it hot for Smlthvllle. There was no ono around to hear tho click Of tho spinster's teeth as her mind wns mado up witn tho nek of Gibraltar for a foundation. If thero hnd been there would have been shivers n-plcnty. Two weeks from that night Sarah Ann Perkins disappeared oft tho face of tho earth that Is, tho face of the earth around Smlthvllle. Sho hnd been living nlone with her a littlo cot tage. A window was found broken in jjind a door broken open. Chnlrs wero upsot and furniture broken, nnd there wero splashes of blood hero and there. There was great excitement nt once. Miss Perkins had been murdered while tho vlllago slept. Tho body could not bo found. More than n hundred Jleoplo turned out nnd spent tho day lddklng for it, but not tho slightest traco was had. Tho sheriff nnd tho coroner over hauled the missing woman's papers, and tho first document was a solar ploxus blow. It charged thirty differ ent villager's with conspiracy to do away with tho writer by violence. The list included a minister, an elder and two deacons, nnd tho others wero all prominent. About hnlf were women. Tho chargo was boldly made that on certain dates certain men or women had called nt the old maid's hou&c- or met her on tho street and warned her that sho must leave the town or havo her throat cut. Tho production of this document fill ed the village with consternation. Tho sheriff decided that ho must make ar rests as charged, and ho went about It. Meanwhile- the search for tho body continued, nnd strangers camo from twenty miles nwny to participate. Newspapers sent their representatives, and private detectives wero on hand by tho dozen. Thero might not have boon a hundred different theories, but thero surely wero fifty. Tho number of persona arrested was 103; tho numbor of strangers visiting Smlthvllle In tho first four weeks was estimated nt 10,700; tho number of newspaper columns written wns C50; the number of times Snrah Ann's pic- turo was used was 84; tho dnmago to tho business of tho town wns $20,000. Of tho 103 persons arrested all but two proved nllbls for tho night of tho murder. Of the other two ono was a morchant nnd tho other a deacon. They had played checkers and drunk hard elder in a back room of tho storo that night until thoy had slid out of their chairs and slept under tho table. Tlmo cousuraed In tho trial, five weeks; cost to county and individuals, $14, 000. No ono wan convicted. Of cour&o it wns Sarah Ann Ferklns who broko open her door nnd smashed In tho window. Tho blood camo from a chicken killed that afternoon. Sho left her cottngo at about 8 o'clock and had tho luck to get out of tho vlllago UQsceu. Then sho took to tho high way and traveled all night aud mado fifty miles next day by tho cars. Then sho lmlted and hired out at a vlllago inn nnd was within slxty-llvo miles of Smlthvllle till tho time tho affair was on. Threo thousand dollars was the reward out for her, but no ono got it. Ono day a year later Sarah Ann ro appeared in Smlthvillo. Sho wns ac companied by her husband, flo was tho innkeeper sho had worked for. Sho had finally told him her story, nnd when it had been concluded ho had asked: "But what wns tin matter you couldn't get married?" "Too homely," sho replied. "Why. rtuni my cats, but you are one of tho best looking women I over snwl What In thunder could havo ailed those twenty-two fellers? niamed handsome woman 'and a heroine to bootl Let's go aud got married as soon as we can!" Despondency. la often caused by Indigestion and constipation, and quickly disappears when Chamberlain's Tablets arc taken, For sale by all dealers. n hoss auo untie Bought nnd highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red 63G . Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. Notice of Incorporation. Notice is hereby civon that tho under signed have associated as a corporation under tho name and style, Howe & Maloney; with the principal place of transacting its business in the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebras ka: nnd for tho nurnose of transacting a general furnituro and undertaking business; with the amount of its capi tal stock $12000.00 all nnid in cash: and siad corporation shall commence its business on the 25th day of April, 1913, antl terminate in twenty years; ana its indebtedness is not at any time to ex ceod g of its amount of stock capital; and the business of the incorporation shall be conducted by a president and a vice-president, secretary and treasurer. Dated this 28th day of July, 1913. William R. Maloney, President, Charles A. Howe, Vice-President, Eiima V. Maloney, Sect., William R. Maloney, Treas. Legal Notice. To Afhert W. Kilmer and Jennie Kilmer, his wife, defendants: You and each of you will take notice that the Bank of btapleton, of Staple ton, Nebr., as plaintiff, has filed its certain petition in the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, in which you and oach of you are named as de fendants, the objoct and prayer of which said petition is to foreclose that certain mortgage made and executed by you, and each of you to The Gandy Hank upon the following described real estate situate in Lincoln County, Ne braska, to-wit: The southeast quarter (sej) and the southeast quarter (sel) of the southwest quartor (swi) of section thirty-two (32), township sixteen (10). north of range twenty-six (2G), west qf the 6th P. M. and which said mortgage was given to secure the payment of that certain promissory note mado and executed by you for tho principal sum of $315.00. And said foreclosure is had for said principal sum together with interest thareon at tho rate of ten per cent per annum from September 5, 1912. You and oach of you will make answer to said petition on or before October 13, 1913, or tho allegations thereof will betaken as true anddecree entered accordingly. Dated at North Platte, this 2nd day of September, 1913. Bank op Stapleton, by E. H. Evans, b2-4 its attorney. Legal Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed, Miner Ilinman of North Platte. Nebraska, will offer for salo at public auction at the Ilinman Garace situate on Dewey and 5th streets in the City of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebras ka, at the Dewey street entrance, on tho 25th day of September, 1913. at the hour of 3 p. m. the following described personal property, to-wit: One model 10, Huick manufacture, 1910 automobile. Said sale to keep open' for the period of one hour, and which said described property will be sold to the highest and best bidder for cash for the satisfac tion of an artisan's lien for th sum of 55149.95 together with the interest there on at the rato of 7 pep cent per annum from the 18th day of. August, 1913, for alteration anu repairs made upon said described property by said Minpr Ilin man nt tho request and for the benefit of G. Malm, the owner thereof; and that a verified statement and descrip tion of the work done and material furnished and description of the said de scribed property wns filed in the office of the County Clerk of Lincoln county, Nebraska, on August 18th, 1913, by said Miner Hinmnn in account with said G. Malm, debtor, and which said lien nnd the work and repairs furnished which constitute same, were furnished for a period beginning January 25, 1913, and onding August 3, 1913. Dated nt North Platte, Nebraska, September 2, 1913. Miner Hinman. By E. II. Evans, his attorney. To be published in tho Tribune Sep tember 2, 4. 9. 12. 1G, 19 and 23. Legal Notice. Notico is hereby Riven that tho un dersigned, Miner Ilinman of North Vlattu, Nebraska, will offer for salo at public auction nt the Ilinman garage, sltuato on Dowoy nnd 5th streets in the City of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nobrnskn, at tho Dewey street en trance, on tho 24th day of September, 1913, at tho hour of 2p. in., the follow ing described personal property, to-wlt: Una model F, Buick manufacture, 1909 automobile. Said sale to keep open for thu poriod of ono hour and which said described Eroperty will be sold to tho highest and est bidder for cash, for tho satisfac tion of nn artisan's lien for the sum of $S9.70, togother with theintorest there on at tno rate oi por cent per annum from tho 18th day of August, 1913, for nltoration and repairs mado upon said do&cribed property by said Elinor Ilin man nt the request and for the benefit of George Case, the owner thereof; nnd thijt n verified statement and de scription of the work done and material furnished, a description of tho said de scribed property was filed in the oflico of tho Cqunty C'lork of Lincoln county, Nebrnaka, on August 18th. 1913, by said Ulnoi Ilinman in account with said George Case, debtor, and which said lion and the work nnd repairs fur nished which constitute, same were fur nished for a period beginning April 21, 1913, nnd ending July 8, 1913. Dated at North Platte, Suptembar 2, 1913. Miner Hinman. f ny 'w, . mviiiia, ilia iiciuuicy, J To bo published in tho Tribune, Sep ' temper 2, 5, 9, 12, 10, 19 and 23. Dr. D. C. Crockef. Osteopathic Physician PHONG RED 070. ' GEO. D. DENT, Physician and Surgeon, ' Office oVer McDonald Bank. PV,nn. J Office 130 Phones Residence 115 eesci . DR. J. S. TWINEM, I Homeopathic Phyilclan andSurgeon J Hospital accommodations for Medical nnd a surgical attention given obstetrical cases. Office Pbono 183 lies. Phono 283 Office McDonald Stato Hank A'e J Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. s Doctors Amos & Ames, ; Physicians and Surgeons, s J. Office over Stone Drug Co. m Phoneq I umce m f hones Reaidence 273 r wf wwrtdfrWHrmm Signet Chapter O. E. S., NO. 55 3 Meets Znd and 4th Thursday of every j month at Masonic Hall nt 7.30 p. m. f , OR. HARRY MITCHELL GRADUATE DENTIST "Tofeprfono Red 456 D03M Dewey St, North Platte, Nebraska. S LA. LINE ? I 5 13 years experience at the bench. Can do JS n all Kindt-u repairing. Bed rock prices. All JC X work guaranteed. Jjjj Oldest Bank In Lincoln County North Platte, Nebr. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 We Solicit Your Business. PJTRONIZE THE ngT in 'House of Good Show l HI When in North Plallo. Motion Pictures. Runs Every Night. Matinee Saturday After noon at 2:30 O'clock. 10 CENTS. For Thirty or more Years. We have been making, repairing denning, and altering clothes for tne people of North Platte. We have aimed to give satisfaction, and we guess we have been successful, else tho people would not now pat ronzo us. Give us a chance to do your work. F. J. BROEKER. Entrance north of tho Nyal drug store. Established in 1871. Contractor and Builder. Shop Comer 6th and Vino Streets NORTH PLATTE, NED. R. D. Thomson. Two Attractions. North Platte has two attractions it pretty women and the cigars made by Schmnlzried. Rnth nttvnntlona nni b)loaiing; and both are in demand. Schmnlzried cigars and don't know how good thoy are; if so, try them. You will not be disappointed. J. F. SCHMAURIED, The Maker of Good Cigars. Di (edfield edfield Physicians and Surgeons. WILLIS J. IlEDFIELD. Surgeon. JOE B. IlEDFIELD, Physician. OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . Hospital . . PHONE 042. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. The Statu of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss In tho County Court. In tlio Matter of tho Estate ot Clause Erickson Deceased. To tlio creditors. lielM legatees and others Interested In tho ostato of Clause Erickson. Take notico. that tho administrator, has filed In tho countr court, a rctwrt of his dolncs as administrator or said estate and It Is ordered that tho samo stand for hearing' tho 0th, day of Septotnlior. A. I). 1913. boforo tho court at tho hour of "o'clock, n. m,, nt which tlmo any person Intoiestcd may appear and except to and contest the same, Notico of this proceeding and tho licarini? thereof is ordered given to all persons in terested In said matter br publishing a copy of this order in tho North I'latto Tribune, a legal seml-weoklj liBWspapeu printed In said countv for three consecutive weeks prior to said date of hearing. Dated 13th, 1913. (Seal) nl9-3 .IoiikGua "I, County Judge NOTICE OF SETTLEMET. (The State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss In tho County Court. In the matter of the estate of Dennis Kelly, deceased. To tho creditors, heirs, legatees, and others In terested in tho estate of Dennis Kelly. Take notice, that Elizabeth Kelly has filed In tho county court a report of her doings as administratrix of Bald estate, and It Is ordered that tho same stand for hearing tho 9th day of September, A. D., 1913. before tho court at the hour of 9 o'clock, a. m., at which time any person Interested may uppear and except to and contest the same. Notice of this proceeding nnd tho hcarintr thereof Is ordered given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of the order In the North Platte Tribune, a semi-weekly newspniicr, printed in said county for; three successive weeks prior to the said dato, of hearlug. Dated August 11th. 1913. (Seal) a 19-3 JOHN UKANT. County Judge. OUDElt OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR. AP POINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATRIX. The State ok-Nebraska, L.ncoln County, 88. In tho County Cm 1 1 In tho matter o i estate of John II. Guthcrlees, decent en On reading and hi n. tho petition of Mary Gutherless, praying that administration of said estate may be granted to herself as admin istratrix. Ordered, That Sept. 9th, 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m. Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons Interested in said matter may apoear at a county court to be held in hnd for said county, and show causo why prayer of petitioner should not bo granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and tho hearing thereof be given to all persons Interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order In the North Platte Tribune a seml-wcekly news paper printed In said county for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing, Dated August 16. 1913. al9-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judge. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 04809 . DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR. United States Land Office At North Platte, Nebraska, July 25. 1913. Notico Is hereby given that Bernard A. Voss, of North Platte, Neb., who on June 28, 1910, made homestead entry. No. 04809, for Ei4 NEl4, EW, SWM, and SEW Section 30, Town ship 11, N. Range 30, W. 6th Principal Meridan, has filed notico of Intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the register and receiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on tho 19th day of September, 1913, Claimant names as witnessses: George Miller of Somerset, Neb., William Hunter. Amandus Kunkle, both of North Platte, Neb., Howard Simms, of Wellfleet, Nebr, J29-6 J. E. Evans. Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of nn execution on transcript issued from theDistrict Court oi Lincoln county, Nebras ka, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein Knox and Walters a corporation partnership I plaintiff, and E. Rlma, Is de fendant, and to me directed, I will on the 23rd day of August, 1913, at two o'clock, p. m., nt tho east front door of the court house of said county. In the city of North Platte, Nebraska, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree. Interest and costs, tho following described pronerty. to-wlf Northeast quarter (neW) section two i (2) In township fifteen (IB), range thirty ' (30), west of the 0th P. M. in Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated at North Platte. Neb., Jul y 14, 1913. J15-5 A. J. SALisnunr, Sheriff PROBATE NOTICE. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, Aug. 2Gth, 1913. In the matter of the estate of Catherine Mc Govern, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that the creditors of said deceased will meet the Executors of said estate, before tho county judge of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the county court room, in Bald county, on the 30th day cf Sept. 1913, and on tho 30th day of Mar., 1914, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, for tho purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months aro allowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year for the Executors to settle said estate, from the 26th day of Aug. 1913. A copy of this order to bo published in the North Platte Tribune, a legal semi-weekly news paper printed in Baid county for four successlv weeks prior to Sept. 30th. 1913, sM JOHN GRANT. County Judge. ORDER OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR. The State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss. In the County Court. In tho Matter of tho Estate of Mary Buchholz, deceased. On reading and filing tho petition of Dredrick Buchholz praying that administration of said estate may be granted to August Hamer as ad ministrator. Ordered, That Sept. 23rd. 1913, at 0 o'clock a. m. is assigned for hearing- said petition when all persons Interested in said matter may appear at a county court to be held In and for said county and show causo why tho prayer of petitioner should not bo granted; and that notice of tho pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof bs given to all persons interested in said matter by pub lishing a copy of this order In the North Platte Tribune a semi-weekly newspaper printed In said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated August 27th, 1913. JOHN GRANT. s2-3 County Judge' State of Nebraska, Lincoln County. To all persons interested in the es tate of Susan Pickett, deceased. Whereas, there hag been admitted to probate in tho county court of said county, an instrument purported to be the last will and testament of Susan Pickett, late of said county, deqeased; and John J. Hnlligan has filed his peti tion herein, praying for tho issuing of letters testamentary, I have, therefore, appointed 23rd day of September at 9 o clock in the forenoon nt the county court room in said county, as the time andplaco for hearing upon said peti tion. At which timo ntiil nlona .m. and all concerned may appear and con- ieL me allowing oi tne same, it i fur ther ordered that said petitioner give notico to all persons interested in said estate, of tho pendency of this potition, nnd the timo nnd place set for tho hearing of the same by causing a copy of this notico to be published in the North Platte Tribuno a semi-weekly newspaper of the county for three suc cessive weeks previous to the day set for hearing. In witnesss whereof, 1 havo hereunto set my hand and seal this30th day of August, 1913. John Grant, County Judge. &