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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1913)
flinir. ttUttttcal lUtlV aw-lfMtto fkibam 44-t,'l''l''' TWENTY-EIGHTH; YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST 22, 1913.. No. 6. iv V:. .? . ,? ' -J- y-f'H' i .::; ' to-" lV - M.V.. '! f , f tv . ,t ,v k City Fire Department Resigns in a Body. A mooting of the firo departmont was held Tuesday evening foltovving the an nouncement of the defeat of the city hall proposition, and a motion that the departmpnt resign in a body was un animously carried. Lator the resigna tion was put in writing and signed by the Individnal members. This written Yesignation was formally presented to the city council last evening by Chief Bowman, who in explanation stated none of the members desired to .crvo under the present conditions, but it was the sense of the department that if suitable quarters were provided and a dollar per man per call be given each member responding to the call, ..they would continue to serve. The council thought u dollar per man per call would result in heavier bills thun the city could pay on account of the many false alarms, or alarms that amount to nothing, that are turned in ach month. Mayor Evans and prac tically all the councilmen were in sympa thy with'tho firemen; and some of them stated that if they were members they would pursue the same course the members had taken. , The matter was discussed at some length and finally the firo committee was instructed to hire four experienced firemen, purchase a team of horses for the firo wagon, and secure suitable quarters for the department. Before this action was taken, however, Chief Bowman stated that he believed the firemen would continue to servo for a reasonable time pending tho hiring of the salaried men and securing suitable quartors. It is the belief of the council that if four men are regularly employed and acceptable quarters iurnished that at least part of tho members will con sent to remain 'in the department and assist at fires. This phase of tho mat ter will be considered at ft meeting of tho department to be held this evening, and from comments heard today from firemen it is probable the proposition will be voted down. FoVtunately (hacity made a,, five (mill levy for the fire d'epart ment this year, which will raise nearly five thousand dollars and this sum will probably be sufficient to moet the expenses of the department. If not, funds from other sources can be obtained. If it is found that four paid men is mot'sufficient, the number will be in creased to such a number as the proper (Protection of property demanda. The sale of lots in the Cody Ad ditions and Dolson Addition are going ..along steadily. If you expect to buy see me soon, as the choice lots will .soon be gone. Why not now . C. F. Temple, Agent. Glenn Mann and Miss Ellen Wolch, two well known young people of the city; were married Wednesday evening by Rev- Knowles at the Christian par .sonage. , - North Clever Fall Models in Suits and Dresses are coming in daily We have already received a large collection of Fall and Winter Suits. We would be pleased to show you our splendid assortment, and the reasonable prices are sure to please the most critical and thrifty buyers. A few v White Dresses at- Half Price Presents Franchise Ordinances. At tho meeting of tho city council last evening Frank R. Hadtoy, of Omaha, presented the ordinances which he desires paisod giving him and his assigns franchises for an electric light and power plant and for a gas plant. Both ordiances were received as com munications, read bofore the council and roforrqd to tho committee on street lighting. Mr. Hadloy asks for franchises for n period of twenty-fivo years, and the city is given the privilege of purchasing tho plants at tho end of ten years and at five-year periods thereafter. . In a letter to the council the state ment is made that forty electrolier post will be installed on tho streets, anil that the investment proposed would represent one hundred thousand from service. dollars. Electric current would bo fur nished on a basis of twelve cents per kilowat, and gas at $1.60 per 1,000 feet. Tho committee to which the ordinances were referred will report at the next meeting of tho council. Mr. "FORD" Owner:- Do you know I can give you a policy of in surance covering liability on your car and property damage completely tor $30.00 per year. Can you afford to be without it? ' C. F. Temple. Gas in Perkins County. Tho Madrid Era says: In northern Perkins county last week while Witthuhn Bros, were putting down a well for E. Spelts in north Madrid precinct at a depth of 208 feet gas was struck that gave a blue light when a match was lit near tho pipe that was in the hole. The flow of gas was strongh enough that it blew out two length of the pibe, bursting it so that new pipe had to be secured to go on with a new well. As no further inves tigation has been made tho yaluo of the find is not yet known. Mr. and Mrs. Sam F. Donehower, of of Peoria, 111., visited relatives in town this wveqk while enroute home from a trip in the west. Mr. Donehower holds a fine p'osition'in' tHe B. of hi F. and E. hoadquarters at Peoria, with which he has been connected for a number of years. Wanted Girl for general housework. Apply to Mrs. W. H. McDonald, 407 West Fifth street. Weather forecast: fair tonight and Saturday, not much change in tempera ture. Light variable winds. Highest temperature yesterday 86, a year ago 84; lowest temperature last night 51, a year ago 53. If you want a splendid supper and a evening filled with wholesomo fun at tend tho Presbyterian church carnival to be hold in tho church basemont , on Sept. 11th. The D. of H. will meet at the home of Mrs. I. L. Miltonberger next Tues day. B. F. Parsons, aged eighty-six, died at the home of his son Sherman Par sons, south of Brady, Tuesday. Platte's Woman's i"TTa iiiiiiiiim --- in--" ' '-"" " -" - .--. - il ill llfcJMBllMI J MMWTWirilWWlllMllfHIllll'll M HWfTll IWM11II If 111 vTunHBRnv.viinBinnBaKV,i.niitiaianwiwiRnniM wdwiibp VI Opens September 1st. Tho North Platte School of Music will begin It's second year Sept. 1st when registration for tho fall term starts. The studios will consist of a suite of five rooms at 122 West Front Street. Mrs. Cramer retnins the directorship and add3 to tho Pianoforte departmont Miss Elsa Ackcrman of Lincoln, Neb., who will have charge of the advanced students, and who will also teach accompanying. Miss Ackermun is not unkown to North Platte peeple, having appeared at Chautauqua and at the Presbyterian Church last year as nc- companlst for Mr. August Molzer, violinist. She is a brilliant proformer and a thorough teacher, having had two years experience as 'a concert pianist, nnd four ns a tencher. ' A new department is added this year, Elocution and Dramatic Art, under tho direction of Miss Omega McNnmara, of Peoria, III. . Miss McNamnra is a post graduate of the Cumnock School of Ex pression, of Evanston, III., and for two years has taught in tho Howard Payne College of Fayotte, Mo. Miss Mc Nnmara, will however, be unable to assume her duties at onco on account of a sorious automobile accident. An nouncement of her arrival will bo made later. Mrs. Lnngston returns as director of Voice and Diction. Htir departmont will be enlarged and will occupy n more im portantplaco in tho curriculum than last year. She ha3 spent the summer in post-graduate work and will bring many new and valuable ideas to hor pupilB. Tho scope of the school, as a whole, will be enlarged. There will bo tho usual fortnightly student's recitals and annual concert as well as a recital by each faculty member; also several. Artist's Recitals have been arranged. for. Everything which will tpnd to in crease the love for. and. the study of good music, will bo done. The studios will be open at all times to tho public and visitors will bo cordial received. Notice to Water Consumers. - It-has come to , our notice that con sumers are lax in regard to shutting off Water when the fire alarm sounds. It is absolutely necessary for consumers to do this in order that wo may have sufficient pressure to, fight fires. Ourin spectors havo orders in the future to shut off tho water from a consumer found breaking this rule. This applies to those consumers on meters as well as thoso not on meters. Dated August 19, 1913. - Hekshey S. Welch, Water Commissioner. Mrs. C. K. Martini and children will go to Omaha about tho 1st of September to remain for tho winter.' Mis3 Mario will attend tho Sacred Heart Academy in that city and the twins will attend a Parochial School. Mrs. Martini Will rent her house furnished if she can secure a desirablo tenant. Tho Chautauqua at Brady and also at Sutherland opens today. fiMSJ Ssytfsngafctt; Store School of Music 'J A few Wash Skirts at Half Price 7 r rKTK?l Mi Saturday V4s .tj" 1 . . . 1 . . ir r, S' -I i. -ui -',: Ji v. n ers5s soft worth up to $3-50 .1 .v- V'."!-' , '1 H.. Scoonover & Cot The Home of Chesterfield Clothes y jr , 'iV Bnflalo Bill's Famous Horse Sold Yesterday. At Denver yesterday Colonel C. J. Bills, of Lincoln, paid $150 for Isham, tho famous white horso ridden for twenty-live years by Colonel W. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill.) Colonel Bills came by automobile from Lincoln for the auc tion sale of tho bankrupt Buffalo Hill wild west show, hold yesterday at the order of the United States district court. Tho Nebraska man opened tho bidding with $10. Carlo Miles, an Indian, cpm peted with Bills and would not with draw until tho price wont to $150, which was more than tho sum ho had raised by celling his own saddle and other personal effects. The Indinn had planned to present the horse to Cody. "If that man does not give Isham back to Buffalo Bill I'll steal tho horso and give it to him myself," ho threat ened. He was appeased whon informed that his successful rival's purpose had been the same as his own. Asks $500 Damages. Mary C. Johnson presented a claim' for $500 to tho city council. In hor communication Mrs, Johnson rod tod that she was run into by a boy riding a bicyclo on tho side walk and received injuries which nothing less than $500 can easo. She further stated that if tho sum was not foru..:oming she would institute an action in the courts. The claim was tabled by tho council. On the occasion of hor fifth birth anniversary Tuesday, Lucille Stearns entertained a dozen of her little friends, CRYSTAL THEATRE Friday Night The Honor of Lady Beaumont, two reel Eclair. Released August Gth. A modern Witness, Victor drama, released July 11th. Saturday Night Tho Girls and Dad. Nestor comedy. Roleased August 8th. The Heart of a Heathen, two-rce' Powers. Roloased August 8th. Monday J Stars in my Crown. Gom drama. Released July 28th. Second Home coming, Nestor drama Released August 4th. Clara's Mysterious Toys.. Eclair. st: ' -4 i t1 n v & ' t !'' t i i "t " 'jT i sy ? ' . . .. -ifAt I . V . '' i and stiff Hats. E i '&. -VA -" President Mohlor, Director of Main tenance Winchell, Genl. Managor Waro and other Union Pacific ofliclals passed east in a special Tuesday evening. Thoy havo been making a tour of inspection of the system. Outfieldor Bright, of the local team, loft yesterday for Johnston, Neb., to resume employment as a druggist. A fielder arrivcu today from Kearney to succeed him. F. J. Diener & Co., Real Estate and Insuranco. Farm and city property for sale. tf Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lannin nnd daughter left this morning for. Grand Island whore thoy will malto tholr homo in the future. I have several bargains in City Real Estate, and can arrange to sell them on easy terms. See me at once. C. F. Temple. From Start to Finish Your engine runs like a Swiss watch when lubricated with i ruui - the friction-killing Speed from Red Crown Ask your dealer about quantity discounts and iron barrels for storage. " Standard OilGompany (MiniiAaHAI pecial i - OvrC , Miss Mabel Sawyor will loavo Wed nesday for Puxton to spend several dayB with friends, Miss Elizabeth Hammond, nn Instruc tor nt one of tho statu Institutions, is visiting hor sister Mrs. W. B. Crown. Washing is hard work in hot weather. Soo tho Electric Washer at Horshey's Phono 15. The G. I. A. to the B. of L. E. will hold a ton cent social nt tho homo of Mrs. W. S. Dolson next Tuesday even ing. Lost Blue satin baby pillow in embroidered white slip. Finder leave at this ofllco, ', Passenger Conductors Madden, Mur phy nnd Jones of tho Omaha-North Platto run und Conductor Mooney 'of tho Denver run havo been dismissed from service. - j " .jm rruui oil for all makes of cars every drop of fuel USE Motor Gasoline Omaiia ' Released August 10 th. Mw,nmwiiiget?ntaV.aKigaa