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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1913)
if I u . ttc Htttrrtciil Gctfitf $M mibnnt TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST 26, 1913. No. 62 v Wkt MQtth W v) i - '3- ' r jlt Ji n ko X V Solution of Fire Department Muddle A solution of the fire department muddle has practically been readied by Mayor Evans and the fire committee of the council who havo been conference several times since the fire boys re . signed in n body last Thursday evening. Realizing the gravity of the situation, this committee arid. Mayor Evans at once got busy and tentative plans agreed upon 13 to purchase an auto fire truck carrying.nn abundance of hoeo and a fifty gallon capacity chemical extin guisher, at ucost of about five thousand dollars, the present fire wagon to be turned in on. the purchase price. This auto truck will be kept at tho Hinman garage, a..d Mr. Hinman agrees to fit up rooms over the garage as mooting quarters for tho fire department and as a dormitory for at least four members, who will sleep there. He will also erect lockers down stairs for the storage of coats, boots and other equipment. An aperture will bo" cut between the two floors of the building and a slid pole put in, thusjjiving the firemen occupying tho rooms easy access to the ground floor. For the storaged of tho truck, the rent of the rooms on the socond floor and a driver for the' truck Mr. Hinman will ask thirty dullars per month, which is certainly a reasonable charge Under these conditions tho members of tho volunteer fire department will withdraw their resignation and will act with greaterenthusiasm than hereto fore. This will do away with having a paiddepartment as contemplated follow ing the resignation of tho members. At present tho city is paying $G5 a month for a team to haul the fireJ wagon, in addition to paying leases for the ground on which tho hose houses stand. By dispensing with the team and tho Tf so houses, a 'saving1 of be tween lorty and fifty dollars per month can be made, which will pay interest on the additional investment in the auto truck. - , The plan is to tear down the hose ' houses and sell the lumber? These buildings are in bad repair and were ""their use to be continued it would re , quire quite a sum of money topUt thfrn - in proper shape. , J " '1 The Mutual Building & Loan As sociation has for sale at a bargain, lots 3 and 4, block 23. Large eight roomed house, nearly now and large barn, this is in a locality last appreciating in value, a small first payment and the rent will buy it Mrs. George Harvey, who has been ill for several days, is improving. - Miss Madge Flynn went to Cheyenne Friday to visit friendsf otv a few days. Supt. Wilson Tout left this morning for Oshkosh to spend several ' days on business. Russell Gensler of Gothenburg is spending a week with Messrs. Victor and Rolfe Halligan. Misses Grace Ogiqr.and Freda Ham mer are visiting the Melhmann family in Donver this week. Joseph Denny and daughter of Ottawa, 111., ware guest at the Guilliaume home last week. Miss Sophia Schultz and brother William visited friends in Cheyenne last week. Fred Frye sustained a severley sprained ankle Friday afternoon whilo at work in the round house. Miss Iono Chappell, of Kearney, spent tho week end with her sister Miss Cleo Chappell, while enroule hoftTe from a visit in Sidney. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Robinson, late of of Burlington, la., are visiting the latter'a parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Dav while enroute to the Pacific coast to locate. Miss Comfort Conway, of the Tramp dry goods department, returned Sun day from Omaha and St. Louis where she spent a week at the wholesalo houses. EMPRESS THEATRE TUESDAY By Unseen Hands. Big 2 reel special. Fancy Fowls. WEDNESDAY A Gambler's Honor. O'Hara as a Guardian Angel, What the Doctor Ordered. Special Music Local and Personal The local ball team went td Cozad to day to play the nine of that city. Miss Leln Scott has returned from a short visit in Kearney and the east ern towns in Nebraska. For Sale Grass on four quartors near Somerset. Can winter stock or placo if desired. Thomns E. Doolittlo, North Platte. Mrs. Tolor, of Schuylor, who spent several weoka with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Charles McGuire, left for home this morning. . Miss Emily Baker will return to Detroit Saturday nftcr a protracted visit with her sister Mrs. Geo. T. Field, Before investing, see what I am of fering in west end lots. 0. II. Thoelccke Mrs. B. F. Sailor who has been pur chasing fall millinery in eastern points will return here thday to open her par lors in the Leader. F J.- Dienor & Co., Real Estate and Insurance. Farm and city property for sale. tf Thero will bo services at tho Episco pal church next Suriduy morning. Either Bishop Beechor or Canon Bell will be here to occupy the pulpit. Piatt White and J,jE. Fiilion re turned home yesterday from their auto trip to Denver, Cheyenne and other wesfern points, after an absence of .ten days. Geo. Winkowitch and Will Whltlock returned yesterday from Encampment, Wyo., where they spent ten days fish ing for trout with good success. They made the trip in George's car. Washing is hard work inhot weather. .See the Electric Washer at Hershey's Phone 15. t E. J. Drain, of Pittsburg, who was a guest at the homefof Senator and Mrs. W. V. Hoagland, left last evening. Mrs. Drain will remain a couple of weeks longer. The stork visited the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Will Lannln last night and deposited twins a boy and girl. The motherland tho-twins are doing nicely, and Billy is wearing a double smllo. Why not live in town by paying a (ittlc more for your lot. Lc's talk it over: 0- H. Thoelecke. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Hill, of Carroll, hjiva, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burke, while enroute home from a trip in the west. Mr: Hijlwas formerly employed as an engineer on the C. & N. W. road. John Scow and Miss Lenora Trout, both of this city Were married at Grand Island the latter part of last week and went thru Friday to Salt Lake, Ogflen aid Denver to spend their honeymoon. They will reside in this city. Wanted Girl for general housework Apply to Mrs. W. H. McDonald, 407 West Fifth street. Misses Maymo Pizer and Hildegarde Clinton entertained about fortv of the younger social set at a dancing party at the home of the former last even ing. The rooms were decorated with flowers and ferns, and music was fur nished by '.he Lloyd orchestra. Delici ous refreshments were served late in the evening. Humboldt County, the least developed in California, presents a splendid oppor tunities to investors and homeseekers. Men and money are needed for dairying, nmall fruit growing, truck farming, general farming and apple raising. A country of wonderful resources and ideal c'imate into which the first railroad is now building. All Inquiries promptly answered bv tho Humboldt Promotion and Development Committoo, Eureka, Calif. - "Mr. "FORD" Owner:- Do you know I can give you a policy of in surance covering liability on your car and property damage completely tor 530.00 ner year. Can you afford to be without it? C. F. Temple. Two pretty and enjoyable paities were given the latter part of last week by Miss Hannah Keiiher, the first on Thursday nfternoon at which thirty-two married ladies were her guests at five hundred. Tho houso decorations were garden flowers tastefully arranged and the lunch was delicious. Mesdames Seobergei, HayeB and Miss Grace Payne assisted in serving. In the even ing twenty-eight young ladies were en tertained at progressive card games and served with delightful refreshments. Mesdames J. B. Murphy, Joseph Hayes and Charles McNamara assisted tho hostess. Out of town guests were Mrs. Will Cs.ry of Omaha, Mrs, Benedict and Miss Nell Dye, of Salina, Kans, For bargains in choice residences see Buchanan & Patterson's bargain list in another column. tf Hunters too Smooth for Game Warden Sam Bowors, n former North Platto Platte barber but now deputy Btato gamo warden with hendquartcrs at Co lumbus, arrived in town Saturday to investigate reports sent to him Ithut North Platto huntorsjjwore slaughter ing prairio chickens in a mostlunmerci ful manner. An hour after nrriving in town Sam got a lino up on conditions and prepared for action. Sunday morn ing he was up at five o'clock and sta tioned himself in the weeds near the south river bridge. He had scarcely gotten in the clear until tho automo biles loaded with men, boys and guns began to roll by, and ho noted;tho num bers on the cars and tho direction tak en when they reached ) the south bill. He thon roturned to town, hired an automobile and stntionccl tho car at tho exporimentiJMamr. When on auto ap proached from the oast or west, he had his driver run the car north to the fcro nont slough bridge just nhoad of the approaching car, and when renchlng the bridge angla his car so as to stop tho progress of the car followimg. This plan was tried on several ca-s, but they were found to be occupied by people who were not wanted. But all things coir.o to him who waits. A car con tahungthreo hunters ,nnd a dog or two came from the east nt twenty-fivo mile3 n hour,. and Warden Bowers started , ..Is car for the bridge, drove up on it, had Ills driver stop in an angling posi tion, and he jumped out ready to nab tho offenders. But tho offenders, who recognized Bowers, did not propose to be nabbed; thoy simply gave their car mora gas, knocking Sam's car to tho other side of the bridge and came into town at a-speed thatbroke all speed records. Then, Sam had a heavy heart, waxed mad, and sworo that he would, Vy virttfo. of-thepewor vested in him by tho gren). commonwealth of Nebras ka, shoot the next car pf hunters who refused to halt. The next car that camo along contained three boys and a dog. Sam threw up his gun, halted them and made a search but found no chickens. Later, Bowers found a chick en which the three men had thrown out, and this he bronght to town yes terday as evidence. He reported the matter tdthe shoriff and the county at torney and asked that the men be pros ecuted on the charges of killing birds out of season, fracturing the law on auto speeding, resisting an officer and a few other things. The officers de clined to bring nction under all these charges on tho very slim ovidence Pow ers presented, but would go ahead on the chicken Ehooting charge. This did not please Sam, and he left town last night vowing to prefer charges against the county attorney and against the sheriff with the governor. Please don't be surprised if fo'? companies of tho state militia are sent to North Platto to forcibly arrest the sheriff ,and county attorney , Notice to Water Consumers. It has come to our notice that con sumers are lax in regard to shutting off water when the firo alarm sounds. It is absolutely necessary for consumers to do this in order that wo may have sufficient pressure to fight fires. Ourin snectors have orders in the future to shut off the viter from a consumer found breaking this rule. This applies to those consumers on meters as well as those not on meters. Dated August 19, 1913. HEitsnteY S. Welch, ( Water Commissioner. Drugs. For all acute or chronic diseases, tl'o indicated Homeopathic remedy always the safest, quickest and best. l'WINEM'S DilUG Dr.PT. Miss Grace Melhmann and Mrs. Price ofChicago who visited the former's brother Roy Mehlmrnn this week whilo enroute home from-Denver, left last evening. Harry Fritz who had been playing with the local ball tham left this morn ing for Kansas CLy where Iih has accepted a position. The Royal Neighbors and their friends will be entertained at the homo of Mrs. II. P. Hinklo C03 east Second street Thursdny at a lawn social. A good attendance is desired. Loren Hastings returnod the latter" part of lart weok from Donvor, where he visited for a couple of weeks. I What's a Camp a A few BEECH NUT BUTTER. VAN CAMP'S DERNELL POTATO CHIPS. I ARMOUR GRAPE JUICE. 'laeiv HIENZE OLIVES. iH "l"iA j4!rrt'!jbr6 'Crt .MJKBBrffcpBBP CRYSTAL THEATRE Tuesday's Program "Campaigning With Custer," is n Bison two-reel offering containing good impersonations of General Custer. The action conters about his young nieces and tho adventures In tho Indian country. They are captured and rescued in turn savoral times and something about the plot makes this above the average of recent western releases. "The Frontier Twins", heroism gives some entortaining fun on the ranch with tho twins as tho chiof participants. "N ... . -. Wednesday rrogram In "When the Prince Arrived" novel reading May spurns the love of Joe, an honest boy but not romantic enough to suit her. The prince comes but proves to be p, circus acrobat in hiding from tho law and already married. "Nature's Vengeance" illustrates the fact that punishmont comes from un expected sources sometimes. "Lord Barry's Low Acquaintance" pictures a pampered pot dog. He jumps from his mistress' auto to chaso a cat, and is lost in the alley. Ho is rescued from cruel boys by a ragged little Newsie. Later upwi restoring him to his mistress the boy is rewarded by a traoA home and an onnortufJlty for edu cation, Thursday's Program "Mating," is u good strong two-part Imp story of prc-liistorie times. VVo seo the cavo man woo his dusky mato by "sheer force his brine strongth, res cuing her from a littlo man because ho happened to bo stronger. Tho same characters appear in a later reincarna tion. Horo the strong man wields tho nick, and the little man ! the profoBtor. This time by force of his mentality, tho little man wins tho gin. Modern society does not recognize "might is right." "Sally Scraggs, houscmafd" is a Rex comedy of excellent handling, with Robert Leonard and Margaret Fischer in the loading roles. Doris Lowory, n successful authoress, seeks employ- ment as a maid in n boarding houso get material fr u novel. And hero she meets her fate in the perBon Frank Norcross a struggling nuthor. vithoutthepGffrWffiP" YOU CAN GET A WHOLE CANOE-LOAD of the very best, convenient,. tinned and packaged dainties right here. - Come, in and see - today, Lierk-Sandall Co. suggestions for your next KELLOGG'S TOASTED WHEAT BISCUITS. PEANUT . DOLE PINEAPPLE JUICE. JBEANS r CLUB PRESERVES. prf2S FRENCH SARDINES. I k ITENS FANCY CRACKER. ORDER APACKAOE OF Col. Cfldy in New Role Next Year. A special from Denver in to-day's Beo says: Colonel W. F. Cody, "Buf fnlo Bill," is not "down and out," ho has not riddciThis last, roundup nnd has not done nny of th'uso final things he is credited with doing by writors in tho eastern novvspapers. According to his announcement hero yesterday Colonel UHiy will appear next year in an en tirely new role that will appeal espec ially to children and nl loyors of fairy tale lore. Colonel Cody arrivodhoro lato Satur day night from Choyenne, whore ho at tended the frontier Bhow cxhibitirn. Ho nnnounccd yesterday that ho had closed a contract with the Sells-Floto circus to personally conduct a historical pageant depicting early wild west scones und tho struggles of the pioneers who blazed tho way for civilization. Shoe Repairing, We announce tho opening of a Shoo Repairing department, nnd solicit a share of tho patronage of tho public. Good work guaranteed at reasonable prices. FOR8TEDT & Shecuv. llarnoss snop on locust, street. Thirty-eight tlnusnnd cattlo were re ceived yesterday at the Kunsas City stock yards, tho groatost single day's receipts in the hiBtory of tho yards. The havy shipments wero caused by burned pastures and-gcnrclty of water, duo to tho recent drouth, Misses Mary and Adeline Winn, of Kenrnoy, spent Inst week In town whilo onrouto home from Lodgonole whero they were tho guests of. Mra. Homer Hnndloy. Fair tonicht and Wednesday. Not much change In .temperature. Moder ate winds. Hlchest temperature yes terday, 97: a year ago, 98, Lowest last night, 54; a year ago, G9. David Scott, of Milliken., ola,, nnil Efile Fawloy. of Denvor, were married at the court house Saturday by Judge Grant Mrs. Frank Rork' and daughter Miss Calllo -returned vesterdav from their to vsit in Colorado Springs. ' MIf)8 RuU, T,nWaon, of Cedar Rapids, pi who spent her vacation with rolntivos jn this city, returned honuvtoday. j: trip: 1 $m q.JV HOUSE Edwnrd McCuiro pi' Schylcr spent n few days witli his parents this weok, Don't miss tho Minstrol show nt tho Presbyterian church carnival, Sept. 11. Wanted Girl for gpnornl Houso work family of threo good wages. Apply at Blocks Store. Tho Catholic Sunday school children will hold a picnic at Sioux Lookout, Sunday, Aug. 30. Tho dutch ladies will eorvo hot Win nies, saucr kraut nnd coffeo-cakeat the Presbytorian church carnival Sept, 11. Now modern nine r'om furnished houBo for rent. Mario B. Surber, 4E0 So. Pinev Mr, and Mrs. John McMicheal of Mlloo City. Mon-., nro visiting nt tho home of tho former's father, Alonzo McMicheal. R. N, West, senator from IlulLcoun ty, lo tho guest of Senator W. V. Hoagland whilo enrouto fo cities o Wyoming and Colorado. For Rent Tho Martini Residonco at 204 South Ash St. Inlaid Linoleum on Kitchen and Pantry floors. Opaque shades loft en window?, will bo vacant Sopt. 1st. MannWeIsch. Last Wednesday evening at tho Christian parsonage occurred tho wed- uing oi mis mury iuen weiBcn anu G. Edw. W. Mann both oj this city, Rev. Knowles of the Christian church officiating. The wedding was a very.qulot affair, after which the young people were served a delightful supper at tho home of the groom. Only a few of their most intimate friends being present. Theso young people havo been resi dents of this city foe a number of years and are wolf known and hold in high in esteem by all. Mr. Mann is In the em' ploy of tho railroad company and with his bride will mnko hta home In North Platto. The many fiionds of Mr. and Mrs. Mann oxtend their best wishes for a happy married life. Elegant residence lots from$150 to $300 on Third, Fourth 'and Fifth etrects. These are choice "bargains. 0. H Thoejecke. I wnm wr35nr,si!a a "S! m A. .41KX. - vmm.M